def get_multi_inst_lst(self, flow_dic): """getting multi_inst_lst by reading config file""" flow_name = flow_dic.get('flow', '*') stage_name = flow_dic.get('stage', '*') sub_stage_name = flow_dic.get('sub_stage', '*') # read config for multi-instance names and retrun them return (pcom.rd_cfg( self.dir_cfg_dic.get("flow", {}).get(flow_name, {}).get(stage_name, {}), sub_stage_name, "_multi_inst"))
def fill_proj(self): """to fill project config and template dir after initialization"""":: filling project %s repo ...", self.repo_dic["init_proj_name"]) proj_gi_file = f"{self.repo_dic['repo_dir']}{os.sep}.gitignore" with open(proj_gi_file, "w") as g_f: g_f.write(settings.GITIGNORE) proj_flg_file = f"{self.repo_dic['repo_dir']}{os.sep}{settings.FLG_FILE}""generating op project flag file %s", settings.FLG_FILE) with open(proj_flg_file, "w") as f_f: f_f.write(self.repo_dic["init_proj_name"])"generating op project level configs and templates") env_boot.EnvBoot.__init__(self) suite_dict = dict( enumerate(os.listdir(os.path.expandvars(settings.OP_PROJ)))) pcom.pp_list(suite_dict) index_str = f"please input from {list(suite_dict)} to specify the suite for project" while True: index_rsp = input(f"{index_str}{os.linesep}--> ") if index_rsp.isdigit() and int(index_rsp) in suite_dict: break else: LOG.warning("please input a correct index") suite_name = suite_dict[int(index_rsp)] suite_dst_dir = os.path.expandvars(settings.PROJ_SHARE) if os.path.isdir(suite_dst_dir): "project share dir %s already exists, continue to initialize the project will " "overwrite the current project configs, templates and plugins", suite_dst_dir) pcom.cfm() shutil.rmtree(suite_dst_dir, True) shutil.copytree(f"{settings.OP_PROJ}{os.sep}{suite_name}", suite_dst_dir) self.boot_env() utils_dst_dir = self.ced.get("PROJ_UTILS", "") if not utils_dst_dir: LOG.error("project level proj.cfg env PROJ_UTILS is not defined") raise SystemExit() if os.path.isdir(utils_dst_dir): "project utils dir %s already exists, continue to initialize the project will " "overwrite the current project utils", utils_dst_dir) pcom.cfm() shutil.rmtree(utils_dst_dir, True) shutil.copytree(settings.OP_UTILS, utils_dst_dir) for prex_dir_k in (self.cfg_dic["proj"]["prex_admin_dir"] if "prex_admin_dir" in self.cfg_dic["proj"] else {}): prex_dir = pcom.rd_cfg(self.cfg_dic["proj"], "prex_admin_dir", prex_dir_k, True)"generating pre-set admin directory %s", prex_dir) pcom.mkdir(LOG, prex_dir)"please perform the git commit and git push actions " "after project and block items are settled down")
def exp_stages_misc(self, s_lst, s_ver_dic, s_err_lst, cfg, sec, p_s=None): """to expand stages and misc details of flow config""" if sec == "" or p_s == "": v_rtl = s_ver_dic.get("rtl", "") v_netlist = s_ver_dic.get("netlist", "") if not v_rtl and not v_netlist: s_err_lst.append("!!!! rtl and netlist version are both NA") v_rn = f"r{v_rtl}_n{v_netlist}" s_ver_dic['rtl_netlist'] = v_rn return s_lst, s_ver_dic, s_err_lst if not os.path.isdir(f"{self.ced['BLK_CFG_FLOW']}{os.sep}{sec}"): s_err_lst.insert(0, f"!!!! flow {sec} not initialized") pre_flow = pcom.rd_cfg(cfg, sec, "pre_flow", True) pre_stage = pcom.rd_cfg(cfg, sec, "pre_stage", True) stage_lst = pcom.rd_cfg(cfg, sec, "stages") for opt_k, opt_v in cfg[sec].items(): if opt_k.startswith("VERSION_"): ver_key = opt_k.replace("VERSION_", "").lower() if not opt_v: s_ver_dic[ver_key] = "" else: key_dir = f"{self.ced['BLK_ROOT']}{os.sep}{ver_key}{os.sep}{opt_v}" if not os.path.isdir(key_dir): s_err_lst.append(f"!!!! {ver_key} version dir {key_dir} is NA") if not os.listdir(key_dir): s_err_lst.append(f"!!!! {ver_key} version dir {key_dir} is empty") if not s_ver_dic.get(ver_key): s_ver_dic[ver_key] = opt_v if opt_k == "LIB" and not s_ver_dic.get("LIB"): s_ver_dic["LIB"] = opt_v if p_s: if p_s not in stage_lst: s_err_lst.append(f"!!!! stage {p_s} not in flow {sec}") else: stage_lst = stage_lst[:stage_lst.index(p_s)+1] stage_lst = [ {"flow": sec, "stage": c_c.split(":")[0].strip(), "sub_stage": c_c.split(":")[-1].strip()} for c_c in stage_lst if c_c] stage_lst.extend(s_lst) return self.exp_stages_misc(stage_lst, s_ver_dic, s_err_lst, cfg, pre_flow, pre_stage)
def list_flow(self): """to list all current block available flows""" if not self.blk_flg: LOG.error("it's not in a block directory, please cd into one") raise SystemExit()":: all current available flows of block") lf_dic = {} for sec_k in self.cfg_dic.get("flow", {}): stage_dic_lst, ver_dic, err_lst = self.exp_stages_misc( [], {}, [], self.cfg_dic.get("flow", {}), sec_k) v_rn = ver_dic.get('rtl_netlist') lf_lst = ["---------- flow stages ----------"] lf_time_lst = [0] for flow_dic in stage_dic_lst: flow_name = flow_dic.get("flow", "") stage_name = flow_dic.get("stage", "") sub_stage_name = flow_dic.get("sub_stage", "") lf_lst.append(f" {flow_name}::{stage_name}:{sub_stage_name}") run_dir = self.ced['BLK_RUN'] multi_inst_lst = [c_c.strip() for c_c in pcom.rd_cfg( self.dir_cfg_dic.get("flow", {}).get(flow_name, {}).get(stage_name, {}), sub_stage_name, '_multi_inst') if c_c.strip()] if multi_inst_lst: tmp_list = [] for multi_inst in multi_inst_lst: dst_file = os.path.join( run_dir, v_rn, flow_name, "scripts", stage_name, multi_inst, sub_stage_name) tmp_list.append( os.path.getmtime(dst_file) if os.path.exists(dst_file) else 0) lf_time_lst.append(max(tmp_list)) else: dst_file = os.path.join( run_dir, v_rn, flow_name, "scripts", stage_name, sub_stage_name) lf_time_lst.append( os.path.getmtime(dst_file) if os.path.exists(dst_file) else 0) max_time_index = lf_time_lst.index(max(lf_time_lst)) if max_time_index: lf_lst[max_time_index] = '(->) ' + lf_lst[max_time_index].strip() lf_lst.append("---------- flow misc ----------") lf_ver_dic = { k_k: v_v for k_k, v_v in ver_dic.items() if k_k != "LIB" and k_k != "rtl_netlist" and v_v} lf_lst.append({"LIB": ver_dic.get("LIB", ""), "VERSIONS": lf_ver_dic}) if err_lst: err_lst.insert(0, "---------- DEFECT ----------") err_lst.extend(lf_lst) lf_dic[f"{sec_k} (X)"] = err_lst else: lf_dic[sec_k] = lf_lst pcom.pp_list(lf_dic)
def release(self): """to generate release directory""" env_boot.EnvBoot.__init__(self) self.boot_env()":: release content generating ...") for relz_json_file in pcom.find_iter( f"{self.ced['PROJ_RELEASE_TO_TOP']}{os.sep}.json", "*.json"):"generating release of %s", relz_json_file) with open(relz_json_file) as rjf: relz_dic = json.load(rjf) relz_path = os.sep.join([ relz_dic["proj_root"], relz_dic["block"], "run", relz_dic["rtl_netlist"], relz_dic["flow"] ]) relz_file_lst = list(pcom.find_iter(relz_path, "*")) for relz_k in self.cfg_dic["proj"]["release"]: for relz_v in pcom.rd_cfg(self.cfg_dic["proj"], "release", relz_k): relz_pattern = ( f"{relz_path}{os.sep}*{relz_dic['stage']}*" f"{os.path.splitext(relz_dic['sub_stage'])[0]}*{relz_v}" ) match_relz_lst = fnmatch.filter(relz_file_lst, relz_pattern) if not match_relz_lst: LOG.warning("no %s %s files found", relz_k, relz_v) else:"copying %s %s files", relz_k, relz_v) for relz_file in match_relz_lst: dst_dir = os.sep.join([ self.ced["PROJ_RELEASE_TO_TOP"], relz_dic["block"], self.ced["DATE"], relz_k ]) pcom.mkdir(LOG, dst_dir) if relz_v.endswith("/*"): dst_file = re.sub( rf".*?(?={relz_v[:-2]})", f"{dst_dir}{os.sep}{relz_dic['block']}", relz_file) else: dst_file = f"{dst_dir}{os.sep}{relz_dic['block']}{relz_v}" pcom.mkdir(LOG, os.path.dirname(dst_file)) shutil.copyfile(relz_file, dst_file) os.remove(relz_json_file)
def init(self, init_lst): """to perform flow initialization""" if not self.blk_flg: LOG.error("it's not in a block directory, please cd into one") raise SystemExit() for init_name in init_lst:":: initializing flow %s directories ...", init_name) parent_flow = pcom.rd_cfg(self.cfg_dic.get("flow", {}), init_name, "pre_flow", True) if parent_flow: src_dir = f"{self.ced['BLK_CFG_FLOW']}{os.sep}{parent_flow}""inheriting from %s", parent_flow) else: src_dir = f"{self.ced['PROJ_SHARE_CFG']}{os.sep}flow""inheriting from project share") dst_dir = f"{self.ced['BLK_CFG_FLOW']}{os.sep}{init_name}" if not os.path.isdir(src_dir): LOG.error("parent flow directory %s is NA", src_dir) raise SystemExit() if os.path.isdir(dst_dir): if self.cfm_yes: LOG.warning( "initializing flow directory %s already exists, " "confirmed to overwrite the previous flow config and plugins", dst_dir) else: "initializing flow directory %s already exists, " "please confirm to overwrite the previous flow config and plugins", dst_dir) pcom.cfm() shutil.rmtree(dst_dir, True) shutil.copytree(src_dir, dst_dir) if not parent_flow: for blk_cfg in pcom.find_iter(dst_dir, "*.cfg", cur_flg=True): with open(blk_cfg) as ocf: blk_lines = pcom.gen_pcf_lst(ocf) with open(blk_cfg, "w") as ncf: for line in blk_lines: ncf.write(line)
def proc_inst_ex(self, multi_inst, inst_dic): """to execute particular inst """ flow_root_dir = inst_dic["stage_dic"]["flow_root_dir"] flow_name = inst_dic["stage_dic"]["flow"] l_flow = inst_dic["stage_dic"]["l_flow"] stage_name = inst_dic["stage_dic"]["stage"] sub_stage_name = inst_dic["stage_dic"]["sub_stage"] local_dic = inst_dic["tmp_dic"]["local"] ver_dic = inst_dic["tmp_dic"]["ver"] pre_file_mt = inst_dic["pre_file_mt"] force_flg = inst_dic["force_flg"] file_mt = 0.0 if self.restore_dic: sub_stage_name = f".restore_{sub_stage_name}" dst_file = os.path.join( flow_root_dir, "scripts", stage_name, multi_inst, sub_stage_name) if multi_inst else os.path.join( flow_root_dir, "scripts", stage_name, sub_stage_name) dst_op_file = os.path.join( flow_root_dir, "sum", stage_name, multi_inst, f"{sub_stage_name}.op") if multi_inst else os.path.join( flow_root_dir, "sum", stage_name, f"{sub_stage_name}.op") pcom.mkdir(LOG, os.path.dirname(dst_op_file)) dst_run_file = f"{dst_op_file}.run" if "_exec_cmd" in local_dic: self._gen_job_tcl(dst_op_file, local_dic) tool_str = local_dic.get("_exec_tool", "") jcn_str = ( local_dic.get("_job_restore_cpu_number", "") if self.restore_dic else local_dic.get("_job_cpu_number", "")) jr_str = ( local_dic.get("_job_restore_resource", "") if self.restore_dic else local_dic.get("_job_resource", "")) jc_str = ( f"{local_dic.get('_job_cmd', '')} {local_dic.get('_job_queue', '')} " f"{jcn_str} {jr_str}" if "_job_cmd" in local_dic else "") jn_str = ( f"{self.ced['USER']}:::{self.ced['PROJ_NAME']}:::{self.ced['BLK_NAME']}:::" f"{flow_name}::{stage_name}:{sub_stage_name}:{multi_inst}") job_str = f"{jc_str} -J '{jn_str}'" if jc_str else "" cmd_str = local_dic.get("_exec_cmd", "") with open(dst_op_file, "w") as drf: drf.write( f"{tool_str}{os.linesep}{cmd_str} {dst_file}{os.linesep}") trash_dir = f"{os.path.dirname(dst_op_file)}{os.sep}.trash" pcom.mkdir(LOG, trash_dir) with open(dst_run_file, "w") as dbf: dbf.write( f"{job_str} xterm -title '{dst_file}' -e 'cd {trash_dir}; " f"source {dst_op_file} | tee {dst_run_file}.log; " f"touch {dst_run_file}.stat'{os.linesep}") err_kw_lst = pcom.rd_cfg( self.cfg_dic.get("filter", {}), stage_name, "error_keywords_exp") wav_kw_lst = pcom.rd_cfg( self.cfg_dic.get("filter", {}), stage_name, "waiver_keywords_exp") fin_str = self.ced.get("FIN_STR", "") filter_dic = { "err_kw_lst": err_kw_lst, "wav_kw_lst": wav_kw_lst, "fin_str": fin_str} if self.run_flg: file_mt = os.path.getmtime(dst_file) f_flg = False if file_mt > pre_file_mt else True if force_flg: f_flg = True if f_flg: # updated timestamp to fit auto-skip feature os.utime(dst_file) # stages followed up have to be forced run file_mt = os.path.getmtime(dst_file) file_p = file_proc.FileProc( {"src": dst_file, "file": dst_run_file, "l_flow": l_flow, "flow": flow_name, "stage": stage_name, "sub_stage": sub_stage_name, "multi_inst": multi_inst, "filter_dic": filter_dic, "flow_root_dir": flow_root_dir, "ced": self.ced, "ver_dic": ver_dic, "jn_str": jn_str}, f_flg) file_p.proc_set_log_par_env(inst_dic["tmp_dic"]) p_run = file_p.proc_run_file() if p_run is True: return p_run return file_mt
def proc_flow(self, l_flow): """to process particular flow""" proj_tmp_dir = self.ced["PROJ_SHARE_TMP"].rstrip(os.sep) liblist_var_dic = ( self.load_liblist(self.ced["PROJ_LIB"], self.dir_cfg_dic["lib"]["DEFAULT"]) if self.ced["PROJ_LIB"] else {}) pre_stage_dic = {} pre_file_mt = 0.0 force_flg = False flow_if_dic = { "flow": l_flow, "block": self.ced["BLK_NAME"], "proj": self.ced["PROJ_NAME"], "owner": self.ced["USER"], "created_time": self.ced["DATETIME"].isoformat(), "status": "running", "comment": self.comment} if self.run_flg: db_if.w_flow(flow_if_dic) flow_dic_lst, flow_ver_dic, flow_err_lst = self.exp_stages_misc( [], {}, [], self.cfg_dic.get("flow", {}), l_flow) if flow_err_lst: LOG.error("flow %s has the following errors in flow.cfg", l_flow) pcom.pp_list(flow_err_lst) raise SystemExit() signoff_dic = pcom.ch_cfg(self.cfg_dic.get("signoff", {})).get("DEFAULT", {}) if self.force_dic and self.force_dic not in flow_dic_lst: LOG.error("force stage %s not in flow %s", self.force_dic, l_flow) raise SystemExit() if self.begin_dic and self.begin_dic not in flow_dic_lst: LOG.error("begin stage %s not in flow %s", self.begin_dic, l_flow) raise SystemExit() if self.end_dic and self.end_dic not in flow_dic_lst: LOG.error("end stage %s not in flow %s", self.end_dic, l_flow) raise SystemExit() if self.restore_dic and self.restore_dic not in flow_dic_lst: LOG.error("restore stage %s not in flow %s", self.restore_dic, l_flow) raise SystemExit() for flow_dic in flow_dic_lst: flow_name = flow_dic.get("flow", "") stage_name = flow_dic.get("stage", "") sub_stage_name = flow_dic.get("sub_stage", "") flow_ver = flow_ver_dic.get("rtl_netlist", "") flow_lib = flow_ver_dic.get("LIB", "") if not flow_lib: LOG.warning("option 'LIB' is NA in section %s of flow.cfg", l_flow) elif flow_lib not in liblist_var_dic: LOG.warning( "flow LIB %s is not matched with any process of lib/process.cfg", flow_lib) # force_flg FSM if not force_flg: if self.force_dic == {} or self.force_dic == { "flow": flow_name, "stage": stage_name, "sub_stage": sub_stage_name}: force_flg = True tmp_file = os.path.join(proj_tmp_dir, "flow", stage_name, sub_stage_name) if not os.path.isfile(tmp_file): LOG.warning( "template file %s is NA, " "used by flow %s stage %s", tmp_file, flow_name, stage_name) continue flow_root_dir = f"{self.ced['BLK_RUN']}{os.sep}{flow_ver}{os.sep}{flow_name}" local_dic = pcom.ch_cfg( self.dir_cfg_dic.get("flow", {}).get(flow_name, {}).get(stage_name, {})).get( sub_stage_name, {}) stage_dic = { "l_flow": l_flow, "flow": flow_name, "stage": stage_name, "sub_stage": sub_stage_name, "flow_root_dir": flow_root_dir, "flow_liblist_dir": self.ced["BLK_RUN"], "flow_scripts_dir": f"{flow_root_dir}{os.sep}scripts", "config_plugins_dir": f"{self.ced['BLK_CFG_FLOW']}{os.sep}{flow_name}{os.sep}plugins"} self.proc_prex(stage_dic) self.opvar_lst.append({ "local": local_dic, "cur": stage_dic, "pre": pre_stage_dic, "ver": flow_ver_dic}) tmp_dic = { "env": self.ced, "local": local_dic, "liblist": liblist_var_dic.get(flow_lib, {}), "cur": stage_dic, "pre": pre_stage_dic, "ver": flow_ver_dic, "signoff": signoff_dic} pre_stage_dic = stage_dic if self.restore_dic and self.restore_dic != { "flow": flow_name, "stage": stage_name, "sub_stage": sub_stage_name}: continue if self.restore_dic: tmp_dic["cur"]["op_restore"] = "true" if self.begin_dic and self.begin_dic != { "flow": flow_name, "stage": stage_name, "sub_stage": sub_stage_name}: self.opvar_lst.pop() continue self.begin_dic = {} inst_str = "_restore_inst" if self.restore_dic else "_multi_inst" multi_inst_lst = [c_c.strip() for c_c in pcom.rd_cfg( self.dir_cfg_dic.get("flow", {}).get(flow_name, {}).get(stage_name, {}), sub_stage_name, inst_str) if c_c.strip()] if not multi_inst_lst: multi_inst_lst = [""] inst_dic = { "stage_dic": stage_dic, "tmp_dic": tmp_dic, "tmp_file": tmp_file, "pre_file_mt": pre_file_mt, "force_flg": force_flg} if self.run_flg: try: if settings.DEBUG: file_mt_lst = [] for multi_inst in multi_inst_lst: self.proc_inst(multi_inst, inst_dic) file_mt_lst.append(self.proc_inst_ex(multi_inst, inst_dic)) else: for multi_inst in multi_inst_lst: self.proc_inst(multi_inst, inst_dic) with Pool(settings.MP_POOL, initializer=pcom.sig_init) as mip: file_mt_lst = mip.starmap( self.proc_inst_ex, zip(multi_inst_lst, [inst_dic]*len(multi_inst_lst))) except KeyboardInterrupt: flow_if_dic["status"] = "failed" db_if.w_flow(flow_if_dic) db_if.d_flow(flow_if_dic) raise KeyboardInterrupt if any([c_c is True for c_c in file_mt_lst if c_c]): flow_if_dic["status"] = "failed" db_if.w_flow(flow_if_dic) db_if.d_flow(flow_if_dic) raise SystemExit() pre_file_mt = max(file_mt_lst) else: for multi_inst in multi_inst_lst: self.proc_inst(multi_inst, inst_dic) self.proc_inst_ex(multi_inst, inst_dic) if self.end_dic and self.end_dic == { "flow": flow_name, "stage": stage_name, "sub_stage": sub_stage_name}: break if self.run_flg: flow_if_dic["status"] = "passed" db_if.w_flow(flow_if_dic)
def gen_link_liblist(self, dst_root, lib_dir_cfg_dic): """to process project or block lib mapping links"""":: library mapping of files linking ...") liblist_var_dic = collections.defaultdict(dict) for process, process_sec in lib_dir_cfg_dic.get("process", {}).items(): if process == "DEFAULT": continue for lib_type, lib_type_sec in lib_dir_cfg_dic.get("search", {}).items(): if lib_type == "DEFAULT": continue can_root = pcom.ren_tempstr( LOG, pcom.rd_sec(lib_type_sec, "src", True), process_sec) if not can_root: LOG.warning( "library mapping search root path option 'src' of %s " "is not defined in lib/search.cfg, skipped", lib_type) continue elif not os.path.isdir(can_root): LOG.warning("library mapping search root path %s is NA", can_root) continue can_tar = pcom.rd_sec(lib_type_sec, "dst", True) if not can_tar: LOG.warning( "library mapping destination directory option 'dst' of %s " "is not defined in lib/search.cfg, skipped", lib_type) continue"library mapping for part %s", lib_type) pcom.mkdir(LOG, can_tar) can_ignore_lst = pcom.rd_sec(lib_type_sec, "ignore") can_lst = list( pcom.find_iter(can_root, "*", i_lst=can_ignore_lst)) for lib_type_k in lib_type_sec: if not lib_type_k.startswith("pattern"): continue pattern_search = pcom.rd_sec(lib_type_sec, lib_type_k, True) var_set = set(re.findall(r"{{(.*?)}}", pattern_search)) for var_dic in pcom.prod_vs_iter(var_set, process_sec): pattern_search_str = pcom.ren_tempstr( LOG, pattern_search, var_dic) for match_file in fnmatch.filter( can_lst, f"{can_root}{os.sep}{pattern_search_str}"): self.link_src_dst(match_file, can_tar, can_root) match_lst_file = f"{dst_root}{os.sep}{process}.match_lst""generating library map list file %s", match_lst_file) with open(match_lst_file, "w") as mlf: json.dump(self.match_lst, mlf, indent=4) liblist_dir = f"{dst_root}{os.sep}liblist" pcom.mkdir(LOG, liblist_dir) var_name_line_dic = {} liblist_cfg = lib_dir_cfg_dic.get("liblist", {}) try: custom_dic = { c_k: pcom.rd_cfg(liblist_cfg, f"custom:{process}", c_k) for c_k in liblist_cfg[f"custom:{process}"] } except KeyError: custom_dic = {} if "var" not in liblist_cfg: LOG.error("var section is NA in lib/liblist.cfg") raise SystemExit() for var_name in liblist_cfg["var"]: match_file_lst = [] match_pattern_lst = (custom_dic[var_name] if var_name in custom_dic else pcom.rd_cfg( liblist_cfg, "var", var_name)) for match_pattern in match_pattern_lst: var_set = set(re.findall(r"{{(.*?)}}", match_pattern)) for var_dic in pcom.prod_vs_iter(var_set, process_sec): fnmatch_lst = ([ pcom.ren_tempstr(LOG, match_pattern, var_dic) ] if var_name in custom_dic else fnmatch.filter( self.match_lst, pcom.ren_tempstr(LOG, match_pattern, var_dic))) match_file_lst.extend(fnmatch_lst) var_name_line_dic[var_name] = match_file_lst"generating library liblist files in %s", liblist_dir) #file generation and liblist dic generation for templates tcl_line_lst = [] for var_name, match_file_lst in var_name_line_dic.items(): liblist_var_dic[process][var_name] = f" \\{os.linesep} ".join( match_file_lst) tcl_value_str = f" \\{os.linesep}{' '*(6+len(var_name))}".join( match_file_lst) tcl_line_lst.append(f'set {var_name} "{tcl_value_str}"') with open(f"{liblist_dir}{os.sep}{process}.tcl", "w") as lltf: lltf.write(os.linesep.join(tcl_line_lst)) self.match_lst = [] with open(f"{liblist_dir}{os.sep}liblist.json", "w") as lljf: json.dump(liblist_var_dic, lljf, indent=4)