def query_one(self, line): line = utils.clr(str(line)) line_pre = utils.before_first_num(line) #fir_num= utils.first_numbers(line) res = self.word_filter(line_pre) res.extend(utils.numbers(line)) comm_nbs = [] for i in range(len(res)-1): print(res) try: #conn = nx.all_shortest_paths(self.graph.tree_di,res[i],res[i+1]) comm_nbs.append(list(nx.common_neighbors(self.graph.di,res[i],res[i+1]))) except: print("networkx error") continue #conn = nx.all_shortest_paths(self.graph.tree_di,res[i],res[i+1]) comm_nbs.append(list(nx.common_neighbors(self.graph.di,res[i],res[i+1]))) result = self.common_nbs(comm_nbs) _result = [] for i in result: if not self.check_num(self.graph.sent[i],line): continue _result.append(self.graph.sent[i]) return _result,res
# check to see if login information matches hash_pwd = hashlib.sha224(form["pwd"].value).hexdigest() query2 = ("SELECT email_sec, email_pres, email_vp, password " "FROM secretary WHERE password = %s AND email_sec = %s " "OR password = %s AND email_pres = %s OR password = %s " "AND email_vp = %s") cursor.execute(query2, (hash_pwd, form["email"].value, hash_pwd, form["email"].value, hash_pwd, form["email"].value)) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() # Incorrect Info, request login information again if rows == []: printPage("Incorrect Info") else: numbers("You are now logged in") if "forgot" in form: # Create new, random-generated password import uuid password = str(uuid.uuid4()) password = password.replace("-", "") password = password[0: 7] # send the password through email import smtplib server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) server.starttls() message = "New Delta Text password: " + password hashed_pwd = hashlib.sha224(password).hexdigest()
def sort(array): if len(array) < 2: return array mid = len(array) // 2 left = sort(array[:mid]) right = sort(array[mid:]) merged = [] l = 0 r = 0 while l < len(left) and r < len(right): if left[l] < right[r]: merged += [left[l]] l += 1 else: merged += [right[r]] r += 1 if l < len(left): merged += left[l:] if r < len(right): merged += right[r:] return merged if __name__ == "__main__": array = utils.numbers() print(sort(array))
reader = csv.reader(data) with open('cleaned/acts_cleaned.csv', 'w', encoding='utf8') as out: writer = csv.writer(out) staff_map = utils.get_staff_map() clips = utils.get_clip_set() next(reader) added = set() for row in reader: name = utils.lettres(row[0]).lstrip() clipIds = re.split("\|", row[1][1:-1]) chars = re.split("\|", row[2][1:-1]) orders = re.split("\|", row[3][1:-1]) addInfos = re.split("\|", row[4][1:-1]) size = len(clipIds) if name in staff_map and len(chars) == size and len( orders) == size and len(addInfos) == size: for i in range(size): if clipIds[i] in clips: staffid = staff_map[name] clipId = clipIds[i] pair = (staffid, clipId) if pair not in added: cha = utils.lettres(chars[i]) order = utils.numbers(orders[i]) addInf = utils.alet(addInfos[i]) writer.writerow( (staffid, clipId, cha, order, addInf)) added.add(pair)
def show_grafo(): words = request.args.getlist('word') date = request.args.get('date') accounts = request.args.getlist('account') polaridad = request.args.getlist('polaridad') tweets = get_filtros(words, date, accounts, polaridad) tweets_users = get_tweets_with_its_user(tweets) n = [{"tweets": t, "user": u} for t, u in zip(tweets, tweets_users)] # usuarios de los tweets userIds = [] for tweet in tweets: userId = tweet['userId'] if userId not in userIds: userIds.append(userId) users = [] for userId in userIds: userInfo = searchUserId(userId) if len(userInfo) > 0: userTweets = [] for tweet in tweets: if userId == tweet['userId']: userTweets.append(tweet['text']) users.append({'user': '******' + userInfo[0]['screen_name'], 'tweets': userTweets}) users2 = [] for user in users: filtered = [] for tweet in user['tweets']: words_text = list(tweet.split(" ")) filtered.append(utils.remove_stop_words(words_text)) palabras = filtered1(filtered) sin_num = utils.numbers(palabras) sin_imag = utils.https(sin_num) sin_puntos = utils.signos(sin_imag) sin_emojis = utils.emoji(sin_puntos) users2.append({'name': user['user'], 'words': sin_emojis}) users3 = [] for i in range(len(users2)): user1 = users2[i] words = [] for j in range(len(users2)): user2 = users2[j] if i != j: for word in user1['words']: for word2 in user2['words']: if word.lower() == word2.lower() and word.lower() not in words and word != "": words.append(word.lower()) users3.append({'name': user1['name'], 'words': words}) return {'tweets': n, 'data': users3}
def show_frecuencia(): words = request.args.getlist('word') date = request.args.get('date') accounts = request.args.getlist('account') polaridad = request.args.getlist('polaridad') tweets = get_filtros(words, date, accounts, polaridad) users = get_tweets_with_its_user(tweets) n = [{"tweets": t, "user": u} for t, u in zip(tweets, users)] words3 = [] counts = [] for tweet in n: words2 = tweet["tweets"]["text"].split(" ") processedWords = utils.remove_stop_words(utils.emoji(utils.signos(utils.https(utils.numbers(words2))))) for word in processedWords: if word != '': if (word.lower() not in words3): words3.append(word.lower()) counts.append(1) else: index = words3.index(word.lower()) counts[index] += 1 ans = [{"_id": word, "count": count} for word, count in zip(words3, counts)] fd = nltk.FreqDist(counts) freqq = [] ans2 = [] for item in ans: num = item['count'] t = num/np.sum(counts) freqq.append(t) prom = np.mean(freqq) de = np.std(freqq) for item in ans: if freqq[ans.index(item)] > prom+de and item['_id'] not in words: ans2.append(item) return {"tweets": n, "data": ans2}
sys.setrecursionlimit(8000) algs = [bubble, insertion, merge, quick, selection, shell] batches = [125, 250, 500] #, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000] iters = 3 results = [] for i in range(iters): results.append({}) for alg in algs: results[i].update({alg.__name__: {}}) print(results) for batch in batches: if alg == bubble and batch > 4000: break # el temps d'execució és massa llarg unsorted = utils.numbers(max=batch, count=batch) start = time.perf_counter() alg.sort(unsorted) end = time.perf_counter() delta = end - start results[i][alg.__name__][batch] = delta print(i, alg.__name__, batch, delta) print(results) with open("./data/out.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(results, outfile)
import csv import unicodedata import re import utils clips = utils.get_clip_set() with open('initial/ratings.csv', encoding="utf8") as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) next(reader) with open('cleaned/ratings_cleaned.csv', 'w', encoding="utf8") as out: wr = csv.writer(out) added = set() for row in reader: if row[0] in clips: clipid = row[0] # Only keep the numbers in the "Votes" column only_numbers = utils.numbers(row[1]) # Only keep the doubles in the "Rank" column only_double = utils.double(row[2]) if len(only_numbers) != 0 and only_numbers.lower( ) != 'null' and len(only_double) != 0 and only_double.lower( ) != 'null' and (clipid) not in added: wr.writerow((clipid, only_numbers, only_double)) added.add((clipid))