def main(): utils.TITLE("Proximity Analysis") FILENAME = input("Enter .pdb file path...\t\t") PRT = utils.PDB(FILENAME).prot SEL_CHAIN = input("Select chain...\t\t\t") SEL_RSN = input("Select residue...\t\t") print("\nDetected Atom Type in", SEL_RSN, PRT[SEL_CHAIN][SEL_RSN][0][2], ":\n") for i in PRT[SEL_CHAIN][SEL_RSN]: print(">> ", i[1]) SEL_AT = input("\nSelect Atom Type:\t\t") TGT = [i for i in PRT[SEL_CHAIN][SEL_RSN] if i[1] == SEL_AT][0] DIST_TGT = {} for i in PRT[SEL_CHAIN]: for j in PRT[SEL_CHAIN][i]: distance = utils.dist([TGT[5], TGT[6], TGT[7]], [j[5], j[6], j[7]]) if j[4] not in DIST_TGT: DIST_TGT[j[4]] = distance elif j[4] in DIST_TGT: if distance < float(DIST_TGT[j[4]]): DIST_TGT[j[4]] = distance else: print("ERROR!") RES = [] try: THR_DIST = float(input("Select cutoff distance...\t")) for i in DIST_TGT: if DIST_TGT[i] <= THR_DIST and PRT[SEL_CHAIN][i][0][2] in POS_AA: RES.append(i) print("{}\t{:.3f}\t{}\t+1".format(i, DIST_TGT[i], PRT[SEL_CHAIN][i][0][2])) elif DIST_TGT[i] <= THR_DIST and PRT[SEL_CHAIN][i][0][2] in NEG_AA: RES.append(i) print("{}\t{:.3f}\t{}\t-1".format(i, DIST_TGT[i], PRT[SEL_CHAIN][i][0][2])) elif DIST_TGT[i] <= THR_DIST: RES.append(i) print("{}\t{:.3f}\t{}".format(i, DIST_TGT[i], PRT[SEL_CHAIN][i][0][2])) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Interrupted by user") try: sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: os._exit(0) cps = input( "\nPass the selected residues to the Catalytic Pocket Selector module? [y/n]:\t" ) if cps == 'y': pro_pru.main(FILENAME, SEL_CHAIN, RES) else: utils.NT()
def main(): def multiple_parser(inp_list): """Multiple input parser""" out_list = [] for k in inp_list: if "-" in k: for li in range(int(k.split("-")[0]), int(k.split("-")[1]) + 1): if int(li) not in out_list: out_list.append(int(li)) else: if int(k) not in out_list: out_list.append(int(k)) return out_list utils.TITLE("Trajectory Pruning") TRJ = utils.TRJ(input("Enter trajectory file path...\t")) K_LIST = input("\nSnapshot groups to extract? (e.g. 1-5 6-10)\t").split() K_LISTD = [multiple_parser([i]) for i in K_LIST] for trj_n, sna_list in enumerate(K_LISTD): with open("./TRJ_{}.xyz".format(str(trj_n)), 'a') as out: for idx_i, val_i in enumerate(TRJ.trajectory): if idx_i + 1 in sna_list: out.write("{}\n".format(str(TRJ.natoms))) out.write("Trajectory {}\n".format(idx_i + 1)) for j in val_i: out.write("{} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f} \n".format( j[0], j[1], j[2], j[3])) utils.NT()
def main(path): utils.TITLE("NEB Visualizer (ORCA)") fig = go.Figure() with open(path) as file: lines = file.readlines() idx_pts = [] idx_int = [] for idx, val in enumerate(lines): if "Images:" in val: idx_pts.append(idx + 1) elif "Interp.:" in val: idx_int.append(idx + 1) pts_n = idx_int[0] - 6 if len(idx_pts) != 1: int_n = idx_pts[1] - idx_int[0] - 3 else: int_n = len(lines) - idx_int[0] for i in idx_pts: if i == idx_pts[0]: x = [float(lines[j].split()[0]) for j in range(i, i + pts_n)] y = [float(lines[j].split()[2]) * utils.ha2kcal for j in range(i, i + pts_n)] fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', name='markers', marker=dict(color='darkorange'))) elif i == idx_pts[-1]: x = [float(lines[j].split()[0]) for j in range(i, i + pts_n)] y = [float(lines[j].split()[2]) * utils.ha2kcal for j in range(i, i + pts_n)] fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', name='markers', marker=dict(color='cornflowerblue'))) else: x = [float(lines[j].split()[0]) for j in range(i, i + pts_n)] y = [float(lines[j].split()[2]) * utils.ha2kcal for j in range(i, i + pts_n)] fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', name='markers', marker=dict(color='gainsboro'))) for i in idx_int: if i == idx_int[0]: x = [float(lines[j].split()[0]) for j in range(i, i + int_n)] y = [float(lines[j].split()[2]) * utils.ha2kcal for j in range(i, i + int_n)] fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', name='lines', line=dict(color='darkorange'))) elif i == idx_int[-1]: x = [float(lines[j].split()[0]) for j in range(i, i + int_n)] y = [float(lines[j].split()[2]) * utils.ha2kcal for j in range(i, i + int_n)] fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', name='lines', line=dict(color='cornflowerblue'))) else: x = [float(lines[j].split()[0]) for j in range(i, i + int_n)] y = [float(lines[j].split()[2]) * utils.ha2kcal for j in range(i, i + int_n)] fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='lines', name='lines', line=dict(color='gainsboro'))) fig.update_layout( title="ORCA Nudged Elastic Band ", xaxis_title="Iteration", yaxis_title="E / kcal mol<sup>-1</sup>", template="plotly_white", showlegend=False ) utils.NT()
def main(): utils.TITLE("Trajectory Analyzer/Freezer") cat_d = [[], [], [], []] TRJ = utils.TRJ(input("Enter trajectory file path...\t")) print("\nATOM\tELEM\tSTD\t\tSTATUS\n") for i in range(0, TRJ.natoms): tmp = [] for j in range(0, TRJ.nspas): tmp.append(TRJ.trajectory[j][i][1:]) atom_std = np.std(tmp, axis=0) if np.sum(atom_std) < 0.001: FRZ_STATUS = "FROZEN" cat_d[0].append(i + 1) elif np.sum(atom_std) >= 0.001 and np.sum(atom_std) < 0.3: FRZ_STATUS = "+" cat_d[1].append(i + 1) elif np.sum(atom_std) >= 0.3 and np.sum(atom_std) < 0.5: FRZ_STATUS = "++" cat_d[2].append(i + 1) elif np.sum(atom_std) >= 0.5: FRZ_STATUS = "+++" cat_d[3].append(i + 1) print("{}\t{}\t{:.5f}\t\t{}".format(i + 1, TRJ.trajectory[j][i][0], np.sum(atom_std), FRZ_STATUS)) print("\nDISPLACEMENTS\tATOMS\n") print("FROZEN:\t\t{}".format(" ".join([str(i) for i in cat_d[0]]))) print("LOW:\t\t{}".format(" ".join([str(i) for i in cat_d[1]]))) print("MEDIUM:\t\t{}".format(" ".join([str(i) for i in cat_d[2]]))) print("HIGH:\t\t{}".format(" ".join([str(i) for i in cat_d[3]]))) FRZ_LIST = input( "\nDo you want to CONSTRAIN some particular atom along the TRJ?\n\n" ).split() FRZ_LIST = [int(i) for i in FRZ_LIST] with open("./", 'a') as out: for idx_i, val_i in enumerate(TRJ.trajectory): out.write("{}\n".format(str(TRJ.natoms))) out.write("Trajectory {}\n".format(idx_i + 1)) for idx_j, val_j in enumerate(val_i): if idx_j + 1 in FRZ_LIST: out.write("{} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f} \n".format( TRJ.trajectory[0][idx_j][0], TRJ.trajectory[0][idx_j][1], TRJ.trajectory[0][idx_j][2], TRJ.trajectory[0][idx_j][3])) else: out.write("{} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f} \n".format( val_j[0], val_j[1], val_j[2], val_j[3])) utils.NT()
def main(): def multiple_parser(inp_list): """Multiple input parser""" out_list = [] for k in inp_list: if "-" in k: for li in range(int(k.split("-")[0]), int(k.split("-")[1]) + 1): if int(li) not in out_list: out_list.append(int(li)) else: if int(k) not in out_list: out_list.append(int(k)) return out_list utils.TITLE("CONSTRAINTS GENERATOR") FILENAME = input("Enter .xyz file path...\t\t") XMOL = molecule.MOL(FILENAME) INPUT_INDEX = input( "\nEnter the element(s) to constrain.\nMultiple elements constraints are possible (e.g.: C O).\nDifferent elements must be separated by a SPACE.\nSpecial tokens are allowed (e.g.: All)\n\nSelection\n" ).split() CONST_INDEX = [] for idx, val in enumerate(XMOL.element): if val in INPUT_INDEX: CONST_INDEX.append(idx + 1) if "All" in INPUT_INDEX: CONST_INDEX = [i for i in range(1, XMOL.natoms + 1)] INPUT_INDEX = input( "\nDo you want to CONSTRAIN some particular atom?\n\n").split() for i in multiple_parser(INPUT_INDEX): if int(i) not in CONST_INDEX: CONST_INDEX.append(int(i)) INPUT_INDEX = input( "\nDo you want to UN-CONSTRAIN some particular atom?\n\n").split() for i in multiple_parser(INPUT_INDEX): if int(i) in CONST_INDEX: CONST_INDEX.remove(int(i)) FREE_INDEX = list({int(i) for i in range(1, XMOL.natoms + 1)} - set(CONST_INDEX)) SOFT = input("\nSelect software:\n1)\tORCA\n2)\tGaussian\n3)\txTB\n") if SOFT == "1": print("\nFROZEN ATOMS:", " ".join([str(x - 1) for x in CONST_INDEX])) print("\n%GEOM") print(" Constraints") for i in CONST_INDEX: print(" {C", i - 1, "C}") print(" End") print("END") CONST_INDEX[:] = [x - 1 for x in CONST_INDEX] FREE_INDEX[:] = [x - 1 for x in FREE_INDEX] print( "\nTo project-out the immaginary frequencies due to frozen atoms in a vibrational analysis use:\n" ) print("%FREQ") print(" AnFreq False") print(" NumFreq True") print(" Partial_Hess") print(" {", " ".join(map(str, CONST_INDEX)), "}") print(" End") print("END") elif SOFT == "2": print("\nFROZEN ATOMS:", " ".join([str(x) for x in CONST_INDEX])) print( "\nModredundant syntax is available below but it is suggested to use the classical frozen syntax (Atom 0/-1 X Y Z) at the end of this report:\n" ) for i in CONST_INDEX: print("X", i, "F") print( "\nTo project-out the immaginary frequencies due to frozen atoms in a vibrational analysis change the coordinates using the frozen syntax (Atom 0/-1 X Y Z):\n" ) for idx, val in enumerate(XMOL.element): if idx + 1 in FREE_INDEX: print("{} {} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f}".format( val, "0",[idx][0],[idx][1],[idx][2])) elif idx + 1 in CONST_INDEX: print("{} {} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f}".format( val, "-1",[idx][0],[idx][1],[idx][2])) else: print("ERROR!!! Something wrong just happened... :(") elif SOFT == "3": print("\nFROZEN ATOMS:", " ".join([str(x) for x in CONST_INDEX])) XTB_OPT = input( "\nDo you like to freeze atoms in hessian calculation? (All immaginary mode due to frozen atoms will be projected out) [y/n]\n" ) print("\n$fix") for i in CONST_INDEX: print("atoms:", i) if XTB_OPT == "y": for i in CONST_INDEX: print("freeze:", i) print("end") utils.NT()
def main(FILENAME='', CHN='', RES=''): def multiple_parser(inp_list): """Multiple input parser""" out_list = [] for k in inp_list: if "-" in k: for li in range(int(k.split('-')[0]), int(k.split('-')[1]) + 1): if int(li) not in out_list: out_list.append(int(li)) else: if int(k) not in out_list: out_list.append(int(k)) return out_list def group_ranges(L): """ Collapses a list of integers into a list of the start and end of consecutive runs of numbers. Returns a generator of generators. """ for w, z in itertools.groupby( L, lambda x, y=itertools.count(): next(y) - x): grouped = list(z) yield (x for x in [grouped[0], grouped[-1]][:len(grouped)]) def saturate(C_tgt, ref_atom): """Saturate the valence of a carbon atom with hydrogen Args: C_tgt (list): Cartesian coordinate of C atom to saturate [X, Y, Z] ref_atom (list): Cartesian coordinate of an atom directly bonded to C_tgt. This is used to create a vector for the rotation of hydrogen atoms [X, Y, Z] Returns: [type]: Distance between atom_a and atom_b """ MG = [['H', -0.510365374578, -0.883978759193, 0.399020000000], ['H', 1.020730749156, 0.000000000000, 0.399020000000], ['H', -0.510365374578, 0.883978759193, 0.399020000000]] vec_MG = [0.0, 0.0, -1.4] vec_TGT = [ ref_atom[0] - C_tgt[0], ref_atom[1] - C_tgt[1], ref_atom[2] - C_tgt[2], ] rot_mat = utils.rot_mat_v(vec_MG, vec_TGT) H_end = [] for i in MG: MG_rot = np.matmul(rot_mat, np.array(i[1:4])) MG_rot = MG_rot + C_tgt H_end.append([i[0], MG_rot[0], MG_rot[1], MG_rot[2]]) return H_end utils.TITLE("Catalytic Pocket Selector") if FILENAME == '': filename = input('Enter .PDB file name...\t\t') PRO = utils.PDB(filename) SelC = input('Select chain...\t\t') SelRSN = multiple_parser(input('Select residues...\t\t').split()) else: filename = FILENAME PRO = utils.PDB(filename) SelC = CHN SelRSN = multiple_parser(RES) SelRSN.sort() GrpRSN = [list(x) for x in group_ranges(SelRSN)] print('\nNumber of groups detected...\t{}'.format(len(GrpRSN))) print('Number of terminations...\t{}'.format(2 * len(GrpRSN))) for idx, val in enumerate(GrpRSN): print('\n>> Group:\t{}'.format(str(idx + 1))) for j in range(val[0], val[-1] + 1): print('\t', PRO.prot[SelC][str(j)][0][2], str(j)) TGroup = input( '\nSelect terminations:\n1) ACE/NME\n2) Marker Atom\n3) No Terminations\n\nSelection: ' ) if TGroup == '2': Mk_Atom = input('\nWhich atom do you like to place as a marker?...\t') MOL = [] for GRP in GrpRSN: for AA in range(GRP[0], GRP[-1] + 1): for ATOM in PRO.prot[SelC][str(AA)]: MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( ATOM[8], ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) # ACE if AA == GRP[0] and TGroup == '1': for ATOM in PRO.prot[SelC][str(AA - 1)]: if ATOM[1] == 'O': MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( ATOM[8], ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) elif ATOM[1] == 'C': C_atom = ATOM MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( ATOM[8], ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) elif ATOM[1] == 'CA': CA_atom = ATOM MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( ATOM[8], ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) H_Met = saturate(CA_atom[5:8], C_atom[5:8]) for i in H_Met: MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3])) # NME if AA == GRP[-1] and TGroup == '1': for ATOM in PRO.prot[SelC][str(AA + 1)]: if ATOM[1] == 'NH': MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( ATOM[8], ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) elif ATOM[1] == 'N': C_atom = ATOM MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( ATOM[8], ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) elif ATOM[1] == 'CA': CA_atom = ATOM MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( ATOM[8], ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) H_Met = saturate(CA_atom[5:8], C_atom[5:8]) for i in H_Met: MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3])) if AA == GRP[0] and TGroup == '2': for ATOM in PRO.prot[SelC][str(AA - 1)]: if ATOM[1] == 'C': MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( Mk_Atom, ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) if AA == GRP[-1] and TGroup == '2': for ATOM in PRO.prot[SelC][str(AA + 1)]: if ATOM[1] == 'N': MOL.append("{} \t{:.3f}\t {:.3f}\t {:.3f}".format( Mk_Atom, ATOM[5], ATOM[6], ATOM[7])) with open(filename + '.' + SelC + '', 'w') as out: out.write(str(len(MOL)) + '\n') out.write('AA: ' + str(SelRSN) + ' Chain: ' + SelC + '\n') for i in MOL: out.write(i + '\n') out.close() print("\nPruned structure has been saven in: {}\n".format(filename + '.' + SelC + '')) utils.NT()
def main(): utils.TITLE("TRJ 2 Synchronous Transit-Guided Quasi-Newton") TRAJ = utils.TRJ(input("Enter trajectory file path...\t")) R_SNAP = int(input("\nSnapshot number before TS...\t")) - 1 TS_SNAP = input("Snapshot number of TS guess...\t") if TS_SNAP == "": print("Switching to a QST2 input generation...") else: print("Switching to a QST3 input generation...") TS_SNAP = int(TS_SNAP) - 1 P_SNAP = int(input("Snapshot number after TS...\t")) - 1 CHARGE = int(input("Totale charge of the system...\t")) MULT = int(input("Multiplicity of the system...\t")) FROZ = input("List of frozen atoms (if any)...\t").split() FROZ = [int(i) for i in FROZ] if TS_SNAP == "": print("\n#Opt(QST2)") else: print("\n#Opt(QST3)") print("\nReactant Guess\n") print(CHARGE, MULT) for idx, val in enumerate(TRAJ.trajectory[R_SNAP]): if FROZ != []: if idx + 1 in FROZ: FROZ_STAT = "-1" else: FROZ_STAT = "0" else: FROZ_STAT = "" print("{} {} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f}".format( val[0], FROZ_STAT, val[1], val[2], val[3])) if TS_SNAP == "": print("\n\nProduct Guess\n") else: print("\nProduct Guess\n") print(CHARGE, MULT) for idx, val in enumerate(TRAJ.trajectory[P_SNAP]): if FROZ != []: if idx + 1 in FROZ: FROZ_STAT = "-1" else: FROZ_STAT = "0" else: FROZ_STAT = "" print("{} {} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f}".format( val[0], FROZ_STAT, val[1], val[2], val[3])) if TS_SNAP != "": print("\nTS Guess\n") print(CHARGE, MULT) for idx, val in enumerate(TRAJ.trajectory[TS_SNAP]): if FROZ != []: if idx + 1 in FROZ: FROZ_STAT = "-1" else: FROZ_STAT = "0" else: FROZ_STAT = "" print("{} {} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f}".format( val[0], FROZ_STAT, val[1], val[2], val[3])) utils.NT()
def main(): def Displacement(ndim, nim, R): """ Computes straight line distances between adjacent pair of images and then sums up the distances """ displ = np.zeros(shape=(nim, )) for i in range(1, nim): R0 = R[(i - 1) * ndim:(i) * ndim] R1 = R[(i) * ndim:(i + 1) * ndim] dR = R1 - R0 displ[i] = displ[i - 1] + np.sqrt(, dR)) return displ def LinearInterpolateData(nlen, xData, yData, xnew): """ Linear interpolation of data points (xData, yData) to point xnew """ i = 0 if (xnew >= xData[nlen - 2]): i = nlen - 2 else: while (xnew > xData[i + 1]): i = i + 1 xL = xData[i] yL = yData[i] xR = xData[i + 1] yR = yData[i + 1] if (xnew < xL): yR = yL if (xnew > xR): yL = yR dydx = (yR - yL) / (xR - xL) return yL + dydx * (xnew - xL) def GenerateNewPath(ndim, nim, npoints, S, R): """ Generates new path, newR of npoints images, from path R with nim images """ newR = np.zeros(shape=(ndim * npoints, 1)) xi = np.linspace(S[0], S[-1], npoints) for i in range(ndim): Rdof = np.zeros(shape=(nim, 1)) dRdof = np.zeros(shape=(nim, 1)) for j in range(nim): Rdof[j] = R[j * ndim + i] for xpt in range(npoints): new_y = LinearInterpolateData(nim, S, Rdof, xi[xpt]) newR[xpt * ndim + i] = new_y return newR def ReadFirstLineOfFile(fname): with open(fname) as f: first_line = f.readline() return first_line def WriteTraj(fname, ndim, nim, R, E, symb3, restart="n"): if len(symb3) != ndim: raise RuntimeError("Error in WriteTraj. Dimension mismatch: symb3") if len(E) != nim: raise RuntimeError("Error in WriteTraj. Dimension mismatch: E") if len(R) != ndim * nim: raise RuntimeError("Error in WriteTraj. Dimension mismatch: R") f = open(fname, 'w') natoms = ndim / 3 for i in range(nim): hnit = R[i * ndim:(i + 1) * ndim] f.write("%i \n" % natoms) f.write('E=%12.8f \n' % E[i]) for j in range(0, len(hnit), 3): f.write('%s %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n' % (symb3[j].strip(), hnit[j], hnit[j + 1], hnit[j + 2])) if restart == "y" and i + 1 != nim: f.write('>\n') f.close() return None def ReadTraj(fname): if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise RuntimeError("File %s not found " % fname) extension = fname.split('.')[-1] # Get first line of the file (i.e. number of atoms) first_line = ReadFirstLineOfFile(fname) try: natoms = int(first_line) except: raise TypeError("%s is not correctly formatted trajectory file") ndim = natoms * 3 # begin by reading the contents of the file to a list contents = [] f = open(fname).readlines() for i, line in enumerate(f): contents.append(line) if ">\n" in contents: print('\n--ORCA Restart file detected!') contents = [i for i in contents if i != ">\n"] else: print('\n--Normal TRJ file detected!') # get number of lines and hence number of images number_of_lines = i + 1 nim = int((number_of_lines) / (natoms + 2)) RPATH = [] ind = 0 for i in range(nim): symb3 = [] ind = ind + 2 for j in range(natoms): geom_line = contents[ind] geom_line = geom_line.split() symb3.append(geom_line[0].strip()) symb3.append(geom_line[0].strip()) symb3.append(geom_line[0].strip()) RPATH.append(float(geom_line[1])) RPATH.append(float(geom_line[2])) RPATH.append(float(geom_line[3])) ind += 1 RPATH = np.reshape(RPATH, (nim * ndim, 1)) return RPATH, ndim, nim, symb3 utils.TITLE("Linear interpolation of a trajectory") # ============================================ # default values # ============================================ fname = input("Enter .xyz trajectory file path...\t") TRJ = utils.TRJ(fname) npts = int(input("\nNumber of final points...\t")) # ============================================ # Get inp arguments # ============================================ # Notice that the order of the arguments matters. for i in range(len(sys.argv)): if i == 1: fname = sys.argv[1] if i == 2: try: npts = int(sys.argv[2]) except: raise TypeError("Int. expected as a second arg") file_extension = fname.split('.')[1] # ============================================ # Read trajectory file # ============================================ name_string = fname.split('.') basename = name_string[0] file_extension = name_string[1] R, ndim, nim, symb3 = ReadTraj(fname) print('--Found %i images with %i atoms' % (nim, ndim / 3)) print('--Interpolating to %i points' % (npts)) restart = input("\nSave as a ORCA Restart file? [y/n]...\t") if npts > nim: fname_output = basename + '_exte.' + file_extension elif npts == nim: fname_output = basename + '_redistri.' + file_extension else: fname_output = basename + '_reduc.' + file_extension if restart == "y": fname_output = 'restart.allxyz' print('--output file: %s' % fname_output) # ============================================ # Perform interpolation # ============================================ S = Displacement(ndim, nim, R) newR = GenerateNewPath(ndim, nim, npts, S, R) # ============================================ # Write new trajectory file # ============================================ E = np.zeros(shape=(npts, 1)) if restart == "y": WriteTraj(fname_output, ndim, npts, newR, E, symb3, restart) else: WriteTraj(fname_output, ndim, npts, newR, E, symb3) RP_SAVE = input("\nSave R/P files? [y/n]...\t") if RP_SAVE == 'y': with open("./", 'a') as out: out.write("{}\n".format(str(TRJ.natoms))) out.write("Reactants\n") for i in TRJ.trajectory[0]: out.write("{} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f} \n".format( i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3])) with open("./", 'a') as out: out.write("{}\n".format(str(TRJ.natoms))) out.write("Products\n") for i in TRJ.trajectory[-1]: out.write("{} \t{:.10f}\t {:.10f}\t {:.10f} \n".format( i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3])) utils.NT()