def main(argv): args = parse_args(argv) manifest_output = args.output + '.manifest' with open(manifest_output, 'w') as manifest: # Write the Dart tree. for root, dirs, files in os.walk(DART_ROOT): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in EXCLUDE_DIRS] for file in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, file) relpath = filepath[len(DART_ROOT) + 1:] fuchsiapath = os.path.join(FUCHSIA_TEST_MANIFEST_PREFIX, relpath) manifest.write( '%s=%s\n' % (fuchsiapath, os.path.join(root, file))) dart_conf = utils.GetBuildConf(args.mode, args.arch) dart_out = os.path.join(FUCHSIA_TEST_MANIFEST_PREFIX, 'out', dart_conf) fuchsia_conf = '%s-%s' % (args.mode, fuchsia_arch(args.arch)) fuchsia_out = os.path.join(FUCHSIA_ROOT, 'out', fuchsia_conf) for file in BINARY_FILES: manifest.write('%s=%s\n' % (os.path.join(dart_out, file), os.path.join(fuchsia_out, file))) return 0
def main(argv): #allow local editor builds to deploy to a different bucket if os.environ.has_key('DART_LOCAL_BUILD'): gsdir = os.environ['DART_LOCAL_BUILD'] else: gsdir = GS_DIR if not os.path.exists(argv[1]): sys.stderr.write('Path not found: %s\n' % argv[1]) Usage(argv[0]) return 1 if not os.path.exists(GSUTIL): #TODO: Determine where we are running, if we're running on a buildbot we #should fail with a message. #If we are not on a buildbot then fail silently. utils.Touch(os.path.join(argv[1], 'upload.stamp')) exit(0) revision = utils.GetSVNRevision() if revision is None: sys.stderr.write('Unable to find SVN revision.\n') return 1 os.chdir(os.path.dirname(argv[1])) if (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(argv[1])) == utils.GetBuildConf('release', 'ia32')): sdk_suffix = '' else: sdk_suffix = '-debug' # TODO(dgrove) - deal with architectures that are not ia32. sdk_file_zip = '' % (utils.GuessOS(), revision, sdk_suffix) sdk_file_targz = 'dart-%s-%s%s.tar.gz' % (utils.GuessOS(), revision, sdk_suffix) if (os.path.exists(SDK_LOCAL_ZIP)): os.remove(SDK_LOCAL_ZIP) if (os.path.exists(SDK_LOCAL_TARGZ)): os.remove(SDK_LOCAL_TARGZ) if platform.system() == 'Windows': # Windows does not have zip. We use the 7 zip utility in third party. ExecuteCommand([os.path.join('..', 'third_party', '7zip', '7za'), 'a', '-tzip', SDK_LOCAL_ZIP, os.path.basename(argv[1])]) else: ExecuteCommand(['zip', '-yr', SDK_LOCAL_ZIP, os.path.basename(argv[1])]) ExecuteCommand(['tar', 'czf', SDK_LOCAL_TARGZ, os.path.basename(argv[1])]) UploadArchive(SDK_LOCAL_ZIP, GS_SITE + '/'.join([gsdir, GS_SDK_DIR, sdk_file_zip])) if (os.path.exists(SDK_LOCAL_TARGZ)): UploadArchive(SDK_LOCAL_TARGZ, GS_SITE + '/'.join([gsdir, GS_SDK_DIR, sdk_file_targz])) latest_name_zip = '' % (utils.GuessOS(), sdk_suffix) latest_name_targz = 'dart-%s-latest%s.tar.gz' % (utils.GuessOS(), sdk_suffix) UploadArchive(SDK_LOCAL_ZIP, GS_SITE + '/'.join([gsdir, GS_SDK_DIR, latest_name_zip])) if (os.path.exists(SDK_LOCAL_TARGZ)): UploadArchive(SDK_LOCAL_TARGZ, GS_SITE + '/'.join([gsdir, GS_SDK_DIR, latest_name_targz])) utils.Touch('upload.stamp')
def main(): GetOptions() SetGsutil() # Execute Docgen.dart on the SDK. utils.ExecuteCommand(['python', '', '-d']) # Use SVN Revision to get the revision number. revision = None if trustSVN: revision = utils.GetSVNRevision() if revision is None: # Try to find the version from the dart-sdk folder. revision_file_location = abspath( join( dirname(__file__), '../../../%s/%s/dart-sdk/revision' % (utils.BUILD_ROOT[utils.GuessOS()], utils.GetBuildConf('release', utils.GuessArchitecture())))) with open(revision_file_location, 'r') as revision_file: revision = revision_file.readline(5) revision_file.close() if revision is None: raise Exception("Unable to find revision. ") # Upload the all files in Docs into a folder based off Revision number on # Cloud Storage. # TODO(alanknight): If we give it ./docs/* it fails to upload files in the # subdirectory, probably due to escaping. Work around it by changing dir. # Better, generalize this to be less dependent on the working directory. os.chdir('docs') Upload('.', GS_SITE + '/' + revision + '/') os.chdir('..') # Update VERSION file in Cloud Storage. with open('VERSION', 'w') as version_file: version_file.write(revision) version_file.close() Upload('./VERSION', GS_SITE + '/VERSION') Upload('./VERSION', GS_SITE + '/' + revision + '/' + 'VERSION') # Clean up the files it creates. utils.ExecuteCommand(['rm', '-rf', './docs']) utils.ExecuteCommand(['rm', '-f', './VERSION'])
def BuildOneConfig(options, targets, target_os, mode, arch, sanitizer): build_config = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch, target_os, sanitizer) out_dir = utils.GetBuildRoot(HOST_OS, mode, arch, target_os, sanitizer) using_goma = False command = ['ninja', '-C', out_dir] if options.verbose: command += ['-v'] if UseGoma(out_dir): if options.no_start_goma or EnsureGomaStarted(out_dir): using_goma = True command += [('-j%s' % str(options.j))] command += [('-l%s' % str(options.l))] else: # If we couldn't ensure that goma is started, let the build start, but # slowly so we can see any helpful error messages that pop out. command += ['-j1'] command += targets return (build_config, command, using_goma)
def BuildOneConfig(options, targets, target_os, mode, arch, kbc): build_config = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch, target_os, kbc=kbc) out_dir = utils.GetBuildRoot(HOST_OS, mode, arch, target_os, kbc=kbc) using_goma = False # TODO(zra): Remove auto-run of gn, replace with prompt for user to run # manually. if ShouldRunGN(out_dir): RunGN(target_os, mode, arch) command = ['ninja', '-C', out_dir] if options.verbose: command += ['-v'] if UseGoma(out_dir): if options.no_start_goma or EnsureGomaStarted(out_dir): using_goma = True command += [('-j%s' % str(options.j))] else: # If we couldn't ensure that goma is started, let the build start, but # slowly so we can see any helpful error messages that pop out. command += ['-j1'] command += targets return (build_config, command, using_goma)
def Main(): utils.ConfigureJava() # Parse the options. parser = BuildOptions() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not ProcessOptions(options, args): parser.print_help() return 1 # Determine which targets to build. By default we build the "all" target. if len(args) == 0: if HOST_OS == 'macos': targets = ['All'] else: targets = ['samples'] else: targets = args filter_xcodebuild_output = False # Remember path old_path = os.environ['PATH'] # Build all targets for each requested configuration. for target in targets: for target_os in options.os: for mode in options.mode: for arch in options.arch: os.environ['DART_BUILD_MODE'] = mode build_config = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch) if HOST_OS == 'macos': filter_xcodebuild_output = True project_file = 'dart.xcodeproj' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.xcodeproj' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName( ) args = [ 'xcodebuild', '-project', project_file, '-target', target, '-configuration', build_config, 'SYMROOT=%s' % os.path.abspath('xcodebuild') ] elif HOST_OS == 'win32': project_file = 'dart.sln' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.sln' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName( ) if target == 'all': args = [ options.devenv + os.sep + options.executable, '/build', build_config, project_file ] else: args = [ options.devenv + os.sep + options.executable, '/build', build_config, '/project', target, project_file ] else: make = 'make' if HOST_OS == 'freebsd': make = 'gmake' # work around lack of flock os.environ['LINK'] = '$(CXX)' args = [ make, '-j', options.j, 'BUILDTYPE=' + build_config, ] if target_os != HOST_OS: args += [ 'builddir_name=' + utils.GetBuildDir(HOST_OS, target_os) ] if options.verbose: args += ['V=1'] args += [target] if target_os != HOST_OS: SetCrossCompilationEnvironment(HOST_OS, target_os, arch, old_path) else: gypDefinesList = ['target_arch=%s' % arch] os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] = ' '.join(gypDefinesList) RunhooksIfNeeded(HOST_OS, mode, arch, target_os) toolchainprefix = None if target_os == 'android': if arch == 'ia32': toolchainprefix = ('%s/i686-linux-android' % os.environ['ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN']) if arch == 'arm': toolchainprefix = ('%s/arm-linux-androideabi' % os.environ['ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN']) sysroot = os.environ[ 'ANDROID_NDK_ROOT'] + "/platforms/android-19/arch-arm" args.append("CFLAGS=--sysroot=" + sysroot) args.append( "CXXFLAGS=-Ithird_party/dart/third_party/android_tools/ndk/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/stlport/ --sysroot=" + sysroot) args.append("LDFLAGS=--sysroot=" + sysroot) toolsOverride = SetTools(arch, toolchainprefix) if toolsOverride: printToolOverrides = target_os != 'android' for k, v in toolsOverride.iteritems(): args.append(k + "=" + v) if printToolOverrides: print k + " = " + v if not os.path.isfile(toolsOverride['']): if arch == 'arm': print arm_cc_error else: print "Couldn't find compiler: %s" % toolsOverride[ ''] return 1 process = None if filter_xcodebuild_output: process = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=None, bufsize=1, # Line buffered. stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) FilterEmptyXcodebuildSections(process) else: process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=None) process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: print "BUILD FAILED" return 1 return 0
def BuildOneConfig(options, target, target_os, mode, arch, override_tools): global filter_xcodebuild_output start_time = time.time() args = [] build_config = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch, target_os) if not options.gyp: args = BuildNinjaCommand(options, target, target_os, mode, arch) else: os.environ['DART_BUILD_MODE'] = mode if HOST_OS == 'macos': filter_xcodebuild_output = True project_file = 'dart.xcodeproj' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.xcodeproj' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName() if target == 'all': target = 'All' args = ['xcodebuild', '-project', project_file, '-target', target, '-configuration', build_config, 'SYMROOT=%s' % os.path.abspath('xcodebuild') ] elif HOST_OS == 'win32': project_file = 'dart.sln' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.sln' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName() # Select a platform suffix to pass to devenv. if arch == 'ia32': platform_suffix = 'Win32' elif arch == 'x64': platform_suffix = 'x64' else: print 'Unsupported arch for MSVC build: %s' % arch return 1 config_name = '%s|%s' % (build_config, platform_suffix) if target == 'all': args = [options.devenv + os.sep + options.executable, '/build', config_name, project_file ] else: args = [options.devenv + os.sep + options.executable, '/build', config_name, '/project', target, project_file ] else: make = 'make' if HOST_OS == 'freebsd': make = 'gmake' # work around lack of flock os.environ['LINK'] = '$(CXX)' args = [make, '-j', options.j, 'BUILDTYPE=' + build_config, ] if target_os != HOST_OS: args += ['builddir_name=' + utils.GetBuildDir(HOST_OS)] if options.verbose: args += ['V=1'] args += [target] toolsOverride = None if override_tools: toolsOverride = SetTools(arch, target_os, options) if toolsOverride: for k, v in toolsOverride.iteritems(): args.append( k + "=" + v) if options.verbose: print k + " = " + v if not os.path.isfile(toolsOverride['']): if arch == 'arm': print arm_cc_error else: print "Couldn't find compiler: %s" % toolsOverride[''] return 1 print ' '.join(args) process = None if filter_xcodebuild_output: process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=None, bufsize=1, # Line buffered. stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) FilterEmptyXcodebuildSections(process) else: process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=None) process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: NotifyBuildDone(build_config, success=False, start=start_time) return 1 else: NotifyBuildDone(build_config, success=True, start=start_time) return 0
def Main(): utils.ConfigureJava() # Parse the options. parser = BuildOptions() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not ProcessOptions(options): parser.print_help() return 1 # Determine which targets to build. By default we build the "all" target. if len(args) == 0: if HOST_OS == 'macos': target = 'All' else: target = 'all' else: target = args[0] # Build the targets for each requested configuration. for mode in options.mode: for arch in options.arch: build_config = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch) if HOST_OS == 'macos': project_file = 'dart.xcodeproj' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.xcodeproj' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName( ) args = [ 'xcodebuild', '-project', project_file, '-target', target, '-parallelizeTargets', '-configuration', build_config, 'SYMROOT=%s' % os.path.abspath('xcodebuild') ] elif HOST_OS == 'win32': project_file = 'dart.sln' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.sln' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName() if target == 'all': args = [ options.devenv + os.sep + '', '/build', build_config, project_file ] else: args = [ options.devenv + os.sep + '', '/build', build_config, '/project', target, project_file ] else: make = 'make' if HOST_OS == 'freebsd': make = 'gmake' # work around lack of flock os.environ['LINK'] = '$(CXX)' args = [ make, '-j', options.j, 'BUILDTYPE=' + build_config, ] if options.verbose: args += ['V=1'] args += [target] toolsOverride = setTools(arch) if toolsOverride: for k, v in toolsOverride.iteritems(): args.append(k + "=" + v) print k + " = " + v print ' '.join(args) process = subprocess.Popen(args) process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: print "BUILD FAILED" return 1 return 0
def _GetNativeDest(self, mode, name): return path.join('native', self._os, utils.GetBuildConf(mode, 'ia32'), name)
def GetBuildConf(self, mode, arch): result = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch) return result
def Main(): utils.ConfigureJava() # Parse the options. parser = BuildOptions() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not ProcessOptions(options, args): parser.print_help() return 1 # Determine which targets to build. By default we build the "all" target. if len(args) == 0: if HOST_OS == 'macos': targets = ['All'] else: targets = ['all'] else: targets = args filter_xcodebuild_output = False # Build all targets for each requested configuration. for target in targets: for target_os in options.os: for mode in options.mode: for arch in options.arch: start_time = time.time() os.environ['DART_BUILD_MODE'] = mode build_config = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch, target_os) if HOST_OS == 'macos': filter_xcodebuild_output = True project_file = 'dart.xcodeproj' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.xcodeproj' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName( ) args = [ 'xcodebuild', '-project', project_file, '-target', target, '-configuration', build_config, 'SYMROOT=%s' % os.path.abspath('xcodebuild') ] elif HOST_OS == 'win32': project_file = 'dart.sln' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.sln' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName( ) if target == 'all': args = [ options.devenv + os.sep + options.executable, '/build', build_config, project_file ] else: args = [ options.devenv + os.sep + options.executable, '/build', build_config, '/project', target, project_file ] else: make = 'make' if HOST_OS == 'freebsd': make = 'gmake' # work around lack of flock os.environ['LINK'] = '$(CXX)' args = [ make, '-j', options.j, 'BUILDTYPE=' + build_config, ] if target_os != HOST_OS: args += [ 'builddir_name=' + utils.GetBuildDir(HOST_OS, target_os) ] if options.verbose: args += ['V=1'] args += [target] toolchainprefix = options.toolchain toolsOverride = SetTools(arch, target_os, toolchainprefix) if toolsOverride: for k, v in toolsOverride.iteritems(): args.append(k + "=" + v) if options.verbose: print k + " = " + v if not os.path.isfile(toolsOverride['']): if arch == 'arm': print arm_cc_error else: print "Couldn't find compiler: %s" % toolsOverride[ ''] return 1 print ' '.join(args) process = None if filter_xcodebuild_output: process = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=None, bufsize=1, # Line buffered. stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) FilterEmptyXcodebuildSections(process) else: process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=None) process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: NotifyBuildDone(build_config, success=False, start=start_time) return 1 else: NotifyBuildDone(build_config, success=True, start=start_time) return 0
def Main(argv): # Pull in all of the gpyi files which will be munged into the sdk. builtin_runtime_sources = \ (eval(open("runtime/bin/builtin_sources.gypi").read()))['sources'] corelib_sources = \ (eval(open("corelib/src/corelib_sources.gypi").read()))['sources'] corelib_frog_sources = \ (eval(open("frog/lib/frog_corelib_sources.gypi").read()))['sources'] corelib_runtime_sources = \ (eval(open("runtime/lib/lib_sources.gypi").read()))['sources'] corelib_compiler_sources = \ (eval(open("compiler/compiler_corelib_sources.gypi").read())) \ ['variables']['compiler_corelib_resources'] coreimpl_sources = \ (eval(open("corelib/src/implementation/corelib_impl_sources.gypi").read()))\ ['sources'] coreimpl_frog_sources = \ (eval(open("frog/lib/frog_coreimpl_sources.gypi").read()))['sources'] coreimpl_runtime_sources = \ (eval(open("runtime/lib/lib_impl_sources.gypi").read()))['sources'] json_compiler_sources = \ (eval(open("compiler/jsonlib_sources.gypi").read())) \ ['variables']['jsonlib_resources'] json_frog_sources = \ (eval(open("frog/lib/frog_json_sources.gypi").read()))['sources'] HOME = dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))) SDK_tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() SDK = argv[1] # TODO(dgrove) - deal with architectures that are not ia32. if (os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(SDK)) != utils.GetBuildConf( 'release', 'ia32')): print "SDK is not built in Debug mode." if not os.path.exists(SDK): # leave empty dir behind os.makedirs(SDK) exit(0) if exists(SDK): rmtree(SDK) # Create and populate sdk/bin. BIN = join(SDK_tmp, 'bin') os.makedirs(BIN) # Copy the Dart VM binary into sdk/bin. # TODO(dgrove) - deal with architectures that are not ia32. build_dir = utils.GetBuildRoot(utils.GuessOS(), 'release', 'ia32') if utils.GuessOS() == 'win32': # TODO(dgrove) - deal with frogc.bat dart_src_binary = join(HOME, build_dir, 'dart.exe') dart_dest_binary = join(BIN, 'dart.exe') else: frogc_src_binary = join(HOME, 'frog', 'frogc') dart_src_binary = join(HOME, build_dir, 'dart') dart_dest_binary = join(BIN, 'dart') frogc_dest_binary = join(BIN, 'frogc') copyfile(dart_src_binary, dart_dest_binary) copymode(dart_src_binary, dart_dest_binary) copyfile(frogc_src_binary, frogc_dest_binary) copymode(frogc_src_binary, frogc_dest_binary) # Create sdk/bin/frogc.dart, and hack as needed. frog_src_dir = join(HOME, 'frog') # Convert frogc.dart's imports from import('*') -> import('frog/*'). frogc_contents = open(join(frog_src_dir, 'frogc.dart')).read() frogc_dest = open(join(BIN, 'frogc.dart'), 'w') frogc_dest.write( re.sub("#import\('", "#import('../lib/frog/", frogc_contents)) frogc_dest.close() # TODO(dgrove): copy and fix up frog.dart, minfrogc.dart. # # Create and populate sdk/lib. # LIB = join(SDK_tmp, 'lib') os.makedirs(LIB) corelib_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'core') os.makedirs(corelib_dest_dir) os.makedirs(join(corelib_dest_dir, 'compiler')) os.makedirs(join(corelib_dest_dir, 'frog')) os.makedirs(join(corelib_dest_dir, 'runtime')) coreimpl_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'coreimpl') os.makedirs(coreimpl_dest_dir) os.makedirs(join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'compiler')) os.makedirs(join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'frog')) os.makedirs(join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'frog', 'node')) os.makedirs(join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'runtime')) # # Create and populate lib/runtime. # builtin_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'builtin') os.makedirs(builtin_dest_dir) os.makedirs(join(builtin_dest_dir, 'runtime')) for filename in builtin_runtime_sources: if filename.endswith('.dart'): copyfile(join(HOME, 'runtime', 'bin', filename), join(builtin_dest_dir, 'runtime', filename)) # Construct lib/builtin/builtin_runtime.dart from whole cloth. dest_file = open(join(builtin_dest_dir, 'builtin_runtime.dart'), 'w') dest_file.write('#library("dart:builtin");\n') for filename in builtin_runtime_sources: if filename.endswith('.dart'): dest_file.write('#source("runtime/' + filename + '");\n') dest_file.close() # # Create and populate lib/frog. # frog_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'frog') os.makedirs(frog_dest_dir) for filename in os.listdir(frog_src_dir): if filename == 'frog_options.dart': # change config from 'dev' to 'sdk' in frog_options.dart frog_options_contents = open(join(frog_src_dir, filename)).read() frog_options_dest = open(join(frog_dest_dir, filename), 'w') frog_options_dest.write( re.sub("final config = \'dev\';", "final config = \'sdk\';", frog_options_contents)) frog_options_dest.close() elif filename.endswith('.dart'): copyfile(join(frog_src_dir, filename), join(frog_dest_dir, filename)) copytree(join(frog_src_dir, 'leg'), join(frog_dest_dir, 'leg'), ignore=ignore_patterns('.svn')) # # Create and populate lib/html and lib/htmlimpl. # html_src_dir = join(HOME, 'client', 'html') html_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'html') os.makedirs(html_dest_dir) htmlimpl_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'htmlimpl') os.makedirs(htmlimpl_dest_dir) copyfile(join(html_src_dir, 'release', 'html.dart'), join(html_dest_dir, 'html.dart')) copyfile(join(html_src_dir, 'release', 'htmlimpl.dart'), join(htmlimpl_dest_dir, 'htmlimpl.dart')) # TODO(dgrove): prune the correct files in html and htmlimpl. for target_dir in [html_dest_dir, htmlimpl_dest_dir]: copytree(join(html_src_dir, 'src'), join(target_dir, 'src'), ignore=ignore_patterns('.svn')) copytree(join(html_src_dir, 'generated'), join(target_dir, 'generated'), ignore=ignore_patterns('.svn')) # # Create and populate lib/json. # json_frog_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'json', 'frog') json_compiler_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'json', 'compiler') os.makedirs(json_frog_dest_dir) os.makedirs(json_compiler_dest_dir) for filename in json_frog_sources: copyfile(join(HOME, 'frog', 'lib', filename), join(json_frog_dest_dir, filename)) for filename in json_compiler_sources: copyfile(join(HOME, 'compiler', filename), join(json_compiler_dest_dir, os.path.basename(filename))) # Create json_compiler.dart and json_frog.dart from whole cloth. dest_file = open(join(LIB, 'json', 'json_compiler.dart'), 'w') dest_file.write('#library("dart:json");\n') dest_file.write('#import("compiler/json.dart");\n') dest_file.close() dest_file = open(join(LIB, 'json', 'json_frog.dart'), 'w') dest_file.write('#library("dart:json");\n') dest_file.write('#import("frog/json.dart");\n') dest_file.close() # # Create and populate lib/dom. # dom_src_dir = join(HOME, 'client', 'dom') dom_dest_dir = join(LIB, 'dom') os.makedirs(dom_dest_dir) for filename in os.listdir(dom_src_dir): src_file = join(dom_src_dir, filename) dest_file = join(dom_dest_dir, filename) if filename.endswith('.dart') or filename.endswith('.js'): copyfile(src_file, dest_file) elif isdir(src_file): if filename not in [ 'benchmarks', 'idl', 'scripts', 'snippets', '.svn' ]: copytree(src_file, dest_file, ignore=ignore_patterns('.svn', 'interface', 'wrapping', '*monkey*')) # # Create and populate lib/core. # # First, copy corelib/* to lib/{compiler, frog, runtime} for filename in corelib_sources: for target_dir in ['compiler', 'frog', 'runtime']: copyfile(join('corelib', 'src', filename), join(corelib_dest_dir, target_dir, filename)) # Next, copy the compiler sources on top of {core,coreimpl}/compiler for filename in corelib_compiler_sources: if filename.endswith('.dart'): filename = re.sub('lib/', '', filename) if (not filename.startswith('implementation/') and not filename.startswith('corelib')): copyfile(join('compiler', 'lib', filename), join(corelib_dest_dir, 'compiler', filename)) # Next, copy the frog library source on top of core/frog # TOOD(dgrove): move json to top-level for filename in corelib_frog_sources: copyfile(join('frog', 'lib', filename), join(corelib_dest_dir, 'frog', filename)) # Next, copy the runtime library source on top of core/runtime for filename in corelib_runtime_sources: if filename.endswith('.dart'): copyfile(join('runtime', 'lib', filename), join(corelib_dest_dir, 'runtime', filename)) # # At this point, it's time to create lib/core/core*dart . # # munge frog/lib/corelib.dart into lib/core_frog.dart . src_file = join('frog', 'lib', 'corelib.dart') dest_file = open(join(corelib_dest_dir, 'core_frog.dart'), 'w') contents = open(src_file).read() contents = re.sub('source\(\"../../corelib/src/', 'source(\"', contents) contents = re.sub("source\(\"", "source(\"frog/", contents) dest_file.write(contents) dest_file.close() # construct lib/core_runtime.dart from whole cloth. dest_file = open(join(corelib_dest_dir, 'core_runtime.dart'), 'w') dest_file.write('#library("dart:core");\n') dest_file.write('#import("dart:coreimpl");\n') for filename in corelib_sources: dest_file.write('#source("runtime/' + filename + '");\n') for filename in corelib_runtime_sources: if filename.endswith('.dart'): dest_file.write('#source("runtime/' + filename + '");\n') dest_file.close() # construct lib/core_compiler.dart from whole cloth. dest_file = open(join(corelib_dest_dir, 'core_compiler.dart'), 'w') dest_file.write('#library("dart:core");\n') dest_file.write('#import("dart:coreimpl");\n') for filename in os.listdir(join(corelib_dest_dir, 'compiler')): dest_file.write('#import("compiler/' + filename + '");\n') dest_file.close() # # Create and populate lib/coreimpl. # # First, copy corelib/src/implementation to corelib/{compiler, frog, runtime}. for filename in coreimpl_sources: for target_dir in ['compiler', 'frog', 'runtime']: copyfile(join('corelib', 'src', 'implementation', filename), join(coreimpl_dest_dir, target_dir, filename)) # Next, copy {compiler, frog, runtime}-specific implementations. for filename in corelib_compiler_sources: if (filename.endswith(".dart")): if filename.startswith("lib/implementation/"): filename = os.path.basename(filename) copyfile(join('compiler', 'lib', 'implementation', filename), join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'compiler', filename)) for filename in coreimpl_frog_sources: copyfile(join('frog', 'lib', filename), join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'frog', filename)) for filename in coreimpl_runtime_sources: if filename.endswith('.dart'): copyfile(join('runtime', 'lib', filename), join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'runtime', filename)) # Create and fix up lib/coreimpl/coreimpl_frog.dart . src_file = join('frog', 'lib', 'corelib_impl.dart') dest_file = open(join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'coreimpl_frog.dart'), 'w') contents = open(src_file).read() contents = re.sub('source\(\"../../corelib/src/implementation/', 'source(\"', contents) contents = re.sub('source\(\"', 'source(\"frog/', contents) dest_file.write(contents) dest_file.close() # Construct lib/coreimpl/coreimpl_runtime.dart from whole cloth. dest_file = open(join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'coreimpl_runtime.dart'), 'w') dest_file.write('#library("dart:coreimpl");\n') for filename in coreimpl_sources: dest_file.write('#source("runtime/' + filename + '");\n') for filename in coreimpl_runtime_sources: if filename.endswith('.dart'): dest_file.write('#source("runtime/' + filename + '");\n') dest_file.close() # construct lib/coreimpl_compiler.dart from whole cloth. dest_file = open(join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'coreimpl_compiler.dart'), 'w') dest_file.write('#library("dart:coreimpl");\n') for filename in os.listdir(join(coreimpl_dest_dir, 'compiler')): dest_file.write('#import("compiler/' + filename + '");\n') dest_file.close() # Create and copy tools. UTIL = join(SDK_tmp, 'util') os.makedirs(UTIL) copytree(join(HOME, 'utils', 'dartdoc'), join(UTIL, 'dartdoc'), ignore=ignore_patterns('.svn')) copytree(SDK_tmp, SDK) rmtree(SDK_tmp)
def Main(): utils.ConfigureJava() # Parse the options. parser = BuildOptions() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not ProcessOptions(options, args): parser.print_help() return 1 # Determine which targets to build. By default we build the "all" target. if len(args) == 0: if HOST_OS == 'macos': target = 'All' else: target = 'all' else: target = args[0] # Remember path old_path = os.environ['PATH'] # Build the targets for each requested configuration. for target_os in options.os: for mode in options.mode: for arch in options.arch: build_config = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch) if HOST_OS == 'macos': project_file = 'dart.xcodeproj' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.xcodeproj' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName() args = ['xcodebuild', '-project', project_file, '-target', target, '-parallelizeTargets', '-configuration', build_config, 'SYMROOT=%s' % os.path.abspath('xcodebuild') ] elif HOST_OS == 'win32': project_file = 'dart.sln' if os.path.exists('dart-%s.gyp' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName()): project_file = 'dart-%s.sln' % CurrentDirectoryBaseName() if target == 'all': args = [options.devenv + os.sep + '', '/build', build_config, project_file ] else: args = [options.devenv + os.sep + '', '/build', build_config, '/project', target, project_file ] else: make = 'make' if HOST_OS == 'freebsd': make = 'gmake' # work around lack of flock os.environ['LINK'] = '$(CXX)' args = [make, '-j', options.j, 'BUILDTYPE=' + build_config, ] if target_os != HOST_OS: args += ['builddir_name=' + utils.GetBuildDir(HOST_OS, target_os)] if options.verbose: args += ['V=1'] args += [target] if target_os != HOST_OS: SetCrossCompilationEnvironment( HOST_OS, target_os, arch, old_path) RunhooksIfNeeded(HOST_OS, mode, arch, target_os) toolchainprefix = None if target_os == 'android': toolchainprefix = ('%s/i686-linux-android' % os.environ['ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN']) toolsOverride = SetTools(arch, toolchainprefix) if toolsOverride: printToolOverrides = target_os != 'android' for k, v in toolsOverride.iteritems(): args.append( k + "=" + v) if printToolOverrides: print k + " = " + v print ' '.join(args) process = subprocess.Popen(args) process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: print "BUILD FAILED" return 1 return 0
""" import optparse import os from os.path import join, dirname, abspath, exists import platform import subprocess import sys sys.path.append(abspath(join(dirname(__file__), '../../../tools'))) import utils DART = abspath( join( dirname(__file__), '../../../%s/%s/dart-sdk/bin/dart' % (utils.BUILD_ROOT[utils.GuessOS()], utils.GetBuildConf('release', utils.GuessArchitecture())))) PACKAGE_ROOT = abspath( join( dirname(__file__), '../../../%s/%s/packages/' % (utils.BUILD_ROOT[utils.GuessOS()], utils.GetBuildConf('release', utils.GuessArchitecture())))) GSUTIL = utils.GetBuildbotGSUtilPath() GS_SITE = 'gs://dartlang-docgen' DESCRIPTION = 'Runs docgen.dart on the SDK libraries, and uploads them to Google \ Cloud Storage for the dartdoc-viewer. ' # Allow us to override checking SVN's revision number. Useful for development # so we can upload docs from a branch using an SDK that was built on a # revision newer than when the branch was forked. trustSVN = None