def save_frames(title, model_name, rootdir, frames, strip_width=10): test_name = prettify_name(title) outdir = f'{rootdir}/{model_name}/{test_name}' makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) # Limit maximum resolution max_H = 512 real_H = frames[0][0].shape[0] ratio = min(1.0, max_H / real_H) # Combined with first 10 strips = [np.hstack(frames) for frames in frames[:strip_width]] if len(strips) >= strip_width: left_col = np.vstack(strips[0:strip_width // 2]) right_col = np.vstack(strips[5:10]) grid = np.hstack([left_col, np.ones_like(left_col[:, :30]), right_col]) im = Image.fromarray((255 * grid).astype(np.uint8)) im = im.resize((int(ratio * im.size[0]), int(ratio * im.size[1])), Image.ANTIALIAS)'{outdir}/{test_name}_all.png') else: print('Too few strips to create grid, creating just strips!') for ex_num, strip in enumerate(frames[:strip_width]): im = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255 * np.hstack(pad_frames(strip)))) im = im.resize((int(ratio * im.size[0]), int(ratio * im.size[1])), Image.ANTIALIAS)'{outdir}/{test_name}_{ex_num}.png')
def make_grid(latent, lat_mean, lat_comp, lat_stdev, act_mean, act_comp, act_stdev, scale=1, n_rows=10, n_cols=5, make_plots=True, edit_type='latent'): from notebooks.notebook_utils import create_strip_centered inst.remove_edits() x_range = np.linspace(-scale, scale, n_cols, dtype=np.float32) # scale in sigmas rows = [] for r in range(n_rows): curr_row = [] out_batch = create_strip_centered(inst, edit_type, layer_key, [latent], act_comp[r], lat_comp[r], act_stdev[r], lat_stdev[r], act_mean, lat_mean, scale, 0, -1, n_cols)[0] for i, img in enumerate(out_batch): curr_row.append(('c{}_{:.2f}'.format(r, x_range[i]), img)) rows.append(curr_row[:n_cols]) inst.remove_edits() if make_plots: # If more rows than columns, make several blocks side by side n_blocks = 2 if n_rows > n_cols else 1 for r, data in enumerate(rows): # Add white borders imgs = pad_frames([img for _, img in data]) coord = ((r * n_blocks) % n_rows) + ((r * n_blocks) // n_rows) plt.subplot(n_rows // n_blocks, n_blocks, 1 + coord) plt.imshow(np.hstack(imgs)) # Custom x-axis labels W = imgs[0].shape[1] # image width P = imgs[1].shape[1] # padding width locs = [(0.5 * W + i * (W + P)) for i in range(n_cols)] plt.xticks(locs, ["{:.2f}".format(v) for v in x_range]) plt.yticks([]) plt.ylabel(f'C{r}') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.96) # make room for suptitle return [img for row in rows for img in row]
def export_direction(idx, button_frame): name = tk.StringVar(value='') num_strips = tk.IntVar(value=0) strip_width = tk.IntVar(value=5) slider_values = np.array([s.get() for s in ui_state.sliders]) slider_value = slider_values[idx] if (slider_values != 0).sum() > 1: print('Please modify only one slider') return elif slider_value == 0: print('Modify selected slider to set usable range (currently 0)') return popup = tk.Toplevel(root) popup.geometry("200x200+0+0") tk.Label(popup, text="Edit name").pack() tk.Entry(popup, textvariable=name).pack(pady=5) # tk.Scale(popup, from_=0, to=30, variable=num_strips, # resolution=1, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=200, label='Image strips to export').pack() # tk.Scale(popup, from_=3, to=15, variable=strip_width, # resolution=1, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=200, label='Image strip width').pack() tk.Button(popup, text='OK', command=popup.quit).pack() canceled = False def on_close(): nonlocal canceled canceled = True popup.quit() popup.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_close) x = button_frame.winfo_rootx() y = button_frame.winfo_rooty() w = int(button_frame.winfo_geometry().split('x')[0]) popup.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (180, 90, x + w, y)) popup.mainloop() popup.destroy() # Update slider name label = get_edit_name(idx, ui_state.edit_layer_start.get(), ui_state.edit_layer_end.get(), name.get()) ui_state.scales[idx].config(label=label) if canceled: return params = { 'name': name.get(), 'sigma_range': slider_value, 'component_index': idx, 'act_comp': components.X_comp[idx].detach().cpu().numpy(), 'lat_comp': components.Z_comp[idx].detach().cpu().numpy(), # either Z or W 'latent_space': model.latent_space_name(), 'act_stdev': components.X_stdev[idx].item(), 'lat_stdev': components.Z_stdev[idx].item(), 'model_name': model_name, 'output_class': ui_state.outclass.get(), # applied onto 'decomposition': { 'name': args.estimator, 'components': args.components, 'samples': args.n, 'layer': args.layer, 'class_name': state.component_class # computed from }, 'edit_type': ui_state.mode.get(), 'truncation': ui_state.truncation.get(), 'edit_start': ui_state.edit_layer_start.get(), 'edit_end': ui_state.edit_layer_end.get() + 1, # show as inclusive, save as exclusive 'example_seed': state.seed, } edit_mode_str = params['edit_type'] if edit_mode_str == 'latent': edit_mode_str = model.latent_space_name().lower() comp_class = state.component_class appl_class = params['output_class'] if comp_class != appl_class: comp_class = f'{comp_class}_onto_{appl_class}' file_ident = "{model}-{name}-{cls}-{est}-{mode}-{layer}-comp{idx}-range{start}-{end}".format( model=model_name, name=prettify_name(params['name']), cls=comp_class, est=args.estimator, mode=edit_mode_str, layer=args.layer, idx=idx, start=params['edit_start'], end=params['edit_end'], ) out_dir = Path(__file__).parent / 'out' / 'directions' makedirs(out_dir / file_ident, exist_ok=True) with open(out_dir / f"{file_ident}.pkl", 'wb') as outfile: pickle.dump(params, outfile) print(f'Direction "{name.get()}" saved as "{file_ident}.pkl"') batch_size = ui_state.batch_size.get() len_padded = ((num_strips.get() - 1) // batch_size + 1) * batch_size orig_seed = state.seed reset_sliders() # Limit max resolution max_H = 512 ratio = min(1.0, max_H / inst.output_shape[2]) strips = [[] for _ in range(len_padded)] for b in range(0, len_padded, batch_size): # Resample resample_latent((orig_seed + b) % np.iinfo(np.int32).max) sigmas = np.linspace(slider_value, -slider_value, strip_width.get(), dtype=np.float32) for sid, sigma in enumerate(sigmas): ui_state.sliders[idx].set(sigma) # Advance and show results on screen on_draw() root.update() app.update() batch_res = (255 * img).byte().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).detach().cpu().numpy() for i, data in enumerate(batch_res): # Save individual name_nodots = file_ident.replace('.', '_') outname = out_dir / file_ident / f"{name_nodots}_ex{b+i}_{sid}.png" im = Image.fromarray(data) im = im.resize( (int(ratio * im.size[0]), int(ratio * im.size[1])), Image.ANTIALIAS) strips[b + i].append(data) for i, strip in enumerate(strips[:num_strips.get()]): print(f'Saving strip {i + 1}/{num_strips.get()}', end='\r', flush=True) data = np.hstack(pad_frames(strip)) im = Image.fromarray(data) im = im.resize((int(ratio * im.size[0]), int(ratio * im.size[1])), Image.ANTIALIAS) / file_ident / f"{file_ident}_ex{i}.png") # Reset to original state resample_latent(orig_seed) ui_state.sliders[idx].set(slider_value)