def get_data(exp_dir, mango=False): total_durations = [] buffer_reads = [] buffer_writes = [] kernel_execs = [] if mango: buffer_reads_hhal = [] buffer_writes_hhal = [] kernel_execs_hhal = [] for run in files_in_dir(exp_dir): with open(f'{exp_dir}/{run}', 'r') as f: run_data = json.load(f) if not 'operation_level_profiling' in run_data[ 'params'] or run_data['params'][ 'operation_level_profiling'] == '0': total_durations.append(run_data['total_duration']) if not 'operation_level_profiling' in run_data[ 'params'] or run_data['params'][ 'operation_level_profiling'] == '1': kernel_execs.append( list( map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['kernel_executions']))) buffer_reads.append( list(map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['buffer_reads']))) buffer_writes.append( list( map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['buffer_writes']))) if mango: for run in files_in_dir(f'{exp_dir}/hhal'): with open(f'{exp_dir}/hhal/{run}', 'r') as f: run_data = json.load(f) kernel_execs_hhal.append( list( map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['kernel_executions']))) buffer_reads_hhal.append( list(map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['buffer_reads']))) buffer_writes_hhal.append( list( map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['buffer_writes']))) if mango: return total_durations, buffer_reads, buffer_writes, kernel_execs, buffer_reads_hhal, buffer_writes_hhal, kernel_execs_hhal else: return total_durations, buffer_reads, buffer_writes, kernel_execs
def get_data(exp_dir): total_durations = [] resource_allocations = [] resource_deallocations = [] exp_sizes = [] for idx, exp in enumerate(sorted(files_in_dir(exp_dir, include_folders=True), key=to_int)): total_durations.append([]) resource_allocations.append([]) resource_deallocations.append([]) exp_sizes.append(int(exp)) for run in files_in_dir(f'{exp_dir}/{exp}'): with open(f'{exp_dir}/{exp}/{run}', 'r') as f: run_data = json.load(f) total_durations[idx].append(run_data['total_duration']) resource_allocations[idx].append(run_data['resource_allocations'][0]['duration']) resource_deallocations[idx].append(run_data['resource_deallocations'][0]['duration']) return exp_sizes, total_durations, resource_allocations, resource_deallocations
def run_with_config(exec_path, configs, dest_dir, mango=False): count = 0 if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) try: for c in configs: config_str = c['params'] save_as_str = c['save_as'] iterations = c['iterations'] pyramid_height = 20 config_dir = f"{dest_dir}/{save_as_str}" if os.path.exists(config_dir): print(f"Config {config_str} already done, skipping...") continue print(f"Running {iterations} iterations for {config_str}") i = 0 while i < c['iterations']: cmd = f"{exec_path} {config_str}" print(f"Running {cmd}...") count += 1 res = os.system(cmd) if mango: sleep(1) if (res == 0): i += 1 print(f"Ran all {iterations} iterations for {config_str}") os.makedirs(config_dir) for f in files_in_dir('.'): if '.json' in f: os.rename(f, f"{config_dir}/{f}") if mango: os.makedirs(f"{config_dir}/hhal") for f in files_in_dir('hhal_profiling'): if '.json' in f: os.rename(f"hhal_profiling/{f}", f"{config_dir}/hhal/{f}") except CommandFailed: print("Command Failed") print(f"Ran {count} commands")
def generate_anything_from_source(pv, dirname, contentdir, callback): """ Traverse a given directory and generate extra content from it: API definitions, file type definitions, test case count, etc. @pv - PackageVersion object @dirname - directory of local git repo where this version is the *CURRENT* checkout @contentdir - string - where to store the generated files @callback - func - callback to generate content @return - list - results from callback(file) """ results = [] if not os.path.exists(contentdir): os.makedirs(contentdir) os.chdir(contentdir) # empty directory => git init if not os.listdir(contentdir): if os.system('git init') != 0: raise Exception("FAILED: git init in %s" % contentdir) #check if the same tag already exists and skip the import version = pv.version.replace(" ", "_") version = version.replace(".", "\.") if os.system('git tag | grep "^%s$"' % version) == 0: # tag already exists return [] # we have no idea if content was generated in the previous run # so return [] # remove all content files from previous tag. # we're doing this because tags are not imported in sequence. for p in os.listdir(contentdir): if p == ".git": # skip git directory continue if os.path.isfile(p): os.remove(p) if os.path.isdir(p): shutil.rmtree(p, True) # ignore errors os.chdir(dirname) # MAKE SURE we're working on the tag for this version if os.system('git checkout "%s"' % pv.version.replace(" ", "_")) != 0: raise Exception("FAILED: git checkout - tag doesn't exist") # walk all files and generate the content l = len(dirname)+1 # create empty .gitignore so we can commit f = open(os.path.join(contentdir, ".gitignore"), 'w') f.close() for filename in files_in_dir(dirname): # skip hidden files, files in .git, .hg directories # .git files will also override local .git/ directory if filename.find('/.') > -1: continue targetfilename = os.path.join(contentdir, filename[l:]) # absolute path # create subdirectories base_dir_name = os.path.dirname(targetfilename) if not os.path.exists(base_dir_name): os.makedirs(base_dir_name) res = callback(filename, contentdir, targetfilename) if res is not None: results.append(res) # all done, now commit os.chdir(contentdir) if os.system("git add .") != 0: raise Exception("FAILED: git add %s/%s" % (contentdir, pv.__unicode__())) # this may fail if nothing has changed # use -a to commit removed files cmdline = "git commit -a -m 'Content gen %s' --author='Difio <*****@*****.**>'" % pv.__unicode__() # FALSE NEGATIVE ret_code = os.system(cmdline) if ret_code not in [0, 1, 256]: raise Exception("FAILED: git commit %s/%s - return value %d" % (contentdir, pv.__unicode__(), ret_code)) if os.system("git tag '%s'" % pv.version.replace(" ", "_")) != 0: raise Exception("FAILED: git tag %s/%s" % (contentdir, pv.__unicode__())) # go back to the original source # so that other stuff doesn't break os.chdir(dirname) return results # to the caller
def get_data(exp_dir, mango=False): total_durations = [] buffer_reads = [] buffer_writes = [] kernel_execs = [] exp_sizes = [] if mango: resource_allocations = [] buffer_reads_hhal = [] buffer_writes_hhal = [] kernel_execs_hhal = [] for idx, exp in enumerate( sorted(files_in_dir(exp_dir, include_folders=True), key=to_int)): total_durations.append([]) kernel_execs.append([]) buffer_writes.append([]) buffer_reads.append([]) if mango: resource_allocations.append([]) exp_sizes.append(int(exp)) for run in files_in_dir(f'{exp_dir}/{exp}'): with open(f'{exp_dir}/{exp}/{run}', 'r') as f: run_data = json.load(f) if not 'operation_level_profiling' in run_data[ 'params'] or run_data['params'][ 'operation_level_profiling'] == '0': total_durations[idx].append(run_data['total_duration']) if not 'operation_level_profiling' in run_data[ 'params'] or run_data['params'][ 'operation_level_profiling'] == '1': kernel_execs[idx].append( list( map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['kernel_executions']))) buffer_reads[idx].append( list( map( lambda x: { 'size': x['size'], 'duration': x['duration'] }, run_data['buffer_reads']))) buffer_writes[idx].append( list( map( lambda x: { 'size': x['size'], 'duration': x['duration'] }, run_data['buffer_writes']))) if mango: resource_allocations[idx].append( list( map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['resource_allocations'])) + list( map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['resource_deallocations']))) if mango: kernel_execs_hhal.append([]) buffer_reads_hhal.append([]) buffer_writes_hhal.append([]) for run in files_in_dir(f'{exp_dir}/{exp}/hhal'): with open(f'{exp_dir}/{exp}/hhal/{run}', 'r') as f: run_data = json.load(f) kernel_execs_hhal[idx].append( list( map(lambda x: x['duration'], run_data['kernel_executions']))) buffer_reads_hhal[idx].append( list( map( lambda x: { 'size': x['size'], 'duration': x['duration'] }, run_data['buffer_reads']))) buffer_writes_hhal[idx].append( list( map( lambda x: { 'size': x['size'], 'duration': x['duration'] }, run_data['buffer_writes']))) if mango: return exp_sizes, total_durations, buffer_reads, buffer_writes, kernel_execs, resource_allocations, buffer_reads_hhal, buffer_writes_hhal, kernel_execs_hhal else: return exp_sizes, total_durations, buffer_reads, buffer_writes, kernel_execs
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # file path argument parser.add_argument("--img_dir", type=str, default='data/images/IMX219-83', help="directory of images") parser.add_argument("--take_img", type=str, default='False', help="Take depth images") parser.add_argument("--img_ext", type=str, default='.jpg', help="Images extention") parser.add_argument("--show_plt", type=str, default='False', help="Show plots") # create argument object args = parser.parse_args() camera_data = utils.read_json('config/jetson/config.json') left_pipeline = camera_data['waveshare_camera']['left'] right_pipeline = camera_data['waveshare_camera']['right'] api = camera_data['waveshare_camera']['apiEnum'] utils.check_directory(args.img_dir) if args.take_img == 'True': captureImage(left_pipeline, api=api, save_dir=args.img_dir, img_name='img_l', show_img=False) captureImage(right_pipeline, api=api, save_dir=args.img_dir, img_name='img_r', show_img=False) # Read the stereo-pair of images images = utils.files_in_dir(args.img_dir, args.img_ext) assert len(images) == 2 img_left = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(images[0]), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) img_right = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(images[1]), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) if args.show_plt == 'True': # Large plot of the left image plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100) plt.imshow(img_left) disp_left = stereo.compute_left_disparity_map(img_left, img_right) if args.show_plt == 'True': # Show the left disparity map plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(disp_left)
from utils import files_in_dir import statistics exp_dir = 'old/experiments-release' def to_int(a_str): return int(a_str) total_durations = [] resource_allocations = [] resource_deallocations = [] exp_sizes = [] for idx, exp in enumerate( sorted(files_in_dir(exp_dir, include_folders=True), key=to_int)): print(exp) total_durations.append([]) resource_allocations.append([]) resource_deallocations.append([]) exp_sizes.append(int(exp)) for run in files_in_dir(f'{exp_dir}/{exp}'): with open(f'{exp_dir}/{exp}/{run}', 'r') as f: run_data = json.load(f) total_durations[idx].append(run_data['total_duration']) resource_allocations[idx].append( run_data['resource_allocations'][0]['duration']) resource_deallocations[idx].append( run_data['resource_deallocations'][0]['duration']) x = exp_sizes
def _list_of_files(self): return list(files_in_dir(self.dataset)) + [self.testfile]
def compress(self): list_of_files = files_in_dir(self.path) compressor = BatchCompressor(list_of_files) compressor.compress(self.path)