def learn(self): exp_replay = self._fill_replay_buffer() state = self.env.reset() opt = torch.optim.Adam(self.agent.parameters(), lr=1e-5) for step in range(self.total_steps): if not utils.is_enough_ram(): print('less that 100 Mb RAM available, freezing') print('make sure everythin is ok and make KeyboardInterrupt to continue') try: while True: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass self.agent.epsilon = utils.linear_decay(self.init_epsilon, self.final_epsilon, step, self.decay_steps) # play _, state = play_and_record(state, self.agent, self.env, exp_replay, self.timesteps_per_epoch) # train obs_batch, act_batch, reward_batch, next_obs_batch, is_done_batch = exp_replay.sample(self.batch_size) # loss loss = compute_td_loss(obs_batch, act_batch, reward_batch, next_obs_batch, is_done_batch, self.agent, self.target_network, self.device, gamma=0.99, check_shapes=False) loss.backward() grad_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.agent.parameters(), self.max_grad_norm) opt.step() opt.zero_grad() if step % self.refresh_target_network_freq == 0: self.target_network.load_state_dict(self.agent.state_dict()) if step % self.loss_freq == 0: td_loss = self.writer.add_scalar('Train/Loss', td_loss, step) self.writer.add_scalar('Train/GradNorm', grad_norm, step) if step % self.eval_freq == 0: mean_reward, solved_games = evaluate(self.env_creator(seed=step), self.agent, n_games=15, greedy=True) self.writer.add_scalar('Train/MeanReward', mean_reward, step) self.writer.add_scalar('Train/SolvedGames', solved_games, step) initial_state_q_values = self.agent.get_qvalues([self.env_creator(seed=step).reset()]) self.writer.add_scalar('Train/QValues', np.max(initial_state_q_values), step)
def train(self, trainset, valset, model): loader = self._create_loader(trainset, training=True) model.set_roberta_grad(False) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=self.cfg.base_lr) base_steps = len(trainset) // self.cfg.train_batch_size * self.cfg.base_epochs fine_steps = len(trainset) // self.cfg.train_batch_size * self.cfg.fine_epochs warmup_steps = base_steps * self.cfg.warmup scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer, lambda step: linear_decay_with_warmup(step, base_steps, int(base_steps*self.cfg.warmup))) for epoch in range(self.cfg.base_epochs+self.cfg.fine_epochs): model.train() model.zero_grad() if epoch == self.cfg.base_epochs: print('Start training Roberta') model.set_roberta_grad(True) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=self.cfg.fine_lr) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer, lambda step: linear_decay(step, fine_steps)) train_loss = 0. train_acc = 0 for i, batch in enumerate(tqdm(loader)): self.to_cuda(batch) labels = batch['labels'] logits = model(batch) loss = self.criterion(logits, labels) / self.cfg.grad_accum loss.backward() if (i+1) % self.cfg.grad_accum == 0: optimizer.step() scheduler.step() model.zero_grad() train_loss += loss.item() train_acc += (torch.argmax(logits, dim=1)==labels).float().sum().item() train_loss /= len(loader) train_acc /= len(trainset) val_loss, val_acc = self.validate(valset, model) print(f'[Epoch {epoch+1}] train_loss: {train_loss:.4f} train_acc: {train_acc:.2%}', f'val_loss: {val_loss:.4f}, val_acc: {val_acc:.2%}')
def run(self): loss_history, reward_history, step_history = deque(maxlen=50), deque( maxlen=50), deque(maxlen=50) episode = episode_step = 0 episode_included = False episode_reward = 0.0 s = self.env.reset() for step in range(self.max_timesteps): = utils.linear_decay(self.initial_epsilon, self.final_epsilon, step, self.max_epsilon_decay_steps) qvalues =[s]) if isinstance(, LVAE): qvalues, _, _ = qvalues action =[0] next_s, r, done, _ = self.env.step(action) episode_step += 1 episode_reward += r self.exp_replay.add(s, action, r, next_s, done) if done: s = self.env.reset() episode += 1 episode_included = True reward_history.append(episode_reward) step_history.append(episode_step) episode_step = episode_reward = 0 else: s = next_s # don't train network until replay buffer hits minimum required size if len(self.exp_replay) > self.exp_replay_min_size: loss_history.append(self.train()) if step % self.hard_update_frequency == 0: self.target_net.load_state_dict( # log info to cmd and tensorboard once training has started if episode % self.log_interval == 0 and episode_included: info = {} info['steps'] = step info['episode'] = episode info['episode_loss'] = np.mean(list(loss_history)) info['episode_reward'] = np.mean(list(reward_history)) info['episode_step'] = np.mean(list(step_history)) info['epsilon'] = info['exp_replay_size'] = len(self.exp_replay) info['lr'] = self.opt.param_groups[0]['lr'] utils.log(info, self.summary_writer, step=step) # save and evaulate model, log evaluated reward to cmd if episode % self.save_interval == 0 and episode_included: info = {} evaulated_reward = self.evaluate() ckpt = self.save_model(step=step) if evaulated_reward > self.best_evaluated_reward: self.best_evaluated_reward = evaulated_reward shutil.copyfile( ckpt, os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'model_best.pth')) # log the network parameters to tensorboard for name, param in self.summary_writer.add_histogram( name, param.clone().cpu().data.numpy(), step) info['eval/reward'] = evaulated_reward utils.log(info, self.summary_writer, step=step) episode_included = False if self.max_episode is not None and episode >= self.max_episode: break print('Training completed...')
def train(env, agent, target_network, exp_replay, loss_func, device, lr=1e-4, total_steps=3 * 10**6, verbose_steps=3 * 10 ** 5, batch_size=32, decay_steps=1 * 10**6, init_epsilon=1.0, final_epsilon=0.1, timesteps_per_epoch=1, max_grad_norm=50, loss_freq=50, refresh_target_network_freq=5000, eval_freq=5000): stop_evaluation = False mean_rw_history = [] td_loss_history = [] grad_norm_history = [] initial_state_v_history = [] opt = torch.optim.Adam(agent.parameters(), lr=lr) state = env.reset() for step in trange(total_steps + 1): agent.epsilon = utils.linear_decay(init_epsilon, final_epsilon, step, decay_steps) # play _, state = utils.play_and_record(state, agent, env, exp_replay, timesteps_per_epoch) # train states, actions, rewards, next_states, is_done = exp_replay.sample(batch_size) loss = loss_func(states, actions, rewards, next_states, is_done, agent, target_network, device) loss.backward() grad_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(agent.parameters(), max_grad_norm) opt.step() opt.zero_grad() if step % loss_freq == 0: td_loss_history.append( grad_norm_history.append(grad_norm) if step % refresh_target_network_freq == 0: # Load agent weights into target_network #target_network.parameters() = agent.parameters() target_network.load_state_dict(agent.state_dict()) if step == verbose_steps: print("Stopping plotting to reduce training time.") stop_evaluation = True if (step % eval_freq == 0): # eval the agent mean_rw_history.append(utils.evaluate( make_env(seed=step), agent, n_games=3, greedy=True, t_max=1000) ) initial_state_q_values = agent.get_qvalues( [make_env(seed=step).reset()] ) initial_state_v_history.append(np.max(initial_state_q_values)) if not stop_evaluation: clear_output(True) print("buffer size = %i, epsilon = %.5f" % (len(exp_replay), agent.epsilon)) plt.figure(figsize=[16, 9]) plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.title("Mean reward per episode") plt.plot(mean_rw_history) plt.grid() assert not np.isnan(td_loss_history[-1]) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.title("TD loss history (smoothened)") plt.plot(utils.smoothen(td_loss_history)) plt.grid() plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.title("Initial state V") plt.plot(initial_state_v_history) plt.grid() plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.title("Grad norm history (smoothened)") plt.plot(utils.smoothen(grad_norm_history)) plt.grid() return {'reward_history': mean_rw_history, 'td_loss_history': td_loss_history, 'grad_norm_history': grad_norm_history, 'initial_state_v_history': initial_state_v_history}
opt = torch.optim.Adam(agent.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) mean_rw_history = [] td_loss_history = [] grad_norm_history = [] initial_state_v_history = [] print("Starts training on {}".format(next(agent.parameters()).device)) # populate the buffer with 128 samples init_size = 128 play_and_record(state, agent, env, exp_replay, init_size) for step in range(total_steps): agent.epsilon = utils.linear_decay(init_epsilon, final_epsilon, step, decay_steps) # play for $T time steps and cache the exprs to the buffer _, state = play_and_record(state, agent, env, exp_replay, T) b_idx, obses_t, actions, rewards, obses_tp1, dones, weights = exp_replay.sample( batch_size) # td loss for each sample td_loss = compute_td_loss(states=obses_t, actions=actions, rewards=rewards, next_states=obses_tp1, is_done=dones, agent=agent, target_network=target_network,