Beispiel #1
def test_album_tracks(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    album_id = '1c5f47572d9152f3'
    album_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<album featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock bristling
                                                    with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                                                    name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%s"/> """ % (album_id)))

    return_values = [
        (200, """<responsetracks>
                        <track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down the front for
                               this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;" publisher=""
                               name="Guerilla Pop" albumid="%(album_id)s" id="17376d36f309f18d" keywords=""
                               displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation="" bpm="" mixout=""
                               frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>
                        <track tracknumber="2" time="02:46" lengthseconds="166" comment="Poignant electric guitars. Brooding
                        acoustic strums." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;" publisher="" name="Hat And Feather"
                        albumid="%(album_id)s" id="635f90a4db673855" keywords="" displaytitle="Hat And Feather"
                        genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation="" bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411"
                        dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>
                </responsetracks>""" % locals()),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)
    album = Album._from_xml(album_xml, client)
    tracks = album.get_tracks(get_full_detail=False)
    assert tracks[0].albumid == album_id
Beispiel #2
def test_get_download_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    member_id = 'bacba2b288328238bcbac'
    track_format = 'mp3'
    track_id = '17376d36f309f18d'
    track_name = 'Guerilla Pop'
    track_xml = ET.fromstring(
            """<track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down
                                                  the front for this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;"
                                                  publisher="" name="%(track_name)s" albumid="1c5f47572d9152f3" id="%(track_id)s"
                                                  keywords="" displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation=""
                                                  bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>"""
        ) % locals())

    track = Track._from_xml(track_xml, client)

    download_url = track.get_download_url(track_format, member_id)
    download_url_template = client.config.download_url

    format_identifier = client.config.get_format_identifier(track_format)
    expected_url = download_url_template.replace('{memberaccountid}', member_id).\
                                         replace('{id}', track_id).\
                                         replace('{trackformat}', format_identifier)
    assert download_url == expected_url, 'url: %s != expected: %s' % (
        download_url, expected_url)
Beispiel #3
def test_get_library_albums(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_album_id = get_random_md5()

    return_values = [
         (200, """<ResponseLibraries>
                        <library id="abc123" name="VIDEOHELPER" detail="Library description" />
                        <library id="abc125" name="MODULES" detail="Library description" />

         (200, """<responsealbums>
                        <album libraryid="abc123" featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock
                        bristling with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                        name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%(test_album_id)s"/>
                        <album libraryid="19b8f5935503adde" featured="false" code="HM002" detail=" Contemporary beats
                        fused with orchestral elements." name="HM 002 Sample Album " displaytitle="HM 002 Sample Album "
                    </responsealbums>""" % {'test_album_id': test_album_id}),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    libraries = Library.query.get_libraries(client)
    assert isinstance(libraries, list)

    library = libraries[0]
    albums = library.get_albums()
    assert isinstance(albums, list)
    assert albums[0].id == test_album_id
Beispiel #4
def test_register_no_client(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    first_name = 'Test'
    last_name = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    xml_response = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
    </ResponseMember>""" % {'test_member_id': test_member_id,
                            'username': username,
                            'first_name': first_name,
                            'last_name': last_name,
                            'email': email}

    username = username
    first_name = first_name
    last_name = last_name
    email = email
    termsaccept = 'true'
    fileformat = 'MP3'

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=xml_response)
    member = Member.register(username=username, first_name=first_name,
                             last_name=last_name, email=email, termsaccept=termsaccept,
Beispiel #5
def test_get_library_albums(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_album_id = get_random_md5()

    return_values = [
         (200, """<ResponseLibraries>
                        <library id="abc123" name="VIDEOHELPER" detail="Library description" />
                        <library id="abc125" name="MODULES" detail="Library description" />

         (200, """<responsealbums>
                        <album libraryid="abc123" featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock
                        bristling with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                        name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%(test_album_id)s"/>
                        <album libraryid="19b8f5935503adde" featured="false" code="HM002" detail=" Contemporary beats
                        fused with orchestral elements." name="HM 002 Sample Album " displaytitle="HM 002 Sample Album "
                    </responsealbums>""" % {'test_album_id': test_album_id}),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    libraries = Library.query.get_libraries(client)
    assert isinstance(libraries, list)

    library = libraries[0]
    albums = library.get_albums()
    assert isinstance(albums, list)
    assert albums[0].id == test_album_id
Beispiel #6
def test_remove_track(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    firstname = 'Test'
    lastname = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    xml_str = """<memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                </memberaccount>""" % \
                    {'test_member_id': test_member_id,
                     'username': username,
                     'firstname': firstname,
                     'lastname': lastname,
                     'email': email}

    member_xml = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
    member = Member._from_xml(member_xml, client)

    xml_response = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <responsecode xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=xml_response)
    test_track_id = get_random_md5()
Beispiel #7
def test_remove(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    test_playlist_id = get_random_md5()
    test_playlist_name = 'test playlist'
    test_track_id = get_random_md5()

    return_values = [
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <playlist id="%(test_playlist_id)s" name="%(test_playlist_name)s">
                                <track tracknumber="001" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re
                                down the front for this fiery Post Punk workout."
                                composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;" publisher="HM"
                                name="Guerilla Pop" id="%(test_track_id)s" keywords=""
                                lyrics="" displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo=""
                                instrumentation="" bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" />
                </ResponsePlaylists>""" % locals()),
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                 <responsecode xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)
    member = Member(_client=client) = test_member_id
    playlists = member.get_playlists()
Beispiel #8
def test_remove_track(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    firstname = 'Test'
    lastname = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    xml_str = """<memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                </memberaccount>""" % \
                    {'test_member_id': test_member_id,
                     'username': username,
                     'firstname': firstname,
                     'lastname': lastname,
                     'email': email}

    member_xml = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
    member = Member._from_xml(member_xml, client)

    xml_response = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <responsecode xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=xml_response)
    test_track_id = get_random_md5()
Beispiel #9
def test_album_tracks(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    album_id = '1c5f47572d9152f3'
    album_xml = ET.fromstring(
            """<album featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock bristling
                                                    with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                                                    name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%s"/> """
            % (album_id)))

    return_values = [
        (200, """<responsetracks>
                        <track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down the front for
                               this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;" publisher=""
                               name="Guerilla Pop" albumid="%(album_id)s" id="17376d36f309f18d" keywords=""
                               displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation="" bpm="" mixout=""
                               frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>
                        <track tracknumber="2" time="02:46" lengthseconds="166" comment="Poignant electric guitars. Brooding
                        acoustic strums." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;" publisher="" name="Hat And Feather"
                        albumid="%(album_id)s" id="635f90a4db673855" keywords="" displaytitle="Hat And Feather"
                        genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation="" bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411"
                        dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>
                </responsetracks>""" % locals()),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)
    album = Album._from_xml(album_xml, client)
    tracks = album.get_tracks(get_full_detail=False)
    assert tracks[0].albumid == album_id
Beispiel #10
def test_album_notracks(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    album_id = '1c5f47572d9152f3'
    album_xml = ET.fromstring(
            """<album featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock bristling
                                                    with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                                                    name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%s"/> """
            % (album_id)))

    return_values = [
                </responsetracks>""" % locals(),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    album = Album._from_xml(album_xml, client)
    tracks = album.get_tracks(get_full_detail=False)
    assert len(tracks) == 0
Beispiel #11
def test_get_download_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    member_id = 'bacba2b288328238bcbac'
    track_format = 'mp3'
    playlist_id = "908098a8a0ba8b065"
    playlist_xml = ET.fromstring("""
                <playlist id="%(playlist_id)s" name="sample playlist">
                        <track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170"
                            comment="Track Comment" composer="JJ Jayjay"
                            publisher="PP Peepee" name="Epic Track" albumid="1abcbacbac33" id="11bacbcbabcb3b2823"
                            displaytitle="Epic Track" genre="Pop / Rock"
                            bpm="100" mixout="FULL" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411"
                            dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>
                </playlist>""" % locals())

    playlist = Playlist._from_xml(playlist_xml, client)

    download_url = playlist.get_download_url(track_format, member_id)
    download_url_template = client.config.playlistdownload_url

    format_identifier = client.config.get_format_identifier(track_format)
    expected_url = download_url_template.replace('{memberaccountid}', member_id).\
                                         replace('{id}', playlist_id).\
                                         replace('{trackformat}', format_identifier)
    assert download_url == expected_url, 'url: %s != expected: %s' % (download_url, expected_url)
Beispiel #12
def test_from_xml():
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    firstname = 'Test'
    lastname = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    xml_str = """<memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                </memberaccount>""" % \
                    {'test_member_id': test_member_id,
                     'username': username,
                     'firstname': firstname,
                     'lastname': lastname,
                     'email': email}

    member_xml = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
    member = Member._from_xml(member_xml, client)

    assert == test_member_id
    assert member.firstname == firstname
Beispiel #13
def test_from_xml():
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    firstname = 'Test'
    lastname = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    xml_str = """<memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                </memberaccount>""" % \
                    {'test_member_id': test_member_id,
                     'username': username,
                     'firstname': firstname,
                     'lastname': lastname,
                     'email': email}

    member_xml = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
    member = Member._from_xml(member_xml, client)

    assert == test_member_id
    assert member.firstname == firstname
def parse_chunks(chunk):
    """Pass through a chunk of document IDs and extract quotes"""
    db_client = utils.init_client(MONGO_ARGS)
    collection = db_client[DB_NAME][READ_COL]
    for idx in chunk:
        doc = collection.find_one({'_id': idx}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
        parse_doc(collection, doc)
Beispiel #15
def test_album_init():
    client = init_client()
    album_id = '1c5f47572d9152f3'
    album_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<album featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock bristling
                                                    with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                                                    name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%s"/> """ % (album_id)))

    album = Album._from_xml(album_xml, client)
    assert == album_id
def parse_chunks(chunk):
    """Pass through a chunk of document IDs and extract quotes"""
    db_client = utils.init_client(MONGO_ARGS)
    read_collection = db_client[DB_NAME][READ_COL]
    write_collection = db_client[DB_NAME][WRITE_COL] if WRITE_COL else None
    # Create requests session object for more persistent HTTP connections
    session = requests.Session()
    for idx in chunk:
        doc = read_collection.find_one({'_id': idx}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
        update_db(read_collection, write_collection, doc, session)
Beispiel #17
def test_send_password(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_username = '******'

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <responsecode xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    Member.send_password(test_username, client)
Beispiel #18
def test_send_password(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_username = '******'

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <responsecode xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    Member.send_password(test_username, client)
Beispiel #19
def test_get_categories(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    categories_xml = ET.parse(os.path.join(cwd, 'categories.xml'))

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=ET.tostring(categories_xml.getroot()))
    categories = Category.query.get_categories(client)

    categories_in_xml = len(categories_xml.getroot().find('categories').findall('category'))
    client_categories = len(categories)
    assert categories_in_xml == client_categories, 'Category counts do not match %s != %s' % \
                                                    (categories_in_xml, client_categories)
Beispiel #20
def test_album_init():
    client = init_client()
    album_id = '1c5f47572d9152f3'
    album_xml = ET.fromstring(
            """<album featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock bristling
                                                    with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                                                    name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%s"/> """
            % (album_id)))

    album = Album._from_xml(album_xml, client)
    assert == album_id
Beispiel #21
def test_track_dict():
    client = init_client()
    track_id = '17376d36f309f18d'
    track_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down
                                                  the front for this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;"
                                                  publisher="" name="Guerilla Pop" albumid="1c5f47572d9152f3" id="%(track_id)s"
                                                  keywords="" displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation=""
                                                  bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>""") % locals())

    track = Track._from_xml(track_xml, client)
    track_dict = track.as_dict()
    assert track_dict['id'] == track_id
Beispiel #22
def test_get_member_playlists(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    firstname = 'Test'
    lastname = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    member_xml = ET.fromstring("""<memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                                </memberaccount>""" % {'test_member_id': test_member_id,
                                                       'username': username,
                                                       'firstname': firstname,
                                                       'lastname': lastname,
                                                       'email': email})

    member = Member._from_xml(member_xml, client)

    test_playlist_id = get_random_md5()
    test_playlist_name = 'test playlist'

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                            <playlist id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s">
                                    <track tracknumber="001" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure
                                        you’re down the front for this fiery Post Punk workout."
                                        composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;" publisher="HM"
                                        name="Guerilla Pop" id="17376d36f309f18d" keywords="" lyrics=""
                                        displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation=""
                                        bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" />
                    </ResponsePlaylists>""" % {'id': test_playlist_id,
                                            'name': test_playlist_name}

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    playlists = member.get_playlists()

    assert isinstance(playlists, list)

    playlist = playlists[0]

    assert == test_playlist_id
    assert == test_playlist_name
Beispiel #23
def test_get_categories(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    categories_xml = ET.parse(os.path.join(cwd, 'categories.xml'))

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock,
    categories = Category.query.get_categories(client)

    categories_in_xml = len(
    client_categories = len(categories)
    assert categories_in_xml == client_categories, 'Category counts do not match %s != %s' % \
                                                    (categories_in_xml, client_categories)
Beispiel #24
def test_member_invalid(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <description>Member Does Not Exist</description>

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    member = Member.query.get_by_id(test_member_id, client)
Beispiel #25
def test_member_invalid(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <description>Member Does Not Exist</description>

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    member = Member.query.get_by_id(test_member_id, client)
Beispiel #26
def test_member_authenticate_fail(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_username = '******'
    test_password = get_random_md5()

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <description>Invalid Login Details</description>

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    member = Member.authenticate(test_username, test_password, client)
Beispiel #27
def test_track_dict():
    client = init_client()
    track_id = '17376d36f309f18d'
    track_xml = ET.fromstring(
            """<track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down
                                                  the front for this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;"
                                                  publisher="" name="Guerilla Pop" albumid="1c5f47572d9152f3" id="%(track_id)s"
                                                  keywords="" displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation=""
                                                  bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>"""
        ) % locals())

    track = Track._from_xml(track_xml, client)
    track_dict = track.as_dict()
    assert track_dict['id'] == track_id
Beispiel #28
def test_member_authenticate_fail(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_username = '******'
    test_password = get_random_md5()

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <description>Invalid Login Details</description>

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    member = Member.authenticate(test_username, test_password, client)
Beispiel #29
def test_add_track(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_playlist_id = get_random_md5()
    track_id = get_random_md5()

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <responsecode xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    playlist = Playlist(_client=client)
    playlist.member_id = 123 = test_playlist_id
Beispiel #30
def test_get_download_url_missing_format(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    member_id = 'bacba2b288328238bcbac'
    track_format = 'BAD-FORMAT'
    track_id = '17376d36f309f18d'
    track_name = 'Guerilla Pop'
    track_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down
                                                  the front for this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;"
                                                  publisher="" name="%(track_name)s" albumid="1c5f47572d9152f3" id="%(track_id)s"
                                                  keywords="" displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation=""
                                                  bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>""") % locals())

    track = Track._from_xml(track_xml, client)

    download_url = track.get_download_url(track_format, member_id)
Beispiel #31
def test_get_library_logo_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()

    width = 200
    height = 400

    library_id = '11235813'
    library_logo_url = "{id}/{width}/{height}"

    library_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<library detail="" name="" id="%(library_id)s" location="Talent, Oregon"
                      website="" librarylogourl="%(library_logo_url)s" />""" % locals()))

    library = Library._from_xml(library_xml, client)
    library_logo_url = library.get_logo_url(width, height)

    expected_url = library_logo_url.replace('{id}', library_id).replace('{width}', str(width)).replace('{height}]', str(height))
    assert library_logo_url == expected_url
Beispiel #32
def test_get_member_favourites(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    firstname = 'Test'
    lastname = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    member_xml = ET.fromstring("""<memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                                    </memberaccount>""" % \
                                    {'test_member_id': test_member_id,
                                     'username': username,
                                     'firstname': firstname,
                                     'lastname': lastname,
                                     'email': email})

    member = Member._from_xml(member_xml, client)

    test_track_id = get_random_md5()
    test_track_name = 'test track'

    xml_response = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                    <track id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" />
                        </ResponseFavourites>""" % {
        'id': test_track_id,
        'name': test_track_name

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=xml_response)
    favourites = member.get_favourites()

    assert isinstance(favourites, list)

    favourite = favourites[0]

    assert == test_track_id
    assert == test_track_name
Beispiel #33
def test_get_cover_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    album_id = '1c5f47572d9152f3'
    album_xml = ET.fromstring(
            """<album featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock bristling
                                                    with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                                                    name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%s"/> """
            % (album_id)))
    album_art_url = "{id}/{width}/{height}"
    expiry =
    test_token = get_random_md5()

    return_values = [
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <token value="%s" expiry="%s"/>
                    </responseservicetoken>""" % \
                    (test_token, expiry.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))),
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        trackdownload="{id}/{trackformat}" />
                      <trackformat identifier="8185d768cd8fcaa7" extension="mp3" bitrate="320" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                      <trackformat identifier="768cd8fcaa8185d7" extension="wav" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                      <trackformat identifier="7jsi8fcaa818df57" extension="aif" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                </responseserviceinfo>""" % locals()),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    width = 200
    height = 300

    album = Album._from_xml(album_xml, client)
    cover_art_url = album.get_cover_url(width, height)

    expected_url = album_art_url.replace('{id}', album_id).replace(
        '{width}', str(width)).replace('{height}', str(height))
    assert cover_art_url == expected_url
Beispiel #34
def test_get_download_url_missing_format(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    member_id = 'bacba2b288328238bcbac'
    track_format = 'BAD-FORMAT'
    track_id = '17376d36f309f18d'
    track_name = 'Guerilla Pop'
    track_xml = ET.fromstring(
            """<track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down
                                                  the front for this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;"
                                                  publisher="" name="%(track_name)s" albumid="1c5f47572d9152f3" id="%(track_id)s"
                                                  keywords="" displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation=""
                                                  bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>"""
        ) % locals())

    track = Track._from_xml(track_xml, client)

    download_url = track.get_download_url(track_format, member_id)
def run_pool(poolsize, chunksize):
    """Concurrently perform quote extraction based on a filter query"""
    # Find ALL ids in the database within the query bounds (one-time only)
    client = utils.init_client(MONGO_ARGS)
    id_collection = client[DB_NAME][READ_COL]
    query = utils.prepare_query(filters)
    document_ids = id_collection.find(query, no_cursor_timeout=True).distinct('_id')"Obtained ID list for {} articles.".format(len(document_ids)))

    # Check for doc limit
    if DOC_LIMIT > 0:
        document_ids = document_ids[:DOC_LIMIT]"Processing {} articles...".format(len(document_ids)))

    # Process quotes using a pool of executors 
    pool = Pool(processes=poolsize), chunker(document_ids, chunksize=chunksize))
Beispiel #36
def test_get_member_favourites(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    firstname = 'Test'
    lastname = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    member_xml = ET.fromstring("""<memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                                    </memberaccount>""" % \
                                    {'test_member_id': test_member_id,
                                     'username': username,
                                     'firstname': firstname,
                                     'lastname': lastname,
                                     'email': email})

    member = Member._from_xml(member_xml, client)

    test_track_id = get_random_md5()
    test_track_name = 'test track'

    xml_response = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                    <track id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" />
                        </ResponseFavourites>""" % {'id': test_track_id,
                                                   'name': test_track_name}

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=xml_response)
    favourites = member.get_favourites()

    assert isinstance(favourites, list)

    favourite = favourites[0]

    assert == test_track_id
    assert == test_track_name
Beispiel #37
def test_album_notracks(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    album_id = '1c5f47572d9152f3'
    album_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<album featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock bristling
                                                    with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                                                    name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%s"/> """ % (album_id)))

    return_values = [
        (200, """<responsetracks>
                </responsetracks>""" % locals(),),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    album = Album._from_xml(album_xml, client)
    tracks = album.get_tracks(get_full_detail=False)
    assert len(tracks) == 0
Beispiel #38
def test_get_download_url_missing_format(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    member_id = 'bacba2b288328238bcbac'
    track_format = 'BAD-FORMAT'
    playlist_id = "908098a8a0ba8b065"
    playlist_xml = ET.fromstring("""
                <playlist id="%(playlist_id)s" name="sample playlist">
                        <track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170"
                            comment="Track Comment" composer="JJ Jayjay"
                            publisher="PP Peepee" name="Epic Track" albumid="1abcbacbac33" id="11bacbcbabcb3b2823"
                            displaytitle="Epic Track" genre="Pop / Rock"
                            bpm="100" mixout="FULL" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411"
                            dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>
                </playlist>""" % locals())

    playlist = Playlist._from_xml(playlist_xml, client)
    download_url = playlist.get_download_url(track_format, member_id)
Beispiel #39
def test_get_waveform_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    track_id = '17376d36f309f18d'
    track_name = 'Guerilla Pop'
    track_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down
                                                  the front for this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;"
                                                  publisher="" name="%(track_name)s" albumid="1c5f47572d9152f3" id="%(track_id)s"
                                                  keywords="" displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation=""
                                                  bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>""") % locals())

    track = Track._from_xml(track_xml, client)

    width = 200
    height = 300
    waveform_url = track.get_waveform_url(width, height)

    waveform_url_template = client.config.waveform_url
    expected_url = waveform_url_template.replace('{id}', track_id).replace('{width}', str(width)).replace('{height}', str(height))
    assert waveform_url == expected_url
Beispiel #40
def test_register_member(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    username = '******'
    first_name = 'Test'
    last_name = 'User'
    email = '*****@*****.**'

    xml_response = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
    </ResponseMember>""" % {
        'test_member_id': test_member_id,
        'username': username,
        'first_name': first_name,
        'last_name': last_name,
        'email': email

    username = username
    first_name = first_name
    last_name = last_name
    email = email
    termsaccept = 'true'
    fileformat = 'MP3'

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=xml_response)
    member = Member.register(_client=client,

    assert == test_member_id
    assert member.username == username
Beispiel #41
def test_get_playlist_art_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()

    playlist_id = '112358'
    playlist_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<playlist name="EFF!" id="%s" 
                                                    createddate="2012-04-17 06:24:45"
                                                    trackcount="0" />""" % (playlist_id)))
    playlist_art_url = '{id}/{width}/{height}'

    expiry =
    test_token = get_random_md5()

    return_values = [
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <token value="%s" expiry="%s"/>
                    </responseservicetoken>""" % \
                    (test_token, expiry.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))),
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        playlistart="%(playlist_art_url)s" />
                      <trackformat identifier="8185d768cd8fcaa7" extension="mp3" bitrate="320" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                      <trackformat identifier="768cd8fcaa8185d7" extension="wav" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                      <trackformat identifier="7jsi8fcaa818df57" extension="aif" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                </responseserviceinfo>""" % locals()),
    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    width = 200
    height = 300

    playlist = Playlist._from_xml(playlist_xml, client)
    cover_art_url = playlist.get_cover_url(width, height)

    expected_url = playlist_art_url.replace('{id}', playlist_id).replace('{width}', str(width)).replace('{height}', str(height))
    assert cover_art_url == expected_url
Beispiel #42
def test_get_libraries(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()

    return_values = [
         (200, """<ResponseLibraries>
                        <library id="abc123" name="VIDEOHELPER" detail="Library description" />
                        <library id="abc125" name="MODULES" detail="Library description" />

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    libraries = Library.query.get_libraries(client)
    assert isinstance(libraries, list)

    library = libraries[0]
    assert == 'abc123'
    assert == 'VIDEOHELPER'
Beispiel #43
def test_add_playlist(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    test_playlist_id = get_random_md5()
    test_playlist_name = 'test playlist'

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <playlist id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s" />
                </ResponsePlaylists>""" % \
                    {'id': test_playlist_id,
                     'name': test_playlist_name}

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    playlist = Playlist.add(_client=client, member_id=test_member_id, playlist_name=test_playlist_name)

    assert == test_playlist_id
    assert == test_playlist_name
Beispiel #44
def test_get_libraries(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()

    return_values = [
         (200, """<ResponseLibraries>
                        <library id="abc123" name="VIDEOHELPER" detail="Library description" />
                        <library id="abc125" name="MODULES" detail="Library description" />

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    libraries = Library.query.get_libraries(client)
    assert isinstance(libraries, list)

    library = libraries[0]
    assert == 'abc123'
    assert == 'VIDEOHELPER'
Beispiel #45
def test_get_cover_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    album_id = '1c5f47572d9152f3'
    album_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<album featured="false" code="HM001" detail="Razor-sharp pop&amp; rock bristling
                                                    with spiky guitars &amp; infectious, feelgood inspiration … and tons of attitude."
                                                    name="HM 001 Sample Album" displaytitle="HM 001 Sample Album " id="%s"/> """ % (album_id)))
    album_art_url = "{id}/{width}/{height}"
    expiry =
    test_token = get_random_md5()

    return_values = [
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        <token value="%s" expiry="%s"/>
                    </responseservicetoken>""" % \
                    (test_token, expiry.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))),
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        trackdownload="{id}/{trackformat}" />
                      <trackformat identifier="8185d768cd8fcaa7" extension="mp3" bitrate="320" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                      <trackformat identifier="768cd8fcaa8185d7" extension="wav" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                      <trackformat identifier="7jsi8fcaa818df57" extension="aif" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                </responseserviceinfo>""" % locals()),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    width = 200
    height = 300

    album = Album._from_xml(album_xml, client)
    cover_art_url = album.get_cover_url(width, height)

    expected_url = album_art_url.replace('{id}', album_id).replace('{width}', str(width)).replace('{height}', str(height))
    assert cover_art_url == expected_url
Beispiel #46
def test_get_library_logo_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()

    width = 200
    height = 400

    library_id = '11235813'
    library_logo_url = "{id}/{width}/{height}"

    library_xml = ET.fromstring(
            """<library detail="" name="" id="%(library_id)s" location="Talent, Oregon"
                      website="" librarylogourl="%(library_logo_url)s" />"""
            % locals()))

    library = Library._from_xml(library_xml, client)
    library_logo_url = library.get_logo_url(width, height)

    expected_url = library_logo_url.replace('{id}', library_id).replace(
        '{width}', str(width)).replace('{height}]', str(height))
    assert library_logo_url == expected_url
Beispiel #47
def test_member_authenticate(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    test_username = '******'
    test_password = get_random_md5()
    test_firstname = 'first'
    test_lastname = 'last'
    test_email = '*****@*****.**'

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                </ResponseMember>""" % locals()

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    member = Member.authenticate(test_username, test_password, client)
    assert == test_member_id
Beispiel #48
def test_expired_token_refetch(HttpMock):
    api_key = get_random_md5()
    expiry =
    expiry2 = expiry + datetime.timedelta(hours=22)
    test_second_token = get_random_md5()

    return_values = [
                     (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                    <token value="%s" expiry="%s"/>
                                </responseservicetoken>""" % \
                                (test_second_token, expiry2.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))),
                     (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                        trackdownload="{id}/{trackformat}" />
                                      <trackformat identifier="8185d768cd8fcaa7" extension="mp3" bitrate="320" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                                      <trackformat identifier="768cd8fcaa8185d7" extension="wav" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                                      <trackformat identifier="7jsi8fcaa818df57" extension="aif" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />

    client = init_client()

    # force-expire the token
    client.config.service_token.expiry = ( - datetime.timedelta(hours=12)).isoformat()

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)
    # this should fetch a new token since the old one is expired

    # token should match the SECOND token
    assert client.config.service_token.token == test_second_token
Beispiel #49
def test_get_download_url(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    member_id = 'bacba2b288328238bcbac'
    track_format = 'mp3'
    track_id = '17376d36f309f18d'
    track_name = 'Guerilla Pop'
    track_xml = ET.fromstring(textwrap.dedent("""<track tracknumber="1" time="02:50" lengthseconds="170" comment="Make sure you’re down
                                                  the front for this fiery Post Punk workout." composer="&quot;S. Milton, J. Wygens&quot;"
                                                  publisher="" name="%(track_name)s" albumid="1c5f47572d9152f3" id="%(track_id)s"
                                                  keywords="" displaytitle="Guerilla Pop" genre="Pop / Rock" tempo="" instrumentation=""
                                                  bpm="" mixout="" frequency="44100" bitrate="1411" dateingested="2008-05-15 06:08:18"/>""") % locals())

    track = Track._from_xml(track_xml, client)

    download_url = track.get_download_url(track_format, member_id)
    download_url_template = client.config.download_url

    format_identifier = client.config.get_format_identifier(track_format)
    expected_url = download_url_template.replace('{memberaccountid}', member_id).\
                                         replace('{id}', track_id).\
                                         replace('{trackformat}', format_identifier)
    assert download_url == expected_url, 'url: %s != expected: %s' % (download_url, expected_url)
Beispiel #50
def test_member_authenticate(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    test_username = '******'
    test_password = get_random_md5()
    test_firstname = 'first'
    test_lastname = 'last'
    test_email = '*****@*****.**'

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                </ResponseMember>""" % locals()

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    member = Member.authenticate(test_username, test_password, client)
    assert == test_member_id
Beispiel #51
def test_expired_token_refetch(HttpMock):
    api_key = get_random_md5()
    expiry =
    expiry2 = expiry + datetime.timedelta(hours=22)
    test_second_token = get_random_md5()

    return_values = [
                     (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                    <token value="%s" expiry="%s"/>
                                </responseservicetoken>""" % \
                                (test_second_token, expiry2.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))),
                     (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                        trackdownload="{id}/{trackformat}" />
                                      <trackformat identifier="8185d768cd8fcaa7" extension="mp3" bitrate="320" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                                      <trackformat identifier="768cd8fcaa8185d7" extension="wav" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />
                                      <trackformat identifier="7jsi8fcaa818df57" extension="aif" bitrate="1536" samplerate="48" samplesize="16" />

    client = init_client()

    # force-expire the token
    client.config.service_token.expiry = ( - datetime.timedelta(hours=12)).isoformat()

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)
    # this should fetch a new token since the old one is expired

    # token should match the SECOND token
    assert client.config.service_token.token == test_second_token
Beispiel #52
def test_member_update(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_member_id = get_random_md5()
    test_username = '******'
    test_email = '*****@*****.**'
    test_firstname = 'test'
    test_lastname = 'user'
    test_username_update = 'new name'

    return_values = [
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                </ResponseMember>""" % locals()),
        (200, """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    <memberaccount id="%(test_member_id)s">
                </ResponseMember>""" % locals()),

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, responses=return_values)

    member = Member.query.get_by_id(test_member_id, client)
    assert member.username == test_username
    member.username = test_username_update
    assert member.username == test_username_update
Beispiel #53
def test_get_featured_playlists(HttpMock):
    client = init_client()
    test_playlist_id = get_random_md5()
    test_playlist_name = 'test playlist'

    content = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                            <playlist id="%(id)s" name="%(name)s">
                                    <track tracknumber="001" time="01:07" lengthseconds="67" comment="If a certain
                                    animated film studio were to remake The Andy Griffith Show as a digital short, we'd
                                    nominate this for the theme. Warm, chunky, a little slow on the uptake... a.k.a. the
                                    anti-lemonade song. Ending starts @ 1:08. Lite Mix, without main rhythm acoustic
                                    guitars." composer="D. Holter/K. White" publisher="TLL UNDERscore Nashcap (ASCAP)"
                                    name="Pencilneck Strut" id="902dea1d377473df" keywords="Cute, Goofy, Lighthearted,
                                    Happy, Comical, Twang, Rural, Fun, Mischievous, Celebration, Campy, Childlike,
                                    Cheerful, Simple, Quirky, Swampy, Playful" lyrics="" displaytitle="Pencilneck Strut"
                                    genre="Country" tempo="Medium" instrumentation="Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Percussion"
                                    bpm="130" mixout="Alt2" frequency="2650" bitrate="24" />
              """ % {'id': test_playlist_id,
                     'name': test_playlist_name}

    http = build_http_mock(HttpMock, content=content)
    playlists = Playlist.query.get_featured_playlists(client)

    assert isinstance(playlists, list)

    playlist = playlists[0]

    assert == test_playlist_id
    assert == test_playlist_name