Beispiel #1
import sys, os
from utils import vm_compiler_runner, interpreter_runner, make_barevm_runner

sys.path.insert(0, '../..')
from bob.utils import Timer 
barevm_path = "../barevm/barevm.exe"

code_str = '''
(define (foobar)
    (+ 2 (+ 5 6)))

(define (barbaz i)

(write (write 2))
(define a 12)
(define j (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 5))))
(define b (+ a 5))
(__debug-gc #t)
(write 'running-gc)
(__debug-gc #t)

make_barevm_runner(barevm_path)(code_str, sys.stdout)

Beispiel #2
import sys, os
from utils import vm_compiler_runner, interpreter_runner, make_barevm_runner

sys.path.insert(0, '../..')
from bob.utils import Timer
barevm_path = "../barevm/barevm.exe"

code_str = '''
(define (foobar)
    (+ 2 (+ 5 6)))

(define (barbaz i)

(write (write 2))
(define a 12)
(define j (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 5))))
(define b (+ a 5))
(__debug-gc #t)
(write 'running-gc)
(__debug-gc #t)

make_barevm_runner(barevm_path)(code_str, sys.stdout)
Beispiel #3
barevm_path = "../barevm/barevm.exe"

code_str = '''
(define (divides k n)
    (= (modulo n k) 0))

(define (primecheck num)
    (define (auxprimecheck divisor)
            ((= divisor num) #t)
            ((divides divisor num) #f)
            (else (auxprimecheck (+ 1 divisor)))))
    (auxprimecheck 2))

(write (primecheck 5903))  ; it's a prime!

# Since the interpreter isn't tail-recursive, this is required

#with Timer('interp'):
    #interpreter_runner(code_str, None)

with Timer('comp_vm'):
    vm_compiler_runner(code_str, None)

with Timer('barevm'):
    make_barevm_runner(barevm_path)(code_str, None)

Beispiel #4
sys.path.insert(0, '../..')
from bob.utils import Timer
barevm_path = "../barevm/barevm.exe"

code_str = '''
(define (divides k n)
    (= (modulo n k) 0))

(define (primecheck num)
    (define (auxprimecheck divisor)
            ((= divisor num) #t)
            ((divides divisor num) #f)
            (else (auxprimecheck (+ 1 divisor)))))
    (auxprimecheck 2))

(write (primecheck 5903))  ; it's a prime!

# Since the interpreter isn't tail-recursive, this is required

#with Timer('interp'):
#interpreter_runner(code_str, None)

with Timer('comp_vm'):
    vm_compiler_runner(code_str, None)

with Timer('barevm'):
    make_barevm_runner(barevm_path)(code_str, None)