Beispiel #1
def test_kldiv_same():
    """Check that the KL divergence computations in covariance and precision form give
    identical results."""
    Sigma_p = misc.random_psd(D)
    Sigma_q = misc.random_psd(D)
    ans1 = fisher.gaussian_kldiv(Sigma_p, Sigma_q)
    ans2 = fisher.gaussian_kldiv_info(np.linalg.inv(Sigma_p), np.linalg.inv(Sigma_q))
    assert np.allclose(ans1, ans2)
Beispiel #2
def check_gaussian_kldiv(num_samples=1000):
    """Check the Gaussian KL divergence computation by sampling."""
    Sigma_p = misc.random_psd(D)
    Sigma_q = misc.random_psd(D)
    ans = fisher.gaussian_kldiv(Sigma_p, Sigma_q)

    samples = []
    for i in range(num_samples):
        x = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(D), Sigma_p)
        samples.append(misc.gauss_loglik(x, np.zeros(D), Sigma_p) - misc.gauss_loglik(x, np.zeros(D), Sigma_q))
    misc.check_expectation(ans, samples)
Beispiel #3
def check_centering_trick_weights():
    """Check the correctness of the regression weights estimated using the centering
    trick. First, beta should be optimal for predicting vh from v and h, when v and h
    are sampled independently. Second, sigma_sq should reflect the true residual variance
    when v, h, and m are sampled from the true covariance G."""
    NVIS, NHID = 3, 4
    VIS_IDX, HID_IDX = 1, 2
    NUM_SAMPLES = 1000000
    G = misc.random_psd(NVIS + NHID + NVIS * NHID)
    expect_vis = np.random.uniform(0., 1., size=NVIS)
    expect_hid = np.random.uniform(0., 1., size=NHID)
    s = np.concatenate([expect_vis, expect_hid])
    rw = fisher.RegressionWeights.from_centering_trick(G, s, NVIS, NHID)
    beta, sigma_sq = rw.beta[VIS_IDX, HID_IDX, :], rw.sigma_sq[VIS_IDX, HID_IDX]

    # regression weights should be optimal given the independence assumption
    v = np.random.binomial(1, expect_vis[VIS_IDX], size=NUM_SAMPLES)
    h = np.random.binomial(1, expect_hid[HID_IDX], size=NUM_SAMPLES)
    vh = v * h
    X = np.array([v, h]).T
    check_uncorrelated_residuals(X, vh, beta)

    # check calibration of noise variance
    idxs = np.array([VIS_IDX, NVIS + HID_IDX, NVIS + NHID + NHID * VIS_IDX + HID_IDX])
    G_block = G[idxs[:, nax], idxs[nax, :]]
    samples = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3), G_block, size=NUM_SAMPLES)
    X, y = samples[:, :2], samples[:, 2]
    check_calibration(X, y, beta, sigma_sq)
Beispiel #4
 def random(nvis, nhid):
     """Return a random instance for testing purposes."""
     vis_idxs = np.random.randint(0, nvis, size=(nvis, nhid))
     hid_idxs = np.random.randint(0, nhid, size=(nvis, nhid))
     Lambda_v_h = misc.random_psd(nvis + nhid)
     temp = np.random.normal(size=(nvis, nhid, 3))
     Lambda_vh_cond = temp[:, :, :, nax] * temp[:, :, nax, :]
     return RandomConnectivityInverse(Lambda_v_h, Lambda_vh_cond, vis_idxs, hid_idxs)
Beispiel #5
 def random(nvis, nhid):
     """Return a random instance for testing purposes."""
     vis_idxs = np.random.randint(0, nvis, size=(nvis, nhid))
     hid_idxs = np.random.randint(0, nhid, size=(nvis, nhid))
     Lambda_v_h = misc.random_psd(nvis + nhid)
     temp = np.random.normal(size=(nvis, nhid, 3))
     Lambda_vh_cond = temp[:, :, :, nax] * temp[:, :, nax, :]
     return RandomConnectivityInverse(Lambda_v_h, Lambda_vh_cond, vis_idxs,
Beispiel #6
def test_regression_weights():
    """Check that two different ways of computing the precision give the same results."""
    NVIS, NHID = 3, 4
    G = misc.random_psd(NVIS + NHID + NVIS * NHID)

    rw = fisher.RegressionWeights.from_maximum_likelihood(G, NVIS, NHID)
    Lambda1 = rw.compute_Lambda()
    Lambda1[:NVIS+NHID, :NVIS+NHID] += np.linalg.inv(G[:NVIS+NHID, :NVIS+NHID])

    partial = fisher.PartialFisherInformation.from_full(G, NVIS, NHID)
    inverse = partial.compute_compact_precision()
    Lambda2 = inverse.to_full()

    assert np.allclose(Lambda1, Lambda2)
Beispiel #7
def test_exact_rc_consistent():
    """Check that the RandomConnectivityInverse, when assigned the matching indices, gives
    the same results as the original graphical model computations."""
    NVIS, NHID = 3, 4
    G = misc.random_psd(NVIS + NHID + NVIS * NHID)
    inverse = fisher.PartialFisherInformation.from_full(G, NVIS, NHID).compute_compact_precision()
    vis_idxs = np.zeros((NVIS, NHID), dtype=int)
    vis_idxs[:] = np.arange(NVIS)[:, nax]
    hid_idxs = np.zeros((NVIS, NHID), dtype=int)
    hid_idxs[:] = np.arange(NHID)[nax, :]
    rc_inverse = fisher.RandomConnectivityInverse.compute_from_G(G, NVIS, NHID, vis_idxs, hid_idxs)

    assert np.allclose(inverse.Lambda_v_h, rc_inverse.Lambda_v_h)
    assert np.allclose(inverse.Lambda_vh_cond, rc_inverse.Lambda_vh_cond)
Beispiel #8
def check_ml_regression_weights():
    """Check that the maximum likelihood regression weights and noise variance are
    estimated correctly."""
    NVIS, NHID = 3, 4
    VIS_IDX, HID_IDX = 1, 2
    NUM_SAMPLES = 1000000
    G = misc.random_psd(NVIS + NHID + NVIS * NHID)
    rw = fisher.RegressionWeights.from_maximum_likelihood(G, NVIS, NHID)

    idxs = np.array([VIS_IDX, NVIS + HID_IDX, NVIS + NHID + NHID * VIS_IDX + HID_IDX])
    G_block = G[idxs[:, nax], idxs[nax, :]]
    samples = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3), G_block, size=NUM_SAMPLES)
    X, y = samples[:, :2], samples[:, 2]

    beta, sigma_sq = rw.beta[VIS_IDX, HID_IDX, :], rw.sigma_sq[VIS_IDX, HID_IDX]
    check_uncorrelated_residuals(X, y, beta)
    check_calibration(X, y, beta, sigma_sq)
Beispiel #9
 def random(nvis, nhid):
     """Return a random instance for testing purposes."""
     Lambda_v_h = misc.random_psd(nvis + nhid)
     temp = np.random.normal(size=(nvis, nhid, 3))
     Lambda_vh_cond = temp[:, :, :, nax] * temp[:, :, nax, :]
     return PartialFisherInverse(Lambda_v_h, Lambda_vh_cond)
Beispiel #10
 def random(nvis, nhid):
     """Return a random instance for testing purposes."""
     Lambda_v_h = misc.random_psd(nvis + nhid)
     temp = np.random.normal(size=(nvis, nhid, 3))
     Lambda_vh_cond = temp[:, :, :, nax] * temp[:, :, nax, :]
     return PartialFisherInverse(Lambda_v_h, Lambda_vh_cond)