Beispiel #1
    def pick_a_spell(self, magic_only=False, custom=None):
        if magic_only:
            spells = filter(lambda s: s.spellid in range(0, 36), all_spells)
            spells = all_spells

        if custom:
            spells = filter(custom, spells)

        spells = sorted(spells, key=lambda s: s.rank())
        items = get_ranked_items()
        index = items.index(self)
        index = int((index / float(len(items))) * len(spells))
        index = mutate_index(index, len(spells), [False, True, True],
                             (-5, 4), (-3, 3))
        spell = spells[index]
        return spell, index / float(len(spells))
    def pick_a_spell(self, magic_only=False, custom=None):
        if magic_only:
            spells = filter(lambda s: s.spellid in range(0, 36), all_spells)
            spells = all_spells

        if custom:
            spells = filter(custom, spells)

        spells = sorted(spells, key=lambda s: s.rank())
        items = get_ranked_items()
        index = items.index(self)
        index = int((index / float(len(items))) * len(spells))
        index = mutate_index(index, len(spells), [False, True, True],
                             (-5, 4), (-3, 3))
        spell = spells[index]
        return spell, index / float(len(spells))
Beispiel #3
    def mutate_contents(self,
        global used_formations, done_items

        if self.do_not_mutate and self.contents is not None:

        if self.value is not None:
            value = self.value
            value = self.get_current_value(guideline=guideline)

        items = get_ranked_items()
        itemids = [i.itemid for i in items]

        if self.treasure:
                index = itemids.index(self.contents)
            except ValueError:
                index = 0
            indexed_item = items[index]
            lowpriced = [i for i in items if i.rank() <= value * 100]
            if not lowpriced:
                lowpriced = items[:random.randint(1, 16)]
            index = max(0, len(lowpriced) - 1)
            indexed_item = lowpriced[index]

        chance = random.randint(1, 50)
        orphaned_formations = get_orphaned_formations(uncapped_monsters)
        orphaned_formations = [
            f for f in orphaned_formations if f not in used_formations
        extra_miabs = get_extra_miabs(0)

        if monster is True:
            chance = 1
        elif monster is False:
            chance += 3
            chance = min(chance, 50)
            if orphaned_formations or extra_miabs:
                chance -= 2 if uncapped_monsters else 1
                chance = max(chance, 1)

        formations = get_appropriate_formations()
        formations = [
            f for f in formations
            if f.get_guaranteed_drop_value() >= value * 100
        if 1 <= chance <= 3 and (self.rank or formations):
            # monster

            from locationrandomizer import get_location
            rank = self.rank

            if self.is_clock or not rank:
                rank = min(formations,
                           key=lambda f: f.rank()).rank() if formations else 0

            chosen = select_monster_in_a_box(
                clock=self.is_clock or monster is True,
            chosen = get_2pack(chosen)

            # only 2-packs are allowed
            self.contents = chosen.setid & 0xFF
        elif 4 <= chance <= 5:
            # gold
            if crazy_prices:
                value = random.randint(10, 50)
                value = value // 2
                value += (random.randint(0, value) + random.randint(0, value))
            self.contents = min(0xFF, max(1, value))
            if self.contents == 0xFF:
                self.contents -= random.randint(0, 20) + random.randint(0, 20)
            # treasure
            if uniqueness and random.randint(1, 7) != 7:
                if len(done_items) >= len(items):
                    done_items = []
                temp = [
                    i for i in items
                    if i == indexed_item or i not in done_items
                if len(temp) > 1:
                    items = temp
                    index = items.index(indexed_item)
                    if indexed_item in done_items:
            index = mutate_index(index, len(items), [False, True], (-4, 2),
                                 (-2, 2))
            self.contents = items[index].itemid

        assert self.contents <= 0xFF
        self.value = value
Beispiel #4
def select_monster_in_a_box(rank, value, clock, guarantee_miab_treasure,
                            enemy_limit, old_version):
    formations = get_appropriate_formations()
    formations = [
        f for f in formations if f.get_guaranteed_drop_value() >= value * 100
    orphaned_formations = get_orphaned_formations(old_version)
    orphaned_formations = [
        f for f in orphaned_formations if f not in used_formations
    extra_miabs = get_extra_miabs(0)

    normal_rank_limit = lambda rank: 9 / 5 * rank - 150
    special_rank_limit = lambda rank: 5 / 4000 * rank * rank + 7 / 4 * rank - 300

    if guarantee_miab_treasure:
        extra_miabs = []
        orphaned_formations = []
        candidates = []
        if len(extra_miabs) > 1:
            extra_miabs = get_extra_miabs(rank)
        if orphaned_formations or extra_miabs:
            max_rank = math.inf if (
                clock or old_version) else normal_rank_limit(rank)
            formations = [
                f for f in formations
                if f.rank() >= rank and f.rank() < max_rank

            if old_version:
                formations = formations[:random.randint(1, 3)]
                formations = [
                    f for f in formations if f not in used_formations
                formations = [
                    f for f in formations if f.formid not in banned_formids
                formations = formations[:random.randint(2, 6)]
            if not (clock or old_version):
                orphaned_formations = [
                    f for f in orphaned_formations
                    if f.rank() < normal_rank_limit(rank)
                    and f.get_guaranteed_drop_value() >= value * 20 - 1000
                max_extra_miab_rank = special_rank_limit(rank)
                extra_miabs = [
                    f for f in extra_miabs if f.rank() <= max_extra_miab_rank
        candidates = (orphaned_formations + extra_miabs)
        candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in used_formations]
        candidates = [c for c in candidates if c.formid not in banned_formids]
    candidates = sorted(set(candidates), key=lambda f: f.rank())

    if len(candidates) != 1:
        candidates += formations
    candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in used_formations]
    candidates = [c for c in candidates if c.formid not in banned_formids]

    if enemy_limit is not None:
        candidates = [f for f in candidates if f.rank() <= enemy_limit]

    rank_multiplier = 1.5
    value_divisor = 8
    while not candidates:
        max_rank = max(rank, rank_multiplier * normal_rank_limit(rank))
        min_value = value * 100 / value_divisor - 1500
        orphaned_formations = get_orphaned_formations(old_version)
        orphaned_formations = [
            f for f in orphaned_formations if f.rank() <= max_rank
            and f.get_guaranteed_drop_value() >= min_value / 3 - 1200
        extra_miabs = get_extra_miabs(0)
        max_extra_miab_rank = special_rank_limit(rank)
        extra_miabs = [
            f for f in extra_miabs
            if f.rank() <= max_extra_miab_rank * rank_multiplier
        candidates = (orphaned_formations + extra_miabs)
        candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in used_formations]
        candidates = [c for c in candidates if c.formid not in banned_formids]
        if len(candidates) != 1:
            formations = [
                c for c in appropriate_formations if c.rank() <= max_rank
                and c.get_guaranteed_drop_value() >= min_value

            formations = [c for c in formations if c not in used_formations]
            formations = [
                c for c in formations if c.formid not in banned_formids
            formations = formations[:4]
            candidates += formations

        rank_multiplier *= 1.25
        value_divisor *= 2
        if rank_multiplier < 5 and enemy_limit is not None:
            candidates = [f for f in candidates if f.rank() <= enemy_limit]
            candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda f: f.rank())
            half = len(candidates) // 2
            candidates = candidates[half:]
            index = random.randint(0, half) + random.randint(0, half)
            index = min(index, len(candidates) - 1)
            candidates = candidates[index:]

    candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda f: f.rank())
    if orphaned_formations:
        index = max(0, len([c for c in candidates if c.rank() <= rank]) - 1)
        index = mutate_index(index, len(candidates), [False, True], (-3, 2),
                             (-1, 1))
        index = 0
        index = mutate_index(index, len(candidates), [False, True], (-1, 4),
                             (-1, 1))

    chosen = candidates[index]
    for m in chosen.present_enemies:
        m.auxloc = "Monster-in-a-Box"

    return chosen
    def mutate_contents(self, guideline=None, monster=None,
                        guarantee_miab_treasure=False, enemy_limit=None,
        global used_formations, done_items

        if self.do_not_mutate and self.contents is not None:

        if self.value is not None:
            value = self.value
            value = self.get_current_value(guideline=guideline)

        items = get_ranked_items()
        itemids = [i.itemid for i in items]
        if self.treasure:
                index = itemids.index(self.contents)
            except ValueError:
                index = 0
            indexed_item = items[index]
            lowpriced = [i for i in items if i.rank() <= value*100]
            if not lowpriced:
                lowpriced = items[:random.randint(1, 16)]
            index = max(0, len(lowpriced)-1)
            indexed_item = lowpriced[index]

        chance = random.randint(1, 50)
        orphaned_formations = get_orphaned_formations()
        orphaned_formations = [f for f in orphaned_formations
                               if f not in used_formations]
        extra_miabs = get_extra_miabs(0)
        if orphaned_formations or extra_miabs:
            chance -= 2
            chance = max(chance, 1)

        if monster is True:
            chance = 1
        elif monster is False:
            chance += 3
            chance = min(chance, 50)

        formations = get_appropriate_formations()
        formations = [f for f in formations if
                      f.get_guaranteed_drop_value() >= value * 100]
        if 1 <= chance <= 3 and (self.rank or formations):
            # monster

            rank = self.rank or min(formations, key=lambda f: f.rank()).rank()
            if guarantee_miab_treasure:
                extra_miabs = []
                orphaned_formations = []
                candidates = []
                if len(extra_miabs) > 1:
                    extra_miabs = get_extra_miabs(rank)
                if orphaned_formations or extra_miabs:
                    formations = [f for f in formations if f.rank() >= rank]
                    formations = formations[:random.randint(1, 3)]

                candidates = (orphaned_formations + extra_miabs)
            candidates = sorted(set(candidates))
            if len(candidates) != 1:
                candidates += formations
            candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in used_formations]
            candidates = [c for c in candidates
                          if c.formid not in banned_formids]

            if enemy_limit is not None:
                candidates = [f for f in candidates if f.rank() <= enemy_limit]

            if not candidates:
                candidates = (formations +
                              get_orphaned_formations() + get_extra_miabs(0))
                if enemy_limit is not None:
                    candidates = [f for f in candidates
                                  if f.rank() <= enemy_limit]
                    candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda f: f.rank())
                    half = len(candidates) / 2
                    candidates = candidates[half:]
                    index = random.randint(0, half) + random.randint(0, half)
                    index = min(index, len(candidates)-1)
                    candidates = candidates[index:]

            candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda f: f.rank())
            if orphaned_formations:
                index = max(
                    0, len([c for c in candidates if c.rank() <= rank])-1)
                index = mutate_index(index, len(candidates), [False, True],
                                     (-3, 2), (-1, 1))
                index = 0
                index = mutate_index(index, len(candidates), [False, True],
                                     (-1, 4), (-1, 1))

            chosen = candidates[index]
            for m in chosen.present_enemies:
                m.auxloc = "Monster-in-a-Box"

            chosen = get_2pack(chosen)
            # only 2-packs are allowed
            self.contents = chosen.setid & 0xFF
        elif 4 <= chance <= 5:
            # gold
            value = value / 2
            value += (random.randint(0, value) + random.randint(0, value))
            self.contents = min(0xFF, max(1, value))
            if self.contents == 0xFF:
                self.contents -= random.randint(0, 20) + random.randint(0, 20)
            # treasure
            if uniqueness and random.randint(1, 7) != 7:
                if len(done_items) >= len(items):
                    done_items = []
                temp = [i for i in items
                        if i == indexed_item or i not in done_items]
                if len(temp) > 1:
                    items = temp
                    index = items.index(indexed_item)
                    if indexed_item in done_items:
            index = mutate_index(index, len(items), [False, True],
                                 (-4, 2), (-2, 2))
            self.contents = items[index].itemid

        assert self.contents <= 0xFF
        self.value = value
    def mutate_contents(self,
        global used_formations, done_items

        if self.do_not_mutate and self.contents is not None:

        if self.value is not None:
            value = self.value
            value = self.get_current_value(guideline=guideline)

        items = get_ranked_items()
        itemids = [i.itemid for i in items]
        if self.treasure:
                index = itemids.index(self.contents)
            except ValueError:
                index = 0
            indexed_item = items[index]
            lowpriced = [i for i in items if i.rank() <= value * 100]
            if not lowpriced:
                lowpriced = items[:random.randint(1, 16)]
            index = max(0, len(lowpriced) - 1)
            indexed_item = lowpriced[index]

        chance = random.randint(1, 50)
        orphaned_formations = get_orphaned_formations()
        orphaned_formations = [
            f for f in orphaned_formations if f not in used_formations
        extra_miabs = get_extra_miabs(0)
        if orphaned_formations or extra_miabs:
            chance -= 2
            chance = max(chance, 1)

        if monster is True:
            chance = 1
        elif monster is False:
            chance += 3
            chance = min(chance, 50)

        formations = get_appropriate_formations()
        formations = [
            f for f in formations
            if f.get_guaranteed_drop_value() >= value * 100
        if 1 <= chance <= 3 and (self.rank or formations):
            # monster

            rank = self.rank or min(formations, key=lambda f: f.rank()).rank()
            if guarantee_miab_treasure:
                extra_miabs = []
                orphaned_formations = []
                candidates = []
                if len(extra_miabs) > 1:
                    extra_miabs = get_extra_miabs(rank)
                if orphaned_formations or extra_miabs:
                    formations = [f for f in formations if f.rank() >= rank]
                    formations = formations[:random.randint(1, 3)]

                candidates = (orphaned_formations + extra_miabs)
            candidates = sorted(set(candidates))
            if len(candidates) != 1:
                candidates += formations
            candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in used_formations]
            candidates = [
                c for c in candidates if c.formid not in banned_formids

            if enemy_limit is not None:
                candidates = [f for f in candidates if f.rank() <= enemy_limit]

            if not candidates:
                candidates = (formations + get_orphaned_formations() +
                if enemy_limit is not None:
                    candidates = [
                        f for f in candidates if f.rank() <= enemy_limit
                    candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda f: f.rank())
                    half = len(candidates) / 2
                    candidates = candidates[half:]
                    index = random.randint(0, half) + random.randint(0, half)
                    index = min(index, len(candidates) - 1)
                    candidates = candidates[index:]

            candidates = sorted(candidates, key=lambda f: f.rank())
            if orphaned_formations:
                index = max(
                    len([c for c in candidates if c.rank() <= rank]) - 1)
                index = mutate_index(index, len(candidates), [False, True],
                                     (-3, 2), (-1, 1))
                index = 0
                index = mutate_index(index, len(candidates), [False, True],
                                     (-1, 4), (-1, 1))

            chosen = candidates[index]
            for m in chosen.present_enemies:
                m.auxloc = "Monster-in-a-Box"

            chosen = get_2pack(chosen)
            # only 2-packs are allowed
            self.contents = chosen.setid & 0xFF
        elif 4 <= chance <= 5:
            # gold
            value = value / 2
            value += (random.randint(0, value) + random.randint(0, value))
            self.contents = min(0xFF, max(1, value))
            if self.contents == 0xFF:
                self.contents -= random.randint(0, 20) + random.randint(0, 20)
            # treasure
            if uniqueness and random.randint(1, 7) != 7:
                if len(done_items) >= len(items):
                    done_items = []
                temp = [
                    i for i in items
                    if i == indexed_item or i not in done_items
                if len(temp) > 1:
                    items = temp
                    index = items.index(indexed_item)
                    if indexed_item in done_items:
            index = mutate_index(index, len(items), [False, True], (-4, 2),
                                 (-2, 2))
            self.contents = items[index].itemid

        assert self.contents <= 0xFF
        self.value = value