Beispiel #1
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        ops = self.ops
        af_dict = self.af_dict

        # randomly choose emotion - wrt neutral probability
        rndv = th_rand()
        if rndv < ops.neutral_ratio:
            # neutral
            emo = 6
            # non neutral, choose again from 0~5
            emo = th_randint(0, 6)
#        emo = th_randint(0, 7)

# label vec
        batch_emo = np.zeros(7)
        batch_emo[emo] = 1

        # randomly choose image sample and import
        rndi = th_randint(len(af_dict[emo]))
        sel_dict = af_dict[emo][rndi]
        img = imread_to_rgb(ops.friends_path + sel_dict['img'])
        batch_img = img

        # returns
        batch_img = torch.Tensor(batch_img.transpose(2, 0, 1).copy())
        batch_emo = torch.Tensor(batch_emo.copy())

        return batch_img, batch_emo
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        ops = self.ops
        af_dict = self.fr_dict

        # randomly choose emotion - wrt neutral probability
        rndv = th_rand()
        if rndv < ops.neutral_ratio:
            # neutral
            emo = 6
            # non neutral, choose again from 0~5
            emo = th_randint(0, 6)
#        emo = th_randint(0, 7)

# label vec
        batch_emo = np.zeros(7)
        batch_emo[emo] = 1

        # randomly choose image sample and import
        rndi = th_randint(len(af_dict[emo]))
        sel_dict = af_dict[emo][rndi]

        if self.win_size == 1:
            img = imread_to_rgb(ops.friends_path + sel_dict['img'][-1])
            batch_img = img
            batch_img = torch.Tensor(batch_img.transpose(2, 0, 1).copy())
            batch_emo = torch.Tensor(batch_emo.copy())
            batch_imgs = []
            batch_emos = []
            for i in range(self.win_size):
                img = imread_to_rgb(ops.friends_path + sel_dict['img'][i])

            batch_img = torch.Tensor(
                np.array(batch_imgs).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2).copy())
            batch_emo = torch.Tensor(np.array(batch_emos).copy())

        # returns
        return batch_img, batch_emo
Beispiel #3
 def read_img_resize(self, imf):
     img_orig = imread_to_rgb(imf)
     h_orig, w_orig, _ = img_orig.shape
     MAX_H, MAX_W = self.cfg.im_size
     s_f = float(MAX_H) / float(h_orig)
     if float(w_orig) * s_f > MAX_W:
         s_f = float(MAX_W) / float(w_orig)
     img_mod = cv2.resize(img_orig, (int(w_orig * s_f), int(h_orig * s_f)))
     h_mod, w_mod, _ = img_mod.shape
     img_zero = np.zeros([MAX_H, MAX_W, 3])
     img_zero[:h_mod, :w_mod, :] = img_mod
     return img_zero, s_f
Beispiel #4
    def draw_vid_seq(self, seq_res, seq_name):
        print '> make video seq...',
        # preliminaries
        seq_dict = self.track_dict[seq_name]
        seq_path = seq_name if not seq_dict.has_key(
            'path') else seq_dict['path']
        if self.track_dbnm is not 'got10k':
            seq_path = os.path.join(seq_path, 'img/')
        seq_path = os.path.join(self.track_path, seq_path)
        seq_len = len(seq_dict['img'])
        # draw for all frames
        im_slist = []
        for i, imf in enumerate(seq_dict['img']):
            # read img
            im_frame = imread_to_rgb(os.path.join(seq_path, imf))
            # draw bb = [xmin, ymin, width, height]
            bb = seq_res[i].astype(int)
            im_frame = cv2.rectangle(im_frame, (bb[0], bb[1]),
                                     (bb[0] + bb[2], bb[1] + bb[3]), (1, 0, 0),
            # fnum text
            fnum_str = str('%04d' % i)
            im_frame = cv2.putText(im_frame, fnum_str, (0, im_frame.shape[0]),
                                   im_frame.shape[0] / 350., (1, 1, 0))
            # save img
            im_sname = os.path.join('.temp/',
                                    seq_name + '_' + fnum_str + '.jpg')
            plt.imsave(im_sname, im_frame)

        # encode video
        vid_clip = mpe.ImageSequenceClip(im_slist, fps=30)
        vid_clip.write_videofile('test.mp4', logger=None)
        print 'done'
Beispiel #5
 def __getitem__(self, idx):
     ops = self.ops
     if th_rand() < 0.2:
         imf, gt, emo = self.get_raf()
         imf, gt, emo = self.get_af()
     img = imread_to_rgb(imf)
     xcen = gt[0] + gt[2]*0.5
     ycen = gt[1] + gt[3]*0.5
     margin = (gt[2]+gt[3])*ops.aug_marg
     wh_mean = np.sqrt((gt[2]+margin)*(gt[2]+margin))
     width  = wh_mean
     height = wh_mean
     # data augmentation part ==
     aug_prob = ops.aug_prob
     aug_crop = ops.aug_crop
     # random crops (always)
     xmod = th_choice([1,-1])*th_rand_rng(0., width*aug_crop)
     ymod = th_choice([1,-1])*th_rand_rng(0., height*aug_crop)
     whmod = th_choice([1,-1])*th_rand_rng(0., aug_crop)
     wmod = 1.0 + whmod
     hmod = 1.0 + whmod
     if img.shape[0]==0 or img.shape[1]==0:
         print 'b: ',sel_dict['img'], gt
     if wmod <= 0 or hmod <= 0:
         print 'b: ',wmod,hmod
     batch_img = crop_img(img, int(xcen+xmod), int(ycen+ymod), int(width*wmod), int(height*hmod), True, True)
     batch_img = cv2.resize(batch_img, (ops.img_sz, ops.img_sz))
     # flip horizontally
     if th_rand() < 0.5:
         batch_img = np.flip(batch_img, axis=1)
     # add noise / change level
     if th_rand() < aug_prob:
         noise_std = th_rand()*0.05
         if th_rand() < 0.5:
             noise_img = np.repeat( (noise_std)*torch.randn(ops.img_sz, ops.img_sz, 1), 3, 2)
             noise_img = (noise_std)*torch.randn(ops.img_sz, ops.img_sz, 3)
         batch_img += noise_img.contiguous().numpy()
     if th_rand() < aug_prob:
         batch_img += (th_rand()-0.5)/50.
     # gaussian
     if th_rand() < aug_prob:
         k_sz = th_randint(1,5,2)*2 +1
         batch_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(batch_img, (k_sz[0], k_sz[1]), 0)
     # end of data augmentation ==
     # reset range [0,1]
     if batch_img.min() < 0.:
         batch_img[ batch_img < 0. ] = 0.
     if batch_img.max() > 1.:
         batch_img[ batch_img > 1. ] = 1.
     # returns
     batch_img = torch.Tensor( batch_img.transpose(2,0,1).copy() )
     batch_emo = torch.Tensor( emo.copy() )
     #batch_var = torch.Tensor( [sel_dict['val'], sel_dict['aro']] )
     return batch_img, batch_emo #, batch_var