def phichain(n): buf = phi(n) nl = 1 while buf > 1: buf = phi(buf) nl += 1 return nl
def updateVertex(current, node, grid, obs): if current.parent and lineOfSight(current.parent, node, obs) \ and <= phi(current, current.parent, node) <= current.ub \ and not pathTie(node, current): # Path 2 # If in line of sight, we connect to the parent, it avoid unecessary grid turns new_g = current.parent.G + dist(current.parent, node) showPath2 = True if new_g < node.G: node.G = new_g node.parent = current.parent node.local = current neighbors = list( map(lambda nb: phi(node, current.parent, nb), children(node, grid, obs, crossbar=True))) l = min(neighbors) h = max(neighbors) delta = phi(current, current.parent, node) = max(l, - delta) node.ub = min(h, current.ub - delta) else: # Path 1 showPath2 = False new_g = current.G + dist(current, node) if new_g < node.G: node.G = new_g node.parent = current node.local = current = -45 node.ub = 45 return showPath2
def _calc_rho(lb, ub, prot_heavies, water_ow, cutoff, sigma, gridpts, npts, rho_prot_bulk, rho_water_bulk): cutoff_sq = cutoff**2 sigma_sq = sigma**2 block = ub - lb rho_prot_slice = numpy.zeros((block, npts), dtype=numpy.float32) rho_water_slice = numpy.zeros((block, npts), dtype=numpy.float32) rho_slice = numpy.zeros((block, npts), dtype=numpy.float32) # KD tree for nearest neighbor search tree = cKDTree(gridpts) # i is frame for i in xrange(block): # position of each atom at frame i for pos in prot_heavies[i]: #pos = atom.position # Indices of all gridpoints within cutoff of atom's position neighboridx = numpy.array(tree.query_ball_point(pos, cutoff)) if neighboridx.size == 0: continue neighborpts = gridpts[neighboridx] dist_vectors = neighborpts[:, ...] - pos # Distance array between atom and neighbor grid points #distarr = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(pos.reshape(1,3), neighborpts, # 'sqeuclidean').reshape(neighboridx.shape) phivals = phi(dist_vectors, sigma, sigma_sq, cutoff, cutoff_sq) rho_prot_slice[i, neighboridx] += phivals for pos in water_ow[i]: neighboridx = numpy.array(tree.query_ball_point(pos, cutoff)) if neighboridx.size == 0: continue neighborpts = gridpts[neighboridx] dist_vectors = neighborpts[:, ...] - pos # Distance array between atom and neighbor grid points # distarr = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(pos.reshape(1,3), # neighborpts,'sqeuclidean').reshape(neighboridx.shape) phivals = phi(dist_vectors, sigma, sigma_sq, cutoff, cutoff_sq) rho_water_slice[i, neighboridx] += phivals # Can probably move this out of here and perform at end rho_slice[i, :] = rho_prot_slice[i, :]/rho_prot_bulk \ + rho_water_slice[i, :]/rho_water_bulk return (rho_slice, lb, ub)
def __init__(self,prm_add=[],prm_lin=[],prm_lik=[]): """ x : p[0]*x Constructor builds and store the biasing functions from input parameters """ self.prm_add, self.prm_lin, self.prm_lik = prm_add,prm_lin,prm_lik self.bias = lambda w : lambda x : w*x self.lik = lambda l : lambda x : l/2+(1-l)*phi(x) a = [self.bias(p) for p in prm_add] super(LinAdditiveModel,self).__init__(a,prm_lin,self.lik(prm_lik))
def bernD(self,df,d): """ Response probability for a sequence implicitely described by df, d1,..,dtau """ assert isinstance(d,list) alpha = np.zeros(df.shape) for a_,d_ in zip(self.a,d): alpha += a_(d_) return phi(df/self.s-alpha)
def cumsum_test(bsq, reverse=False): n = len(bsq) st = 0 z = -1 bsqc = [ 2*x-1 for x in bsq ] for i in range(n): if reverse: st += bsqc[n-i-1] else: st += bsqc[i] if abs(st) > z: z = abs(st) t1 = sum([ phi(((4*k+1)*z)/sqrt(n)) - phi(((4*k-1)*z)/sqrt(n)) for k in range((-n/z+1)/4, (n/z-1)/4+1)]) t2 = sum([ phi(((4*k+3)*z)/sqrt(n)) - phi(((4*k+1)*z)/sqrt(n)) for k in range((-n/z-3)/4, (n/z-1)/4+1)]) p_value = 1 - t1 + t2 reason = "A random walk significantly deviates from its origin." return p_value, reason
def bern(self,f1,f2,n_samp=None): """ Response probability for a sequence of pure tones """ df = f2-f1 # the tone interval in current trial alpha = np.zeros(f1.shape) for i_a,a_ in enumerate(self.a): d = np.zeros(f1.shape) d[i_a+1:] = f1[i_a+1:] - 0.5*(f1+f2)[:-(i_a+1)] # distance of f1 to previous trials alpha += a_(d) return phi(df/self.s-alpha)
def predict(self, X, bayes=False, logistic=True): betas = self.beta_samples if not bayes: betas = tf.reduce_mean(betas, axis=0, keep_dims=True) ## Linear regression if not logistic: # return mean and uncertainty return tf.reduce_mean(X @ tf.transpose(betas), axis=1) ## Logistic Regression # evaluate activations for each paramter a = tf.einsum('ND,SD->NS', X, betas) logistic_log_probs = utils.phi(tf.ones(a.shape, dtype=tf.float64), a) return tf.reduce_logsumexp(logistic_log_probs, axis=1) - tf.log( np.float64(int(betas.shape[0])))
from utils import factorize, phi limit = 10**6 for n in range(limit + 1, 2 * limit): if n % 2 == 0 or n % 5 == 0: continue a = phi(9 * n) if a <= limit: continue valid = True for i in range(2, int(a**0.5) + 1): if a % i: continue if pow(10, i, 9 * n) == 1 and i <= limit: valid = False f = a // i if pow(10, f, 9 * n) == 1 and f <= limit: valid = False if valid: print n break
def pathTie(node, current): return False angle = abs(phi(current.parent, current, node)) return math.isclose(angle, 180, abs_tol=1e-6)
from utils import phi limit = 10**6 res = 0 for n in range(2, limit+1): res += phi(n) print(res)
def worker(n): return (n, n/phi(n))
# Problem 69 from utils import phi # real 0m46.118s # user 0m45.483s # sys 0m0.283s max_val = 0 max_index = 0 for n in range(1,1000000): ratio = n/phi(n) if ratio > max_val: max_val = ratio max_index = n print(max_index,max_val)
#%matplotlib inline from pymc3 import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import phi import theano.tensor as tsr # Generating synthetic data N =100 x = np.random.randn(N) s_true = 0.1 a_true = 0.1 b = phi(x/s_true-a_true) y = np.random.rand(N)<b def probit_phi(x): """ Probit transform assuming 0 mean and 1 sd """ mu = 0;sd = 1; return 0.5 * (1 + tsr.erf((x - mu) / (sd * tsr.sqrt(2)))) with Model() as model: # model specifications in PyMC3 are wrapped in a with-statement # Define priors sigma = HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10, testval=1.) intercept = Normal('Intercept', 0, sd=20) # Define likelihood likelihood = Bernoulli('y', p=probit_phi(x/sigma-intercept), observed=y) # Inference!
def display(start=None, goal=None, grid=[], grid_obs=[], path=[], nodes=[], point=None, point2=None, showPath2=True, hold=False): print(' Plotting...') ax.clear() if len(grid) != 0: ax.set_xlim(-0.5, grid.shape[0]) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, grid.shape[1]) elif len(grid_obs) != 0: ax.set_xlim(-0.5, grid_obs.shape[0]) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, grid_obs.shape[0]) if len(grid_obs) != 0: obs = [] x, y = np.mgrid[0:grid_obs.shape[0], 0:grid_obs.shape[1]] np.vectorize( lambda node, x, y: obs.append(patches.Rectangle([x, y], 1, 1)) if node == Node.OBSTACLE else None)(grid_obs, x, y) # obs = [patches.Rectangle([x, y], w, h) for x, y, w, h in extractRect(grid_obs)] ax.add_collection(collections.PatchCollection(obs)) lines = [] for node in nodes: pt_list = [] while node.local: pt_list.append([node.pos[0], node.pos[1]]) node = node.local pt_list.append([node.pos[0], node.pos[1]]) lines.append(pt_list) ax.add_collection( collections.LineCollection(lines, colors='green', alpha=1 if len(path) == 0 else .5)) lines = [] for node in nodes: pt_list = [] while node.parent: pt_list.append([node.pos[0], node.pos[1]]) node = node.parent pt_list.append([node.pos[0], node.pos[1]]) lines.append(pt_list) ax.add_collection( collections.LineCollection(lines, colors='red', alpha=1 if len(path) == 0 else .5)) if start is not None: ax.add_patch( patches.Circle(start.pos if isinstance(start, Node) else start, .3, linewidth=1, facecolor='green')) if goal is not None: ax.add_patch( patches.Circle(goal.pos if isinstance(goal, Node) else goal, .3, linewidth=1, facecolor='blue')) if point: ax.add_patch( patches.Circle(point.pos, .3, linewidth=1, facecolor='red')) if point2: ax.add_patch( patches.Circle(point2.pos, .2, linewidth=1, facecolor='magenta')) if point and point2 and lineOfSightNeighbors(point.pos, point2.pos, grid_obs): ax.add_patch( patches.Arrow(point.pos[0], point.pos[1], point2.pos[0] - point.pos[0], point2.pos[1] - point.pos[1], .4, facecolor='red')) if point and point2 and point.parent and lineOfSight( point.parent, point2, grid_obs) and showPath2: ax.add_patch( patches.Arrow(point.parent.pos[0], point.parent.pos[1], point2.pos[0] - point.parent.pos[0], point2.pos[1] - point.parent.pos[1], .3, facecolor='magenta')) if point and point2 and point.parent: rect = [] for pt in supercover(point.parent, point2): rect.append( patches.Rectangle([pt[0], pt[1]], 1, 1, facecolor='black', alpha=.1)) ax.add_collection( collections.PatchCollection(rect, match_original=True)) if point and point.parent and showPath2: mid_angle = phi([point.parent.pos[0] + 1, point.parent.pos[1]], point.parent, point) ax.add_patch( patches.Wedge(point.parent.pos, 5, mid_angle +, mid_angle + point.ub, facecolor='cyan', alpha=.3)) if len(path) > 0 and isinstance(path[0], Node): local = [] node = path[-1] while node.local: local.append(node.pos) node = node.local local.append(node.pos) local = np.array(local) path_ = np.array([p.pos for p in path]) plt.plot(local[:, 0], local[:, 1], color='green', linewidth=3) plt.plot(path_[:, 0], path_[:, 1], color='red', linewidth=4) pts = [] node = path[-1] while node.parent: pts += supercover(node, node.parent) node = node.parent ax.add_collection( collections.PatchCollection([ patches.Rectangle([p[0], p[1]], 1, 1, linewidth=1, facecolor='orange', alpha=.5) for p in pts ], match_original=True)) elif len(path) > 0: plt.plot(path[:, 0], path[:, 1], 'o-', color='red', linewidth=1) plt.title('Processing...') if hold and isinstance(hold, bool): else: plt.pause(DISPLAY_DELAY if isinstance(hold, bool) else hold) print('End plot')
from utils import primes, memoize, phi, arePermutations from collections import defaultdict print arePermutations("87109", "79180") s = {} nn = 100000000000 mm = 100000000000 for n in range(2, 10**7 + 1): s = phi(n) if n / float(s) < nn and arePermutations(str(int(s)), str(int(n))): nn = n / s mm = n kk = s print nn, mm, s print phi(99)
from utils import phi print max((n for n in xrange(1, 10**6 + 1)), key=lambda n: 1.0 * n / phi(n))
# Problem 72 from utils import gcd from utils import factor_count from utils import phi #real 0m46.211s #user 0m44.369s #sys 0m0.393s # notes: # primes introduce p-1 new fractions # composites introduce phi more, where phi = the number # of relatively prime #s less than n print(sum(phi(n) for n in range(2,1000001))) #total = 0 #for n in range(2,1000001): # total += phi(n) #print(total)
import utils utils.initialize_primes_cache(10**7 + 1) print("Primes initialized", flush=True) min_n = 10**7 min_ratio = 10**7 # note that n can't be prime because phi(p) = p-1 if p is prime - # this would minimize n/phi(n) but not satisfy permutation condition # skip even numbers because if n even , n/phi(n) closer to 2 for n in range(3, 10**7 + 1, 2): phi = utils.phi(n) if n / phi < min_ratio and utils.check_permutation(n, phi): min_ratio = n / phi min_n = n print((min_n, min_ratio), flush=True) print(min_n)