def findSamples(self, category, binImg, samples, outImg): contours = self.findContourAndBound(binImg.copy(), bounded=True, upperbounded=True, bound=self.minContourArea, upperbound=self.maxContourArea) contours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) for contour in contours: # Find the center of each contour rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) centroid = rect[0] # Find the orientation of each contour points = np.int32( edge1 = points[1] - points[0] edge2 = points[2] - points[1] if cv2.norm(edge1) > cv2.norm(edge2): angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(edge1[1], edge1[0])) else: angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(edge2[1], edge2[0])) if 90 < abs(Utils.normAngle(self.comms.curHeading) - Utils.normAngle(angle)) < 270: angle = Utils.invertAngle(angle) samples.append({'centroid': centroid, 'angle': angle, 'area': cv2.contourArea(contour), 'category': category}) if self.debugMode: Vision.drawRect(outImg, points)
def print_table(ligs): for lig_num, lig in enumerate(ligs): for element_num, element in enumerate(lig): ligs[lig_num][element_num] = ActionSearch._format_.get(element, element) Utils.print_table(ligs)
def execute(self, userdata): if self.comms.isKilled or self.comms.isAborted: self.comms.abortMission() return 'aborted' if not self.comms.retVal or \ len(self.comms.retVal['foundLines']) == 0: return 'lost' lines = self.comms.retVal['foundLines'] if len(lines) == 1 or self.comms.expectedLanes == 1: self.angleSampler.newSample(lines[0]['angle']) elif len(lines) >= 2: if self.comms.chosenLane == self.comms.LEFT: self.angleSampler.newSample(lines[0]['angle']) elif self.comms.chosenLane == self.comms.RIGHT: self.angleSampler.newSample(lines[1]['angle']) else: rospy.loginfo("Something goes wrong with chosenLane") variance = self.angleSampler.getVariance() rospy.loginfo("Variance: {}".format(variance)) if (variance < 5.0): dAngle = Utils.toHeadingSpace(self.angleSampler.getMedian()) adjustHeading = Utils.normAngle(self.comms.curHeading + dAngle) self.comms.sendMovement(h=adjustHeading, blocking=True) self.comms.adjustHeading = adjustHeading return 'aligned' else: rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(0.05)) return 'aligning'
def create_share(self, obj): share = Utils.create_object() share.title = obj.logo_title share.description = obj.short_description share.url = Utils.get_current_url(self.request) encoded_url = urlquote_plus(share.url) title = obj.logo_title encoded_title = urlquote_plus(title) encoded_detail = urlquote_plus(obj.short_description) url_detail = obj.short_description + '\n\n' + share.url encoded_url_detail = urlquote_plus(url_detail) share.image_url = Utils.get_url( self.request, PosterService.poster_image_url(obj) ) encoded_image_url = urlquote_plus(share.image_url) # email shouldn't encode space = 'subject=%s&body=%s' % ( urlquote(title, ''), urlquote(url_detail, '') ) # share.fb = 'u=%s' % encoded_url # share.twitter = 'text=%s' % encoded_url_detail # share.google_plus = 'url=%s' % encoded_url # share.linkedin = 'url=%s&title=%s&summary=%s' % ( encoded_url, encoded_title, encoded_detail ) # share.pinterest = 'url=%s&media=%s&description=%s' % ( encoded_url, encoded_image_url, encoded_detail ) return share
def execute(self, userdata): if self.comms.isAborted or self.comms.isKilled: self.comms.abortMission() return 'aborted' if not self.comms.retVal or \ len(self.comms.retVal['matches']) == 0: return 'lost' self.comms.sendMovement(d=self.comms.aligningDepth, blocking=True) try: # Align with the bins dAngle = Utils.toHeadingSpace(self.comms.nearest) adjustAngle = Utils.normAngle(dAngle + self.comms.curHeading) self.comms.adjustHeading = adjustAngle self.comms.visionFilter.visionMode = BinsVision.BINSMODE self.comms.sendMovement(h=adjustAngle, d=self.comms.aligningDepth, blocking=True) #self.comms.sendMovement(h=adjustAngle, # d=self.comms.sinkingDepth, # blocking=True) return 'aligned' except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(str(e)) adjustAngle = self.comms.curHeading self.comms.adjustHeading = adjustAngle self.comms.sendMovement(h=adjustAngle, blocking=True) #self.comms.sendMovement(d=self.comms.sinkingDepth, # blocking=True) return 'aligned'
def camCallback(self, rosImg): outImg = self.visionFilter.gotFrame(Utils.rosimg2cv(rosImg)) if self.canPublish and outImg is not None: try: self.outPub.publish(Utils.cv2rosimg(outImg)) except Exception, e: pass
def run(self): images = self.client.images() # Parse images information images_enhanced = [] for img in images: for repotag in img["RepoTags"]: registry, repository = self.parse_repository( ":".join(repotag.split(":")[:-1])) images_enhanced.append({"IMAGE ID": img["Id"][:10], "CREATED": img["Created"], "VIRTUAL SIZE": img["VirtualSize"], "TAG": repotag.split(":")[-1], "REPOSITORY": repository, "REGISTRY": registry, }) # Sort images (with facilities for sort key) sort_by = self.args.sort_by for column in self._FIELDS_: if column.startswith(sort_by.upper()): sort_by = column break images = sorted(images_enhanced, key=lambda x: x.get(sort_by)) # Print images information for img in images: img["VIRTUAL SIZE"] = ActionImages.printable_size( img["VIRTUAL SIZE"]) img["CREATED"] = ActionImages.printable_date(img["CREATED"]) Utils.print_table([self._FIELDS_] + [[img[k] for k in self._FIELDS_] for img in images])
def _evaluate_bandwidth_availability(self, check_1, check_2): state = '' changed = False wma_1 = Utils.compute_wma(check_1) logging.debug('BANDWIDTH wma_1: %s' % (wma_1)) if check_2 is not None: wma_2 = Utils.compute_wma(check_2) logging.debug('BANDWIDTH wma_2: %s' % (wma_2)) wma_diff = wma_2 - wma_1 wma_diff_abs = abs(wma_diff) variation = round(float(wma_diff_abs/wma_1*100), 1) logging.debug('BANDWIDTH variation: %s' % (variation)) if variation >= float(self._cfg['bandwidth_avail_factor']): variation_dim = 'accretion' if wma_diff > 0.0: variation_dim = 'degradation' state = 'BANDWIDTH availability --> %s%% %s <b style="color: red;">(!!! NEW !!!)</b>' % (variation, variation_dim) changed = True else: state = 'BANDWIDTH availability --> %s' % (wma_2) else: state = 'BANDWIDTH availability --> %s' % (wma_1) logging.debug('BANDWIDTH check_final: %s' % (state)) return changed, state
def __init__(self, config, phishtank, openphish, cleanmx): logging.debug("Instantiating the '%s' class" % (self.__class__.__name__)) self._cfg = config self._phishtank = phishtank self._openphish = openphish self._cleanmx = cleanmx Utils.remove_dir_content(self._cfg['dir_out'])
def _clean_status_container(self, status): targets = [] for container in self.client.containers(all=True): if container["Status"].startswith(status): # Sanitize if container["Names"] is None: container["Names"] = ["NO_NAME"] targets.append(container) if len(targets) == 0: print "No containers %s found." % (status.lower()) return # Display available elements print "%d containers %s founds." % (len(targets), status.lower()) ligs = [["NAME", "IMAGE", "COMMAND"]] ligs += [[",".join(c["Names"]).replace("/", ""), c["Image"], c["Command"]] for c in targets] Utils.print_table(ligs) if Utils.ask("Remove some of them", default="N"): for container in targets: if Utils.ask( "\tRemove %s" % container["Names"][0].replace("/", ""), default="N"): # Force is false to avoid bad moves print "\t-> Removing %s..." % container["Id"][:10] self.client.remove_container(container["Id"], v=False, link=False, force=False)
def run(self): print("Running...") os.system('ls -i -t ' + self._cfg['dir_archive'] +'/* | cut -d\' \' -f2 | tail -n+1 | xargs rm -f') data_old = JSONAdapter.load(self._cfg['dir_in'], self._cfg['serial_file']) if data_old is not None: data_file_name_new = data_old[0] + '_' + self._cfg['serial_file'] Utils.rename_file(self._cfg['dir_in'], self._cfg['dir_archive'], \ self._cfg['serial_file'], data_file_name_new) else: data_old = [] if Utils.is_internet_up() is True: urls = self._cfg['urls_to_check'] data_new = [] data_new.insert(0, Utils.timestamp_to_string(time.time())) thread_id = 0 threads = [] display = Display(visible=0, size=(1024, 768)) display.start() for url in urls: thread_id += 1 alivechecker_thread = AliveChecker(thread_id, self._cfg, url) threads.append(alivechecker_thread) alivechecker_thread.start() # Waiting for all threads to complete for thread in threads: thread.join() display.stop() for thread in threads: data_new.append( logging.debug('%s\n' % (thread.log)) thread.browser.quit() if len(data_new) > 0:, self._cfg['dir_in'], self._cfg['serial_file']) data_all = [] if len(data_old) > 0: data_all.append(data_old) data_all.append(data_new), self._cfg['dir_out'], self._cfg['serial_file']) state = logging.debug('Final state: %s' % (state)) if self._emailnotifiers and state != '': EmailNotifiers.notify(state) else: logging.debug('Empty data') else: logging.error('Internet is definitely down!') sys.exit(2) print("Done...")
def sonarImageCallback(self, rosImg): # outImg = self.visionFilter.gotSonarFrame(Utils.rosimg2cv(rosImg)) outImg = self.sonarFilter.gotSonarFrame(Utils.rosimg2cv(rosImg)) if self.canPublish and outImg is not None: try: self.sonarPub.publish(Utils.cv2rosimg(outImg)) except Exception, e: pass
def camCallback(self, rosImg): try: if self.processingCount == self.processingRate: self.retVal, outImg = self.visionFilter.gotFrame(Utils.rosimg2cv(rosImg)) if self.canPublish and outImg is not None: self.outPub.publish(Utils.cv2rosimg(outImg)) self.processingCount = 0 self.processingCount += 1 except Exception as e: print e
def camCallback(self, img): rospy.loginfo("Solo") img = Utils.rosimg2cv(img) red_img = Img(img, conn) if(1000 < red_img.area < 1500): red_img.drawBounding(red_img.mask_bgr) red_img.drawCentroid(red_img.mask_bgr) drawCenter(red_img.mask_bgr) self.img_pub.publish(Utils.cv2rosimg(red_img.mask_bgr)) self.img_pub2.publish(Utils.cv2rosimg(red_img.enhanced_bgr))
def sonarCallback(self, rosimg): rospy.loginfo("Inside sonar") cvImg = Utils.rosimg2cv(rosimg) gray = cv2.cvtColor(cvImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) mask = cv2.threshold(gray, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] mask_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) sobel_bgr = self.sobelLine(mask) #self.sonarCont(mask, mask_bgr) sonarPub = rospy.Publisher("/Vision/image_filter_sonar", Image) sonarPub.publish(Utils.cv2rosimg(sobel_bgr))
def _dump_file_trails(self, apk_file): logging.debug("Dumping file_trails") path = apk_file.get_path() file = apk_file.get_filename() file_trails = dict() file_trails['file_name'] = file file_trails['file_md5_sum'] = Utils.compute_md5_file(path, file) file_trails['file_sha256_sum'] = Utils.compute_sha256_file(path, file) file_trails['file_dimension'] = Utils.get_size(path, file) return file_trails
def execute(self, userdata): if self.comms.isKilled or self.comms.isAborted: self.comms.abortMission() return 'aborted' curCorner = self.comms.visionFilter.curCorner start = time.time() while not self.comms.retVal or \ self.comms.retVal.get('foundLines', None) is None or \ len(self.comms.retVal['foundLines']) == 0: if self.comms.isKilled or self.comms.isAborted: self.comms.abortMission() return 'aborted' if time.time() - start > self.timeout: if curCorner == 4: self.comms.failTask() return 'lost' else: self.comms.visionFilter.curCorner += 1 self.comms.detectingBox = True return 'next_corner' rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(0.1)) # Calculate angle between box and lane if self.comms.visionFilter.curCorner == 0: boxCentroid = (self.centerX, self.centerY) else: boxCentroid = self.comms.visionFilter.corners[curCorner] laneCentroid = self.comms.retVal['foundLines'][0]['pos'] boxLaneAngle = math.atan2(laneCentroid[1] - boxCentroid[1], laneCentroid[0] - boxCentroid[0]) self.angleSampler.newSample(math.degrees(boxLaneAngle)) variance = self.angleSampler.getVariance() rospy.loginfo("Variance: {}".format(variance)) if (variance < 5.0): dAngle = Utils.toHeadingSpace(self.angleSampler.getMedian()) adjustHeading = Utils.normAngle(self.comms.curHeading + dAngle) self.comms.inputHeading = adjustHeading rospy.loginfo("box-lane angle: {}".format(self.comms.inputHeading)) self.comms.sendMovement(h=adjustHeading, d=self.comms.laneSearchDepth, blocking=True) self.comms.sendMovement(f=self.forward_dist, h=adjustHeading, d=self.comms.laneSearchDepth, blocking=True) self.comms.visionFilter.curCorner = 0 return 'aligned' else: rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(0.05)) return 'aligning'
def _extract(self, path_in, file, password): try: if Utils.is_zip(path_in, file): Utils.extract_zip(path_in, file, path_in, password) elif Utils.is_rar(path_in, file): Utils.extract_rar(path_in, file, path_in, password) elif Utils.is_tar(path_in, file): Utils.extract_tar(path_in, file, path_in) except OSError, e: logging.error(e) return False
def save_ph_ws(ph_ws): logging.debug("XMLAdapter is storing phishing websites...") Utils.remove_dir_content(XMLAdapter.config['dir_out']) for cm_name, cm in ph_ws.items(): if len(cm) > 0: try: file_ph_ws_name = os.path.join(XMLAdapter.config['dir_out'], cm_name + '.xml') file_ph_ws = open(file_ph_ws_name, 'w') file_ph_ws.write(dicttoxml.dicttoxml(ph_ws)) file_ph_ws.close() except OSError, e: logging.error("Error saving phishing websites in xml format: %s" % (e)) raise OSError
def run(self): # Format inputs reg_from = self.get_registryaddr("from") reg_to = self.get_registryaddr("to") imgsrc = self.args.IMGSRC if ":" not in imgsrc: imgsrc += ":latest" imgdst = self.args.IMGDST if (self.args.IMGDST != '-') else imgsrc if ":" not in imgdst: imgdst += ":latest" isrc = reg_from + imgsrc idst = reg_to + imgdst # Confirm transfer if not Utils.ask("Transfer %s -> %s" % (isrc, idst)): return # Search for source image avaibility isrc_id = None for img in self.client.images(): if isrc in img["RepoTags"]: isrc_id = img["Id"] print "'%s' is locally available (%s), use it" % (isrc, img["Id"][:10]) # Source image is not available, pull it if isrc_id is None: if not Utils.ask("'%s' is not locally available, try to pull it" % isrc): return # Try to pull Image without creds res = self.client.pull(isrc, insecure_registry=True) if "error" in res: print "An error as occurred (DEBUG: %s)" % res return print "'%s' successfully pulled !" % isrc raise NotImplementedError("Get image id") # Tag the element idst, idst_tag = ":".join(idst.split(":")[:-1]), idst.split(":")[-1] self.client.tag(isrc_id, idst, tag=idst_tag, force=False) # Push the element, insecure mode print "Pushing..." for status in self.client.push(idst, tag=idst_tag, stream=True, insecure_registry=True): sys.stdout.write("\r" + json.loads(status)["status"]) sys.stdout.flush() print "\nTransfer complete !"
def turnRight(self): rospy.loginfo("Turning right...") # Turn to the right and look for another bin self.comms.sendMovement(h=Utils.normAngle(self.comms.adjustHeading+90), d=self.comms.turnDepth, blocking=True) self.comms.sendMovement(f=0.9, d=self.comms.turnDepth, blocking=True)
def get_queryset(self): queryset = super(PosterFunViewSet, self).get_queryset() queryset = queryset.filter( poster=self.kwargs['poster_id'], ip_address=Utils.get_client_ip(self.request._request) ) return queryset
def get_likely_vehicles(self, nexttrip): prevtrips = [] self._connect() self.cur.execute('SELECT date, vehicle FROM VEHICLES where trip=? ORDER BY date DESC', [nexttrip]) date_vehicles = self.cur.fetchall() for d, v in date_vehicles: self.cur.execute('SELECT trip FROM VEHICLES where date=? and vehicle=? order by time asc', [d, v]) ts = self.cur.fetchall() if len(ts)> 1: # find the trip just before our trip prevtrip = None for triplist in ts: trip = triplist[0] if trip == nexttrip: # previous trip (if any) led to this one if prevtrip: prevtrips.append(prevtrip) else: prevtrip = trip ranked_prev_trips = Utils.ranklist(prevtrips) vehicles = [] for trip, count in ranked_prev_trips: # get the latest vehicle for each trip self.cur.execute('SELECT vehicle FROM VEHICLES where trip=? ORDER BY date DESC', [trip]) vehicle = self.cur.fetchone() vehicles.append((vehicle, count)) return vehicles
def execute(self, userdata): if self.comms.isAborted or self.comms.isKilled: self.comms.abortMission() return 'aborted' if not self.comms.retVal or \ len(self.comms.retVal['samples']) == 0: self.comms.adjustDepth = self.comms.curDepth rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(0.1)) return 'approaching' curArea = self.comms.retVal['samples'][0]['area'] rospy.loginfo("Area: {}".format(curArea)) if curArea > self.comms.grabbingArea or \ self.comms.curDepth > self.comms.grabbingDepth: self.comms.adjustDepth = self.comms.curDepth return 'completed' samples = self.comms.retVal['samples'] closest = min(samples, key=lambda c: Utils.distBetweenPoints(c['centroid'], (self.centerX, self.centerY))) dx = (closest['centroid'][0] - self.centerX) / self.width dy = (closest['centroid'][1] - self.centerY) / self.height self.comms.sendMovement(f=-self.ycoeff*dy, sm=self.xcoeff*dx, d=self.comms.curDepth + 0.1, h=self.comms.adjustHeading, timeout=2, blocking=False) return 'approaching'
def sonarImageCallback(self, rosImg): outImg = self.gotSonarFrame(self.rosImgToCVMono(rosImg)) if outImg is not None: try: self.sonarPub.publish(Utils.cv2rosimg(outImg)) except Exception, e: pass
def test_utils(self): testlist = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 2] rankedlist = Utils.ranklist(testlist) self.assertEqual(rankedlist, [(1, 4), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 1), (5, 1)]) pass
def __init__(self, peer_id, log=None): super(PeerState, self).__init__() = peer_id # site ID self.peers = [] # known peers self.strokes = [] # currently drawn strokes self.prqs = [] # past requests self.processed_ops = [] self.session = -1 # attached ui self.window = None self.lock = Lock() # site log file self.log = log if >= 0: self.engine = OperationEngine(,log) else: # This is so that I can draw locally if I never join a session self.engine = OperationEngine(0,log) self.queue = Queue(log) # Join/leave handling self.ip = '' self.port = 0 self.cs = None self.uid = Utils.generateID() self.ips = [] self.ports = []
def _download_openphish(self, path_in, user_agent, url_feed, username, password): logging.debug("Downloading OpenPhish feeds...") try: password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_manager.add_password(None, url_feed, username, password) auth = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth) opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', user_agent)] urllib2.install_opener(opener) request = urllib2.Request(url_feed) handler = urllib2.urlopen(request) count = 0 json_str = '' for d in handler.readlines(): if count == 0: json_str = '{' json_str += '\"phish_' + str(count) + "\" : " + d.strip() + ', \n' count = count + 1 json_str = json_str[:-3] + '}' json_obj = json.loads(json_str) json_obj = Utils.decode_dict(json_obj) with open(os.path.join(path_in, 'openphish.txt'), 'w') as f: json.dump(json_obj, f, ensure_ascii=False) except Exception, e: logging.error("Error downloading OpenPhish feed '%s': %s" % (url_feed, e)) raise Exception
def __init__(self, path=[], width=0, color=[0,0,0,255], id='none'): self.path = path self.width = width self.color = color if id == 'none': = Utils.generateID() else: = id
def _walk_dir(self, dir, path_out): try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in files: file.replace('$', '\$') if Utils.is_zip(root, file) or \ Utils.is_rar(root, file) or \ Utils.is_tar(root, file): self._extract_file(root, file) Utils.remove_file(root, file) else: if Utils.is_apk(root, file): Utils.rename_file(root, path_out, file) else: Utils.remove_file(root, file) except OSError, e: logging.error("Error walking dir '%s': %s" % (dir, e)) raise OSError
def get_navi_search_fav_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/li_layout2')
def get_navi_nearby_name_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/tv_name')
def get_navi_nearby_back_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/btn_back')
def __get_navi_home_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/go_home')
def extract_title(self, tree): title = tree.xpath(self.title_xpath)[0].strip() title = Utils.transform_coding(title.strip()) return title
def get_navi_search_addr_list_title(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/list_item_title')
def get_navi_ready_to_dest_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/iv_dest')
def __get_navi_active_confirmorcancel(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/tv_active_confirmorcancel')
def get_navi_current_road_name_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/ll_current_name')
def get_navi_Compass_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/llCompass')
def get_navi_satellite_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/iv_satellite')
def get_navi_zoomSeekBar_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/zoomSeekBar')
def get_navi_time_indicator_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/fl_tmc_indicator')
def __get_navi_et_activenum_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/et_activenum')
def get_navi_navipager_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/pager')
def __get_navi_nearby_close_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/btn_close')
def get_navi_search_listview_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/searchtip')
def __get_navi_mapback_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/iv_mapback')
def get_navi_search_city_list_item(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/list_item_tip')
def __get_navi_search_result_all_ele(self): return Utils().get_ele_by_resourceId(pkg_name + ':id/ll_result_all')
class Ai2Thor(): def __init__(self): self.visualize = False self.verbose = False self.save_imgs = True self.plot_loss = True # st() mapnames = [] for i in [1, 201, 301, 401]: mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(i) mapnames.append(mapname) # random.shuffle(mapnames) self.mapnames_train = mapnames self.num_episodes = len(self.mapnames_train) # get rest of the house in orders a = np.arange(2, 30) b = np.arange(202, 231) c = np.arange(302, 331) d = np.arange(402, 431) abcd = np.hstack((a, b, c, d)) mapnames = [] for i in range(a.shape[0]): mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(a[i]) mapnames.append(mapname) mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(b[i]) mapnames.append(mapname) mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(c[i]) mapnames.append(mapname) mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(d[i]) mapnames.append(mapname) self.mapnames_test = mapnames self.ignore_classes = [] # classes to save # self.include_classes = [ # 'ShowerDoor', 'Cabinet', 'CounterTop', 'Sink', 'Towel', 'HandTowel', 'TowelHolder', 'SoapBar', # 'ToiletPaper', 'ToiletPaperHanger', 'HandTowelHolder', 'SoapBottle', 'GarbageCan', 'Candle', 'ScrubBrush', # 'Plunger', 'SinkBasin', 'Cloth', 'SprayBottle', 'Toilet', 'Faucet', 'ShowerHead', 'Box', 'Bed', 'Book', # 'DeskLamp', 'BasketBall', 'Pen', 'Pillow', 'Pencil', 'CellPhone', 'KeyChain', 'Painting', 'CreditCard', # 'AlarmClock', 'CD', 'Laptop', 'Drawer', 'SideTable', 'Chair', 'Blinds', 'Desk', 'Curtains', 'Dresser', # 'Watch', 'Television', 'WateringCan', 'Newspaper', 'FloorLamp', 'RemoteControl', 'HousePlant', 'Statue', # 'Ottoman', 'ArmChair', 'Sofa', 'DogBed', 'BaseballBat', 'TennisRacket', 'VacuumCleaner', 'Mug', 'ShelvingUnit', # 'Shelf', 'StoveBurner', 'Apple', 'Lettuce', 'Bottle', 'Egg', 'Microwave', 'CoffeeMachine', 'Fork', 'Fridge', # 'WineBottle', 'Spatula', 'Bread', 'Tomato', 'Pan', 'Cup', 'Pot', 'SaltShaker', 'Potato', 'PepperShaker', # 'ButterKnife', 'StoveKnob', 'Toaster', 'DishSponge', 'Spoon', 'Plate', 'Knife', 'DiningTable', 'Bowl', # 'LaundryHamper', 'Vase', 'Stool', 'CoffeeTable', 'Poster', 'Bathtub', 'TissueBox', 'Footstool', 'BathtubBasin', # 'ShowerCurtain', 'TVStand', 'Boots', 'RoomDecor', 'PaperTowelRoll', 'Ladle', 'Kettle', 'Safe', 'GarbageBag', 'TeddyBear', # 'TableTopDecor', 'Dumbbell', 'Desktop', 'AluminumFoil', 'Window'] # These are all classes shared between aithor and coco self.include_classes = [ 'Sink', 'Toilet', 'Bed', 'Book', 'CellPhone', 'AlarmClock', 'Laptop', 'Chair', 'Television', 'RemoteControl', 'HousePlant', 'Ottoman', 'ArmChair', 'Sofa', 'BaseballBat', 'TennisRacket', 'Mug', 'Apple', 'Bottle', 'Microwave', 'Fork', 'Fridge', 'WineBottle', 'Cup', 'ButterKnife', 'Toaster', 'Spoon', 'Knife', 'DiningTable', 'Bowl', 'Vase', 'TeddyBear', ] self.maskrcnn_to_ithor = { 81: 'Sink', 70: 'Toilet', 65: 'Bed', 84: 'Book', 77: 'CellPhone', 85: 'AlarmClock', 73: 'Laptop', 62: 'Chair', 72: 'Television', 75: 'RemoteControl', 64: 'HousePlant', 62: 'Ottoman', 62: 'ArmChair', 63: 'Sofa', 39: 'BaseballBat', 43: 'TennisRacket', 47: 'Mug', 53: 'Apple', 44: 'Bottle', 78: 'Microwave', 48: 'Fork', 82: 'Fridge', 44: 'WineBottle', 47: 'Cup', 49: 'ButterKnife', 80: 'Toaster', 50: 'Spoon', 49: 'Knife', 67: 'DiningTable', 51: 'Bowl', 86: 'Vase', 88: 'TeddyBear', } self.ithor_to_maskrcnn = { 'Sink': 81, 'Toilet': 70, 'Bed': 65, 'Book': 84, 'CellPhone': 77, 'AlarmClock': 85, 'Laptop': 73, 'Chair': 62, 'Television': 72, 'RemoteControl': 75, 'HousePlant': 64, 'Ottoman': 62, 'ArmChair': 62, 'Sofa': 63, 'BaseballBat': 39, 'TennisRacket': 43, 'Mug': 47, 'Apple': 53, 'Bottle': 44, 'Microwave': 78, 'Fork': 48, 'Fridge': 82, 'WineBottle': 44, 'Cup': 47, 'ButterKnife': 49, 'Toaster': 80, 'Spoon': 50, 'Knife': 49, 'DiningTable': 67, 'Bowl': 51, 'Vase': 86, 'TeddyBear': 88, } self.maskrcnn_to_catname = { 81: 'sink', 67: 'dining table', 65: 'bed', 84: 'book', 77: 'cell phone', 70: 'toilet', 85: 'clock', 73: 'laptop', 62: 'chair', 72: 'tv', 75: 'remote', 64: 'potted plant', 63: 'couch', 39: 'baseball bat', 43: 'tennis racket', 47: 'cup', 53: 'apple', 44: 'bottle', 78: 'microwave', 48: 'fork', 82: 'refrigerator', 46: 'wine glass', 49: 'knife', 79: 'oven', 80: 'toaster', 50: 'spoon', 67: 'dining table', 51: 'bowl', 86: 'vase', 88: 'teddy bear', } self.obj_conf_dict = { 'sink': [], 'dining table': [], 'bed': [], 'book': [], 'cell phone': [], 'clock': [], 'laptop': [], 'chair': [], 'tv': [], 'remote': [], 'potted plant': [], 'couch': [], 'baseball bat': [], 'tennis racket': [], 'cup': [], 'apple': [], 'bottle': [], 'microwave': [], 'fork': [], 'refrigerator': [], 'wine glass': [], 'knife': [], 'oven': [], 'toaster': [], 'spoon': [], 'dining table': [], 'bowl': [], 'vase': [], 'teddy bear': [], } self.data_store = { 'sink': {}, 'dining table': {}, 'bed': {}, 'book': {}, 'cell phone': {}, 'clock': {}, 'laptop': {}, 'chair': {}, 'tv': {}, 'remote': {}, 'potted plant': {}, 'couch': {}, 'baseball bat': {}, 'tennis racket': {}, 'cup': {}, 'apple': {}, 'bottle': {}, 'microwave': {}, 'fork': {}, 'refrigerator': {}, 'wine glass': {}, 'knife': {}, 'oven': {}, 'toaster': {}, 'spoon': {}, 'dining table': {}, 'bowl': {}, 'vase': {}, 'teddy bear': {}, } self.data_store_features = [] self.feature_obj_ids = [] self.first_time = True self.Softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=0) self.action_space = { 0: "MoveLeft", 1: "MoveRight", 2: "MoveAhead", 3: "MoveBack", 4: "DoNothing" } self.num_actions = len(self.action_space) cfg_det = get_cfg() cfg_det.merge_from_file( model_zoo.get_config_file( "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml")) cfg_det.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = 0.1 # set threshold for this model cfg_det.MODEL.WEIGHTS = model_zoo.get_checkpoint_url( "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml") cfg_det.MODEL.DEVICE = 'cuda' self.cfg_det = cfg_det self.maskrcnn = DefaultPredictor(cfg_det) self.normalize = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(256, interpolation=PIL.Image.BILINEAR), transforms.CenterCrop(256), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)), ]) # Initialize vgg vgg16 = torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True).double().cuda() vgg16.eval() print(torch.nn.Sequential(*list(vgg16.features.children()))) self.vgg_feat_extractor = torch.nn.Sequential( *list(vgg16.features.children())[:-2]) print(self.vgg_feat_extractor) self.vgg_mean = torch.from_numpy( np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape(1, 3, 1, 1)) self.vgg_std = torch.from_numpy( np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape(1, 3, 1, 1)) self.conf_thresh_detect = 0.7 # for initially detecting a low confident object self.conf_thresh_init = 0.8 # for after turning head toward object threshold self.conf_thresh_end = 0.9 # if reach this then stop getting obs self.BATCH_SIZE = 50 # frames (not episodes) - this is approximate - it could be higher # self.percentile = 70 self.max_iters = 100000 self.max_frames = 10 self.val_interval = 10 #10 self.save_interval = 50 # self.BATCH_SIZE = 2 # self.percentile = 70 # self.max_iters = 100000 # self.max_frames = 2 # self.val_interval = 1 # self.save_interval = 1 self.small_classes = [] self.rot_interval = 5.0 self.radius_max = 3.5 #3 #1.75 self.radius_min = 1.0 #1.25 self.num_flat_views = 3 self.num_any_views = 7 self.num_views = 25 self.center_from_mask = False # get object centroid from maskrcnn (True) or gt (False) self.obj_per_scene = 5 mod = 'test00' # self.homepath = f'/home/nel/gsarch/aithor/data/test2' self.homepath = '/home/sirdome/katefgroup/gsarch/ithor/data/' + mod print(self.homepath) if not os.path.exists(self.homepath): os.mkdir(self.homepath) else: val = input("Delete homepath? [y/n]: ") if val == 'y': import shutil shutil.rmtree(self.homepath) os.mkdir(self.homepath) else: print("ENDING") assert (False) self.log_freq = 1 self.log_dir = self.homepath + '/..' + '/log_cem/' + mod if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir): os.mkdir(self.log_dir) MAX_QUEUE = 10 # flushes when this amount waiting self.writer = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir, max_queue=MAX_QUEUE, flush_secs=60) self.W = 256 self.H = 256 self.fov = 90 self.utils = Utils(self.fov, self.W, self.H) self.K = self.utils.get_habitat_pix_T_camX(self.fov) self.camera_matrix = self.utils.get_camera_matrix( self.W, self.H, self.fov) self.controller = Controller( scene='FloorPlan30', # will change gridSize=0.25, width=self.W, height=self.H, fieldOfView=self.fov, renderObjectImage=True, renderDepthImage=True, ) self.init_network() self.run_episodes() def init_network(self): input_shape = np.array([3, self.W, self.H]) self.localpnet = LocalPNET(input_shape=input_shape, num_actions=self.num_actions).cuda() self.loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=self.localpnet.parameters(), lr=0.00001) def batch_iteration(self, mapnames, BATCH_SIZE): batch = { "actions": [], "obs_all": [], "seg_ims": [], "conf_end_change": [], "conf_avg_change": [], "conf_median_change": [] } iter_idx = 0 total_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).cuda() num_obs = 0 while True: mapname = np.random.choice(mapnames) # self.basepath = self.homepath + f"/{mapname}_{episode}" # print("BASEPATH: ", self.basepath) # # self.basepath = f"/hdd/ayushj/habitat_data/{mapname}_{episode}" # if not os.path.exists(self.basepath): # os.mkdir(self.basepath) self.controller.reset(scene=mapname) total_loss, obs, actions, seg_ims, confs = "train", total_loss) if obs is None: print("NO EPISODE LOSS.. SKIPPING BATCH INSTANCE") continue num_obs += len(actions) print("Total loss for train batch # ", iter_idx, " :", total_loss) confs = np.array(confs) conf_end_change = confs[-1] - confs[0] conf_avg_change = np.mean(np.diff(confs)) conf_median_change = np.median(np.diff(confs)) batch["actions"].append(actions) # These are only used for plotting batch["obs_all"].append(obs) batch["seg_ims"].append(seg_ims) batch["conf_end_change"].append(conf_end_change) batch["conf_avg_change"].append(conf_avg_change) batch["conf_median_change"].append(conf_median_change) iter_idx += 1 # if len(batch["obs_all"]) == BATCH_SIZE: if num_obs >= BATCH_SIZE: print("NUM OBS IN BATCH=", num_obs) # batch["total_loss"] = total_loss print("Total loss for iter: ", total_loss) return total_loss, batch, num_obs # iter_idx = 0 # total_loss = torch.tensor(0.0).cuda() # batch = {"actions": [], "obs_all": [], "seg_ims": [], "conf_end_change": [], "conf_avg_change": []} def run_episodes(self): self.ep_idx = 0 # self.objects = [] for episode in range(len(self.mapnames_train)): print("STARTING EPISODE ", episode) mapname = self.mapnames_train[episode] print("MAPNAME=", mapname) self.controller.reset(scene=mapname) # self.controller.start() self.basepath = self.homepath + f"/{mapname}_{episode}" print("BASEPATH: ", self.basepath) # self.basepath = f"/hdd/ayushj/habitat_data/{mapname}_{episode}" if not os.path.exists(self.basepath): os.mkdir(self.basepath)"train") self.ep_idx += 1 self.ep_idx = 1 self.best_inner_prods = [] self.pred_ids = [] self.true_ids = [] self.pred_catnames = [] self.true_catnames = [] self.pred_catnames_all = [] self.true_catnames_all = [] self.conf_mats = [] # self.pred_catnames = [] for episode in range(len(self.mapnames_test)): print("STARTING EPISODE ", episode) mapname = self.mapnames_test[episode] print("MAPNAME=", mapname) self.controller.reset(scene=mapname) # self.controller.start() self.basepath = self.homepath + f"/{mapname}_{episode}" print("BASEPATH: ", self.basepath) # self.basepath = f"/hdd/ayushj/habitat_data/{mapname}_{episode}" if not os.path.exists(self.basepath): os.mkdir(self.basepath)"test") if self.ep_idx % 4 == 0: self.best_inner_prods = np.array(self.best_inner_prods) self.pred_ids = np.array(self.pred_ids) self.true_ids = np.array(self.true_ids) # for i in range(len(self.best_inner_prods)):s correct_pred = self.best_inner_prods[self.pred_ids == self.true_ids] incorrect_pred = self.best_inner_prods[ self.pred_ids != self.true_ids] bins = 50 plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.hist([correct_pred, incorrect_pred], alpha=0.5, histtype='stepfilled', label=['correct', 'incorrect'], bins=bins) plt.title(f'testhouse{self.ep_idx//4}') plt.xlabel('inner product of nearest neighbor') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.legend() plt_name = self.homepath + f'/correct_incorrect_testhouse{self.ep_idx//4}.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) conf_mat = confusion_matrix(self.pred_catnames, self.true_catnames, labels=self.include_classes) self.conf_mats.append(conf_mat) plt.figure(1) plt.clf() df_cm = pd.DataFrame(conf_mat, index=[i for i in self.include_classes], columns=[i for i in self.include_classes]) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) sn.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True) plt_name = self.homepath + f'/confusion_matrix_testhouse{self.ep_idx//4}.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) # self.pred_catnames_all.extend(self.pred_catnames) self.true_catnames_all.extend(self.true_catnames) self.best_inner_prods = [] self.pred_ids = [] self.true_ids = [] self.true_catnames = [] self.pred_catnames = [] self.true_catnames = [] conf_mat = confusion_matrix(self.pred_catnames_all, self.true_catnames_all, labels=self.include_classes) plt.figure(1) plt.clf() df_cm = pd.DataFrame(conf_mat, index=[i for i in self.include_classes], columns=[i for i in self.include_classes]) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) sn.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True) plt_name = self.homepath + f'/confusion_matrix_testhouses_all.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) self.ep_idx += 1 self.controller.stop() time.sleep(1) def run2(self): event = self.controller.step('GetReachablePositions') for obj in event.metadata['objects']: if obj['objectType'] not in self.objects: self.objects.append(obj['objectType']) def get_detectron_conf_center_obj(self, im, obj_mask, frame=None): im = Image.fromarray(im, mode="RGB") im = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(im), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) outputs = self.maskrcnn(im) pred_masks = outputs['instances'].pred_masks pred_scores = outputs['instances'].scores pred_classes = outputs['instances'].pred_classes len_pad = 5 W2_low = self.W // 2 - len_pad W2_high = self.W // 2 + len_pad H2_low = self.H // 2 - len_pad H2_high = self.H // 2 + len_pad if False: v = Visualizer(im[:, :, ::-1], MetadataCatalog.get(self.cfg_det.DATASETS.TRAIN[0]), scale=1.0) out = v.draw_instance_predictions(outputs['instances'].to("cpu")) seg_im = out.get_image() plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(seg_im) plt_name = self.homepath + f'/seg_all{frame}.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) seg_im[W2_low:W2_high, H2_low:H2_high, :] = 0.0 plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(seg_im) plt_name = self.homepath + f'/seg_all_mask{frame}.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) ind_obj = None # max_overlap = 0 sum_obj_mask = np.sum(obj_mask) mask_sum_thresh = 7000 for idx in range(pred_masks.shape[0]): pred_mask_cur = pred_masks[idx].detach().cpu().numpy() pred_masks_center = pred_mask_cur[W2_low:W2_high, H2_low:H2_high] sum_pred_mask_cur = np.sum(pred_mask_cur) # print(torch.sum(pred_masks_center)) if np.sum(pred_masks_center) > 0: if np.abs(sum_pred_mask_cur - sum_obj_mask) < mask_sum_thresh: ind_obj = idx mask_sum_thresh = np.abs(sum_pred_mask_cur - sum_obj_mask) # max_overlap = torch.sum(pred_masks_center) if ind_obj is None: print("RETURNING NONE") return None, None, None, None v = Visualizer(im[:, :, ::-1], MetadataCatalog.get(self.cfg_det.DATASETS.TRAIN[0]), scale=1.0) out = v.draw_instance_predictions( outputs['instances'][ind_obj].to("cpu")) seg_im = out.get_image() if False: plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(seg_im) plt_name = self.homepath + f'/seg{frame}.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) # print("OBJ CLASS ID=", int(pred_classes[ind_obj].detach().cpu().numpy())) # pred_boxes = outputs['instances'].pred_boxes.tensor # pred_classes = outputs['instances'].pred_classes # pred_scores = outputs['instances'].scores obj_score = float(pred_scores[ind_obj].detach().cpu().numpy()) obj_pred_classes = int(pred_classes[ind_obj].detach().cpu().numpy()) obj_pred_mask = pred_masks[ind_obj].detach().cpu().numpy() return obj_score, obj_pred_classes, obj_pred_mask, seg_im def detect_object_centroid(self, im, event): im = Image.fromarray(im, mode="RGB") im = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(im), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) outputs = self.maskrcnn(im) v = Visualizer(im[:, :, ::-1], MetadataCatalog.get(self.cfg_det.DATASETS.TRAIN[0]), scale=1.2) out = v.draw_instance_predictions(outputs['instances'].to("cpu")) seg_im = out.get_image() if False: plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(seg_im) plt_name = self.homepath + '/seg_init.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) pred_masks = outputs['instances'].pred_masks pred_boxes = outputs['instances'].pred_boxes.tensor pred_classes = outputs['instances'].pred_classes pred_scores = outputs['instances'].scores obj_catids = [] obj_scores = [] obj_masks = [] for segs in range(len(pred_masks)): if pred_scores[segs] <= self.conf_thresh_detect: obj_catids.append(pred_classes[segs].item()) obj_scores.append(pred_scores[segs].item()) obj_masks.append(pred_masks[segs]) eulers_xyz_rad = np.radians( np.array([ event.metadata['agent']['cameraHorizon'], event.metadata['agent']['rotation']['y'], 0.0 ])) rx = eulers_xyz_rad[0] ry = eulers_xyz_rad[1] rz = eulers_xyz_rad[2] rotation_ = self.utils.eul2rotm(-rx, -ry, rz) translation_ = np.array( list(event.metadata['agent']['position'].values())) + np.array( [0.0, 0.675, 0.0]) # need to invert since z is positive here by convention translation_[2] = -translation_[2] T_world_cam = np.eye(4) T_world_cam[0:3, 0:3] = rotation_ T_world_cam[0:3, 3] = translation_ if not obj_masks: return None, None elif self.center_from_mask: # want an object not on the edges of the image sum_interior = 0 while sum_interior == 0: if len(obj_masks) == 0: return None, None random_int = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(obj_masks)) obj_mask_focus = obj_masks.pop(random_int) print("OBJECT ID INIT=", obj_catids[random_int]) sum_interior = torch.sum(obj_mask_focus[50:self.W - 50, 50:self.H - 50]) depth = event.depth_frame xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1 * 256 / 2., 1 * 256 / 2., 256), np.linspace(1 * 256 / 2., -1 * 256 / 2., 256)) depth = depth.reshape(1, 256, 256) xs = xs.reshape(1, 256, 256) ys = ys.reshape(1, 256, 256) xys = np.vstack( (xs * depth, ys * depth, -depth, np.ones(depth.shape))) xys = xys.reshape(4, -1) xy_c0 = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(self.K), xys) xyz = xy_c0.T[:, :3].reshape(256, 256, 3) xyz_obj_masked = xyz[obj_mask_focus] xyz_obj_masked = np.matmul( rotation_, xyz_obj_masked.T) + translation_.reshape(3, 1) xyz_obj_mid = np.mean(xyz_obj_masked, axis=1) xyz_obj_mid[2] = -xyz_obj_mid[2] else: # want an object not on the edges of the image sum_interior = 0 while True: if len(obj_masks) == 0: return None, None random_int = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(obj_masks)) obj_mask_focus = obj_masks.pop(random_int) # print("OBJECT ID INIT=", obj_catids[random_int]) sum_interior = torch.sum(obj_mask_focus[50:self.W - 50, 50:self.H - 50]) if sum_interior < 500: continue # exclude too small objects pixel_locs_obj = np.where(obj_mask_focus.cpu().numpy()) x_mid = np.round(np.median(pixel_locs_obj[1]) / self.W, 4) y_mid = np.round(np.median(pixel_locs_obj[0]) / self.H, 4) if False: plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(obj_mask_focus) plt.plot(np.median(pixel_locs_obj[1]), np.median(pixel_locs_obj[0]), 'x') plt_name = self.homepath + '/seg_mask.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) event = self.controller.step('TouchThenApplyForce', x=x_mid, y=y_mid, handDistance=1000000.0, direction=dict(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0), moveMagnitude=0.0) obj_focus_id = event.metadata['actionReturn']['objectId'] xyz_obj_mid = None for o in event.metadata['objects']: if o['objectId'] == obj_focus_id: if o['objectType'] not in self.include_classes_final: continue xyz_obj_mid = np.array( list(o['axisAlignedBoundingBox'] ['center'].values())) if xyz_obj_mid is not None: break print("MIDPOINT=", xyz_obj_mid) return xyz_obj_mid, obj_mask_focus def run(self, mode=None, total_loss=None, summ_writer=None): event = self.controller.step('GetReachablePositions') if not event.metadata['reachablePositions']: # Different versions this is empty/full event = self.controller.step(action='MoveAhead') self.nav_pts = event.metadata['reachablePositions'] self.nav_pts = np.array([list(d.values()) for d in self.nav_pts]) # objects = np.random.choice(event.metadata['objects'], self.obj_per_scene, replace=False) objects = event.metadata['objects'] objects_inds = np.arange(len(event.metadata['objects'])) np.random.shuffle(objects_inds) # objects = np.random.shuffle(event.metadata['objects']) # for obj in event.metadata['objects']: #objects: # print(obj['name']) # objects = objects[0] successes = 0 # meta_obj_idx = 0 num_obs = 0 # while successes < self.obj_per_scene and meta_obj_idx <= len(event.metadata['objects']) - 1: for obj in objects: # if meta_obj_idx > len(event.metadata['objects']) - 1: # print("OUT OF OBJECT... RETURNING") # return total_loss, None, None, None, None # obj = objects[objects_inds[meta_obj_idx]] # meta_obj_idx += 1 print("Center object is ", obj['objectType']) st() # if obj['name'] in ['Microwave_b200e0bc']: # print(obj['name']) # else: # continue # print(obj['name']) if obj['objectType'] not in self.include_classes: print("Continuing... Invalid Object") continue # Calculate distance to object center obj_center = np.array( list(obj['axisAlignedBoundingBox']['center'].values())) obj_center = np.expand_dims(obj_center, axis=0) distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.nav_pts - obj_center)**2, axis=1)) # Get points with r_min < dist < r_max valid_pts = self.nav_pts[np.where( (distances > self.radius_min) * (distances < self.radius_max))] # Bin points based on angles [vertical_angle (10 deg/bin), horizontal_angle (10 deg/bin)] valid_pts_shift = valid_pts - obj_center dz = valid_pts_shift[:, 2] dx = valid_pts_shift[:, 0] dy = valid_pts_shift[:, 1] # Get yaw for binning valid_yaw = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dz, dx)) if mode == "train": nbins = 10 #20 else: nbins = 5 bins = np.linspace(-180, 180, nbins + 1) bin_yaw = np.digitize(valid_yaw, bins) num_valid_bins = np.unique(bin_yaw).size if False: import as cm colors = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, nbins))) plt.figure(2) plt.clf() print(np.unique(bin_yaw)) for bi in range(nbins): cur_bi = np.where(bin_yaw == (bi + 1)) points = valid_pts[cur_bi] x_sample = points[:, 0] z_sample = points[:, 2] plt.plot(z_sample, x_sample, 'o', color=next(colors)) plt.plot(self.nav_pts[:, 2], self.nav_pts[:, 0], 'x', color='red') plt.plot(obj_center[:, 2], obj_center[:, 0], 'x', color='black') plt_name = '/home/nel/gsarch/aithor/data/valid.png' plt.savefig(plt_name) if num_valid_bins == 0: continue if mode == "train": spawns_per_bin = 3 #20 else: spawns_per_bin = 1 #int(self.num_views / num_valid_bins) + 2 # print(f'spawns_per_bin: {spawns_per_bin}') action = "do_nothing" episodes = [] valid_pts_selected = [] camXs_T_camX0_4x4 = [] camX0_T_camXs_4x4 = [] origin_T_camXs = [] origin_T_camXs_t = [] cnt = 0 for b in range(nbins): # get all angle indices in the current bin range inds_bin_cur = np.where( bin_yaw == (b + 1)) # bins start 1 so need +1 inds_bin_cur = list(inds_bin_cur[0]) if len(inds_bin_cur) == 0: continue for s in range(spawns_per_bin): observations = {} if len(inds_bin_cur) == 0: continue rand_ind = np.random.randint(0, len(inds_bin_cur)) s_ind = inds_bin_cur.pop(rand_ind) pos_s = valid_pts[s_ind] valid_pts_selected.append(pos_s) # add height from center of agent to camera pos_s[1] = pos_s[1] + 0.675 turn_yaw, turn_pitch = self.utils.get_rotation_to_obj( obj_center, pos_s) event = self.controller.step('TeleportFull', x=pos_s[0], y=pos_s[1], z=pos_s[2], rotation=dict(x=0.0, y=int(turn_yaw), z=0.0), horizon=int(turn_pitch)) rgb = event.frame object_id = obj['objectId'] instance_detections2D = event.instance_detections2D if object_id not in instance_detections2D: print("NOT in instance detections 2D.. continuing") continue obj_instance_detection2D = instance_detections2D[ object_id] # [start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y] max_len = np.max( np.array([ obj_instance_detection2D[2] - obj_instance_detection2D[0], obj_instance_detection2D[3] - obj_instance_detection2D[1] ])) pad_len = max_len // 8 if pad_len == 0: print("pad len 0.. continuing") continue x_center = (obj_instance_detection2D[3] + obj_instance_detection2D[1]) // 2 x_low = x_center - max_len - pad_len if x_low < 0: x_low = 0 x_high = x_center + max_len + pad_len #x_low + max_len + 2*pad_len if x_high > self.W: x_high = self.W y_center = (obj_instance_detection2D[2] + obj_instance_detection2D[0]) // 2 y_low = y_center - max_len - pad_len #-pad_len if y_low < 0: y_low = 0 y_high = y_center + max_len + pad_len #y_low + max_len + 2*pad_len if y_high > self.H: y_high = self.H rgb_crop = rgb[x_low:x_high, y_low:y_high, :] rgb_crop = Image.fromarray(rgb_crop) normalize_cropped_rgb = self.normalize(rgb_crop).unsqueeze( 0).double().cuda() obj_features = self.vgg_feat_extractor( normalize_cropped_rgb).view((512, -1)) obj_features = obj_features.detach().cpu().numpy() # pca = PCA(n_components=10) # obj_features = pca.fit_transform(obj_features.T).flatten() # obj_features = torch.from_numpy(obj_features).view(-1).cuda() obj_features = obj_features.flatten() if mode == "train": if self.first_time: self.first_time = False self.data_store_features = obj_features # self.data_store_features = self.data_store_features.cuda() self.feature_obj_ids.append( self.ithor_to_maskrcnn[obj['objectType']]) else: # self.data_store_features = torch.vstack((self.data_store_features, obj_features)) self.data_store_features = np.vstack( (self.data_store_features, obj_features)) self.feature_obj_ids.append( self.ithor_to_maskrcnn[obj['objectType']]) elif mode == "test": # obj_features = obj_features.unsqueeze(0) # inner_prod = torch.abs(, self.data_store_features.T)).squeeze() # inner_prod = inner_prod.detach().cpu().numpy() # dist = np.squeeze(np.abs(np.matmul(obj_features, self.data_store_features.transpose()))) dist = np.linalg.norm(self.data_store_features - obj_features, axis=1) k = 10 ind_knn = list(np.argsort(dist)[:k]) dist_knn = np.sort(dist)[:k] dist_knn_norm = list( self.Softmax(torch.from_numpy(-dist_knn)).numpy()) match_knn_id = [ self.feature_obj_ids[i] for i in ind_knn ] # for i in range(1, len(match_knn_id)): # add softmax values from the same class (probably a really complex way of doing this) idx = 0 dist_knn_norm_add = [] match_knn_id_add = [] while True: if not match_knn_id: break match_knn_cur = match_knn_id.pop(0) dist_knn_norm_cur = dist_knn_norm.pop(0) match_knn_id_add.append(match_knn_cur) idxs_ = [] for i in range(len(match_knn_id)): if match_knn_id[i] == match_knn_cur: dist_knn_norm_cur += dist_knn_norm[i] # match_knn_id_.pop(i) else: idxs_.append(i) match_knn_id = [match_knn_id[idx] for idx in idxs_] dist_knn_norm = [ dist_knn_norm[idx] for idx in idxs_ ] dist_knn_norm_add.append(dist_knn_norm_cur) dist_knn_norm_add = np.array(dist_knn_norm_add) dist_knn_argmax = np.argmax(dist_knn_norm_add) match_nn_id = match_knn_id_add[ dist_knn_argmax] #self.feature_obj_ids[ind_nn] match_nn_catname = self.maskrcnn_to_ithor[match_nn_id] self.best_inner_prods.append( dist_knn_norm_add[dist_knn_argmax]) self.pred_ids.append(match_nn_id) # self.pred_catnames.append(match_nn_catname) self.true_ids.append( self.ithor_to_maskrcnn[obj['objectType']]) self.pred_catnames.append(match_nn_catname) self.true_catnames.append(obj['objectType']) print(match_nn_catname) self.data_store_features = np.vstack( (self.data_store_features, obj_features)) self.feature_obj_ids.append( self.ithor_to_maskrcnn[obj['objectType']]) if False: normalize_cropped_rgb = np.transpose( normalize_cropped_rgb.squeeze( 0).detach().cpu().numpy(), (1, 2, 0)) plt.figure(1) plt.clf() plt.imshow(normalize_cropped_rgb) # plt_name = self.homepath + '/seg_init.png' plt.figure(2) plt.clf() plt.imshow(rgb) plt.figure(3) plt.clf() plt.imshow(np.array(rgb_crop))
def __init__(self): self.visualize = False self.verbose = False self.save_imgs = True self.plot_loss = True # st() mapnames = [] for i in [1, 201, 301, 401]: mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(i) mapnames.append(mapname) # random.shuffle(mapnames) self.mapnames_train = mapnames self.num_episodes = len(self.mapnames_train) # get rest of the house in orders a = np.arange(2, 30) b = np.arange(202, 231) c = np.arange(302, 331) d = np.arange(402, 431) abcd = np.hstack((a, b, c, d)) mapnames = [] for i in range(a.shape[0]): mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(a[i]) mapnames.append(mapname) mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(b[i]) mapnames.append(mapname) mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(c[i]) mapnames.append(mapname) mapname = 'FloorPlan' + str(d[i]) mapnames.append(mapname) self.mapnames_test = mapnames self.ignore_classes = [] # classes to save # self.include_classes = [ # 'ShowerDoor', 'Cabinet', 'CounterTop', 'Sink', 'Towel', 'HandTowel', 'TowelHolder', 'SoapBar', # 'ToiletPaper', 'ToiletPaperHanger', 'HandTowelHolder', 'SoapBottle', 'GarbageCan', 'Candle', 'ScrubBrush', # 'Plunger', 'SinkBasin', 'Cloth', 'SprayBottle', 'Toilet', 'Faucet', 'ShowerHead', 'Box', 'Bed', 'Book', # 'DeskLamp', 'BasketBall', 'Pen', 'Pillow', 'Pencil', 'CellPhone', 'KeyChain', 'Painting', 'CreditCard', # 'AlarmClock', 'CD', 'Laptop', 'Drawer', 'SideTable', 'Chair', 'Blinds', 'Desk', 'Curtains', 'Dresser', # 'Watch', 'Television', 'WateringCan', 'Newspaper', 'FloorLamp', 'RemoteControl', 'HousePlant', 'Statue', # 'Ottoman', 'ArmChair', 'Sofa', 'DogBed', 'BaseballBat', 'TennisRacket', 'VacuumCleaner', 'Mug', 'ShelvingUnit', # 'Shelf', 'StoveBurner', 'Apple', 'Lettuce', 'Bottle', 'Egg', 'Microwave', 'CoffeeMachine', 'Fork', 'Fridge', # 'WineBottle', 'Spatula', 'Bread', 'Tomato', 'Pan', 'Cup', 'Pot', 'SaltShaker', 'Potato', 'PepperShaker', # 'ButterKnife', 'StoveKnob', 'Toaster', 'DishSponge', 'Spoon', 'Plate', 'Knife', 'DiningTable', 'Bowl', # 'LaundryHamper', 'Vase', 'Stool', 'CoffeeTable', 'Poster', 'Bathtub', 'TissueBox', 'Footstool', 'BathtubBasin', # 'ShowerCurtain', 'TVStand', 'Boots', 'RoomDecor', 'PaperTowelRoll', 'Ladle', 'Kettle', 'Safe', 'GarbageBag', 'TeddyBear', # 'TableTopDecor', 'Dumbbell', 'Desktop', 'AluminumFoil', 'Window'] # These are all classes shared between aithor and coco self.include_classes = [ 'Sink', 'Toilet', 'Bed', 'Book', 'CellPhone', 'AlarmClock', 'Laptop', 'Chair', 'Television', 'RemoteControl', 'HousePlant', 'Ottoman', 'ArmChair', 'Sofa', 'BaseballBat', 'TennisRacket', 'Mug', 'Apple', 'Bottle', 'Microwave', 'Fork', 'Fridge', 'WineBottle', 'Cup', 'ButterKnife', 'Toaster', 'Spoon', 'Knife', 'DiningTable', 'Bowl', 'Vase', 'TeddyBear', ] self.maskrcnn_to_ithor = { 81: 'Sink', 70: 'Toilet', 65: 'Bed', 84: 'Book', 77: 'CellPhone', 85: 'AlarmClock', 73: 'Laptop', 62: 'Chair', 72: 'Television', 75: 'RemoteControl', 64: 'HousePlant', 62: 'Ottoman', 62: 'ArmChair', 63: 'Sofa', 39: 'BaseballBat', 43: 'TennisRacket', 47: 'Mug', 53: 'Apple', 44: 'Bottle', 78: 'Microwave', 48: 'Fork', 82: 'Fridge', 44: 'WineBottle', 47: 'Cup', 49: 'ButterKnife', 80: 'Toaster', 50: 'Spoon', 49: 'Knife', 67: 'DiningTable', 51: 'Bowl', 86: 'Vase', 88: 'TeddyBear', } self.ithor_to_maskrcnn = { 'Sink': 81, 'Toilet': 70, 'Bed': 65, 'Book': 84, 'CellPhone': 77, 'AlarmClock': 85, 'Laptop': 73, 'Chair': 62, 'Television': 72, 'RemoteControl': 75, 'HousePlant': 64, 'Ottoman': 62, 'ArmChair': 62, 'Sofa': 63, 'BaseballBat': 39, 'TennisRacket': 43, 'Mug': 47, 'Apple': 53, 'Bottle': 44, 'Microwave': 78, 'Fork': 48, 'Fridge': 82, 'WineBottle': 44, 'Cup': 47, 'ButterKnife': 49, 'Toaster': 80, 'Spoon': 50, 'Knife': 49, 'DiningTable': 67, 'Bowl': 51, 'Vase': 86, 'TeddyBear': 88, } self.maskrcnn_to_catname = { 81: 'sink', 67: 'dining table', 65: 'bed', 84: 'book', 77: 'cell phone', 70: 'toilet', 85: 'clock', 73: 'laptop', 62: 'chair', 72: 'tv', 75: 'remote', 64: 'potted plant', 63: 'couch', 39: 'baseball bat', 43: 'tennis racket', 47: 'cup', 53: 'apple', 44: 'bottle', 78: 'microwave', 48: 'fork', 82: 'refrigerator', 46: 'wine glass', 49: 'knife', 79: 'oven', 80: 'toaster', 50: 'spoon', 67: 'dining table', 51: 'bowl', 86: 'vase', 88: 'teddy bear', } self.obj_conf_dict = { 'sink': [], 'dining table': [], 'bed': [], 'book': [], 'cell phone': [], 'clock': [], 'laptop': [], 'chair': [], 'tv': [], 'remote': [], 'potted plant': [], 'couch': [], 'baseball bat': [], 'tennis racket': [], 'cup': [], 'apple': [], 'bottle': [], 'microwave': [], 'fork': [], 'refrigerator': [], 'wine glass': [], 'knife': [], 'oven': [], 'toaster': [], 'spoon': [], 'dining table': [], 'bowl': [], 'vase': [], 'teddy bear': [], } self.data_store = { 'sink': {}, 'dining table': {}, 'bed': {}, 'book': {}, 'cell phone': {}, 'clock': {}, 'laptop': {}, 'chair': {}, 'tv': {}, 'remote': {}, 'potted plant': {}, 'couch': {}, 'baseball bat': {}, 'tennis racket': {}, 'cup': {}, 'apple': {}, 'bottle': {}, 'microwave': {}, 'fork': {}, 'refrigerator': {}, 'wine glass': {}, 'knife': {}, 'oven': {}, 'toaster': {}, 'spoon': {}, 'dining table': {}, 'bowl': {}, 'vase': {}, 'teddy bear': {}, } self.data_store_features = [] self.feature_obj_ids = [] self.first_time = True self.Softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=0) self.action_space = { 0: "MoveLeft", 1: "MoveRight", 2: "MoveAhead", 3: "MoveBack", 4: "DoNothing" } self.num_actions = len(self.action_space) cfg_det = get_cfg() cfg_det.merge_from_file( model_zoo.get_config_file( "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml")) cfg_det.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = 0.1 # set threshold for this model cfg_det.MODEL.WEIGHTS = model_zoo.get_checkpoint_url( "COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml") cfg_det.MODEL.DEVICE = 'cuda' self.cfg_det = cfg_det self.maskrcnn = DefaultPredictor(cfg_det) self.normalize = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(256, interpolation=PIL.Image.BILINEAR), transforms.CenterCrop(256), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)), ]) # Initialize vgg vgg16 = torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True).double().cuda() vgg16.eval() print(torch.nn.Sequential(*list(vgg16.features.children()))) self.vgg_feat_extractor = torch.nn.Sequential( *list(vgg16.features.children())[:-2]) print(self.vgg_feat_extractor) self.vgg_mean = torch.from_numpy( np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape(1, 3, 1, 1)) self.vgg_std = torch.from_numpy( np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape(1, 3, 1, 1)) self.conf_thresh_detect = 0.7 # for initially detecting a low confident object self.conf_thresh_init = 0.8 # for after turning head toward object threshold self.conf_thresh_end = 0.9 # if reach this then stop getting obs self.BATCH_SIZE = 50 # frames (not episodes) - this is approximate - it could be higher # self.percentile = 70 self.max_iters = 100000 self.max_frames = 10 self.val_interval = 10 #10 self.save_interval = 50 # self.BATCH_SIZE = 2 # self.percentile = 70 # self.max_iters = 100000 # self.max_frames = 2 # self.val_interval = 1 # self.save_interval = 1 self.small_classes = [] self.rot_interval = 5.0 self.radius_max = 3.5 #3 #1.75 self.radius_min = 1.0 #1.25 self.num_flat_views = 3 self.num_any_views = 7 self.num_views = 25 self.center_from_mask = False # get object centroid from maskrcnn (True) or gt (False) self.obj_per_scene = 5 mod = 'test00' # self.homepath = f'/home/nel/gsarch/aithor/data/test2' self.homepath = '/home/sirdome/katefgroup/gsarch/ithor/data/' + mod print(self.homepath) if not os.path.exists(self.homepath): os.mkdir(self.homepath) else: val = input("Delete homepath? [y/n]: ") if val == 'y': import shutil shutil.rmtree(self.homepath) os.mkdir(self.homepath) else: print("ENDING") assert (False) self.log_freq = 1 self.log_dir = self.homepath + '/..' + '/log_cem/' + mod if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir): os.mkdir(self.log_dir) MAX_QUEUE = 10 # flushes when this amount waiting self.writer = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir, max_queue=MAX_QUEUE, flush_secs=60) self.W = 256 self.H = 256 self.fov = 90 self.utils = Utils(self.fov, self.W, self.H) self.K = self.utils.get_habitat_pix_T_camX(self.fov) self.camera_matrix = self.utils.get_camera_matrix( self.W, self.H, self.fov) self.controller = Controller( scene='FloorPlan30', # will change gridSize=0.25, width=self.W, height=self.H, fieldOfView=self.fov, renderObjectImage=True, renderDepthImage=True, ) self.init_network() self.run_episodes()