Beispiel #1
 def create_from_Y(self, year):
     month = 7 
     if is_leap_year(year):
         day = 2
         self.fuzziness = self.fuzziness + timedelta(days=366/2.0)
         day = 2.5
         self.fuzziness = self.fuzziness + timedelta(days=365/2.0)
     self.create_from_YMD(year, month, day)
 def create_from_Y(self, year):
     month = 7
     if is_leap_year(year):
         day = 2
         self.fuzziness = self.fuzziness + timedelta(days=366 / 2.0)
         day = 2.5
         self.fuzziness = self.fuzziness + timedelta(days=365 / 2.0)
     self.create_from_YMD(year, month, day)
Beispiel #3
 def solve(self):
     sum = 0
     mod = self.firstMod
     for year in xrange(self.first, self.end + 1):
         if is_leap_year(year):
             self.month[1] = 29
         for m in self.month:
             mod = (mod + m) % 7
             if year >= self.start and mod == 0:
                 sum += 1
         self.month[1] = 28
     if mod % 7 == 0:
         sum -= 1
     return sum
 def leap_year(self):
     return is_leap_year(self.year)
Beispiel #5
def add_gigasecond(num):

    gigasecond = 10**9
    date_string = str(num)
    date_split = date_string.split("-")
    date_int = [int(x) for x in date_split]

    year = date_int[0]

    year += (gigasecond // (3600 * 24 * 365)
             )  #adding the birth year and how many years are in a gigasecond
    month = date_int[1]
    day = date_int[2]

    days_in_month = {
        1: 31,
        2: 28,
        3: 31,
        4: 30,
        5: 31,
        6: 30,
        7: 31,
        8: 31,
        9: 30,
        10: 31,
        11: 30,
        12: 31

    gigasecond_min_year = gigasecond - (
        31 * (3600 * 24 * 365))  #the remainder of gigasecond minus 31 years
    days_per_giga = (
        gigasecond_min_year // (3600 * 24)
    ) - 8  #removing the 8 extra days from 8 leap years found in time span

    d = 1
    while d <= days_per_giga:
        if not is_leap_year(
                year):  #not sure if there's a way to condense this part?
            if day < days_in_month[month]:
                day += 1
                if month == 12:
                    month, day = 1, 1
                    year += 1
                    month += 1
                    day = 1
            days_in_month[2] = 29
            if day < days_in_month[month]:
                day += 1
                if month == 12:
                    month, day = 1, 1
                    year += 1
                    month += 1
                    day = 1
        d += 1
    return date(year, month, day)
Beispiel #6
    # Feb 1st 1900 was a Thursday
    assert dow[31 % 7] == 'Thursday'

    # Jan 1st 1901 was a Tuesday
    assert dow[365 % 7] == 'Tuesday'

    result = 0

    for year in xrange(1901, 2001):
        for i, month in enumerate(months):

            if dow[index % 7] == 'Sunday':
                print '{} 1st {} was on a Sunday'.format(month, year)
                result += 1

            # Move forward one month

            # Special case for february
            if i == months.index('Feb'):
                index += dpm[i][1] if is_leap_year(year) else dpm[i][0]
                index += dpm[i]

    print 'Jan 01 2001 was a {}'.format(dow[index % 7])

    runtime = time.time() - t0

    print 'Result = {}'.format(result)
    print 'Runtime = {}'.format(runtime)
Beispiel #7
 def leap_year(self):
     return is_leap_year(self.year)