def sample_folder(args, config, G): args.sample_count = {} (z_, y_) = utils.prepare_z_y(args.batch_size, G.dim_z, config["n_classes"], device=config["device"], fp16=config["G_fp16"], z_var=config["z_var"], num_categories_to_sample=args.num_classes, per_category_to_sample=args.num_per_classes) out_dir = os.path.join(args.samples_dir, 'sample_folder') with torch.no_grad(): count = 0 while z_.sample_() y_.sample_() if z_.shape[0] > y_.shape[0]: z_ = z_[y_.shape[0], :] if z_.shape[0] < y_.shape[0]: y_ = y_[z_.shape[0]] if args.parallel: nn.parallel.data_parallel(G, (z_, y_)) else: image_tensors = G(z_, G.shared(y_)) # batch_size, 3, h, w save_samples(args, sample=image_tensors, save_dir=out_dir, meta={'y': y_})
def run_eval(config): # update config (see for explanation) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] config = utils.update_config_roots(config) config['skip_init'] = True config['no_optim'] = True device = 'cuda' model = __import__(config['model']) G = model.Generator(**config).cuda() G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], z_var=config['z_var']) get_inception_metrics = inception_tf.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config) network_url = config['network'].replace( 'mit-han-lab:', '') G.load_state_dict(torch.load(dnnlib.util.open_file_or_url(network_url))) if config['G_eval_mode']: G.eval() else: G.train() sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) IS_list = [] FID_list = [] for _ in tqdm(range(config['repeat'])): IS, _, FID = get_inception_metrics(sample, config['num_inception_images'], num_splits=10, prints=False) IS_list.append(IS) FID_list.append(FID) if config['repeat'] > 1: print('IS mean: {}, std: {}'.format(np.mean(IS_list), np.std(IS_list))) print('FID mean: {}, std: {}'.format(np.mean(FID_list), np.std(FID_list))) else: print('IS: {}'.format(np.mean(IS_list))) print('FID: {}'.format(np.mean(FID_list)))
def get_random_inputs(self, bs=1, target=None, seed=None): if seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(seed) (z_, y_) = utils.prepare_z_y( bs, self.generator.dim_z, self.config["n_classes"], device=self.config["device"], fp16=self.config["G_fp16"], z_var=self.config["z_var"], target=target, range=self.config["range"], ) return (z_, y_)
def __init__(self, config, model_name, thr=None, multi_gans=None, gan_weights=None): # Updating settings G_batch_size = config['G_batch_size'] n_classes = config['n_classes'] # Loading GAN weights if multi_gans is None: self.G = utils.initialize(config, model_name) else: # Assuming that weight files follows the naming convention: # model_name_k, where k is in [0,multi_gans-1] self.G = [ utils.initialize(config, model_name + "_%d" % k) for k in range(multi_gans) ] self.multi_gans = multi_gans self.gan_weights = gan_weights # Preparing sampling functions self.z_, self.y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, config['dim_z'], n_classes, device='cuda', fp16=config['G_fp16'], z_var=config['z_var'], thr=thr) # Preparing fixed y tensors self.y_fixed = { y: utils.make_y(G_batch_size, y) for y in range(n_classes) }
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) ## *** 新增 resolution 使用 I128_hdf5 数据集, 这里也许需要使用 C10数据集 config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] ## *** 新增 nclass_dict 加载 I128_hdf5 的类别, 这里也许需要使用 C10的类别 10类 config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] ## 加载 GD的 激活函数, 都用Relu, 这里的Relu是小写,不知道是否要改大写R config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] ## 从头训练吧,么有历史的参数,不用改,默认的就是 # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True ## 日志加载,也不用改应该 config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG ## 设置初始随机数种子,都为0,*** 需要修改为paddle的设置 utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary ## 设置日志根目录,这个应该也不用改 utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed ## @@@ 这里不需要更改,直接注释掉,Paddle不一定需要这个设置 ## 用于加速固定网络结构的参数 # torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. ## *** !!! 这个方法很酷哦,直接导入BigGan的model,要看一下BigGAN里面的网络结构配置 model = __import__(config['model']) ## 不用改,把一系列配置作为名字放到了实验名称中 experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model ## *** 导入参数,需要修改两个方法 G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it ## *** 默认不开,可以先不改EMA部分 if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{ **config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True }).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? ## C10比较小,G和D这部分也可以暂时不改,使用默认精度 if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? ## 把设置完结构G和D打包放入结构模型G_D中 GD = model.G_D(G, D) ## *** 这两个print也许可以删掉,没必要。可能源于继承的nn.Module的一些打印属性 print(G) print(D) ## *** 这个parameters也是继承torch的属性 print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( * [sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # ## 初始化统计参数记录表 不用变动 state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights ## 暂时不用预训练,所以这一块不用更改 if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights( G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module ## 暂时不用管,GD 默认不并行 if config['parallel']: GD = nn.DataParallel(GD) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GD) ## 日志中心,应该也可以不用管,如果需要就是把IS和FID的结果看看能不能抽出来 # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) print('Inception Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) ## 这个才是重要的,这个是用来做结果统计的。 # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) ## *** D的数据加载,加载的过程中,get_data_loaders用到了torchvision的transforms方法 # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders = utils.get_data_loaders(**{ **config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'] }) ## 准备评价指标,FID和IS的计算流程,可以使用np版本计算,也不用改 # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) ## 准备噪声和随机采样的标签组 # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) ## *** 有一部分torch的numpy用法,需要更改一下,获得噪声和标签 z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training ## *** 有一部分torch的numpy用法,需要更改一下,获得噪声和标签 ## TODO 获得两份噪声和标签,有社么用意吗? fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) ## *** 从Distribution中获得采样的方法,可以选择高斯采样和categorical采样 fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function ## *** 实例化GAN_training_function训练流程 if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config) # Else, assume debugging and use the dummy train fn ## 如果没有指定训练模型,那么就用假训走一下流程Debug else: train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics ## *** 把函数utils.sample中部分入参事先占掉,定义为新的函数sample sample = functools.partial( utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): # Which progressbar to use? TQDM or my own? if config['pbar'] == 'mine': ## 这一部分无需翻 ## !!! loaders[0] 代表了数据采样对象 pbar = utils.progress(loaders[0], displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. ## *** 继承nn.Module中的train, 对应的是 G.train() D.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() if config['D_fp16']: x, y =, else: x, y =, ## *** 把数据和标签放入训练函数里,train本身有很多需要改写 metrics = train(x, y) ## 记录日志,把metrics信息都输入日志 train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **metrics) # Every sv_log_interval, log singular values ## 记录资格迹的变化日志 if (config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and ( not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval'])): train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{ **utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D') }) # If using my progbar, print metrics. if config['pbar'] == 'mine': print(', '.join( ['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval ## 默认每2000步记录一次结果 if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') ## *** module中的方法 G.eval() ## 如果采用指数滑动平均 if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Test every specified interval ## 默认每5000步测试一次 if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch state_dict['epoch'] += 1
def run(config): # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # print(config) # exit() # Optionally, get the configuration from the state dict. This allows for # recovery of the config provided only a state dict and experiment name, # and can be convenient for writing less verbose sample shell scripts. if config['config_from_name']: # print(config['weights_root'],config['experiment_name'], config['load_weights']) utils.load_weights(None, None, state_dict, config['weights_root'], config['experiment_name'], config['load_weights'], None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Ignore items which we might want to overwrite from the command line for item in state_dict['config']: if item not in [ 'z_var', 'base_root', 'batch_size', 'G_batch_size', 'use_ema', 'G_eval_mode' ]: config[item] = state_dict['config'][item] # update config (see for explanation) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] config = utils.update_config_roots(config) config['skip_init'] = True config['no_optim'] = True device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) G = model.Generator(**config).cuda() # zht: my code # D = model.Discriminator(**config).cuda() from torch.nn import ReLU config_fixed = { 'dataset': 'I128_hdf5', 'augment': False, 'num_workers': 0, 'pin_memory': True, 'shuffle': True, 'load_in_mem': False, 'use_multiepoch_sampler': True, 'model': 'BigGAN', 'G_param': 'SN', 'D_param': 'SN', 'G_ch': 96, 'D_ch': 96, 'G_depth': 1, 'D_depth': 1, 'D_wide': True, 'G_shared': True, 'shared_dim': 128, 'dim_z': 120, 'z_var': 1.0, 'hier': True, 'cross_replica': False, 'mybn': False, 'G_nl': 'inplace_relu', 'D_nl': 'inplace_relu', 'G_attn': '64', 'D_attn': '64', 'norm_style': 'bn', 'seed': 0, 'G_init': 'ortho', 'D_init': 'ortho', 'skip_init': True, 'G_lr': 0.0001, 'D_lr': 0.0004, 'G_B1': 0.0, 'D_B1': 0.0, 'G_B2': 0.999, 'D_B2': 0.999, 'batch_size': 256, 'G_batch_size': 64, 'num_G_accumulations': 8, 'num_D_steps': 1, 'num_D_accumulations': 8, 'split_D': False, 'num_epochs': 100, 'parallel': True, 'G_fp16': False, 'D_fp16': False, 'D_mixed_precision': False, 'G_mixed_precision': False, 'accumulate_stats': False, 'num_standing_accumulations': 16, 'G_eval_mode': True, 'save_every': 1000, 'num_save_copies': 2, 'num_best_copies': 5, 'which_best': 'IS', 'no_fid': False, 'test_every': 2000, 'num_inception_images': 50000, 'hashname': False, 'base_root': '', 'data_root': 'data', 'weights_root': 'weights', 'logs_root': 'logs', 'samples_root': 'samples', 'pbar': 'mine', 'name_suffix': '', 'experiment_name': '', 'config_from_name': False, 'ema': True, 'ema_decay': 0.9999, 'use_ema': True, 'ema_start': 20000, 'adam_eps': 1e-06, 'BN_eps': 1e-05, 'SN_eps': 1e-06, 'num_G_SVs': 1, 'num_D_SVs': 1, 'num_G_SV_itrs': 1, 'num_D_SV_itrs': 1, 'G_ortho': 0.0, 'D_ortho': 0.0, 'toggle_grads': True, 'which_train_fn': 'GAN', 'load_weights': '', 'resume': False, 'logstyle': '%3.3e', 'log_G_spectra': False, 'log_D_spectra': False, 'sv_log_interval': 10, 'sample_npz': True, 'sample_num_npz': 50000, 'sample_sheets': True, 'sample_interps': True, 'sample_sheet_folder_num': -1, 'sample_random': True, 'sample_trunc_curves': '0.05_0.05_1.0', 'sample_inception_metrics': True, 'resolution': 128, 'n_classes': 1000, 'G_activation': ReLU(inplace=True), 'D_activation': ReLU(inplace=True), 'no_optim': True } # config_fixed = {'dataset': 'I128_hdf5', 'augment': False, 'num_workers': 0, 'pin_memory': True, 'shuffle': True, 'load_in_mem': False, 'use_multiepoch_sampler': True, 'model': 'BigGAN', 'G_param': 'SN', 'D_param': 'SN', 'G_ch': 96, 'D_ch': 96, 'G_depth': 1, 'D_depth': 1, 'D_wide': True, 'G_shared': True, 'shared_dim': 128, 'dim_z': 120, 'z_var': 1.0, 'hier': True, 'cross_replica': False, 'mybn': False, 'G_nl': 'inplace_relu', 'D_nl': 'inplace_relu', 'G_attn': '64', 'D_attn': '64', 'norm_style': 'bn', 'seed': 0, 'G_init': 'ortho', 'D_init': 'ortho', 'skip_init': True, 'G_lr': 0.0001, 'D_lr': 0.0004, 'G_B1': 0.0, 'D_B1': 0.0, 'G_B2': 0.999, 'D_B2': 0.999, 'batch_size': 256, 'G_batch_size': 64, 'num_G_accumulations': 8, 'num_D_steps': 1, 'num_D_accumulations': 8, 'split_D': False, 'num_epochs': 100, 'parallel': True, 'G_fp16': False, 'D_fp16': False, 'D_mixed_precision': False, 'G_mixed_precision': False, 'accumulate_stats': False, 'num_standing_accumulations': 16, 'G_eval_mode': True, 'save_every': 1000, 'num_save_copies': 2, 'num_best_copies': 5, 'which_best': 'IS', 'no_fid': False, 'test_every': 2000, 'num_inception_images': 50000, 'hashname': False, 'base_root': '', 'data_root': 'data', 'weights_root': 'weights', 'logs_root': 'logs', 'samples_root': 'samples', 'pbar': 'mine', 'name_suffix': '', 'experiment_name': '', 'config_from_name': False, 'ema': True, 'ema_decay': 0.9999, 'use_ema': True, 'ema_start': 20000, 'adam_eps': 1e-06, 'BN_eps': 1e-05, 'SN_eps': 1e-06, 'num_G_SVs': 1, 'num_D_SVs': 1, 'num_G_SV_itrs': 1, 'num_D_SV_itrs': 1, 'G_ortho': 0.0, 'D_ortho': 0.0, 'toggle_grads': True, 'which_train_fn': 'GAN', 'load_weights': '', 'resume': False, 'logstyle': '%3.3e', 'log_G_spectra': False, 'log_D_spectra': False, 'sv_log_interval': 10, 'sample_npz': True, 'sample_num_npz': 50000, 'sample_sheets': True, 'sample_interps': True, 'sample_sheet_folder_num': -1, 'sample_random': True, 'sample_trunc_curves': '0.05_0.05_1.0', 'sample_inception_metrics': True, 'resolution': 128, 'n_classes': 1000, 'no_optim': True} D = model.Discriminator(**config_fixed).cuda() utils.load_weights(None, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'], None, strict=False, load_optim=False) D.eval() utils.count_parameters(G) # Load weights print('Loading weights...') # Here is where we deal with the ema--load ema weights or load normal weights utils.load_weights(G if not (config['use_ema']) else None, None, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'], G if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Update batch size setting used for G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], z_var=config['z_var']) if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Putting G in eval mode..') G.eval() else: print('G is in %s mode...' % ('training' if else 'eval')) #Sample function sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) if config['accumulate_stats']: print('Accumulating standing stats across %d accumulations...' % config['num_standing_accumulations']) utils.accumulate_standing_stats(G, z_, y_, config['n_classes'], config['num_standing_accumulations']) # Sample a number of images and save them to an NPZ, for use with TF-Inception if config['sample_npz']: # Lists to hold images and labels for images x, y = [], [] print('Sampling %d images and saving them to npz...' % config['sample_num_npz']) for i in trange( int(np.ceil(config['sample_num_npz'] / float(G_batch_size)))): with torch.no_grad(): images, labels = sample() # zht: show discriminator results print(images.size(), labels.size()) dis_loss = D(x=images, y=labels) print(dis_loss.size()) print(dis_loss) exit() x += [np.uint8(255 * (images.cpu().numpy() + 1) / 2.)] y += [labels.cpu().numpy()] plt.imshow(x[0][i, :, :, :].transpose((1, 2, 0))) x = np.concatenate(x, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] y = np.concatenate(y, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] print('Images shape: %s, Labels shape: %s' % (x.shape, y.shape)) npz_filename = '%s/%s/samples.npz' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name) print('Saving npz to %s...' % npz_filename) np.savez(npz_filename, **{'x': x, 'y': y}) # Prepare sample sheets if config['sample_sheets']: print('Preparing conditional sample sheets...') utils.sample_sheet( G, classes_per_sheet=utils.classes_per_sheet_dict[config['dataset']], num_classes=config['n_classes'], samples_per_class=10, parallel=config['parallel'], samples_root=config['samples_root'], experiment_name=experiment_name, folder_number=config['sample_sheet_folder_num'], z_=z_, ) # Sample interp sheets if config['sample_interps']: print('Preparing interp sheets...') for fix_z, fix_y in zip([False, False, True], [False, True, False]): utils.interp_sheet(G, num_per_sheet=16, num_midpoints=8, num_classes=config['n_classes'], parallel=config['parallel'], samples_root=config['samples_root'], experiment_name=experiment_name, folder_number=config['sample_sheet_folder_num'], sheet_number=0, fix_z=fix_z, fix_y=fix_y, device='cuda') # Sample random sheet if config['sample_random']: print('Preparing random sample sheet...') images, labels = sample() torchvision.utils.save_image(images.float(), '%s/%s/random_samples.jpg' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name), nrow=int(G_batch_size**0.5), normalize=True) # Get Inception Score and FID get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) # Prepare a simple function get metrics that we use for trunc curves def get_metrics(): sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) IS_mean, IS_std, FID = get_inception_metrics( sample, config['num_inception_images'], num_splits=10, prints=False) # Prepare output string outstring = 'Using %s weights ' % ('ema' if config['use_ema'] else 'non-ema') outstring += 'in %s mode, ' % ('eval' if config['G_eval_mode'] else 'training') outstring += 'with noise variance %3.3f, ' % z_.var outstring += 'over %d images, ' % config['num_inception_images'] if config['accumulate_stats'] or not config['G_eval_mode']: outstring += 'with batch size %d, ' % G_batch_size if config['accumulate_stats']: outstring += 'using %d standing stat accumulations, ' % config[ 'num_standing_accumulations'] outstring += 'Itr %d: PYTORCH UNOFFICIAL Inception Score is %3.3f +/- %3.3f, PYTORCH UNOFFICIAL FID is %5.4f' % ( state_dict['itr'], IS_mean, IS_std, FID) print(outstring) if config['sample_inception_metrics']: print('Calculating Inception metrics...') get_metrics() # Sample truncation curve stuff. This is basically the same as the inception metrics code if config['sample_trunc_curves']: start, step, end = [ float(item) for item in config['sample_trunc_curves'].split('_') ] print( 'Getting truncation values for variance in range (%3.3f:%3.3f:%3.3f)...' % (start, step, end)) for var in np.arange(start, end + step, step): z_.var = var # Optionally comment this out if you want to run with standing stats # accumulated at one z variance setting if config['accumulate_stats']: utils.accumulate_standing_stats( G, z_, y_, config['n_classes'], config['num_standing_accumulations']) get_metrics()
def run(config): if config['wandb_entity'] is not None: init_wandb(config, config['experiment_name'], config['wandb_entity'], 'imagenet') if config["G_path"] is None: # Download a pre-trained G if necessary download_G() config["G_path"] = 'checkpoints/138k' G, state_dict, device, experiment_name = load_G(config) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: G = nn.DataParallel(DataParallelLoss(G)) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(G) num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() print(f'Using {num_gpus} GPUs') # If search_space != 'all', then we need to pad the z components that we are leaving alone: pad = get_direction_padding_fn(config) direction_size = config['dim_z'] if config[ 'search_space'] == 'all' else config['ndirs'] # A is our (ndirs, |z|) matrix of directions, where ndirs indicates the number of directions we want to learn if config['load_A'] == 'coords': print('Initializing with standard basis directions') A = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.eye(config['ndirs'], direction_size, device=device), requires_grad=True) elif config['load_A'] == 'random': print('Initializing with random directions') A = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.empty(config['ndirs'], direction_size, device=device), requires_grad=True) torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(A) else: raise NotImplementedError # We only learn A; G is left frozen during training: optim = torch.optim.Adam(params=[A], lr=config['A_lr']) # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.module.G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.module.G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() interp_z, interp_y = utils.prepare_z_y(config["n_samples"], G.module.G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) interp_z.sample_() interp_y.sample_() if config['fix_class'] is not None: y_ = y_.new_full(y_.size(), config['fix_class']) fixed_y = fixed_y.new_full(fixed_y.size(), config['fix_class']) interp_y = interp_y.new_full(interp_y.size(), config['fix_class']) print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. iters_per_epoch = 1000 dummy_loader = [None] * iters_per_epoch # We don't need any real data path_size = config['path_size'] # Simply stores a |z|-dimensional one-hot vector indicating each direction we are learning: direction_indicators = torch.eye(config['ndirs']).to(device) G.eval() G.module.optim = optim writer = SummaryWriter('%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name)) sample_sheet = train_fns.save_and_sample(G.module.G, None, G.module.G, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) writer.add_image('samples', sample_sheet, 0) interp_y_ = G.module.G.shared(interp_y) # Make directions orthogonal via Gram Schmidt: Q = pad(fast_gram_schmidt(A)) if not config["no_ortho"] else pad(A) if config["vis_during_training"]: print("Generating initial visualizations...") interp_vis = visualize_directions(G.module.G, interp_z, interp_y_, path_sizes=path_size, Q=Q, high_quality=False, npv=1) for w_ix in range(config['ndirs']): writer.add_video('G_ema/w%03d' % w_ix, interp_vis[w_ix], 0, fps=24) for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): if config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress(dummy_loader, displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(dummy_loader) for i, _ in enumerate(pbar): state_dict['itr'] += 1 z_.sample_() if config['fix_class'] is None: y_.sample_() y = G.module.G.shared(y_) sampled_directions = torch.randint(low=0, high=config['ndirs'], size=(G_batch_size, ), device=device) # Distances are sampled from U[-path_size, path_size]: distances = torch.rand(G_batch_size, 1, device=device).mul( 2 * path_size).add(-path_size) # w_sampled is an (N, ndirs)-shaped tensor. If i indexes batch elements and j indexes directions, then # w_sampled[i, j] represents how far we will move z[i] in the direction Q[j]. The final z[i] will be the sum # over all directions stored in the rows of Q. w_sampled = direction_indicators[sampled_directions] * distances # TODO: The Q.repeat below is a DataParallel hack to make sure each GPU gets the same copy of the Q matrix. # There is almost certainly a cleaner way to do this. # Hessian Penalty taken w.r.t. w_sampled, NOT z: penalty = G(z_, y, w=w_sampled, Q=Q.repeat(num_gpus, 1)).mean() optim.zero_grad() penalty.backward() optim.step() # re-orthogonalize A for visualizations and the next training iteration: Q = pad(fast_gram_schmidt(A)) if not config["no_ortho"] else pad(A) # Log metrics to TensorBoard/WandB: cur_training_iter = epoch * iters_per_epoch + i writer.add_scalar('Metrics/hessian_penalty', penalty.item(), cur_training_iter) writer.add_scalar('Metrics/direction_norm', A.pow(2).mean().pow(0.5).item(), cur_training_iter) # Save directions and log visuals: if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): A.cpu().detach(), '%s/%s/' % (config['weights_root'], experiment_name, cur_training_iter)) if config["vis_during_training"]: interp_vis = visualize_directions(G.module.G, interp_z, interp_y_, path_sizes=path_size, Q=Q, high_quality=False, npv=1) for w_ix in range(config['ndirs']): writer.add_video('G_ema/w%03d' % w_ix, interp_vis[w_ix], cur_training_iter, fps=24) state_dict['epoch'] += 1
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' if config['base_root']: os.makedirs(config['base_root'],exist_ok=True) # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format(config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{**config, 'skip_init':True, 'no_optim': True}).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GD = model.G_D(G, D) print(G) print(D) print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( *[sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G,D]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config} # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None, ) if G.lr_sched is not None:G.lr_sched.step(state_dict['epoch']) if D.lr_sched is not None:D.lr_sched.step(state_dict['epoch']) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GD = nn.DataParallel(GD) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GD) # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) print('Inception Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders = utils.get_data_loaders(**{**config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr']}) # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS if not config['on_kaggle']: get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics(config['base_root'],config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) if config['use_dog_cnt']: y_dist='categorical_dog_cnt' else: y_dist = 'categorical' dim_z=G.dim_z*2 if config['mix_style'] else G.dim_z z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'],z_dist=config['z_dist'], threshold=config['truncated_threshold'],y_dist=y_dist) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'],z_dist=config['z_dist'], threshold=config['truncated_threshold'],y_dist=y_dist) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config) # Else, assume debugging and use the dummy train fn else: train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) #I find by epoch is more convelient,so I suggest change to it.if save_every<100,I will change to py epoch by_epoch=False if config['save_every']>100 else True # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. start_time = time.time() for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): # Which progressbar to use? TQDM or my own? if config['on_kaggle']: pbar = loaders[0] elif config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress(loaders[0],displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) epoch_start_time = time.time() for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.train() D.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() if type(y) == list or type(y)==tuple:[yi.unsqueeze(1) for yi in y],dim=1) if config['D_fp16']: x, y =, else: x, y =, metrics = train(x, y) train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **metrics) # Every sv_log_interval, log singular values if (config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and (not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval'])): train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{**utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D')}) # If using my progbar, print metrics. if config['on_kaggle']: if i == len(loaders[0])-1: metrics_str = ', '.join(['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]) epoch_time = (time.time()-epoch_start_time) / 60 total_time = (time.time()-start_time) / 60 print(f"[{epoch+1}/{config['num_epochs']}][{epoch_time:.1f}min/{total_time:.1f}min] {metrics_str}") elif config['pbar'] == 'mine': if D.lr_sched is None: print(', '.join(['epoch:%d' % (epoch+1),'itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') else: print(', '.join(['epoch:%d' % (epoch+1),'lr:%.5f' % D.lr_sched.get_lr()[0] ,'itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') if not by_epoch: # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']) and not config['on_kaggle']: if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Test every specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every']) and not config['on_kaggle']: if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) if by_epoch: # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if not ((epoch+1) % config['save_every']) and not config['on_kaggle']: if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Test every specified interval if not ((epoch+1) % config['test_every']) and not config['on_kaggle']: if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) if G_ema is not None and (epoch+1) % config['test_every'] == 0 and not config['on_kaggle']:, '%s/%s/G_ema_epoch_%03d.pth' % (config['weights_root'], config['experiment_name'], epoch+1)) # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch state_dict['epoch'] += 1 if G.lr_sched is not None: G.lr_sched.step() if D.lr_sched is not None: D.lr_sched.step() if config['on_kaggle']: train_fns.generate_submission(sample, config, experiment_name)
def __init__(self, G_batch_size=100, batch_size=100, dim_z=128, n_classes=1000, sigma=0.5, is_y_uniform=False, prior_type='default', G_fp16=False, arch_aux=0, G_param='SN', D_param='SN', device='cuda', P_lr=2e-4, G_lr=5e-5, G_B1=0.0, G_B2=0.999, adam_eps=1e-8, num_G_SVs=1, num_G_SV_itrs=1, SN_eps=1e-12, G_mixed_precision=False, num_D_SVs=1, num_D_SV_itrs=1, G_activation=nn.ReLU(inplace=True), GMM_init='ortho', sharpen=1.0, optimizer_type='adam', weight_decay=5e-4, **kwargs): super(Prior, self).__init__() dtype = torch.float16 if G_fp16 else torch.float32 self.dim_z = dim_z self.sigma = sigma self.n_classes = n_classes self.prior_type = prior_type self.is_y_uniform = is_y_uniform = max(G_batch_size, batch_size) self.sharpen = sharpen self.weight_decay = weight_decay import utils self.z_, self.y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(, dim_z, n_classes, device=device, fp16=G_fp16) self.eps_ = self.z_ which_embedding = nn.Embedding self.sample_ = self.sample_default self.obtain_latent_from_z_y = self.obtain_latent_from_z_y_default self.latent_classification = self.latent_classification_default G_activation = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) if prior_type == 'default': self.y_aux = ( 1 / self.n_classes * torch.arange(self.n_classes, dtype=torch.float).reshape( 1, n_classes)).cuda() elif prior_type == 'aux': if G_param == 'SN': which_linear = functools.partial(SNLinear, num_svs=num_G_SVs, num_itrs=num_G_SV_itrs, eps=SN_eps) else: which_linear = nn.Linear if arch_aux == 0: self.gen_linear = which_linear(2 * dim_z, dim_z) latent_classification = nn.Sequential( which_linear(dim_z, dim_z), G_activation, which_linear(dim_z, n_classes), nn.Softmax()) elif arch_aux == 1: self.gen_linear = nn.Sequential(which_linear(2 * dim_z, dim_z), nn.Tanh(True)) latent_classification = nn.Sequential( which_linear(dim_z, dim_z), G_activation, which_linear(dim_z, n_classes), nn.Softmax()) self.first_embedding = which_embedding(n_classes, dim_z) self.sample_ = self.sample_aux self.latent_classification = latent_classification self.obtain_latent_from_z_y = self.obtain_latent_from_z_y_aux elif prior_type == 'GMM': self.init = GMM_init self.mu_c = nn.Parameter(data=torch.zeros((n_classes, dim_z), dtype=dtype), requires_grad=True) self.lv_c = nn.Parameter(data=torch.ones((n_classes, dim_z), dtype=dtype), requires_grad=True) self.phi_c = nn.Parameter(data=self.sigma * torch.ones(n_classes, dtype=dtype), requires_grad=False) self.sample_ = self.sample_from_gmm self.latent_classification = self.gmm_membressy2 self.obtain_latent_from_z_y = self.obtain_latent_from_z_y_gmm if self.init == 'ortho': init.orthogonal_(self.mu_c) elif self.init == 'N02': init.normal_(self.mu_c, 0, 0.02) elif self.init in ['glorot', 'xavier']: init.xavier_uniform_(self.mu_c) elif self.init == 'mu_sep': extra_dim = dim_z % n_classes reap_dim = dim_z // n_classes mu_init = 1 gmm_mu = mu_init * (1 + self.sigma) * np.hstack( (np.eye(n_classes).repeat( reap_dim, 1), np.zeros((n_classes, extra_dim)))) del self.mu_c self.mu_c = nn.Parameter(data=torch.tensor(gmm_mu, dtype=dtype), requires_grad=True) if prior_type == 'aux' or prior_type == 'GMM':, self.B1, self.B2, self.adam_eps = P_lr, G_B1, G_B2, adam_eps if G_mixed_precision: print('Using fp16 adam in Prior...') self.optim = utils.Adam16(params=self.parameters(),, betas=(self.B1, self.B2), weight_decay=0, eps=self.adam_eps) else: if optimizer_type == 'adam': self.optim = optim.Adam(params=self.parameters(),, betas=(self.B1, self.B2), weight_decay=0, eps=self.adam_eps) elif optimizer_type == 'radam': self.optim = optimizers.RAdam( params=self.parameters(),, betas=(self.B1, self.B2), weight_decay=self.weight_decay, eps=self.adam_eps) elif optimizer_type == 'ranger': self.optim = optimizers.Ranger( params=self.parameters(),, betas=(self.B1, self.B2), weight_decay=self.weight_decay, eps=self.adam_eps) if is_y_uniform: del self.y_ self.y_ = torch.arange(n_classes).repeat( // n_classes, ).to( device, device, torch.float16 if G_fp16 else torch.float32)
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format(config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{**config, 'skip_init':True, 'no_optim': True}).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GD = model.G_D(G, D) print(G) print(D) print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( *[sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G,D]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config} # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) print('Inception Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) #test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, # reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) test_log=LogWriter(logdir='%s/%s_log' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name)) print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders = utils.get_data_loaders(**{**config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr']}) # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics(config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config) # Else, assume debugging and use the dummy train fn else: train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): # Which progressbar to use? TQDM or my own? if config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress(loaders[0],displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.train() D.train() x, y=x, y.astype(np.int64) ## special handling for paddle dataloader if config['ema']: G_ema.train() metrics = train(x, y) train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **metrics) for tag in metrics: try: test_log.add_scalar(step=int(state_dict['itr']),tag="train/"+tag,value=float(metrics[tag])) except: pass # Every sv_log_interval, log singular values if (config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and (not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval'])): train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{**utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D')}) # If using my progbar, print metrics. if config['pbar'] == 'mine': print(', '.join(['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') else: pbar.set_description(', '.join(['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics])) # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Test every specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch state_dict['epoch'] += 1
def run(config): if config["G_path"] is None: # Download a pre-trained G if necessary download_G() config["G_path"] = f'checkpoints/138k' G, state_dict, device, experiment_name = load_G(config) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: G = nn.DataParallel(G) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(G) pad = get_direction_padding_fn(config) ndirs = config["ndirs"] if config["directions_to_vis"] is None else len( config["directions_to_vis"]) path_sizes = torch.tensor([config["path_size"]] * ndirs, dtype=torch.float32) interp_z, interp_y = utils.prepare_z_y(config["n_samples"], G.module.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) interp_z.sample_() interp_y.sample_() if config['fix_class'] is not None: interp_y = interp_y.new_full(interp_y.size(), config['fix_class']) interp_y_ = G.module.shared(interp_y) direction_size = config["dim_z"] if config[ "search_space"] == "all" else config["ndirs"] if config['load_A'] == 'random': print('Visualizing RANDOM directions') A = torch.randn(ndirs, direction_size) A_name = 'random' nn.init.kaiming_normal_(A) elif config['load_A'] == 'coord': print('Visualizing COORDINATE directions') A = torch.eye(ndirs, direction_size) A_name = 'coord' else: print('Visualizing PRE-TRAINED directions') A = torch.load(config["load_A"]) A_name = 'pretrained' A = A.cuda() Q = pad(fast_gram_schmidt(A)) if not config["no_ortho"] else pad(A) visuals_dir = f'visuals/{experiment_name}/{A_name}' os.makedirs(visuals_dir, exist_ok=True) print('Generating interpolation videos...') visualize_directions(G, interp_z, interp_y_, path_sizes=path_sizes, Q=Q, base_path=visuals_dir, interp_steps=180, interp_mode='smooth_center', high_quality=True, quiet=False, minibatch_size=config["val_minibatch_size"], directions_to_vis=config["directions_to_vis"])
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) E = model.ImgEncoder(**config).to(device) # E = model.Encoder(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{ **config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True }).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GDE = model.G_D_E(G, D, E) print('Number of params in G: {} D: {} E: {}'.format(*[ sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D, E] ])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights( G, D, E, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GDE = nn.DataParallel(GDE) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GDE) # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) print('Inception Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders, train_dataset = utils.get_data_loaders( **{ **config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'] }) # # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS # get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( # config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() print("fixed_y original: {} {}".format(fixed_y.shape, fixed_y[:10])) ## TODO: change the sample method to sample x and y fixed_x, fixed_y_of_x = utils.prepare_x_y(G_batch_size, train_dataset, experiment_name, config) # Build image pool to prevent mode collapes if config['img_pool_size'] != 0: img_pool = ImagePool(config['img_pool_size'], train_dataset.num_class,\ save_dir=os.path.join(config['imgbuffer_root'], experiment_name), resume_buffer=config['resume_buffer']) else: img_pool = None # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, E, GDE, ema, state_dict, config, img_pool) # Else, assume debugging and use the dummy train fn else: train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics sample = functools.partial( utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) # print('Beginning training at epoch %f...' % (state_dict['itr'] * D_batch_size / len(train_dataset))) print("Beginning training at Epoch {} (iteration {})".format( state_dict['epoch'], state_dict['itr'])) # # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. # for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): # Which progressbar to use? TQDM or my own? if config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress( loaders[0], displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.eval() D.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() if config['D_fp16']: x, y =, else: x, y =, # Every sv_log_interval, log singular values if (config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and (not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval'])): train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{ **utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D') }) # If using my progbar, print metrics. if config['pbar'] == 'mine': print(', '.join( ['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if (not state_dict['itr'] % config['save_img_every']) or ( not state_dict['itr'] % config['save_model_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() save_weights = config['save_weights'] if state_dict['itr'] % config['save_model_every']: save_weights = False train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, E, G_ema, fixed_x, fixed_y_of_x, z_, y_, state_dict, config, experiment_name, img_pool, save_weights=save_weights) # # Test every specified interval # if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every']): # if config['G_eval_mode']: # print('Switchin G to eval mode...') # G.eval() # train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, # get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch state_dict['epoch'] = state_dict['itr'] * D_batch_size / ( len(train_dataset)) print("Finished Epoch {} (iteration {})".format( state_dict['epoch'], state_dict['itr']))
def run(config): # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # Optionally, get the configuration from the state dict. This allows for # recovery of the config provided only a state dict and experiment name, # and can be convenient for writing less verbose sample shell scripts. if config['config_from_name']: utils.load_weights(None, None, state_dict, config['weights_root'], config['experiment_name'], config['load_weights'], None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Ignore items which we might want to overwrite from the command line for item in state_dict['config']: if item not in [ 'z_var', 'base_root', 'batch_size', 'G_batch_size', 'use_ema', 'G_eval_mode' ]: config[item] = state_dict['config'][item] # update config (see for explanation) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_channels'] = utils.nchannels_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] config = utils.update_config_roots(config) config['skip_init'] = True config['no_optim'] = True device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG # utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) G = model.Generator(**config).cuda() utils.count_parameters(G) # In some cases we need to load D if True or config['get_test_error'] or config['get_train_error'] or config[ 'get_self_error'] or config['get_generator_error']: disc_config = config.copy() if config['mh_csc_loss'] or config['mh_loss']: disc_config['output_dim'] = disc_config['n_classes'] + 1 D = model.Discriminator(**disc_config).to(device) def get_n_correct_from_D(x, y): """Gets the "classifications" from D. y: the correct labels In the case of projection discrimination we have to pass in all the labels as conditionings to get the class specific affinity. """ x = if config['model'] == 'BigGAN': # projection discrimination case if not config['get_self_error']: y = yhat = D(x, y) for i in range(1, config['n_classes']): yhat_ = D(x, ((y + i) % config['n_classes'])) yhat =[yhat, yhat_], 1) preds_ =[1].cpu() return preds_.eq(0).cpu().sum() else: # the mh gan case if not config['get_self_error']: y = yhat = D(x) preds_ = yhat[:, :config['n_classes']].data.max(1)[1] return preds_.eq( # Load weights print('Loading weights...') # Here is where we deal with the ema--load ema weights or load normal weights utils.load_weights(G if not (config['use_ema']) else None, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'], G if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Update batch size setting used for G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], z_var=config['z_var']) if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Putting G in eval mode..') G.eval() else: print('G is in %s mode...' % ('training' if else 'eval')) sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) brief_expt_name = config['experiment_name'][-30:] # load results dict always HIST_FNAME = 'scoring_hist.npy' def load_or_make_hist(d): """make/load history files in each """ if not os.path.isdir(d): raise Exception('%s is not a valid directory' % d) f = os.path.join(d, HIST_FNAME) if os.path.isfile(f): return np.load(f, allow_pickle=True).item() else: return defaultdict(dict) hist_dir = os.path.join(config['weights_root'], config['experiment_name']) hist = load_or_make_hist(hist_dir) if config['get_test_error'] or config['get_train_error']: loaders = utils.get_data_loaders( **{ **config, 'batch_size': config['batch_size'], 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'], 'use_test_set': config['get_test_error'] }) acc_type = 'Test' if config['get_test_error'] else 'Train' pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) loader_total = len(loaders[0]) * config['batch_size'] sample_todo = min(config['sample_num_error'], loader_total) print('Getting %s error accross %i examples' % (acc_type, sample_todo)) correct = 0 total = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): correct += get_n_correct_from_D(x, y) total += config['batch_size'] if loader_total > total and total >= config['sample_num_error']: print('Quitting early...') break accuracy = float(correct) / float(total) hist = load_or_make_hist(hist_dir) hist[state_dict['itr']][acc_type] = accuracy, HIST_FNAME), hist) print('[%s][%06d] %s accuracy: %f.' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'], acc_type, accuracy * 100)) if config['get_self_error']: n_used_imgs = config['sample_num_error'] correct = 0 imageSize = config['resolution'] x = np.empty((n_used_imgs, imageSize, imageSize, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for l in tqdm(range(n_used_imgs // G_batch_size), desc='Generating [%s][%06d]' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'])): with torch.no_grad(): images, y = sample() correct += get_n_correct_from_D(images, y) accuracy = float(correct) / float(n_used_imgs) print('[%s][%06d] %s accuracy: %f.' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'], 'Self', accuracy * 100)) hist = load_or_make_hist(hist_dir) hist[state_dict['itr']]['Self'] = accuracy, HIST_FNAME), hist) if config['get_generator_error']: if config['dataset'] == 'C10': from classification.models.densenet import DenseNet121 from torchvision import transforms compnet = DenseNet121() compnet = torch.nn.DataParallel(compnet) #checkpoint = torch.load(os.path.join('/scratch0/ilya/locDoc/classifiers/densenet121','ckpt_47.t7')) checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join( '/fs/vulcan-scratch/ilyak/locDoc/experiments/classifiers/cifar/densenet121', 'ckpt_47.t7')) compnet.load_state_dict(checkpoint['net']) compnet = compnet.eval() minimal_trans = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465), (0.2023, 0.1994, 0.2010)), ]) elif config['dataset'] == 'C100': from classification.models.densenet import DenseNet121 from torchvision import transforms compnet = DenseNet121(num_classes=100) compnet = torch.nn.DataParallel(compnet) checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join( '/scratch0/ilya/locDoc/classifiers/cifar100/densenet121', 'ckpt.copy.t7')) #checkpoint = torch.load(os.path.join('/fs/vulcan-scratch/ilyak/locDoc/experiments/classifiers/cifar100/densenet121','ckpt.copy.t7')) compnet.load_state_dict(checkpoint['net']) compnet = compnet.eval() minimal_trans = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.507, 0.487, 0.441), (0.267, 0.256, 0.276)), ]) elif config['dataset'] == 'STL48': from classification.models.wideresnet import WideResNet48 from torchvision import transforms checkpoint = torch.load( os.path.join( '/fs/vulcan-scratch/ilyak/locDoc/experiments/classifiers/stl/mixmatch_48', 'model_best.pth.tar')) compnet = WideResNet48(num_classes=10) compnet = for param in compnet.parameters(): param.detach_() compnet.load_state_dict(checkpoint['ema_state_dict']) compnet.eval() minimal_trans = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465), (0.2023, 0.1994, 0.2010)), ]) else: raise ValueError('Dataset %s has no comparison network.' % config['dataset']) n_used_imgs = 10000 correct = 0 mean_label = np.zeros(config['n_classes']) imageSize = config['resolution'] x = np.empty((n_used_imgs, imageSize, imageSize, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for l in tqdm(range(n_used_imgs // G_batch_size), desc='Generating [%s][%06d]' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'])): with torch.no_grad(): images, y = sample() fake = fake = np.floor((fake + 1) * 255 / 2.0).astype(np.uint8) fake_input = np.zeros(fake.shape) for bi in range(fake.shape[0]): fake_input[bi] = minimal_trans(np.moveaxis( fake[bi], 0, -1)) lab = compnet(images).max(1)[1] mean_label += np.bincount(, minlength=config['n_classes']) correct += int((lab == y).sum().cpu()) accuracy = float(correct) / float(n_used_imgs) mean_label_normalized = mean_label / float(n_used_imgs) print( '[%s][%06d] %s accuracy: %f.' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'], 'Generator', accuracy * 100)) hist = load_or_make_hist(hist_dir) hist[state_dict['itr']]['Generator'] = accuracy hist[state_dict['itr']]['Mean_Label'] = mean_label_normalized, HIST_FNAME), hist) if config['accumulate_stats']: print('Accumulating standing stats across %d accumulations...' % config['num_standing_accumulations']) utils.accumulate_standing_stats(G, z_, y_, config['n_classes'], config['num_standing_accumulations']) # Sample a number of images and save them to an NPZ, for use with TF-Inception if config['sample_npz']: # Lists to hold images and labels for images x, y = [], [] print('Sampling %d images and saving them to npz...' % config['sample_num_npz']) for i in trange( int(np.ceil(config['sample_num_npz'] / float(G_batch_size)))): with torch.no_grad(): images, labels = sample() x += [np.uint8(255 * (images.cpu().numpy() + 1) / 2.)] y += [labels.cpu().numpy()] x = np.concatenate(x, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] y = np.concatenate(y, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] print('Images shape: %s, Labels shape: %s' % (x.shape, y.shape)) npz_filename = '%s/%s/samples.npz' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name) print('Saving npz to %s...' % npz_filename) np.savez(npz_filename, **{'x': x, 'y': y}) if config['official_FID']: f = np.load(config['dataset_is_fid']) # this is for using the downloaded one from # #mdata, sdata = f['mu'][:], f['sigma'][:] # this one is for my format files mdata, sdata = f['mfid'], f['sfid'] # Sample a number of images and stick them in memory, for use with TF-Inception official_IS and official_FID data_gen_necessary = False if config['sample_np_mem']: is_saved = int('IS' in hist[state_dict['itr']]) is_todo = int(config['official_IS']) fid_saved = int('FID' in hist[state_dict['itr']]) fid_todo = int(config['official_FID']) data_gen_necessary = config['overwrite'] or (is_todo > is_saved) or ( fid_todo > fid_saved) if config['sample_np_mem'] and data_gen_necessary: n_used_imgs = 50000 imageSize = config['resolution'] x = np.empty((n_used_imgs, imageSize, imageSize, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for l in tqdm(range(n_used_imgs // G_batch_size), desc='Generating [%s][%06d]' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'])): start = l * G_batch_size end = start + G_batch_size with torch.no_grad(): images, labels = sample() fake = np.uint8(255 * (images.cpu().numpy() + 1) / 2.) x[start:end] = np.moveaxis(fake, 1, -1) #y += [labels.cpu().numpy()] if config['official_IS']: if (not ('IS' in hist[state_dict['itr']])) or config['overwrite']: mis, sis = iscore.get_inception_score(x) print('[%s][%06d] IS mu: %f. IS sigma: %f.' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'], mis, sis)) hist = load_or_make_hist(hist_dir) hist[state_dict['itr']]['IS'] = [mis, sis], HIST_FNAME), hist) else: mis, sis = hist[state_dict['itr']]['IS'] print( '[%s][%06d] Already done (skipping...): IS mu: %f. IS sigma: %f.' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'], mis, sis)) if config['official_FID']: import tensorflow as tf def fid_ms_for_imgs(images, mem_fraction=0.5): gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=mem_fraction) inception_path = fid.check_or_download_inception(None) fid.create_inception_graph( inception_path) # load the graph into the current TF graph with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto( gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess: mu_gen, sigma_gen = fid.calculate_activation_statistics( images, sess, batch_size=100) return mu_gen, sigma_gen if (not ('FID' in hist[state_dict['itr']])) or config['overwrite']: m1, s1 = fid_ms_for_imgs(x) fid_value = fid.calculate_frechet_distance(m1, s1, mdata, sdata) print('[%s][%06d] FID: %f' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'], fid_value)) hist = load_or_make_hist(hist_dir) hist[state_dict['itr']]['FID'] = fid_value, HIST_FNAME), hist) else: fid_value = hist[state_dict['itr']]['FID'] print('[%s][%06d] Already done (skipping...): FID: %f' % (brief_expt_name, state_dict['itr'], fid_value)) # Prepare sample sheets if config['sample_sheets']: print('Preparing conditional sample sheets...') folder_number = config['sample_sheet_folder_num'] if folder_number == -1: folder_number = config['load_weights'] utils.sample_sheet( G, classes_per_sheet=utils.classes_per_sheet_dict[config['dataset']], num_classes=config['n_classes'], samples_per_class=10, parallel=config['parallel'], samples_root=config['samples_root'], experiment_name=experiment_name, folder_number=folder_number, z_=z_, ) # Sample interp sheets if config['sample_interps']: print('Preparing interp sheets...') folder_number = config['sample_sheet_folder_num'] if folder_number == -1: folder_number = config['load_weights'] for fix_z, fix_y in zip([False, False, True], [False, True, False]): utils.interp_sheet(G, num_per_sheet=16, num_midpoints=8, num_classes=config['n_classes'], parallel=config['parallel'], samples_root=config['samples_root'], experiment_name=experiment_name, folder_number=int(folder_number), sheet_number=0, fix_z=fix_z, fix_y=fix_y, device='cuda') # Sample random sheet if config['sample_random']: print('Preparing random sample sheet...') images, labels = sample() torchvision.utils.save_image( images.float(), '%s/%s/%s.jpg' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights']), nrow=int(G_batch_size**0.5), normalize=True) # Prepare a simple function get metrics that we use for trunc curves def get_metrics(): # Get Inception Score and FID get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) IS_mean, IS_std, FID = get_inception_metrics( sample, config['num_inception_images'], num_splits=10, prints=False) # Prepare output string outstring = 'Using %s weights ' % ('ema' if config['use_ema'] else 'non-ema') outstring += 'in %s mode, ' % ('eval' if config['G_eval_mode'] else 'training') outstring += 'with noise variance %3.3f, ' % z_.var outstring += 'over %d images, ' % config['num_inception_images'] if config['accumulate_stats'] or not config['G_eval_mode']: outstring += 'with batch size %d, ' % G_batch_size if config['accumulate_stats']: outstring += 'using %d standing stat accumulations, ' % config[ 'num_standing_accumulations'] outstring += 'Itr %d: PYTORCH UNOFFICIAL Inception Score is %3.3f +/- %3.3f, PYTORCH UNOFFICIAL FID is %5.4f' % ( state_dict['itr'], IS_mean, IS_std, FID) print(outstring) if config['sample_inception_metrics']: print('Calculating Inception metrics...') get_metrics() # Sample truncation curve stuff. This is basically the same as the inception metrics code if config['sample_trunc_curves']: start, step, end = [ float(item) for item in config['sample_trunc_curves'].split('_') ] print( 'Getting truncation values for variance in range (%3.3f:%3.3f:%3.3f)...' % (start, step, end)) for var in np.arange(start, end + step, step): z_.var = var # Optionally comment this out if you want to run with standing stats # accumulated at one z variance setting if config['accumulate_stats']: utils.accumulate_standing_stats( G, z_, y_, config['n_classes'], config['num_standing_accumulations']) get_metrics()
def run(config): logger = logging.getLogger('tl') # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = importlib.import_module(config['model']) # model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = 'exp' # experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] # else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config, cfg=getattr(global_cfg, 'generator', None)).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config, cfg=getattr(global_cfg, 'discriminator', None)).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{ **config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True }, cfg=getattr(global_cfg, 'generator', None)).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GD = model.G_D(G, D)'Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( * [sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights(G=G, D=D, state_dict=state_dict, weights_root=global_cfg.resume_cfg.weights_root, experiment_name='', name_suffix=config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema=G_ema if config['ema'] else None)"Resume IS={state_dict['best_IS']}")"Resume FID={state_dict['best_FID']}") # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GD = nn.DataParallel(GD) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GD) # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) print('Inception Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders = utils.get_data_loaders( **{ **config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'], **getattr(global_cfg, 'train_dataloader', {}) }) val_loaders = None if hasattr(global_cfg, 'val_dataloader'): val_loaders = utils.get_data_loaders( **{ **config, 'batch_size': config['batch_size'], 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'], **global_cfg.val_dataloader })[0] val_loaders = iter(val_loaders) # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS if global_cfg.get('use_unofficial_FID', False): get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['inception_file'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) else: get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_FID_IS(global_cfg) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config, val_loaders) # Else, assume debugging and use the dummy train fn elif config['which_train_fn'] == 'dummy': train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() else: train_fns_module = importlib.import_module(config['which_train_fn']) train = train_fns_module.GAN_training_function(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config, val_loaders) # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics if global_cfg.get('use_unofficial_FID', False): sample = functools.partial( utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) else: sample = functools.partial( utils.sample_imgs, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) state_dict['shown_images'] = state_dict['itr'] * D_batch_size if global_cfg.get('resume_cfg', {}).get('eval', False):'Evaluating model.') G_ema.eval() G.eval() train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) return print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): # Which progressbar to use? TQDM or my own? if config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress(loaders[0], desc=f'Epoch:{epoch}, Itr: ', displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.train() D.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() if config['D_fp16']: x, y =, else: x, y =, default_dict = train(x, y) state_dict['shown_images'] += D_batch_size metrics = default_dict['D_loss'] train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **metrics) summary_defaultdict2txtfig(default_dict=default_dict, prefix='train', step=state_dict['shown_images'], textlogger=textlogger) # Every sv_log_interval, log singular values if (config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and ( not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval'])): train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{ **utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D') }) # If using my progbar, print metrics. if config['pbar'] == 'mine': print(', '.join( ['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ', flush=True) # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Test every specified interval if state_dict['itr'] == 1 or \ (config['test_every'] > 0 and state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every'] == 0) or \ (state_dict['shown_images'] % global_cfg.get('test_every_images', float('inf'))) < D_batch_size: if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...', flush=True) G.eval() print('\n' + config['tl_outdir']) train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch state_dict['epoch'] += 1
def run(config): # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config} # Optionally, get the configuration from the state dict. This allows for # recovery of the config provided only a state dict and experiment name, # and can be convenient for writing less verbose sample shell scripts. if config['config_from_name']: utils.load_weights(None, None, state_dict, config['weights_root'], config['experiment_name'], config['load_weights'], None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Ignore items which we might want to overwrite from the command line for item in state_dict['config']: if item not in ['z_var', 'base_root', 'batch_size', 'G_batch_size', 'use_ema', 'G_eval_mode']: config[item] = state_dict['config'][item] # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) utils.count_parameters(G) # Load weights print('Loading weights...') # Here is where we deal with the ema--load ema weights or load normal weights utils.load_weights(G if not (config['use_ema']) else None, None, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'], G if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Update batch size setting used for G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], z_var=config['z_var']) if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Putting G in eval mode..') G.eval() else: print('G is in %s mode...' % ('training' if else 'eval')) #Sample function sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) if config['accumulate_stats']: print('Accumulating standing stats across %d accumulations...' % config['num_standing_accumulations']) utils.accumulate_standing_stats(G, z_, y_, config['n_classes'], config['num_standing_accumulations']) # Sample a number of images and save them to an NPZ, for use with TF-Inception if config['sample_npz']: # Lists to hold images and labels for images x, y = [], [] print('Sampling %d images and saving them to npz...' % config['sample_num_npz']) for i in trange(int(np.ceil(config['sample_num_npz'] / float(G_batch_size)))): with torch.no_grad(): images, labels = sample() x += [np.uint8(255 * (images.cpu().numpy() + 1) / 2.)] y += [labels.cpu().numpy()] x = np.concatenate(x, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] y = np.concatenate(y, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] print('Images shape: %s, Labels shape: %s' % (x.shape, y.shape)) npz_filename = '%s/%s/samples.npz' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name) print('Saving npz to %s...' % npz_filename) np.savez(npz_filename, **{'x' : x, 'y' : y}) # Prepare sample sheets if config['sample_sheets']: print('Preparing conditional sample sheets...') utils.sample_sheet(G, classes_per_sheet=utils.classes_per_sheet_dict[config['dataset']], num_classes=config['n_classes'], samples_per_class=10, parallel=config['parallel'], samples_root=config['samples_root'], experiment_name=experiment_name, folder_number=config['sample_sheet_folder_num'], z_=z_,) # Sample interp sheets if config['sample_interps']: print('Preparing interp sheets...') for fix_z, fix_y in zip([False, False, True], [False, True, False]): utils.interp_sheet(G, num_per_sheet=16, num_midpoints=8, num_classes=config['n_classes'], parallel=config['parallel'], samples_root=config['samples_root'], experiment_name=experiment_name, folder_number=config['sample_sheet_folder_num'], sheet_number=0, fix_z=fix_z, fix_y=fix_y, device='cuda') # Sample random sheet if config['sample_random']: print('Preparing random sample sheet...') images, labels = sample() print("labels size", labels) torchvision.utils.save_image(images.float(), '%s/%s/random_samples.jpg' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name), nrow=int(G_batch_size**0.5), normalize=True) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format(config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{**config, 'skip_init':True, 'no_optim': True}).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GD = model.G_D(G, D) #print(G) #print(D) print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( *[sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G,D]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config} # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GD = nn.DataParallel(GD) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GD) D_fake = D(images[1,:,:,:],labels[0]) print("D_fake ",D_fake)
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] # config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] # NOTE: setting n_classes to 1 except in conditional case to train as unconditional model config['n_classes'] = 1 if config['conditional']: config['n_classes'] = 2 print('n classes: {}'.format(config['n_classes'])) config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{ **config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True }).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GD = model.G_D( G, D, config['conditional']) # check if labels are 0's if "unconditional" print(G) print(D) print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( * [sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num_fair': 0, 'save_best_num_fid': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'best_fair_d': 999999, 'config': config } # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights( G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GD = nn.DataParallel(GD) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GD) # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.json' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) print('Inception Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders = utils.get_data_loaders( config, **{ **config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'] }) # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], true_prop=config['true_prop']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() # NOTE: "unconditional" GAN if not config['conditional']: fixed_y.zero_() y_.zero_() # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config) # Else, assume debugging and use the dummy train fn else: train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics sample = functools.partial( utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): # Which progressbar to use? TQDM or my own? if config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress(loaders[0], displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) # iterate through the dataloaders for i, (x, y, ratio) in enumerate(pbar): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.train() D.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() if config['D_fp16']: x, y, ratio =,, device) else: x, y, ratio =,, metrics = train(x, y, ratio) train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **metrics) # Every sv_log_interval, log singular values if (config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and ( not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval'])): train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{ **utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D') }) # If using my progbar, print metrics. if config['pbar'] == 'mine': print(', '.join( ['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Test every epoch (not specified interval) if (epoch >= config['start_eval']): # First, find correct inception moments data_moments = '../../fid_stats/unbiased_all_gender_fid_stats.npz' if config['multi']: data_moments = '../../fid_stats/unbiased_all_multi_fid_stats.npz' fid_type = 'multi' else: fid_type = 'gender' # load appropriate moments print('Loaded data moments at: {}'.format(data_moments)) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) # eval mode for FID computation if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switching G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() utils.sample_inception( G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G, config, str(epoch)) # Get saved sample path folder_number = str(epoch) sample_moments = '%s/%s/%s/samples.npz' % ( config['samples_root'], experiment_name, folder_number) # Calculate FID FID = fid_score.calculate_fid_given_paths( [data_moments, sample_moments], batch_size=100, cuda=True, dims=2048) print("FID calculated") train_fns.update_FID(G, D, G_ema, state_dict, config, FID, experiment_name, test_log, epoch) # added epoch logging # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch print('Completed epoch {}'.format(epoch)) state_dict['epoch'] += 1
def run(config): def len_parallelloader(self): return len(self._loader._loader) pl.PerDeviceLoader.__len__ = len_parallelloader # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: xm.master_print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) xm.master_print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) device = xm.xla_device(devkind='TPU') # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config) D = model.Discriminator(**config) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: xm.master_print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format(config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{**config, 'skip_init':True, 'no_optim': True}) else: xm.master_print('Not using ema...') G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: xm.master_print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: xm.master_print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Prepare state dict, which holds things like itr # state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config} # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: xm.master_print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # move everything to TPU G = D = G.optim = optim.Adam(params=G.parameters(),, betas=(G.B1, G.B2), weight_decay=0, eps=G.adam_eps) D.optim = optim.Adam(params=D.parameters(),, betas=(D.B1, D.B2), weight_decay=0, eps=D.adam_eps) #for key, val in G.optim.state.items(): # G.optim.state[key]['exp_avg'] = G.optim.state[key]['exp_avg'].to(device) # G.optim.state[key]['exp_avg_sq'] = G.optim.state[key]['exp_avg_sq'].to(device) #for key, val in D.optim.state.items(): # D.optim.state[key]['exp_avg'] = D.optim.state[key]['exp_avg'].to(device) # D.optim.state[key]['exp_avg_sq'] = D.optim.state[key]['exp_avg_sq'].to(device) if config['ema']: G_ema = ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GD = model.G_D(G, D) xm.master_print(G) xm.master_print(D) xm.master_print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( *[sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G,D]])) # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) xm.master_print('Test Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) xm.master_print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) if xm.is_master_ordinal(): # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) xm.master_print('Preparing data...') loader = utils.get_data_loaders(**{**config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr']}) # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS xm.master_print('Preparing metrics...') get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], no_inception=config['no_inception'], no_fid=config['no_fid']) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) sample = lambda: utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = sample() train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, GD, sample, ema, state_dict, config) xm.master_print('Beginning training...') if xm.is_master_ordinal(): pbar = tqdm(total=config['total_steps']) pbar.n = state_dict['itr'] pbar.refresh() xm.rendezvous('training_starts') while (state_dict['itr'] < config['total_steps']): pl_loader = pl.ParallelLoader(loader, [device]).per_device_loader(device) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pl_loader): if xm.is_master_ordinal(): # Increment the iteration counter pbar.update(1) state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.train() D.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() xm.rendezvous('data_collection') metrics = train(x, y) # train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **metrics) # Every sv_log_interval, log singular values #if ((config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and (not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval']))) and xm.is_master_ordinal(): #train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), # **{**utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D')}) # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if (not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every'])): if config['G_eval_mode']: xm.master_print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, sample, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Test every specified interval if (not (state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every'])): which_G = G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G if config['G_eval_mode']: xm.master_print('Switchin G to eval mode...') which_G.eval() def G_sample(): z, y = sample() return which_G(z, which_G.shared(y)) train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, sample, state_dict, config, G_sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) if state_dict['itr'] >= config['total_steps']: break
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = 64 config['n_classes'] = 120 config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else 'generative_dog_images') print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) G = BigGAN.Generator(**config).to(device) D = BigGAN.Discriminator(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = BigGAN.Generator(**{ **config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True }).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None GD = BigGAN.G_D(G, D) print(G) print(D) print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( * [sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'config': config} # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights( G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders = dataset.get_data_loaders(data_root=config['data_root'], label_root=config['label_root'], batch_size=D_batch_size, num_workers=config['num_workers'], shuffle=config['shuffle'], pin_memory=config['pin_memory'], drop_last=True) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function train = train_fns.create_train_fn(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config) print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) start_time = time.perf_counter() total_iters = config['num_epochs'] * len(loaders[0]) # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): for i, (x, y) in enumerate(loaders[0]): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.train() D.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() x, y =, metrics = train(x, y) if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['log_interval']): curr_time = time.perf_counter() curr_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( curr_time).strftime('%H:%M:%S') elapsed = str( datetime.timedelta(seconds=(curr_time - start_time))) log = ("[{}] [{}] [{} / {}] Ep {}, ".format( curr_time_str, elapsed, state_dict['itr'], total_iters, epoch) + ', '.join([ '%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics ])) print(log) # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switching G to eval mode...') G.eval() # if config['ema']: # G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch state_dict['epoch'] += 1
def run(config): config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) E = model.ImgEncoder(**config).to(device) GDE = model.G_D_E(G, D, E) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } print('Number of params in G: {} D: {} E: {}'.format(*[ sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D, E] ])) print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights( G, D, E, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # ============================================================================== # prepare the data loaders, train_dataset = utils.get_data_loaders(**config) G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() print("fixed_y original: {} {}".format(fixed_y.shape, fixed_y[:10])) fixed_x, fixed_y_of_x = utils.prepare_x_y(G_batch_size, train_dataset, experiment_name, config) evaluate_sample(config, fixed_x, fixed_y, G, E, experiment_name, attack=True)
def run(config): config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] if config['resume']: config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) utils.prepare_root(config) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) G3 = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D3 = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) if config['ema']: G_ema = model.Generator(**{**config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True}).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None if config['G_fp16']: G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: D = D.half() GD = model.G_D(G, D, config['conditional']) GD3 = model.G_D(G3, D3, config['conditional']) state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config} if config['resume']: utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) #utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict, '../Task3_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/weights', 'C10Ukl5', 'best0', G_ema if config['ema'] else None) #utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict, '../Task1_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/weights', 'C10Ukl5', 'best0', G_ema if config['ema'] else None) #utils.load_weights(G3, D3, state_dict, '../Task2_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/weights', 'C10Ukl5', 'last0', G_ema if config['ema'] else None) #utils.load_weights(G3, D3, state_dict, '../Task2_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/weights', 'C10Ukl5', 'best0', G_ema if config['ema'] else None) utils.load_weights(G3, D3, state_dict, '../Task2_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/weights', 'C10Ukl5', 'last0', G_ema if config['ema'] else None) utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict, '../Task3_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/weights', 'C10Ukl5', 'best0', G_ema if config['ema'] else None) if config['parallel']: GD = nn.DataParallel(GD) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GD) test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) # Use: config['abnormal_class'] #print(config['abnormal_class']) abnormal_class = config['abnormal_class'] select_dataset = config['select_dataset'] #print(config['select_dataset']) #print(select_dataset) loaders = utils.get_data_loaders(**{**config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'], 'abnormal_class': abnormal_class, 'select_dataset': select_dataset}) # Usage: --select_dataset cifar10 --abnormal_class 0 --shuffle --batch_size 64 --parallel --num_G_accumulations 1 --num_D_accumulations 1 --num_epochs 500 --num_D_steps 4 --G_lr 2e-4 --D_lr 2e-4 --dataset C10 --data_root ../Task2_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/data/ --G_ortho 0.0 --G_attn 0 --D_attn 0 --G_init N02 --D_init N02 --ema --use_ema --ema_start 1000 --start_eval 50 --test_every 5000 --save_every 2000 --num_best_copies 5 --num_save_copies 2 --loss_type kl_5 --seed 2 --which_best FID --model BigGAN --experiment_name C10Ukl5 # Use: --select_dataset mnist --abnormal_class 1 --shuffle --batch_size 64 --parallel --num_G_accumulations 1 --num_D_accumulations 1 --num_epochs 500 --num_D_steps 4 --G_lr 2e-4 --D_lr 2e-4 --dataset C10 --data_root ../Task2_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/data/ --G_ortho 0.0 --G_attn 0 --D_attn 0 --G_init N02 --D_init N02 --ema --use_ema --ema_start 1000 --start_eval 50 --test_every 5000 --save_every 2000 --num_best_copies 5 --num_save_copies 2 --loss_type kl_5 --seed 2 --which_best FID --model BigGAN --experiment_name C10Ukl5 G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() if not config['conditional']: fixed_y.zero_() y_.zero_() if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G3, D3, GD3, G3, D3, GD3, G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config) else: train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) if config['dataset'] == 'C10U' or config['dataset'] == 'C10': data_moments = 'fid_stats_cifar10_train.npz' #'../Task1_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/fid_stats_cifar10_train.npz' #data_moments = '../Task1_CIFAR_MNIST_KLWGAN_Simulation_Experiment/fid_stats_cifar10_train.npz' else: print("Cannot find the data set.") sys.exit() for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): if config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress(loaders[0], displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): state_dict['itr'] += 1 G.eval() D.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() if config['D_fp16']: x, y =, else: x, y =, print('') # Random seed #print(config['seed']) if epoch==0 and i==0: print(config['seed']) metrics = train(x, y) # We double the learning rate if we double the batch size. train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **metrics) if (config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and (not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval'])): train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{**utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D')}) if config['pbar'] == 'mine': print(', '.join(['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) if (not (state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every'])) and (epoch >= config['start_eval']): if config['G_eval_mode']: G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() utils.sample_inception( G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G, config, str(epoch)) folder_number = str(epoch) sample_moments = '%s/%s/%s/samples.npz' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name, folder_number) FID = fid_score.calculate_fid_given_paths([data_moments, sample_moments], batch_size=50, cuda=True, dims=2048) train_fns.update_FID(G, D, G_ema, state_dict, config, FID, experiment_name, test_log) state_dict['epoch'] += 1 #utils.save_weights(G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, 'be01Bes01Best%d' % state_dict['save_best_num'], G_ema if config['ema'] else None) utils.save_weights(G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, 'last%d' % 0, G_ema if config['ema'] else None)
def run(config): config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) model = BigGAN # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it (Earth Moving Averaging for parameters) if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{ **config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True }).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: ema = None GD = model.G_D(G, D) print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format( * [sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights( G, D, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GD = nn.DataParallel(GD) # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) print('Inception Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders = utils.get_data_loaders(**{ **config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'] }) # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config) # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics sample = functools.partial( utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): pbar = utils.progress( loaders[0], displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.train() D.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() if config['D_fp16']: x, y =, else: x, y =, metrics = train(x, y) print(', '.join( ['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) # Test every specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() train_fns.test(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch state_dict['epoch'] += 1
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) E = model.ImgEncoder(**config).to(device) # E = model.Encoder(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{**config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True}).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GDE = model.G_D_E(G, D, E) print('Number of params in G: {} D: {} E: {}'.format( *[sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D, E]])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config} # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights(G, D, E, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GDE = nn.DataParallel(GDE) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GDE) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders, train_dataset = utils.get_data_loaders(**{**config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr']}) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() print("fixed_y original: {} {}".format(fixed_y.shape, fixed_y[:10])) ## TODO: change the sample method to sample x and y fixed_x, fixed_y_of_x = utils.prepare_x_y(G_batch_size, train_dataset, experiment_name, config, device=device) # Build image pool to prevent mode collapes if config['img_pool_size'] != 0: img_pool = ImagePool(config['img_pool_size'], train_dataset.num_class,\ save_dir=os.path.join(config['imgbuffer_root'], experiment_name), resume_buffer=config['resume_buffer']) else: img_pool = None # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, E, GDE, ema, state_dict, config, img_pool) # Else, assume debugging and use the dummy train fn else: train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) # print('Beginning training at epoch %f...' % (state_dict['itr'] * D_batch_size / len(train_dataset))) print("Beginning testing at Epoch {} (iteration {})".format(state_dict['epoch'], state_dict['itr'])) if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() # vc visualization # # print("VC visualization ===============") # activation_extract(G, D, E, G_ema, fixed_x, fixed_y_of_x, z_, y_, # state_dict, config, experiment_name, device, normal_eval=False, eval_vc=True, return_mask=False) # normal activation print("Normal activation ===============") activation_extract(G, D, E, G_ema, fixed_x, fixed_y_of_x, z_, y_, state_dict, config, experiment_name, device, normal_eval=True, eval_vc=False, return_mask=False) # produce normal fully activated images
def sample(): return utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout # training fixed_z, fixed_y = sample()
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cpu' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) experiment_name = "test_{}".format(experiment_name) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.Discriminator(**config).to(device) E = model.ImgEncoder(**config).to(device) # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{ **config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True }).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GDE = model.G_D_E(G, D, E) # print(G) # print(D) # print(E) print("Model Created!") print('Number of params in G: {} D: {} E: {}'.format(*[ sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D, E] ])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights( G, D, E, state_dict, config['weights_root'], config['load_experiment_name'], config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GDE = nn.DataParallel(GDE) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GDE) G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) loaders, train_dataset = utils.get_data_loaders(**{ **config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': 0 }) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() print("fixed_y original: {} {}".format(fixed_y.shape, fixed_y[:10])) fixed_x, fixed_y_of_x = utils.prepare_x_y(G_batch_size, train_dataset, experiment_name, config) # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics sample = functools.partial( utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) G.eval() E.eval() print("check1 -------------------------------") print("state_dict['itr']", state_dict['itr']) if config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress( loaders[0], displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) print("state_dict['itr']", state_dict['itr']) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): state_dict['itr'] += 1 if config['D_fp16']: x, y =, else: x, y =, print("x.shape", x.shape) print("y.shape", y.shape) activation_extract(G, D, E, G_ema, x, y, z_, y_, state_dict, config, experiment_name, save_weights=False) if state_dict['itr'] == 20: break
def run(config): # Update the config dict as necessary # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object # for the activation specified as a string) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] # By default, skip init if resuming training. if config['resume']: print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...') config['skip_init'] = True config = utils.update_config_roots(config) device = 'cuda' num_devices = torch.cuda.device_count() # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Prepare root folders if necessary utils.prepare_root(config) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) # Next, build the model G = model.Generator(**config).to(device) D = model.ImageDiscriminator(**config).to(device) if config['no_Dv'] == False: Dv = model.VideoDiscriminator(**config).to(device) else: Dv = None # If using EMA, prepare it if config['ema']: print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format( config['ema_decay'])) G_ema = model.Generator(**{ **config, 'skip_init': True, 'no_optim': True }).to(device) ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start']) else: G_ema, ema = None, None # FP16? if config['G_fp16']: print('Casting G to float16...') G = G.half() if config['ema']: G_ema = G_ema.half() if config['D_fp16']: print('Casting D to fp16...') D = D.half() if config['no_Dv'] == False: Dv = Dv.half() # Consider automatically reducing SN_eps? GD = model.G_D( G, D, Dv, config['k'], config['T_into_B']) #xiaodan: add an argument k and T_into_B # print('GD.k in line 91',GD.k) # print(G) # xiaodan: print disabled by xiaodan. Too many stuffs # print(D) if config['no_Dv'] == False: print('Number of params in G: {} D: {} Dv: {}'.format(*[ sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D, Dv] ])) else: print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format(*[ sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D] ])) # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # If loading from a pre-trained BigGAN model, load weights if config['biggan_init']: print('Loading weights from pre-trained BigGAN...') utils.load_biggan_weights(G, D, state_dict, config['biggan_weights_root'], G_ema if config['ema'] else None, load_optim=False) # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights if config['resume']: print('Loading weights...') utils.load_weights( G, D, Dv, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None, G_ema if config['ema'] else None) # If parallel, parallelize the GD module if config['parallel']: GD = nn.DataParallel(GD) if config['cross_replica']: patch_replication_callback(GD) # Prepare loggers for stats; metrics holds test metrics, # lmetrics holds any desired training metrics. test_metrics_fname = '%s/%s_log.jsonl' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) train_metrics_fname = '%s/%s' % (config['logs_root'], experiment_name) print('Inception Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(test_metrics_fname)) test_log = utils.MetricsLogger(test_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume'])) print('Training Metrics will be saved to {}'.format(train_metrics_fname)) train_log = utils.MyLogger(train_metrics_fname, reinitialize=(not config['resume']), logstyle=config['logstyle']) # Write metadata utils.write_metadata(config['logs_root'], experiment_name, config, state_dict) # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading. # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations) D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations']) if config['dataset'] == 'C10': loaders = utils.get_video_cifar_data_loader( **{ **config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'] }) else: loaders = utils.get_video_data_loaders(**{ **config, 'batch_size': D_batch_size, 'start_itr': state_dict['itr'] }) # print(loaders) # print(loaders[0]) print('D loss weight:', config['D_loss_weight']) # Prepare inception metrics: FID and IS if config['skip_testing'] == False: get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays # Allow for different batch sizes in G G_batch_size = max( config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size'] ) # * num_devices #xiaodan: num_devices added by xiaodan # print('num_devices:',num_devices,'G_batch_size:',G_batch_size) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) # print('z_,y_ shapes after prepare_z_y:',z_.shape,y_.shape) # print('z_,y_ size:',z_.shape,y_.shape) # print('G.dim_z:',G.dim_z) # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training fixed_z, fixed_y = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16']) fixed_z.sample_() fixed_y.sample_() # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function if config['which_train_fn'] == 'GAN': train = train_fns.GAN_training_function(G, D, Dv, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config) # Else, assume debugging and use the dummy train fn else: train = train_fns.dummy_training_function() # Prepare Sample function for use with inception metrics sample = functools.partial( utils.sample, G=(G_ema if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else G), z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch']) unique_id ='%Y%m-%d%H-%M%S-') tensorboard_path = os.path.join(config['logs_root'], 'tensorboard_logs', unique_id) os.makedirs(tensorboard_path) # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations. writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tensorboard_path) for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']): # Which progressbar to use? TQDM or my own? if config['pbar'] == 'mine': pbar = utils.progress(loaders[0], displaytype='s1k' if config['use_multiepoch_sampler'] else 'eta') else: pbar = tqdm(loaders[0]) iteration = epoch * len(pbar) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pbar): # Increment the iteration counter state_dict['itr'] += 1 # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much. G.train() D.train() if config['no_Dv'] == False: Dv.train() if config['ema']: G_ema.train() if config['D_fp16']: x, y =, else: x, y =, metrics = train(x, y, writer, iteration + i) train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **metrics) # Every sv_log_interval, log singular values if (config['sv_log_interval'] > 0) and ( not (state_dict['itr'] % config['sv_log_interval'])): if config['no_Dv'] == False: train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{ **utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D'), **utils.get_SVs(Dv, 'Dv') }) else: train_log.log(itr=int(state_dict['itr']), **{ **utils.get_SVs(G, 'G'), **utils.get_SVs(D, 'D') }) # If using my progbar, print metrics. if config['pbar'] == 'mine': print(', '.join( ['itr: %d' % state_dict['itr']] + ['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics]), end=' ') # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']): if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() if config['ema']: G_ema.eval() train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, Dv, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y, state_dict, config, experiment_name) #xiaodan: Disabled test for now because we don't have inception data # Test every specified interval if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['test_every']) and config['skip_testing'] == False: if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Switchin G to eval mode...') G.eval() IS_mean, IS_std, FID = train_fns.test( G, D, Dv, G_ema, z_, y_, state_dict, config, sample, get_inception_metrics, experiment_name, test_log) writer.add_scalar('Inception/IS', IS_mean, iteration + i) writer.add_scalar('Inception/IS_std', IS_std, iteration + i) writer.add_scalar('Inception/FID', FID, iteration + i) # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch state_dict['epoch'] += 1
def run(config): # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'config': config } # Optionally, get the configuration from the state dict. This allows for # recovery of the config provided only a state dict and experiment name, # and can be convenient for writing less verbose sample shell scripts. if config['config_from_name']: utils.load_weights(None, None, state_dict, config['weights_root'], config['experiment_name'], config['load_weights'], None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Ignore items which we might want to overwrite from the command line for item in state_dict['config']: if item not in [ 'z_var', 'base_root', 'batch_size', 'G_batch_size', 'use_ema', 'G_eval_mode' ]: config[item] = state_dict['config'][item] # update config (see for explanation) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = utils.nclass_dict[config['dataset']] config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] config = utils.update_config_roots(config) config['skip_init'] = True config['no_optim'] = True device = 'cuda' # Seed RNG utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) G = model.Generator(**config).cuda() utils.count_parameters(G) # Load weights print('Loading weights...') # Here is where we deal with the ema--load ema weights or load normal weights utils.load_weights(G if not (config['use_ema']) else None, None, state_dict, config['weights_root'], experiment_name, config['load_weights'], G if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Update batch size setting used for G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], z_var=config['z_var']) if config['G_eval_mode']: print('Putting G in eval mode..') G.eval() else: print('G is in %s mode...' % ('training' if else 'eval')) # Sample function sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) if config['accumulate_stats']: print('Accumulating standing stats across %d accumulations...' % config['num_standing_accumulations']) utils.accumulate_standing_stats(G, z_, y_, config['n_classes'], config['num_standing_accumulations']) # Sample a number of images and save them to an NPZ, for use with TF-Inception if config['sample_npz']: # Lists to hold images and labels for images x, y = [], [] print('Sampling %d images and saving them to npz...' % config['sample_num_npz']) for i in trange( int(np.ceil(config['sample_num_npz'] / float(G_batch_size)))): with torch.no_grad(): images, labels = sample() x += [np.uint8(255 * (images.cpu().numpy() + 1) / 2.)] y += [labels.cpu().numpy()] x = np.concatenate(x, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] y = np.concatenate(y, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] print('Images shape: %s, Labels shape: %s' % (x.shape, y.shape)) npz_filename = '%s/%s/samples.npz' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name) print('Saving npz to %s...' % npz_filename) np.savez(npz_filename, **{'x': x, 'y': y}) # Prepare sample sheets if config['sample_sheets']: print('Preparing conditional sample sheets...') utils.sample_sheet( G, classes_per_sheet=utils.classes_per_sheet_dict[config['dataset']], num_classes=config['n_classes'], samples_per_class=10, parallel=config['parallel'], samples_root=config['samples_root'], experiment_name=experiment_name, folder_number=config['sample_sheet_folder_num'], z_=z_, ) # Sample interp sheets if config['sample_interps']: print('Preparing interp sheets...') for fix_z, fix_y in zip([False, False, True], [False, True, False]): utils.interp_sheet(G, num_per_sheet=16, num_midpoints=8, num_classes=config['n_classes'], parallel=config['parallel'], samples_root=config['samples_root'], experiment_name=experiment_name, folder_number=config['sample_sheet_folder_num'], sheet_number=0, fix_z=fix_z, fix_y=fix_y, device='cuda') # Sample random sheet if config['sample_random']: print('Preparing random sample sheet...') images, labels = sample() torchvision.utils.save_image(images.float(), '%s/%s/random_samples.jpg' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name), nrow=int(G_batch_size**0.5), normalize=True) # Get Inception Score and FID get_inception_metrics = inception_utils.prepare_inception_metrics( config['dataset'], config['parallel'], config['no_fid']) # Prepare a simple function get metrics that we use for trunc curves def get_metrics(): sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) IS_mean, IS_std, FID = get_inception_metrics( sample, config['num_inception_images'], num_splits=10, prints=False) # Prepare output string outstring = 'Using %s weights ' % ('ema' if config['use_ema'] else 'non-ema') outstring += 'in %s mode, ' % ('eval' if config['G_eval_mode'] else 'training') outstring += 'with noise variance %3.3f, ' % z_.var outstring += 'over %d images, ' % config['num_inception_images'] if config['accumulate_stats'] or not config['G_eval_mode']: outstring += 'with batch size %d, ' % G_batch_size if config['accumulate_stats']: outstring += 'using %d standing stat accumulations, ' % config[ 'num_standing_accumulations'] outstring += 'Itr %d: PYTORCH UNOFFICIAL Inception Score is %3.3f +/- %3.3f, PYTORCH UNOFFICIAL FID is %5.4f' % ( state_dict['itr'], IS_mean, IS_std, FID) print(outstring) if config['sample_inception_metrics']: print('Calculating Inception metrics...') get_metrics() # Sample truncation curve stuff. This is basically the same as the inception metrics code if config['sample_trunc_curves']: start, step, end = [ float(item) for item in config['sample_trunc_curves'].split('_') ] print( 'Getting truncation values for variance in range (%3.3f:%3.3f:%3.3f)...' % (start, step, end)) for var in np.arange(start, end + step, step): z_.var = var # Optionally comment this out if you want to run with standing stats # accumulated at one z variance setting if config['accumulate_stats']: utils.accumulate_standing_stats( G, z_, y_, config['n_classes'], config['num_standing_accumulations']) get_metrics()
def run(config): # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr # state_dict = { 'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'save_best_num_fair': 0, 'save_best_num_fid': 0, 'best_IS': 0, 'best_FID': 999999, 'best_fair_d': 999999, 'config': config } # Optionally, get the configuration from the state dict. This allows for # recovery of the config provided only a state dict and experiment name, # and can be convenient for writing less verbose sample shell scripts. if config['config_from_name']: utils.load_weights(None, None, state_dict, config['weights_root'], config['experiment_name'], config['load_weights'], None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Ignore items which we might want to overwrite from the command line for item in state_dict['config']: if item not in [ 'z_var', 'base_root', 'batch_size', 'G_batch_size', 'use_ema', 'G_eval_mode' ]: config[item] = state_dict['config'][item] # update config (see for explanation) config['resolution'] = utils.imsize_dict[config['dataset']] config['n_classes'] = 1 if config['conditional']: config['n_classes'] = 2 config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] config = utils.update_config_roots(config) config['skip_init'] = True config['no_optim'] = True device = 'cuda' config['sample_num_npz'] = 10000 print(config['ema_start']) # Seed RNG # utils.seed_rng(config['seed']) # config['seed']) # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Import the model--this line allows us to dynamically select different files. model = __import__(config['model']) experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name'] else utils.name_from_config(config)) print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name) G = model.Generator(**config).cuda() utils.count_parameters(G) # Load weights print('Loading weights...') assert config['mode'] in ['fair', 'fid'] print('sampling from model with best FID scores...') config[ 'mode'] = 'fid' # can change this to 'fair', but this assumes access to ground-truth attribute classifier (and labels) # find best weights for either FID or fair checkpointing weights_root = config['weights_root'] ckpts = glob.glob( os.path.join(weights_root, experiment_name, 'state_dict_best_{}*'.format(config['mode']))) best_ckpt = 'best_{}{}'.format(config['mode'], len(ckpts) - 1) config['load_weights'] = best_ckpt # load weights to sample from generator utils.load_weights(G if not (config['use_ema']) else None, None, state_dict, weights_root, experiment_name, config['load_weights'], G if config['ema'] and config['use_ema'] else None, strict=False, load_optim=False) # Update batch size setting used for G G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size']) z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], z_var=config['z_var']) print('Putting G in eval mode..') G.eval() # Sample function sample = functools.partial(utils.sample, G=G, z_=z_, y_=y_, config=config) if config['accumulate_stats']: print('Accumulating standing stats across %d accumulations...' % config['num_standing_accumulations']) utils.accumulate_standing_stats(G, z_, y_, config['n_classes'], config['num_standing_accumulations']) # # # Sample a number of images and save them to an NPZ, for use with TF-Inception sample_path = '%s/%s/' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name) print('looking in sample path {}'.format(sample_path)) if not os.path.exists(sample_path): print('creating sample path: {}'.format(sample_path)) os.mkdir(sample_path) # Lists to hold images and labels for images print('saving samples from best FID checkpoint') # sampling 10 sets of 10K samples for k in range(10): npz_filename = '%s/%s/fid_samples_%s.npz' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name, k) if os.path.exists(npz_filename): print('samples already exist, skipping...') continue x, y = [], [] print('Sampling %d images and saving them to npz...' % config['sample_num_npz']) for i in trange( int(np.ceil(config['sample_num_npz'] / float(G_batch_size)))): with torch.no_grad(): images, labels = sample() x += [np.uint8(255 * (images.cpu().numpy() + 1) / 2.)] y += [labels.cpu().numpy()] x = np.concatenate(x, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] y = np.concatenate(y, 0)[:config['sample_num_npz']] print('checking labels: {}'.format(y.sum())) print('Images shape: %s, Labels shape: %s' % (x.shape, y.shape)) npz_filename = '%s/%s/fid_samples_%s.npz' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name, k) print('Saving npz to %s...' % npz_filename) np.savez(npz_filename, **{'x': x, 'y': y}) # classify proportions metrics = {'l2': 0, 'l1': 0, 'kl': 0} l2_db = np.zeros(10) l1_db = np.zeros(10) kl_db = np.zeros(10) # output file fname = '%s/%s/fair_disc_fid_samples.p' % (config['samples_root'], experiment_name) # load classifier if not config['multi']: print('Pre-loading pre-trained single-attribute classifier...') clf_state_dict = torch.load(CLF_PATH)['state_dict'] clf_classes = 2 else: # multi-attribute print('Pre-loading pre-trained multi-attribute classifier...') clf_state_dict = torch.load(MULTI_CLF_PATH)['state_dict'] clf_classes = 4 # load attribute classifier here clf = ResNet18(block=BasicBlock, layers=[2, 2, 2, 2], num_classes=clf_classes, grayscale=False) clf.load_state_dict(clf_state_dict) device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' clf = clf.eval() # turn off batch norm # classify examples and get probabilties n_classes = 2 if config['multi']: n_classes = 4 # number of classes probs_db = np.zeros((10, 10000, n_classes)) for i in range(10): # grab appropriate samples npz_filename = '{}/{}/{}_samples_{}.npz'.format( config['samples_root'], experiment_name, config['mode'], i) preds, probs = classify_examples(clf, npz_filename) l2, l1, kl = utils.fairness_discrepancy(preds, clf_classes) # save metrics l2_db[i] = l2 l1_db[i] = l1 kl_db[i] = kl probs_db[i] = probs print('fair_disc for iter {} is: l2:{}, l1:{}, kl:{}'.format( i, l2, l1, kl)) metrics['l2'] = l2_db metrics['l1'] = l1_db metrics['kl'] = kl_db print('fairness discrepancies saved in {}'.format(fname)) print(l2_db) # save all metrics with open(fname, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(metrics, fp) os.path.join(config['samples_root'], experiment_name, 'clf_probs.npy'), probs_db)