def first_residual_atrous_block(x, kernel, out_channel, strides, is_train, name="unit"): input_channels = x.get_shape().as_list()[-1] with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: print('\tBuilding residual unit: %s' % # Shortcut connection if input_channels == out_channel: if strides == 1: shortcut = tf.identity( x ) # returns a tensor with the same shape and contents as x else: shortcut = tf.nn.max_pool(x, [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], 'VALID') else: in_shape = x.get_shape() shortcut = atrous_conv_layer( x, [1, 1, in_shape[-1], out_channel], out_channel, strides, name='shortcut') # 1x1 conv to obtain out_channel maps # Residual in_shape = x.get_shape() x = atrous_conv_layer(x, [kernel, kernel, in_shape[-1], out_channel], out_channel, strides, name='conv_1') x = mygn(x, name='gn_1') x = myrelu(x, name='relu_1') in_shape = x.get_shape() x = atrous_conv_layer(x, [kernel, kernel, in_shape[-1], out_channel], out_channel, strides, name='conv_2') x = mygn(x, name='gn_2') # Merge x = x + shortcut x = myrelu(x, name='relu_2') return x
def atrous_spatial_pyramid_pooling_block(x, is_train, depth=256, name='aspp'): in_shape = x.get_shape() input_size = tf.shape(x)[1:3] filters = [1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1] atrous_rates = [1, 6, 12, 18, 1, 1] with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: print('\tBuilding aspp unit: %s' % # Branch 0: 1x1 conv branch0 = conv_layer(x, [filters[0], filters[0], in_shape[3], depth], name="branch0") branch0 = mygn(branch0, name='gn_0') # Branch 1: 3x3 atrous_conv (rate = 6) branch1 = atrous_conv_layer( x, [filters[1], filters[1], in_shape[-1], depth], depth, atrous_rates[1], name='branch1') branch1 = mygn(branch1, name='gn_1') # Branch 2: 3x3 atrous_conv (rate = 12) branch2 = atrous_conv_layer( x, [filters[2], filters[2], in_shape[-1], depth], depth, atrous_rates[2], name='branch2') branch2 = mygn(branch2, name='gn_2') # Branch 3: 3x3 atrous_conv (rate = 18) branch3 = atrous_conv_layer( x, [filters[3], filters[3], in_shape[-1], depth], depth, atrous_rates[3], name='branch3') branch3 = mygn(branch3, name='gn_3') # Branch 4: image pooling # 4.1 global average pooling branch4 = tf.reduce_mean(x, [1, 2], name='global_average_pooling', keepdims=True) # 4.2 1x1 convolution with 256 filters and batch normalization branch4 = conv_layer(x, [filters[4], filters[4], in_shape[3], depth], name="brach4") branch4 = mygn(branch4, name='gn_4') # 4.3 bilinearly upsample features branch4 = tf.image.resize_bilinear(branch4, input_size, name='branch4_upsample') # Output out = tf.concat([branch0, branch1, branch2, branch3, branch4], axis=3, name='aspp_concat') out = myrelu(out, name='relu_out') in_shape = out.get_shape() out = conv_layer(out, [filters[5], filters[5], in_shape[3], depth], name="aspp_out", relu='no') return out
def residual_block(x, kernel, is_train, name="unit"): num_channel = x.get_shape().as_list()[-1] with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: print('\tBuilding residual unit: %s' % # Shortcut connection shortcut = x # Residual in_shape = x.get_shape() x = conv_layer(x, [kernel, kernel, in_shape[3], num_channel], strides=1, name="conv_1") x = mygn(x, name='gn_1') x = myrelu(x, name='relu_1') in_shape = x.get_shape() conv_layer(x, [kernel, kernel, in_shape[3], num_channel], strides=1, name="conv_2") x = mygn(x, name='gn_2') # Merge x = x + shortcut x = myrelu(x, name='relu_2') return x
def deeplab_net(X, classes, is_train=tf.constant(True), pkeep=1): # ResNet 18 if pkeep != 1: print('\nBuilding train model') else: print('\nBuilding validation model') # filters = [128, 128, 256, 512, 1024] filters = [64, 64, 128, 256, 512] kernels = [7, 3, 3, 3, 3] strides = [2, 0, 2, 2, 2] size = tf.shape(X) height = size[1] width = size[2] with tf.variable_scope('generator'): # conv1 print('\tBuilding unit: conv1') with tf.variable_scope('conv1'): in_shape = X.get_shape() x = conv_layer(X, [kernels[0], kernels[0], in_shape[3], filters[0]], name="conv") x = mygn(x, name="gn") x = myrelu(x) x = tf.nn.max_pool(x, [1, 3, 3, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], 'SAME') # conv2_x x = residual_block(x, kernels[1], is_train, name='conv2_1') x = residual_block(x, kernels[1], is_train, name='conv2_2') # conv3_x x = first_residual_block(x, kernels[2], filters[2], strides[2], is_train, name='conv3_1') x = residual_block(x, kernels[2], is_train, name='conv3_2') # conv4_x x = first_residual_block(x, kernels[3], filters[3], strides[3], is_train, name='conv4_1') x = residual_block(x, kernels[3], is_train, name='conv4_2') # conv5_x x = first_residual_atrous_block(x, kernels[4], filters[4], strides[4], is_train, name='conv5_1') x = residual_atrous_block(x, kernels[4], is_train, name='conv5_2') # aspp x = atrous_spatial_pyramid_pooling_block(x, is_train, depth=256, name='aspp_1') print('\tBuilding unit: class scores') # Maybe another layer ??? in_shape = x.get_shape() x = conv_layer(x, [1, 1, in_shape[3], classes], name="class_scores") # upsample logits print('\tBuilding unit: upsample') logits = tf.image.resize_images(x, tf.stack([height, width]), method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR, align_corners=False) return logits #X = tf.ones([1, 256, 256, 3], dtype=tf.float32) #build_model(X, is_train=tf.constant(True), pkeep=1)