Beispiel #1
    def get_all_pitch_dates(self, name, team=None, year=None):
        Return list of dates where pitcher was active
        if not team:
            team = self.get_player_team(name, year)

        abbr = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
        dates = self.get_past_game_dates_by_team(abbr, year)
        active_dates = []

        for date in dates:
            if date == self._day:
            game = list(
                    '$and': [{
                        'date': date
                    }, {
                        '$or': [{
                            'home': abbr
                        }, {
                            'away': abbr
            pitchers = [x['Pitching'] for x in game[0][abbr]['pitching']]
            if name in pitchers:
        return active_dates
Beispiel #2
def league_elo():
    – Rank
    – Team
    – Rating
    – Playoffs %
    – Division %
    – World Series %
    url = ''
    soup = open_url(url)

    tbody = soup.find('tbody')
    trows = tbody.find_all('tr')

    cols = ['elo_rating', 'playoff_pct', 'division_pct', 'worldseries_pct']

    for row in trows:
        team = row['data-str']
        rating = float(row.find('td', {'class': 'num rating'})['data-val'])
        pcts = [
            float(x['data-val']) for x in row.find_all('td', {'class': 'pct'})

        row_data = [rating] + pcts
        db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}
        db_data = parse_types(db_data)

        # Clear existing elo document
        tm = convert_name(name=team, how='abbr')
        db.Teams.update({'Tm': tm}, {'$set': {'elo': []}})

        db.Teams.update({'Tm': tm}, {'$push': {'elo': db_data}})
Beispiel #3
def pitching_logs(team, year):
    Scrape pitching logs from
    team = convert_name(name=team, how='abbr')
    url = "{}&t=p&year={}".format(
        team, year)

    soup = open_url(url)

    table = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'table_outer_container'})[-1]

    # Extract column headers
    cols = [x.text for x in table.find_all('th', {'scope': 'col'})]

    # Extract body of pitching logs table
    tbody = table.find('tbody')
    trows = tbody.find_all('tr')

    # # Clear existing Pitlog document
    db_array = 'Pitlog.{}'.format(year)
    db.Teams.update({'Tm': team}, {'$set': {db_array: []}})

    # Extract pitching logs and push to databse
    for row in trows:
        row_data = [
            x.text for x in row.find_all(lambda tag: tag.has_attr('data-stat'))
        db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}
        db_data = parse_types(db_data)

        # Insert row indo database
        db.Teams.update({'Tm': team}, {'$push': {db_array: db_data}})
Beispiel #4
    def get_last_pitch_date(self, name, team=None, year=None):
        Find the last day where a pitcher was active
        abbr = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
        dates = self.get_past_game_dates_by_team(abbr, year)

        for date in dates:
            if date == self._day:
            game = list(
                    '$and': [{
                        'date': date
                    }, {
                        '$or': [{
                            'home': abbr
                        }, {
                            'away': abbr
            pitchers = [x['Pitching'] for x in game[0][abbr]['pitching']]
            if name in pitchers:
                return date
        return None
Beispiel #5
    def get_matchup_history(self, *teams):
        Return game data between two teams
        Queries the Games collection
        abbrA = convert_name(teams[0], how='abbr')
        abbrB = convert_name(teams[1], how='abbr')

        return self._db.Games.find({
            '$or': [{
                'home': abbrA,
                'away': abbrB
            }, {
                'home': abbrB,
                'away': abbrA
Beispiel #6
 def get_team_game_preview(self, team, date):
     Query game preview for specific team
     abbr = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
     return self._db.Games.find({
         'date': date,
         '$or': [{
             'home': abbr
         }, {
             'away': abbr
Beispiel #7
def schedule(team):
    Scrape yankees schedule with results
    name = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
    url = "{}/2018-schedule-scores.shtml".format(

    soup = open_url(url)
    table = soup.find('table', {'id': 'team_schedule'})

    # Extract schedule columns
    thead = table.find('thead')
    cols = [
        x.text.replace('\xa0', 'Field').replace('.', '')
        for x in thead.find_all('th')
    upcoming_cols = cols[:6] + ['Time']

    # Extract schedule data
    tbody = soup.find('tbody')
    trows = tbody.find_all('tr')

    # Throw out rows that are duplicates of column headers
    trows = [x for x in trows if 'Gm#' not in x.text]

    # Clear existing Schedule document
    db.Teams.update({'Tm': name}, {'$set': {'Schedule': []}})

    # Extract schedule data one row at a time
    for row in trows:
        row_data = [
            x.text for x in row.find_all(lambda tag: tag.has_attr('data-stat'))

        # Past game
        if row_data[2] == 'boxscore':
            game_num = row_data[0]
            db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}

        # Upcoming game
        elif row_data[2] == 'preview':
            row_data = row_data[:7]
            game_num = row_data[0]
            db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(upcoming_cols, row_data)}

        db_data = parse_types(db_data)

        # Insert row into database
        db.Teams.update({'Tm': name}, {'$push': {'Schedule': db_data}})
Beispiel #8
 def get_team_game_previews(self, team, dates):
     Query game preview for team given list of dates
     abbr = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
     return self._db.Games.find({
         'date': {
             '$in': dates
         '$or': [{
             'home': abbr
         }, {
             'away': abbr
Beispiel #9
 def get_all_team_previews(self):
     abbr = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
     year = '^{}'.format(self._year)
     return self._db.Games.find({
         '$and': [{
             'date': {
                 '$regex': year
         }, {
             '$or': [{
                 'home': abbr
             }, {
                 'away': abbr
Beispiel #10
def forty_man(team, year):
    Extract 40-man roster from
    team = convert_name(name=team, how='abbr')
    base = ""
    url = base + "/teams/{}/{}-roster.shtml".format(team, year)
    soup = open_url(url)

    table = soup.find('table', {'id': 'the40man'})

    # Extract column headers and rename blank columns
    thead = table.find('thead')
    cols = [x.text for x in thead.find_all('th')]
    cols[3], cols[4] = 'Country', 'Pos'

    # Extract body of fort man table
    tbody = table.find('tbody')
    trows = tbody.find_all('tr')

    # Clear existing Fortyman document
    db_array = 'Fortyman.{}'.format(year)
    db.Teams.update({'Tm': team}, {'$set': {db_array: []}})

    # Extract forty-man roster and push to database
    for row in tqdm(trows):
        bid = row.find('a')['href'].split('=')[-1]
        row_data = [
            x.text for x in row.find_all(lambda tag: tag.has_attr('data-stat'))
        db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}
        db_data.update({'bid': bid})
        db.Teams.update({'Tm': team}, {'$push': {db_array: db_data}})

        # Check if player exists in database
        player = db_data['Name']
        exists = dbc.player_exists(player)
        if not exists:
                print("Scraping br data for {}".format(player))
                br_player_stats(player, team)
                print("Unable to scrape br data for {}".format(player))
Beispiel #11
 def get_games_behind_history(self, team):
     Queries the Schedule doc from Teams collection
     Returns the Date and Games Behind values
     abbr = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
     res = self._db.Teams.aggregate([{
         '$match': {
             'Tm': abbr
     }, {
         '$unwind': '$Schedule'
     }, {
         '$project': {
             '_id': 0,
             'Date': '$Schedule.Date',
             'GB': '$Schedule.GB'
     hist = [x for x in list(res) if 'GB' in x.keys()]
     return hist
Beispiel #12
def current_injuries(team):
    Extract current injuries table
    current_year ='%Y')

    team = convert_name(name=team, how='abbr')

    url = "{}/{}.shtml"\
                                            .format(team, current_year)
    soup = open_url(url)

    # Data is stored in html comment
    comment = soup.find_all(string=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment))
    comment_html = [x for x in comment if 'Injuries Table' in x][-1].string

    table = BeautifulSoup(comment_html, "html.parser")

    # Extract column headers
    thead = table.find('thead')
    cols = [x.text for x in thead.find_all('th')]

    # Extract body from injuries table
    tbody = table.find('tbody')
    trows = tbody.find_all('tr')

    # Clear existing injuries document
    db.Teams.update({'Tm': team}, {'$set': {'Injuries': []}})

    # Extract injuries table and push to database
    for row in trows:
        row_data = [
            x.text for x in row.find_all(lambda tag: tag.has_attr('data-stat'))
        db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}
        db_data = parse_types(db_data)
        db.Teams.update({'Tm': team}, {'$push': {'Injuries': db_data}})
Beispiel #13
 def get_pitchers_by_game(self, team, date):
     Return team pitcher data from Games collection
     abbr = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
     pitch = '{}.pitching'.format(abbr)
     return self._db.Games.aggregate([{
         '$match': {
             '$and': [{
                 'date': date
             }, {
                 '$or': [{
                     'home': abbr
                 }, {
                     'away': abbr
     }, {
         '$project': {
             '_id': 0,
             pitch: 1
Beispiel #14
def fangraphs(state, year):
    Scrape data from
    tid = 0  # Scrape all teams for now, add individual teams later if needed

    url = """{0}\
             .format(state, year, tid)\
             .replace(' ', '')

    soup = open_url(url)

    # Extract column headers
    thead = soup.find('thead')
    cols = [x.text for x in thead.find_all('th')]

    # Extract stats from table bdoy
    tbody = soup.find_all('tbody')[-1]
    all_rows = tbody.find_all('tr')
    all_row_data = [x.find_all('td') for x in all_rows]

    for row in tqdm(all_row_data):
        row_data = [x.text for x in row]
        player = row_data[1]
        db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}

        # Rename common keys with batting or pitching prefixes
        rank = '{}_rank'.format(state)
        db_data[rank] = db_data.pop('#')

        war = '{}_WAR'.format(state)
        db_data[war] = db_data.pop('WAR')

        games = '{}_G'.format(state)
        db_data[games] = db_data.pop('G')

        # Convert team name to abbreviation
            db_data['Team'] = convert_name(db_data['Team'])
            pass  # any need to pull team value from br here?
            # print("(fangraphs) No team listed for {}".format(player))

        # Store type as numeric if possible
        db_data = parse_types(db_data)

        # Insert row into database
        db_path = 'fg.{}.{}'.format(state, year)
        db.Players.update({'Name': player}, {'$set': {
            db_path: db_data

        # Add current team to top level
        if year == dbc._year:
            db.Players.update({'Name': player},
                              {'$set': {
                                  'Team': db_data['Team']
Beispiel #15
def transactions(team, year):
    Extract transations from
    team = convert_name(name=team, how='abbr').lower()
    team_id = {
        'laa': 108,
        'hou': 117,
        'oak': 133,
        'tor': 141,
        'atl': 144,
        'mil': 158,
        'stl': 138,
        'chc': 112,
        'ari': 109,
        'lad': 119,
        'sfg': 137,
        'cle': 114,
        'sea': 136,
        'mia': 146,
        'nym': 121,
        'wsn': 120,
        'bal': 110,
        'sdp': 135,
        'phi': 143,
        'pit': 134,
        'tex': 140,
        'tbr': 139,
        'bos': 111,
        'cin': 113,
        'col': 115,
        'kcr': 118,
        'det': 116,
        'min': 142,
        'chw': 145,
        'nyy': 147,
    tid = team_id[team]

    current_year ='%Y')

    if str(year) == current_year:
        today ='%Y%m%d')
        url = "{}0101&end_date={}&team_id={}".format(
            year, today, tid)
        url = "{0}0101&end_date={0}1231&team_id={1}".format(
            year, tid)

    # Open and read json object
    res = requests.get(url).text
    j = json.loads(res)

    # Name transactions array by year in database
    db_array = 'Transactions.{}'.format(year)

    # Clear existing Transactions document
    db.Teams.update({'Tm': team.upper()}, {'$set': {db_array: []}})

    # Add Transactions json data to database
    db.Teams.update({'Tm': team.upper()}, {'$push': {db_array: j}})
Beispiel #16
def boxscores(date, dbc=dbc):
    Extract all boxscores

    # Delete games with postponed status to avoid conflict

    year ='%Y')

    if date == 'all':
        url = '{}-schedule.shtml'.format(

        soup = open_url(url)

        # Find links for each game this season
        all_game_urls = [
            x['href'] for x in soup.find_all('a', href=True)
            if x.text == 'Boxscore'

        dates = dbc.get_missing_array_dates('summary')

        # Format dates to match date in url
        datesf = [x.replace('-', '') for x in dates]

        # Filter games by missing dates
        game_urls = [
            game for game in all_game_urls
            if any(date in game for date in datesf)
        y, m, d = date.split('-')

        url = "{}\
               .replace(' ', '')

        soup = open_url(url)

        game_urls = [
            for x in soup.find_all('td', {'class': 'right gamelink'})

    # Collect boxscore stats on each game
    for game in tqdm(game_urls):
        url = '' + game
        soup = open_url(url)

        html_date = ''.join(soup.find('h1').text.split(',')[-2:]).strip()
        date = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(html_date, '%B %d %Y').date())

        tdiv = soup.find_all('div', {'itemprop': 'performer'})
        away = tdiv[0].find('a', {'itemprop': 'name'})['href'].split('/')[2]
        home = tdiv[1].find('a', {'itemprop': 'name'})['href'].split('/')[2]

        away = convert_name(away, how='abbr')
        home = convert_name(home, how='abbr')
        teams = (away, home)

        # Find mlb game id and resolve double headers
        url_id = int(game.split('.')[0][-1])
        games = list(dbc.get_team_game_preview(away, date))
        gnums = [
            for game in games

        # !!! remove try/except here since postponed games are now removed?
            idx = gnums.index(url_id) if url_id > 0 else 0
            idx = 0
        gid = games[idx]['gid']

        # Extract summary stats
        summary = soup.find('table', {'class': 'linescore'})

        thead = summary.find('thead')
        cols = [x.text for x in thead.find_all('th')][1:]
        cols[0] = 'Team'

        tbody = summary.find('tbody')
        trows = tbody.find_all('tr')

        # Push summary stats to database
        db.Games.update({'gid': gid}, {'$set': {'summary': []}})

        for row in trows:
            row_data = [x.text for x in row.find_all('td')][1:]
            db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}
            db.Games.update({'gid': gid}, {'$push': {'summary': db_data}})

        # Extract batting box score
        comment = soup.find_all(string=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment))
        bat_tables = [x for x in comment if '>Batting</th>' in x]

        for table in zip(teams, bat_tables):
            team = table[0]
            bat = BeautifulSoup(table[1], "html.parser")

            # Extract column headers
            thead = bat.find('thead')
            cols = [x for x in thead.find('tr').text.split('\n') if x]

            # Extract Team Totals
            tfoot = bat.find('tfoot')
            row_data = [
                for x in tfoot.find_all(lambda tag: tag.has_attr('data-stat'))
            db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}
            db_data = parse_types(db_data)
            db_array = '{}.batting'.format(team)
            db.Games.update({'gid': gid}, {'$set': {db_array: [db_data]}})

            # Extract stats on individual batters
            tbody = bat.find('tbody')
            trows = tbody.find_all('tr')
            for row in trows:
                    player = row.find('a').text
                stats = [
                    x.text for x in row.find_all(
                        lambda tag: tag.has_attr('data-stat'))
                stats[0] = player
                db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, stats)}
                db_data = parse_types(db_data)
                db_array = '{}.batting'.format(team)
                db.Games.update({'gid': gid}, {'$push': {db_array: db_data}})

        # Extract pitching box score
        pit_tables = [x for x in comment if '>Pitching</th>' in x][0]
        pit = BeautifulSoup(pit_tables, "html.parser")

        # Extract column headers
        thead = pit.find('thead')
        cols = [x for x in thead.find('tr').text.split('\n') if x]

        # Extract Team Totals
        tfoots = pit.find_all('tfoot')
        for foot in zip(teams, tfoots):
            team = foot[0].replace('.', '')
            row_data = [
                x.text for x in foot[1].find_all(
                    lambda tag: tag.has_attr('data-stat'))
            db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, row_data)}
            db_data = parse_types(db_data)
            db_array = '{}.pitching'.format(team)
            db.Games.update({'gid': gid}, {'$set': {db_array: [db_data]}})

        # Extract stats on individual pitchers
        tbodies = pit.find_all('tbody')
        for tbody in zip(teams, tbodies):
            team = tbody[0].replace('.', '')
            trows = tbody[1].find_all('tr')
            for row in trows:
                player = row.find('th').text.split(',')[0]
                stats = [x.text for x in row.find_all('td')]
                stats.insert(0, player)
                db_data = {k: v for k, v in zip(cols, stats)}
                db_data = parse_types(db_data)
                db_array = '{}.pitching'.format(team)
                db.Games.update({'gid': gid}, {'$push': {db_array: db_data}})
Beispiel #17
def game_previews(dbc=dbc):
    Collect data on upcomming game
    dates = set(find_missing_dates(dbc=dbc))
    outdated = set(dbc.find_outdated_game_dates())

    dates = dates.union(outdated)
    dates = sorted(list(dates))

    url_string = '{}'

    urls = [(date, url_string.format(date)) for date in dates]

    print("Gathering game data urls...")
    game_urls = []
    for date, url in tqdm(urls):
        res = requests.get(url).text
        schedule_data = json.loads(res)

        games_data = schedule_data['dates'][0]['games']

        # Gather all game urls
        gdata = [(date, game['link'], game['status']['detailedState'])
                 for game in games_data]
        # Only collect data on scheduled games (not postponed or other)
        valid_states = [
            'Scheduled', 'Pre-Game', 'Warmup', 'In Progress', 'Final',
            'Game Over'
        valid_games = [game for game in gdata if game[2] in valid_states]
        game_urls += valid_games

        # Remove postponed game docs from database
        all_urls = [g[1] for g in gdata]
        valid_urls = [g[1] for g in valid_games]
        invalid_urls = list(set(all_urls) - set(valid_urls))
        invalid_gids = [url.split('/')[4] for url in invalid_urls]
        invalid_games = dbc.query_by_gids(invalid_gids)
        if invalid_games.count():

    # Collect data on all upcoming games
    print("Collecting game data on past and upcoming games...")
    for date, url, state in tqdm(game_urls):
        game_url = '' + url
        res = requests.get(game_url).text
        game_data = json.loads(res)

        # Get HOME and AWAY team names
        if state == 'Scheduled':
            home = game_data['gameData']['teams']['home']['abbreviation']
            away = game_data['gameData']['teams']['away']['abbreviation']
            home = game_data['gameData']['teams']['home']['name']['abbrev']
            away = game_data['gameData']['teams']['away']['name']['abbrev']

        # Change game state to match state on the preview page
        if state == 'Game Over':
            state = 'Final'
        game_data['gameData']['status']['detailedState'] = state

        home = convert_name(home, how='abbr')
        away = convert_name(away, how='abbr')

        # Store game id as an identifier
        gid = url.split('/')[4]

        # Push to database
            'home': home,
            'away': away,
            'date': date,
            'gid': gid
        }, {'$set': {
            'preview': []

            'home': home,
            'away': away,
            'date': date,
            'gid': gid
        }, {'$push': {
            'preview': game_data
Beispiel #18
 def get_team(self, team):
     Query team object
     abbr = convert_name(team, how='abbr')
     return self._db.Teams.find_one({'Tm': abbr})
Beispiel #19
 def get_teams(self, *teams):
     Return docs for specified teams
     teams = [convert_name(team, how='abbr') for team in teams]
     return self._db.Teams.find({'Tm': {'$in': teams}})