def plot_fft(fig, config): CASTS = [float, float] FIELDS = ["frequency", config.pgtype] # Iterate over all inputs. nfiles = len(config.ifiles) for i, ifile in enumerate(config.ifiles): # Get the periodogram information. with open(ifile, "r", newline="") as f: fx, fy = utils.csv_column_read(f, FIELDS, casts=CASTS) # Create a latex axis. ax = utils.latexify(fig.add_subplot("%d%d%d" % (nfiles, 1, i + 1))) # Plot the periodogram. ax.plot(fx, fy, color="k", linestyle="-", marker="None") ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.set_xlabel("Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") # Make sure the axis names are correct. if config.pgtype == "amplitude": ax.set_ylabel("Amplitude (ppm)") elif config.pgtype == "psd": ax.set_ylabel("PSD (ppm$^2$ $\mu$Hz$^{-1}$)") if config.maxx > config.minx >= 0: ax.set_xlim([config.minx, config.maxx]) if config.maxy > config.miny >= 0: ax.set_ylim([config.miny, config.maxy]) plt.legend() fig.tight_layout()
def plot_echelle(config, fig, ifile): CASTS = [float, float] FIELDS = ["frequency", config.pgtype] if config.deltanu is None: raise NotImplementedError("∆𝜈 autocorrelation not implemented") # Get the cadence information. with open(ifile, "r", newline="") as f: fx, fy = utils.csv_column_read(f, FIELDS, casts=CASTS) # Filter start and end. filt = numpy.ones_like(fx, dtype=bool) if config.start is not None: filt &= fx >= config.start * config.deltanu if config.end is not None: filt &= fx <= (config.end + 1) * config.deltanu fx = fx[filt] fy = fy[filt] # Convert from power to amplitude. if config.pgtype == "psd": pass #fy *= numpy.diff(fx).mean() #fy **= 0.5 #pass # Convert to wrapped echelle. fx += fx %= config.deltanu # Sort the arrays. sfilt = numpy.argsort(fx) fx = fx[sfilt] fy = fy[sfilt] # Smooth using a Savgol filter. #itp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(fx, fy, kind='linear') #fy = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(itp(fx), config.width, 6) win = scipy.signal.boxcar(config.width) fy = scipy.signal.convolve(fy, win, mode="same") # Plot. ax = utils.latexify(fig.add_subplot(111)) ax.plot(fx, fy, color="r") ax.set_ylabel("PSD (ppm$^2$$\mu$Hz$^{-1}$)") ax.set_xlabel("Frequency mod %s ($\mu$Hz)" % (config.deltanu,)) plt.legend() fig.tight_layout()
import os import numpy as np import pylab as pl import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from lbg_maker import lbg_maker from prep_filters import prep_filters from madau import lephare_madau from extinction import calzetti00 from extinction import apply as ext_apply from utils import latexify latexify(columns=2, equal=False, fontsize=10, ratio=None, ggplot=True, usetex=True) root = os.environ['BEAST'] redshifts = 1.5 + np.linspace(0., 4.0, 4) magnitudes = 22.5 * np.ones_like(redshifts) flux, wave, meta = lbg_maker(ngal=None, restframe=False, printit=False, test=True, seed=314, redshifts=None, magnitudes=None,
plotit = False fnames = [ os.environ['LBGCMB'] + '/dropouts/Shapley/dat/composites/' + file for file in spectra ] fnames += [ os.environ['LBGCMB'] + '/quickspectra/spectra/spec-qso-z1.5-rmag22.24.dat' ] fnames += [ os.environ['LBGCMB'] + '/quickspectra/spectra/spec-elg-o2flux-8e-17.dat' ] latexify(columns=2, fontsize=10, ggplot=True) ## Get noise curves and filters. ## exp = 60 * 60 ## [Seconds]. ## noise = get_noisecurve(exp, plotit=plotit) filters = get_filters(plotit=plotit) for redshift in redshifts: print('\n\nSolving for redshift: %.3lf.' % redshift) owaves = np.arange(1., 1.e4, 0.1) output = [owaves] for kk, fname in enumerate(fnames): print('\nLoading: %s' % fname)
def prepare_cards(self, parsed, arguments, evaluator, evaluated): components, cards, evaluated, is_function = self.get_cards(arguments, evaluator, evaluated) if is_function: latex_input = ''.join(['<script type="math/tex; mode=display">', latexify(parsed, evaluator), '</script>']) else: latex_input = mathjax_latex(evaluated) result = [] ambiguity = self.disambiguate(arguments) if ambiguity: result.append({ "ambiguity": ambiguity[0], "description": ambiguity[1] }) result.append({ "title": "SymPy", "input": removeSymPy(parsed), "output": latex_input }) if cards: if any(get_card(c).is_multivariate() for c in cards): result[-1].update({ "num_variables": len(components['variables']), "variables": map(repr, components['variables']), "variable": repr(components['variable']) }) # If no result cards were found, but the top-level call is to a # function, then add a special result card to show the result if not cards and not components['variable'] and is_function: result.append({ 'title': 'Result', 'input': removeSymPy(parsed), 'output': format_by_type(evaluated, arguments, mathjax_latex) }) else: var = components['variable'] # If the expression is something like 'lcm(2x, 3x)', display the # result of the function before the rest of the cards if is_function and not is_function_handled(arguments[0]): result.append( {"title": "Result", "input": "", "output": format_by_type(evaluated, arguments, mathjax_latex)}) line = "simplify(input_evaluated)" simplified = evaluator.eval(line, use_none_for_exceptions=True, repr_expression=False) if (simplified != None and simplified != evaluated and arguments.args and len(arguments.args) > 0 and simplified != arguments.args[0]): result.append( {"title": "Simplification", "input": repr(simplified), "output": mathjax_latex(simplified)}) elif arguments.function == 'simplify': result.append( {"title": "Simplification", "input": "", "output": mathjax_latex(evaluated)}) for card_name in cards: card = get_card(card_name) if not card: continue try: result.append({ 'card': card_name, 'var': repr(var), 'title': card.format_title(evaluated), 'input': card.format_input(repr(evaluated), components), 'pre_output': latex( card.pre_output_function(evaluated, var)), 'parameters': card.card_info.get('parameters', []) }) except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as e: pass if is_function: learn_more = find_learn_more_set(arguments[0]) if learn_more: result.append({ "title": "Learn More", "input": '', "output": learn_more }) return result
def plot_ilims(results, plot_des=False, plot_hsc=True): import os import pylab as pl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import text from specs import samplestats from selection_box import detection_bands latexify(fig_width=None, fig_height=None, columns=2, equal=False) colors = ['b', 'r', 'indigo'] ## Load Goldrush basic stats. stats = samplestats(printit=False) ## Create figure. fig, axarray = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharey=False) fig.set_size_inches(6.5, 3.5) ## Catch a one plot call. if not isinstance(axarray, np.ndarray): axarray = np.array([axarray]) for k, dropband in enumerate(results.keys()): for ldepth, label in zip(['D'], ['GOLDRUSH Deep']): magbins, pnbar, counts = results[dropband][ldepth] ## Plot ang_nbar against limiting mag. (rightmost edge). axarray[k].semilogy(magbins[1:], pnbar, '-', label=r'$g-$' + label, markersize=3, lw=1.) for contamination, color in zip(['D', 'W'], ['dodgerblue', 'indigo']): rate = get_contamination(magbins[1:], round(stats[dropband]['z']), contamination, depth=ldepth) axarray[k].semilogy(magbins[1:], pnbar * (1. - rate), '--', label='Less %s' % contamination + r' ($\simeq$' + '%.2lf) interlopers' % effective_depth(dropband, contamination),\ markersize=3, lw=1., c=color, dashes=[3, 1], alpha=0.4) ''' if plot_des: ## DES depths/yr estimate depths = des_depths() ## Plot the magnitude limit of DES SV. axarray[k].axvline(depths['SV'][detection_bands[dropband]], c='k', linestyle='-', label='DES SV', lw = 0.5) ## and the magnitude limits per year (estimated for year greater than one). for year in np.arange(1, 6, 1): axarray[k].axvline(depths['Y' + str(year)][detection_bands[dropband]], c='k', linestyle='-', label='', lw = 0.5) ''' root = os.environ['LBGCMB'] data = np.loadtxt( root + "/dropouts/nz/schechter/dat/schechter_estimate_%s_dropouts.txt" % dropband) ## 0.59 completeness frac. axarray[k].semilogy(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], 'k', label='Best-fit UV Schechter fn.', alpha=0.5) ## 0.59 completeness frac. Galaxies only. axarray[k].semilogy(data[:, 0], galaxy_frac(data[:, 0]) * data[:, 1], 'k--', label='Best-fit galaxy UV Schechter fn.', dashes=[3, 1]) ymax = pnbar[magbins < 24.5].max() axarray[k].set_xlim(23.0, 26.5) ## [magbins[1], magbins[-2]] axarray[k].set_ylim([10., 8.e3]) axarray[k].set_xlabel(r'$%s_{\rm{AB}}$' % detection_bands[dropband]) axarray[k].set_ylabel(r'$N(<%s)$ / deg$^2$' % detection_bands[dropband]) ## axarray[k].get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ## axarray[k].ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-1, 2)) pl.legend(loc=4) pl.savefig('plots/hsc_icut.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
import numpy as np import pylab as pl from utils import latexify latexify(fig_width=None, fig_height=None, columns=2, equal=False, fontsize=10, ratio=None, ggplot=True, usetex=True) ## Observational Stellar mass. for zee in [4, 5]: dat = np.loadtxt('dat/data-compilation/smf_ms/kslee_z%d.smf' % zee) Mstar = 10. ** dat[:,0] ## [Msun]. nbarperdex = 10. ** dat[:,1] ## [Mpc^-3 dex^{-1}] pl.loglog(Mstar, nbarperdex, '^', markersize=3, label=r'$z=%.1lf$' % zee) pl.legend() pl.xlabel(r'$M_* \ [M_{\odot}]$') pl.ylabel(r'$\bar{n} \ [\rm{Mpc}^{-3} \ \rm{dex}^{-1}] $') pl.savefig('plots/obs_sm.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
import os import json import numpy as np import pylab as pl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import latexify from fisher_contour import plot_ellipse ## And plot contour ... pl.clf() latexify(columns=1, equal=True, fontsize=12) fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca() band = 'u' int_frac = 0.06 with open('dat/result4interloper_%s_intfrac_%.2lf.json' % (band, int_frac), 'r') as rfile: ## {'peakz': peakz, 'fid_sig8': np.float(fid_sig8), 'fid_b1': np.float(fid_b1), 'biased_sig8': biased_sig8, 'biased_b1': biased_b1, 'iFisher': iFisher.tolist()} data = json.load(rfile) ## Unpack. peakz = data['peakz'] fid_sig8 = data['fid_sig8'] fid_b1 = data['fid_b1'] biased_sig8 = data['biased_sig8'] biased_b1 = data['biased_b1']
anll_train = sm_common.anll(data_common_train) anll_test = sm_common.anll(data_common_test) print("Common model") print("\t", info) print("\t", anll_train, anll_test) # Visualize model states = list(G_state.nodes()) L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G_state).todense() eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(L) eigvals_sorted = np.argsort(eigvals) first_nonzero_eigvec = eigvecs[:, eigvals_sorted[1]] states_sorted = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(first_nonzero_eigvec, states))] statemap = {} for state in states_sorted: state_vals = [] for year in years: state_vals.append(float(sm_strat.G.node[(state, year)]['theta'])) statemap[state] = state_vals output = pd.DataFrame(statemap).T output.columns = years latexify(fig_width=13, fontsize=10) plt.pcolormesh(output, cmap='coolwarm_r') plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5, len(output.index), 1), output.index) plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5, len(output.columns), 1), output.columns) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('./figs/election_heatmap.pdf') plt.close()
import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np import glob import os import pylab as pl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import latexify if __name__ == "__main__": print('\n\nWelcome to a (plotter) of the angular correlation fn.\n\n') latexify(fig_width=None, fig_height=None, columns=2, equal=False, ratio=0.5, fontsize=12) pl.clf() ''' Makes a 2 panel plot of w(theta) and b(r). ''' scale = 2. tlo, thi = 30.0, 1000.0 arcsec = np.pi / 180. / 3600. ## First plot w(theta) for z=3 and 4. cc = 'darkblue' fig = pl.gcf()
def main(show=False): margin = .05 # margin for drawing box initial_pos = 1 final_pos = 1 n = 100 all_pos = np.linspace(0, 1, n) # Complicated lane example box_size = .18 box_pos = [.2, .5, .8] box_orientation = [-1, 1, -1] x = cp.Variable(n) cons = [x[0] == initial_pos, -2 <= x, x <= 2, x[-1] == -1] obj = 0.0 for i, pos in enumerate(all_pos): obj += sccf.minimum(cp.square(x[i] + 1), 1) obj += sccf.minimum(cp.square(x[i] - 1), 1) for b_pos, b_or in zip(box_pos, box_orientation): if b_pos <= pos and pos <= b_pos + box_size: cons.append(x[i] >= 0 if b_or > 0 else x[i] <= 0) for idx, weight in enumerate([10, 1, .1]): obj += weight * cp.sum_squares(cp.diff(x, k=idx + 1)) prob = sccf.Problem(obj, cons) tic = time.time() result = prob.solve() toc = time.time() print("lane change 2:", obj.value) print("time:", toc - tic) print("iters:", result["iters"]) latexify(fig_width=7, fig_height=2) plt.plot(all_pos * 100, x.value, c='black') plt.ylim(-2, 2) for pos, orientation in zip(box_pos, box_orientation): plt.gca().add_patch( Rectangle((pos * 100, .25 if orientation < 0 else -1.75), (box_size - margin) * 100, 1.5, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k')) plt.axhline(0, ls='--', c='k') plt.savefig("figs/lane_changing.pdf") if show: # Lower bound obj = 0 z_top = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(n)] z_bottom = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(n)] x = cp.Variable(n) cons = [x[0] == initial_pos, -2 <= x, x <= 2, x[-1] == -1] lam_top = cp.Variable(n) lam_bottom = cp.Variable(n) cons.append(0 <= lam_top) cons.append(0 <= lam_bottom) cons.append(lam_top <= 1) cons.append(lam_bottom <= 1) for z, lam in zip(z_top + z_bottom, lam_top + lam_bottom): cons.append(z[0] == initial_pos * lam) cons.append(-2 * lam <= z) cons.append(z <= 2 * lam) cons.append(z[-1] == -1 * lam) for i, pos in enumerate(all_pos): obj += cp.quad_over_lin(z_top[i][i] + lam_top[i], lam_top[i]) + (1 - lam_top[i]) obj += cp.quad_over_lin(z_bottom[i][i] - lam_bottom[i], lam_bottom[i]) + (1 - lam_bottom[i]) for b_pos, b_or in zip(box_pos, box_orientation): if b_pos <= pos and pos <= b_pos + box_size: for z in z_top + z_bottom + [x]: cons.append(z[i] >= 0 if b_or > 0 else z[i] <= 0) for idx, weight in enumerate([10, 1, .1]): for z, lam in zip(z_top + z_bottom, lam_top + lam_bottom): obj += weight * cp.quad_over_lin(cp.diff(z, k=idx + 1), lam) / (2 * n) obj += weight * cp.quad_over_lin(cp.diff(x - z, k=idx + 1), 1 - lam) / (2 * n) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), cons) obj_value = prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK) print("lane change lower bound:", obj_value) # MICP obj = 0 z_top = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(n)] z_bottom = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(n)] x = cp.Variable(n) cons = [x[0] == initial_pos, -2 <= x, x <= 2, x[-1] == -1] lam_top = cp.Variable(n, boolean=True) lam_bottom = cp.Variable(n, boolean=True) for z, lam in zip(z_top + z_bottom, lam_top + lam_bottom): cons.append(z[0] == initial_pos * lam) cons.append(-2 * lam <= z) cons.append(z <= 2 * lam) cons.append(z[-1] == -1 * lam) for i, pos in enumerate(all_pos): obj += cp.quad_over_lin(z_top[i][i] + lam_top[i], lam_top[i]) + (1 - lam_top[i]) obj += cp.quad_over_lin(z_bottom[i][i] - lam_bottom[i], lam_bottom[i]) + (1 - lam_bottom[i]) for b_pos, b_or in zip(box_pos, box_orientation): if b_pos <= pos and pos <= b_pos + box_size: for z in z_top + z_bottom + [x]: cons.append(z[i] >= 0 if b_or > 0 else z[i] <= 0) for idx, weight in enumerate([10, 1, .1]): for z, lam in zip(z_top + z_bottom, lam_top + lam_bottom): obj += weight * cp.quad_over_lin(cp.diff(z, k=idx + 1), lam) / (2 * n) obj += weight * cp.quad_over_lin(cp.diff(x - z, k=idx + 1), 1 - lam) / (2 * n) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), cons) import sys while True: answer = input( "Are you sure you would like to solve the MICP (y/n) ").lower() if answer == "y": break elif answer == "n": return else: print("Invalid answer.") continue obj_value = prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK, verbose=True) print("global optimum:", obj_value)
import hmf import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab as pl from hmf import cosmo from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM from utils import latexify from params import get_params from scipy.interpolate import interp1d latexify(columns=1, equal=True, fontsize=10, ggplot=True, usetex=True) params = get_params() cosmo = {'H0': 100. * params['h_100'], 'Om0': 0.3153, 'Ob0': 0.02242 / 0.6736 ** 2.} mf = hmf.MassFunction(cosmo_params = cosmo) models = [hmf.fitting_functions.ST, hmf.fitting_functions.Tinker08] def get_stellar2halo(drop_band = 'u'): data = np.loadtxt('../dat/stellar/smhm.txt') halo_mass = data[:,0] ## [Msun / h] dict = {'u': data[:,1], 'g': data[:,2], 'r': data[:,3]} stellar_mass = dict[drop_band] stellar_mass = 10. ** stellar_mass stellar_mass *= (halo_mass / params['h_100']) ## Mstellar [Msun]
import os import numpy as np import pylab as pl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline, interp1d from utils import latexify from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from growth_rate import growth_factor latexify(fig_height=2., fig_width=3., columns=2, equal=False, fontsize=10, ratio=0.5, ggplot=True, usetex=True) ## GOLDRUSH root = os.environ['LBGCMB'] + '/dropouts/bz/dat/' har = np.loadtxt(root + 'harikane4.dat') hare = np.loadtxt(root + 'harikane4_err.dat') zs = np.arange(2.7, 5.1, 0.01) ii = interp1d(har[:-1, 0], har[:-1, 1], 'linear', copy=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate',
M=M, lr=1e-2, verbose=True, niter=25) toc = time.time() print("time", toc - tic, "s") xhat, yhat, DT = auto_ks.kalman_smoother(params, y, K & ~M_test, lam) # evaluate loss_auto = np.linalg.norm(yhat[M_test] - y[M_test])**2 / M_test.sum() print("final_test_loss:", loss_auto) print(np.diag(np.linalg.inv(params.W_neg_sqrt @ params.W_neg_sqrt.T))) print(np.diag(np.linalg.inv(params.V_neg_sqrt @ params.V_neg_sqrt.T))) latexify(4, 3) plt.plot(yhat_initial[::50, 0], yhat_initial[::50, 1], '--', alpha=.5, c='black', label='before') plt.plot(yhat[::50, 0], yhat[::50, 1], '-', alpha=.5, c='black', label='after') plt.scatter(y[::50, 0], y[::50, 1], s=.5, c='black') plt.legend() plt.xlabel("East (m)") plt.ylabel("North (m)") plt.subplots_adjust(left=.15, bottom=.2) plt.savefig("figs/driving.pdf") plt.close()
def plot_lc(config, fig, ifile): # Get the cadence information. with open(ifile, "r", newline="") as f: times, fluxs = utils.csv_column_read(f, FIELDS, casts=CASTS, start=config.start, end=config.end) # Times and fluxes. xs = times ys = fluxs # Convert flux to ppm. #ys = ys / ys.mean() - 1 #ys *= 1e6 # Figure out time-related offsets. offset = np.min(times) xs -= offset if config.timestamp is not None: config.timestamp -= offset if config.fft: fx, fy = utils.lombscargle_amplitude(xs, ys, upper=config.high_freq) if config.fftout: with open(config.fftout, "w", newline="") as f: utils.csv_column_write(f, [fx, fy], ["frequency", "amplitude"]) fx, fy = utils.raw_to_psd(fx, fy, fluxs.var()) if if config.period is not None: # TODO: We should allow for showing more than one phase. xs = (xs % config.period) / config.period xs = (xs + config.phase) % 1.0 # Bin the folded phase plot by taking the average of ranges. if config.bins is not None: size = 1.0 / config.bins nys = np.zeros(config.bins) for i in range(config.bins): rnge = (i*size <= xs) & (xs < (i+1)*size) nys[i] = np.median(ys[rnge]) ys = nys xs = np.arange(config.bins) * size # Replication. xs = np.tile(xs, config.width) + np.repeat(np.arange(config.width), xs.shape[0]) ys = np.tile(ys, config.width) if config.fft and ax1 = utils.latexify(fig.add_subplot(211)) else: ax1 = utils.latexify(fig.add_subplot(111)) if if not (config.period or config.bins): ax1.plot(xs, ys, color="0.5", linestyle="-", marker="None") #ax1.plot(xs, ys, color="k", linestyle="None", marker="+", label=r"Kepler/K2 Halo Photometry") ax1.set_xlabel("Time ($d$)") else: # TODO: We should overlay a binned version. if config.timestamp is not None: predicted = (config.timestamp % config.period) / config.period predicted = (predicted + config.phase) % 1.0 ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(predicted + np.arange(config.width), minor=True) ax1.xaxis.grid(True, which="minor", color="r", linestyle="--", linewidth=2) ax1.plot(xs, ys, color="0.5", linestyle="None", marker="o", label=r"Kepler/K2 Halo Photometry") ax1.set_xlabel("Phase") ax1.set_ylabel(r"Intensity (ppm)") if and config.title: ax1.set_title(r"Light Curve [%s] # %s" % (description(config), config.comment or "")) if config.fft: if ax2 = utils.latexify(fig.add_subplot(212)) else: ax2 = ax1 ax2.plot(fx, fy, color="k", linestyle="-", marker="None") #ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(*ax2.get_xlim(), step=1)) #ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(*ax2.get_xlim(), step=0.25), minor=True) #ax2.xaxis.grid(True, which="major", color="k", linestyle="--") #ax2.xaxis.grid(True, which="minor", color="k", linestyle=":") ax2.set_axisbelow(True) #ax2.set_xlabel("Frequency ($d^{-1}$)") ax2.set_xlabel("Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") #ax2.set_ylabel("Amplitude (ppm)") ax2.set_ylabel("PDF (ppm$^2$ $\mu$Hz$^{-1}$)") if config.maxx > config.minx: ax2.set_xlim([config.minx, config.maxx]) if config.maxy > config.miny: ax2.set_ylim([config.miny, config.maxy]) plt.legend() fig.tight_layout()
# Fits to the stellar-mass-halo-mass relation from Ishikawa+17 # # Eqs. (20, 21) and Table 3. # This uses the fitting function form of Behroozi+18, which I # reverse engineered from the "" script in the EDR. import pylab as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import OrderedDict from utils import latexify from params import get_params latexify(fig_width=None, fig_height=None, columns=1, equal=True) params = get_params() def smhm_i17(Mh, drop_type): ''' SMHM relation from Ishikawa+17 (arxiv:1612.06869; Eqs. 20,21 & Tab.3). Returns Mstar / Mh given Mh in Msun (not Msun/h). ''' if drop_type == 'u': aa = 0.25 M1, eps = 10**12.10, 2.222e-2 elif drop_type == 'g':
from schechter.get_pz import get_pz from nbar import comovdensity from get_bz import bz_callmodel from get_schechters import get_schechters from get_wschechters import get_wschechter from growth_rate import growth_rate from reddy.specs import samplestats as reddy_stats from goldrush.specs import samplestats as grush_stats from Malkan.specs import samplestats as malkan_stats from reddy.pz import get_pz as reddy_getpz from goldrush import completeness as grush_completeness from Malkan import completeness as malkan_completeness latexify(columns=2, ratio=0.5, equal=False, fontsize=12, ggplot=True, usetex=True) for color, band in zip(['y', 'b', 'g', 'r'], ['BX', 'u', 'g', 'r']): frac = True area = 15000. deltav = 400. ## [km / s]. kmax = 0.9 pz = get_pz(band) peakz = _peakz(pz) fsky = area / 41253. sigp = (1. + peakz) * deltav / cosmo.efunc(peakz) / 100. ## [Mpc / h].
def prepare_cards(self, parsed, arguments, evaluator, evaluated): components, cards, evaluated, is_function = self.get_cards( arguments, evaluator, evaluated) if is_function: latex_input = ''.join([ '<script type="math/tex; mode=display">', latexify(parsed, evaluator), '</script>' ]) else: latex_input = mathjax_latex(evaluated) result = [] ambiguity = self.disambiguate(arguments) if ambiguity: result.append({ "ambiguity": ambiguity[0], "description": ambiguity[1] }) result.append({ "title": "SymPy", "input": removeSymPy(parsed), "output": latex_input }) if cards: if any(get_card(c).is_multivariate() for c in cards): result[-1].update({ "num_variables": len(components['variables']), "variables": map(repr, components['variables']), "variable": repr(components['variable']) }) # If no result cards were found, but the top-level call is to a # function, then add a special result card to show the result if not cards and not components['variable'] and is_function: result.append({ 'title': 'Result', 'input': removeSymPy(parsed), 'output': format_by_type(evaluated, arguments, mathjax_latex) }) else: var = components['variable'] # If the expression is something like 'lcm(2x, 3x)', display the # result of the function before the rest of the cards if is_function and not is_function_handled(arguments[0]): result.append({ "title": "Result", "input": "", "output": format_by_type(evaluated, arguments, mathjax_latex) }) line = "simplify(input_evaluated)" simplified = evaluator.eval(line, use_none_for_exceptions=True, repr_expression=False) if (simplified != None and simplified != evaluated and arguments.args and len(arguments.args) > 0 and simplified != arguments.args[0]): result.append({ "title": "Simplification", "input": repr(simplified), "output": mathjax_latex(simplified) }) elif arguments.function == 'simplify': result.append({ "title": "Simplification", "input": "", "output": mathjax_latex(evaluated) }) for card_name in cards: card = get_card(card_name) if not card: continue try: result.append({ 'card': card_name, 'var': repr(var), 'title': card.format_title(evaluated), 'input': card.format_input(repr(evaluated), components), 'pre_output': latex(card.pre_output_function(evaluated, var)), 'parameters': card.card_info.get('parameters', []) }) except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as e: pass if is_function: learn_more = find_learn_more_set(arguments[0]) if learn_more: result.append({ "title": "Learn More", "input": '', "output": learn_more }) return result
print('Stratified model') print('\t', info) print('\t', anll_test, pred_error) common = strat_models.LogisticRegression(lambd=.1) info =, Y_train, [0] * len(Y_train), nx.empty_graph(1), **kwargs) anll_test = common.anll(X_test, Y_test, [0] * len(Y_test)) pred_error = prediction_error(X_test, Y_test, [0] * len(Y_test), common) print('Common model') print('\t', info) print('\t', anll_test, pred_error) # Visualize latexify(6) for i in [17, -1]: male_params, female_params = [], [] for node in strat.G.nodes(): if node[0] == 'Male': male_params.append(strat.G.node[node]['theta'][i][0]) else: female_params.append(strat.G.node[node]['theta'][i][0]) title = data.columns[i] if i > 0 else 'intercept' plt.title(title) print(title) plt.plot(list_of_ages, male_params, label='Male') plt.plot(list_of_ages, female_params, label='Female') plt.xlabel('Age') plt.legend()
print("Common") print("\t", info) print("\t", score) rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=50, min_samples_leaf=1, n_jobs=-1)['log_price', 'lat_bin', 'long_bin'], axis=1), df_train['log_price']) score = rms( rf.predict(df_test.drop(['log_price', 'lat_bin', 'long_bin'], axis=1)) - df_test['log_price']) print("RF") print("\t", score) print("\t", np.sum([rf.estimators_[i].tree_.node_count for i in range(50)])) # Visualize latexify(fig_width=8) params = np.array( [sm_strat.G.node[node]['theta'] for node in sm_strat.G.nodes()]) params = params.reshape(bins, bins, 10)[::-1, :, :] feats = [ 'bedrooms', 'bathrooms', 'sqft living', 'sqft lot', 'floors', 'waterfront', 'condition', 'grade', 'yr built', 'intercept' ] min_lat = df['lat'].min() max_lat = df['lat'].max() min_long = df['long'].min() max_long = df['long'].max() lat_labels = ["%.1f" % x for x in np.linspace(min_lat, max_lat, 6)] long_labels = ["%.1f" % x for x in np.linspace(min_long, max_long, 6)] fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 5)
data = np.loadtxt('./dat/planck18_bao.dat') zs = data[:,0] fsig8 = data[:,3] efsig8 = data[:,4] if interp: return zs, interp1d(zs, fsig8, kind='linear', bounds_error=True, assume_sorted=False), interp1d(zs, efsig8, kind='linear', bounds_error=True, assume_sorted=False) return zs, fsig8, efsig8 if __name__ == '__main__': print('\n\nWelcome to Planck18 + BAO.\n\n') latexify(fig_width=None, fig_height=None, columns=1, equal=True, usetex=True, fontsize=10) zs, sig8, esig8 = get_sig8z() zs, fsig8, efsig8 = get_fsig8() pl.errorbar(zs, sig8, esig8, fmt='^', label=r'$\sigma_8(z)$', capsize=5, markersize=3, linestyle='', alpha=0.6) pl.errorbar(zs + 0.085, fsig8, efsig8, fmt='s', label=r'$f(z) \ \sigma_8(z)$', capsize=5, markersize=3, linestyle='', alpha=0.6) pl.xlim(1.8, 5.2) pl.ylim(.15, .35) pl.xlabel(r'$z$') pl.legend(loc=1, frameon=False) ## pl.savefig('plots/planck18_bao.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
def main(show): # generate data np.random.seed(243) m, n = 5, 1 n_outliers = 1 eta = 0.1 alpha = 0.5 A = np.random.randn(m, n) x_true = np.random.randn(n) b = A @ x_true + 1e-1 * np.random.randn(m) b[np.random.choice(np.arange(m), replace=False, size=n_outliers)] *= -1. # alternating x_alternating = cp.Variable(n) objective = 0.0 for i in range(m): objective += sccf.minimum(cp.square(A[i]@x_alternating-b[i]), alpha) objective += eta * cp.sum_squares(x_alternating) prob = sccf.Problem(objective) prob.solve() # solve relaxed problem x_relaxed = cp.Variable(n) z = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(m)] s = cp.Variable(m) objective = 0.0 constraints = [0 <= s, s <= 1] for i in range(m): objective += cp.quad_over_lin(A[i, :] @ z[i] - b[i] * s[i], s[i]) + (1.0 - s[i]) * alpha + \ eta / m * (cp.quad_over_lin(x_relaxed - z[i], 1.0 - s[i]) + eta / m * cp.quad_over_lin(z[i], s[i])) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints) result = prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK) # alternating w/ relaxed initialization x_alternating_perspective = cp.Variable(n) x_alternating_perspective.value = x_relaxed.value objective = 0.0 for i in range(m): objective += sccf.minimum(cp.square(A[i]@x_alternating_perspective-b[i]), alpha) objective += eta * cp.sum_squares(x_alternating_perspective) prob = sccf.Problem(objective) prob.solve(warm_start=True) # brute force evaluate function and perspective xs = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100) f = np.sum(np.minimum(np.square(A * xs - b[:, None]), alpha), axis=0) + eta*xs**2 f_persp = [] for x in xs: z = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(m)] s = cp.Variable(m) objective = 0.0 constraints = [0 <= s, s <= 1] for i in range(m): objective += cp.quad_over_lin(A[i, :] @ z[i] - b[i] * s[i], s[i]) + (1.0 - s[i]) * alpha + \ eta / m * (cp.quad_over_lin(x - z[i], 1.0 - s[i]) + eta / m * cp.quad_over_lin(z[i], s[i])) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints) result = prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK) f_persp.append(result) def find_nearest(array, value): array = np.asarray(array) idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin() return idx # plot latexify(fig_width=6, fig_height=4) plt.plot(xs, f, '-', label="$L(x)$", c='k') plt.plot(xs, f_persp, '--', label="perspective", c='k') plt.plot(x_alternating.value[0], ) plt.scatter(x_alternating.value[0], f[find_nearest(xs, x_alternating.value[0])], marker='o', label="sccf (no init)", c='k') plt.scatter(x_alternating_perspective.value[0], f[find_nearest(xs, x_alternating_perspective.value[0])], marker='*', label="sccf (persp init)", c='k') plt.legend() plt.xlabel("$x$") plt.savefig("figs/perspective.pdf") if show:
import numpy as np import pylab as pl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from schechterfn import SchechterLfn from utils import latexify latexify(columns=1, equal=True, fontsize=12, ratio=None, ggplot=True, usetex=True) ## Marchesini: z=2.5 dat = np.loadtxt('dat/data-compilation/smf_ms/marchesini_z2.5.smf') asymmetric_error = [lower_error, upper_error] ## Columns: Log10(stellar mass) (Msun), Log10(ND) (1 / Mpc^3 / dex), Err+ (dex), Err- (dex). pl.plot(10.**dat[:, 0], 10.**dat[:, 1], label='2.5', markersize=2) ## Marchesini: z=3.5 dat = np.loadtxt('dat/data-compilation/smf_ms/marchesini_z3.5.smf') ## Columns: Log10(stellar mass) (Msun), Log10(ND) (1/Mpc^3/dex), Err+ (dex), Err- (dex) pl.plot(10.**dat[:, 0], 10.**dat[:, 1], label='3.5', markersize=2) ## Table 3 and Fig. (10) of ## Schechter fn. form of the Luminosity type. '''
print("\n\nWelcome to rrtemplate_io.") ## data = np.loadtxt(os.environ['LBGCMB'] + '/quickspectra/spectra/BC03/restframe/spec-BC03-z0.0.dat') ## create_template(data[:,0], data[:,1], type = 'LBG', printit = False) root = None root = os.environ['LBGCMB'] + '/redrock/templates/ext_wave/' types = {'Q2_198': None, 'LBG': None, 'ELG': None} ## types = {'galaxy': None, 'qso': None, 'LBG': None, 'star-B': None} ## types = {'star-M': None, 'star-K': None, 'star-G': None, 'star-F': None, 'star-A': None, 'star-B': None} latexify(fig_width=12., fig_height=6., equal=False, fontsize=10, ggplot=True, usetex=True) pl.axvline(x=1216., ymin=0., ymax=1., c='k') for type in types: types[type] = read_template(type=type, printit=True, root=root) for i in np.arange(types[type]['ntemp']): index = np.where( np.abs(types[type]['wave'] - 6.e3) == np.abs(types[type]['wave'] - 6.e3).min()) norm = types[type]['temp_%d' % i][index] pl.plot(types[type]['wave'],
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pylab as pl from utils import latexify latexify(fig_width=None, fig_height=None, columns=2, equal=False) """ Compare the LSST N(i_AB) form assumed to measurements of the Hubble (Ultra) Deep Field (Metcalfe et al.) and Capak ++. """ def lsst_Ng(ilim): result = 46. * 10.**( 0.3 * (ilim - 25.) ) ## LSST science book (3.7); 46 galaxies per arcmin^2 for ilim = 25. return result * 60.**2. ## galaxies per sq. deg. def plot_Metcalfe(): data = pd.read_table( "dat/lsst_nz/Metcalfe00.dat", skiprows=1, sep=r"\s*", names=['ilo', 'ihi', 'NorNraw', 'NorNgal', 'SouNraw', 'SouNgal'], engine='python') print data data[
def plot_echelle(config, fig, ifile): CASTS = [float, float] FIELDS = ["frequency", config.pgtype] if config.deltanu is None: raise NotImplementedError("∆𝜈 autocorrelation not implemented") # Get the cadence information. with open(ifile, "r", newline="") as f: fx, fy = utils.csv_column_read(f, FIELDS, casts=CASTS) # Filter start and end. filt = numpy.ones_like(fx, dtype=bool) if config.start is not None: filt &= fx >= config.start * config.deltanu if config.end is not None: filt &= fx <= (config.end + 1) * config.deltanu fx = fx[filt] fy = fy[filt] # Convert from power to amplitude. if config.pgtype == "psd": pass #fy *= numpy.diff(fx).mean() #fy **= 0.5 # First we bin the transform. width = config.smoothwidth bins = int(fx.ptp() // width) newfy = numpy.zeros(bins) for i in range(bins): rnge = (i*width <= fx) & (fx < (i+1)*width) newfy[i] = fy[rnge].sum() fy = newfy fx = numpy.linspace(fx.min(), fx.max(), bins) # Then we compute the grid sizes. delta = numpy.diff(fx).mean() rows = int(fx.ptp() // config.deltanu) cols = int(config.deltanu // delta) # Fill in the grid from the binned data. grid = numpy.zeros([rows, cols]) for y, _ in enumerate(grid): grid[y,...] = fy[y*cols:(y+1)*cols] ax = utils.latexify(fig.add_subplot(111)) #ax.imshow(-grid, cmap="gray", interpolation="nearest", origin="bottom") #ax.imshow(grid, cmap="viridis", interpolation="nearest", origin="bottom") ax.pcolormesh(grid, cmap="viridis") #ax.pcolormesh(-grid, cmap="gray") #ax.xaxis.set_ticks(numpy.arange) ax.xaxis.set_ticks ax.set_xlim([0, config.deltanu]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(numpy.arange(*ax.get_xlim(), step=20)) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(numpy.arange(*ax.get_xlim(), step=5), minor=True) ax.set_ylim([config.start, config.end-config.start]) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(numpy.arange(*ax.get_ylim(), step=1)+1) #ax.yaxis.set_ticks(numpy.arange(*ax.get_ylim(), step=0.25), minor=True) #ax.set_ylabel("Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") ax.set_ylabel("Mode Order") ax.set_xlabel("Frequency mod %s ($\mu$Hz)" % (config.deltanu,)) plt.legend() fig.tight_layout()
## Load with np.nan (coloured white) where no successful redshift is available. zv = np.zeros_like(yv) * np.nan for row in rrresult: ## Where a successful redshift was available, load with shortest exposure time. zv[(xv == row[0]) & (yv == row[1])] = row[2] / 60. / 60. zv = pl.clf() ## And plot. latexify(fig_width=None, fig_height=None, columns=1, equal=True, ggplot=False) fig = pl.gcf() cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis') cmap.set_bad(color='white', alpha=1.) plt.pcolormesh(xv, yv, zv, cmap=cmap, vmin=0., vmax=6.) cbar = plt.colorbar()'Exposure time [hours]', rotation=270, labelpad=20) pl.xlim(redshifts[0], redshifts[-1])
results = np.array(results) np.savetxt(os.environ['LBGCMB'] + '/mqw/dat/mqw_%sdrops.txt' % band, results, fmt='%.4le', delimiter='\t') ## And plot ... data = np.loadtxt(os.environ['LBGCMB'] + '/mqw/dat/mqw_%sdrops.txt' % band) Nsz = np.unique(data[:, 0]) ## N spec. mms = np.unique(data[:, 1]) ## mag. lim. Npz = np.unique(data[:, 2]) ## N phot. ## latexify(fig_height=2.2, columns=2, fontsize=12) if add_desi: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 4, sharey=True) index = 1 else: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True) index = 0 for kk, percentile in enumerate(percentiles): for ii, mm in enumerate(mms): dat = data[data[:, 1] == mm] Np = dat[0, 2] if (kk == index) & (mm in [24.0, 24.5]):