Beispiel #1
def contrastive_loss(encoding: torch.Tensor, positive_sample: torch.Tensor,
                     negative_samples: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    Implements the contrastive loss defined in the CMC paper
    Defined for batch size N, embedding size D, and num_negative_samples K
    :param encoding: The encoded vector to contrast against samples (N x 1 x D)
    :param positive_sample: The positive sample to contrast against (N x 1 X D)
    :param negative_samples: The negative sample to contrast against (N x K x D)
    :return: The contrastive loss (softmax with correct label in positive location)

    assert len(encoding.size()) == 3, "Expecting encoding shape: (N x 1 x D)"
    assert len(positive_sample.size()) == 3, "Expecting positive sample shape: (N x 1 x D)"
    assert len(negative_samples.size()) == 3, "Expecting negative sample shape: (N x K x D)"

    # Stack positive sample on top of negative
    all_samples =[positive_sample, negative_samples], dim=1)

    # Compute the "critic" scores from 3.2 Implementing the Critic
    scores = torch.bmm(all_samples, torch.transpose(encoding, 1, 2)).squeeze(-1)

    # Compute the contrastive loss
    targets = torch.zeros(scores.size()[0]).long().to(util.get_project_device())

    return F.cross_entropy(scores, targets)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,
                 model: nn.Module,
                 loss_function: Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor],
                 train_data: DataLoader,
                 validation_data: Optional[DataLoader] = None,
                 optimizer: Optional = None,
                 per_epoch_callbacks: List[Callable] = [],
                 device: torch.device = None,
                 checkpoint_file: str = ""):
        Trains a model given the data, loss function, and possibly and optimizer
        :param model: The model to train
        :param loss_function: The loss function to evaluate for training
        :param train_data: The dataloader to use for training the model
        :param validation_data: The dataloader used for model validation
        :param optimizer: [Optional] The optimizer used to update weights of the model
        :param per_epoch_callbacks: A set of callbacks to be called every epoch. Will be passed
        the model, data loaders, optimizer, and wandb run. May be used for (e.g. logging images)
        :param device: The device ((C/G/T)PU) to train and validate on
        :param checkpoint_file: The location of the saved run to load the model and optimizer from
        # Create optimizer if none passed
        if optimizer is None:
            self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(recurse=True),
            self.optimizer = optimizer

        if device is None:
            self.device = util.get_project_device()
            self.device = device

        # Create a learning rate scheduler
        self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(

        # Save the other class parameters
        self.model =
        self.loss_function = loss_function
        self.train_data = train_data
        self.validation_data = validation_data
        self.callbacks = per_epoch_callbacks

        # Load the model if checkpoint is given
        if checkpoint_file != "":
            model_save_dict, optimizer_save_dict = model_io.load_model_checkpoint(


            if optimizer_save_dict is not None:

        # Initialize wandb and watch model
        self.wandb_run = wandb.init(project='RosettaCV',
Beispiel #3
def get_cmc_loss_on_dataloader(model: nn.Module, dataloader: DataLoader, loss_fn: Callable) -> torch.Tensor:
    Gets the loss on a dataloader with a different assumed loss signature to that in util.util
    :param model: The model to evaluate on
    :param dataloader: The dataloader to evaluate on
    :param loss_fn: The loss metric to use
    :return: The loss function applied to the dataloader
    # The device the model is on
    device = util.get_project_device()
    total_loss = torch.FloatTensor([0]).to(device)

    # Get all the encodings
    for batch in dataloader:
        # Send to GPU if available
        for i, view in enumerate(batch):
            if isinstance(view, torch.Tensor):
                batch[i] =

        # Get the positive and negative samples from the batch
        encodings = model(batch, no_cache=True)
        enc, pos, neg = get_positive_and_negative_samples(encodings, model)

        total_loss += loss_fn(enc, pos, neg)

    return total_loss / len(dataloader)
    def decoding_loss(self, inputs: List[torch.Tensor],
                      encodings: List[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
        Samples decoding pathways and adds decoding loss to contrastive loss
        :param inputs: The inputs to the CMC encoders
        :param encodings: The encodings that were produced by the model
        :return: A loss on the decodings sampled
        # Sample decoding pathways
        decodings = random.sample(self.encode_decode_pairs,

        # Perform all relevant decodings
        decoding_loss = torch.Tensor([0]).to(util.get_project_device())

        for encode_view_ind, decode_view_ind in decodings:
            decoded_view = self.model.views[decode_view_ind]

            # decoded_view_out = decoded_view.decode(encodings[encode_view_ind])
            decoded_view_out = decoded_view.decode(encodings[encode_view_ind],

            reconstruction_loss = decoded_view.reconstruction_loss(
                decoded_view_out, inputs[decode_view_ind])

            # Report this reconstruction loss
                f"{self.model.views[encode_view_ind].get_id()} -> "
                f"{self.model.views[decode_view_ind].get_id()} Reconstruction Loss":

            decoding_loss += reconstruction_loss

        return decoding_loss
Beispiel #5
    def forward(self, x):
        # Tokenize the text
        tokenized = self.tokenizer(x, padding=True,
        tokenized =

        # Forward pass
        model_outputs = self.model(tokenized).last_hidden_state
        # Average over sequence dimension
        model_outputs = torch.mean(model_outputs, dim=-2)
        model_outputs = model_outputs.view(model_outputs.shape[0], -1)

        return F.relu(self.linear(model_outputs))
Beispiel #6
def language_reconstruction_loss(predicted_logits: torch.Tensor, ground_truth_caption: Union[str, List]) -> torch.Tensor:
    The language reconstruction loss, to compare a generated caption to a ground truth
    :param predicted_logits: The logits over the vocabulary predicted by the language decoder model
    :param ground_truth_caption: The actual caption for the image
    :return: The cross entropy loss of the caption and the predicted values
    # Tokenize the caption into BERT's vocabulary
    if type(ground_truth_caption) == str:
        ground_truth_tok = tokenizer.encode(ground_truth_caption, padding=True, return_tensors="pt")
        ground_truth_tok = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(ground_truth_caption, padding=True, return_tensors="pt")['input_ids']

    # Reshape ground truth and predicted
    predicted_logits = predicted_logits.view(-1, predicted_logits.shape[-1])  # Shape[-1] is the vocab size
    ground_truth_tok = ground_truth_tok.view(-1).to(util.get_project_device())

    # Cross entropy ignoring locations that are padded
    return F.cross_entropy(predicted_logits, ground_truth_tok, ignore_index=PAD_TOKEN)
Beispiel #7
    def forward(self, latent_encoding: torch.Tensor,
                decoder_inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        # Change dimension of the input to match cross-attention in BERT
        latent_encoding = F.relu(self.linear(latent_encoding))

        # Tokenize the inputs
        decoder_inputs = self.tokenizer(decoder_inputs,
        decoder_inputs =

        # Replicate the latent embedding to mimic an encoder output
        sequence_length = decoder_inputs.size()[1]

        latent_encoding = latent_encoding.unsqueeze(1)
        encoder_output = torch.tile(latent_encoding, (1, sequence_length, 1))

        # Generate logits for prediction
        return self.decoder_model(decoder_inputs,
    def __init__(self,
                 views: List[View],
                 latent_dim: int,
                 memory_bank_size: int = 200):
        super(WrapperModel, self).__init__()
        assert len(views) >= 2, "Must specify at least 2 views!"

        # Assign views and register submodules
        self.views = views
        self.view_encoders = nn.ModuleList([view.encoder for view in views])
        self.view_decoders = nn.ModuleList(
            [view.decoder for view in views if view.decoder is not None])

        # Build the memory bank to sample from
        model_device = util.get_project_device()
        self.memory_bank = deque()
            rand_vec.view(-1, latent_dim)
            for rand_vec in torch.randn((memory_bank_size,

from torchvision import models, datasets
from torchvision.transforms import Compose, ToTensor, Resize
from data_loader.MultiviewDatasets import MultiviewDataset, identity_view, get_coco_captions, get_grayscale_view, get_inverted_view, get_complementary_view, get_saturated_view
from import DataLoader
resnet_feature_size = 512

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from models.CMC.ResNetEncoder import ResNetEncoder
    from models.CMC.Decoder import Decoder
    from models.CMC.language_models import TextEncoder, TextDecoder

    # Ensure aspect ratio is 0.75
    image_size = (480, 640)
    device = util.get_project_device()
    latent_dim = 512

    # Define encoders, decoders, and views
    image_encoder = ResNetEncoder(device, latent_dim=latent_dim)
    image_decoder = Decoder(*image_size)
    image_view = View(image_encoder,

    # grayscale_encoder = ResNetEncoder(device, latent_dim=latent_dim)
    # grayscale_decoder = Decoder(*image_size)
    # grayscale_view = View(grayscale_encoder, grayscale_decoder, "Grayscale", reconstruction_loss=l2_reconstruction_loss)

    inverted_encoder = ResNetEncoder(device, latent_dim=latent_dim)