Beispiel #1
    band = None

file_list = os.listdir(DATA_PATH)

n_patients = 27
n_electrodes = 153

# subject counters
i_subjects = 0
i_channels = 0

for file in file_list:
    if file.startswith('spmeeg_'):
        print('Processing file: {}'.format(file))
        d = ut.load_data_spm(file)
        fs = d['fsample'][0][0]
        channels = d['chanlabels'][0]

        # make new dict
        subject_dict = dict(channels=channels,

        # for every lfp channel
        for i, lfp in enumerate(d['data']):
            current_channel = channels[i][0]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from definitions import SAVE_PATH_FIGURES, DATA_PATH
from utils import load_data_spm, band_pass_filter

file_list = os.listdir(DATA_PATH)

i_subjects = 0
i_channels = 0
band = [13, 30]

for f in file_list:
    if f.startswith('spmeeg_'):
        d = load_data_spm(f)
        fs = d['fsample'][0][0]
        dt = 1 / fs
        t = np.arange(0, d['data'].shape[1] * dt, dt)
        channel_labels = d['chanlabels'][0]

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
        for i, lfp in enumerate(d['data']):
            # remove 50Hz noise or band pass filter
            lfp_clean = band_pass_filter(lfp, band=band, fs=fs)
            # lfp_clean = remove_50_noise(lfp, fs)
            plt.subplot(3, 2, i + 1)
            plt.plot(t[::200], lfp_clean[::200], linewidth=.7)
            plt.title('LFP channel {}'.format(channel_labels[i]))
            if not (i == 4 or i == 5):
Beispiel #3
    band = np.array([4., 12.])
elif frequ_range == 'beta':
    band = np.array([12., 30.])
    band = None

# amount of time to be considered
seconds = 5
seconds_str = '{}'.format(seconds)

# for every subject file
for sub, sub_file in enumerate(file_list):
    subject_number = int(sub_file[7:-4])
    if subject_number > 0:
        # load data
        d = ut.load_data_spm(sub_file, data_folder=data_folder)
        fs = d['fsample'][0][0]
        channels = d['chanlabels'][0]
        print('analysing subject file {}'.format(sub_file))

        # make new dict
        subject_dict = dict(lfp_band={}, channels=channels, phase={}, fs=fs)

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))

        for chan_idx, chan in enumerate(channels):
            # mean center
            lfp = d['data'][chan_idx] - d['data'][chan_idx].mean()

            # filter around the theta peak
            lfp_band = ut.band_pass_filter(lfp,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
from definitions import SAVE_PATH_FIGURES
from utils import load_data_spm, get_array_mask, band_pass_filter

filename = 'spmeeg_19.mat'
channel_name = 'GPiR23'
d = load_data_spm(filename)
fs = d['fsample'][0][0]

lfp = None
for idx, str in enumerate(d['chanlabels'][0]):
    if str[0] == channel_name:
        lfp = d['data'][idx]

if lfp is None:
    raise ValueError(
        'Could not find the specified channel in the data file: {}'.format(

# remove mean
lfp = lfp - np.mean(lfp)

# filter in theta range:
lfp_filt = band_pass_filter(y=lfp, fs=fs, band=[4, 12], plot_response=False)

# construct the time vector
dt = 1 / fs
t = np.arange(0, d['data'].shape[1] * dt, dt)
Beispiel #5
n_electrodes = 153
max_amp_psds_theta = np.zeros((n_patients, n_frequ_samples))
max_amp_peak_frequency_theta = np.zeros(n_patients)
max_amp_psds_beta = np.zeros((n_patients, n_frequ_samples))
max_amp_peak_frequency_beta = np.zeros(n_patients)

theta_peaks = np.zeros(n_electrodes)
beta_peaks = np.zeros(n_electrodes)  # there are supposed to be 153 channels
frequs = None
# subject counters
subject_idx = 0
electrode_idx = 0

for f in file_list:
    if f.startswith('spmeeg_'):
        d = ut.load_data_spm(f)
        fs = d['fsample'][0][0]
        chanlabels = d['chanlabels'][0]

        # prelocate amp arrays for saving the peak amp of every channel
        n_channels = d['data'].shape[0]
        beta_amp = np.zeros(n_channels)
        theta_amp = np.zeros(n_channels)
        psds = np.zeros((n_channels, n_frequ_samples))
        theta_peak_frequency = np.zeros(n_channels)
        beta_peak_frequency = np.zeros(n_channels)

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
        for channel_idx, lfp in enumerate(d['data']):
            # remove 50Hz noise
            lfp_clean = lfp
Beispiel #6
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
from definitions import SAVE_PATH_FIGURES
from utils import load_data_spm, get_array_mask, band_pass_filter

subject_number = 3
filename = 'spmeeg_{}.mat'.format(subject_number)
channel_name = 'GPiL23'
d = load_data_spm(filename, data_folder='/Users/Jan/Dropbox/Master/LR_Kuehn/data/dystonia_rest/for_python')
fs = d['fsample'][0][0]

lfp = None
for idx, str in enumerate(d['chanlabels'][0]):
    if str[0] == channel_name:
        lfp = d['data'][idx]

if lfp is None:
    raise ValueError('Could not find the specified channel in the data file: {}'.format(channel_name))

# remove mean
lfp = lfp - np.mean(lfp)

# filter in theta range:
band = [4, 40]
lfp_filt = band_pass_filter(y=lfp, fs=fs, band=band, plot_response=False)

# construct the time vector
dt = 1 / fs
t = np.arange(0, d['data'].shape[1] * dt, dt)
Beispiel #7
n_subjects = 16
suffix = ''

for sub in np.arange(1, n_subjects + 1):

    # save all data of current subject in dict
    subject_dict = dict(filenames={}, lfp={}, fs={}, conditions={}, chanlabels={}, time={}, id={})
    plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
    plot_idx = 1
    for f in file_list:
        # process only the current subject
        if f.startswith('spmeeg_{}_'.format(sub)) and not f.startswith('spmeeg_{}_d'.format(sub)):
            current_file_name = f[:-4]
            print('plotting from {}'.format(f))
            d = ut.load_data_spm(f, data_folder=DATA_PATH_BAROW)
            fs = d['fsample'][0][0]
            chanlabels = d['chanlabels'][0][0]
            condition = d['condition_str'][0]

            # save data
            subject_dict['lfp'][condition] = d['data'][0, :]
            subject_dict['filenames'][condition] = current_file_name
            subject_dict['fs'][condition] = fs
            subject_dict['conditions'][condition] = condition
            subject_dict['id'][condition] = d['subject_id'][0]
            subject_dict['chanlabels'][condition] = chanlabels[0]
            subject_dict['number'] = sub

            # downsample to make plotting faster
            down_factor = 300