Beispiel #1
    def submit(self, header, worker_name):            
        # Drop unused padding
        header = header[:160]

        # 1. Check if blockheader meets requested difficulty
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(header[:160])
        rev = ''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ])
        hash_bin = utils.doublesha(rev)
        block_hash = ''.join([ hash_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 8) ])
       '!!! %s' % header[:160])"Submitting %s" % utils.format_hash(binascii.hexlify(block_hash)))
        if utils.uint256_from_str(hash_bin) >
            log.debug("Share is below expected target")
            return True
        # 2. Lookup for job and extranonce used for creating given block header
            (job, extranonce2) = self.get_job_from_header(header)
        except KeyError:
  "Job not found")
            return False

        # 3. Format extranonce2 to hex string
        extranonce2_hex = binascii.hexlify(self.extranonce2_padding(extranonce2))

        # 4. Parse ntime and nonce from header
        ntimepos = 17*8 # 17th integer in datastring
        noncepos = 19*8 # 19th integer in datastring       
        ntime = header[ntimepos:ntimepos+8] 
        nonce = header[noncepos:noncepos+8]
        # 5. Submit share to the pool
        return self.f.rpc('mining.submit', [worker_name, job.job_id, extranonce2_hex, ntime, nonce])
Beispiel #2
    def submit(self, newjob, nonce, worker_name):

        #job_id = newjob['library_number']
        #merkle = newjob['solutions']

        ntime = newjob['timestamp']
        merkle = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in newjob['merkle tree root'])
        # 2. Lookup for job and extranonce used for creating given block header
            (job, extranonce2) = self.get_job_from_merkle(merkle)
        except KeyError:
  "Job not found from merkle")
            return False

        ### GET HEADER

        header = job.serialize_header(merkle, ntime, nonce)


        ### BELOW IS LIKE SUBMIT(header, worker_name)

        # Drop unused padding
        header = header[:160]

        # 1. Check if blockheader meets requested difficulty
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(header[:160])
        rev = ''.join([ header_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20) ])
        hash_bin = utils.doublesha(rev)
        block_hash = ''.join([ hash_bin[i*4:i*4+4][::-1] for i in range(0, 8) ])
        if utils.uint256_from_str(hash_bin) >
            log.debug("Share is below expected target")
            return True
  '!!! %s' % header[:160])
  "Submitting %s" % utils.format_hash(binascii.hexlify(block_hash)))
        # 2. Lookup for job and extranonce used for creating given block header
            (job, extranonce2) = self.get_job_from_header(header)
        except KeyError:
  "Job not found from header")
            return False

        # 3. Format extranonce2 to hex string
        extranonce2_hex = binascii.hexlify(self.extranonce2_padding(extranonce2))

        # 4. Parse ntime and nonce from header
        ntimepos = 17*8 # 17th integer in datastring
        noncepos = 19*8 # 19th integer in datastring       
        ntime = header[ntimepos:ntimepos+8] 
        nonce = header[noncepos:noncepos+8]
        # 5. Submit share to the pool
        #print(worker_name, job.job_id, extranonce2_hex, ntime, nonce)
        return self.f.rpc('mining.submit', [worker_name, job.job_id, extranonce2_hex, ntime, nonce])
Beispiel #3
    def getwork(self, no_midstate=True):
        '''Miner requests for new getwork'''
        job = self.last_job # Pick the latest job from pool

        # 1. Increase extranonce2
        extranonce2 = job.increase_extranonce2(self.randomize_xn2)
        # 2. Build final extranonce
        extranonce = self.build_full_extranonce(extranonce2)

        log.debug('XN = %s' % (binascii.hexlify(extranonce)))
        # 3. Put coinbase transaction together
        coinbase_bin = job.build_coinbase(extranonce)
        # 4. Calculate coinbase hash
        coinbase_hash = utils.doublesha(coinbase_bin)
        # 5. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root = binascii.hexlify(utils.reverse_hash(job.build_merkle_root(coinbase_hash)))
        # 6. Generate current ntime
        ntime = int(time.time()) + job.ntime_delta
        # 7. Serialize header
        block_header = job.serialize_header(merkle_root, ntime, 0)

        # 8. Register job params
        self.register_merkle(job, merkle_root, extranonce2)
        # 9. Prepare hash1, calculate midstate and fill the response object
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(block_header)[:64]
        hash1 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000"

        result = {'data': block_header,
                'hash1': hash1}
        if self.use_old_target:
            result['target'] = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000'
        elif self.real_target:
            result['target'] = self.target_hex
            result['target'] = self.target1_hex
        if calculateMidstate and not (no_midstate or self.no_midstate):
            # Midstate module not found or disabled
            result['midstate'] = binascii.hexlify(calculateMidstate(header_bin))
        return result            
Beispiel #4
    def getwork(self, no_midstate=True):
        '''Miner requests for new getwork'''

        job = self.last_job  # Pick the latest job from pool

        # 1. Increase extranonce2
        extranonce2 = job.increase_extranonce2()

        # 2. Build final extranonce
        extranonce = self.build_full_extranonce(extranonce2)

        # 3. Put coinbase transaction together
        coinbase_bin = job.build_coinbase(extranonce)

        # 4. Calculate coinbase hash
        coinbase_hash = utils.doublesha(coinbase_bin)

        # 5. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root = binascii.hexlify(

        # 6. Generate current ntime
        ntime = int(time.time()) + job.ntime_delta

        # 7. Serialize header
        block_header = job.serialize_header(merkle_root, ntime, 0)

        # 8. Register job params
        self.register_merkle(job, merkle_root, extranonce2)

        # 9. Prepare hash1, calculate midstate and fill the response object
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(block_header)[:64]
        hash1 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000"

        result = {'data': block_header, 'hash1': hash1}

        if self.use_old_target:
                'target'] = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000'
        elif self.real_target:
            result['target'] = self.target_hex
            result['target'] = self.target1_hex

        if calculateMidstate and not (no_midstate or self.no_midstate):
            # Midstate module not found or disabled
            result['midstate'] = binascii.hexlify(

        return result
Beispiel #5
    def getwork(self):
        '''Miner requests for new getwork'''

        job = self.last_job  # Pick the latest job from pool

        # 1. Increase extranonce2
        extranonce2 = job.increase_extranonce2()

        # 2. Build final extranonce
        extranonce = self.build_full_extranonce(extranonce2)

        # 3. Put coinbase transaction together
        coinbase_bin = job.build_coinbase(extranonce)

        # 4. Calculate coinbase hash
        coinbase_hash = utils.doublesha(coinbase_bin)

        # 5. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root = binascii.hexlify(

        # 6. Generate current ntime
        ntime = int(time.time()) + job.ntime_delta

        # 7. Serialize header
        block_header = job.serialize_header(merkle_root, ntime, 0)

        # 8. Register job params
        self.register_merkle(job, merkle_root, extranonce2)

        # 9. Fill the response object
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(block_header)[:64]

        result = {'data': block_header}

        result['target'] = self.target_hex

        return result
Beispiel #6
    def getwork(self):
        '''Miner requests for new getwork'''
        job = self.last_job # Pick the latest job from pool

        # 1. Increase extranonce2
        extranonce2 = job.increase_extranonce2()
        # 2. Build final extranonce
        extranonce = self.build_full_extranonce(extranonce2)
        # 3. Put coinbase transaction together
        coinbase_bin = job.build_coinbase(extranonce)
        # 4. Calculate coinbase hash
        coinbase_hash = utils.doublesha(coinbase_bin)
        # 5. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root = binascii.hexlify(utils.reverse_hash(job.build_merkle_root(coinbase_hash)))
        # 6. Generate current ntime
        ntime = int(time.time()) + job.ntime_delta
        # 7. Serialize header
        block_header = job.serialize_header(merkle_root, ntime, 0)

        # 8. Register job params
        self.register_merkle(job, merkle_root, extranonce2)
        # 9. Fill the response object
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(block_header)[:64]
        result = {'data': block_header}
        result['target'] = self.target_hex
        return result            
Beispiel #7
 def build_merkle_root(self, coinbase_hash):
     merkle_root = coinbase_hash
     for h in self.merkle_branch:
         merkle_root = utils.doublesha(merkle_root + h)
     return merkle_root
Beispiel #8
    def getwork(self, no_midstate=True):
        '''Miner requests for new getwork'''
        job = self.last_job # Pick the latest job from pool

        # 1. Increase extranonce2
        extranonce2 = job.increase_extranonce2()
        # 2. Build final extranonce
        extranonce = self.build_full_extranonce(extranonce2)
        # 3. Put coinbase transaction together
        coinbase_bin = job.build_coinbase(extranonce)
        # 4. Calculate coinbase hash
        coinbase_hash = utils.doublesha(coinbase_bin)
        # 5. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root = binascii.hexlify(utils.reverse_hash(job.build_merkle_root(coinbase_hash)))
        # 6. Generate current ntime
        ntime = int(time.time()) + job.ntime_delta
        # 7. Serialize header
        block_header = job.serialize_header(merkle_root, ntime, 0)

        # 8. Register job params
        self.register_merkle(job, merkle_root, extranonce2)
        # 9. Prepare hash1, calculate midstate and fill the response object
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(block_header)[:64]
        hash1 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000"

        result = {'data': block_header,
                'hash1': hash1}
        if self.use_old_target:
            result['target'] = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000'
        elif self.real_target:
            result['target'] = self.target_hex
            result['target'] = self.target1_hex
        if calculateMidstate and not (no_midstate or self.no_midstate):
            # Midstate module not found or disabled
            result['midstate'] = binascii.hexlify(calculateMidstate(header_bin))
        newjob = {}
        newjob['version']             = int(job.version)
        newjob['previous block hash'] = list(bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(job.prevhash))) #array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(job.prevhash))
        newjob['merkle tree root']    = list(bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(merkle_root))) #array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(merkle_root))
        newjob['timestamp']           = ntime
        newjob['bits']                = list(bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(job.nbits)))
        newjob['starting nonce']      = 0
        newjob['nonce loops']         = 0
        newjob['ntime loops']         = 0
        prevhash    = "0000000000000000066d65d43c939518101df3e56d983375b5ae9c502c32b801"
        xprev       = map(ord, binascii.unhexlify(prevhash)) #array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(job.prevhash))
        merkle_root = "aa8eca0f15bff273918b20e66a559fb5b8d53342fc8127581c9d34fd96990f95"
        xmerk       = map(ord, binascii.unhexlify(merkle_root)) #array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(merkle_root))
        version     = 2
        timestamp   = 1401405809
        bits        = 409544770

        newjob = {}
        newjob['version']             = version
        newjob['previous block hash'] = xprev[::-1]
        newjob['merkle tree root']    = xmerk[::-1]
        newjob['timestamp']           = timestamp
        newjob['bits']                = bits
        newjob['starting nonce']      = 0
        newjob['nonce loops']         = 0
        newjob['ntime loops']         = 0
        return newjob
Beispiel #9
 def build_merkle_root(self, coinbase_hash):
     merkle_root = coinbase_hash
     for h in self.merkle_branch:
         merkle_root = utils.doublesha(merkle_root + h)
     return merkle_root
Beispiel #10
    def submit(self, newjob, nonce, worker_name):

        #job_id = newjob['library_number']
        #merkle = newjob['solutions']

        ntime = newjob['timestamp']
        merkle = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x)
                         for x in newjob['merkle tree root'])

        # 2. Lookup for job and extranonce used for creating given block header
            (job, extranonce2) = self.get_job_from_merkle(merkle)
        except KeyError:
  "Job not found from merkle")
            return False

        ### GET HEADER

        header = job.serialize_header(merkle, ntime, nonce)


        ### BELOW IS LIKE SUBMIT(header, worker_name)

        # Drop unused padding
        header = header[:160]

        # 1. Check if blockheader meets requested difficulty
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(header[:160])
        rev = ''.join(
            [header_bin[i * 4:i * 4 + 4][::-1] for i in range(0, 20)])
        hash_bin = utils.doublesha(rev)
        block_hash = ''.join(
            [hash_bin[i * 4:i * 4 + 4][::-1] for i in range(0, 8)])

        if utils.uint256_from_str(hash_bin) >
            log.debug("Share is below expected target")
            return True
  '!!! %s' % header[:160])
  "Submitting %s" %

        # 2. Lookup for job and extranonce used for creating given block header
            (job, extranonce2) = self.get_job_from_header(header)
        except KeyError:
  "Job not found from header")
            return False

        # 3. Format extranonce2 to hex string
        extranonce2_hex = binascii.hexlify(

        # 4. Parse ntime and nonce from header
        ntimepos = 17 * 8  # 17th integer in datastring
        noncepos = 19 * 8  # 19th integer in datastring
        ntime = header[ntimepos:ntimepos + 8]
        nonce = header[noncepos:noncepos + 8]

        # 5. Submit share to the pool
        #print(worker_name, job.job_id, extranonce2_hex, ntime, nonce)
        return self.f.rpc(
            [worker_name, job.job_id, extranonce2_hex, ntime, nonce])
Beispiel #11
    def getwork(self, no_midstate=True):
        '''Miner requests for new getwork'''

        job = self.last_job  # Pick the latest job from pool

        # 1. Increase extranonce2
        extranonce2 = job.increase_extranonce2()

        # 2. Build final extranonce
        extranonce = self.build_full_extranonce(extranonce2)

        # 3. Put coinbase transaction together
        coinbase_bin = job.build_coinbase(extranonce)

        # 4. Calculate coinbase hash
        coinbase_hash = utils.doublesha(coinbase_bin)

        # 5. Calculate merkle root
        merkle_root = binascii.hexlify(

        # 6. Generate current ntime
        ntime = int(time.time()) + job.ntime_delta

        # 7. Serialize header
        block_header = job.serialize_header(merkle_root, ntime, 0)

        # 8. Register job params
        self.register_merkle(job, merkle_root, extranonce2)

        # 9. Prepare hash1, calculate midstate and fill the response object
        header_bin = binascii.unhexlify(block_header)[:64]
        hash1 = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000"

        result = {'data': block_header, 'hash1': hash1}

        if self.use_old_target:
                'target'] = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000'
        elif self.real_target:
            result['target'] = self.target_hex
            result['target'] = self.target1_hex

        if calculateMidstate and not (no_midstate or self.no_midstate):
            # Midstate module not found or disabled
            result['midstate'] = binascii.hexlify(
        newjob = {}
        newjob['version'] = int(job.version)
        newjob['previous block hash'] = list(
        )  #array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(job.prevhash))
        newjob['merkle tree root'] = list(
        )  #array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(merkle_root))
        newjob['timestamp'] = ntime
        newjob['bits'] = list(bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(job.nbits)))
        newjob['starting nonce'] = 0
        newjob['nonce loops'] = 0
        newjob['ntime loops'] = 0
        prevhash    = "0000000000000000066d65d43c939518101df3e56d983375b5ae9c502c32b801"
        xprev       = map(ord, binascii.unhexlify(prevhash)) #array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(job.prevhash))
        merkle_root = "aa8eca0f15bff273918b20e66a559fb5b8d53342fc8127581c9d34fd96990f95"
        xmerk       = map(ord, binascii.unhexlify(merkle_root)) #array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(merkle_root))
        version     = 2
        timestamp   = 1401405809
        bits        = 409544770

        newjob = {}
        newjob['version']             = version
        newjob['previous block hash'] = xprev[::-1]
        newjob['merkle tree root']    = xmerk[::-1]
        newjob['timestamp']           = timestamp
        newjob['bits']                = bits
        newjob['starting nonce']      = 0
        newjob['nonce loops']         = 0
        newjob['ntime loops']         = 0
        return newjob