def test_load_volume(): path = "../datasets/original/train/ct/volume-0.nii" vol_np = utils.load_volume(path) # Type msg = "Problem in utils.load_volume: Return type is {} and should be {}." assert isinstance(vol_np, np.ndarray), msg.format(type(vol_np), np.ndarray)
def view_volume(self, idx, focus): """ Function to view one or multiple volumes simultaniously. Arguments -------- idx : int Index of volume to view. Assumes there exists """ ## Get volumes list based on path and index. assert isinstance(idx, int), "idx must be an integer." assert focus in self._focus_options, f"focus must be among: {self._focus_options}." paths = self.get_paths(idx, focus) volslist = [load_volume(p) for p in paths.values()] names = list(paths.keys()) self._remove_keymap_conflicts({'j', 'k', 's'}) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=len(volslist)) for i in range(len(volslist)): print(volslist[i].shape) ax[i].volume = volslist[i] ax[i].index = volslist[i].shape[0] // 2 ax[i].imshow(volslist[i][ax[i].index], cmap='magma') ax[i].set_title(names[i]) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self._process_key) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1)
def main(): args = parse_args() vol = load_volume(args.input, stop=args.depth, ext='.bmp') with h5py.File('downsampled_histogram.h5', 'r') as f: hist = f['hist'][:] hist = np.cumsum(hist) vol = np.floor(255 * hist[vol]) vol[vol > 255] = 255 vol[vol < 0] = 0 vol = vol.astype(np.uint8) if not os.path.isdir(args.output): os.makedirs(args.output) sums, counts = summate(integral_image(vol), np.asarray(args.window)) for t in np.arange(0, 1, 0.01): seg = threshold_bradley_nd(vol, t=t, s=np.asarray(args.window), sums=sums, counts=counts) dirname = os.path.join(args.output, '{0:.2f}'.format(t)) save_imgs(seg * 255, dirname)
def test_store(): path1 = "../datasets/preprocessed_2d/train/slices/slice_00001.npy" path2 = "../datasets/preprocessed_2d/train/slices/slice_00002.npy" slice1 = torch.tensor(np.load(path1)).unsqueeze(dim=0) slice2 = torch.tensor(np.load(path2)).unsqueeze(dim=0) batch1 =[slice1, slice2], dim=0) path1 = "../datasets/original/train/ct/volume-0.nii" path2 = "../datasets/original/train/ct/volume-1.nii" vol1 = torch.tensor(utils.load_volume(path1))[None, 0:20] vol2 = torch.tensor(utils.load_volume(path2))[None, 0:20] batch2 =[vol1, vol2], dim=0) dst = "deleteme/" if not os.path.exists(dst): os.mkdir(dst), dst, format='npy'), dst, format='nii'), dst, format='npy'), dst, format='nii') shutil.rmtree(dst)
def main(): args = parse_args() start = time.time() print("Loading image volume") vol = load_volume(args.input) if plt.imshow(vol[0], cmap='Greys_r') print("Prepping threshold subvolume shape") if len(args.shape) < len(vol.shape): shape = list(vol.shape[:len(vol.shape) - len(args.shape)]) shape.extend(args.shape) else: shape = args.shape if len(args.step) < len(shape): step = list(vol.shape[:len(vol.shape) - len(args.step)]) step.extend(args.step) else: step = args.step print("Thresholding subvolumes") step = args.step thresh = np.zeros(vol.shape) for i in range(0, vol.shape[0], step[0] if step else vol.shape[0]): endi = i + shape[0] if i + shape[0] < vol.shape[0] else vol.shape[0] for j in range(0, vol.shape[1], step[1] if step else vol.shape[1]): endj = j + shape[1] if j + shape[1] < vol.shape[1] else vol.shape[1] for k in range(0, vol.shape[2], step[2] if step else vol.shape[2]): endk = k + shape[2] if k + shape[2] < vol.shape[ 2] else vol.shape[2] subvol = np.copy(vol[i:endi, j:endj, k:endk]) subvol = threshold_bradley_nd(subvol, s=(4, shape[1], shape[2]), t=args.threshold) subvol = np.abs(1 - subvol) if np.max(subvol) > 0 else subvol subvol = binary_opening(subvol) subvol = binary_fill_holes(subvol) subvol[subvol > 0] = 1 thresh[i:endi, j:endj, k:endk] += subvol if plt.imshow(thresh[0], cmap='Greys_r') thresh[thresh > 0] = 255 print("Saving segmentation") save_imgs(thresh, args.output) print("Running Time: {}s".format(time.time() - start))
def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Returns ------- sample : dict 'vol': torch.tensor of input volumetric image 'lab': torch.tensor of input volumetric image idx : int Index of image as stored in files. """ vol = load_volume(os.path.join(self.volpath, self.volnames[idx])) vol = vol[None, ...] lab = load_volume(os.path.join(self.labpath, self.labnames[idx])) vol = torch.tensor(vol, dtype=torch.float32) lab = torch.tensor(lab, dtype=torch.float32) sample = {'vol': vol, 'lab': lab} if self.transform: self.transform(sample) return sample
def calculate_metrics(prediction_volume, gt_path, classification_threshold=0.5): """helper function for metric calculation""" if gt_path is not None: "calculating performance metrics against test dataset {}".format( str(gt_path))) ground_truth = load_volume(gt_path) metrics = PerformanceMetrics( y_true=ground_truth, y_pred=prediction_volume[:, :, :, 0], thr=classification_threshold, ) performance_metrics_dict = metrics.measure_dict else: performance_metrics_dict = None return performance_metrics_dict
def main(): args = parse_args() images = args.input vol = load_volume(images, ext='.bmp') with h5py.File('downsampled_histogram.h5', 'r') as f: hist = f['hist'][:] hist = np.cumsum(hist) vol = np.floor(255 * hist[vol]) vol[vol > 255] = 255 vol[vol < 0] = 0 vol = vol.astype(np.uint8) sel = ndi.generate_binary_structure(3, 1) sel[0] = 0 sel[2] = 0 subject = os.path.basename(args.input) print(subject) params = {} if args.recover_parameters: # try: with open(args.parameter_file, 'r') as f: params = json.load(f) t_iris = params[subject]['t_iris'] t_pupil = params[subject]['t_pupil'] window_iris = tuple(params[subject]['window_iris']) window_pupil = tuple(params[subject]['window_pupil']) # except KeyError: # pass if args.t_iris is not None: t_iris = args.t_iris if args.t_pupil is not None: t_pupil = args.t_pupil if args.window_iris is not None: window_iris = tuple(args.window_iris) if args.window_pupil is not None: window_pupil = tuple(args.window_pupil) depth = args.depth radius = int(min(vol.shape[1], vol.shape[2]) / 4) if args.save_iris: iris_seg = np.zeros(vol.shape, dtype=np.uint8) if args.save_pupil: pupil_seg = np.zeros(vol.shape, dtype=np.uint8) seg = np.zeros(vol.shape, dtype=np.uint8) sums, counts = None, None for i in range(0, vol.shape[0], depth): subvol = np.copy(vol[i:i + depth]) orig_shape = subvol.shape if subvol.shape[0] < depth: subvol = np.concatenate([ subvol, np.repeat(subvol[-1].reshape(1, subvol.shape[1], subvol.shape[2]), depth - subvol.shape[0], axis=0) ], axis=0) if all([ window_iris[j] == window_pupil[j] for j in range(len(window_iris)) ]): sums, counts = summate(integral_image(subvol), np.asarray(window_iris)) # Iris Segmentation iris = 1.0 - threshold_bradley_nd( subvol, t=t_iris, s=window_iris, sums=sums, counts=counts) iris = ndi.binary_fill_holes(iris, structure=sel) # Pupil Segmentation pupil = 1.0 - threshold_bradley_nd( subvol, t=t_pupil, s=window_pupil, sums=sums, counts=counts) pupil = ndi.binary_fill_holes(pupil, structure=sel) pupil = ndi.binary_erosion(pupil, structure=sel) pupil = ndi.binary_dilation(pupil, structure=sel) pupil = ndi.binary_dilation(pupil, structure=sel).astype(np.uint8) pupil_collapsed = (np.sum(pupil, axis=0) > 1).astype(np.uint8) pupil_collapsed = remove_small_objects(label(pupil_collapsed), min_size=200).astype(np.uint8) circle_mask = np.zeros(pupil_collapsed.shape, dtype=np.uint8) try: objs = regionprops(label(pupil_collapsed), intensity_image=np.mean(subvol, axis=0).astype( np.uint8)) for obj in objs: if obj.convex_area > 1000 and obj.solidity < 0.5 or np.sum( obj.inertia_tensor_eigvals) == 0: pupil_collapsed[obj.coords[:, 0], obj.coords[:, 1]] = 0 pupil_idx = np.argmax([ o.area * np.abs(o.orientation) * o.solidity / (o.eccentricity + 1e-7) / (o.inertia_tensor_eigvals[0] - o.inertia_tensor_eigvals[1]) for o in objs ]) pupil_obj = objs[pupil_idx] circle_coords = circle(pupil_obj.centroid[0], pupil_obj.centroid[1], radius, shape=pupil_collapsed.shape) circle_mask[circle_coords] = 1 except (ValueError, IndexError): pass pupil = np.logical_and( pupil, np.repeat(pupil_collapsed.reshape((1, ) + pupil_collapsed.shape), pupil.shape[0], axis=0)) # Final Segmentation final = np.logical_xor(iris, pupil).astype(np.uint8) final = ndi.binary_dilation(final, structure=sel) final[:, circle_mask == 0] = 0 # Save it seg[i:i + depth] = final[:orig_shape[0]] if args.save_iris: iris_seg[i:i + depth] += iris[:orig_shape[0]] if args.save_pupil: pupil_seg[i:i + depth] += pupil[:orig_shape[0]] seg[:, np.sum(seg, axis=0) < 20] = 0 seg = ndi.binary_erosion(seg, structure=sel) seg = ndi.binary_erosion(seg, structure=sel).astype(np.uint8) outdir = os.path.join(args.output, subject) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) seg[seg.nonzero()] = 255 save_imgs(seg, outdir, prefix=subject) if args.save_iris: outdir = os.path.join(args.output, 'iris', subject) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) iris_seg[iris_seg.nonzero()] = 255 save_imgs(iris_seg, outdir) if args.save_pupil: outdir = os.path.join(args.output, 'pupil', subject) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) pupil_seg[pupil_seg.nonzero()] = 255 save_imgs(pupil_seg, outdir) shutil.copy(args.parameter_file, args.parameter_file + '.bak') with open(args.parameter_file, 'w') as f: params[subject] = { 't_iris': t_iris, 't_pupil': t_pupil, 'window_iris': window_iris, 'window_pupil': window_pupil, } json.dump(params, f)
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-i", "--img", action="store", type=str, dest="img_path_str", default="test_frames.tif", help="Input images path", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", action="store", type=str, dest="out_path_str", default="out", help="Output path", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--model", action="store", type=str, dest="model_path_str", default="out/model.hdf5", help="Model location", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--groundtruth", action="store", type=str, dest="gt_path_str", default=None, help="Ground truth path, optional", ) parser.add_argument( "--thr", action="store", type=float, dest="threshold", default=0.5, help="Threshold for crisp performance metrics evaluation, optional", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--batch_size", action="store", type=int, dest="batch_size", default=60, help="Batch size", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--temp", action="store", type=str, dest="tmp_path_str", default="tmp", help="temp directory path, optional", ) parser.add_argument( "--descriptorpath", action="store", type=str, dest="descriptor_path", help="RunDescriptor file path", ) parser.add_argument("--notes", action="store", type=str, dest="notes", help="Notes for RunDescriptor") # Loading args from file parser.add_argument("--file", type=open, action=LoadArgsFromFile) # Option parsing args = parser.parse_args() # Path definitions model_path = Path(args.model_path_str) img_path = Path(args.img_path_str) out_path = Path(args.out_path_str) tmp_path = Path(args.tmp_path_str) gt_path = Path(args.gt_path_str) if args.gt_path_str is not None else None # Output directories out_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if args.descriptor_path is not None: descriptor_path = Path(args.descriptor_path) else: descriptor_path = out_path # Logs directory logs_path = out_path.joinpath("logs") logs_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) logfile_path = logs_path.joinpath("logging_log.log") fh = logging.FileHandler(str(logfile_path)) fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(fh) # Custom metrics custom_objects = { "jaccard_index": jaccard_index, "dice_coefficient": dice_coefficient } keras_model = load_model(str(model_path), custom_objects=custom_objects) # Data loading in_volume = load_volume(img_path, expand_dims=False) # Prediction and Reconstruction predictions = TiledPredictor(input_volume=in_volume, batch_size=args.batch_size, tmp_path=tmp_path, num_rotations=0, model=keras_model) # Saving results save_volume( volume=predictions.out_volume[:, :, :, 0], out_path=out_path, filename=img_path.stem, ) # Calculating performances on test dataset performance_metrics_dict = calculate_metrics( predictions.out_volume, gt_path=gt_path, classification_threshold=args.threshold) # Run descriptor output RunDescriptor( descriptor_dir_path=descriptor_path, entry_type="predict", model_type="2d", model_path=model_path, log_dir_path=logs_path, input_data_path=img_path, script_options=vars(args), git_repo=git.Repo(".."), notes=args.notes, predictions_path=out_path, ground_truth_path=gt_path, performance_metrics_dict=performance_metrics_dict, )