def proj_vs_actual(start_date, end_date): compare = None days = (end_date - start_date).days for offset in range(days + 1): cur_date = start_date + dt.timedelta(days = offset) try: stats = pd.read_csv(format_fpath('stat', cur_date)) except: continue stats.loc[:,'Starters'] = stats.Starters.apply(lambda x: format_name(x)) lineups = pd.read_csv(format_fpath('line',cur_date)) lineups.loc[:,'Name'] = lineups.Name.apply(lambda x: format_name(x)) combo = lineups.join(stats.set_index('Starters').FP.rename('actual'), on = 'Name').sort_values('Name').set_index('Name') combo['date'] = cur_date mapper = player_team_map() listed = combo.index.to_series().apply(lambda x: x in mapper.index) combo['PTeam'] = 'UNK' combo.loc[listed, 'PTeam'] = combo[listed].index.to_series().apply(lambda x: mapper.loc[x]).values combo['Loc'] = combo.apply(lambda x: 'Home' if x.PTeam == x.Team else 'Away', axis = 1) combo['Name'] = combo.index.values combo.index = range(len(combo)) away = combo[combo.Loc == 'Away'].index temp = combo.loc[away,'Team'] combo.loc[away,'Team'] = combo.loc[away,'Opp'] combo.loc[away,'Opp'] = temp combo.set_index('Name') compare = combo if compare is None else compare.append(combo) compare.loc[:,'date'] = pd.to_datetime( return compare
def get_force_confirm_payments_keyboard(bill_id, creditor_id, trans): unpaid = trans.get_unpaid_payments(bill_id, creditor_id) kb = [] for payment in unpaid: btn = InlineKeyboardButton( text='✅ {} {}{:.2f}'.format( utils.format_name(payment[5], payment[3], payment[4]), const.EMOJI_MONEY_BAG, payment[1], ), callback_data=utils.get_action_callback_data( MODULE_ACTION_TYPE, ACTION_FORCE_CONFIRM_PAYMENT, { const.JSON_BILL_ID: bill_id, const.JSON_PAYMENT_ID: payment[0] })) kb.append([btn]) back_btn = InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔙 Back", callback_data=utils.get_action_callback_data( MODULE_ACTION_TYPE, ACTION_REFRESH_BILL, {const.JSON_BILL_ID: bill_id})) kb.append([back_btn]) return InlineKeyboardMarkup(kb)
def get_payment_buttons(bill_id, user_id, trans, debts=None): kb = [] if debts is None: debts, __ = utils.calculate_remaining_debt(bill_id, trans) for debt in debts: text = '💸 Pay ' for debtor in debt['debtors']: if (debtor['debtor'][0] == user_id and debtor['status'] == '(Pending)'): text = '💰 Unpay ' break credtr = debt['creditor'] refresh_btn = InlineKeyboardButton( text="🔄 Refresh Bill", callback_data=utils.get_action_callback_data( MODULE_ACTION_TYPE, ACTION_REFRESH_BILL, {const.JSON_BILL_ID: bill_id})) pay_btn = InlineKeyboardButton( text=text + utils.format_name(credtr[3], credtr[1], credtr[2]), callback_data=utils.get_action_callback_data( MODULE_ACTION_TYPE, ACTION_PAY_DEBT, { const.JSON_BILL_ID: bill_id, const.JSON_CREDITOR_ID: credtr[0] })) kb.append([refresh_btn]) kb.append([pay_btn]) return kb
def get_confirm_payments_keyboard(bill_id, creditor_id, trans): pending = trans.get_pending_payments(bill_id, creditor_id) kb = [] for payment in pending: btn = InlineKeyboardButton( text='{} {}{:.4f}'.format( utils.format_name(payment[4], payment[2], payment[3]), const.EMOJI_MONEY_BAG, payment[1], ), callback_data=utils.get_action_callback_data( MODULE_ACTION_TYPE, ACTION_CONFIRM_BILL_PAYMENT, { const.JSON_BILL_ID: bill_id, const.JSON_PAYMENT_ID: payment[0] })) kb.append([btn]) back_btn = InlineKeyboardButton( text="Back", callback_data=utils.get_action_callback_data( MODULE_ACTION_TYPE, ACTION_REFRESH_BILL, {const.JSON_BILL_ID: bill_id})) kb.append([back_btn]) return InlineKeyboardMarkup(kb)
def basic_data_formatting(): # read relevant columns from csv and filter out players with under 10 games played col_list1 = ['Player', 'G', 'DRtg'] col_list2 = ['SHOT_NUMBER', 'SHOT_CLOCK', 'DRIBBLES', 'TOUCH_TIME', 'SHOT_DIST', 'SHOT_RESULT', 'CLOSEST_DEFENDER', 'CLOSE_DEF_DIST', 'FGM', 'PTS'] per100_df = pd.read_csv('per100.csv', usecols=col_list1).astype({ 'G': 'int32', 'DRtg': 'int32'}) per100_df.query('G > 9', inplace=True) # reformat player name to match the shot logs per100_df['Player'] = per100_df['Player'].apply(lambda x: "{}".format(x.split('\\')[0])) per100_df['Player'] = per100_df['Player'].apply(lambda x: format_name(x)) # sort by Defensive Rating and make a 20 / 80 split per100_df.sort_values(by='DRtg', inplace=True) split_index = int(len(per100_df.index) * SPLIT) quality_df = per100_df.head(split_index).copy() regular_df = per100_df.tail(len(per100_df.index) - split_index).copy() # tag players by defensive rating, concat and create a dictionary of tags quality_df['Q_defender'] = 1 regular_df['Q_defender'] = 0 tagged_players_df = pd.concat([quality_df, regular_df]) # tagged_players_df.drop(['G', 'DRtg'], axis='columns', inplace=True) tagged_dict = dict(tagged_players_df.values) # read shot logs and add tags shotlogs_df = pd.read_csv('shot_logs.csv', usecols=col_list2) shotlogs_df['T'] = shotlogs_df['CLOSEST_DEFENDER'].map(tagged_dict) shotlogs_df['T'].fillna(value=0, inplace=True) shotlogs_df.rename(columns={'SHOT_RESULT': 'Y'}, inplace=True) shotlogs_df['Y'] = shotlogs_df['Y'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 'made' else 0) shotlogs_df['FG_PERCENTAGE'] = shotlogs_df.apply(lambda x: x['FGM']/x['SHOT_NUMBER'], axis=1) shotlogs_df.drop(['CLOSEST_DEFENDER', 'FGM', 'SHOT_NUMBER'], axis='columns', inplace=True) return shotlogs_df
def process_get_student_profile(self, query): profile = [] for student in query: profile.append({ 'full_name': utils.format_name(student['first_name'], student['last_name']), 'sex': utils.get_sex(student['sex']), 'date_of_birth': utils.to_mm_dd_yyyy(student['date_of_birth']), 'phone_number': utils.format_phone_number(student['phone_number']), 'age': str(student['age']), 'id': str(student['id']), 'address_zip_code': str(student['address_zip_code']), 'username': student['username'], 'address_street': student['address_street'], 'address_city': student['address_city'], 'address_state': student['address_state'], 'email': student['email'] }) return profile[0]
def run(self): self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.cursor.execute( """SELECT * FROM Application AS App INNER JOIN Benchmark AS BM WHERE App.benchmark = BM._id_""") db_list = [] for row in self.cursor.fetchall(): print "Profiling " + row['name'] + " Kernel: " + row["acronym"] cmd = os.environ[row['environment']] + row["binary"] + " " + ( row["parameters"] or " ") db_name = format_name(DEVICE_NAME) + "_" + format_name( row['name']) + "_" + format_name(row["acronym"]) + ".db" cur_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.environ[row['environment']] + row["binary"][:-len(row["binary"].split('/')[-1])]) nvprof_cmd = os.environ[ "CUDA_DIR"] + "/bin/nvprof -f -o " + cur_path + "/" + db_name + " " + cmd"Calling: " + nvprof_cmd) _env = os.environ.copy() _env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(DEVICE_IDX) _env['CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER'] = 'PCI_BUS_ID' #CUDA VERSION >=7.0 p = Popen(nvprof_cmd, env=_env, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) output, errors = p.communicate() os.chdir(cur_path) if p.returncode: #or errors: print errors else: db_list.append((db_name, row['_id_'])) self.cursor.close() return db_list
def map_team_names(name_sheet: worksheet) -> dict: """ Mapeia os nomes dos times e suas variações """ row = 0 names = {} last_row = name_sheet.max_row while True: row += 1 next_row = row + 1 team = name_sheet.cell(row, 1).value variation = name_sheet.cell(next_row, 1).value if row > last_row: # Para quando chega à última linha break if not team: continue team = format_name(team) names[team] = { 'wins': 0, 'losses': 0, 'draws': 0, 'total_games': 0, 'points': 0, 'variations': [] } while variation: variation = format_name(variation) if variation not in names[team]['variations']: names[team]['variations'].append(variation) next_row += 1 variation = name_sheet.cell(next_row, 1).value row = next_row return names
def EPISODES(url): link = get_html(url) matchurl = re.compile('<div class="ep_block">\s*<a href="(.*)">').findall( link) matchthumb = re.compile( '<div class="ep_block">\s*<a href=".*?">\s*<img src="(.*?[.jpg|.png])".*>' ).findall(link) matchname = re.compile( '<td class="episode-name">\s*(.*?)\s*</td>').findall(link) for urlc, thumb, name in zip(matchurl, matchthumb, matchname): add_item(X=1, name=format_name(name, urlc), url=urlc, mode='l', thumb='http:' + thumb)
def get_payment_buttons(bill_id, trans, debts=None): kb = [] if debts is None: debts, __ = utils.calculate_remaining_debt(bill_id, trans) for debt in debts: credtr = debt['creditor'] pay_btn = InlineKeyboardButton( text='Pay ' + utils.format_name(credtr[3], credtr[1], credtr[2]), callback_data=utils.get_action_callback_data( MODULE_ACTION_TYPE, ACTION_PAY_DEBT, { const.JSON_BILL_ID: bill_id, const.JSON_CREDITOR_ID: credtr[0] })) kb.append([pay_btn]) return kb
def get_proj(date): df = pd.read_csv(format_fpath('proj', date)) df.loc[:, 'Name'] = df.Name.apply(lambda x: format_name(x)) mapper = player_team_map() listed = df.Name.apply(lambda x: x in mapper.index) df['PTeam'] = 'UNK' df.loc[listed, 'PTeam'] = df.loc[listed].Name.apply(lambda x: mapper.loc[x]).values df['Loc'] = df.apply(lambda x: 'Home' if x.PTeam == x.Team else 'Away', axis=1) df['Name'] = df.index.values df.index = range(len(df)) away = df[df.Loc == 'Away'].index temp = df.loc[away, 'Team'] df.loc[away, 'Team'] = df.loc[away, 'Opp'] df.loc[away, 'Opp'] = temp df.set_index('Name') return df
def send_confirmation(self, bot, cbq, bill_id, payment_id, trans): self.set_session(cbq.message.chat_id, cbq.from_user, self.action_type, self.action_id, 0, trans, data={ const.JSON_BILL_ID: bill_id, const.JSON_PAYMENT_ID: payment_id }) amt, fname, lname, uname = trans.get_payment(payment_id) cbq.answer() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=cbq.message.chat_id, text=REQUEST_FORCE_PAY_CONFIRMATION.format( utils.escape_html( utils.format_name(uname, fname, lname)), const.EMOJI_MONEY_BAG, amt), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def process_section_query(self, sections): processed_sections = [] for item in sections: processed_sections.append({ 'meet_day': utils.get_meet_day(item['meet_day']), 'meet_time': utils.concat_start_end_time( item['meet_time_start'], item['meet_time_end']), 'meet_date': utils.concat_start_end_date( item['start_date'], item['end_date']), 'section_type': utils.get_section_type( item['type']), 'course': utils.get_section_str( item['name'], item['title'], item['number']), 'instructor': utils.format_name( item['first_name'], item['last_name'], True), 'meet_location': item['meet_location'], 'term': item['term'] }) return processed_sections
def format_and_map_games_data(games_sheet: worksheet, teams_dict: dict) -> dict: games = {} last_row_games = games_sheet.max_row for row in range(2, last_row_games): game_id = games_sheet.cell(row, 1).value home_team = games_sheet.cell(row, 7).value home_score = games_sheet.cell(row, 9).value away_team = games_sheet.cell(row, 12).value away_score = games_sheet.cell(row, 11).value game_date = games_sheet.cell(row, 2).value championship_name = format_name(games_sheet.cell( row, 15).value) if games_sheet.cell(row, 15).value else None if not away_team or not home_team: print( f'JOGO NÃO MAPEADO: O jogo "{game_id}" não tem os nomes das duas equipes.' ) continue home_team = format_name(home_team) away_team = format_name(away_team) if home_team not in teams_dict.keys(): this_name = away_team home_team = find_official_name(home_team, teams_dict) if not home_team: print( f'JOGO NÃO MAPEADO: O time "{this_name}" não está na lista de nomes.' ) continue if away_team not in teams_dict.keys(): this_name = away_team away_team = find_official_name(away_team, teams_dict) if not away_team: print( f'JOGO NÃO MAPEADO: O time "{this_name}" não está na lista de nomes.' ) continue if str(home_score) == 'None' or str(away_score) == 'None': print( f'JOGO NÃO MAPEADO: O jogo "{game_id}" não tem pontuação das duas equipes.' ) continue if not game_date or not isinstance(game_date, date): # Pula caso o jogo não tenha data ou data não esteja bem formatada print( f'JOGO NÃO MAPEADO: O jogo "{game_id}" não tem data ou a data está mal formatada.' ) continue if home_score > away_score: winner = 'home' elif home_score < away_score: winner = 'away' else: winner = 'draw' games[game_id] = { 'game_date': game_date, 'game_time': games_sheet.cell(row, 3).value, 'game_class': games_sheet.cell(row, 4).value, 'genre': games_sheet.cell(row, 5).value, 'home_team': home_team, 'home_team_state': games_sheet.cell(row, 8).value, 'home_score': home_score, 'away_score': away_score, 'away_team': away_team, 'away_team_state': games_sheet.cell(row, 13).value, 'game_location': games_sheet.cell(row, 14).value, 'championship': championship_name, 'game_city': games_sheet.cell(row, 16).value, 'game_state': games_sheet.cell(row, 17).value, # Campos calculados 'row': row, 'winner': winner, 'double_points': True if championship_name and 'CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO - SÉRIE A' in championship_name else False, '15+': True if (home_score - away_score) >= 15 or (home_score - away_score) <= -15 else False, } return games
def run(self): cursor1 = self.connection.cursor() cursor2 = self.connection.cursor() cursor1.execute( """SELECT K.mangledName,B.environment,App.binary,App.parameters FROM Kernels AS K INNER JOIN Application AS App ON K.application = App._id_ INNER JOIN Benchmark AS B ON App.benchmark=B._id_ WHERE K.cluster=1 ORDER BY K.ranking LIMIT 5;""") cursor2.execute( """SELECT K.mangledName,B.environment,App.binary,App.parameters FROM Kernels AS K INNER JOIN Application AS App ON K.application = App._id_ INNER JOIN Benchmark AS B ON App.benchmark=B._id_ WHERE K.cluster=2 ORDER BY K.ranking LIMIT 5;""") #cursor1.execute("select,B.environment,App.binary,App.parameters from Kernels as K inner join Application as App on K.application = App._id_ and K._id_=128 inner join Benchmark as B on App.benchmark=B._id_;") #cursor2.execute("select,B.environment,App.binary,App.parameters from Kernels as K inner join Application as App on K.application = App._id_ and K._id_=129 inner join Benchmark as B on App.benchmark=B._id_;") rows1 = cursor1.fetchall() rows2 = cursor2.fetchall() start = 0 print "Got " + str(len(rows1)) + " <- -> " + str(len(rows2)) for row1 in rows1: for row2 in rows2: print "Running: " + row1['mangledName'] + " with " + row2[ 'mangledName'] env1 = os.environ.copy() env2 = os.environ.copy() env1['LD_PRELOAD'] = "./cuHook/" env2['LD_PRELOAD'] = "./cuHook/" env1['CU_HOOK_DEBUG'] = env2['CU_HOOK_DEBUG'] = '1' seed = str(randint(1, 50000)) env1['RANDOM_SEED'] = env2['RANDOM_SEED'] = seed print "SEED: " + seed env1['KERNEL_NAME_0'] = row1['mangledName'] env2['KERNEL_NAME_1'] = row2['mangledName'] prof = Runner( "nvprof --profile-all-processes -o " + LOG_DIR + format_name(DEVICE_NAME) + ".output.%p.db", os.environ.copy()) app1 = Runner( os.environ[row1['environment']] + row1["binary"] + " " + (row1["parameters"] or " "), env1) app2 = Runner( os.environ[row2['environment']] + row2["binary"] + " " + (row2["parameters"] or " "), env2) prof.start() time.sleep(2) #nvprof load overhead app1.start() app2.start() app1.join() app2.join() print app1.stdout print app2.stdout print app1.stderr print app2.stderr prof.quit() prof.join() print prof.stdout print prof.stderr time.sleep(3) #storing db overhead path = os.getcwd() + "/" + LOG_DIR print 'Path: ' + path list_files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith(".db")] files = sorted(list_files, key=lambda x: (x.split('.')[-2])) print files kernel1 = files[-2] kernel2 = files[-1] try: if (start == 0): self.evaluateConcurrency(path + kernel1, path + kernel2, row1['mangledName'], row2['mangledName'], False) else: self.evaluateConcurrency(path + kernel1, path + kernel2, row1['mangledName'], row2['mangledName'], True) except Exception as e: print str(e) os.rename(path + kernel1, path + 'histo/' + kernel1) os.rename(path + kernel2, path + 'histo/' + kernel2) start += 1 self.check_order(path + 'histo/' + kernel1, path + 'histo/' + kernel2, row1['mangledName'], row2['mangledName'])