Beispiel #1
def finish(id):
    with DBConn() as c:
        c.execute("UPDATE task SET finished = ? WHERE id = ?;", (datetime.datetime.utcnow(), id))
        rm_tag(c, "started", id)
        rm_tag(c, "open", id)
        add_tag(c, "closed", id)
        print_tasks(c, [id])
Beispiel #2
def mod(id, priority=None, tags=None, neg_tags=None):
    with DBConn() as c:
        if priority or priority == 0:
            c.execute("UPDATE task SET priority = ? WHERE id = ?", (priority, id))
        for tag in tags or []:
            add_tag(c, tag, id)
        for tag in neg_tags or []:
            rm_tag(c, tag, id)
Beispiel #3
def add(description, priority=None, tags=None):
    with DBConn() as c:
        id = c.execute(
            "INSERT INTO task VALUES (null, ?, ?, ?, NULL, NULL);", (description, priority, datetime.datetime.utcnow())
        for tag in tags + ["open"]:
            add_tag(c, tag, id)
        print_tasks(c, [id])
Beispiel #4
def start(id):
    with DBConn() as c:
        c.execute("UPDATE task SET started = ? WHERE id = ?;", (datetime.datetime.utcnow(), id))
        add_tag(c, "started", id)
        print_tasks(c, [id])