Beispiel #1
    def apply_change_infusion_rate(self):
        self.pump_ui.lineEdit_rate_infuse.setStyleSheet("color: 'red';")
        new_rate = utils.fit_in_range(value=float(self.pump_ui.lineEdit_rate_infuse.text()),

        success = self.pump.set_infusion_rate(new_rate)
        if success:
            self.pump_ui.lineEdit_rate_infuse.setStyleSheet("color: 'green';")
Beispiel #2
 def add_new_ov(self):
     new_ov_number = self.number_ov
     y_pos = utils.fit_in_range(new_ov_number * 40, 0, 400)
     self.cs.set_ov_centre_s(new_ov_number, [0, y_pos])
     self.set_ov_size_selector(new_ov_number, 2)
     self.set_ov_rotation(new_ov_number, 0)
     self.set_ov_magnification(new_ov_number, 360)
     self.set_ov_dwell_time_selector(new_ov_number, 4)
     self.set_ov_wd(new_ov_number, 0)
     self.set_ov_acq_interval(new_ov_number, 1)
     self.set_ov_acq_interval_offset(new_ov_number, 0)
     self.update_ov_file_list(new_ov_number, '')
     self.set_ov_debris_detection_area(new_ov_number, [])
     self.number_ov += 1
     self.cfg['overviews']['number_ov'] = str(self.number_ov)
Beispiel #3
    def update_ov_debris_detection_area(self, ov_number, gm):
        if self.cfg['debris']['auto_detection_area'] == 'False':
            # set full detection area:
            self.set_ov_debris_detection_area(ov_number, [
                0, 0,
            (ov_top_left_dx, ov_top_left_dy, ov_bottom_right_dx,
             ov_bottom_right_dy) = (self.get_ov_bounding_box(ov_number))
            ov_pixel_size = self.get_ov_pixel_size(ov_number)
            top_left_dx_min, top_left_dy_min = None, None
            bottom_right_dx_max, bottom_right_dy_max = None, None
            #extra_margin = 20
            # Check all grids for active tile overlap with OV
            for grid_number in range(gm.get_number_grids()):
                for tile_number in gm.get_active_tiles(grid_number):
                    (top_left_dx, top_left_dy, bottom_right_dx,
                     bottom_right_dy) = (gm.get_tile_bounding_box(
                         grid_number, tile_number))
                    # Is tile within OV?
                    overlap = not (top_left_dx >= ov_bottom_right_dx
                                   or top_left_dy >= ov_bottom_right_dy
                                   or bottom_right_dx <= ov_top_left_dx
                                   or bottom_right_dy <= ov_top_left_dy)
                    if overlap:
                        # transform coordinates to d coord. rel. to OV image:
                        top_left_dx -= ov_top_left_dx
                        top_left_dy -= ov_top_left_dy
                        bottom_right_dx -= ov_top_left_dx
                        bottom_right_dy -= ov_top_left_dy

                        if (top_left_dx_min is None
                                or top_left_dx < top_left_dx_min):
                            top_left_dx_min = top_left_dx
                        if (top_left_dy_min is None
                                or top_left_dy < top_left_dy_min):
                            top_left_dy_min = top_left_dy
                        if (bottom_right_dx_max is None
                                or bottom_right_dx > bottom_right_dx_max):
                            bottom_right_dx_max = bottom_right_dx
                        if (bottom_right_dy_max is None
                                or bottom_right_dy > bottom_right_dy_max):
                            bottom_right_dy_max = bottom_right_dy

            if top_left_dx_min is None:
                top_left_px, top_left_py = 0, 0
                bottom_right_px = self.get_ov_width_p(ov_number)
                bottom_right_py = self.get_ov_height_p(ov_number)
                # Now in pixel coordinates of OV image:
                top_left_px = int(top_left_dx_min * 1000 / ov_pixel_size)
                top_left_py = int(top_left_dy_min * 1000 / ov_pixel_size)
                bottom_right_px = int(bottom_right_dx_max * 1000 /
                bottom_right_py = int(bottom_right_dy_max * 1000 /
                # Add/subract margin and must fit in OV image:
                top_left_px = utils.fit_in_range(
                    top_left_px - self.auto_debris_area_margin, 0,
                top_left_py = utils.fit_in_range(
                    top_left_py - self.auto_debris_area_margin, 0,
                bottom_right_px = utils.fit_in_range(
                    bottom_right_px + self.auto_debris_area_margin, 0,
                bottom_right_py = utils.fit_in_range(
                    bottom_right_py + self.auto_debris_area_margin, 0,

            # set detection area:
                [top_left_px, top_left_py, bottom_right_px, bottom_right_py])
Beispiel #4
    def update_debris_detection_area(self, grid_manager,
                                     auto_detection=True, margin=0):
        """Change the debris detection area to cover all tiles from all grids
        that fall within the overview specified by ov_number."""
        if auto_detection:
            (ov_top_left_dx, ov_top_left_dy,
             ov_bottom_right_dx, ov_bottom_right_dy) = self.bounding_box()
            ov_pixel_size = self.pixel_size
            # The following corner coordinates define the debris detection area
            top_left_dx_min, top_left_dy_min = None, None
            bottom_right_dx_max, bottom_right_dy_max = None, None
            # Check all grids for active tile overlap with OV
            for grid_index in range(grid_manager.number_grids):
                if not grid_manager[grid_index].active:
                for tile_index in grid_manager[grid_index].active_tiles:
                    (min_dx, max_dx, min_dy, max_dy) = (
                    # Is tile within OV?
                    overlap = not (min_dx >= ov_bottom_right_dx
                                   or min_dy >= ov_bottom_right_dy
                                   or max_dx <= ov_top_left_dx
                                   or max_dy <= ov_top_left_dy)
                    if overlap:
                        # transform coordinates to d coord. rel. to OV image:
                        min_dx -= ov_top_left_dx
                        min_dy -= ov_top_left_dy
                        max_dx -= ov_top_left_dx
                        max_dy -= ov_top_left_dy

                        if (top_left_dx_min is None
                            or min_dx < top_left_dx_min):
                            top_left_dx_min = min_dx
                        if (top_left_dy_min is None
                            or min_dy < top_left_dy_min):
                            top_left_dy_min = min_dy
                        if (bottom_right_dx_max is None
                            or max_dx > bottom_right_dx_max):
                            bottom_right_dx_max = max_dx
                        if (bottom_right_dy_max is None
                            or max_dy > bottom_right_dy_max):
                            bottom_right_dy_max = max_dy

            if top_left_dx_min is None:
                top_left_px, top_left_py = 0, 0
                bottom_right_px = self.width_p()
                bottom_right_py = self.height_p()
                # Now in pixel coordinates of OV image:
                top_left_px = int(top_left_dx_min * 1000 / ov_pixel_size)
                top_left_py = int(top_left_dy_min * 1000 / ov_pixel_size)
                bottom_right_px = int(
                    bottom_right_dx_max * 1000 / ov_pixel_size)
                bottom_right_py = int(
                    bottom_right_dy_max * 1000 / ov_pixel_size)
                # Add/subract margin and must fit in OV image:
                top_left_px = utils.fit_in_range(
                    top_left_px - margin, 0, self.width_p())
                top_left_py = utils.fit_in_range(
                    top_left_py - margin, 0, self.height_p())
                bottom_right_px = utils.fit_in_range(
                    bottom_right_px + margin, 0, self.width_p())
                bottom_right_py = utils.fit_in_range(
                    bottom_right_py + margin, 0, self.height_p())
            # set calculated detection area:
            self.debris_detection_area = [
                top_left_px, top_left_py, bottom_right_px, bottom_right_py]
            # set full detection area:
            self.debris_detection_area = [0, 0, self.width_p(), self.height_p()]