def _read_tree(self, root_node):
     # Input: A valid root node
     # Output: The root node of a valid tree structure
     sql = ('SELECT D.root_tag_id, D.node_tag_id, T.value, '
            '       D.left_border, D.right_border '
            'FROM Dimensions D '
            '  JOIN Tags T ON D.node_tag_id = '
            'WHERE D.root_tag_id = %s '
            'ORDER BY D.left_border ASC')
     params = (root_node.root_tag_id, )
     nodes = execute_sql_fetch_multiple(DimensionNode, sql, params)
     if len(nodes) == 0:
         return None
     return self._construct_tree(nodes)
 def _read_roots(self, tag_id=None):
     # Input: An optional tag
     # Output: An array of all the root nodes
     #         (of dimensions that contain the tag)
     if tag_id is not None:
         sql = 'SELECT D1.root_tag_id, D1.node_tag_id, T1.value ' \
               'FROM Dimensions D1 ' \
               '  JOIN Dimensions D2 ON D1.root_tag_id = D2.root_tag_id ' \
               '  JOIN Tags T1 ON D1.node_tag_id = ' \
               'WHERE D1.root_tag_id = D1.node_tag_id ' \
               '  AND D2.node_tag_id = %s ' \
               'ORDER BY D1.left_border ASC'
         params = (tag_id, )
         sql = ('SELECT D.root_tag_id, D.node_tag_id, T.value '
                'FROM Dimensions D '
                '  JOIN Tags T ON D.node_tag_id = '
                'WHERE D.root_tag_id = D.node_tag_id '
                'ORDER BY D.left_border ASC')
         params = None
     return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(DimensionNode, sql, params)
Beispiel #3
    def retrieve_or_create(self, tag):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_or_create(): %s', repr(tag))

        # Need to give a tag, but cannot have ID
        if not isinstance(tag, Tag):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag')
        if is not None:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function must not get Tag id')

        # For the retrieval part, the following are REQUIRED attributes:
        # VALUE (always set), TYPE (always set), CONCEPT_ID, PLUGIN_ID
        # We need to check their existence but the type will be correct
        if not tag.concept_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid concept_id')
        if not tag.plugin_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid plugin_id')

        # Try to retrieve the single tag from the database
        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM TAGS ' \
              'WHERE VALUE = %s ' \
              '  AND TYPE = %s ' \
              '  AND CONCEPT_ID = %s ' \
              '  AND PLUGIN_ID = %s ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (tag.value, tag.type, tag.concept_id, tag.plugin_id, 0L, 2L)
        tags = execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Tag, sql, params)

        # Check for duplicates, this should not happen
        if len(tags) > 1:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Panic: No plugin duplicates allowed')

        # If the single tag exists, return it
        if len(tags) == 1:
            return tags[0]

        # Tag does not exist; create it
        # Should be safe to use add() as all parameters have been checked
        # Can still give errors on foreign keys, but that is normal
        return self.add(tag)
Beispiel #4
class TaggingService(BaseTaggingService):
    def __init__(self):
        super(TaggingService, self).__init__()
        self.logger = getLogger('postgreSQL: TaggingService')

    def count(self):
        sql = 'SELECT COUNT(1) AS count ' \
              'FROM TAGGINGS'
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(lambda count: count, sql)

    def add(self, tagging):
        self.logger.debug('add(): %s ', repr(tagging))

        if not isinstance(tagging, Tagging):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid tagging')
        if is not None:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function must not get Tagging id')
        if tagging.plugin_set_id and not tagging.plugin_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Cannot have plugin set w/o plugin')

        # Build the SQL expression, starting with required attributes
        sql_attributes = 'TAG_ID, OBJECT_ID'
        sql_values = '%s, %s'
        params = (tagging.tag_id, tagging.object_id)

        # Build the SQL expression, continuing with optional attributes
        if tagging.meta:
            sql_attributes += ', META'
            sql_values += ', %s'
            params += (tagging.meta, )
        if tagging.plugin_id:
            sql_attributes += ', PLUGIN_ID'
            sql_values += ',%s'
            params += (tagging.plugin_id, )
        if tagging.plugin_set_id:
            sql_attributes += ', PLUGIN_SET_ID'
            sql_values += ',%s'
            params += (tagging.plugin_set_id, )

        sql = 'INSERT INTO TAGGINGS (' + \
              sql_attributes + \
              ') VALUES (' \
              + sql_values + \
              ') RETURNING *'
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Tagging, sql, params)

    def update(self, tagging):
        self.logger.debug('update(): %s', repr(tagging))

        if not isinstance(tagging, Tagging):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid tagging')
        if not
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        # Get the old tag to verify that it exists,
        # and then run some business logic checks
        old = self.retrieve_by_id(
        if not old:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Tag found to update')
        if tagging.tag_id != old.tag_id \
                or tagging.object_id != old.object_id \
                or tagging.plugin_id != old.plugin_id \
                or tagging.plugin_set_id != old.plugin_set_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Can only update meta')

        if tagging.meta:
            sql = 'UPDATE TAGGINGS ' \
                  'SET META = %s ' \
                  'WHERE ID = %s ' \
                  'RETURNING *'
            params = (tagging.meta,
            sql = 'UPDATE TAGGINGS ' \
                  'SET META = NULL ' \
                  'WHERE ID = %s ' \
                  'RETURNING *'
            params = (, )
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Tagging, sql, params)

    def resolve(self, tagging):
        self.logger.debug('resolve(): %s', repr(tagging))

        if not isinstance(tagging, Tagging):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tagging')
        if not tagging.plugin_set_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid plugin set id')

            db_tagging = self.update(tagging)
            db_tagging = self.add(tagging)

        # Delete all the other ones in the set
        # It is possible that this deletes nothing, which is OK
        # This could happen, for example, when confirming a tagging
        # without alternatives
        sql = 'DELETE ' \
              'FROM TAGGINGS ' \
              'WHERE PLUGIN_SET_ID = %s ' \
              '  AND NOT ID = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (db_tagging.plugin_set_id,
        execute_sql_fetch_single(Tagging, sql, params)
        return db_tagging

    def delete(self, tagging):
        self.logger.debug('delete(): %s', repr(tagging))

        if not isinstance(tagging, Tagging):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tagging')
        if not
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'DELETE FROM TAGGINGS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (, )
        db_tagging = execute_sql_fetch_single(Tagging, sql, params)

        if not db_tagging:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Tagging found to delete')
        return None

    def delete_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('delete_by_id(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'DELETE FROM TAGGINGS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (id_, )
        db_tagging = execute_sql_fetch_single(Tagging, sql, params)

        if not db_tagging:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Tagging found to delete')
        return None

    def delete_by_set_id(self, plugin_set_id):
        self.logger.debug('delete_by_set_id(): %s', repr(plugin_set_id))

        if not isinstance(plugin_set_id, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid plugin set id')

        sql = 'DELETE ' \
              'FROM TAGGINGS ' \
              'WHERE PLUGIN_SET_ID = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (plugin_set_id, )
        db_tagging = execute_sql_fetch_single(Tagging, sql, params)

        if not db_tagging:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Tagging found to delete')
        return None

    def retrieve_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_id(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM TAGGINGS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s'
        params = (id_, )
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Tagging, sql, params)

    def retrieve(self, offset=0L, limit=10L):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve(): %s / %s', repr(offset), repr(limit))

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM TAGGINGS ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Tagging, sql, params)
Beispiel #5
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_tag_id(): %s', repr(tag_id))

        if not isinstance(tag_id, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid tag id')

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM TAGGINGS ' \
              'WHERE TAG_ID = %s ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (tag_id, offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Tagging, sql, params)

    def retrieve_by_object_id(self, object_id, offset=0L, limit=10L):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_object_id(): %s', repr(object_id))

        if not isinstance(object_id, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid object id')

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM TAGGINGS ' \
              'WHERE OBJECT_ID = %s ' \
Beispiel #6
class PluginService(BasePluginService):
    def __init__(self):
        super(PluginService, self).__init__()
        self.logger = getLogger('postgreSQL: PluginService')

    def count(self):
        sql = 'SELECT COUNT(1) AS count ' \
              'FROM PLUGINS'
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(lambda count: count, sql)

    def add(self, plugin):
        self.logger.debug('add(): %s', repr(plugin))

        if not isinstance(plugin, Plugin):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid plugin')
        if is not None:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function must not get id')

        sql = 'INSERT ' \
              'INTO PLUGINS (NAME, MODULE) ' \
              'VALUES (%s, %s) ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (, plugin.module)
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Plugin, sql, params)

    def retrieve_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_id(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'SELECT  ID, NAME, MODULE ' \
              'FROM PLUGINS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s'
        params = (id_, )
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Plugin, sql, params)

    def retrieve_by_name(self, name):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_name(): %s', repr(name))

        if not isinstance(name, UnicodeType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid name')

        sql = 'SELECT  ID, NAME, MODULE ' \
              'FROM PLUGINS ' \
              'WHERE NAME = %s'
        params = (name, )
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Plugin, sql, params)

    def retrieve(self, offset=0L, limit=10L):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve(): %s / %s', repr(offset), repr(limit))

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT ID, NAME, MODULE ' \
              'FROM PLUGINS ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Plugin, sql, params)
Beispiel #7
        self.logger.debug('retrieve(): %s / %s', repr(offset), repr(limit))

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT ID, NAME, MODULE ' \
              'FROM PLUGINS ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Plugin, sql, params)

    def retrieve_by_regex(self, name, offset=0L, limit=10L):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_regex(): %s / %s / %s', repr(name),
                          repr(offset), repr(limit))

        if not isinstance(name, UnicodeType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid name regex')
        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT  ID, NAME, MODULE ' \
              'FROM PLUGINS ' \
              'WHERE NAME ~ %s ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (name, offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Plugin, sql, params)
Beispiel #8
class ObjectService(BaseObjectService):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ObjectService, self).__init__()
        self.logger = getLogger('postgreSQL: ObjectService')

    def count(self):
        sql = 'SELECT COUNT(1) AS count ' \
              'FROM OBJECTS'
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(lambda count: count, sql)

    def add(self, object_):
        self.logger.debug('add(): %s', repr(object_))

        if not isinstance(object_, Object):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Object')
        if is not None:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function must not get id')

        sql = 'INSERT ' \
              'INTO OBJECTS (NAME, DIGEST) ' \
              'VALUES (%s, %s) ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (, object_.digest)
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Object, sql, params)

    def update(self, object_):
        self.logger.debug('update(): %s', repr(object_))

        if not isinstance(object_, Object):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Object')
        if not
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'UPDATE OBJECTS ' \
              'SET NAME = %s, DIGEST = %s ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (, object_.digest,
        db_object = execute_sql_fetch_single(Object, sql, params)

        if not db_object:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Object found to update')
        return db_object

    def delete(self, object_):
        self.logger.debug('delete(): %s', repr(object_))

        if not isinstance(object_, Object):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Object')
        if not
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'DELETE ' \
              'FROM OBJECTS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (, )
        db_object = execute_sql_fetch_single(Object, sql, params)

        if not db_object:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Object found to delete')
        return None

    def delete_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('delete_by_id(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'DELETE ' \
              'FROM OBJECTS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (id_, )
        db_object = execute_sql_fetch_single(Object, sql, params)

        if not db_object:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Object found to delete')
        return None

    def retrieve_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_id(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM OBJECTS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s'
        params = (id_, )
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Object, sql, params)

    def retrieve(self, offset=0L, limit=10L):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve(): %s / %s', repr(offset), repr(limit))

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT ID, NAME, DIGEST ' \
              'FROM OBJECTS ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Object, sql, params)
Beispiel #9
                          repr(offset), repr(limit))

        if not isinstance(name, UnicodeType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid name regex')

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT ID, NAME, DIGEST ' \
              'FROM OBJECTS ' \
              'WHERE NAME ~ %s ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (name, offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Object, sql, params)

    def retrieve_by_tag_id(self, tag_id, offset=0L, limit=10L):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_tag_id(): %s / %s / %s', repr(tag_id),
                          repr(offset), repr(limit))

        if not isinstance(tag_id, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag id')

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT O.ID, O.NAME, O.DIGEST ' \
Beispiel #10
class TagService(BaseTagService):
    def __init__(self):
        super(TagService, self).__init__()
        self.logger = getLogger('postgreSQL: TagService')

    def count(self):
        sql = 'SELECT COUNT(1) AS count ' \
              'FROM TAGS'
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(lambda count: count, sql)

    def add(self, tag):
        self.logger.debug('add(): %s', repr(tag))

        # Need to give a tag, but it cannot have an ID
        if not isinstance(tag, Tag):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag')
        if is not None:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function must not get Tag id')

        # Build the SQL expression, starting with required attributes
        sql_attributes = 'VALUE, DESCRIPTION, TYPE, MUTABLE'
        sql_values = '%s, %s, %s, %s'
        params = (tag.value, tag.description, tag.type, tag.mutable)

        # Build the SQL expression, continuing with optional attributes
        if tag.concept_id is not None:
            sql_attributes += ', CONCEPT_ID'
            sql_values += ',%s'
            params += (tag.concept_id,)
        if tag.plugin_id is not None:
            sql_attributes += ', PLUGIN_ID'
            sql_values += ',%s'
            params += (tag.plugin_id,)

        sql = 'INSERT INTO TAGS (' + \
              sql_attributes + \
              ') VALUES (' \
              + sql_values + \
              ') RETURNING *'
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Tag, sql, params)

    def retrieve_or_create(self, tag):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_or_create(): %s', repr(tag))

        # Need to give a tag, but cannot have ID
        if not isinstance(tag, Tag):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag')
        if is not None:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function must not get Tag id')

        # For the retrieval part, the following are REQUIRED attributes:
        # VALUE (always set), TYPE (always set), CONCEPT_ID, PLUGIN_ID
        # We need to check their existence but the type will be correct
        if not tag.concept_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid concept_id')
        if not tag.plugin_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid plugin_id')

        # Try to retrieve the single tag from the database
        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM TAGS ' \
              'WHERE VALUE = %s ' \
              '  AND TYPE = %s ' \
              '  AND CONCEPT_ID = %s ' \
              '  AND PLUGIN_ID = %s ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (tag.value, tag.type, tag.concept_id, tag.plugin_id, 0L, 2L)
        tags = execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Tag, sql, params)

        # Check for duplicates, this should not happen
        if len(tags) > 1:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Panic: No plugin duplicates allowed')

        # If the single tag exists, return it
        if len(tags) == 1:
            return tags[0]

        # Tag does not exist; create it
        # Should be safe to use add() as all parameters have been checked
        # Can still give errors on foreign keys, but that is normal
        return self.add(tag)

    def update(self, tag):
        self.logger.debug('update(): %s', repr(tag))

        # Need to give a tag, must have ID
        if not isinstance(tag, Tag):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag')
        if not
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag id')

        # Get the old tag to verify that it exists,
        # and then run some business logic checks
        old = self.retrieve_by_id(
        if not old:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Tag found to update')
        if not old.mutable:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Cannot change a non-mutable concept')
        if tag.plugin_id != old.plugin_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Cannot change generating plugin ')
        if old.plugin_id and tag.concept_id != old.concept_id:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Cannot change plugin-generated concept')

        # Build the SQL expression for the attributes that may be changed
        params = tuple()
        attributes = []

        if tag.value != old.value:
            attributes.append('VALUE = %s')
            params += (tag.value, )

        if tag.description != old.description:
            attributes.append('DESCRIPTION = %s')
            params += (tag.description, )

        if tag.concept_id != old.concept_id:
            attributes.append('CONCEPT_ID = %s')
            params += (tag.concept_id, )

        if tag.type != old.type:
            attributes.append('TYPE = %s')
            params += (tag.type, )

        sql_attributes = ', '
        params += (, )

        sql = 'UPDATE TAGS SET ' + \
              sql_attributes.join(attributes) + \
              ' WHERE ID = %s RETURNING *'
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Tag, sql, params)

    def delete_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('delete(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'DELETE ' \
              'FROM tags ' \
              'WHERE id = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (id_,)
        db_tag = execute_sql_fetch_single(Tag, sql, params)

        if not db_tag:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Tag found to delete')
        return None

    def delete(self, tag):
        self.logger.debug('delete(): %s', repr(tag))

        if not isinstance(tag, Tag):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag')
        if not
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag id')

        sql = 'DELETE ' \
              'FROM tags ' \
              'WHERE id = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (,)
        db_tag = execute_sql_fetch_single(Tag, sql, params)

        if not db_tag:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Tag found to delete')
        return None

    def retrieve_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_id(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Tag id')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM TAGS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s'
        params = (id_,)
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Tag, sql, params)

    def retrieve(self, offset=0L, limit=10L):

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM TAGS ' \
              'LIMIT %s OFFSET %s'
        params = (limit, offset)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Tag, sql, params)
Beispiel #11
class ConceptService(BaseConceptService):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ConceptService, self).__init__()
        self.logger = getLogger('postgreSQL: ConceptService')

    def count(self):
        sql = 'SELECT COUNT(1) AS count ' \
              'FROM CONCEPTS'
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(lambda count: count, sql)

    def add(self, concept):
        self.logger.debug('add(): %s', repr(concept))

        if not isinstance(concept, Concept):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid concept')
        if is not None:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function must not get id')

        sql = 'INSERT INTO ' \
              'CONCEPTS (TITLE, DESCRIPTION) ' \
              'VALUES (%s, %s) ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (concept.title, concept.description)
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Concept, sql, params)

    def delete_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('delete_by_id(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'DELETE ' \
              'FROM CONCEPTS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (id_, )
        db_concept = execute_sql_fetch_single(Concept, sql, params)

        if not db_concept:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Concept found to delete')
        return None

    def delete(self, concept):
        self.logger.debug('delete(): %s', repr(concept))

        if not isinstance(concept, Concept):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Concept')
        if not
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Concept id')

        sql = 'DELETE ' \
              'FROM CONCEPTS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (, )
        db_concept = execute_sql_fetch_single(Concept, sql, params)

        if not db_concept:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Concept found to delete')
        return None

    def retrieve_or_create(self, concept):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_or_create(): %s', repr(concept))

        if not isinstance(concept, Concept):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Concept')

        # Try to retrieve a concept with the title
        db_concept = self.retrieve_by_title(concept.title)

        # If concept was found return it, otherwise add and return
        if db_concept:
            return db_concept
            return self.add(concept)

    def update(self, concept):
        self.logger.debug('update(): %s', repr(concept))

        if not isinstance(concept, Concept):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Concept')
        if not
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid Concept id')

        sql = 'UPDATE CONCEPTS ' \
              'SET TITLE=%s, DESCRIPTION=%s ' \
              'WHERE ID=%s ' \
              'RETURNING *'
        params = (concept.title, concept.description,
        db_concept = execute_sql_fetch_single(Concept, sql, params)

        if not db_concept:
            raise ObjectCubeException('No Concept found to update')
        return db_concept

    def retrieve_by_id(self, id_):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_by_id(): %s', repr(id_))

        if not isinstance(id_, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid id')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM CONCEPTS ' \
              'WHERE ID = %s'
        params = (id_, )
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Concept, sql, params)

    def retrieve_by_title(self, title):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve_or_create(): %s', repr(title))

        if not isinstance(title, UnicodeType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid title')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM CONCEPTS ' \
              'WHERE TITLE = %s'
        params = (title, )
        return execute_sql_fetch_single(Concept, sql, params)

    def retrieve(self, offset=0L, limit=10L):
        self.logger.debug('retrieve(): %s / %s', repr(offset), repr(limit))

        if not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        sql = 'SELECT * ' \
              'FROM CONCEPTS ' \
              'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
        params = (offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Concept, sql, params)
Beispiel #12
        if not isinstance(description, (UnicodeType, NoneType)):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid desc regex')
        if not title and not description:
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires one valid regex')

        if offset is None or not isinstance(offset, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid offset')
        if limit is None or not isinstance(limit, LongType):
            raise ObjectCubeException('Function requires valid limit')

        if title and description:
            sql = 'SELECT * ' \
                  'FROM CONCEPTS ' \
                  'WHERE TITLE ~ %s ' \
                  '  AND DESCRIPTION ~ %s' \
                  'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
            params = (title, description, offset, limit)
        elif title:
            sql = 'SELECT * ' \
                  'FROM CONCEPTS ' \
                  'WHERE TITLE ~ %s ' \
                  'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
            params = (title, offset, limit)
            sql = 'SELECT * ' \
                  'FROM CONCEPTS ' \
                  'WHERE DESCRIPTION ~ %s ' \
                  'OFFSET %s LIMIT %s'
            params = (description, offset, limit)
        return execute_sql_fetch_multiple(Concept, sql, params)