Beispiel #1
def partition(l, p, r, prnt=True):
    Helper function for quicksort.
        prnt: turn on printing

    Returns: the new partition index.
    global swaps
    x = l[r]
    if prnt:
        print("Checking print flag; = " + str(prnt))
        print("Partition: Our pivot element x = " + str(x))
    i = p - 1
    for j in range(p, r):
        if l[j] <= x:
            i += 1
            if prnt:
                print("i = " + str(i) + " and j = " + str(j))
            if i != j:
                if prnt:
                    print("Swapping elements " + str(l[i]) + " and " +
                swap(l, i, j)
                swaps += 1
                if prnt:
                    print("Swaps = " + str(swaps))
    if (i + 1) != r:
        if prnt:
            print("Swapping elements " + str(l[i + 1]) + " and " + str(l[r]))
        swap(l, i + 1, r)
        swaps += 1
        if prnt:
            print("Swaps = " + str(swaps))
    return i + 1
Beispiel #2
def hoare_partition(l, p, r):
    Alternate helper function for quicksort.

    global swaps
    x = l[p]
    i = p - 1
    j = r + 1
    print("Hoare: Our pivot element x = " + str(x))
    while i < j:
        while True:
            j -= 1
            if l[j] <= x:
        while True:
            i += 1
            if l[i] >= x:
        if i < j:
            print("Swapping elements "
                  + "i (" + str(i) + ") = "
                  + str(l[i])
                  + " and "
                  + "j (" + str(j) + ") = "
                  + str(l[j]))
            swap(l, i, j)
            swaps += 1
            print("Swaps = " + str(swaps))
    return j
Beispiel #3
def hoare_partition(l, p, r):
    Alternate helper function for quicksort.

    global swaps
    x = l[p]
    i = p - 1
    j = r + 1
    print("Hoare: Our pivot element x = " + str(x))
    while i < j:
        while True:
            j -= 1
            if l[j] <= x:
        while True:
            i += 1
            if l[i] >= x:
        if i < j:
            print("Swapping elements " + "i (" + str(i) + ") = " + str(l[i]) +
                  " and " + "j (" + str(j) + ") = " + str(l[j]))
            swap(l, i, j)
            swaps += 1
            print("Swaps = " + str(swaps))
    return j
Beispiel #4
def heap_change_key(h, i, key, min_or_max=MAX):
            h: the heap.
            i: the initial index for the key we are changing.
            key: the new value for i.
            min_or_max: are we dealing with a min or max heap?

            None (re-arranges the existing list).
    # we have to reverse the ordinary comparison here,
    # since we are working bottom up!
    comp = get_opt(not min_or_max)

    if comp(key, h[i]):
        xer = ("smaller" if min_or_max == MAX else "larger")
        print("New key is " + xer + " than current key.")
        return None

    h[i] = key
    while i > 0 and comp(h[parent(i)], h[i]):
        print("Swapping " + str(h[i]) +
            " and " + str(h[parent(i)]))
        swap(h, i, parent(i))
        i = parent(i)
Beispiel #5
def partition(l, p, r, prnt=True):
    Helper function for quicksort.
        prnt: turn on printing

    Returns: the new partition index.
    global swaps
    x = l[r]
    if prnt:
        print("Partition: Our pivot element x = " + str(x))
    i = p - 1
    for j in range(p, r):
        if l[j] <= x:
            i += 1
            if i != j:
                if prnt:
                    print("Swapping elements " + str(l[i]) + " and "
                          + str(l[j]))
                swap(l, i, j)
                swaps += 1
    if (i + 1) != r:
        if prnt:
            print("Swapping elements " + str(l[i + 1]) + " and "
                  + str(l[r]))
        swap(l, i + 1, r)
        swaps += 1
    return i + 1
Beispiel #6
def heapify(h, i, heapsize=None, min_or_max=MAX):
        In the text book, there is a max-heapify function.
        and a separate function would be needed for min-heapify.
        But we can easily combine them into one function, and
        just pass in the operator we need to differentiate 
        a max heap from a min heap.

            h: the list containing the heap.
            i: the node that might violate the heap property.
            heapsize: the size of the heap
            min_or_max: are we dealing with a max heap or min heap?

    if heapsize is None:
        heapsize = len(h)

    comp = get_opt(min_or_max)

    l = left(i)
    r = right(i)
    if l < heapsize and comp(h[l], h[i]):
        largest = l
        largest = i
    if r < heapsize and comp(h[r], h[largest]):
        largest = r
    if largest != i:
        swap(h, i, largest)
        heapify(h, largest, heapsize, min_or_max)
Beispiel #7
def heap_change_key(h, i, key, min_or_max=MAX):
            h: the heap.
            i: the initial index for the key we are changing.
            key: the new value for i.
            min_or_max: are we dealing with a min or max heap?

            None (re-arranges the existing list).
    # we have to reverse the ordinary comparison here,
    # since we are working bottom up!
    comp = get_opt(not min_or_max)

    if comp(key, h[i]):
        xer = ("smaller" if min_or_max == MAX else "larger")
        print("New key is " + xer + " than current key.")
        return None

    h[i] = key
    while i > 0 and comp(h[parent(i)], h[i]):
        print("Swapping " + str(h[i]) +
            " and " + str(h[parent(i)]))
        swap(h, i, parent(i))
        i = parent(i)
Beispiel #8
def heapify(h, i, heapsize=None, min_or_max=MAX):
        In the text book, there is a max-heapify function.
        and a separate function would be needed for min-heapify.
        But we can easily combine them into one function, and
        just pass in the operator we need to differentiate 
        a max heap from a min heap.

            h: the list containing the heap.
            i: the node that might violate the heap property.
            heapsize: the size of the heap
            min_or_max: are we dealing with a max heap or min heap?

    if heapsize is None:
        heapsize = len(h)

    comp = get_opt(min_or_max)

    l = left(i)
    r = right(i)
    if l < heapsize and comp(h[l], h[i]):
        largest = l
        largest = i
    if r < heapsize and comp(h[r], h[largest]):
        largest = r
    if largest != i:
        swap(h, i, largest)
        heapify(h, largest, heapsize, min_or_max)
Beispiel #9
def partition(l, p, r):
    Helper function for quicksort.

    Returns: the new partition index.
    global swaps
    x = l[r]
    print("Partition: Our pivot element x = " + str(x))
    i = p - 1
    for j in range(p, r):
        if l[j] <= x:
            i += 1
            print("i = " + str(i) + " and j = " + str(j))
            if i != j:
                print("Swapping elements " + str(l[i]) + " and " + str(l[j]))
                swap(l, i, j)
                swaps += 1
                print("Swaps = " + str(swaps))
    if (i + 1) != r:
        print("Swapping elements " + str(l[i + 1]) + " and " + str(l[r]))
        swap(l, i + 1, r)
        swaps += 1
        print("Swaps = " + str(swaps))
    return i + 1
Beispiel #10
def rand_partition(l, p, r):
    This function simply chooses a random index value between
    p and r, swaps that value with the one at r,
    and then calls partition on the new List.
    i = random.randint(p, r)
    print("We have randomly chosen between values " + str(p) + " and " +
          str(r) + ": " + str(i) + " as our pivot.")
    swap(l, i, r)
    return partition(l, p, r)
Beispiel #11
def rand_partition(l, p, r):
    This function simply chooses a random index value between
    p and r, swaps that value with the one at r,
    and then calls partition on the new List.
    i = random.randint(p, r)
    print("We have randomly chosen between values " + str(p) +
            " and " + str(r) + ": " + str(i) + " as our pivot.")
    swap(l, i, r)
    return partition(l, p, r)
def bubble_sort(l):
        l: the list to sort

    Returns: a sorted list.

    Performance: Θ(n**2) 
    for i in range(0, len(l) - 1):
        for j in range(len(l) - 1, i, -1):
            if l[j] < l[j - 1]:
                print("Swapping " + str(l[j]) + " and " + str(l[j - 1]))
                swap(l, j, j - 1)
    return l
Beispiel #13
def heapsort(h, min_or_max=MAX):
            h: the list to heap sort
            min_or_max: are we sorting a max heap or a min heap?


        Performance: O(n lg n)
    build_heap(h, min_or_max)
    heapsize = len(h)
    for i in range(len(h) - 1, 0, -1):
        print("heapsort heap: " + str(h))
        swap(h, 0, i)
        heapsize -= 1
        heapify(h, 0, heapsize, min_or_max)
Beispiel #14
def heapsort(h, min_or_max=MAX):
            h: the list to heap sort
            min_or_max: are we sorting a max heap or a min heap?


        Performance: O(n lg n)
    build_heap(h, min_or_max)
    print("After build_heap, h = " + str(h))
    heapsize = len(h)
    for i in range(len(h) - 1, -1, -1):
        print("Looping in heapsort with i = " + str(i) + "; h = " + str(h))
        swap(h, 0, i)
        heapsize -= 1
        heapify(h, 0, heapsize, min_or_max)
Beispiel #15
def heapify(h, i, heapsize=None, min_or_max=MAX):
        In the text book, there is a max-heapify function.
        and a separate function would be needed for min-heapify.
        But we can easily combine them into one function, and
        just pass in the operator we need to differentiate 
        a max heap from a min heap.

            h: the list containing the heap.
            i: the node that might violate the heap property.
            heapsize: the size of the heap
            min_or_max: are we dealing with a max heap or min heap?

    if heapsize is None:
        heapsize = len(h)

    comp = get_opt(min_or_max)

    l = left(i)
    r = right(i)
    largest = i
    print("\n*********\nheap in progress = " + str(h[0:heapsize]))
    print("heapifying with i = " + str(i) + " and " +
            "left = " + str(l) + "; right = " + str(r)
            + "; heapsize = " + str(heapsize))
    if l < heapsize and comp(h[l], h[i]):
        print("Largest was: " + str(h[largest])
                + " setting largest to: " + str(h[l]))
        largest = l
    if r < heapsize and comp(h[r], h[largest]):
        print("Largest was: " + str(h[largest])
                + " setting largest to: " + str(h[r]))
        largest = r
    if largest != i:
        print("Swapping elements " + str(i) + " and " +
        swap(h, i, largest)
        heapify(h, largest, heapsize, min_or_max)
Beispiel #16
def heapsort(h, min_or_max=MAX):
            h: the list to heap sort
            min_or_max: are we sorting a max heap or a min heap?


        Performance: O(n lg n)
    build_heap(h, min_or_max)
    print("After build_heap, h = " + str(h))
    heapsize = len(h)
    for i in range(len(h) - 1, -1, -1):
        print("Looping in heapsort with i = " + str(i)
              + "; h = " + str(h))
        swap(h, 0, i)
        heapsize -= 1
        heapify(h, 0, heapsize, min_or_max)