if len(argv) != 2: printUsage() exit(1) back_date = argv[1] if len(back_date) != 8: print("****************************") print("* date parameter malformed *") print("****************************") printUsage() exit(1) _year = back_date[:4] _month = back_date[4:6] _day = back_date[6:] _doy = getDOY(_year, _month, _day) print("Processing date " + back_date + " (DOY = " + str(_doy) + ").") modisL3_TSMPath = ensureTrailingSlash( ensureTrailingSlash( ensureTrailingSlash(modisL3_TSMBasePath + _year) + _month) + _day) modisL3_UTMPath = ensureTrailingSlash( ensureTrailingSlash( ensureTrailingSlash(modisL3_TSM_UTMPath + _year) + _month) + _day) modisL3_UTM_QLPath = ensureTrailingSlash(modisL3_TSM_UTM_QLPath + _year) for _path in [modisL3_UTMPath, modisL3_UTM_QLPath]: if not exists(_path): print("Making directory: ", _path, " ...") makedirs(_path)
def printUsage(): print('Usage: create_MODIS_GEO_L1B.py date') print('where date is a string representing the date to process,') print('e.g. 20120607 for May 7, 2012.') argc = len(argv) if argc < 2: printUsage() exit(1) _date = str(argv[1]) _year = _date[:4] _month = _date[4:6] _day = _date[6:] _doy = getDOY(_year, _month, _day) print(_year, _month, _day, _doy) modisL1A_LACPath = ensureTrailingSlash(ensureTrailingSlash(ensureTrailingSlash(modisL1A_LACBasePath + _year) + _month) + _day) modisL1A_subPath = ensureTrailingSlash(ensureTrailingSlash(ensureTrailingSlash(modisL1A_subBasePath + _year) + _month) + _day) modisGEOPath = ensureTrailingSlash(ensureTrailingSlash(ensureTrailingSlash(modisGEOBasePath + _year) + _month) + _day) modisGEO_subPath = ensureTrailingSlash(ensureTrailingSlash(ensureTrailingSlash(modisGEO_subBasePath + _year) + _month) + _day) for _path in [modisL1A_subPath, modisGEOPath, modisGEO_subPath]: if not exists(_path): print("Making directory: ", _path, " ...") makedirs(_path) try: srcList = listdir(modisL1A_LACPath)
printUsage() exit(1) date = argv[1] if not len(date)==10: print("Wrong parameter: ", argv[1]) printUsage() exit(1) _year = date[0:4] _month = date[5:7] _day = date[8:10] _backdate = _year + _month + _day # get the backday value needed for get_MODIS_LAC.py DOY_backday = getDOY(_year,_month, _day) todate = datetime.date.today() DOY_today = getDOY(todate.year, todate.month, todate.day) _backday = DOY_today - DOY_backday print("Processing products of ", _backdate, "...") dwnldCmd = 'python /home/uwe/cronjobs/nasa/modis/get_MODIS_LAC.py AQUA' + ' ' + str(_backday) # download L1A_LAC from nasa l1aCmd = 'python ' + l1aScript + ' ' + _backdate # L1A_LAC => L1A_sub, GEO_sub l1bCmd = 'python ' + l1bScript + ' ' + _backdate # L1A_sub, GEO_sub => L1B_sub qlGenCmd = 'python ' + quicklookScript + ' ' + _backdate # L1B_sub => L1B_RGB l2Cmd = 'python ' + l2Script + ' ' + _backdate # L1B_sub => L2_sub gptTSMCmd = 'python ' + gptTSMScript + ' ' + _backdate # L2_sub => L2_TSM l3binningCmd = 'python ' + l3binningScript + ' ' + _backdate # L2_TSM => L3_TSM