Beispiel #1
	def _add_to_cluster(self, cluster, _doc):
		super(WavgNetCONFIRM, self)._add_to_cluster(cluster, _doc)

		# competitive stage
		similarities = self._cluster_sim_scores(_doc)
		idx = utils.argmax(similarities)
		del similarities[idx]
		if similarities:
			idx2 = utils.argmax(similarities)
			if idx2 <= idx:
				idx2 += 1
			sim_vec2 = self.clusters[idx2].center.similarity_vector(_doc)
			self.clusters[idx2].network.learn(sim_vec2, 0.2)
Beispiel #2
def best_policy(mdp, U):
    """Given an MDP and a utility function U, determine the best policy,
    as a mapping from state to action. (Equation 17.4)"""
    pi = {}
    for s in mdp.states:
        pi[s] = argmax(mdp.actions(s), key=lambda a: expected_utility(a, s, U, mdp))
    return pi
def genetic_algorithm(problem, population, fitness_fn, ngen=1000, pmut=0.1):
  "[Fig. 4.8]"
  #MAX = 0
  for i in range(ngen):
    new_population = []
    print i, '------------'
    print '  ', MAX
    for p in population:
      print problem.value(p)
      if problem.value(p) > MAX:
        MAX = problem.value(p)
    for p in population:
      fitnesses = map(fitness_fn, population)
      s1, s2 = weighted_sample_with_replacement(population, fitnesses, 2)
      p1 = copy.copy(problem)
      p2 = copy.copy(problem)
      child = p1.mate(p2)
    population = new_population
  return utils.argmax(population, fitness_fn)
Beispiel #4
    def update(self,x,y):
        updates the ORT

        - x : list of k covariates (k x 1)
        - y : response (scalar)


        k = self.__poisson(1)
        if k == 0:
            for u in xrange(k):
                self.__age += 1
                (j,depth) = self.__findLeaf(x,self.tree)
                #if j.elem.numSamplesSeen > self.minSamples and depth < self.maxDepth: # FIXME: which is the correct approach?
                if j.elem.stats.n > self.minSamples and depth < self.maxDepth:
                    g = self.__gains(j.elem)
                    if any([ gg >= self.minGain for gg in g ]):
                        bestTest = j.elem.tests[argmax(g)]
                        j.updateChildren( Tree(Elem(self.param)), Tree(Elem(self.param)) )
                        j.left.elem.stats = bestTest.statsL
                        j.right.elem.stats = bestTest.statsR
def genetic_algorithm_stepwise(population):
	root.title('Genetic Algorithm')
	for generation in range(ngen):
		# generating new population after selecting, recombining and mutating the existing population
		population = [search.mutate(search.recombine(*, population, fitness_fn)), gene_pool, mutation_rate) for i in range(len(population))]
		# genome with the highest fitness in the current generation
		current_best = ''.join(argmax(population, key=fitness_fn))
		# collecting first few examples from the current population
		members = [''.join(x) for x in population][:48]

		# clear the canvas
		# displays current best on top of the screen
		canvas.create_text(canvas_width / 2, 40, fill=p_blue, font='Consolas 46 bold', text=current_best)

		# displaying a part of the population on the screen
		for i in range(len(members) // 3):
			canvas.create_text((canvas_width * .175), (canvas_height * .25 + (25 * i)), fill=lp_blue, font='Consolas 16', text=members[3 * i])
			canvas.create_text((canvas_width * .500), (canvas_height * .25 + (25 * i)), fill=lp_blue, font='Consolas 16', text=members[3 * i + 1])
			canvas.create_text((canvas_width * .825), (canvas_height * .25 + (25 * i)), fill=lp_blue, font='Consolas 16', text=members[3 * i + 2])

		# displays current generation number
		canvas.create_text((canvas_width * .5), (canvas_height * 0.95), fill=p_blue, font='Consolas 18 bold', text=f'Generation {generation}')

		# displays blue bar that indicates current maximum fitness compared to maximum possible fitness
		scaling_factor = fitness_fn(current_best) / len(target)
		canvas.create_rectangle(canvas_width * 0.1, 90, canvas_width * 0.9, 100, outline=p_blue)
		canvas.create_rectangle(canvas_width * 0.1, 90, canvas_width * 0.1 + scaling_factor * canvas_width * 0.8, 100, fill=lp_blue)

		# checks for completion
		fittest_individual = search.fitness_threshold(fitness_fn, f_thres, population)
		if fittest_individual:
Beispiel #6
def WalkSAT(clauses, p=0.5, max_flips=10000):
    """Checks for satisfiability of all clauses by randomly flipping values of variables
    # Set of all symbols in all clauses
    symbols = set(sym for clause in clauses for sym in prop_symbols(clause))
    # model is a random assignment of true/false to the symbols in clauses
    model = {s: random.choice([True, False]) for s in symbols}
    for i in range(max_flips):
        satisfied, unsatisfied = [], []
        for clause in clauses:
            (satisfied if pl_true(clause, model) else unsatisfied).append(clause)
        if not unsatisfied:  # if model satisfies all the clauses
            return model
        clause = random.choice(unsatisfied)
        if probability(p):
            sym = random.choice(prop_symbols(clause))
            # Flip the symbol in clause that maximizes number of sat. clauses
            def sat_count(sym):
                # Return the the number of clauses satisfied after flipping the symbol.
                model[sym] = not model[sym]
                count = len([clause for clause in clauses if pl_true(clause, model)])
                model[sym] = not model[sym]
                return count
            sym = argmax(prop_symbols(clause), key=sat_count)
        model[sym] = not model[sym]
    # If no solution is found within the flip limit, we return failure
    return None
Beispiel #7
def determine_optimum_variants(unit1, unit2):
    """Determines the optimum variants between two units."""
    # TODO - improve performance by considering variants (1,1) (1, 2) and (2,1)
    # as equivalent.
    outcomes = defaultdict(dict)

    for v1 in MeleeRangedStrategy.VARIANTS:
        if not MeleeRangedStrategy.is_compatible(unit1, v1):
        unit1.strategy = MeleeRangedStrategy(unit1, v1)
        for v2 in MeleeRangedStrategy.VARIANTS:
            if not MeleeRangedStrategy.is_compatible(unit2, v2):
            unit2.strategy = MeleeRangedStrategy(unit2, v2)

            turn_order = (unit1, unit2)
            game_state = AveragingVersusGameState(turn_order, verbosity=0)

            outcomes[v1][v2] = game_state.hp_delta

    # What's your best strategy?
    unit_1_strategies = { v1: min(outcomes[v1].values()) for v1 in outcomes }
    unit1_strategy = utils.argmax(unit_1_strategies)
    unit2_strategy = utils.argmin(outcomes[unit1_strategy])

    # for v1 in outcomes:
    #     for v2, hp_delta in sorted(outcomes[v1].items()):
    #         print '(%d, %d) => %+.2f' % (v1, v2, hp_delta)

    # print '%s\'s strategy: %s' % (unit1, unit1_strategy)
    # print '%s\'s strategy: %s' % (unit2, unit2_strategy)

    return (unit1_strategy, unit2_strategy)
Beispiel #8
def alphabeta_full_search(state, game):
    """Search game to determine best action; use alpha-beta pruning.
    As in [Fig. 6.7], this version searches all the way to the leaves."""

    player = game.to_move(state)

    def max_value(state, alpha, beta):
        if game.terminal_test(state):
            return game.utility(state, player)
        v = -infinity
        for (a, s) in game.successors(state):
            v = max(v, min_value(s, alpha, beta))
            if v >= beta:
                return v
            alpha = max(alpha, v)
        return v

    def min_value(state, alpha, beta):
        if game.terminal_test(state):
            return game.utility(state, player)
        v = infinity
        for (a, s) in game.successors(state):
            v = min(v, max_value(s, alpha, beta))
            if v <= alpha:
                return v
            beta = min(beta, v)
        return v

    # Body of alphabeta_search starts here:
    action, state = argmax(game.successors(state),
                           lambda ((a, s)): min_value(s, -infinity, infinity))
    return action
Beispiel #9
def minimax_decision(state, game):
    """Given a state in a game, calculate the best move by searching
    forward all the way to the terminal states. [Fig. 6.4]"""

    player = game.to_move(state)

    def max_value(state):
        if game.terminal_test(state):
            return game.utility(state, player)
        v = -infinity
        for (_, s) in game.successors(state):
            v = max(v, min_value(s))
        return v

    def min_value(state):
        if game.terminal_test(state):
            return game.utility(state, player)
        v = infinity
        for (_, s) in game.successors(state):
            v = min(v, max_value(s))
        return v

    # Body of minimax_decision starts here:
    action, state = argmax(game.successors(state), lambda ((a, s)): min_value(s))
    return action
Beispiel #10
def minimax_decision(state, game):
    """Given a state in a game, calculate the best move by searching
    forward all the way to the terminal states. [Figure 5.3]"""

    player = game.to_move(state)

    def max_value(state):
        if game.terminal_test(state):
            return game.utility(state, player)
        v = -infinity
        for a in game.actions(state):
            v = max(v, min_value(game.result(state, a)))
        return v

    def min_value(state):
        if game.terminal_test(state):
            return game.utility(state, player)
        v = infinity
        for a in game.actions(state):
            v = min(v, max_value(game.result(state, a)))
        return v

    # Body of minimax_decision:
    return argmax(game.actions(state),
                  key=lambda a: min_value(game.result(state, a)))
Beispiel #11
 def actions(self, state):
     search_list = [c for c in self.decoder.chardomain if c not in state]
     target_list = [c for c in alphabet if c not in state.values()]
     # Find the best charater to replace
     plainchar = argmax(search_list, key=lambda c: self.decoder.P1[c])
     for cipherchar in target_list:
         yield (plainchar, cipherchar)
Beispiel #12
	def _add_to_cluster(self, cluster, _doc):
		super(PushAwayCONFIRM, self)._add_to_cluster(cluster, _doc)

		sim_score = self._cached_most_similar_val
		margins = map(lambda x: sim_score - x if sim_score != x else 0, self._get_cached_sim_scores(_doc))
		most_similar_cluster = self.clusters[utils.argmax(margins)]
Beispiel #13
 def generate(self, in_str):
     in_seq = u.preprocess_seq(in_str, self.char2int)
     output_str = ""
     for probs in self._probs(in_seq):
         char = u.argmax(probs)
         output_str += self.int2char[char]
     return output_str
Beispiel #14
 def predict(example):
     """Predict the target value for example. Consider each possible value,
     and pick the most likely by looking at each attribute independently."""
     def class_probability(targetval):
         return (target_dist[targetval] *
                 product(attr_dists[targetval, attr][example[attr]]
                         for attr in dataset.inputs))
     return argmax(target_vals, key=class_probability)
Beispiel #15
def best_policy(mdp, U):
    """Given an MDP and a utility function U, determine the best policy,
    as a mapping from state to action. (Equation 17.4)"""
    pi = {}
    for s in mdp.states:
        pi[s] = argmax(mdp.actions(s),
                       key=lambda a: expected_utility(a, s, U, mdp))
    return pi
def renderResults(name, results, test_x, activations_0, activations_1):

    image ='RGB', (28 * 3 + 280, len(results) * 280))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    for index, result in enumerate(results):

                    "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(test_x[index][0])) + ".png",
                    0 * 28, index * 280 + 0 * 32)
        renderImage(image, "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[0])) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 280 + 0 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_1[index][0], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 0 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_0[index][0], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 0 * 32 + 14)

                    "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(test_x[index][1])) + ".png",
                    0 * 28, index * 280 + 1 * 32)
        renderImage(image, "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[1])) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 280 + 1 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_1[index][1], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 1 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_0[index][1], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 1 * 32 + 14)

                    "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(test_x[index][2])) + ".png",
                    0 * 28, index * 280 + 2 * 32)
        renderImage(image, "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[2])) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 280 + 2 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_1[index][2], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 2 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_0[index][2], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 2 * 32 + 14)

        renderImage(image, "MNIST_data/" + "plus.png", 0 * 28,
                    index * 280 + 3 * 32)
        renderImage(image, "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[3])) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 280 + 3 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_1[index][3], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 3 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_0[index][3], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 3 * 32 + 14)

        renderImage(image, "MNIST_data/" + "equals.png", 0 * 28,
                    index * 280 + 4 * 32)
        renderImage(image, "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[4])) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 280 + 4 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_1[index][4], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 4 * 32)
        renderActivations(draw, activations_0[index][4], 3 * 28,
                          index * 280 + 4 * 32 + 14) + ".png")
def renderResults200(name, results, test_x, activations_0, activations_1):

    image ='RGB', (28 * 3 + 800, len(results) * 180))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    for index, result in enumerate(results):

        renderDigit(draw, test_x[index][0], 0 * 28, index * 180 + 0 * 36)
                    "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[0][10:])) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 180 + 0 * 36)
        renderActivations200(draw, activations_0[index][0], 3 * 28,
                             index * 180 + 0 * 36)
        renderActivations200(draw, activations_1[index][0], 3 * 28,
                             index * 180 + 0 * 36 + 16)

        renderDigit(draw, test_x[index][1], 0 * 28, index * 180 + 1 * 36)
                    "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[1][10:])) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 180 + 1 * 36)
        renderActivations200(draw, activations_0[index][1], 3 * 28,
                             index * 180 + 1 * 36)
        renderActivations200(draw, activations_1[index][1], 3 * 28,
                             index * 180 + 1 * 36 + 16)

        renderDigit(draw, test_x[index][2], 0 * 28, index * 180 + 2 * 36)
        renderImage(image, "MNIST_data/" + getOperator(result[2][:4]) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 180 + 2 * 36)
        renderActivations200(draw, activations_0[index][2], 3 * 28,
                             index * 180 + 2 * 36)
        renderActivations200(draw, activations_1[index][2], 3 * 28,
                             index * 180 + 2 * 36 + 16)

        renderDigit(draw, test_x[index][3], 0 * 28, index * 180 + 3 * 36)
                    "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[3][:10])) + ".png",
                    1 * 28, index * 180 + 3 * 36)
                    "MNIST_data/" + str(argmax(result[3][10:20])) + ".png",
                    2 * 28, index * 180 + 3 * 36)
        renderActivations200(draw, activations_0[index][3], 3 * 28,
                             index * 180 + 3 * 36)
        renderActivations200(draw, activations_1[index][3], 3 * 28,
                             index * 180 + 3 * 36 + 16) + ".png")
Beispiel #18
def best_policy(mdp, U):
    """Dado um MDP e uma função de utilidade U, determinar a melhor política,
     como um mapeamento do estado para a ação."""
    pi = {}
    for s in mdp.states:
        pi[s] = argmax(mdp.actions(s),
                       key=lambda a: expected_utility(a, s, U, mdp))
    return pi
Beispiel #19
    def predict(example):
        """Predict the target value for example. Calculate probabilities for each
        class and pick the max."""
        def class_probability(targetval):
            attr_dist = attr_dists[targetval]
            return target_dist[targetval] * product(attr_dist[a] for a in example)

        return argmax(target_dist.keys(), key=class_probability)
Beispiel #20
    def predict(example):
        """Predict the target value for example. Calculate probabilities for each
        class and pick the max."""
        def class_probability(targetval):
            attr_dist = attr_dists[targetval]
            return target_dist[targetval] * product(attr_dist[a] for a in example)

        return argmax(target_dist.keys(), key=class_probability)
Beispiel #21
 def predict(example):
     """Predict the target value for example. Consider each possible value,
     and pick the most likely by looking at each attribute independently."""
     def class_probability(targetval):
         return (target_dist[targetval] *
                 product(attr_dists[targetval, attr][example[attr]]
                         for attr in dataset.inputs))
     return argmax(targetvals, key=class_probability)
Beispiel #22
    def genetic_algorithm(self, problem, map_canvas):
        """ Genetic Algorithm modified for the given problem """

        def init_population(pop_number, gene_pool, state_length):
            """ initialize population """

            population = []
            for i in range(pop_number):
            return population

        def recombine(state_a, state_b):
            """ recombine two problem states """

            start = random.randint(0, len(state_a) - 1)
            end = random.randint(start + 1, len(state_a))
            new_state = state_a[start:end]
            for city in state_b:
                if city not in new_state:
            return new_state

        def mutate(state, mutation_rate):
            """ mutate problem states """

            if random.uniform(0, 1) < mutation_rate:
                sample = random.sample(range(len(state)), 2)
                state[sample[0]], state[sample[1]] = state[sample[1]], state[sample[0]]
            return state

        def fitness_fn(state):
            """ calculate fitness of a particular state """
            fitness = problem.value(state)
            return int((5600 + fitness) ** 2)

        current = Node(problem.initial)
        population = init_population(100, current.state, len(current.state))
        all_time_best = current.state
            population = [mutate(recombine(*select(2, population, fitness_fn)), self.mutation_rate.get()) for i in range(len(population))]
            current_best = utils.argmax(population, key=fitness_fn)
            if fitness_fn(current_best) > fitness_fn(all_time_best):
                all_time_best = current_best
                self.cost.set("Cost = " + str('%0.3f' % (-1 * problem.value(all_time_best))))
            points = []
            for city in current_best:
            map_canvas.create_polygon(points, outline='red', width=1, fill='', tag='poly')
            best_points = []
            for city in all_time_best:
            map_canvas.create_polygon(best_points, outline='red', width=3, fill='', tag='poly')
Beispiel #23
def value_iteration(mdp, gamma, epsilon=0.001):
    Perform value iteration of Markov Descision Process MDP.
    mpd : mdp.MPD object
       Markov Descision Process
    gamma : float > 0
       Discount factor
    epsilon : float > 0
       Algorithm sensitivity.
    dict of state : float
       Map from state to value, where state is in mdp.states.
    # -------- TASK 2.2 --------------------------------------------------------
    # TASK: Implement the value iteration algorithm
    # This corresponds to step 1 - 3 of the algorithm as described on the
    # MyCourses pages
    # The initial value for each state is 0.
    # The return value, v, should be a dictionary mapping from states
    # to values. This corresponds to v_{n+1} once the change is small
    # enough in step 3 and the algorithm terminates.

    termination = epsilon * (1 - gamma) / (2 * gamma)
    v = {}
    nv = {}
    va = {}
    n = 0
    f = False
    for s in mdp.states():
        v[s] = 0

    nv = v.copy()

    while not f:
        f = True
        for s in mdp.states():
            va = {
                a: value_of(mdp, s, a, v, gamma)
                for a in mdp.applicable_actions(s)
            max = argmax(va)
            nv[s] = va[max]
        if all([((abs(nv[value] - v[value])) < termination) for value in v]):

            return nv

        v = nv.copy()
        f = False

    return v
Beispiel #24
def fitness_threshold(fitness_fn, f_thres, population):
    if not f_thres:
        return None

    fittest_individual = argmax(population, key=fitness_fn)
    if fitness_fn(fittest_individual) >= f_thres:
        return fittest_individual

    return None
Beispiel #25
	def _policy(self, current_state):
		"""Select an action epsilon-greedily."""
		if random.uniform(0, 1) < self.eps:
			action = self.env.action_space.sample()
			action = argmax(range(self.env.action_space.n), lambda a : self.Q[self.current_state][a])
		return action
 def epsilon_greedy(self, q_values, epsilon):
     sampled = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
     action_set = list(self.env.get_action_set(
     if sampled < epsilon:
         return random.choice(action_set)
         return utils.argmax(
             q_values[action_set])  # I'm breaking ties randomly
Beispiel #27
	def _update(self, action, reward):
		"""Update Q according to reward received."""
		Q = self.Q

		maxaction = argmax(range(self.env.action_space.n), lambda a : Q[self.current_state][a] - Q[self.previous_state][action])
		maxactiondiff = Q[self.current_state][maxaction] - Q[self.previous_state][action]
		Q[self.previous_state][action] += self.alpha*(self.A*reward + self.B*self.gamma*maxactiondiff)
    def call(self,
            inputs: it is a list of the previous token, memorized keys and values, and size of the previous tokens.
                    token shape = (1, 1, 2 (ID and position))
                    mem_k shape = (number of layers, 1, number of heads, attn hidden size, context size)
                    mem_v shape = (number of layers, 1, number of heads, context size, attn hidden size)
                    length = an integer

            next_token: shape = (1, 1, 2 (ID and position))
            mem_k: shape = (number of layers, 1, number of heads, attn hidden size, context size)
            mem_v: shape = (number of layers, 1, number of heads, context size, attn hidden size)

        token = inputs[0]
        mem_k = inputs[1]
        mem_v = inputs[2]
        length = inputs[3]

        new_mem_k = []
        new_mem_v = []

        hidden = self.embed(token)

        for i, block in enumerate(self.transformer_stack):
            hidden, k, v = block(hidden, mem_k[i], mem_v[i], length)

        mem_k = tf.stack(new_mem_k)
        mem_v = tf.stack(new_mem_v)

        logit = tf.reshape(
            tf.matmul(hidden[0, :, :],
                      self.embed.we[:self.n_vocab, :],
                      transpose_b=True), [self.n_vocab])

        if decoder_type == 'argmax':
            next_token = argmax(logit)

        elif decoder_type == 'top-k':
            next_token = top_k_sampling(logit, k, temperature)

        elif decoder_type == 'nucleus':
            next_token = nucleus_sampling(logit, p)

            next_token = sampling(logit, temperature)

        return next_token, mem_k, mem_v
Beispiel #29
def genetic_algorithm(population,
                      gene_pool=[0, 1],
    """[Figure 4.8]"""
    for i in range(ngen):
        population = [
            mutate(recombine(*select(2, population, fitness_fn)), gene_pool,
                   pmut) for i in range(len(population))

        if f_thres:
            fittest_individual = argmax(population, key=fitness_fn)
            if fitness_fn(fittest_individual) >= f_thres:
                return fittest_individual

    return argmax(population, key=fitness_fn)
Beispiel #30
 def __init__(self, col, Y):
     self.col = col
     self.children = {}
     self.prob = Counter(Y)
     s = sum(self.prob.values())
     for y in self.prob:
         self.prob[y] /= s
     label_ind, self.label_prob = argmax(self.prob.keys(),
     self.label = Y[label_ind]
Beispiel #31
    def predict(example):
        """Predict the target value for example. Consider each possible value,
        and pick the most likely by looking at each attribute independently."""
        def class_probability(targetval):
            prob = target_dist[targetval]
            for attr in dataset.inputs:
                prob *= gaussian(means[targetval][attr], deviations[targetval][attr], example[attr])
            return prob

        return argmax(target_vals, key=class_probability)
Beispiel #32
    def _viterbi_decode(self, feats):
        backpointers = []

        # Initialize the viterbi variables in log space
        init_vvars = torch.Tensor(1, self.tagset_size).fill_(-10000.)
        init_vvars[0][self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]] = 0

        # forward_var at step i holds the viterbi variables for step i-1
        forward_var = autograd.Variable(init_vvars)
        for feat in feats:
            bptrs_t = []  # holds the backpointers for this step
            viterbivars_t = []  # holds the viterbi variables for this step

            for next_tag in range(self.tagset_size):
                # next_tag_var[i] holds the viterbi variable for tag i at the
                # previous step, plus the score of transitioning
                # from tag i to next_tag.
                # We don't include the emission scores here because the max
                # does not depend on them (we add them in below)
                next_tag_var = forward_var + self.transitions[next_tag]
                best_tag_id = argmax(next_tag_var)
            # Now add in the emission scores, and assign forward_var to the set
            # of viterbi variables we just computed
            forward_var = ( + feat).view(1, -1)

        # Transition to STOP_TAG
        terminal_var = forward_var + self.transitions[self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]]
        best_tag_id = argmax(terminal_var)
        path_score = terminal_var[0][best_tag_id]

        # Follow the back pointers to decode the best path.
        best_path = [best_tag_id]
        for bptrs_t in reversed(backpointers):
            best_tag_id = bptrs_t[best_tag_id]
        # Pop off the start tag (we dont want to return that to the caller)
        start = best_path.pop()
        assert start == self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]  # Sanity check
        return path_score, best_path
Beispiel #33
    def predict(example):
        """Predict the target value for example. Consider each possible value,
        and pick the most likely by looking at each attribute independently."""
        def class_probability(targetval):
            prob = target_dist[targetval]
            for attr in dataset.inputs:
                prob *= gaussian(means[targetval][attr], deviations[targetval][attr], example[attr])
            return prob

        return argmax(target_vals, key=class_probability)
Beispiel #34
def most_open_move(board, order):
    "Find the move that has the most open floor filled around it."
    p1, p2, t, touching = dfs_count_around(board)
    wall_move = follow_wall_move(board, order)
    open_move = utils.argmax(p1.keys(), lambda k: p1[k])
    if p1[wall_move] == p1[open_move]:
        best_move = wall_move
        best_move = open_move
    logging.debug("most open move is: %s (%d) %s", best_move, p1[best_move], p1)
    return best_move
Beispiel #35
def best_policy(mdp, U):

    pi = {}
    for s in mdp.states:
        # keyで比較を行なっている。つまり、sにおいて全ての(s,a)の価値を計算して比較。
        # 最大のaを、{s:a}として登録。
        pi[s] = argmax(mdp.actions(s),
                       key=lambda a: expected_utility(a, s, U, mdp))
    return pi
Beispiel #36
    def EpsilonGreedy(self, Q, s, epsilon, episode):
        actions_in_state = self.actions_in_state
        A = actions_in_state(s, episode)
        a = argmax(A, key=lambda a1:Q[s,a1])

        rand_num = random.uniform(0,1)

        if rand_num < epsilon:
            a = random.choice(A)

        return a
Beispiel #37
def best_policy(mdp, U):
    """Given an MDP and a utility function U, determine the best policy,
    as a mapping from state to action."""

    pi = {}
    f = lambda a: expected_utility(a, s, U, mdp)
    for count, s in enumerate(mdp.states):
        if count % 1 == 0:
            #for s in mdp.states:
            pi[s] = argmax(mdp.actions(s), key=f)
    return pi
    def execute(self, percept):
        """Execute the information gathering algorithm"""
        self.observation = self.integrate_percept(percept)
        vpis = self.vpi_cost_ratio(self.variables)
        j = argmax(vpis)
        variable = self.variables[j]

        if self.vpi(variable) > self.cost(variable):
            return self.request(variable)

        return self.decnet.best_action()
Beispiel #39
def most_open_move(board, order):
    "Find the move that has the most open floor filled around it."
    p1, p2, t, touching = dfs_count_around(board)
    wall_move = follow_wall_move(board, order)
    open_move = utils.argmax(p1.keys(), lambda k: p1[k])
    if p1[wall_move] == p1[open_move]:
        best_move = wall_move
        best_move = open_move
    logging.debug("most open move is: %s (%d) %s", best_move, p1[best_move],
    return best_move
Beispiel #40
 def __init__(self, col, Y):
     self.col = col
     self.children = {}
     # Calculate the total
     self.prob = Counter(Y)
     s = sum(self.prob.values())
     for y in self.prob:
         # Standardization
         self.prob[y] /= s
     # calculate the largest
     label_ind, self.label_prob = argmax(self.prob.keys(), key=self.prob.__getitem__)
     self.labels = Y[label_ind]
def genetic_algorithm(population, fitness_fn, gene_pool=[0, 1], f_thres=None, ngen=1000, pmut=0.1):  # noqa
    """[Figure 4.8]"""
    for i in range(ngen):
        new_population = []
        random_selection = selection_chances(fitness_fn, population)
        for j in range(len(population)):
            x = random_selection()
            y = random_selection()
            child = reproduce(x, y)
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < pmut:
                child = mutate(child, gene_pool)

        population = new_population

        if f_thres:
            fittest_individual = argmax(population, key=fitness_fn)
            if fitness_fn(fittest_individual) >= f_thres:
                return fittest_individual

    return argmax(population, key=fitness_fn)
Beispiel #42
 def generate(self, in_str, max_len=2, **kwargs):
     in_seq = u.preprocess_seq(in_str, self.char2int)
     out_str, pred, EOSint = "", None, self.char2int[u.EOS]
     decoder = self.make_decoder(in_seq, **kwargs)
     probs = next(decoder)
     while pred != EOSint and len(out_str) < (max_len * len(in_seq)):
         pred = u.argmax(probs)  # greedy search (take best prediction)
         probs = decoder.send(pred)
         out_str += self.int2char[pred]
     return out_str
Beispiel #43
    def viterbi_decode(self, feats):
        In this function, we implement the viterbi algorithm explained above.
        A Dynamic programming based approach to find the best tag sequence
        backpointers = []
        # analogous to forward

        # Initialize the viterbi variables in log space
        init_vvars = torch.Tensor(1, self.tagset_size).fill_(-10000.)
        init_vvars[0][self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]] = 0

        # forward_var at step i holds the viterbi variables for step i-1
        forward_var = Variable(init_vvars)
        if self.use_gpu:
            forward_var = forward_var.cuda()
        for feat in feats:
            next_tag_var = forward_var.view(1, -1).expand(
                self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size) + self.transitions
            _, bptrs_t = torch.max(next_tag_var, dim=1)
            bptrs_t = bptrs_t.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy(
            )  # holds the backpointers for this step
            next_tag_var =
            viterbivars_t = next_tag_var[
                bptrs_t]  # holds the viterbi variables for this step
            viterbivars_t = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(viterbivars_t))
            if self.use_gpu:
                viterbivars_t = viterbivars_t.cuda()

            # Now add in the emission scores, and assign forward_var to the set
            # of viterbi variables we just computed
            forward_var = viterbivars_t + feat

        # Transition to STOP_TAG
        terminal_var = forward_var + self.transitions[self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]][self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]] = -10000.[self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]] = -10000.
        best_tag_id = argmax(terminal_var.unsqueeze(0))
        path_score = terminal_var[best_tag_id]

        # Follow the back pointers to decode the best path.
        best_path = [best_tag_id]
        for bptrs_t in reversed(backpointers):
            best_tag_id = bptrs_t[best_tag_id]

        # Pop off the start tag (we dont want to return that to the caller)
        start = best_path.pop()
        assert start == self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]  # Sanity check
        return path_score, best_path
    def play(self, game):
        """ Returns the "best" move to play in the current <game>-state, after some deliberation (<check_abort>).
        def display(depth, label, parent_label, i):
            for _ in range(depth):
                print('  ', end='')
            if parent_label is not None:
                      end=': ')

        def visits(q, i):
            return q[i].n

        if self.tree is None:
            self.tree = tree.Tree()

        in_advanced_mode = self._params.get('advanced')
        max_num_simulations = self._params.get('simulations')
        if max_num_simulations is None:
            max_num_simulations = 0

        num_simulations = 0
        #while not check_abort.do_abort() and (max_num_simulations == 0 or num_simulations <= max_num_simulations):
        while (max_num_simulations == 0
               or num_simulations <= max_num_simulations):
            mcts.simulate(self, game, self.tree, in_advanced_mode)
            # tree.depth_first_traversal(self.tree, self.tree.root(), 0, display)
            num_simulations += 1

        node_id = self.tree.root()
        node_label = self.tree.node_label(node_id)
        max_i = utils.argmax(node_label.q, len(node_label.q), visits)
        e = self._params.get('explore')
        if e is not None and e > game.get_move_no() and random.randint(
                1, 10) <= 8:
            # Choose a random move with a 80% change for first e moves, if requested.
            max_i = random.randint(0, node_label.len - 1)

        policy = [node_label.q[i].n for i in range(node_label.len)]
        total = 0
        for p in policy:
            total += p
        if total > 0:
            policy = [p / total for p in policy]
        # tree.depth_first_traversal(self.tree, self.tree.root(), 0, display)
        return node_label.moves[max_i], node_label.q[
            max_i].avg, max_i, node_label.moves, policy, node_label.q
Beispiel #45
    def _viterbi_decode(self, feats):
        backpointers = []

        # Initialize the viterbi variables in log space
        init_vvars = torch.full((1, self.tagset_size), -10000.)
        init_vvars[0][self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]] = 0

        # forward_var at step i holds the viterbi variables for step i-1
        forward_var = init_vvars
        for feat in feats:
            bptrs_t = []  # holds the backpointers for this step
            viterbivars_t = []  # holds the viterbi variables for this step

            for next_tag in range(self.tagset_size):
                # next_tag_var[i] holds the viterbi variable for tag i at the
                # previous step, plus the score of transitioning
                # from tag i to next_tag.
                next_tag_var = forward_var + self.transitions[next_tag]
                best_tag_id = argmax(next_tag_var)
            forward_var = ( + feat).view(1, -1)

        # Transition to STOP_TAG
        terminal_var = forward_var + self.transitions[self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]]
        best_tag_id = argmax(terminal_var)
        path_score = terminal_var[0][best_tag_id]

        # Follow the back pointers to decode the best path.
        best_path = [best_tag_id]
        for bptrs_t in reversed(backpointers):
            best_tag_id = bptrs_t[best_tag_id]
        # Pop off the start tag (we dont want to return that to the caller)
        start = best_path.pop()
        assert start == self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]  # Sanity check
        return path_score, best_path
Beispiel #46
def genetic_algorithm(population, fitness_fn, ngen=1000, pmut=0.1):
    "[Fig. 4.8]"
    for i in range(ngen):
        new_population = []
        for i in len(population):
            fitnesses = map(fitness_fn, population)
            p1, p2 = weighted_sample_with_replacement(population, fitnesses, 2)
            child = p1.mate(p2)
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < pmut:
        population = new_population
    return argmax(population, fitness_fn)
def sample_site_cftp_dep(matrix, mu, Ne):
    L = len(matrix)
    def log_phat(s):
        ep = score_seq(matrix,s)
        nu = Ne - 1
        return -nu*log(1 + exp(ep - mu))
    first_site = "A"*L
    last_site = "T"*L
    best_site = "".join(["ACGT"[argmin(row)] for row in matrix])
    worst_site = "".join(["ACGT"[argmax(row)] for row in matrix])
    trajs = [[best_site],[random_site(L)],[random_site(L)],[random_site(L)], [worst_site]]
    def mutate_site(site,(ri,rb)):
        return subst(site,"ACGT"[rb],ri)
Beispiel #48
def genetic_algorithm(population, fitness_fn, ngen=1000, pmut=0.1):
    "[Figure 4.8]"
    for i in range(ngen):
        new_population = []
        for i in range(len(population)):
            fitnesses = map(fitness_fn, population)
            p1, p2 = weighted_sample_with_replacement(population, fitnesses, 2)
            child = p1.mate(p2)
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < pmut:
        population = new_population
    return argmax(population, key=fitness_fn)
Beispiel #49
def policy_iteration(mdp):
    "Solve an MDP by policy iteration [Figure 17.7]"
    U = {s: 0 for s in mdp.states}
    pi = {s: random.choice(mdp.actions(s)) for s in mdp.states}
    while True:
        U = policy_evaluation(pi, U, mdp)
        unchanged = True
        for s in mdp.states:
            a = argmax(mdp.actions(s), key=lambda a: expected_utility(a, s, U, mdp))
            if a != pi[s]:
                pi[s] = a
                unchanged = False
        if unchanged:
            return pi
Beispiel #50
 def max_value(node):
     if game.terminal_test(node):
         return game.utility(node, player)
     self.change_list.append(('a', node))
     max_a = argmax(game.actions(node), key=lambda x: min_value(game.result(node, x)))
     max_node = game.result(node, max_a)
     self.utils[node] = self.utils[max_node]
     x1, y1 = self.node_pos[node]
     x2, y2 = self.node_pos[max_node]
     self.change_list.append(('l', (node, max_node - 3*node - 1)))
     self.change_list.append(('e', node))
     return self.utils[node]
Beispiel #51
 def program(self,percept):
     s1,r1 = percept
     Q, Nsa, s, a, r = self.Q, self.Nsa, self.s, self.a, self.r
     alpha, gamma, f = self.alpha, self.gamma, self.f
     if s1 in self.terminals:
         Q[s1][None] = r1
     if s is not None:
         Nsa[s][a] += 1
         Q[s][a] += alpha(Nsa[s][a])*(r+gamma*max(Q[s1].values())-Q[s][a])
     if s1 in self.terminals:
         self.s = self.a = self.r = None
         self.s, self.r = s1, r1
         self.a = argmax(Q[s1].keys(), lambda a1: f(Q[s1][a1],Nsa[s1][a1]))
     return self.a
Beispiel #52
 def __call__(self, percept):
     s1, r1 = self.update_state(percept)
     Q, Nsa, s, a, r = self.Q, self.Nsa, self.s, self.a, self.r
     alpha, gamma, terminals, actions_in_state = self.alpha, self.gamma, self.terminals, self.actions_in_state
     if s1 in terminals:
         Q[(s1, None)] = r1
     if s is not None:
         Nsa[(s, a)] += 1
         Q[(s, a)] += alpha(Nsa[(s, a)])*(r+gamma*max([Q[(s1, a1)] for a1 in actions_in_state(s1)])-Q[(s, a)])
     if s1 in terminals:
         self.s = self.a = self.r = None
         self.s, self.r = s1, r1
         self.a = argmax(actions_in_state(s1), key=lambda a1: self.f(Q[(s1, a1)], Nsa[(s1, a1)]))
     return self.a
Beispiel #53
	def _init_clusters(self):
		sub_docs =[:self.num_instances]
		sim_mat = utils.pairwise(sub_docs, 
			lambda x, y: max(self.doc_similarity(x, y), self.doc_similarity(y, x)))

		edges = utils.minimum_spanning_tree(sim_mat)
		ccs = utils.get_ccs(range(self.num_instances), edges) 
		biggest_cc = max(map(len, ccs))
		while biggest_cc > self.num_init:
			edge_to_remove = random.sample(edges, 1)[0]
			ccs = utils.get_ccs(range(self.num_instances), edges)
			biggest_cc = max(map(len, ccs))
		cc = ccs[utils.argmax(map(len, ccs))]

		for idx in cc:
			self._add_cluster([idx], member=False)
def sample_site_spec(matrix, mu, Ne):
    nu = Ne - 1
    L = len(matrix)
    best_site = "".join(["ACGT"[argmin(col)] for col in matrix])
    worst_site = "".join(["ACGT"[argmax(col)] for col in matrix])
    def phat(s):
        assert len(s) == L
        ep = score_seq(matrix,s)
        return (1 + exp(ep - mu))**(-nu)
    chosen_site = ""
    def best_completion(s):
        l = len(s)
        return phat(s + best_site[l:])
    def worst_completion(s):
        l = len(s)
        return s + worst_site[l:]
    return chosen_site
def sample_site_cftp(matrix, mu, Ne):
    L = len(matrix)
    f = seq_scorer(matrix)
    def log_phat(s):
        ep = f(s)
        nu = Ne - 1
        return -nu*log(1 + exp(ep - mu))
    first_site = "A"*L
    last_site = "T"*L
    best_site = "".join(["ACGT"[argmin(row)] for row in matrix])
    worst_site = "".join(["ACGT"[argmax(row)] for row in matrix])
    #middle_sites  = [[random_site(L)] for i in range(10)]
    #trajs = [[best_site]] + middle_sites + [[worst_site]]
    trajs = [[best_site],[worst_site]]
    ords = [rslice("ACGT",sorted_indices(row)) for row in matrix]
    def mutate_site(site,(ri,direction)):
        b = (site[ri])
        idx = ords[ri].index(b)
        idxp = min(max(idx + direction,0),3)
        bp = ords[ri][idxp]
        return subst(site,bp,ri)
Beispiel #56
def find_mean_field_approximation(ks,q,ps=None):
    eps = eps_from_ks(ks)
    if ps is None:
        ps = occupancies_ref(ks,q)
    mu_min = -10
    mu_max = 10
    mu_steps = 1000
    mus = interpolate(mu_min,mu_max,mu_steps)
    coeffs = map(lambda mu:polyfit(ps,probs(eps,mu),1)[0],
    max_coeff_idx = argmax(coeffs)
    # find mu corresponding to best fit.  Cutoff at peak, since curve
    # has two intersections with y = 1.
    mu_idx = argmin(map(lambda coeff:(1-coeff)**2,coeffs[:max_coeff_idx]))
    best_mu = mus[mu_idx]
    qs = probs(eps,best_mu)
    print "best_mu:",best_mu
    print "mean copy number: %s (sd: %s) vs. sum(ps) %s" %(mean_occ(eps,best_mu),sd_occ(eps,best_mu),sum(ps))
    print "pearson correlation:",pearsonr(ps,qs)
    print "best linear fit: p = %s*q + %s" % tuple(polyfit(qs,ps,1))
    return best_mu
Beispiel #57
def expectiminimax(state, game):
    """Return the best move for a player after dice are thrown. The game tree
	includes chance nodes along with min and max nodes. [Figure 5.11]"""
    player = game.to_move(state)

    def max_value(state, dice_roll):
        v = -infinity
        for a in game.actions(state):
            v = max(v, chance_node(state, a))
            game.dice_roll = dice_roll
        return v

    def min_value(state, dice_roll):
        v = infinity
        for a in game.actions(state):
            v = min(v, chance_node(state, a))
            game.dice_roll = dice_roll
        return v

    def chance_node(state, action):
        res_state = game.result(state, action)
        if game.terminal_test(res_state):
            return game.utility(res_state, player)
        sum_chances = 0
        num_chances = 21
        dice_rolls = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 2))
        if res_state.to_move == 'W':
            for val in dice_rolls:
                game.dice_roll = (-val[0], -val[1])
                sum_chances += max_value(res_state,
                                         (-val[0], -val[1])) * (1/36 if val[0] == val[1] else 1/18)
        elif res_state.to_move == 'B':
            for val in dice_rolls:
                game.dice_roll = val
                sum_chances += min_value(res_state, val) * (1/36 if val[0] == val[1] else 1/18)
        return sum_chances / num_chances

    # Body of expectiminimax:
    return argmax(game.actions(state),
                  key=lambda a: chance_node(state, a))