Beispiel #1
    def size2(self, bstr):
        '''Get the size of a string.

           @param bstr: The string (C{str}, C{bytes} or L{Str}).

           @return: 2-Tuple (width, height) in (C{float} or C{int}).
        if isinstance(bstr, Str):
            ns = bstr.NS
        elif isinstance(bstr, _ByteStrs):
            ns = release(NSStr(bstr))
        elif isinstanceOf(bstr, NSStr, name='bstr'):
            ns = bstr
        return flint(self.NS.widthOfString_(ns)), self.height
Beispiel #2
    def pull_command(self, command, session):
        cursor = self._conn.cursor()
        since = utils.flint(command['SINCE'])
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM files WHERE received>?', [since])
        new_files = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM deleted WHERE del_time>?', [since])
        del_files = cursor.fetchall()

        l = []
        for record in new_files:
            l.append({'ID': record['id'],
                      'TYPE': 'NEW'})
        for record in del_files:
            l.append({'ID': record['file_id'],
                      'TYPE': 'DELETE'})

        resp = {'ACTION': 'LLUP', 'CHANGES': l}
        return resp, session
Beispiel #3
 def slant(self):
     '''Get the italic angle (C{float}, C{int} or C{None}).
     return flint(self.NS.italicAngle()) if self.NS else None
Beispiel #4
 def heightX(self):
     '''Get the C{x} height (C{float} or C{int}).
     return flint(self.NS.xHeight())
Beispiel #5
 def heightLeading(self):
     '''Get the C{leading} height (C{float} or C{int}).
     return flint(self.NS.leading())
Beispiel #6
 def heightCap(self):
     '''Get the C{cap} height (C{float} or C{int}).
     return flint(self.NS.capHeight())
Beispiel #7
 def heightBaseline(self):
     '''Get the C{baseline} offset (C{float} or C{int}).
     return flint(NSMain.LayoutManager.defaultBaselineOffsetForFont_(self.NS))
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(self, family_or_font, size=0, traits=0, weight=5):
        '''New L{Font}.

           @param family_or_font: Generic font name (C{str}, L{Str}, L{NSStr})
                                  like "Times" or "Helvetica" or a L{Font},
                                  C{NSFont} or C{NSFontDescriptor} instance.
           @keyword size: Desired point size (C{int}), zero for any.
           @keyword traits: Desired font traits (C{str} or C{FontTrait}C{s mask}).
           @keyword weigth: Desired book weight (C{int}) in range 0..15, where
                            0=light, 5=regular, 9=bold and 15=heavy.

           @raise FontError: No such I{family_or_font}.

           @raise FontTraitError: Mutually exclusive I{traits}.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid I{family_or_font}.

           @raise ValueError: Invalid I{weight}.

           @note: The new L{Font} may not exhibit the desired I{traits}
                  and I{weight}.  The I{weight} is ignored if I{traits}
                  include C{FontTrait.Bold}, both I{traits} and I{weight}
                  are ignored if I{family_or_font} is C{NSFontDescriptor}.

           @see: Function L{fontsof} to obtain all available fonts of
                 a particular font family.
        if isinstance(family_or_font, Str):
            ns, py = family_or_font.NS, str(family_or_font)
        elif isinstance(family_or_font, _ByteStrs):
            ns, py = release(NSStr(family_or_font)), bytes2str(family_or_font)
        elif isinstance(family_or_font, NSStr):
            ns, py = family_or_font, nsString2str(family_or_font)
#       elif isObjCInstanceOf(family_or_font, NSFontDescriptor):
            # <>
            # ignore traits and weight
#           ns, py = NSFont.alloc().init_(family_or_font, size), None
        elif isObjCInstanceOf(family_or_font, NSFont, name='family_or_font'):
            ns, py = family_or_font, None
            if size == 0:
                size = ns.pointSize()
            if traits == 0:
                traits = NSMain.FontManager.traitsOfFont_(ns)
            if not (size == ns.pointSize() and
                    traits == NSMain.FontManager.traitsOfFont_(ns)):
                ns = ns.familyName()
                py = nsString2str(ns)

        if py is not None:
            # <
            #       nsfontmanager/1462332-fontwithfamily>
            self._traits = _traitsin(traits)
            self._weight = _weightin(weight)
            ns = NSMain.FontManager.fontWithFamily_traits_weight_size_(
                                 ns, self._traits, self._weight, size)
            if isNone(ns):
                self._family = py
                self._size   = flint(size)
                raise FontError('no such %s: %s' % ('font', self._argstr()))

        self._NS = ns  # _RO
        # <
        #  TextFonts/Conceptual/CocoaTextArchitecture/FontHandling/FontHandling.html>
        self._family = nsString2str(ns.familyName())
        self._height = flint(NSMain.LayoutManager.defaultLineHeightForFont_(ns) + 1)
        self._name   = nsString2str(ns.fontName())
        self._size   = flint(ns.pointSize())
        # traits not always reflect actual traits
        self._traits = NSMain.FontManager.traitsOfFont_(ns) or 0
        # update with the family traits, if any
        self._traits |= _traitsin(self._family, raiser=False)
        if ns.isFixedPitch() and not self.isMonoSpace:
            self._traits |= FontTrait.MonoSpace
        self._weight = NSMain.FontManager.weightOfFont_(ns)