Beispiel #1
def get_teams(sport_code, div, academic_year):
    Returns latest data of all teams. Output is a JSON dictionary with 'response' 
    as the key and a list of objects for each team as the value.
    :param sport_code:
        NCAA code for desired sport. Ex: 'MBB' is Men's Basketball
    :param div:
        NCAA division. Ex: '1' for Division 1.
    :param academic_year:
        (Optional) Four digit academic year. Ex: '2015' for 2014-2015. Defaults to 'latest'.
    reader = csv.DictReader(StringIO(get_ncaa_data(sport_code=sport_code, div=div, stat_seq='team', academic_year=academic_year)))
    return jsonify({'response': list(reader)})
Beispiel #2
def get_team(sport_code, div, academic_year, team_name):
    Returns latest data of specified team. Output is a JSON dictionary with 'response' 
    as the key and a list of objects for each team as the value.
    :param sport_code:
        NCAA code for desired sport. Ex: 'MBB' is Men's Basketball
    :param div:
        NCAA division. Ex: '1' for Division 1.
    :param academic_year:
        (Optional) Four digit academic year. Ex: '2015' for 2014-2015. Defaults to 'latest'.
    :param team_name:
        NCAA school name with spaces removed.
    reader = csv.DictReader(StringIO(get_ncaa_data(sport_code=sport_code, div=div, stat_seq='team', academic_year=academic_year)))
    team_obj = {}
    for team in reader:
        if team['Name'].replace(' ', '') == team_name:
            team_obj = team
    return jsonify({'response': [team_obj]})
Beispiel #3
def get_player(sport_code, div, academic_year, player_name):
    Returns latest data of specified player. Output is a JSON dictionary with 'response' 
    as the key and a list of objects for each player as the value. Warning: many 
    players have blanks in columns.
    :param sport_code:
        NCAA code for desired sport. Ex: 'MBB' is Men's Basketball
    :param div:
        NCAA division. Ex: '1' for Division 1.
    :param academic_year:
        (Optional) Four digit academic year. Ex: '2015' for 2014-2015. Defaults to 'latest'.
    :param player_name:
        Player name with spaces removed.
    reader = csv.DictReader(StringIO(get_ncaa_data(sport_code=sport_code, div=div, stat_seq='player', academic_year=academic_year)))
    player_obj = {}
    for player in reader:
        if player['Name'].replace(' ', '') == player_name:
            player_obj = player
    return jsonify({'response': [player_obj]})