Beispiel #1
    def clean(self):
        Adds custom validations to the model's clean() method.
        super(StringParser, self).clean()

        validators.validate_str_substitution(self.formatter, 1)
Beispiel #2
 def _validate_formatter(self):
     Ensures that the formatter can accomodate the number of source_fields.
     if self.method in ['COPY', 'SUBSTRING']:
         fields = self.source_fields.split(',')
         validators.validate_str_substitution(self.formatter, len(fields))
         # for COUNT and P/A, results will be aggregated into one value
         validators.validate_str_substitution(self.formatter, 1)
Beispiel #3
 def test_single_specifier_missing(self):
     Test case for the validate_str_substitution function when no
     specifier is provided for a single value.
     template = 'missing'
     value_count = 1
     msg = 'The formatter should contain one "{}" specifier.'
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, msg):
         validate_str_substitution(template, value_count)
Beispiel #4
 def test_no_template(self):
     Test case for the validate_str_substitution function when no
     formatter is provided for multiple values.
     template = ''
     value_count = 2
     msg = 'No template has been provided for formatting multiple fields.'
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, msg):
         validate_str_substitution(template, value_count)
Beispiel #5
 def test_mult_specifiers_missing(self):
     Test case for the validate_str_substitution function when not
     enough specifiers are provided for multiple values.
     template = '{0} too few {1}'
     value_count = 3
     msg = ('The formatter contains too few "{}" '
            'specifiers for the number of source fields.')
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, msg):
         validate_str_substitution(template, value_count)
Beispiel #6
 def test_too_many_specifiers(self):
     Test case for the validate_str_substitution function when there
     are too many specifiers for a multiple values.
     template = '{0} too {1} many {2}'
     value_count = 2
     msg = ('The number of "{}" specifiers in the formatter '
            'exceeds the number of source fields.')
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, msg):
         validate_str_substitution(template, value_count)
Beispiel #7
 def test_single_specifier_needed(self):
     Test case for the validate_str_substitution function when there
     are too many specifiers for a single value.
     template = '{0} one too many {1}'
     value_count = 1
     msg = ('The formatter should only contain one '
            '"{}" specifier for the source field.')
     with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValidationError, msg):
         validate_str_substitution(template, value_count)
Beispiel #8
 def test_no_template_or_value(self):
     Test case for the validate_str_substitution function when there
     is no template and no values.
     template = None
     value_count = 0
         validate_str_substitution(template, value_count)
     except ValidationError:'Name raised ValidationError unexpectedly')
Beispiel #9
 def test_valid(self):
     Test case for the validate_str_substitution function for a valid
     number of specifiers.
     template = '{0} just right {1}'
     value_count = 2
         validate_str_substitution(template, value_count)
     except ValidationError:'Name raised ValidationError unexpectedly')