def handle_email(sender, receiver, subject, message_lines): if subject.startswith('Ingress Damage Report: '): agent, portals = utils.parse_email_lines(message_lines) print(agent) for p in portals: print(p) utils.insert_log(agent['name'], p['name'], p['attacker'], 0, 0, 0)
def swapinfo(): """ Check swap info on all servers and send mail alert if below treshold. """ with settings( hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True): swapfree = run("free -m |grep Swap: |awk '{print $4}'") swaptotal = run("free -m |grep Swap: |awk '{print $2}'") load = run("uptime | awk -F'load average:' '{ print $2 }'") swap_percent = (float(swapfree)/float(swaptotal))*100 if int(swap_percent) <= 30: msg = "Subject: LOW SWAP on " + + "\n" msg += "\n" # get process status f = run('''psres=$(ps -eo rss,vsz,user,pid,tty,time,cmd); set -- $(/bin/echo "$psres" | head -n1); shift; shift; echo "SWAP $*"; echo "$psres" | awk 'BEGIN {ORS=""; getline} {print $2 - $1 " "; for (i=3; i<NF; i++) print $i " "; print $NF "\n"}' | sort -rn | head |column -tx''' ) msg += "\n\nProcesses by swap usage:\n\n" msg += f msg += "\n\n Swap Percent: " + swap_percent msg += "\n\n Server load: " + load msg += "\n\n" s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail('fabric', conf.to_diwanee, msg) s.quit() insert_log("Left "+swapfree+" free swap space on " +
def web_monitor(sys_logger): #crawl through the list, into html of each web page and check if data and status code are OK failed = crawl_all() if failed: fix(failed, sys_logger) else: insert_log(sys_logger, "WEB Monitor returned status OK")
def sql_process(): """ Check if there are more than certain number of active sql processes and send alert if true. """ with settings( hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True): sql_state = run(' mysql -e "show processlist"| grep -i query |wc -l') if sql_state > 45: processlist = run('mysql -e "show full processlist\G"') insert_log("SQL process list on lower high value")
def gfs_check(): """ Check gfs state on server. If there is no response, send alert that gfs is down. """ with settings( hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True): fs = run('ls /drupal/files/file.png') if not fs: msg = "Subject: GFS down!! \n" s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail('fabricapi', conf.to_diwanee, msg) s.quit() insert_log("GFS down!!")
def meminfo(): """ Check memory info on all servers and send mail alert if below treshold. """ with settings( hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True): memfree = run("free -m |grep cache: |awk '{print $4}'") memtotal = run("free -m |grep Mem: |awk '{print $2}'") load = run("uptime | awk -F'load average:' '{ print $2 }'") memory_percent = (float(memfree)/float(memtotal))*100 if == '': if int(memory_percent) <= 5: msg = "Subject: LOW MEM on " + + "\n" msg += "\n" # get process status f = run('ps aux | sort -nk +4 | tail |column -tx') msg += "\n\nProcesses by memory usage:\n\n" msg += f msg += "\n\n Memory percent: " + memory_percent msg += "\n\n Server load: " + load msg += "\n\n" insert_log("Left "+memfree+" free memory on host " + s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail('fabric', conf.to_diwanee, msg) s.quit() else: if int(memory_percent) <= 15: msg = "Subject: LOW MEM on " + + "\n" msg += "\n" # get process status f = run('ps aux | sort -nk +4 | tail |column -tx') msg += "\n\nProcesses by memory usage:\n\n" msg += f msg += "\n\n Memory percent: " + memory_percent msg += "\n\n Server load: " + load msg += "\n\n" insert_log("Left "+memfree+" free memory on host " + s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail('fabric', conf.to_diwanee, msg) s.quit()
def run(self): # set socket timeout | # possible fix for transfer encoding finished # before reaching the expected size timeout = 20 socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) try: self.response = urllib2.urlopen(self.url) except urllib2.URLError: if hasattr(e, 'reason'): insert_log('We failed to reach a server. Reason: '+ e.reason) elif hasattr(e, 'code'): insert_log('The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.Error code: '+ e.code) pass
def fix(failed, sys_logger): hostname = [] htmlcode = [] htmldata = [] bookie(fix) failed_urls = ', '.join(failed.keys()) insert_log(sys_logger, failed_urls +" - "+ str(fix.count)) values = failed.values() for name, code, html in values: hostname.append(name) htmlcode.append(code) htmldata.append(html) if fix.count <= 2: hosts = [] hostconf = parse_config(hosts=True) for host in hostconf: for url, code in failed.iteritems(): if host['url'] == url: hosts.append(host['ip']) #define hosts env.hosts = hosts if fix.count == 1: #execute(apache_restart) print env.hosts + "execute(apache_restart)" site_email(hostname, failed.keys(), htmldata, htmlcode, status=True) elif fix.count == 2: #execute(clear_cache) print env.hosts + "execute(clear_cache)" site_email(hostname, failed.keys(), htmldata, htmlcode, status=True, rerun=True) time.sleep(5*fix.count) web_monitor(sys_logger) elif fix.count > 2: site_email(hostname, failed.keys(), htmldata, htmlcode)
def check(self, sys_logger): if self.api_enabled == 'True': with settings(hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True): #define host from where api curl request should be triggered env.hosts = [''] if self.api_title.lower() == 'broadband': #html = run('curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 60 -k -d "param1=value1¶m2=value2" %s' % api_url) #html = run('curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 60 -k -d %s %s' % (api_params, api_url)) html = run('curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 30 -k %s' % self.api_url) headers = run('curl -I -k %s' % self.api_url) else: #html = run('curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 60 -d "param1=value1¶m2=value2" %s' % api_url) html = run('curl --connect-timeout 30 -m 30 %s' % self.api_url) headers = run('curl -I %s' % self.api_url) content_match =, html) header_match =, headers) if header_match == None: api_email(self.api_title, headers, html, 1) insert_log(sys_logger, "API test failed for %s - no header retreived" % self.api_title) elif content_match == None: api_email(self.api_title, headers, html) insert_log(sys_logger, "API test failed for %s - no content retreived" % self.api_title)
def generate_reference_xls(): existing_rows = [] #open the reference.xls file global date excel_fp = os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, 'reference_' + date + '.xls') #create the xls file and the read_worksheet if it doesn't yet exist if not os.path.exists(excel_fp): write_workbook = xlwt.Workbook() write_workbook.add_sheet('all') #get the baseline existing_rows from the xls file read_workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_fp) read_worksheet = read_workbook.sheet_by_name('all') rows = read_worksheet.nrows for i in range(0, rows): existing_rows.append(read_worksheet.row_values(i)) #existing_rows.sort(comp) insert_log( LOG_FILE, 'Read ' + format(read_worksheet.nrows, "") + ' rows from file ' + excel_fp) write_workbook = copy(read_workbook) write_worksheet = write_workbook.get_sheet('all') #to skip the existing data we need to have the existing_rows of ID in existing_rows #we already know the format of existing_rows is [[id1, x, y, z, ...], [id2, x, y, z, ...] ...] ids_in_worksheet = [] for i in existing_rows: ids_in_worksheet.append(i[0]) #get all stock info stock_info = tushare.get_stock_basics() insert_log( LOG_FILE, 'There are ' + format(len(stock_info), "") + ' items from tushare.get_stock_basics()') count = 0 for id in stock_info.index: count += 1 insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'processing ' + format(count, "") + ': ' + id) if id in ids_in_worksheet: insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Already has ' + id + ' skip it') continue #test code if count > 20: break month = utils.last_month() try: history_data = tushare.get_hist_data( id, start=utils.first_date_of_last_month(), retry_count=5, pause=1) #print history_data.columns #print history_data[0:4] close_price = history_data[u'close'] print history_data except Exception: ## nothing to handle insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Exception when handling ' + id) info = sys.exc_info() print(info[0], ':', info[1]) continue continous_up = False continous_down = False #only need to analyze if we have at least 4 sample if (len(close_price) >= 4): continous_up = True continous_down = True for i in range(0, 3): if (close_price[i] < close_price[i + 1]): continous_up = False break for i in range(0, 3): if (close_price[i] > close_price[i + 1]): continous_down = False break #row = read_worksheet.nrows #read_worksheet.write(row, 0, id) try: record = [] date = close_price.keys()[0] three_days_ago = 'NA' if len(close_price.keys()) >= 4: three_days_ago = close_price.keys()[3] open_price = history_data[u'open'][0] high = history_data[u'high'][0] low = history_data[u'low'][0] price_change = history_data[u'price_change'][0] volume = history_data[u'volume'][0] p_change = history_data[u'p_change'][0] ma5 = history_data[u'ma5'][0] ma10 = history_data[u'ma10'][0] ma20 = history_data[u'ma20'][0] v_ma5 = history_data[u'v_ma5'][0] v_ma10 = history_data[u'v_ma10'][0] v_ma20 = history_data[u'v_ma20'][0] turnover = history_data[u'turnover'][0] trend = '' # #[id, 3_day_trend, date, open price, close price, high, low, volume, price_change, p_change, ma5, ma10, ma20, v_ma5, v_ma10, v_ma20, turnover] # if (continous_up): trend = 'up' elif (continous_down): trend = 'down' else: trend = 'NA' record.append(id) record.append(trend) record.append(date) record.append(three_days_ago) record.append(open_price) record.append(close_price[0]) record.append(high) record.append(low) record.append(volume) record.append(price_change) record.append(p_change) record.append(ma5) record.append(ma10) record.append(ma20) record.append(v_ma5) record.append(v_ma10) record.append(v_ma20) record.append(turnover) for i in range(len(record)): write_worksheet.write(rows, i, record[i]) rows += 1 insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'written to file ' + excel_fp) except Exception, e: insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Exception when handling id ' + id) info = sys.exc_info() print traceback.print_exc() continue #existing_rows.append([id, trend, date, open_price, close_price[0], high, low, price_change, ma5, ma10, ma20, v_ma5, v_ma10, v_ma20, turnover]) insert_log(LOG_FILE, id + ' 3 day trend is ' + trend)
def generate_annotations(): excel_fp = os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, 'reference_' + date + '.xls') traing_data_dir = os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, 'training_data') if os.path.exists(traing_data_dir): shutil.rmtree(traing_data_dir) os.mkdir(traing_data_dir) insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'create dir ' + traing_data_dir) IMAGE_directory = os.path.join(traing_data_dir, 'JPEGImages') if not os.path.exists(IMAGE_directory): os.mkdir(IMAGE_directory) insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'create dir ' + IMAGE_directory) else: insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'dir ' + IMAGE_directory + ' already exists') annotation_directory = os.path.join(traing_data_dir, 'annotations') if not os.path.exists(annotation_directory): os.mkdir(annotation_directory) insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'create dir ' + annotation_directory) else: insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'dir ' + annotation_directory + ' already exist') insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'open ' + excel_fp) read_workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_fp) read_worksheet = read_workbook.sheet_by_name('all') rows = [] for i in range(0, read_worksheet.nrows): rows.append(read_worksheet.row_values(i)) insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'read ' + format(len(rows), "") + ' rows from xls file') examples_fp = os.path.join(traing_data_dir, 'examples.txt') examples_file = open(examples_fp, 'w') model_bias_fp = os.path.join(traing_data_dir, 'model_bias_' + date + '.xls') if os.path.exists(model_bias_fp): os.remove(model_bias_fp) insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'delete file ' + model_bias_fp) model_bias_workbook = xlwt.Workbook() model_bias_worksheet = model_bias_workbook.add_sheet('bias') #cursor of model_bias_worksheet model_bias_worksheet_cursor = 0 for i in range(len(rows)): trend = rows[i][1] if (trend == 'up') or (trend == 'down'): id = rows[i][0] three_days_ago = rows[i][3] # insert prefix if ((id.find('300') == 0 or id.find('00') == 0)): id = 'sz' + id elif (id.find('60') == 0): id = 'sh' + id else: LOG_ID_NOT_HANDLED = 'Don\'t know how to handle ID:' + id + ', skip and continue' insert_log(LOG_FILE, LOG_ID_NOT_HANDLED) continue if three_days_ago == '': continue ref_directory = os.path.join(utils.get_path_to_data_dir(), 'reference_' + three_days_ago) if not os.path.exists(ref_directory): insert_log( LOG_FILE, ref_directory + ' does not exist for id ' + format(id, "")) continue source_JPEG_dir = os.path.join(ref_directory, 'JPEGImages') if not os.path.exists(source_JPEG_dir): insert_log( LOG_FILE, source_JPEG_dir + ' does not exist for id ' + format(id, "")) continue source_JPEG_file = os.path.join(source_JPEG_dir, id + '.jpeg') if not os.path.exists(source_JPEG_file): insert_log( LOG_FILE, source_JPEG_file + ' does not exist for id ' + format(id, "")) continue insert_log(LOG_FILE, source_JPEG_file + ' found') shutil.copy(source_JPEG_file, IMAGE_directory) JPEG_file = os.path.join(IMAGE_directory, id + '.jpeg') ##create XML for each jpeg file # < annotation > # < folder > data_image < / folder > # < filename > sh600055.jpeg < / filename > # < path > /home/davidcui/PycharmProjects/test01/data_image/sh600055.jpeg < / path > # < source > # < database > Unknown < / database > # < / source > # < size > # < width > 545 < / width > # < height > 300 < / height > # < depth > 3 < / depth > # < / size > # < segmented > 0 < / segmented > # < object > # < name > up < / name > # < pose > Unspecified < / pose > # < truncated > 0 < / truncated > # < difficult > 0 < / difficult > # < bndbox > # < xmin > 49 < / xmin > # < ymin > 16 < / ymin > # < xmax > 513 < / xmax > # < ymax > 284 < / ymax > # < / bndbox > # < / object > # < / annotation > ## import xml.dom.minidom doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() # root node root = doc.createElement('annotation') doc.appendChild(root) folder = doc.createElement('folder') folder.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(IMAGE_directory)) root.appendChild(folder) filename = doc.createElement('filename') filename.appendChild( doc.createTextNode(os.path.basename(JPEG_file))) root.appendChild(filename) path = doc.createElement('path') path.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(os.path.realpath(JPEG_file))) root.appendChild(path) source = doc.createElement('source') database = doc.createElement('database') database.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('Unknown')) source.appendChild(database) root.appendChild(source) size = doc.createElement('size') width = doc.createElement('width') width.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('545')) height = doc.createElement('height') height.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('300')) depth = doc.createElement('depth') depth.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('3')) size.appendChild(width) size.appendChild(height) size.appendChild(depth) root.appendChild(size) segmented = doc.createElement('segmented') segmented.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('0')) root.appendChild(segmented) object = doc.createElement('object') name = doc.createElement('name') name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(trend)) pose = doc.createElement('pose') pose.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('Unspecified')) truncated = doc.createElement('truncated') truncated.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('0')) difficult = doc.createElement('difficult') difficult.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('0')) bndbox = doc.createElement('bndbox') xmin = doc.createElement('xmin') xmin.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('50')) bndbox.appendChild(xmin) ymin = doc.createElement('ymin') ymin.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('17')) bndbox.appendChild(ymin) xmax = doc.createElement('xmax') xmax.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('532')) bndbox.appendChild(xmax) ymax = doc.createElement('ymax') ymax.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('287')) bndbox.appendChild(ymax) object.appendChild(name) object.appendChild(pose) object.appendChild(truncated) object.appendChild(difficult) object.appendChild(bndbox) root.appendChild(object) xml_fp = open(os.path.join(annotation_directory, id + '.xml'), 'wb') doc.writexml(xml_fp, indent='\t', addindent='\t', newl='\n', encoding="utf-8") # print('Saved file '+ os.path.realpath(xml_fp)) insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Saved file ' + id + '.xml for trend ' + trend) examples_file.write(id + ' 1\n') insert_log(LOG_FILE, id + ' written to file ' + examples_fp) #[id, date, trend, weight] model_bias_worksheet.write(model_bias_worksheet_cursor, 0, id) model_bias_worksheet.write(model_bias_worksheet_cursor, 1, date) model_bias_worksheet.write(model_bias_worksheet_cursor, 2, trend) model_bias_worksheet.write(model_bias_worksheet_cursor, 3, 1) insert_log( LOG_FILE, 'insert row ' + format(model_bias_worksheet_cursor, "") + ' [' + id + ',' + date + ',' + trend + ',' + '1] to ' + model_bias_fp) model_bias_worksheet_cursor += 1 examples_file.close() insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Finished generating annotations')
def download_daily_image(): JPEG_DIR = os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, 'JPEGImages') if os.path.exists(JPEG_DIR): shutil.rmtree(JPEG_DIR) os.mkdir(JPEG_DIR) stock_info = tushare.get_stock_basics() # download gif and save as jpeg for each id from tushare for id in stock_info.index: # if id != '002270': continue # insert prefix if ((id.find('300') == 0 or id.find('00') == 0)): id = 'sz' + id elif (id.find('60') == 0): id = 'sh' + id else: LOG_ID_NOT_HANDLED = 'Don\'t know how to handle ID:' + id + ', skip and continue' insert_log(LOG_FILE, LOG_ID_NOT_HANDLED) continue insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Start downloading gif for ' + id) # download the gif file url = '' + id + '.gif' gif = requests.get(url) try: # save gif file to folder IMAGE_DATA_DIR gif_file_name = os.path.join(JPEG_DIR, id + '.gif') gif_fp = open(gif_file_name, 'wb') gif_fp.write(gif.content) gif_fp.close() insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Complete downloading ' + id + '.gif') # save the gif to jpeg # need the convert otherwise will report raise IOError("cannot write mode %s as JPEG" % im.mode) im = im = im.convert('RGB') jpeg_file = os.path.join(JPEG_DIR, id + '.jpeg') insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Saved file ' + os.path.realpath(jpeg_file)) # delete the gif file os.remove(gif_file_name) except IOError, err: insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'IOError when handling ' + id) info = sys.exc_info() print(info[0], ':', info[1]) continue except Exception, e: insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Exception when handling ' + id) info = sys.exc_info() print(info[0], ':', info[1]) continue
rows += 1 insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'written to file ' + excel_fp) except Exception, e: insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Exception when handling id ' + id) info = sys.exc_info() print traceback.print_exc() continue #existing_rows.append([id, trend, date, open_price, close_price[0], high, low, price_change, ma5, ma10, ma20, v_ma5, v_ma10, v_ma20, turnover]) insert_log(LOG_FILE, id + ' 3 day trend is ' + trend) insert_log(LOG_FILE, 'Finished populating reference.xls') # # this function creates directory JPEGImages and downloads all the k line images to it # if the JPEGImages directory already exists, it will be deleted so every time it's a # full download of all images # def download_daily_image(): JPEG_DIR = os.path.join(REFERENCE_DIR, 'JPEGImages') if os.path.exists(JPEG_DIR): shutil.rmtree(JPEG_DIR) os.mkdir(JPEG_DIR) stock_info = tushare.get_stock_basics()