def skew(inputs, scope="skew"): with tf.name_scope(scope): batch, height, width, channel = get_shape(inputs) new_width = width + height - 1 skewed_rows = []# inputs = tf.zeros([batch, width * 2 - 1 , height, channel]) #rows = tf.unpack(tf.transpose(inputs, [1, 0, 3, 2])) # [height, batch, channel, width] rows = tf.split(1, height, inputs) # [batch, 1, width, channel] for i, row in enumerate(rows): transposed_row = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(row, [1]), [0, 2, 1]) reshaped_row = tf.reshape(transposed_row, [-1, width]) # [batch * channel, width] padded_row = tf.pad(reshaped_row, ((0, 0), (i, height - 1 - i))) unsqueezed_row = tf.reshape(padded_row, [-1, channel, new_width]) # [batch, channel, width*2-1] new_row = tf.transpose(unsqueezed_row, [0, 2, 1]) # [batch, width*2-1, channel] assert get_shape(new_row) == [batch, new_width, channel], "wrong shape of skewed row" skewed_rows.append(new_row) skewed_inputs = tf.pack(skewed_rows, axis=1, name="skewed_inputs") desired_shape = [None, height, new_width, channel] skewed_shape = get_shape(skewed_inputs) assert skewed_shape == desired_shape, "wrong shape of skewed input. Actual {}; Expected {}".format(skewed_shape, desired_shape) return skewed_inputs
def feature_net(self, image, rnn, a, r, state_in, scope="feature"): shape = get_shape(image) image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255.0 with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): image = tf.reshape(image, [-1] + shape[-3:]) filter = [16, 32, 32] kernel = [(3, 3), (3, 3), (5, 3)] stride = [(1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 1)] for i in range(len(filter)): image = tf.layers.conv2d( image, filters=filter[i], kernel_size=kernel[i][0], strides=stride[i][0], padding="valid", activation=None, name="conv_%d" % i) image = tf.layers.max_pooling2d( image, pool_size=kernel[i][1], strides=stride[i][1], padding="valid", name="maxpool_%d" % i) image = self.resblock( image, "res0_%d" % i) # image = self.resblock( # image, "res1_%d" % i) image = tf.nn.relu(image) new_shape = get_shape(image) feature = tf.reshape( image, [shape[0], shape[1], new_shape[1] * new_shape[2] * new_shape[3]]) a_onehot = tf.one_hot( a, depth=self.act_space, dtype=tf.float32) feature = tf.layers.dense(feature, 256, tf.nn.relu, name="feature") feature = tf.concat([feature, a_onehot, r[:, :, None]], axis=-1) if self.use_hrnn: initial_state = tf.split(state_in, [1, -1], axis=-1) feature, count_out, state_out = rnn( feature, initial_state=initial_state) state_out = tf.concat([count_out, state_out], axis=-1) elif self.use_rmc: initial_state = [state_in] feature, state_out = rnn( feature, initial_state=initial_state) elif self.use_amc: initial_state = tf.split(state_in, [1, 64, 64, -1], axis=-1) feature, count_out, ns_out, pos_out, state_out = rnn( feature, initial_state=initial_state) state_out = tf.concat([count_out, ns_out, pos_out, state_out], axis=-1) else: c_in, h_in = tf.split(state_in, 2, axis=-1) feature, c_out, h_out = rnn( feature, initial_state=[c_in, h_in]) state_out = tf.concat([c_out, h_out], axis=-1) return feature, state_out
def _last_relevant(seq, length): batch_size = get_shape(seq)[0] max_length = get_shape(seq)[1] input_size = get_shape(seq)[2] index = tf.range(0, batch_size) * max_length + (length - 1) flat = tf.reshape(seq, [-1, input_size]) return tf.gather(flat, index)
def control_net(self, feature, scope="pixel_control"): shape = get_shape(feature) with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): feature = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, shape[-1]]) feature = tf.layers.dense(feature, 7 * 7 * 32, tf.nn.relu, name="feature") image = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, 7, 7, 32]) image = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose( image, filter=tf.get_variable(name="deconv", shape=[9, 9, 32, 32]), output_shape=[get_shape(feature)[0], 21, 21, 32], strides=2, padding="VALID") image = tf.nn.relu(image) image = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose( image, filter=tf.get_variable(name="control", shape=[4, 4, self.act_space, 32]), output_shape=[ get_shape(feature)[0], 21, 21, self.act_space ], strides=1, padding="SAME") image = tf.reshape(image, shape=[shape[0], shape[1]] + get_shape(image)[-3:]) return image
def sent_level_attention(self): with tf.variable_scope('sent-level') as scope: sent_inputs = tf.reshape(self.word_outputs, [-1, self.max_sent_length, 2 * self.cell_dim]) # sentence encoder cell_fw = rnn.GRUCell(self.cell_dim, name='cell_fw') cell_bw = rnn.GRUCell(self.cell_dim, name='cell_bw') init_state_fw = tf.tile(tf.get_variable('init_state_fw', shape=[1, self.cell_dim], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0)), multiples=[get_shape(sent_inputs)[0], 1]) init_state_bw = tf.tile(tf.get_variable('init_state_bw', shape=[1, self.cell_dim], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0)), multiples=[get_shape(sent_inputs)[0], 1]) rnn_outputs, _ = bidirectional_rnn(cell_fw=cell_fw, cell_bw=cell_bw, inputs=sent_inputs, input_lengths=self.sent_lengths, initial_state_fw=init_state_fw, initial_state_bw=init_state_bw, scope=scope) sent_outputs, sent_att_weights = attention(inputs=rnn_outputs, att_dim=self.att_dim, sequence_lengths=self.sent_lengths) self.sent_outputs = tf.layers.dropout(sent_outputs, self.dropout_rate, training=self.is_training)
def make_demo(sess, dphs, enqueue_op): burn_in = FLAGS.burn_in seqlen = FLAGS.seqlen + burn_in n_step = FLAGS.n_step gamma = FLAGS.gamma if FLAGS.use_all_demos: names = glob.glob("/opt/tiger/test_ppo/Demos/*.demo") else: names = glob.glob("/opt/tiger/test_ppo/Demos/*_0.demo") fd = OrderedDict() for name in names: dicseg =[0] dicseg["n_step_r"] = get_n_step_rewards(dicseg["r"], n_step, gamma) while len(dicseg["s"]) > burn_in: next_seg = dict() next_seg["s"] = padding(dicseg["s"][:seqlen], seqlen, dicseg["s"][0], np.float32) next_seg["prev_a"] = padding(dicseg["a"][:seqlen], seqlen, dicseg["a"][0], np.int32) next_seg["a"] = padding(dicseg["a"][1:seqlen + 1], seqlen, dicseg["a"][0], np.int32) next_seg["r"] = padding(dicseg["a"][:seqlen], seqlen, dicseg["r"][0], np.float32) next_seg["n_step_r"] = padding(dicseg["n_step_r"][:seqlen], seqlen, dicseg["n_step_r"][0], np.float32) next_seg["state_in"] = np.zeros(get_shape(dphs["state_in"])[1:]) next_seg["slots"] = padding([1] * len(dicseg["s"][:-1][:seqlen]), seqlen, 0, np.int32) next_seg["bootstrap_s"] = padding( dicseg["s"][seqlen:seqlen + n_step], n_step, dicseg["s"][0], np.float32) next_seg["bootstrap_prev_a"] = padding( dicseg["a"][seqlen:seqlen + n_step], n_step, dicseg["a"][0], np.int32) next_seg["bootstrap_slots"] = padding( [1] * len(dicseg["s"][:-1][seqlen:seqlen + n_step]), n_step, 0, np.int32) next_seg["a_logits"] = np.zeros(get_shape(dphs["a_logits"])[1:]) next_seg["v_cur"] = np.zeros(get_shape(dphs["v_cur"])[1:]) next_seg["v_tar"] = np.zeros(get_shape(dphs["v_tar"])[1:]) next_seg["adv"] = np.zeros(get_shape(dphs["adv"])[1:]) dicseg = {k: v[burn_in:] for k, v in dicseg.items()} for key in dphs: if key == "priority": fd[dphs[key]] = [-1000000] else: fd[dphs[key]] = [next_seg[key]], feed_dict=fd)
def coex(s, s1, a, act_size, layers=2, activation=tf.nn.leaky_relu, scope="coex"): # s1 = tf.stop_gradient(s1) s_shape = get_shape(s) s1_shape = get_shape(s1) assert len(s_shape) > 3 assert len(s1_shape) > 3 s_size = s_shape[-1] s1_size = s1_shape[-1] assert s_size == s1_size feature_size = s_size s = tf.reshape( s, shape=s_shape[:-3] + [s_shape[-3] * s_shape[-2], s_size]) s1 = tf.reshape( s1, shape=s1_shape[:-3] + [s1_shape[-3] * s1_shape[-2], s1_size]) with tf.variable_scope(scope): with tf.variable_scope("attentive_dynamic_model"): e_logits = tf.concat([s1 - s, s], axis=-1) for i in range(layers - 1): e_logits = tf.layers.dense( e_logits, feature_size, activation=activation, name="e_mlp_%d" % i) e_logits = tf.layers.dense( e_logits, act_size, activation=None, name="e_logits") alpha_logits = s1 for i in range(layers - 1): alpha_logits = tf.layers.dense( alpha_logits, feature_size, activation=activation, name="alpha_mlp_%d" % i) alpha_logits = tf.layers.dense( alpha_logits, act_size, activation=None, name="alpha_logits") alpha = tf.nn.softmax(alpha_logits, axis=-2) a_logits = tf.reduce_sum(e_logits * alpha, axis=-2) i_loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=a, logits=a_logits) tf.summary.scalar("i_loss", tf.reduce_mean(i_loss)) return i_loss
def _init_word_encoder(self): ''' Build Word Encoder part as in the paper :return: ''' with tf.variable_scope('word-encoder') as scope: # collapses num docs,num of sentences and creates (number sentences, number words,embedding) # treats each sentece independent of docs, sentence location word_inputs = tf.reshape(self.embedded_inputs, [-1, self.max_word_length, self.emb_size]) # containing the length of each sentence word_lengths = tf.reshape(self.word_lengths, [-1]) # define forward and backword GRU cells cell_fw = rnn.GRUCell(self.cell_dim, name='cell_fw') cell_bw = rnn.GRUCell(self.cell_dim, name='cell_bw') # initialize state of forward GRU cell as 0's, for each sentence in batch init_state_fw = tf.tile(tf.get_variable( 'init_state_fw', shape=[1, self.cell_dim], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0)), multiples=[get_shape(word_inputs)[0], 1]) # same but for backward GRU cell init_state_bw = tf.tile(tf.get_variable( 'init_state_bw', shape=[1, self.cell_dim], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0)), multiples=[get_shape(word_inputs)[0], 1]) # bidirectional_rnn returns outputs, state; why do we keep the output and not hidden state??? rnn_outputs, _ = bidirectional_rnn(cell_fw=cell_fw, cell_bw=cell_bw, inputs=word_inputs, input_lengths=word_lengths, initial_state_fw=init_state_fw, initial_state_bw=init_state_bw, scope=scope) # rnn_outputs.shape = [number sentences, number words, 2*self.cell_dim] # word_outputs sentence vectors, word_att_weights alpha # output dim for word_outputs (num sentences,1,2* hidden state cell dim); sentence vectors as in paper word_outputs, word_att_weights = attention( inputs=rnn_outputs, att_dim=self.att_dim, sequence_lengths=word_lengths) # apply dropout, only activate during training self.word_outputs = tf.layers.dropout(word_outputs, self.dropout_rate, training=self.is_training)
def get_channel_indices(args, nrms=5.): # Initial moments if args.chanran: aux1, aux2 = args.chanran ind = range(aux1, aux2 + 1) elif args.chans: ichans = args.chans nrows, ncols = ut.get_shape(args, len(ichans))'Number of channels = %i', len(ichans)) return ichans, nrows, ncols else: raise ValueError('No channels were selected') # Get rms rms = quick_rms(args.cube.unmasked_data[ind, :, :].value) * args.cube.unit'Preliminary rms: %s', rms) mask = args.cube >= nrms * rms mask = np.squeeze(mask.include()) nvalid = np.sum(mask, axis=(-1, -2)) # Final channel limits for i, nval in zip(ind, nvalid[ind]): if nval == 0:'Channel %i below threshold', i) aux1 = i + 1 else: break for i, nval in zip(ind[::-1], nvalid[ind][::-1]): if nval == 0:'Channel %i below threshold', i) aux2 = i - 1 else: break'Final channel range: %i, %i, %i', aux1, aux2, args.every[0]) # Final results ichans = range(aux1, aux2 + 1, args.every[0]) nrows, ncols = ut.get_shape(args, len(ichans), minimize=True)'Number of channels = %i', len(ichans))'Figure size = %i', len(ichans)) while nrows * ncols < len(ichans): i0 = ichans[0] i1 = ichans[-1] if nvalid[i0] <= nvalid[i1]:'Dropping channel %i to match shape', i0) ichans = ichans[1:] else:'Dropping channel %i to match shape', i1) ichans = ichans[:-1] return ichans, nrows, ncols
def KL_from_gaussians(p_mus, p_sigmas, q_mus, q_sigmas): k = get_shape(p_mus)[-1] assert k == get_shape(p_sigmas)[-1] assert k == get_shape(q_mus)[-1] assert k == get_shape(q_sigmas)[-1] trace_term = tf.reduce_sum(p_sigmas / q_sigmas, axis=-1) quadratic_term = tf.reduce_sum((q_mus - p_mus)**2 / q_sigmas, axis=-1) k_term = tf.cast(k, tf.float32) log_det_term = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(q_sigmas) - tf.math.log(p_sigmas), axis=-1) kl = 0.5 * (trace_term + quadratic_term - k_term + log_det_term) return kl
def _init_sent_encoder(self): ''' Build Sentence Encoder part as in the paper :return: ''' with tf.variable_scope('sent-encoder') as scope: # input shape: (number docs, max sentence per document, 2*cell_dim) sent_inputs = tf.reshape( self.word_outputs, [-1, self.max_sent_length, 2 * self.cell_dim]) # sentence encoder cell_fw = rnn.GRUCell(self.cell_dim, name='cell_fw') cell_bw = rnn.GRUCell(self.cell_dim, name='cell_bw') # for each document get the hidden state array init_state_fw = tf.tile(tf.get_variable( 'init_state_fw', shape=[1, self.cell_dim], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0)), multiples=[get_shape(sent_inputs)[0], 1]) init_state_bw = tf.tile(tf.get_variable( 'init_state_bw', shape=[1, self.cell_dim], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0)), multiples=[get_shape(sent_inputs)[0], 1]) rnn_outputs, _ = bidirectional_rnn(cell_fw=cell_fw, cell_bw=cell_bw, inputs=sent_inputs, input_lengths=self.sent_lengths, initial_state_fw=init_state_fw, initial_state_bw=init_state_bw, scope=scope) # rnn_outputs.shape = [num docs, number sentences, 2*self.cell_dim] # Returns document vectors # output dim for word_outputs (num docs,1,2* hidden state cell dim); sentence vectors as in paper sent_outputs, sent_att_weights = attention( inputs=rnn_outputs, att_dim=self.att_dim, sequence_lengths=self.sent_lengths) #dropout self.sent_outputs = tf.layers.dropout(sent_outputs, self.dropout_rate, training=self.is_training)
def diagonal_bilstm(inputs, hidden_dims, use_residual=False, scope='diagonal_bilstm'): with tf.variable_scope(scope): def reverse(inputs): return tf.reverse(inputs, [False, False, True, False]) output_state_fw = diagonal_lstm(inputs, hidden_dims, scope='output_state_fw') output_state_bw = reverse(diagonal_lstm(reverse(inputs), hidden_dims, scope='output_state_bw')) if use_residual: #conv2d(input, num_outputs, kernel_height, kernel_width, mask_type='A', scope='conv2d'): residual_state_fw = conv2d(output_state_fw, hidden_dims * 2, 1, 1, "B", scope="residual_fw") output_state_fw = residual_state_fw + inputs residual_state_bw = conv2d(output_state_bw, hidden_dims * 2, 1, 1, "B", scope="residual_bw") output_state_bw = residual_state_bw + inputs batch, height, width, channel = get_shape(output_state_bw) output_state_bw_except_last = tf.slice(output_state_bw, [0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, height-1, -1, -1]) output_state_bw_only_last = tf.slice(output_state_bw, [0, height-1, 0, 0], [-1, 1, -1, -1]) dummy_zeros = tf.zeros_like(output_state_bw_only_last) output_state_bw_with_last_zeros = tf.concat(1, [output_state_bw_except_last, dummy_zeros]) return output_state_fw + output_state_bw_with_last_zeros
def categorical(logits): shape = get_shape(logits) if len(shape) > 2: logits = tf.reshape(logits, shape=[-1, shape[-1]]) samples = tf.random.categorical(logits, 1) samples = tf.reshape(samples, shape=shape[:-1] + [1]) return samples
def load_act_model(load_file, model_scope, env, nenvs=1, num_actions=5): print('Loading from...', load_file) ob_shape = utils.get_shape(env.observation_space) ac_space = env.action_space sess = tf.get_default_session() act = CnnPolicy(sess, ob_shape, ac_space, nenvs, 1, model_scope, reuse=False) with tf.variable_scope(model_scope): params = tf.trainable_variables(model_scope) loaded_params = joblib.load(Config.MODEL_DIR + load_file) restores = [] for p, loaded_p in zip(params, loaded_params): restores.append(p.assign(loaded_p)) return act
def max_over_samples(inputs, context: ModularContext): """ Maximise the value of inputs over samples.""" if context.mode == ModularMode.SAMPLES_EVALUATION: shape = get_shape(inputs) inputs = tf.reshape(inputs, [context.sample_size, -1] + shape[1:]) return tf.reduce_max(inputs, axis=0) return inputs
def conv2d(input, num_outputs, kernel_height, kernel_width, mask_type='A', scope='conv2d'): with tf.variable_scope(scope): batch_size, image_height, image_width, num_channels = get_shape(input) center_height = kernel_height // 2 center_width = kernel_width // 2 # initialize kernel weights weights_shape = [kernel_height, kernel_width, num_channels, num_outputs] weights = tf.get_variable("weights", weights_shape, tf.float32, WEIGHT_INITIALIZER, None) # pre-convolution mask mask_shape = (kernel_height, kernel_width, num_channels, num_outputs) mask = np.ones(mask_shape, dtype=np.float32) mask[center_height, center_width+1:, :, :] = 0.0 mask[center_height+1:, :, :, :] = 0.0 # in type A, we do not allow a connection to the current focus of the kernel # which is its center pixel if mask_type.lower() == 'a': mask[center_height, center_width, :, :] = 0.0 # apply the mask weights *= tf.constant(mask, dtype=tf.float32) # store the weights variable tf.add_to_collection('conv2d_weights_mask_%s' % mask_type, weights) stride_shape = [1, 1, 1, 1] outputs = tf.nn.conv2d(input, weights, stride_shape, padding='SAME', name='conv2d_outputs') tf.add_to_collection('conv2d_outputs', outputs) return outputs
def __init__(self, *, env, model, opponent_model1, opponent_model2=None, nsteps, gamma, lam): self.env = env self.model = MultiModel(model, opponent_model1, opponent_model2) nenv = env.num_envs input_shape = utils.get_shape(env.observation_space) self.primary_obs = np.zeros((nenv, ) + input_shape, self.opponent_obs1 = np.zeros((nenv, ) + input_shape, self.opponent_obs2 = None if Config.NUM_SNAKES == 3: self.opponent_obs2 = np.zeros((nenv, ) + input_shape, multi_agent_obs = env.reset() self.use_multi_agent_obs(multi_agent_obs) self.gamma = gamma self.lam = lam self.nsteps = nsteps self.states = model.initial_state self.dones = [False for _ in range(nenv)]
def _decode_lstm(self, x, h, context): with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope('decode_lstm'): w_h = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( 'w_h', [self.C, self.W], initializer=self.weight_initializer) b_h = tf.compat.v1.get_variable('b_h', [self.W], initializer=self.const_initializer) w_out = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( 'w_out', [self.W, self.V], initializer=self.weight_initializer) b_out = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( 'b_out', [self.V], initializer=self.const_initializer) h = tf.layers.dropout(h, self.dropout_rate, training=self.is_training) h_logits = tf.matmul(h, w_h) + b_h w_ctx2out = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( 'w_ctx2out', [get_shape(context)[1], self.W], initializer=self.weight_initializer) h_logits += tf.matmul(context, w_ctx2out) h_logits += x h_logits = tf.nn.tanh(h_logits) h_logits = tf.layers.dropout(h_logits, self.dropout_rate, training=self.is_training) out_logits = tf.matmul(h_logits, w_out) + b_out return out_logits
def plot_data(args): # Keyword arguments for tile plotter opts = {} opts['nrows'], opts['ncols'] = utils.get_shape(args, len(, default_cols=1) assert opts['nrows'] * opts['ncols'] >= len('Rows, columns = %i, %i', opts['nrows'], opts['ncols']) # Setup tile plotter args.logger.debug('Initializing figure') fig = plt.NPlotter(config=args.config[0], section=args.section[0], **opts) # Iterate over data xunits = [] yunits = [] for i, (loc, data) in enumerate(zip(fig.axes, label = fig.get_value('axlabel', None, loc, sep=',') label = utils.get_axis_label(args, i, label) overplots = utils.get_overplots(args, i) ax, xunit, yunit = utils.splot(loc, fig, data, args.logger, overplots=overplots, cols=args.columns, errorcol=args.errcols[0]) xunits += [xunit] yunits += [yunit] fig.auto_config(legend=args.legend, units=(xunits, yunits)) return fig
def get_feature_size_per_file(self, f_name): """ Return the dimensionality of the features in a given file. Typically, this will be the number of bins in a T-F representation """ shape = utils.get_shape(os.path.join(f_name.replace('.data', '.shape'))) return shape[1]
def benchmark_onnxruntime(path_to_model, repeat=1000, number=1, warmup=100, quantize=False): """ Parameters ---------- path_to_model: str or onnx.ModelProto Path to an onnx model. repeat: int Repetition of experiment. Default: 1000 number: int Number of forward passes in each experiment. Default: 1 warmup: int Number of disregarded experiments. Default: 100 quantize: bool Dynamically quantize the model with default parameters. Returns ------- info: dict Information about the size and min, max, mean, std of the time of the experiments. """ assert repeat >= 2 * warmup if quantize: import onnx from onnx import version_converter from onnxruntime.quantization import quantize_dynamic orig_model = onnx.load(path_to_model) if orig_model.opset_import[0].version < 11: converted_model = version_converter.convert_version(orig_model, 11) path_to_model = '/tmp/model_conv.onnx' with open(path_to_model, 'wb') as f: f.write(converted_model.SerializeToString()) del orig_model, converted_model path_to_quant_model = "/tmp/model_quant.onnx" model = quantize_dynamic(path_to_model, path_to_quant_model) size = os.path.getsize(path_to_quant_model) sess = ort.InferenceSession(path_to_quant_model) else: size = os.path.getsize(path_to_model) sess = ort.InferenceSession(path_to_model) inputs = { np.random.randn(*get_shape(x)).astype(get_type(x)) for x in sess.get_inputs() } def _benchmark(): output =, inputs) res = dict(size=size, input_size=[tuple(x.shape) for x in inputs.values()]) res.update(benchmark_speed(_benchmark, repeat, number, warmup)) return res
def icm(s, s1, a, act_size, layers=2, activation=tf.nn.relu, scope="icm"): """Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction""" # s1 = tf.stop_gradient(s1) s_size = get_shape(s)[-1] s1_size = get_shape(s1)[-1] assert s_size == s1_size feature_size = s_size a_onehot = tf.one_hot(a, act_size, dtype=tf.float32) with tf.variable_scope(scope): with tf.variable_scope("forward_model"): s1_hat = tf.concat([s, a_onehot], axis=-1) for i in range(layers - 1): s1_hat = tf.layers.dense(s1_hat, feature_size, activation=activation, name="layer_%d" % i) s1_hat = tf.layers.dense(s1_hat, feature_size, activation=None, name="predict_target") f_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(s + s1_hat - s1), axis=-1) with tf.variable_scope("inverse_model"): a_logits_hat = tf.concat([s, s1 - s], axis=-1) for i in range(layers - 1): a_logits_hat = tf.layers.dense(a_logits_hat, feature_size, activation=activation, name="layers_%d" % i) a_logits_hat = tf.layers.dense(a_logits_hat, act_size, activation=None, name="predict_act_logits") i_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=a_onehot, logits=a_logits_hat) tf.summary.scalar("f_loss", tf.reduce_mean(f_loss)) tf.summary.scalar("i_loss", tf.reduce_mean(i_loss)) return icmLoss(f_loss, i_loss)
def get_num_instances_per_file(self, f_name): """ Return the number of context_windows, patches, or instances generated out of a given file """ shape = utils.get_shape(os.path.join(f_name.replace('.data', '.shape'))) file_frames = float(shape[0]) return np.maximum( 1, int(np.ceil((file_frames - self.patch_len) / self.patch_hop)))
def unskew(skewed_outputs, width=0, scope="unskew"): with tf.name_scope(scope): batch, height, skewed_width, channel = get_shape(skewed_outputs) #rows = tf.unpack(tf.transpose(skewed_outputs, [1, 0, 2, 3,])) # [height, batch, width, channel] rows = tf.split(1, height, skewed_outputs) # [batch, 1, width, channel] width = width if width else height unskewed_rows = [] # iterate through the rows for i, row in enumerate(rows): sliced_row = tf.slice(row, [0, 0, i, 0], [-1, -1, width, -1]) unskewed_rows.append(sliced_row) unskewed_output = tf.concat(1, unskewed_rows, name="unskewed_output") desired_shape = [None, height, width, channel] output_shape = get_shape(unskewed_output) assert output_shape == desired_shape, "wrong shape of unskewed output. Actual {}; Expected {}".format(output_shape, desired_shape) return unskewed_output
def __init__(self, act_space, lstm, scope="agent", **kwargs): self.act_space = act_space self.scope = scope self.s = kwargs.get("s") self.prev_a = kwargs.get("prev_a") self.state_in = kwargs.get("state_in") self.slots = tf.cast(kwargs.get("slots"), tf.float32) feature, self.state_out = self.feature_net(self.s, lstm, self.prev_a, self.state_in) self.qf = self.q_fn(feature, self.slots, self.scope + "_current") self.current_act = tf.argmax(self.qf, axis=-1) # base_probs = tf.ones( # get_shape(self.prev_a) + [act_space] # ) * epsilon / tf.cast(act_space, tf.float32) # argmax_a = tf.argmax(self.qf, axis=-1) # argmax_probs = tf.one_hot( # argmax_a, depth=act_space, dtype=tf.float32 # ) * (1.0 - epsilon) # self.current_act_probs = base_probs + argmax_probs # # self.current_act = tf.squeeze( # categorical(tf.math.log(self.current_act_probs)), axis=-1) self.bootstrap_s = kwargs.get("bootstrap_s") if self.bootstrap_s is not None: self.bootstrap_prev_a = kwargs.get("bootstrap_prev_a") self.bootstrap_slots = tf.cast(kwargs.get("bootstrap_slots"), tf.float32) self.a = kwargs.get("a") self.r = kwargs.get("r") = tf.reduce_sum( tf.one_hot(self.a, depth=self.act_space, dtype=tf.float32) * self.qf, axis=-1) bootstrap_feature, _ = self.feature_net(self.bootstrap_s, lstm, self.bootstrap_prev_a, self.state_out) n_step = get_shape(bootstrap_feature)[1] feature1 = tf.concat([feature[:, n_step:, :], bootstrap_feature], axis=1) slots1 = tf.concat([self.slots[:, n_step:], self.bootstrap_slots], axis=1) self.q1f1 = self.q_fn(feature1, slots1, self.scope + "_target") self.q1f = self.q_fn(feature1, slots1, self.scope + "_current") self.qa1 = doubleQ(self.q1f1, self.q1f)
def categorical(tensor, num): shape = get_shape(tensor) if len(shape) == 2: return tf.random.categorical(tensor, num) elif len(shape) == 3: new = tf.reshape(tensor, [-1, shape[-1]]) sample = tf.random.categorical(new, num) return tf.reshape(sample, [shape[0], shape[1], num]) else: raise ValueError( + "should have dim 2 or 3")
def pad_left(self, x, size, dim, shift_right=False): if self.state_old is None: shape = get_shape(x) shape[dim] = size x_pad = torch.zeros(shape, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) else: x_pad = self.state_old[0] #add left part of x x_padded =[x_pad, x], dim) #get right part for padding on next iter x_splited = torch.split(x_padded, [get_shape(x_padded)[dim] - size, size], dim=dim) self.update(x_splited[-1:]) return x_splited[0] if shift_right else x_padded
def conv1d(input, num_outputs, kernel_size, scope='conv1d'): with tf.variable_scope(scope): batch_size, image_height, image_width, num_channels = get_shape(input) kernel_height, kernel_width = kernel_size, 1 # initialize kernel weights weights_shape = [kernel_height, kernel_width, num_channels, num_outputs] weights = tf.get_variable("weights", weights_shape, tf.float32, WEIGHT_INITIALIZER, None) stride_shape = [1, 1, 1, 1] outputs = tf.nn.conv2d(input, weights, stride_shape, padding='SAME', name='conv1d_outputs') return outputs
def encode(self, x): # [B,T]->[B,1,1,T] x = x.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) # [B,1,1,T]->[B,2F,1,T] X = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x, self._encdec_matrix, stride=self.hop_length) # [B,2F,1,T]->[B,2,F,T] B, F2, _, T = get_shape(X) return X.reshape(B, 2, F2 // 2, T)
def reconstruct_net(self, feature, scope="reconstruct"): shape = get_shape(feature) with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): feature = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, shape[-1]]) feature = tf.layers.dense(feature, 800, tf.nn.relu, name="feature") image = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, 5, 5, 32]) filter = [16, 32, 32] size = [(84, 82), (40, 38), (18, 7)] kernel = [(3, 3), (3, 3), (5, 3)] stride = [(1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 1)] for i in range(len(filter) - 1, -1, -1): image = self.resblock(image, "res0_%d" % i) image = tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor( image, [size[i][1], size[i][1]]) output_channels = filter[i - 1] if i > 0 else 1 input_channels = filter[i] image = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose( image, filter=tf.get_variable(name="deconv_%d" % i, shape=[ kernel[i][0], kernel[i][0], output_channels, input_channels ]), output_shape=[ get_shape(feature)[0], size[i][0], size[i][0], output_channels ], strides=stride[i][0], padding="VALID") image = tf.reshape(image, shape=[shape[0], shape[1]] + get_shape(image)[-3:]) return image