def Main(edgeFile=None,outEdgeFile=None,nodeFile=None,nodeList=None,comp=None,subType=None,sep=None,log=None): """ Main program """ i0 = time.clock() inext = i0 ### Argument processing ======================================== ## Filename definitions ====================================== i0 = time.clock() ## Lecture des fichiers ======================================== if nodeFile: subnodes = ut.file2list(nodeFile) elif nodeList: subnodes = nodeList.strip().split(",") elif comp: compFile,compID = comp.strip().split(",") subnodes = ut.getNodes(compFile,compID) else: subnodes = None ## Corps du programme =========================================== The dictionary old_nodes --> new_nodes obtained as the completion of the clustering file ut.inducedSubgraph(edgeFile,subnodes=subnodes,nodeType=subType,outFile=outEdgeFile,sep=sep) ## Sortie ====================================================== inext = myTimer(inext,handle=log) ## Ending ============================================================== prog = myModule() if prog == "": prog = sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1] inext = myTimer(i0,"Total computing time for %s" % prog,handle=log) return
def test_str2tmp(): txt = "This is a test string" filename = utils.str2tmp(txt) assert os.path.isfile(filename) assert open(filename).read() == txt + "\n" assert utils.file2str(filename) == txt # TODO: should this really return # an empty line at the end? assert utils.file2list(filename) == [txt, ''] os.unlink(filename)
def grammarLoader(): gram_in = [ x.rstrip() for x in utils.file2list('grammar.txt') if not re.match('\\n|#', x) ] terS.extend(gram_in[0].split(',')) i_nTerS.extend(gram_in[1].split(',')) relations.update({ k.rstrip(): (v.strip()).split('|') for k, v in map(lambda x: x.split('->'), gram_in[2:]) }) o_relations.update({f'{x}_f': set(x) for x in terS})
def random_sample(segment_per_class, sample_range): """ Returns the list of the random sample (new_indexes, time_series, label) Argument --------- segment_per_class The list of time_series The list of the corresponding indexes """ dataset = {} poses = [] if load_history_matrix: poses = file2list(POS_FILE) if poses: for k in segment_per_class.keys(): dataset[k] = ([], []) for item in segment_per_class[k]: if item[1] in poses: dataset[k][0].append(item[0]) dataset[k][1].append(item[1]) else: for k in segment_per_class.keys(): array = list2array(segment_per_class[k]) if sample_range > 0: if len(segment_per_class[k]) > sample_range: list_a = random.sample(segment_per_class[k], sample_range) array = list2array(list_a) dataset[k] = (array[:, 0].tolist(), array[:, 1].tolist()) dataset = intercept_part_dataSet(dataset) ts = [] for label in dataset: (list_time_series, list_indexes) = dataset[label] for time_series, indexes in zip(list_time_series, list_indexes): # time_series = preprocessing(time_series) time_series.insert(0, data_index[label]) ts.append(time_series) return ts
def model_test(model_path, clf=None, filename='out.txt', tcName=['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']): path = sys.path[0] tbasePath = os.path.join(path, "mnist/test/") #tcName = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] tst = time.time() f = open(filename, "w") feature_cnt = len(tcName) allErrCount = 0 allErrorRate = 0.0 allScore = 0.0 ErrCount = np.zeros(feature_cnt, int) TrueCount = np.zeros(feature_cnt, int) predict_list = [] true_list = [] if clf == None: clf = joblib.load(model_path) for tcn in tcName: testPath = tbasePath + tcn tflist = utils.file2list(testPath) tdataMat, tdataLabel = utils.read2convert(tflist) print("test dataMat shape: {0}, test dataLabel len: {1} ".format( tdataMat.shape, len(tdataLabel)), file=f) pre_st = time.time() preResult = clf.predict(tdataMat) pre_et = time.time() predict_list.append(preResult) true_list.append([tcn] * len(preResult)) print("Recognition " + tcn + " spent {:.4f}s.".format( (pre_et - pre_st)), file=f) print("predict result: {}".format(len(preResult))) errCount = len([x for x in preResult if x != tcn]) ErrCount[int(tcn)] = errCount TrueCount[int(tcn)] = len(tdataLabel) - errCount print("errorCount: {}.".format(errCount), file=f) allErrCount += errCount score_st = time.time() score = clf.score(tdataMat, tdataLabel) score_et = time.time() print("computing score spent {:.6f}s.".format(score_et - score_st), file=f) allScore += score print("score: {:.6f}.".format(score), file=f) print("error rate is {:.6f}.".format((1 - score)), file=f) tet = time.time() print("Testing All class total spent {:.6f}s.".format(tet - tst), file=f) print("All error Count is: {}.".format(allErrCount), file=f) avgAccuracy = allScore / (feature_cnt * 1.0) print("Average accuracy is: {:.6f}.".format(avgAccuracy), file=f) print("Average error rate is: {:.6f}.".format(1 - avgAccuracy), file=f) print("number", " TrueCount", " ErrCount", file=f) for tcn in tcName: tcn = int(tcn) print(tcn, " ", TrueCount[tcn], " ", ErrCount[tcn], file=f) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) x = list(range(feature_cnt)) plt.plot(x, TrueCount, color='blue', label="TrueCount") # 将正确的数量设置为蓝色 plt.plot(x, ErrCount, color='red', label="ErrCount") # 将错误的数量为红色 plt.legend(loc='best') # 显示图例的位置,这里为右下方 plt.title('Projects') plt.xlabel('number') # x轴标签 plt.ylabel('count') # y轴标签 plt.xticks(np.arange(feature_cnt), tcName) plt.savefig('./accuracy_%s.jpg' % filename.split('_')[1]) f.close() true_list = np.array(true_list).flatten() predict_list = np.array(predict_list).flatten() return [predict_list, true_list]