Beispiel #1
def truncatable(n):
    if not is_prime(n): return False
    s = str(n)
    slen = len(s)
    for i in range(slen):
        if not is_prime(int(s[i:])): return False
        if not is_prime(int(s[:slen - i])): return False
    return True
Beispiel #2
def concat_prime(tuple):
    if len(tuple) != 2:
        raise AssertionError("concat_prime requires a tuple with 2 numbers")
        if is_prime(int(str(tuple[0]) + str(tuple[1]))) and is_prime(
                int(str(tuple[1]) + str(tuple[0]))):
            return True
        return False
Beispiel #3
def prime_after(n):
    current = n + 1
    is_prime = utils.is_prime(current)
    while (not is_prime):
        current += 1
        is_prime = utils.is_prime(current)

    return current
Beispiel #4
def truncatable(p):
    s = str(p)
    l = len(s)
    for i in range(1, l):
        if not is_prime(int(s[i:])):
            return False
        if not is_prime(int(s[:i])):
            return False
    return True
def truncatable_prime(n):
    str_n = str(n)
    for i in range(len(str_n)):
        right = int(str_n[:i+1])
        left = int(str_n[i:])
        if not is_prime(right) or not is_prime(left):
            return False

    return True
def prime_pair(a,b):
    a_b = a * 10 ** int(log10(b)+1) + b
    if not is_prime(a_b):
        return False

    b_a = b * 10 ** int(log10(a)+1) + a
    if not is_prime(b_a):
        return False
    return True
Beispiel #7
def solve():
    for i in range(35,10000,2):
        if is_prime(i):
            found_one = 0
            for x in range(1,int(math.sqrt(i)+1)):
                if is_prime(i-2*(x**2)):
                    found_one = 1
            if not found_one:
                return i
Beispiel #8
def main():
    candidate = 7
    while True:
        candidate += 2
        if is_prime(candidate):
        for i in range(1, math.ceil(math.sqrt(candidate / 2))):
            if is_prime(candidate - 2 * i**2):
Beispiel #9
def is_prime_truncatable(n):
	right = n
	while num_digits(right) > 0:
		if not is_prime(right):
			return False
		right = rtrunc(right)
	left = n
	while num_digits(left) > 0:
		if not is_prime(left):
			return False
		left = ltrunc(left)
	return True
Beispiel #10
def longest_quad(a_lim, b_lim):
    longest = (0, 0, 0)
    for a in range((a_lim * -1) + 1, a_lim):
        # b must be prime in the case that n = 0
        for b in range(2, b_lim):
            if is_prime(b):
                n, count = 0, 0
                while is_prime(quad(a, b, n)):
                    count += 1
                    n += 1
                if count > longest[2]:
                    longest = (a, b, count)
    return longest
Beispiel #11
def sum_harshad_primes(n):
    s = sum(int(d) for d in str(n))
    assert n % s == 0
    res = 0
    for i in range(10):
        m = n * 10 + i
        if m > limit: break
        s2 = s + i
        if is_prime(m) and is_prime(n // s) and is_harshad(n // 10):
            res += m
        if m % s2 == 0:
            res += sum_harshad_primes(m)
    return res
def prime_factors(x):
    res = []
    if is_prime(x):
        print("prime", x)
        return res

    for i in range(2, x // 2):
        if x % i == 0 and is_prime(i):
            res += prime_factors(x // i)
    return res
Beispiel #13
def count_sets(digits, prev_choice=0):
    if len(digits) == 0:
        return 1
    if len(digits) == 1:
        digit = digits.pop()
        return int(digit > prev_choice and is_prime(digit))
    total = 0
    for choice in chain.from_iterable(
            permutations(digits, r) for r in range(1,
                                                   len(digits) + 1)):
        choice_int = concatenate(choice)
        if choice_int > prev_choice and is_prime(choice_int):
            total += count_sets(digits - set(choice), choice_int)
    return total
Beispiel #14
def truncatable(num):
    num = str(num)
    temp_num = str(num)
    for i in range(0, len(num) - 1):
        temp_num = temp_num[1:]
        if not utils.is_prime(int(temp_num)):
            return False

    for i in range(0, len(num) - 1):
        num = num[:-1]
        if not utils.is_prime(int(num)):
            return False

    return True
Beispiel #15
def main():
    target = 2000
    total = 2  # 1, 2 are special cases
    for n in count(2):
        if is_prime(6 * n - 1):
            if is_prime(6 * n + 1) and is_prime(12 * n + 5):
                total += 1
                if total == target:
                    print(3 * n * (n - 1) + 2)
            if is_prime(6 * n + 5) and is_prime(12 * n - 7):
                total += 1
                if total == target:
                    print(3 * n * (n + 1) + 1)
Beispiel #16
def count_primes(fun):
    counter = 0
    for n in count():
        if is_prime(fun(n)):
            counter += 1
            return counter
def generate_shadows(k, s, p, ms, check=True):
    r = len(ms)
    #check if values meet requirements
    if check:
        if s > len(ms):
            raise Exception("Threshold cannot exceed the number of shadows.")
        if not utils.is_prime(p):
            raise Exception("p is not prime")
        for m in ms:
            if not utils.is_rel_prime(m, ms):
                raise Exception("The moduli must be pairwise relatively prime.")

    M = 1
    for i in range(0, s):
        M *= ms[i]
    largest = p
    for i in range(0, s-1):
        largest *= ms[r-1-i]
    if M <= largest:
        raise Exception("The product of the smallest s moduli must be greater than the product of the s-1 largest moduli times p.")

    #print "M = ", M
    t = randint(0, int(M/p))
    k0 = k + t*p 
    #print k0

    shadows = []
    for m in ms:
        shadows.append(k0 % m)

    return t, shadows
def generate_shadows(k, s, p, ms, check=True):
    r = len(ms)
    #check if values meet requirements
    if check:
        if s > len(ms):
            raise Exception("Threshold cannot exceed the number of shadows.")
        if not utils.is_prime(p):
            raise Exception("p is not prime")
        for m in ms:
            if not utils.is_rel_prime(m, ms):
                raise Exception(
                    "The moduli must be pairwise relatively prime.")

    M = 1
    for i in range(0, s):
        M *= ms[i]
    largest = p
    for i in range(0, s - 1):
        largest *= ms[r - 1 - i]
    if M <= largest:
        raise Exception(
            "The product of the smallest s moduli must be greater than the product of the s-1 largest moduli times p."

    #print "M = ", M
    t = randint(0, int(M / p))
    k0 = k + t * p
    #print k0

    shadows = []
    for m in ms:
        shadows.append(k0 % m)

    return t, shadows
Beispiel #19
def run():
	to_proc = []
	for prime in primes(1000,10000):
	permutations = []
	for i in to_proc[:]:
		if len(permutations) == 2:
		for j in xrange(1, (10000-i)/2):
			second = str(i+j)
			if is_prime(i+j) and is_permutation(str(i), second):
				third = i+j+j
				if is_prime(third) and is_permutation(second, str(third)):
	print permutations
Beispiel #20
def consecutive_primes(a, b):
    count = 0
    n = 0
    while is_prime(n**2 + a * n + b):
        count += 1
        n += 1
    return count
def prime_series_length(a, b):
	"""Find the number of primes for consecutive n, starting with n=0,
	for quad(n, a, b)."""
	n = 0
	while is_prime(quad(n, a, b)):
		n += 1
	return n
Beispiel #22
def primes(n):
    for p in range(2, n):
        if p in known_primes:
            yield p
        elif is_prime(p):
            known_primes[p] = None
            yield p
Beispiel #23
def main():
    D = 10
    digits = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
    total = 0

    for d in digits:
        for n in range(D-1, 0, -1):
            if d == 0 and n == D-1:
            S = 0
            for indexes in combinations(range(D), n):
                repeating = [d if i in indexes else None for i in range(D)]

                for others in product(digits[:d] + digits[d+1:], repeat=D-n):
                    others = iter(others)
                    num = [next(others) if x is None else x for x in repeating]

                    if num[0] and num[-1] in {1, 3, 7, 9} and sum(num) % 3:
                        x = reduce(lambda x, y: x*10 + y, num)
                        if is_prime(x):
                            S += x
            if S:
                total += S
    return total
Beispiel #24
def pollard_po(n, func=lambda x: x**2 + 1):
    x = random.randint(1, n - 2)
    y = 1
    i = 1
    stage = 2

    while utils.gcd(n, x - y) == 1:
        if i == stage:
            y = x
            stage *= 2

        x = func(x) % n
        i += 1

    d = utils.gcd(n, x - y)
    b = n // d

    res = [d]

    if not utils.is_prime(b):
        b1, b2 = pollard_po(b)

        if isinstance(b2, tuple):
        return res

    return res
Beispiel #25
def isStrongRightTruncatableHarshadPrime(n):
    if not is_prime(n):
        return False
        s = str(n)
        t = int(s[:len(s)-1])
        return isStrongHarshad(t)
def main():
    # A prime n > 10 must end in one of these numbers.
    possible_prime_suffix = frozenset(('1', '3', '7', '9'))
    highest_prime = 0

    # Progressivly create a smaller string of candidate numbers by
    # slicing the base str.
    str_num_base = '123456789'
    for x in range(9, 0, -1):
        str_num = str_num_base[:x]
        # Skip suffixes that are greater than the slice index, This stops
        # use getting possible values like 1239 which clearly isnt pandigital
        for suf in possible_prime_suffix:
            if int(suf) > x:
            # Remove the suffix from the number.
            suffed_str_num = str_num.replace(suf, '')
            # Get permutations of the remaining digits.
            # Append the suffix and check if the result is prime.
            for perm in permutations(suffed_str_num, x-1):
                i = int(''.join(perm) + suf)
                if is_prime(i):
                    # Store the prime but continue for the same iteration of x
                    # since its possible that smaller prime was given back from
                    # permutations first.
                    if i > highest_prime:
                        highest_prime = i

        if highest_prime != 0:
            return highest_prime
Beispiel #27
def main():
    for prime in prime_sieve_lazy():
        if prime < 10**4:  # rewind to the first 5-digit prime

        s = str(prime)

        # we're searching from low to high
        for digit in "012":
            count = s.count(digit)

            # Some observaions:
            #  * count has to be a multiple of 3, otherwise some of the new
            #    primes will be divisible by 3.
            #  * the rightmost digit can't be replaced (it could only be "1")
            if count and not count % 3 and not digit == "1" == s[-1]:
                cnt = 1

                for i in range(int(digit) + 1, 10):
                    if i - cnt > 2:

                    if is_prime(int(s.replace(digit, str(i), count))):
                        cnt += 1
                        if cnt == 8:
                            return prime
def filter_real_part_not_prime(list_track):
    list_snapshot = track.peek(list_track)
    list_snapshot = [
        item for item in list_snapshot
        if not utils.is_prime(item.real)
    track.push(list_track, list_snapshot)
Beispiel #29
def is_prime_cached(n):
        return prime_cache[n]
    except KeyError:
        p = is_prime(n)
        prime_cache[n] = p
        return p
Beispiel #30
def num_divisors(num):
    primes = utils.sieve_of_eratosthenes(int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(num))))
    factors = []
    prime_counter = 0
    while num != 1:
        if prime_counter > len(primes) - 1:
            if num % 2 != 0 and num > 3 and utils.is_prime(num, 10):
        if num % primes[prime_counter] == 0:
            num /= primes[prime_counter]
            prime_counter += 1

    c = Counter(factors)

    product = 1

    for key, value in c.iteritems():
        value += 1
        product *= value

    return product
Beispiel #31
def primes(n):
    for p in range(2, n):
        if p in known_primes:
            yield p
        elif is_prime(p):
            known_primes[p] = None
            yield p
Beispiel #32
def main():
    D = 10
    digits = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
    total = 0

    for d in digits:
        for n in range(D-1, 0, -1):
            if d == 0 and n == D-1:
            S = 0
            for indexes in combinations(range(D), n):
                repeating = [d if i in indexes else None for i in range(D)]

                for others in product(digits[:d] + digits[d+1:], repeat=D-n):
                    others = iter(others)
                    num = [next(others) if x is None else x for x in repeating]

                    if num[0] and num[-1] in {1, 3, 7, 9} and sum(num) % 3:
                        x = reduce(lambda x, y: x*10 + y, num)
                        if is_prime(x):
                            S += x
            if S:
                total += S
    return total
Beispiel #33
def prime(n):
    if n not in prime_cache:
        if n > len(sieve):
            prime_cache[n] = is_prime(n)
            prime_cache[n] = sieve[n]
    return prime_cache[n]
Beispiel #34
def is_right_truncatable(p):
    p //= 10
    while p > 0:
        if not is_prime(p):
            return False
        p //= 10
    return True
 def test_is_prime(self):
Beispiel #36
def factorize(n, verbose=False, level=3):
	Factorizes a specified integer or returns -1 if no factors can be found.
    if verbose:
        if n != 1:
            print "Factoring", str(n) + "..."
            print "Number of digits:", len(str(n))
    if n == 1:
        return []
    if utils.is_prime(n):
        if verbose:
            print str(n), "is prime!"
        return [(n, 1)]
        f, f1 = [], []
        if level > 2:
            # Try brute force for small prime factors
            if verbose:
                print "Finding small prime factors..."
            f, n = factorize_bf(n)
            if verbose:
                if not f:
                    print "Found no small prime factors... :("
                    print "Prime factors found:", reduce(
                        lambda x, y: x + y, [str(i[0]) + ", " for i in f])[:-2]

        if level > 1 and n <= constants.SIZE_THRESHOLD_RHO and n > 1:
            # Try Pollard rho
            if verbose:
                print_factoring_routine(n, constants.NAME_RHO)

            g = pollardRho.factorize_rho(n, verbose=verbose)
            if g != -1:
                if verbose:
                    print "Found factor", str(g)
                    f1 = merge_factorizations(factorize(g, verbose = verbose, level = 2), \
                        factorize(n/g, verbose = verbose, level = 2))
                    if f1 != -1:

        if level > 0 and (f1 == -1
                          or n > constants.SIZE_THRESHOLD_RHO) and n > 1:
            # If Pollard rho fails try ECM
            if verbose:
                print_factoring_routine(n, constants.NAME_ECM)

            g = ecm.factorize_ecm(n, verbose=verbose)
            if g != -1:
                if verbose:
                    print "Found factor", str(g)
                    f1 = merge_factorizations(factorize(g, verbose = verbose, level = 2), \
                        factorize(n/g, verbose = verbose, level = 2))
                    if f1 != -1:
                        f = -1
        return f
Beispiel #37
def num_consec_primes(a, b):
    primes = 0
    n = 0
    while utils.is_prime(n * n + n * a + b):
        primes += 1
        n += 1

    return n
Beispiel #38
def largest_prime_factor(number):
    max = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(number)))
    for n in xrange(max, 1, -1):
        if (number % n == 0 and utils.is_prime(n)):
            return n
    return number
Beispiel #39
def prime_at_position(position):
    current_prime = 2
    primes_found = 1
    while (primes_found < position):
        current_prime += 1
        if (is_prime(current_prime)):
            primes_found += 1
    return current_prime
Beispiel #40
def main():
    most_successive_primes = 0
    for a in range(-999, 1000):
        for b in range(2, 1001):
            if not is_prime(b):
            quad = lambda x: x * x + a * x + b
            n = 0
            successive_primes = 0
            while is_prime(quad(n)):
                successive_primes += 1
                n += 1
            if most_successive_primes < successive_primes:
                most_successive_primes = successive_primes
                best_a = a
                best_b = b
    print(best_a * best_b)
def run():
    i = 1
    count = 0
    while count < 10091:
        i += 1
        if utils.is_prime(i):
            count += 1
    print i
Beispiel #42
def main():
    start_permutation = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
    while len(start_permutation) > 1:
        for i in permutations(start_permutation):
            if utils.is_prime(to_int(i)):
                print to_int(i)
        start_permutation = start_permutation[1:]
Beispiel #43
def is_circular(p):
    pow10 = 10**len(str(p))
    tmp = (p * 10) // pow10 + (p * 10) % pow10
    while tmp != p:
        if not is_prime(tmp):
            return False
        tmp = (tmp * 10) // pow10 + (tmp * 10) % pow10
    return True
Beispiel #44
def prime_perms():
    selected = []
    for i in range(1000, 9999):
        if is_prime(i):
            allperms = sorted(
                        k for k in get_digit_permutations(i)
                        if len(str(k)) == 4 and is_prime(k)
            if len(allperms) >= 3:
                for ecomb in list(combinations(allperms, 3)):
                    if set(np.diff(ecomb)) == set([3330]):
                        _s = "".join([str(k) for k in sorted(ecomb)])
                        if _s not in selected:
    print('Concatenated Numbers : ', selected)
Beispiel #45
def prime_by_index(number, index):
    prime_index = 0
    for (idx, v) in enumerate(range(2, number)):
        if is_prime(v):
            prime_index += 1
            print(v, prime_index)
            if index == prime_index:
                return v
Beispiel #46
def consecutive_primes(a, b):
    Find the number of consecutive primes generated by
    an a, b pair in the expression n^2 + a*n + b
    n = 0
    while is_prime(n*n + a*n + b):
        n += 1
    return n
Beispiel #47
def is_left_truncatable(p):
    pow10 = 10**(len(str(p)) - 1)
    p %= pow10
    while p > 0:
        if not is_prime(p):
            return False
        pow10 //= 10
        p %= pow10
    return True
Beispiel #48
def gen_params(bits):
    while True:
        ptildprim = utils.randomnumber(pow(2, bits >> 1))
        qtildprim = utils.randomnumber(pow(2, bits >> 1))
        ptild = (2 * ptildprim + 1)
        qtild = (qtildprim + 1)
        if utils.is_prime(ptild) and utils.is_prime(qtild):
    ntild = ptild * qtild
    pq = ptildprim * qtildprim
    while True:
        h2 = utils.randomnumber(ntild)
        if utils.nonrec_gcd(h2, ntild) == 1 and utils.powmod(h2, pq,
                                                             ntild) == 1:
    x = utils.randomnumber(pq)
    h1 = utils.powmod(h2, x, ntild)
    return ntild, h1, h2
Beispiel #49
def fns(a, b):
    """ yields n**2 + a*n + b for consec n=0, 1, 2, ... while prime
    func = lambda n: n**2 + a * n + b

    n = 0
    while func(n)>1 and is_prime(func(n)):
        n += 1
        yield func(n)
def main():
    composites = []

    for n in count(9, 2):
        # A(n) divides n-1 iff 10^(n-1)=1 (mod 9*n)
        if n % 5 and not is_prime(n) and pow(10, n - 1, 9 * n) == 1:
            if len(composites) == 25:
                return sum(composites)
Beispiel #51
def main():
	pandigital_numbers = [permutations(xrange(1, x)) for x in xrange(3, 9)]
	primes = []
	for nums in pandigital_numbers:
		for n in nums:
			pn = int("".join(str(x) for x in n))
			if is_prime(pn):
	print "The largest 1 to n pandigital prime is {prime}.".format(prime=max(primes))
Beispiel #52
def main():
    composites = []

    for n in count(9, 2):
        # A(n) divides n-1 iff 10^(n-1)=1 (mod 9*n)
        if n % 5 and not is_prime(n) and pow(10, n - 1, 9*n) == 1:
            if len(composites) == 25:
                return sum(composites)
Beispiel #53
def primes_exp(num_a, num_b):
    '''Returns how many consecutive primes a quadratic expression with
    coefficients num_a and num_b returns'''

    count = 1

    while is_prime(count ** 2 + num_a * count + num_b):
        count += 1

    return count
Beispiel #54
 def is_adv_prime(num):
     if not is_prime(num):
         return False
     for i in range(1, len(num)):
         if int(num[0:i]) not in primes:
             return False
         if int(num[-i:]) not in primes:
             return False
     return True
Beispiel #55
def check_perms(n):
    perms = [int(''.join(p)) for p in itertools.permutations(str(n), 4)]
    perms = [perm for perm in perms if utils.is_prime(perm) and perm >= 1000]
    for i in range(0, len(perms)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(perms)):
            for h in range(j + 1, len(perms)):
                if (perms[i] != perms[j] != perms[h] and
                        equal_gap(perms[i], perms[j], perms[h])):
                        return (str(perms[i]) + ', ' +
                                str(perms[j]) + ', ' + str(perms[h]))
Beispiel #56
def is_prime_family(masks, size):
    db = dict().fromkeys(masks, 0)
    for key,val in db.items():
        for n in range(0, 10):
            if n == 0 and key[0] == "*": continue
            num = int(key.replace("*", str(n)))
            if is_prime(num): db[key] += 1
        if db[key] == size:
            return True
    return False
 def inner(digits):
     perms = permutations(digits)
     # filtering and sorting can make it even slower
     #    print "filtering even"
     for idx, p in enumerate(perms):
         num = int(''.join(p))
         if is_prime(num):
             print "after %d checks found %d" % (idx, num)
             return num
     return False