def create_discriminator(discrim_inputs, discrim_targets): n_layers = 3 layers = [] # 2x [batch, in_channels, height, width] => [batch, in_channels * 2, height, width] input = fluid.layers.concat(input=[discrim_inputs, discrim_targets], axis=1) # layer_1: [batch, in_channels * 2, 256, 256] => [batch, ndf, 128, 128] convolved = discrim_conv(input, a.ndf, stride=2) rectified = utils.lrelu(convolved, 0.2) layers.append(rectified) # layer_2: [batch, 128, 128, ndf] => [batch, 64, 64, ndf * 2] # layer_3: [batch, 64, 64, ndf * 2] => [batch, 32, 32, ndf * 4] # layer_4: [batch, 32, 32, ndf * 4] => [batch, 31, 31, ndf * 8] for i in range(n_layers): out_channels = a.ndf * min(2 ** (i + 1), 8) stride = 1 if i == n_layers - 1 else 2 # last layer here has stride 1 convolved = discrim_conv(layers[-1], out_channels, stride=stride) normalized = utils.batchnorm(convolved) rectified = utils.lrelu(normalized, 0.2) layers.append(rectified) # layer_5: [batch, 31, 31, ndf * 8] => [batch, 30, 30, 1] convolved = discrim_conv(rectified, out_channels=1, stride=1) output = fluid.layers.sigmoid(convolved) layers.append(output) return layers[-1]
def create_discriminator(discrim_inputs, discrim_targets): n_layers = 3 layers = [] # 2x [batch, height, width, in_channels] => [batch, height, width, in_channels * 2] input = tf.concat([discrim_inputs, discrim_targets], axis=3) # layer_1: [batch, 256, 256, in_channels * 2] => [batch, 128, 128, ndf] with tf.variable_scope("layer_1"): convolved = conv(input, a.ndf, stride=2) rectified = lrelu(convolved, 0.2) layers.append(rectified) # layer_2: [batch, 128, 128, ndf] => [batch, 64, 64, ndf * 2] # layer_3: [batch, 64, 64, ndf * 2] => [batch, 32, 32, ndf * 4] # layer_4: [batch, 32, 32, ndf * 4] => [batch, 31, 31, ndf * 8] for i in range(n_layers): with tf.variable_scope("layer_%d" % (len(layers) + 1)): out_channels = a.ndf * min(2**(i + 1), 8) stride = 1 if i == n_layers - 1 else 2 # last layer here has stride 1 convolved = conv(layers[-1], out_channels, stride=stride) normalized = batchnorm(convolved) # BN rectified = lrelu(normalized, 0.2) # rectified = lrelu(convolved, 0.2)#no BN layers.append(rectified) # layer_5: [batch, 31, 31, ndf * 8] => [batch, 30, 30, 1] with tf.variable_scope("layer_%d" % (len(layers) + 1)): convolved = conv(rectified, out_channels=1, stride=1) #output = tf.sigmoid(convolved) #output = convolved# ossgan # not work for most f-divergence except for Total Variation and Pearson output = tf.tanh(convolved) # it works #output = tf.nn.relu(convolved) layers.append(output) return layers[-1]
def create_generator_pix2pix(generator_inputs, generator_outputs_channels, a): layers = [] input_images, input_captions, sequence_lengths = generator_inputs with tf.variable_scope('pix2pix'): # encoder_1: [batch, 256, 256, in_channels] => [batch, 128, 128, ngf] with tf.variable_scope("encoder_1"): output = conv(input_images, a.ngf, stride=2) layers.append(output) layer_specs = [ a.ngf * 2, # encoder_2: [batch, 128, 128, ngf] => [batch, 64, 64, ngf * 2] a.ngf * 4, # encoder_3: [batch, 64, 64, ngf * 2] => [batch, 32, 32, ngf * 4] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_4: [batch, 32, 32, ngf * 4] => [batch, 16, 16, ngf * 8] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_5: [batch, 16, 16, ngf * 8] => [batch, 8, 8, ngf * 8] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_6: [batch, 8, 8, ngf * 8] => [batch, 4, 4, ngf * 8] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_7: [batch, 4, 4, ngf * 8] => [batch, 2, 2, ngf * 8] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_8: [batch, 2, 2, ngf * 8] => [batch, 1, 1, ngf * 8] ] for i, out_channels in enumerate(layer_specs): with tf.variable_scope("encoder_%d" % (len(layers) + 1)): rectified = lrelu(layers[-1], 0.2) # [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels] => [batch, in_height/2, in_width/2, out_channels] convolved = conv(rectified, out_channels, stride=2) if i != 6: output = batchnorm(convolved) else: output = convolved layers.append(output) combined_layer, embedding_placeholder, emb_init = create_text_embedding( input_captions, sequence_lengths, layers[-1], a) layers[-1] = combined_layer output = batchnorm(convolved) mid_layer = lrelu(layers[-1], 0.2) layer_specs = [ ( a.ngf * 8, 0.5 ), # decoder_8: [batch, 1, 1, ngf * 8] => [batch, 2, 2, ngf * 8 * 2] ( a.ngf * 8, 0.5 ), # decoder_7: [batch, 2, 2, ngf * 8 * 2] => [batch, 4, 4, ngf * 8 * 2] ( a.ngf * 8, 0.5 ), # decoder_6: [batch, 4, 4, ngf * 8 * 2] => [batch, 8, 8, ngf * 8 * 2] ( a.ngf * 8, 0.0 ), # decoder_5: [batch, 8, 8, ngf * 8 * 2] => [batch, 16, 16, ngf * 8 * 2] ( a.ngf * 4, 0.0 ), # decoder_4: [batch, 16, 16, ngf * 8 * 2] => [batch, 32, 32, ngf * 4 * 2] ( a.ngf * 2, 0.0 ), # decoder_3: [batch, 32, 32, ngf * 4 * 2] => [batch, 64, 64, ngf * 2 * 2] ( a.ngf, 0.0 ), # decoder_2: [batch, 64, 64, ngf * 2 * 2] => [batch, 128, 128, ngf * 2] ] num_encoder_layers = len(layers) for decoder_layer, (out_channels, dropout) in enumerate(layer_specs): skip_layer = num_encoder_layers - decoder_layer - 1 with tf.variable_scope("decoder_%d" % (skip_layer + 1)): if decoder_layer == 0: # first decoder layer doesn't have skip connections # since it is directly connected to the skip_layer input = layers[-1] else: input = tf.concat([layers[-1], layers[skip_layer]], axis=3) rectified = tf.nn.relu(input) # [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels] => [batch, in_height*2, in_width*2, out_channels] output = deconv(rectified, out_channels) output = batchnorm(output) if dropout > 0.0: output = tf.nn.dropout(output, keep_prob=1 - dropout) layers.append(output) # decoder_1: [batch, 128, 128, ngf * 2] => [batch, 256, 256, generator_outputs_channels] with tf.variable_scope("decoder_1"): input = tf.concat([layers[-1], layers[0]], axis=3) rectified = tf.nn.relu(input) output = deconv(rectified, generator_outputs_channels) output = tf.tanh(output) layers.append(output) return layers[-1], emb_init, embedding_placeholder
def LearningRegularization(cv_left, cv_right, tst, batch_size=1, F=32, D=192, H=256, W=512, SHARE=None): with tf.name_scope('Conv3d19'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W19 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, F)) B19 = bias_variable((F, )) Y19_left = conv3d(cv_left, W19, stride=1) ###batch D/2 H/2 W/2 F Y19_right = conv3d(cv_right, W19, stride=1) Y19bn_left, update_ema19_left = batchnorm(Y19_left, tst, B19) Y19bn_right, update_ema19_right = batchnorm(Y19_right, tst, B19) # Y19bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y19_left, tst, B19) # Y19bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y19_right, tst, B19) Y19relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y19bn_left) Y19relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y19bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d20'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W20 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, F, F)) B20 = bias_variable((F, )) Y20_left = conv3d(Y19relu_left, W20, stride=1) ###batch D/2 H/2 W/2 F Y20_right = conv3d(Y19relu_right, W20, stride=1) Y20bn_left, update_ema20_left = batchnorm(Y20_left, tst, B20) Y20bn_right, update_ema20_right = batchnorm(Y20_right, tst, B20) # Y20bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y20_left, tst, B20) # Y20bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y20_right, tst, B20) Y20relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y20bn_left) Y20relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y20bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d21'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W21 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B21 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y21_left = conv3d(cv_left, W21, stride=2) ###batch D/4 H/4 W/4 2F Y21_right = conv3d(cv_right, W21, stride=2) Y21bn_left, update_ema21_left = batchnorm(Y21_left, tst, B21) Y21bn_right, update_ema21_right = batchnorm(Y21_right, tst, B21) # Y21bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y21_left, tst, B21) # Y21bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y21_right, tst, B21) Y21relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y21bn_left) Y21relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y21bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d22'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W22 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B22 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y22_left = conv3d(Y21relu_left, W22, stride=1) ###batch D/4 H/4 W/4 2F Y22_right = conv3d(Y21relu_right, W22, stride=1) Y22bn_left, update_ema22_left = batchnorm(Y22_left, tst, B22) Y22bn_right, update_ema22_right = batchnorm(Y22_right, tst, B22) # Y22bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y22_left, tst, B22) # Y22bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y22_right, tst, B22) Y22relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y22bn_left) Y22relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y22bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d23'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W23 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B23 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y23_left = conv3d(Y22relu_left, W23, stride=1) ###batch D/4 H/4 W/4 2F Y23_right = conv3d(Y22relu_right, W23, stride=1) Y23bn_left, update_ema23_left = batchnorm(Y23_left, tst, B23) Y23bn_right, update_ema23_right = batchnorm(Y23_right, tst, B23) # Y23bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y23_left, tst, B23) # Y23bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y23_right, tst, B23) Y23relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y23bn_left) Y23relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y23bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d24'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W24 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B24 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y24_left = conv3d(Y21relu_left, W24, stride=2) ###batch D/8 H/8 W/8 2F Y24_right = conv3d(Y21relu_right, W24, stride=2) Y24bn_left, update_ema24_left = batchnorm(Y24_left, tst, B24) Y24bn_right, update_ema24_right = batchnorm(Y24_right, tst, B24) # Y24bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y24_left, tst, B24) # Y24bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y24_right, tst, B24) Y24relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y24bn_left) Y24relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y24bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d25'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W25 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B25 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y25_left = conv3d(Y24relu_left, W25, stride=1) ###batch D/8 H/8 W/8 2F Y25_right = conv3d(Y24relu_right, W25, stride=1) Y25bn_left, update_ema25_left = batchnorm(Y25_left, tst, B25) Y25bn_right, update_ema25_right = batchnorm(Y25_right, tst, B25) # Y25bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y25_left, tst, B25) # Y25bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y25_right, tst, B25) Y25relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y25bn_left) Y25relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y25bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d26'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W26 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B26 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y26_left = conv3d(Y25relu_left, W26, stride=1) ###batch D/8 H/8 W/8 2F Y26_right = conv3d(Y25relu_right, W26, stride=1) Y26bn_left, update_ema26_left = batchnorm(Y26_left, tst, B26) Y26bn_right, update_ema26_right = batchnorm(Y26_right, tst, B26) # Y26bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y26_left, tst, B26) # Y26bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y26_right, tst, B26) Y26relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y26bn_left) Y26relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y26bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d27'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W27 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B27 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y27_left = conv3d(Y24relu_left, W27, stride=2) ###batch D/16 H/16 W/16 2F Y27bn_left, update_ema27_left = batchnorm(Y27_left, tst, B27) # Y27bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y27_left, tst, B27) Y27relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y27bn_left) Y27_right = conv3d(Y24relu_right, W27, stride=2) Y27bn_right, update_ema27_right = batchnorm(Y27_right, tst, B27) # Y27bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y27_right, tst, B27) Y27relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y27bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d28'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W28 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B28 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y28_left = conv3d(Y27relu_left, W28, stride=1) ###batch D/16 H/16 W/16 2F Y28bn_left, update_ema28_left = batchnorm(Y28_left, tst, B28) # Y28bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y28_left, tst, B28) Y28relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y28bn_left) Y28_right = conv3d(Y27relu_right, W28, stride=1) Y28bn_right, update_ema28_right = batchnorm(Y28_right, tst, B28) # Y28bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y28_right, tst, B28) Y28relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y28bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d29'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W29 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B29 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) Y29_left = conv3d(Y28relu_left, W29, stride=1) ###batch D/16 H/16 W/16 2F Y29bn_left, update_ema29_left = batchnorm(Y29_left, tst, B29) # Y29bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y29_left, tst, B29) Y29relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y29bn_left) Y29_right = conv3d(Y28relu_right, W29, stride=1) Y29bn_right, update_ema29_right = batchnorm(Y29_right, tst, B29) # Y29bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y29_right, tst, B29) Y29relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y29bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d30'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W30 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 4 * F)) B30 = bias_variable((4 * F, )) Y30_left = conv3d(Y27relu_left, W30, stride=2) ###batch D/32 H/32 W/32 4F Y30bn_left, update_ema30_left = batchnorm(Y30_left, tst, B30) # Y30bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y30_left, tst, B30) Y30relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y30bn_left) Y30_right = conv3d(Y27relu_right, W30, stride=2) Y30bn_right, update_ema30_right = batchnorm(Y30_left, tst, B30) # Y30bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y30_left, tst, B30) Y30relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y30bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d31'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W31 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 4 * F, 4 * F)) B31 = bias_variable((4 * F, )) Y31_left = conv3d(Y30relu_left, W31, stride=1) ###batch D/32 H/32 W/32 4F Y31bn_left, update_ema31_left = batchnorm(Y31_left, tst, B31) # Y31bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y31_left, tst, B31) Y31relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y31bn_left) Y31_right = conv3d(Y30relu_right, W31, stride=1) Y31bn_right, update_ema31_right = batchnorm(Y31_right, tst, B31) # Y31bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y31_right, tst, B31) Y31relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y31bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d32'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W32 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 4 * F, 4 * F)) B32 = bias_variable((4 * F, )) Y32_left = conv3d(Y31relu_left, W32, stride=1) ###batch D/32 H/32 W/32 4F Y32bn_left, update_ema32_left = batchnorm(Y32_left, tst, B32) # Y32bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y32_left, tst, B32) Y32relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y32bn_left) Y32_right = conv3d(Y31relu_right, W32, stride=1) Y32bn_right, update_ema32_right = batchnorm(Y32_right, tst, B32) # Y32bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y32_right, tst, B32) Y32relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y32bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d33'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W33 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 4 * F)) B33 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) output33shape = [batch_size, D // 16, H // 16, W // 16, 2 * F] _Y33_left = conv3dt(Y32relu_left, W33, outputshape=output33shape, stride=2) ###batch D/16 H/16 W/16 2F _Y33bn_left, update_ema33_left = batchnorm(_Y33_left, tst, B33) # _Y33bn_left, _= batchnorm(_Y33_left, tst, B33) _Y33relu_left = tf.nn.relu(_Y33bn_left) _Y33_right = conv3dt(Y32relu_right, W33, outputshape=output33shape, stride=2) _Y33bn_right, update_ema33_right = batchnorm(_Y33_right, tst, B33) # _Y33bn_right, _= batchnorm(_Y33_right, tst, B33) _Y33relu_right = tf.nn.relu(_Y33bn_right) Y33relu_left = _Y33relu_left + Y29relu_left Y33relu_right = _Y33relu_right + Y29relu_right with tf.name_scope('Conv3d34'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W34 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B34 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) output34shape = [batch_size, D // 8, H // 8, W // 8, 2 * F] _Y34_left = conv3dt(Y33relu_left, W34, outputshape=output34shape, stride=2) ###batch D/8 H/8 W/8 2F _Y34bn_left, update_ema34_left = batchnorm(_Y34_left, tst, B34) # _Y34bn_left, _= batchnorm(_Y34_left, tst, B34) _Y34relu_left = tf.nn.relu(_Y34bn_left) _Y34_right = conv3dt(Y33relu_right, W34, outputshape=output34shape, stride=2) _Y34bn_right, update_ema34_right = batchnorm(_Y34_right, tst, B34) # _Y34bn_right, _= batchnorm(_Y34_right, tst, B34) _Y34relu_right = tf.nn.relu(_Y34bn_right) Y34relu_left = _Y34relu_left + Y26relu_left Y34relu_right = _Y34relu_right + Y26relu_right with tf.name_scope('Conv3d35'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W35 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 2 * F, 2 * F)) B35 = bias_variable((2 * F, )) output35shape = [batch_size, D // 4, H // 4, W // 4, 2 * F] _Y35_left = conv3dt(Y34relu_left, W35, outputshape=output35shape, stride=2) ###batch D/4 H/4 W/4 2F _Y35bn_left, update_ema35_left = batchnorm(_Y35_left, tst, B35) # _Y35bn_left, _= batchnorm(_Y35_left, tst, B35) _Y35relu_left = tf.nn.relu(_Y35bn_left) _Y35_right = conv3dt(Y34relu_right, W35, outputshape=output35shape, stride=2) _Y35bn_right, update_ema35_right = batchnorm(_Y35_right, tst, B35) # _Y35bn_right, _= batchnorm(_Y35_right, tst, B35) _Y35relu_right = tf.nn.relu(_Y35bn_right) Y35relu_left = _Y35relu_left + Y23relu_left Y35relu_right = _Y35relu_right + Y23relu_right with tf.name_scope('Conv3d36'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W36 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, F, 2 * F)) B36 = bias_variable((F, )) output36shape = [batch_size, D // 2, H // 2, W // 2, F] _Y36_left = conv3dt(Y35relu_left, W36, outputshape=output36shape, stride=2) ###batch D/2 H/2 W/2 F _Y36bn_left, update_ema36_left = batchnorm(_Y36_left, tst, B36) # _Y36bn_left, _= batchnorm(_Y36_left, tst, B36) _Y36relu_left = tf.nn.relu(_Y36bn_left) _Y36_right = conv3dt(Y35relu_right, W36, outputshape=output36shape, stride=2) _Y36bn_right, update_ema36_right = batchnorm(_Y36_right, tst, B36) # _Y36bn_right, _= batchnorm(_Y36_right, tst, B36) _Y36relu_right = tf.nn.relu(_Y36bn_right) Y36relu_left = _Y36relu_left + Y20relu_left Y36relu_right = _Y36relu_right + Y20relu_right update_lr_left = update_ema19_left, update_ema20_left, update_ema21_left, update_ema22_left, update_ema23_left, update_ema24_left, update_ema25_left, update_ema26_left, update_ema27_left, update_ema28_left, update_ema29_left, update_ema30_left, update_ema31_left, update_ema32_left, update_ema33_left, update_ema34_left, update_ema35_left, update_ema36_left) update_lr_right = update_ema19_right, update_ema20_right, update_ema21_right, update_ema22_right, update_ema23_right, update_ema24_right, update_ema25_right, update_ema26_right, update_ema27_right, update_ema28_right, update_ema29_right, update_ema30_right, update_ema31_right, update_ema32_right, update_ema33_right, update_ema34_right, update_ema35_right, update_ema36_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv3d37'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W37 = weight_variable((3, 3, 3, 1, F)) output37shape = [batch_size, D, H, W, 1] Y37_left = conv3dt(Y36relu_left, W37, outputshape=output37shape, stride=2) Y37_right = conv3dt(Y36relu_right, W37, outputshape=output37shape, stride=2) return Y37_left, Y37_right, update_lr_left, update_lr_right
def _create_network(self, input_batch, keep_prob, num_classes, use_fuse=False): """Construct DeepLab-LargeFOV network. Args: input_batch: batch of pre-processed images. keep_prob: probability of keeping neurons intact. Returns: A downsampled segmentation mask. """ current = input_batch v_idx = 0 # Index variable. # Last block is the classification layer. for b_idx in range(len(dilations) - 1): for l_idx, dilation in enumerate(dilations[b_idx]): w = self.variables[v_idx * 2] b = self.variables[v_idx * 2 + 1] if dilation == 1: conv = tf.nn.conv2d(current, w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') else: conv = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(current, w, dilation, padding='SAME') conv = tf.nn.bias_add(conv, b) if b_idx < 5: conv = batchnorm(conv, scope='conv{:d}_batchnorm{:d}'.format( b_idx + 1, l_idx + 1)) current = tf.nn.relu(conv) v_idx += 1 # Optional pooling and dropout after each block. if b_idx < 3: if b_idx == 1: block_1 = current if b_idx == 2: block_2 = current current = tf.nn.max_pool(current, ksize=[1, ks, ks, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') elif b_idx == 3: block_3 = current current = tf.nn.max_pool(current, ksize=[1, ks, ks, 1], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') elif b_idx == 4: current = tf.nn.max_pool(current, ksize=[1, ks, ks, 1], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') current = tf.nn.avg_pool(current, ksize=[1, ks, ks, 1], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') elif b_idx <= 6: current = tf.nn.dropout(current, keep_prob=keep_prob) block_1 = tf.image.resize_bilinear(block_1, input_batch.get_shape()[1:3]) block_2 = tf.image.resize_bilinear(block_2, input_batch.get_shape()[1:3]) block_3 = tf.image.resize_bilinear(block_3, input_batch.get_shape()[1:3]) current_final = tf.image.resize_bilinear(current, input_batch.get_shape()[1:3]) current_final = tf.concat([block_1, block_2, current_final], axis=-1) if use_fuse: edgenet = utils_conv(tf.concat([block_1, block_2, block_3], axis=-1), num_classes, stride=1, padding='SAME', name='fc8_voc12_edge') #edgenet=utils_conv(current_final, num_classes, stride=1, padding='SAME', name='fc8_voc12_edge') segnet = utils_conv(current, num_classes, stride=1, padding='SAME', name='fc8_voc12') current = tf.image.resize_bilinear(segnet, edgenet.get_shape()[1:3]) current = tf.concat([current, edgenet], axis=-1) current = utils_conv(current, num_classes, stride=1, padding='SAME', name='fc9_voc12') return current, edgenet, segnet else: current = utils_conv(current, num_classes, stride=1, padding='SAME', name='fc8_voc12') return current
def UnaryFeatures(left_image, right_image, tst, F=32, SHARE=None): with tf.name_scope('Conv1'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W1 = weight_variable((5, 5, 1, F)) B1 = bias_variable((F, )) Y1_left = conv2d(left_image, W1, stride=2) Y1_right = conv2d(right_image, W1, stride=2) Y1bn_left, update_ema1_left = batchnorm(Y1_left, tst, B1, convolutional=True) Y1bn_right, update_ema1_right = batchnorm(Y1_right, tst, B1, convolutional=True) # Y1bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y1_left, tst, B1, convolutional=True) # Y1bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y1_right, tst, B1, convolutional=True) Y1relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y1bn_left) Y1relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y1bn_right) # print('Output/Conv1->',Y1r_left.shape, Y1r_right.shape) with tf.name_scope('Conv2'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W2 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B2 = bias_variable((F, )) Y2_left = conv2d(Y1relu_left, W2, stride=1) Y2_right = conv2d(Y1relu_right, W2, stride=1) Y2bn_left, update_ema2_left = batchnorm(Y2_left, tst, B2, convolutional=True) Y2bn_right, update_ema2_right = batchnorm(Y2_right, tst, B2, convolutional=True) # Y2bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y2_left, tst, B2, convolutional=True) # Y2bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y2_right, tst, B2, convolutional=True) Y2relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y2bn_left) Y2relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y2bn_right) # print('Output/Conv2->',Y2r_left.shape, Y2r_right.shape) with tf.name_scope('Conv3'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W3 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B3 = bias_variable((F, )) Y3_left = conv2d(Y2relu_left, W3, stride=1) Y3_right = conv2d(Y2relu_right, W3, stride=1) Y3bn_left, update_ema3_left = batchnorm(Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B3, convolutional=True) Y3bn_right, update_ema3_right = batchnorm(Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B3, convolutional=True) # Y3bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B3, convolutional=True) # Y3bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B3, convolutional=True) Y3relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y3bn_left) Y3relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y3bn_right) # print('Output/Conv3->', Y3r_left.shape, Y3r_right.shape) with tf.name_scope('Conv4'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W4 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B4 = bias_variable((F, )) Y4_left = conv2d(Y3relu_left, W4, stride=1) Y4_right = conv2d(Y3relu_right, W4, stride=1) Y4bn_left, update_ema4_left = batchnorm(Y4_left, tst, B4, convolutional=True) Y4bn_right, update_ema4_right = batchnorm(Y4_right, tst, B4, convolutional=True) # Y4bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y4_left, tst, B4, convolutional=True) # Y4bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y4_right, tst, B4, convolutional=True) Y4relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y4bn_left) Y4relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y4bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv5'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W5 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B5 = bias_variable((F, )) Y5_left = conv2d(Y4relu_left, W5, stride=1) Y5_right = conv2d(Y4relu_right, W5, stride=1) Y5bn_left, update_ema5_left = batchnorm(Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B5, convolutional=True) Y5bn_right, update_ema5_right = batchnorm(Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B5, convolutional=True) # Y5bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B5, convolutional=True) # Y5bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B5, convolutional=True) Y5relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y5bn_left) Y5relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y5bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv6'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W6 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B6 = bias_variable((F, )) Y6_left = conv2d(Y5relu_left, W6, stride=1) Y6_right = conv2d(Y5relu_right, W6, stride=1) Y6bn_left, update_ema6_left = batchnorm(Y6_left, tst, B6, convolutional=True) Y6bn_right, update_ema6_right = batchnorm(Y6_right, tst, B6, convolutional=True) # Y6bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y6_left, tst, B6, convolutional=True) # Y6bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y6_right, tst, B6, convolutional=True) Y6relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y6bn_left) Y6relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y6bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv7'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W7 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B7 = bias_variable((F, )) Y7_left = conv2d(Y6relu_left, W7, stride=1) Y7_right = conv2d(Y6relu_right, W7, stride=1) Y7bn_left, update_ema7_left = batchnorm(Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B7, convolutional=True) Y7bn_right, update_ema7_right = batchnorm(Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B7, convolutional=True) # Y7bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B7, convolutional=True) # Y7bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B7, # convolutional=True) Y7relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y7bn_left) Y7relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y7bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv8'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W8 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B8 = bias_variable((F, )) Y8_left = conv2d(Y7relu_left, W7, stride=1) Y8_right = conv2d(Y7relu_right, W7, stride=1) Y8bn_left, update_ema8_left = batchnorm(Y8_left, tst, B8, convolutional=True) Y8bn_right, update_ema8_right = batchnorm(Y8_right, tst, B8, convolutional=True) # Y8bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y8_left, tst, B8, convolutional=True) # Y8bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y8_right, tst, B8, convolutional=True) Y8relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y8bn_left) Y8relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y8bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv9'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W9 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B9 = bias_variable((F, )) Y9_left = conv2d(Y8relu_left, W9, stride=1) Y9_right = conv2d(Y8relu_right, W9, stride=1) Y9bn_left, update_ema9_left = batchnorm(Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B9, convolutional=True) Y9bn_right, update_ema9_right = batchnorm( Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B9, convolutional=True) # Y9bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, # tst, B9, convolutional=True) # Y9bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, # tst, B9, convolutional=True) Y9relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y9bn_left) Y9relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y9bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv10'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W10 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B10 = bias_variable((F, )) Y10_left = conv2d(Y9relu_left, W10, stride=1) Y10_right = conv2d(Y9relu_right, W10, stride=1) Y10bn_left, update_ema10_left = batchnorm(Y10_left, tst, B10, convolutional=True) Y10bn_right, update_ema10_right = batchnorm(Y10_right, tst, B10, convolutional=True) # Y10bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y10_left, tst, B10, convolutional=True) # Y10bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y10_right, tst, B10, convolutional=True) Y10relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y10bn_left) Y10relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y10bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv11'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W11 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B11 = bias_variable((F, )) Y11_left = conv2d(Y10relu_left, W11, stride=1) Y11_right = conv2d(Y10relu_right, W11, stride=1) Y11bn_left, update_ema11_left = batchnorm( Y11_left + Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B11, convolutional=True) Y11bn_right, update_ema11_right = batchnorm( Y11_right + Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B11, convolutional=True) # Y11bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y11_left + Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, # tst, B11, convolutional=True) # Y11bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y11_right + Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B11, convolutional=True) Y11relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y11bn_left) Y11relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y11bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv12'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W12 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B12 = bias_variable((F, )) Y12_left = conv2d(Y11relu_left, W12, stride=1) Y12_right = conv2d(Y11relu_right, W12, stride=1) Y12bn_left, update_ema12_left = batchnorm(Y12_left, tst, B12, convolutional=True) Y12bn_right, update_ema12_right = batchnorm(Y12_right, tst, B12, convolutional=True) # Y12bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y12_left, tst, B12, convolutional=True) # Y12bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y12_right, tst, B12, convolutional=True) Y12relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y12bn_left) Y12relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y12bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv13'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W13 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B13 = bias_variable((F, )) Y13_left = conv2d(Y12relu_left, W13, stride=1) Y13_right = conv2d(Y12relu_right, W13, stride=1) Y13bn_left, update_ema13_left = batchnorm( Y13_left + Y11_left + Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B13, convolutional=True) Y13bn_right, update_ema13_right = batchnorm( Y13_right + Y11_right + Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B13, convolutional=True) # Y13bn_left, _= batchnorm( # Y13_left + Y11_left + Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, # tst, B13, convolutional=True) # Y13bn_right, _= batchnorm( # Y13_right + Y11_right + Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, # tst, B13, convolutional=True) Y13relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y13bn_left) Y13relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y13bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv14'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W14 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B14 = bias_variable((F, )) Y14_left = conv2d(Y13relu_left, W14, stride=1) Y14_right = conv2d(Y13relu_right, W14, stride=1) Y14bn_left, update_ema14_left = batchnorm(Y14_left, tst, B14, convolutional=True) Y14bn_right, update_ema14_right = batchnorm(Y14_right, tst, B14, convolutional=True) # Y14bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y14_left, tst, B14, convolutional=True) # Y14bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y14_right, tst, B14, convolutional=True) Y14relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y14bn_left) Y14relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y14bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv15'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W15 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B15 = bias_variable((F, )) Y15_left = conv2d(Y14relu_left, W15, stride=1) Y15_right = conv2d(Y14relu_right, W15, stride=1) Y15bn_left, update_ema15_left = batchnorm( Y15_left + Y13_left + Y11_left + Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B15, convolutional=True) Y15bn_right, update_ema15_right = batchnorm( Y15_right + Y13_right + Y11_right + Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B15, convolutional=True) # Y15bn_left, _= batchnorm( # Y15_left + Y13_left + Y11_left + Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, # tst, B15, convolutional=True) # Y15bn_right, _= batchnorm( # Y15_right + Y13_right + Y11_right + Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, # tst, B15, convolutional=True) Y15relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y15bn_left) Y15relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y15bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv16'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W16 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B16 = bias_variable((F, )) Y16_left = conv2d(Y15relu_left, W16, stride=1) Y16_right = conv2d(Y15relu_right, W16, stride=1) Y16bn_left, update_ema16_left = batchnorm(Y16_left, tst, B16, convolutional=True) Y16bn_right, update_ema16_right = batchnorm(Y16_right, tst, B16, convolutional=True) # Y16bn_left, _= batchnorm(Y16_left, tst, B16, convolutional=True) # Y16bn_right, _= batchnorm(Y16_right, tst, B16, convolutional=True) Y16relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y16bn_left) Y16relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y16bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv17'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W17 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B17 = bias_variable((F, )) Y17_left = conv2d(Y16relu_left, W17, stride=1) Y17_right = conv2d(Y16relu_right, W17, stride=1) Y17bn_left, update_ema17_left = batchnorm( Y17_left + Y15_left + Y13_left + Y11_left + Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, tst, B17, convolutional=True) Y17bn_right, update_ema17_right = batchnorm( Y17_right + Y15_right + Y13_right + Y11_right + Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, tst, B17, convolutional=True) # Y17bn_left, _= batchnorm( # Y17_left + Y15_left + Y13_left + Y11_left + Y9_left + Y7_left + Y5_left + Y3_left + Y1_left, # tst, B17, convolutional=True # ) # Y17bn_right, _= batchnorm( # Y17_right + Y15_right + Y13_right + Y11_right + Y9_right + Y7_right + Y5_right + Y3_right + Y1_right, # tst, B17, convolutional=True # ) Y17relu_left = tf.nn.relu(Y17bn_left) Y17relu_right = tf.nn.relu(Y17bn_right) with tf.name_scope('Conv18'): with tf.variable_scope('params', reuse=SHARE): W18 = weight_variable((3, 3, F, F)) B18 = bias_variable((F, )) Y18_left = conv2d(Y17relu_left, W18, stride=1) Y18_right = conv2d(Y17relu_right, W18, stride=1) update_uf_left = update_ema1_left, update_ema2_left, update_ema3_left, update_ema4_left, update_ema5_left, update_ema6_left, update_ema7_left, update_ema8_left, update_ema9_left, update_ema10_left, update_ema11_left, update_ema12_left, update_ema13_left, update_ema14_left, update_ema15_left, update_ema16_left, update_ema17_left) update_uf_right = update_ema1_right, update_ema2_right, update_ema3_right, update_ema4_right, update_ema5_right, update_ema6_right, update_ema7_right, update_ema8_right, update_ema9_right, update_ema10_right, update_ema11_right, update_ema12_right, update_ema13_right, update_ema14_right, update_ema15_right, update_ema16_right, update_ema17_right) return Y18_left, Y18_right, update_uf_left, update_uf_right
def disc_net(tensor): # five convolutional layers with their channel counts K = 64 # first convolutional layer output depth L = 128 # second convolutional layer output depth M = 256 # third convolutional layer N = 512 # fourth convolutional layer O = 2 # fifth layer (binary classifier) W1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal( [2, 2, 2, 3, K], stddev=0.1)) # 4x4 patch, 100 input channels, K output channels W2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4, 4, 4, K, L], stddev=0.1)) B2 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, tf.float32, [L])) W3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4, 4, 4, L, M], stddev=0.1)) B3 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, tf.float32, [M])) W4 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([4, 4, 4, M, N], stddev=0.1)) B4 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, tf.float32, [N])) W5 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([2, 4, 4, N, O], stddev=0.1)) B5 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, tf.float32, [O])) #set dropout = True dropout = tf.constant(True) #Layer 1 Y1l = tf.nn.conv3d(tensor, W1, strides=[1, 2, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') Y1r = utils.lrelu(Y1l, leak=0.2) #layer 2 Y2l = tf.nn.conv3d(Y1r, W2, strides=[1, 2, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') Y2bn, update_ema2 = utils.batchnorm(Y2l, dropout, iter, B2, convolutional=True) Y2r = utils.lrelu(Y2bn, leak=0.2) #layer 3 Y3l = tf.nn.conv3d(Y2r, W3, strides=[1, 2, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') Y3bn, update_ema3 = utils.batchnorm(Y3l, dropout, iter, B3, convolutional=True) Y3r = utils.lrelu(Y3bn, 0.2) #layer 4 Y4l = tf.nn.conv3d(Y3r, W4, strides=[1, 2, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') Y4bn, update_ema3 = utils.batchnorm(Y4l, dropout, iter, B4, convolutional=True) Y4r = utils.lrelu(Y4bn, 0.2) #layer 4 Y5l = tf.nn.conv3d(Y4r, W5, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') Y5bn, update_ema3 = utils.batchnorm(Y5l, dropout, iter, B5, convolutional=True) #h0 = lrelu(tf.layers.conv3d(inputs = tensor, filters = 64, kernel_size = [4,4,4], strides = [2,2,2], padding = "SAME"), leak = 0.2) #h1 = lrelu(tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(tf.layers.conv3d(inputs = h0, filters = 128, kernel_size = [4,4,4], strides = [2,2,2], padding = "SAME") , decay = .0001), leak = 0.2) #h2 = lrelu(tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(tf.layers.conv3d(inputs = h1, filters = 256, kernel_size = [4,4,4], strides = [2,2,2], padding = "SAME") , decay = .0001), leak = 0.2) #h3 = lrelu(tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(tf.layers.conv3d(inputs = h2, filters = 512, kernel_size = [4,4,4], strides = [2,2,2], padding = "SAME") , decay = .0001), leak = 0.2) #h4 = tf.layers.conv3d(inputs = h3, filters = 2, kernel_size = [2,4,4], strides = [1,1,1], padding = "VALID") return tf.Print(Y5bn, [Y5bn])
def Model(data, dom_l, cls_l, keep=0.5, reuse=None): with tf.variable_scope("feature_extractor") as scope_f: # List to store the output of each CNN path filter_output = [] # CNNs with small filter size at the first layer ws1, bs1 = ut.get_params(name="sconv1", shape=[1, st.fs / 2, 1, 64]) sconv1 = ut.conv(input=data, w=ws1, b=bs1, stride=st.fs / 16) sconv1 = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(sconv1)) sconv1 = tf.nn.max_pool(sconv1, ksize=[1, 1, 8, 1], strides=[1, 1, 8, 1], padding="SAME") sconv1 = ut.dropout(sconv1, keep_prob=keep) # CNNs with small filter size at the second layer ws2, bs2 = ut.get_params(name="sconv2", shape=[1, 8, 64, 128]) sconv2 = ut.conv(input=sconv1, w=ws2, b=bs2, stride=1) sconv2 = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(sconv2)) # CNNs with small filter size at the third layer ws3, bs3 = ut.get_params(name="sconv3", shape=[1, 8, 128, 128]) sconv3 = ut.conv(input=sconv2, w=ws3, b=bs3, stride=1) sconv3 = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(sconv3)) # CNNs with small filter size at the fourth layer ws4, bs4 = ut.get_params(name="sconv4", shape=[1, 8, 128, 128]) sconv4 = ut.conv(input=sconv3, w=ws4, b=bs4, stride=1) sconv4 = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(sconv4)) sconv4 = tf.nn.max_pool(sconv4, ksize=[1, 1, 4, 1], strides=[1, 1, 4, 1], padding="SAME") # Spatial Convolution wssp, bssp = ut.get_params(name="sspconv", shape=[22, 1, 128, 128]) sspconv = tf.nn.bias_add( tf.nn.conv2d(input=sconv4, filter=wssp, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="VALID"), bssp) sspconv = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(sspconv)) sf = tf.reshape(sspconv, shape=(-1, 1024)) ################################################### # CNNs with large filter size at the first layer wl1, bl1 = ut.get_params(name="lconv1", shape=[1, st.fs * 2, 1, 64]) lconv1 = ut.conv(input=data, w=wl1, b=bl1, stride=st.fs / 2) lconv1 = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(lconv1)) lconv1 = tf.nn.max_pool(lconv1, ksize=[1, 1, 4, 1], strides=[1, 1, 4, 1], padding="SAME") lconv1 = ut.dropout(lconv1, keep_prob=keep) # CNNs with large filter size at the second layer wl2, bl2 = ut.get_params(name="lconv2", shape=[1, 6, 64, 128]) lconv2 = ut.conv(input=lconv1, w=wl2, b=bl2, stride=1) lconv2 = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(lconv2)) # CNNs with large filter size at the third layer wl3, bl3 = ut.get_params(name="lconv3", shape=[1, 6, 128, 128]) lconv3 = ut.conv(input=lconv2, w=wl3, b=bl3, stride=1) lconv3 = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(lconv3)) # CNNs with large filter size at the fourth layer wl4, bl4 = ut.get_params(name="lconv4", shape=[1, 6, 128, 128]) lconv4 = ut.conv(input=lconv3, w=wl4, b=bl4, stride=1) lconv4 = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(lconv4)) lconv4 = tf.nn.max_pool(lconv4, ksize=[1, 1, 2, 1], strides=[1, 1, 2, 1], padding="SAME") # Spatial Convolution wlsp, blsp = ut.get_params(name="lspconv", shape=[22, 1, 128, 128]) lspconv = tf.nn.bias_add( tf.nn.conv2d(input=lconv4, filter=wlsp, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="VALID"), blsp) lspconv = ut.relu(ut.batchnorm(lspconv)) lf = tf.reshape(lspconv, shape=(-1, 512)) # small filter's feature # Concatenate sf and lf filter_output.append(sf) filter_output.append(lf) feature = tf.concat(values=filter_output, axis=1) with tf.variable_scope("domain_classifier") as scope_c: fc1 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=feature, num_outputs=512, activation_fn=None) fc1 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc1)) fc2 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc1, num_outputs=128, activation_fn=None) fc2 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc2)) fc3 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc2, num_outputs=32, activation_fn=None) fc3 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc3)) output_d = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc3, num_outputs=2, activation_fn=None) domain_cast_label = tf.cast(dom_l, tf.int64) domain_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=tf.one_hot( domain_cast_label, depth=2), logits=output_d)) with tf.variable_scope("label_predictor_target") as scope_pt: fc4 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=feature, num_outputs=512, activation_fn=None) fc4 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc4)) fc5 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc4, num_outputs=128, activation_fn=None) fc5 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc5)) fc6 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc5, num_outputs=32, activation_fn=None) fc6 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc6)) output_l1 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc6, num_outputs=4, activation_fn=None) class_cast_label = tf.cast(cls_l, tf.int64) label_loss1 = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=tf.one_hot( class_cast_label, depth=4), logits=output_l1)) label_loss1 = label_loss1 * tf.cast(tf.equal(dom_l, 0), tf.float32) label_pred1 = tf.argmax(tf.sigmoid(output_l1), -1) with tf.variable_scope("label_predictor_source") as scope_ps: fc7 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=feature, num_outputs=512, activation_fn=None) fc7 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc7)) fc8 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc7, num_outputs=128, activation_fn=None) fc8 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc8)) fc9 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc8, num_outputs=32, activation_fn=None) fc9 = ut.leaky_relu(ut.batchnorm(fc9)) output_l2 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=fc9, num_outputs=4, activation_fn=None) label_loss2 = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=tf.one_hot( class_cast_label, depth=4), logits=output_l2)) label_loss2 = label_loss2 * tf.cast(tf.equal(dom_l, 1), tf.float32) label_pred2 = tf.argmax(tf.sigmoid(output_l2), -1) return domain_loss, label_loss1, label_pred1, label_loss2, label_pred2
def create_generator(generator_inputs, generator_outputs_channels): layers = [] # encoder_1: [batch, 256, 256, in_channels] => [batch, 128, 128, ngf] output = gen_conv(generator_inputs, a.ngf) layers.append(output) layer_specs = [ a.ngf * 2, # encoder_2: [batch, 128, 128, ngf] => [batch, 64, 64, ngf * 2] a.ngf * 4, # encoder_3: [batch, 64, 64, ngf * 2] => [batch, 32, 32, ngf * 4] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_4: [batch, 32, 32, ngf * 4] => [batch, 16, 16, ngf * 8] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_5: [batch, 16, 16, ngf * 8] => [batch, 8, 8, ngf * 8] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_6: [batch, 8, 8, ngf * 8] => [batch, 4, 4, ngf * 8] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_7: [batch, 4, 4, ngf * 8] => [batch, 2, 2, ngf * 8] a.ngf * 8, # encoder_8: [batch, 2, 2, ngf * 8] => [batch, 1, 1, ngf * 8] ] for out_channels in layer_specs: rectified = utils.lrelu(layers[-1], 0.2) # [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels] => [batch, in_height/2, in_width/2, out_channels] convolved = gen_conv(rectified, out_channels) output = utils.batchnorm(convolved) layers.append(output) layer_specs = [ (a.ngf * 8, 0.5), # decoder_8: [batch, 1, 1, ngf * 8] => [batch, 2, 2, ngf * 8 * 2] (a.ngf * 8, 0.5), # decoder_7: [batch, 2, 2, ngf * 8 * 2] => [batch, 4, 4, ngf * 8 * 2] (a.ngf * 8, 0.5), # decoder_6: [batch, 4, 4, ngf * 8 * 2] => [batch, 8, 8, ngf * 8 * 2] (a.ngf * 8, 0.0), # decoder_5: [batch, 8, 8, ngf * 8 * 2] => [batch, 16, 16, ngf * 8 * 2] (a.ngf * 4, 0.0), # decoder_4: [batch, 16, 16, ngf * 8 * 2] => [batch, 32, 32, ngf * 4 * 2] (a.ngf * 2, 0.0), # decoder_3: [batch, 32, 32, ngf * 4 * 2] => [batch, 64, 64, ngf * 2 * 2] (a.ngf, 0.0), # decoder_2: [batch, 64, 64, ngf * 2 * 2] => [batch, 128, 128, ngf * 2] ] num_encoder_layers = len(layers) for decoder_layer, (out_channels, dropout) in enumerate(layer_specs): skip_layer = num_encoder_layers - decoder_layer - 1 if decoder_layer == 0: # first decoder layer doesn't have skip connections # since it is directly connected to the skip_layer input = layers[-1] else: input = fluid.layers.concat(input=[layers[-1], layers[skip_layer]], axis=1) rectified = fluid.layers.relu(input) # [batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels] => [batch, in_height*2, in_width*2, out_channels] output = gen_deconv(rectified, out_channels) output = utils.batchnorm(output) if dropout > 0.0: output = fluid.layers.dropout(output, dropout_prob=dropout) layers.append(output) # decoder_1: [batch, 128, 128, ngf * 2] => [batch, 256, 256, generator_outputs_channels] input = fluid.layers.concat(input=[layers[-1], layers[0]], axis=1) rectified = fluid.layers.relu(input) output = gen_deconv(rectified, generator_outputs_channels) output = fluid.layers.tanh(output) layers.append(output) return layers[-1]