def initialize(self): self.ptr_name = self.config['pointer'] self.stream_table_names = {} self.checked_tables = {} if not readconf.check_db_config(self.config): return False if readconf.is_missing(self.config, 'port'): self.config['port'] = 3306 self.sql_file = self.config['sql'] if not self.check_pointer_table(): utils.log_error("Couldn't create read pointers table") return False row = self.fetch_row( "SELECT file, pos FROM pointers WHERE pointer=%s;", (self.ptr_name, )) if row is None: return False self.pointer = (0, 0) if len(row) > 0: self.pointer = (row[0], row[1]) return True
def event_stream_offchain_purged(self, event): if not self.check_stream_table(event): return False document = self.fetch_document(event.table, {"id":}) if document is None: utils.log_error("Item with this id not found") return False if "flags" not in document: utils.log_error("Cannot find flags field for purged document") return False return self.execute_update( event.table, {"id":}, {"flags": (document["flags"] & 254)}) and self.execute_unset( event.table, {"id":}, { "binary_data": None, "text_data": None, "json_data": None, "dataref": None }, )
def play(url): # Show a dialog d = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() d.create(config.NAME, '') d.update(20, 'Fetching video parameters...') v = classes.Video() v.parse_xbmc_url(url) try: d.update(40, 'Fetching video URL...') base_url = get_url( d.update(60, 'Fetching video URL...') video_url = quality_url(base_url) d.update(80, 'Building playlist...') listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=v.get_title(), iconImage=v.get_thumbnail(), thumbnailImage=v.get_thumbnail()) listitem.setInfo('video', v.get_xbmc_list_item()) d.update(99, 'Starting video...') xbmc.Player().play(video_url, listitem) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to play video") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error();
def make_series_list(url): params = utils.get_url(url) try: iview_config = comm.get_config() series_list = comm.get_programme(iview_config, params["category_id"]) series_list.sort() ok = True for s in series_list: url = "%s?series_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], thumbnail = s.get_thumbnail() listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(s.get_list_title(), iconImage=thumbnail, thumbnailImage=thumbnail) listitem.setInfo('video', { 'plot' : s.get_description() }) # add the item to the media list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='tvshows') except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error();
def GetDateTimeAt(Buffer, Pos): Year = BCDtoByte(Buffer[Pos]) if Year < 90: Year += 2000 else: Year += 1900 Month = BCDtoByte(Buffer[Pos + 1]) Day = BCDtoByte(Buffer[Pos + 2]) Hour = BCDtoByte(Buffer[Pos + 3]) Min = BCDtoByte(Buffer[Pos + 4]) Sec = BCDtoByte(Buffer[Pos + 5]) MSec = (BCDtoByte(Buffer[Pos + 6]) * 10) + (BCDtoByte(Buffer[Pos + 7]) / 10) try: return datetime.datetime(year=Year, month=Month, day=Day, hour=Hour, minute=Min, second=Sec, microsecond=int(MSec * 1000)) except Exception as e: utils.log_error(e)
def make_channel_list(): utils.log("url-make-channel" + sys.argv[0]) try: channels = api.get_channels() ok = True for c in channels: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=c['name']) listitem.setInfo('video', {'title': c['name']}) listitem.setIconImage('' + c['logo']) listitem.setThumbnailImage('' + c['thumb']) listitem.setProperty('IsPlayable', "true") # Build the URL for the program, including the list_info url = "%s?play=true&data_url=%s" % (sys.argv[0], c['id']) # Add the program item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False, totalItems=len(channels)) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='episodes') except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error()
def play(params): __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon() p = utils.get_url(params) # Show a dialog d = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() d.create(config.NAME, "Starting %s..." % p['name']) try: thumb = os.path.join(__addon__.getAddonInfo('path'), "resources", "img", "%s.jpg" % p['id']) labels = { "title": p['name'], "artist": "AFL Radio", "genre": "Sport" } listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(p['name']) listitem.setInfo(type='music', infoLabels=labels) listitem.setThumbnailImage(thumb) # PAPlayer or AUTO fails here for some absurd reason xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER).play(p['url'], listitem) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to play %s" % p['name']) d.ok(*message) utils.log_error();
def get(self): t0 = self.set_plaintext() successes = [] for geo_point in geo_points: try: ghash = geohash.encode(geo_point[0], geo_point[1], classes.GHash._precision) geo_hash_entity = classes.GHash.get_or_insert(ghash) # geo_hash_entity = classes.GHash.get_or_insert('drt2zp') # tile = osm.Osm(geo_hash_entity) # tile.get_nature() # tile.get_roads() # tile.get_buildings() # tile.get_leisure() geo_hash_entity.populate() self.view_geohash( except Exception, e: utils.log_error(e) else:'fetch success for ' + str(geo_point)) successes.append(geo_point)
def redirect_url(): try: response = authorization_handler.handle_redirect_request(client=client, db=DB.get_instance(consts.db_path)) return response except Exception as err: utils.log_error(err) return SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE.format(error=err)
def make_programs_list(url): try: params = utils.get_url(url) iview_config = comm.get_config() programs = comm.get_series_items(iview_config, params["series_id"]) ok = True for p in programs: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=p.get_list_title(), iconImage=p.get_thumbnail(), thumbnailImage=p.get_thumbnail()) listitem.setInfo('video', p.get_xbmc_list_item()) if hasattr(listitem, 'addStreamInfo'): listitem.addStreamInfo('audio', p.get_xbmc_audio_stream_info()) listitem.addStreamInfo('video', p.get_xbmc_video_stream_info()) # Build the URL for the program, including the list_info url = "%s?play=true&%s" % (sys.argv[0], p.make_xbmc_url()) # Add the program item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False, totalItems=len(programs)) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='episodes') except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error();
def logout(): try: response = handle_logout(db=DB.get_instance(consts.db_path)) return response except Exception as err: utils.log_error(err) return make_response(SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE.format(error=err), HTTP_SERVER_ERROR)
def authorize(): try: response = authorization_handler.handle_authorization_request(client=client) return response except Exception as err: utils.log_error(err) return SERVER_ERROR_MESSAGE.format(error=err)
def webhook(): try: handle_web_hook(db=DB.get_instance(consts.db_path)) except Exception as err: utils.log_error(err) return make_response("", 200)
def initialize(self): self.ptr_name = self.config['pointer'] self.stream_table_names = {} self.checked_tables = {} if not readconf.check_db_config(self.config): return False self.sql_file = self.config['sql'] self.conn_str = "host=" + self.config[ 'host'] + " dbname=" + self.config[ 'dbname'] + " user="******" password="******"Couldn't create read pointers table") return False row = self.fetch_row( "SELECT file, pos FROM pointers WHERE pointer=%s;", (self.ptr_name, )) if row is None: return False self.pointer = (0, 0) if len(row) > 0: self.pointer = (row[0], row[1]) return True
def fill_video_list(videos): try: ok = True for v in videos: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=v.get_title(), iconImage=v.get_thumbnail(), thumbnailImage=v.get_thumbnail()) listitem.setInfo('video', v.get_xbmc_list_item()) # Build the URL for the program, including the list_info url = "%s?%s" % (sys.argv[0], v.make_xbmc_url()) # Add the program item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='episodes') except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch video list") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error() return ok
def play_channel(): utils.log("url play channel: " + sys.argv[0]) try: handle = int(sys.argv[1]) params_str = sys.argv[2] params = utils.get_url(params_str) data_url = params['data_url'] rtmp_url = api.get_stream_url(data_url) playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=rtmp_url) playitem.setProperty('inputstreamaddon', 'inputstream.adaptive') playitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type', 'hls') playitem.setContentLookup(False) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(handle, True, playitem) except Exception as e: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() d.ok("Shortcut Error", str(e)) utils.log_error() except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() d.ok("Shortcut Error", "Unable to fetch listing") utils.log_error()
def play(url): iview_config = comm.get_config() auth = comm.get_auth(iview_config) p = classes.Program() p.parse_xbmc_url(url) try: # Playpath shoud look like this: # Akamai: mp4:flash/playback/_definst_/itcrowd_10_03_02 playpath = auth['playpath_prefix'] + p.url if playpath.split('.')[-1] == 'mp4': playpath = 'mp4:' + playpath # Strip off the .flv or .mp4 playpath = playpath.split('.')[0] # rtmp:// # playpath=mp4:flash/playback/_definst_/kids/astroboy_10_01_22 swfurl= swfvfy=true rtmp_url = "%s?auth=%s playpath=%s swfurl=%s swfvfy=true" % (auth['rtmp_url'], auth['token'], playpath, config.swf_url) listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem(label=p.get_list_title(), iconImage=p.thumbnail, thumbnailImage=p.thumbnail) listitem.setInfo('video', p.get_xbmc_list_item()) xbmc.Player().play(rtmp_url, listitem) except: # oops print error message d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to play video") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error();
def play(url): # Show a dialog d = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() d.create(config.NAME, '') d.update(20, 'Fetching video parameters...') v = classes.Video() v.parse_xbmc_url(url) try: d.update(40, 'Fetching video URL...') base_url = get_url( d.update(60, 'Fetching video URL...') video_url = quality_url(base_url) d.update(80, 'Building playlist...') listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=v.get_title(), iconImage=v.get_thumbnail(), thumbnailImage=v.get_thumbnail()) listitem.setInfo('video', v.get_xbmc_list_item()) d.update(99, 'Starting video...') xbmc.Player().play(video_url, listitem) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to play video") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error()
def get_history(org: str, repo: str, target: str): # instead of these two use one 'repo_url'? if target == 'issues': return _get_issues(org, repo) else: check_dir_exist(org, repo) print(f'Getting {target}...') url = API_MAIN_URL + REPO_END.format(org, repo) + f'/{target}' events = requests.get(url, auth=AUTH_PARAMS) if events.status_code == 200: events_json = events.json() if 'Link' in events.headers: p = re.compile('page=([0-9]+)>; rel="last"') last_page = int(['Link']).group(1)) for page in tqdm(range(2, last_page + 1), desc='Parsing pages'): events = requests.get(url, params={'page': page}, auth=AUTH_PARAMS) try: events.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as e: process_http_error(e) events = requests.get(url, params={'page': page}, auth=AUTH_PARAMS) if events.status_code != 200: print(events.json()) exit(1) events_json.extend(events.json()) else: log_error(events.json()) exit(1) return events_json
def fill_programs_list(programs): try: ok = True for prog in programs: p = prog #p = comm.get_program(prog.url_path) item_info = p.get_xbmc_list_item() item_url = p.make_xbmc_url() listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=p.get_list_title(), iconImage=p.get_thumbnail(), thumbnailImage=p.get_thumbnail()) listitem.setInfo('video', item_info) # Build the URL for the program, including the list_info url = "%s?play=true&%s" % (sys.argv[0], item_url) # Add the program item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False, totalItems=len(programs)) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() title = "%s Error" % config.NAME msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error() ok = False return ok
def call_lvm(command, debug=False): """ Call an executable and return a tuple of exitcode, stdout, stderr :param command: Command to execute :param debug: Dump debug to stdout """ # print 'STACK:' # for line in traceback.format_stack(): # print line.strip() # Prepend the full lvm executable so that we can run different versions # in different locations on the same box command.insert(0, cfg.LVM_CMD) process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) out = process.communicate() stdout_text = bytes(out[0]).decode("utf-8") stderr_text = bytes(out[1]).decode("utf-8") if debug or process.returncode != 0: _debug_c(command, process.returncode, (stdout_text, stderr_text)) if process.returncode == 0: if cfg.DEBUG and out[1] and len(out[1]): log_error('WARNING: lvm is out-putting text to STDERR on success!') _debug_c(command, process.returncode, (stdout_text, stderr_text)) return process.returncode, stdout_text, stderr_text
def make_category_list(): try: iview_config = comm.get_config() categories = comm.get_categories(iview_config) categories = sorted(categories, key=lambda k: k['name'].lower()) categories.insert(0, {'name': 'All', 'keyword': '0-z'}) ok = True for g in categories: url = "%s?category_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], g['keyword']) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(g['name']) # Add the program item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='episodes') except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error()
def fill_series_list(series_list): iview_config = comm.get_config() try: ok = True # enumerate through the list of categories and add the item to the media list for s in series_list: url = "%s?series_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], thumbnail = s.get_thumbnail() listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(s.get_list_title(), iconImage=thumbnail, thumbnailImage=thumbnail) listitem.setInfo('video', { 'plot' : s.get_description() }) # add the item to the media list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True, totalItems=len(series_list) ) # if user cancels, call raise to exit loop if (not ok): raise xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='tvshows') except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred utils.log_error() ok = False return ok
def play(url): try: params = utils.get_url(url) if params.has_key('id'): video_id = params['id'] v = comm.get_video(video_id) elif params.has_key('url'): # New style v = classes.Video() v.parse_xbmc_url(url) # Show a dialog d = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() d.create(config.NAME, '') d.update(50, 'Starting video...') listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=v.get_title(), iconImage=v.get_thumbnail(), thumbnailImage=v.get_thumbnail()) listitem.addStreamInfo('video', v.get_xbmc_stream_info()) listitem.setInfo('video', v.get_xbmc_list_item()) xbmc.Player().play(v.get_url(), listitem) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to play video") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error()
def process_command(firebase_connection, command): utils.print_with_timestamp('Processing command: {}'.format(command)) if command == utils.print_with_timestamp('checkDoorStatus command') status = check_door_status() firebase_utils.update_status(firebase_connection, utils.get_serial(), print('Door is {}'.format( elif command == utils.print_with_timestamp('openDoor command') open_door() elif command == utils.print_with_timestamp('closeDoor command') close_door() elif command == utils.print_with_timestamp('calibrate command') calibrate(firebase_connection) elif command.split('-')[0] == # Proper structure of this firebase command is "udateLogFile-YYY_MM_DD" # If the date poriton is omittied ("updateLogFile"), today's file will be uploaded # as was previously the case if len(command.split('-')) > 1: date = command.split('-')[1] else: # Create today's date date = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y_%m_%d') utils.print_with_timestamp('updateLogFile command') utils.upload_log_files(DRIVE_AUTH, desired_date=date) else: utils.print_with_timestamp('invalid command') utils.log_error('processed-invalid-command', data=command)
def make_programs_list(url): try: params = utils.get_url(url) iview_config = comm.get_config() programs = comm.get_series_items(iview_config, params["series_id"]) ok = True for p in programs: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=p.get_list_title(), iconImage=p.get_thumbnail(), thumbnailImage=p.get_thumbnail()) listitem.setInfo('video', p.get_xbmc_list_item()) if hasattr(listitem, 'addStreamInfo'): listitem.addStreamInfo('audio', p.get_xbmc_audio_stream_info()) listitem.addStreamInfo('video', p.get_xbmc_video_stream_info()) # Build the URL for the program, including the list_info url = "%s?play=true&%s" % (sys.argv[0], p.make_xbmc_url()) # Add the program item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False, totalItems=len(programs)) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='episodes') except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error()
def perform_sync(sp): # print(f'[{current_time()}] Checking playlists for differences...') items_jam = get_playlist_tracks(sp, '3KAGyeFZK1uDfet9hOd6gU') items_jelly = get_playlist_tracks(sp, '6cHhVGOS9UBamBzw53SQZL') if items_jam and items_jelly: # list of all track IDs in jam tracks_jam = [item['track']['id'] for item in items_jam] # all tracks that are in jelly but not tracks_jam # dict of id:name so i can also print names unsynced_tracks = { item['track']['id']: item['track']['name'] for item in items_jelly if item['track']['id'] not in tracks_jam } # add jelly songs not in jams to jams if len(unsynced_tracks) >= 1: try: sp.playlist_add_items(playlist_id='3KAGyeFZK1uDfet9hOd6gU', items=list(unsynced_tracks.keys())) log(f'Synced tracks: {list(unsynced_tracks.values())}') except RequestException as e: log_error(f'Caught exception while syncing tracks: {e}') except SpotifyException as e: log_error(f'Caught exception while syncing tracks: {e}')
def make_channel_list(): utils.log("url-make-channel" + sys.argv[0]) try: channels = api.get_channels() ok = True for c in channels: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=c['name']) listitem.setInfo('video', {'title': c['name']}) listitem.setIconImage(api.API_BASEURL + "/" + c['logo']) listitem.setThumbnailImage(api.API_BASEURL + "/" + c['thumb']) listitem.setProperty('IsPlayable', "true") # Build the URL for the program, including the list_info url = "%s?play=true&data_url=%s" % (sys.argv[0], c['id']) # Add the program item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False, totalItems=len(channels)) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='episodes') except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error()
def make_series_list(): try: series_list = comm.get_index() series_list.sort() ok = True for s in series_list: url = "%s?series_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], thumbnail = s.get_thumbnail() listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(s.get_title(), iconImage=thumbnail, thumbnailImage=thumbnail) listitem.setInfo('video', {'plot': s.get_description()}) # add the item to the media list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='tvshows') except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error()
def make_list(): try: # Show a dialog pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pDialog.create('AFL Video', 'Getting Round List') pDialog.update(50) for r in config.ROUNDS_2014: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=r['name']) url = "%s?round_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], r['id']) # Add the item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True, totalItems=len( config.ROUNDS_2014)) # send notification we're finished, successfully or unsuccessfully xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch round list") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error()
def fill_category_list(category_list): iview_config = comm.get_config() try: ok = True # enumerate through the list of categories and add the item to the media list for g in category_list: url = "%s?category_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], g['keyword']) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(g['name']) # add the item to the media list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True, totalItems=len(category_list) ) # if user cancels, call raise to exit loop if (not ok): raise except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred utils.log_error() ok = False return ok
async def prompt_task(self): """Once a day, grabs a prompt from google sheets and posts it to the defined prompts chat, if enabled.""" if self.service is None: raise dutils.StopEventLoop("No google service, prompt task quitting") prompt_sheet_id = "1bL0mSDGK4ypn8wioQCBqkZH47HmYp6GnmJbXkIOg2fA" values = self.get_spreadsheet(prompt_sheet_id, "Form Responses 1!B:E") possibilities = [] values = list(values) for item in values: if len(item[3:]) == 0: possibilities.append(item) prompt = random.choice(possibilities) log.debug(prompt) out = f"__Daily Prompt {'%m/%d')}__\n\n" prompt[0] = prompt[0].strip("\"") out += f"{prompt[0]}\n\n" original = "Original prompt" if prompt[1].upper() == "YES" else "Submitted" out += f"({original} by {prompt[2]})" for guild in options = self.database.get_guild_options( if not options.writing_prompts: continue for channel in guild.channels: if == options.prompts_channel: try: await channel.send(out) except Exception as e: utils.log_error(log, logging.WARNING, e, "Error while attempting to send daily prompt") prompt.append("POSTED") self.set_spreadsheet(prompt_sheet_id, [prompt], f"Form Responses 1!B{values.index(prompt) + 1}:E{values.index(prompt) + 1}")
def play(params): __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon() p = utils.get_url(params) # Show a dialog d = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() d.create(config.NAME, "Starting %s..." % p['name']) try: thumb = os.path.join(__addon__.getAddonInfo('path'), "resources", "img", "%s.jpg" % p['id']) labels = {"title": p['name'], "artist": "AFL Radio", "genre": "Sport"} listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(p['name']) listitem.setInfo(type='music', infoLabels=labels) listitem.setThumbnailImage(thumb) # PAPlayer or AUTO fails here for some absurd reason xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_DVDPLAYER).play(p['url'], listitem) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to play %s" % p['name']) d.ok(*message) utils.log_error()
def fill_series_list(series_list): iview_config = comm.get_config() try: ok = True # enumerate through the list of categories and add the item to the media list for s in series_list: url = "%s?series_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], thumbnail = s.get_thumbnail() listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(s.get_list_title(), iconImage=thumbnail, thumbnailImage=thumbnail) listitem.setInfo('video', {'plot': s.get_description()}) # add the item to the media list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True, totalItems=len(series_list)) # if user cancels, call raise to exit loop if (not ok): raise xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='tvshows') except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred utils.log_error() ok = False return ok
def notify_users(firebase_connection, raspi_id, api_key, status): utils.print_with_timestamp('Sending notification to user') push_service = pyfcm.FCMNotification(api_key=api_key) utils.log_usage(status) # Loop until we get a device ID. phone_ids = None while not phone_ids: phone_ids = firebase_connection.get('devices/{}/phone_IDs'.format(raspi_id), None) if not phone_ids: time.sleep(1) results = [] for phone in phone_ids.keys(): if status == 'open': status = 'opened' timestamp ='%I:%M %p on %A %b %d, %Y') msg = 'Your door was {} at {}'.format(status, timestamp) result = push_service.notify_single_device(registration_id=phone, message_title='Garage door update', message_body=msg, sound="Default") # TO-DO: Try to send notifications multiple times if there is a failure if not result['success']: utils.print_with_timestamp('notification failed to send') utils.log_error('notification-failure', data=result) results.append(result) return results
def make_list(round_id): utils.log("Fetching match list for round %s..." % round_id) # Show a dialog pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pDialog.create(config.NAME, 'Fetching match list...') try: matches = comm.get_round(round_id) utils.log("Found %s matches" % len(matches)) ok = True for m in matches: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=m['name']) url = "%s?round_id=%s&match_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], m['round_id'], m['id']) # Add the item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = url, listitem = listitem, isFolder = True, totalItems = len(matches) ) # send notification we're finished, successfully or unsuccessfully xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch match list") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error();
def fill_category_list(category_list): iview_config = comm.get_config() try: ok = True # enumerate through the list of categories and add the item to the media list for g in category_list: url = "%s?category_id=%s" % (sys.argv[0], g['keyword']) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(g['name']) # add the item to the media list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True, totalItems=len(category_list)) # if user cancels, call raise to exit loop if (not ok): raise except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred utils.log_error() ok = False return ok
def call_lvm(command, debug=False): """ Call an executable and return a tuple of exitcode, stdout, stderr :param command: Command to execute :param debug: Dump debug to stdout """ # print 'STACK:' # for line in traceback.format_stack(): # print line.strip() # Prepend the full lvm executable so that we can run different versions # in different locations on the same box command.insert(0, cfg.LVM_CMD) process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True, env=os.environ) out = process.communicate() stdout_text = bytes(out[0]).decode("utf-8") stderr_text = bytes(out[1]).decode("utf-8") if debug or process.returncode != 0: _debug_c(command, process.returncode, (stdout_text, stderr_text)) if process.returncode == 0: if cfg.args and cfg.args.debug and out[1] and len(out[1]) and \ 'help' not in command: log_error('WARNING: lvm is out-putting text to STDERR on success!') _debug_c(command, process.returncode, (stdout_text, stderr_text)) return process.returncode, stdout_text, stderr_text
def make_list(round_id, match_id): __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon() quality = __addon__.getSetting('QUALITY') utils.log("Fetching video list for %s..." % match_id) # Show a dialog pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() pDialog.create(config.NAME, 'Fetching video list...') try: # fill media list videos = comm.get_match_video(round_id, match_id, quality) if videos: ok = True for v in videos: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=v['name']) # I think this might help prevent the stream from closing early url = v['url'] + '?start=0' xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok) else: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_message("No videos found. Replays are only available 24-48 hours after match has been played. Please try again later.") d.ok(*msg) except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch video list") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error();
def track_process(self): if self.playing: # Don't do anything if the engine is busy playing a file return None filename = self._playing_file(self.config['tracker_process'], self.config['searchdir']) if filename: # Do a regex to the filename to get # the show title and episode number reg = re.compile(r"(\[.+\])?([ \w\d\-,@.:;!\?]+) - ([ \d]+) ") show_raw = filename.replace("_"," ").replace("v2","").strip() show_match = reg.match(show_raw) if not show_match: self.msg.warn(, 'Regex error. Check logs.') utils.log_error("[Regex error] Tracker: %s / Dir: %s / Processed filename: %s\n" % (self.config['tracker_process'], self.config['searchdir'], show_raw)) return None show_title = show_ep = int( # Use difflib to see if the show title is similar to # one we have in the list #print "Looking for ep ",show_ep," of show ",show_title highest_ratio = (None, 0) for show in self.get_list(): ratio = self.compare_to_titles(show, show_title) if ratio > highest_ratio[1]: highest_ratio = (show, ratio) playing_show = highest_ratio[0] if highest_ratio[1] > 0.7: return (playing_show, show_ep) else: self.msg.warn(, 'Found player but show not in list.') #Check if we already looked for this. if self.data_handler.is_in_failed_searches(show_title): return None results = highest_ratio = (None, 0) for show in results: aliases = self.data_handler.get_all_possible_titles(show['id']) ratio = self.compare_to_titles(show, show_title) if ratio > highest_ratio[1]: highest_ratio = (show, ratio) if highest_ratio[1] > 0.8: show = highest_ratio[0], "Show %s is not in list yet, adding it!" % (show['title']) ) self.add_show(show) return (show, show_ep) else: self.msg.warn(, "Show %s can't be found in online database" % (show_title) ) self.data_handler.failed_searches_add(show_title) return None
def send_server_error(self, status_message="Server Error."): """ Special response indicating a server error @param status_message: Message to describe what went wrong @type status_message: str """ utils.log_error() # 500 == sever error return self.send_response(500, status_message)
def get_mjpeg_stream(self): self.enable_mjpeg() try: stream = requests.get(self.mjpeg_url, stream=True).raw stream.readline() return stream except requests.RequestException as e: utils.log_error(str(e)) return None
def handle(self, user, handler, sent=None): if handler.startswith('!'): handler = handler[1:] params = [user, sent] else: params = [user] if hasattr(self.__class__.Handlers, handler): getattr(self.__class__.Handlers, handler)(*params) else: utils.log_error("No handler %s in zone %s" % (handler,
def get_text(self, which): if which == "triggered": return self.text_triggered elif which == "escaped": return self.text_escaped elif which == "disabled": return self.text_disabled else: utils.log_error("Cannot get text for trap %s: %s" % (, which)) return ""
def get(self,oid): ''' The phone is requesting an obituary image ''' try: photo_id = self.rget('p', int, True) photo_key = ndb.Key(models.Obituary,int(oid),models.Photo,photo_id) photo = photo_key.get() blob_key = photo.img_key blob_info = blobstore.BlobInfo(blob_key) self.send_blob(blob_info) except Exception,e: utils.log_error(e) return None
def check_transaction_status(session_id): transaction_status = {} try: btc_proc = BTCProcessor(True) available_coins = to_btc(float(btc_proc.check_balance()[0])) transaction = Transactions.objects.get(session_id=session_id) transaction_status['notes_inserted'] = transaction.cash_amount transaction_status['btc_amount'] = transaction.btc_amount except Transactions.DoesNotExist: log_error('check_transaction_status', 'transaction does not exists', session_id=session_id) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() message = str(exc_info[0]) + ' - ' + str(exc_info[1]) log_error('check_transaction_status', message, session_id=session_id) return transaction_status
def make_category_list(): try: category_list = get_categories() category_list = sorted(category_list, key=lambda k: k['name'].lower()) category_list.insert(0, {'name':'All', 'keyword':'0-z'}) # fill media list ok = fill_category_list(category_list) except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error(); ok = False # send notification we're finished, successfully or unsuccessfully xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok)
def make_programs_list(url): params = utils.get_url(url) try: program_list = comm.get_series(params["series_id"]) # fill media list ok = fill_programs_list(program_list) except: # oops print error message d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error(); ok = False # send notification we're finished, successfully or unsuccessfully xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok)
def broadcast_transaction(session_id): try: transaction = Transactions.objects.get(session_id=session_id) transaction.status = Transactions.CASH_INSERTED transaction.updated_on = #TODO: broadcast transaction using BTCProcessor and update transaction in DB return {'success': True} except Transactions.DoesNotExist: log_error('broadcast_transaction', 'transaction does not exists', session_id=session_id) raise except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() message = str(exc_info[0]) + ' - ' + str(exc_info[1]) log_error('broadcast_transaction', message, session_id=session_id) raise
def make_series_list(): try: series_list = comm.get_index() series_list.sort() # fill media list ok = fill_series_list(series_list) except: # oops print error message d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error(); ok = False # send notification we're finished, successfully or unsuccessfully xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok)
def make_series_list(url): params = utils.get_url(url) try: series_list = get_series(params["category_id"]) series_list.sort() # fill media list ok = fill_series_list(series_list) except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error(); ok = False # send notification we're finished, successfully or unsuccessfully xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=ok)
async def on_command_error(self, ctx, exception): """ Called upon command error. Handles most things that extend CommandError. any un-handled errors it simply logs :param ctx: commands.Context object :param exception: commands.CommandError child object """ log.debug("OnCommandError Event") if isinstance(exception, commands.CommandNotFound): if self.database.is_connected() and (ctx.guild is None or self.database.get_guild_options( cur_pref = (await self.get_prefix(ctx.message))[0] await ctx.send(f"Sorry, I don't understand \"{ctx.invoked_with}\". May I suggest {cur_pref}help?") elif isinstance(exception, commands.BotMissingPermissions): await ctx.send("I lack the permissions to run that command.") elif isinstance(exception, commands.NoPrivateMessage): await ctx.send("This command can only be used in a guild. Apologies.") elif isinstance(exception, commands.CheckFailure): #"Woah, {} tried to run command {ctx.command} without permissions!") await ctx.send("You lack the permission to run that command.") elif isinstance(exception, commands.BadArgument): await ctx.send(exception) elif isinstance(exception, commands.MissingRequiredArgument): await ctx.send(f"Missing parameter `{exception.param}`") elif isinstance(exception, commands.UserInputError): await ctx.send(exception) elif isinstance(exception, dutils.NotRegistered): await ctx.send(f"User {exception} isn't registered, command could not be executed.") elif isinstance(exception, dutils.CustomCommandError): await ctx.send(f"Malformed CommandLang syntax: {exception}") else: timestamp = int( try: if in self.DEVS: await ctx.send(f"```{exception} | {timestamp}```") else: await ctx.send( "Unknown error in command. Please contact devs through `[email protected]` " f"or by posting an issue on the github. Error timestamp: {timestamp}" ) except Exception as e: log.error(e) message = f"Ignoring exception `{exception}` in command {ctx.command}. Reference ID: {timestamp}" utils.log_error(log, logging.ERROR, exception, message)
def play(url): try: iview_config = comm.get_config() auth = comm.get_auth(iview_config) # We don't support Adobe HDS yet, Fallback to RTMP streaming server if auth['rtmp_url'].startswith('http://'): auth['rtmp_url'] = iview_config['rtmp_url'] or config.akamai_fallback_server auth['playpath_prefix'] = config.akamai_playpath_prefix utils.log("Adobe HDS Not Supported, using fallback server %s" % auth['rtmp_url']) p = classes.Program() p.parse_xbmc_url(url) # Playpath shoud look like this: # Akamai: mp4:flash/playback/_definst_/itcrowd_10_03_02 playpath = auth['playpath_prefix'] + p.url if playpath.split('.')[-1] == 'mp4': playpath = 'mp4:' + playpath # Strip off the .flv or .mp4 playpath = playpath.split('.')[0] # rtmp:// # playpath=mp4:flash/playback/_definst_/kids/astroboy_10_01_22 swfurl= swfvfy=true rtmp_url = "%s?auth=%s playpath=%s swfurl=%s swfvfy=true" % (auth['rtmp_url'], auth['token'], playpath, config.swf_url) listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem(label=p.get_list_title(), iconImage=p.thumbnail, thumbnailImage=p.thumbnail) listitem.setInfo('video', p.get_xbmc_list_item()) if hasattr(listitem, 'addStreamInfo'): listitem.addStreamInfo('audio', p.get_xbmc_audio_stream_info()) listitem.addStreamInfo('video', p.get_xbmc_video_stream_info()) xbmc.Player().play(rtmp_url, listitem) except: # oops print error message d = xbmcgui.Dialog() message = utils.dialog_error("Unable to play video") d.ok(*message) utils.log_error();
def fill_video_list(videos): try: ok = True for v in videos: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=v.get_title(), iconImage=v.get_thumbnail(), thumbnailImage=v.get_thumbnail()) listitem.setInfo('video', v.get_xbmc_list_item()) # Build the URL for the program, including the list_info url = "%s?%s" % (sys.argv[0], v.make_xbmc_url()) # Add the program item to the list ok = xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), url=url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False) xbmcplugin.setContent(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), content='episodes') except: # user cancelled dialog or an error occurred d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch video list") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error(); return ok
def track_process(self): if self.playing: # Don't do anything if the engine is busy playing a file return None filename = self._playing_file(self.config['tracker_process'], self.config['searchdir']) if filename: # Do a regex to the filename to get # the show title and episode number (show_title, show_ep) = utils.analyze(filename) if not show_title: self.msg.warn(, 'Regex error. Check logs.') utils.log_error("[Regex error] Tracker: %s / Dir: %s / Processed filename: %s\n" % (self.config['tracker_process'], self.config['searchdir'], show_raw)) return None # Use difflib to see if the show title is similar to # one we have in the list highest_ratio = (None, 0) matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher() matcher.set_seq1(show_title.lower()) # Compare to every show in our list to see which one # has the most similar name for show in self.get_list(): titles = self.get_show_titles(show) # Make sure to search through all the aliases for title in titles: matcher.set_seq2(title.lower()) ratio = matcher.ratio() if ratio > highest_ratio[1]: highest_ratio = (show, ratio) playing_show = highest_ratio[0] if highest_ratio[1] > 0.7: return (playing_show, show_ep) else: self.msg.warn(, 'Found player but show not in list.') return None
def play_channel(): utils.log("url play channel: " + sys.argv[0]) try: handle = int(sys.argv[1]) params_str = sys.argv[2] params = utils.get_url(params_str) data_url = params['data_url'] rtmp_url = api.get_stream_url(data_url) playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=rtmp_url) playitem.setProperty('inputstreamaddon', 'inputstream.adaptive') playitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type', 'hls') playitem.setContentLookup(False) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(handle, True, playitem) except: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() msg = utils.dialog_error("Unable to fetch listing") d.ok(*msg) utils.log_error()
def main(): config = parse_args() _check_filepath(config) with BZ2DateSeeker(config.archive, config.date_format) as seeker: try: block = except ArchiveError as e: log_error(e.message) if not block: log_error('Cannot find the date into this archive.') if not config.offset_only: seeker.output_date(, block.start) else: mask = '%s' if not config.hex else '0x%x' start_offset = mask % block.start end_offset = mask % block.end print 'Start offset of the block in the archive: %s' % start_offset print 'End offset of the block in the archive: %s' % end_offset
def pv_retrieve_with_segs(device=None): d = [] err = "" out = "" rc = 0 columns = ['pv_name', 'pv_uuid', 'pv_fmt', 'pv_size', 'pv_free', 'pv_used', 'dev_size', 'pv_mda_size', 'pv_mda_free', 'pv_ba_start', 'pv_ba_size', 'pe_start', 'pv_pe_count', 'pv_pe_alloc_count', 'pv_attr', 'pv_tags', 'vg_name', 'vg_uuid', 'pv_seg_start', 'pvseg_size', 'segtype'] # Lvm has some issues where it returns failure when querying pvs when other # operations are in process, see: # for i in range(0, 10): cmd = _dc('pvs', ['-o', ','.join(columns)]) if device: cmd.extend(device) rc, out, err = call(cmd) if rc == 0: d = parse_column_names(out, columns) break else: time.sleep(0.2) log_debug("LVM Bug workaround, retrying pvs command...") if rc != 0: msg = "We were unable to get pvs to return without error after " \ "trying 10 times, RC=%d, STDERR=(%s), STDOUT=(%s)" % \ (rc, err, out) log_error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) return d