Beispiel #1
    def setTemperature(self, T, psi=None):
        """ Sets the temperature profile
        T    - temperature in eV
               Can be:

               1. A function taking normalised psi and returning density

                  ne = T(psinorm)

               2. An array of values on psi grid (uniform between 0 and 1 if not)
               3. A constant

        psi  - Optional array of normalised psi values

        # Check if we can call it to get a value
            val = T(0.5)
            Tfunc = T
            # Use this new function
            # Not a function type
            # Check if it's an array type
                val = T[0]
                p = psi
                if p == None:
                    p = linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=len(T), endpoint=False)
                Tfunc = interp1d(p, T)
                # Should be a constant
                val = T
                Tfunc = lambda x: T

        # val should now contain a number
        if size(val) > 1:
            raise ValueError("T argument doesn't yield a single value")
            test = 2. * val + val * val
            raise ValueError("T argument must give a numerical value")

        # Checks passed, so can set the density function
        self.temp = Tfunc

        # Set density function to use the temperature
        self.dens = lambda x: self.pressure(x) / (2. * 1.602e-19 * self.temp(x)
Beispiel #2
    def setTemperature(self, T, psi=None):
        """ Sets the temperature profile
        T    - temperature in eV
               Can be:

               1. A function taking normalised psi and returning density

                  ne = T(psinorm)

               2. An array of values on psi grid (uniform between 0 and 1 if not)
               3. A constant

        psi  - Optional array of normalised psi values

        # Check if we can call it to get a value
            val = T(0.5)
            Tfunc = T
            # Use this new function
            # Not a function type
            # Check if it's an array type
                val = T[0]
                p = psi
                if p == None:
                    p = linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=len(T), endpoint=False)
                Tfunc = interp1d(p, T)
                # Should be a constant
                val = T
                Tfunc = lambda x: T

        # val should now contain a number
        if size(val) > 1:
            raise ValueError("T argument doesn't yield a single value")
            test = 2.0 * val + val * val
            raise ValueError("T argument must give a numerical value")

        # Checks passed, so can set the density function
        self.temp = Tfunc

        # Set density function to use the temperature
        self.dens = lambda x: self.pressure(x) / (2.0 * 1.602e-19 * self.temp(x))
Beispiel #3
    def setDensity(self, dens, psi=None):
        """ Sets the density profile
        dens - Density in m^-3
               Can be:

               1. A function taking normalised psi and returning density

                  ne = dens(psinorm)

               2. An array of values on psi grid (uniform between 0 and 1 if not)
               3. A constant

        psi  - Optional array of normalised psi values
        # Check if we can call it to get a value
            val = dens(0.5);
            densfunc = dens; # Use this new function
            # Not a function type
            # Check if it's an array type
                val = dens[0]
                p = psi
                if p == None:
                    p = linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=len(dens), endpoint=False)
                densfunc = interp1d(p, dens)
                # Should be a constant
                val = dens
                densfunc = lambda x: dens
        # val should now contain a number
        if size(val) > 1:
            raise ValueError("dens argument doesn't yield a single value")
            test = 2.*val + val*val        
            raise ValueError("dens argument must give a numerical value")
        # Checks passed, so can set the density function
        self.dens = densfunc

        # Set temperature function to use the density, assuming Ti = Te
        self.temp = lambda x: self.pressure(x) / (2. * 1.602e-19 * self.dens(x) )
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, fix=None):
        """ Construct an Equilibrium object 
        If no inputs are given, an empty equilibrium is created
        which can be added to afterwards
        fix = Dictionary of values describing fixed-boundary solution
              on flux surfaces. Assumed to contain the following keys:
            'npsi'   Number of points in poloidal flux psi
            'npol'   Number of poloidal points
            'psi'    Poloidal flux

        if fix != None:
            # Check that fix has the required keys
            required = ['npsi', 'npol', 'psi', 'f(psi)', 'p', 'R', 'Z', 'Bp']

            for r in required:
                if not fix.has_key(r):
                    raise ValueError("Missing key: " + r)

            if not fix.has_key("psinorm"):
                # Add normalised psi, assuming core to edge
                psi = fix['psi']
                fix['psinorm'] = (psi - psi[0]) / (psi[-1] - psi[0])

            # Make a deep copy of the data so it can't be modified afterwards
            # in unpredictable ways
            self.fix = deepcopy(fix)

            # Create a function to return the pressure
            self.pressure = interp1d(self.fix['psinorm'],

            # See if density, temperature profiles also set
            if fix.has_key("ne"):
            self.fix = None
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, fix=None):
        """ Construct an Equilibrium object 
        If no inputs are given, an empty equilibrium is created
        which can be added to afterwards
        fix = Dictionary of values describing fixed-boundary solution
              on flux surfaces. Assumed to contain the following keys:
            'npsi'   Number of points in poloidal flux psi
            'npol'   Number of poloidal points
            'psi'    Poloidal flux

        if fix != None:
            # Check that fix has the required keys
            required = ["npsi", "npol", "psi", "f(psi)", "p", "R", "Z", "Bp"]

            for r in required:
                if not fix.has_key(r):
                    raise ValueError("Missing key: " + r)

            if not fix.has_key("psinorm"):
                # Add normalised psi, assuming core to edge
                psi = fix["psi"]
                fix["psinorm"] = (psi - psi[0]) / (psi[-1] - psi[0])

            # Make a deep copy of the data so it can't be modified afterwards
            # in unpredictable ways
            self.fix = deepcopy(fix)

            # Create a function to return the pressure
            self.pressure = interp1d(self.fix["psinorm"], self.fix["p"], copy=False)

            # See if density, temperature profiles also set
            if fix.has_key("ne"):
            self.fix = None