async def set_mute_duration(self, ctx, time: str = None): '''Set the default mute duration.''' guild = ctx.guild author = mute_duration = await read('md') if time is None: if in mute_duration: seconds = mute_duration[] await ctx.send( f'The current default mute duration is `{seconds}`') else: await ctx.send('No default mute duration set!') else: try: seconds = int(time) found_time = True except ValueError: found_time = False try: if not found_time: time = find_date(time) seconds = time.total_seconds() mute_duration[] = seconds await write('md', mute_duration) await self.log( ctx, f'<@{}> set the default mute duration to {time}') except InvalidDate: await ctx.send(f'Invalid ammount of time, `{time}`.')
async def mute(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, time=None, *argv): '''Mute a user so that they cannot send messages anymore. ```css Example Usage: ``````css ?mute <user> 5d bc i can // Mutes <user> for 5 days with the reason because i can. ``````css ?mute <user> bc i can // Mutes <user> permanately for reason bc i can ```''' fields = [] guild = ctx.guild if time is not None: try: duration = find_date(time) end_date = duration + end_date = end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%w-%W %H:%M:%S') mute_list = await read('muteList') if str( in mute_list: guild_list = mute_list[str(] else: guild_list = {} guild_list[] = end_date mute_list[str(] = guild_list await write('muteList', mute_list) fields.append(('**Duration:**', f'`{time}`', True)) except InvalidDate: argv = list(argv) argv.insert(0, time) author = if len(argv) > 0: reason = ' '.join(argv) fields.append(('**Reason:**', reason, True)) await self.log(ctx, f'<@{}> muted <@{}>', fields=fields, showauth=True) muted_role = await get_muted_role(guild) await user.add_roles(muted_role) embed = discord.Embed(title='**Mute**', description=f'<@{}> has been muted.', color=0xff0000) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def ban(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, time=None, *argv): '''Ban a user. ```css Example Usage: ``` ```css ?ban <user> bc i can// Bans <user> from the guild for the reason bc i can ``````css ?ban <user> 5d bc i can // Bans <user> for 5 days with the reason bc i can''' fields = [] guild = ctx.guild if time is not None: try: duration = find_date(time) end_date = duration + end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%w-%W %H:%M:%S') ban_list = await read('banList') if in ban_list: guild_list = ban_list[] else: guild_list = {} guild_list[] = end_date ban_list[] = guild_list await write('banList', ban_list) fields.append(('**Duration:**', f'`{time}`', True)) except InvalidDate: argv = list(argv) argv.insert(0, time) author = if len(argv) > 0: reason = ' '.join(argv) fields.append(('**Reason:**', reason, True)) await self.log(ctx, f'<@{}> banned <@{}>', fields=fields, showauth=True) embed = discord.Embed(title='**Ban**', description=f'<@{}> has been banned.', color=0xff0000) await user.ban() await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def log_offense(author, guild, duration, message): full_offense_dict = spam_chart.read_cache("spamChart") guild_id = user = timedelta = find_date(f"{str(duration)}s") date = + timedelta date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%w-%W %H:%M:%S") if guild_id in full_offense_dict: guild_dict = full_offense_dict[] else: guild_dict = {} if user in guild_dict: user_dict = guild_dict[user] else: user_dict = [] item = [author, message, guild, date] user_dict.append(item) guild_dict[user] = user_dict full_offense_dict[guild_id] = guild_dict spam_chart.cache("spamChart", full_offense_dict) return (len(user_dict))
def __init__(self, user_id, mod_id, guild_id): self.user_id = user_id self.guild_id = guild_id self.mod_id = mod_id self.expire_date = find_date('5h')