def degradation_experiment():
    """Determine whether linear or pairwise models are more resistant to degradation"""
    L = 10
    N = 50
    Ne = 5
    nu = Ne - 1
    sigma = 1
    mu = -10
    matrix = sample_matrix(L, sigma)
    code = sample_code(L, sigma)
    li_motif = sample_motif_cftp(matrix, mu, Ne, N)
    pw_motif = sample_pw_motif_mh(code, N, Ne, mu, iterations=100000)[-1]

    def li_log_fitness(motif):
        eps = [score_seq(matrix, site) for site in motif]
        return sum(-nu * log((1 + exp(ep - mu))) for ep in eps)

    def pw_log_fitness(motif):
        eps = map(lambda x: -log(x), pw_prob_sites(motif, code))
        return sum(log(1 / (1 + exp(ep - mu))**nu) for ep in eps)

    li_base_fit = li_log_fitness(li_motif)
    li_mut_fits = [li_log_fitness(mutate_motif(li_motif)) for i in range(100)]
    pw_base_fit = pw_log_fitness(pw_motif)
    pw_mut_fits = [pw_log_fitness(mutate_motif(pw_motif)) for i in range(100)]
 def prop((code, motif)):
     code_p = [d.copy() for d in code]
     i = random.randrange(len(code))
     b1, b2 = random.choice("ACGT"), random.choice("ACGT")
     code_p[i][(b1, b2)] += random.gauss(0, sigma)
     motif_p = mutate_motif(motif)
     return (code_p, motif_p)
Beispiel #3
def propose(matrix,motif,motif_prob=0.5):
    """Return a candidate (S,R) system by mutating either the motif or
    the matrix"""
    if random.random() < motif_prob:
        return matrix,mutate_motif(motif)
        return mutate_matrix(matrix),motif
Beispiel #4
def match_ic_mi(N,
    if take_stock is None:
        take_stock = int((N * L) * log(N * L))
    x = random_motif(L, N)
    xs = [None] * iterations
    ics = [0.0] * iterations
    mis = [0.0] * iterations
    alphas = [0.0] * iterations
    betas = [0.0] * iterations
    ic = motif_ic(x)
    mi = total_motif_mi(x)
    accepts = 0
    for i in xrange(iterations):
        # if i == iterations/2:
        #     eta *= 0.1
        xp = mutate_motif(x)
        icp = motif_ic(xp)
        mip = total_motif_mi(xp)
        log_y = (alpha * ic + beta * mi)
        log_yp = (alpha * icp + beta * mip)
        if log(random.random()) < log_yp - log_y:
            accepts += 1
            x = xp
            ic = icp
            mi = mip
        ics[i] = (ic)
        mis[i] = (mi)
        xs[i] = (x)
        #print sum(site.count("A") for site in x)

        alphas[i] = (alpha)
        betas[i] = (beta)
        if i > 0 and i % take_stock == 0:
            if i < iterations / 10:
                mean_ic = mean(ics[i - take_stock:i])
                mean_mi = mean(mis[i - take_stock:i])
                alpha += eta * (des_ic - mean_ic) * exp(
                    -i / (10 * float(iterations)))
                beta += eta * (des_mi - mean_mi) * exp(
                    -i / (10 * float(iterations)))
                mean_ic = mean(ics[i - take_stock:i])
                mean_mi = mean(mis[i - take_stock:i])
                alpha = poly1d(polyfit(ics[:i], alphas[:i], 1))(des_ic)
                beta = poly1d(polyfit(mis[:i], betas[:i], 1))(des_mi)
            fmt_string = (
                "mean ic: % 1.2f, mean mi: % 1.2f, alpha: % 1.2f, beta: % 1.2f"
                % (mean_ic, mean_mi, alpha, beta))
            print i, "AR:", accepts / (i + 1.0), fmt_string
    return xs, ics, mis, alphas, betas
def mutate((tf,motif)):
    L = len(tf)
    if random.random() < 0.5:
        tfp = tf[:]
        i = random.randrange(L)
        tfp[i] = 1 - tf[i]
        return (tfp,motif)
        return tf,mutate_motif(motif)
def degrade_motif(L,n):
    motif = ["A"*L for i in range(n)]
    #motif = random_motif(L,n)
    column_ics = []
    total_ics = []
    for iteration in trange(n*L):
        col_ic = motif_ic(motif,correct=False)
        total_ics.append(col_ic + pairwise_motif_mi(motif))
        motif = mutate_motif(motif)
    plt.xlabel("Total IC")
    plt.ylabel("Column IC")
    plt.title("n=%s, L=%s" % (n,L))
Beispiel #7
def flux_prob(motif, a, b, trials=10000):
    """determine probability of mutation pushing motif out of interval [a,b]"""
    ic = motif_ic(motif)
    lesser = 0
    same = 0
    greater = 0
    for i in trange(trials):
        icp = motif_ic(mutate_motif(motif))
        if icp < a:
            lesser += 1
        elif a <= icp < b:
            same += 1
            greater += 1
    return lesser, same, greater
Beispiel #8
def propose_motif(matrix,motif):
    return matrix,mutate_motif(motif)