Beispiel #1
def preprocessing_worker(x):
    x = replace_tokens(x, FLAGS.multy_replace)
    if FLAGS.multy_replace:
        if len(x.split()) > FLAGS.max_seq_len:
            x = b" ".join(x.split()[:FLAGS.max_seq_len])
        x = replace_tandems(x)
    if FLAGS.tqdm_imap:
    return x
Beispiel #2
    def _repr_load_data(self):
        with open('data/reproduce/%s_fold%d_data.json' %
                  (self.dataset, self.fold)) as fp:
            data = json.load(fp)

        if self.dataset == 'washington_small':
            first = True  #Keep the same validation page
            for datum in data:
                if datum['split'] == 'train':
                    datum['split'] = 'test'
                elif datum['split'] == 'test':
                    if first:
                        first = False
                        datum['split'] = 'train'

        if self.dataset == 'iam' and self.split == 'val':
            nval = 10
            val_inds = [j for j, d in enumerate(data) if d['split'] == 'val']
            val_inds_remove = val_inds[nval:]
            data = [d for j, d in enumerate(data) if j not in val_inds_remove]

        t = []
        for d in data:
            for r in d['regions']:

        v = sorted(list(set(' '.join(t))))

        if self.dataset == 'konzilsprotokolle':
            tokens = v[-8:]  #'äöüßäéöü'
            replace = ['A&', 'O&', 'U&', 'b', 'a&', 'e&', 'o&', 'u&']

        elif self.dataset == 'botany':
            tokens = [v[-4]]  #'£'
            replace = ['e']
            tokens, replace = [], []

        for d in data:
            for r in d['regions']:
                a = r['label']
                r['original_label'] = a
                for token, rep in zip(tokens, replace):
                    a = a.replace(token, rep)

                a = a.lower()
                r['label'] = utils.replace_tokens(
                    a, [c for c in a if c not in self.alphabet])

        return data
def load_botany(fold=1,
    #def load_botany(fold=1, root='/mnt/harddisk/tomas/storage/botany/', full=False, alphabet=default_alphabet):
    output_json = root + 'botany'
    if full:
        output_json += '_full'
    output_json += '.json'

    if not os.path.exists(output_json):
        data = botany_konz_process(root, 'botany', full)
        inds = np.random.permutation(len(data))
        data = [data[i] for i in inds]
        nval = 5
        k = 0
        for datum in data:
            if datum['split'] == 'train':
                if k < nval:
                    datum['split'] = 'val'
                    k += 1

        assert nval == len(
            [datum['id'] for datum in data if datum['split'] == 'val'])

        with open(output_json, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(data, f)

    else:  #otherwise load the json
        with open(output_json) as f:
            data = json.load(f)

#    with open('/mnt/harddisk/tomas/storage/botany/botany.json') as fp:
#        data2 = json.load(fp)
#    for d in data:
#        f = d['id'].split('/')[-1]
#        for d2 in data2:
#            if d2['id'].split('/')[-1] == f:
#                d['region_proposals'] = d2['region_proposals']
#                d['id'] = d2['id']
#                d['gt_boxes'] = d2['gt_boxes']
#                d['regions'] = d2['regions']

    t = []
    for d in data:
        for r in d['regions']:

    v = sorted(list(set(' '.join(t))))
    token = v[-4]  #'£'
    replace = 'e'
    for d in data:
        for r in d['regions']:
            a = r['label']
            r['original_label'] = a
            a = a.replace(token, replace)
            a = a.lower()
            r['label'] = a
            r['label'] = utils.replace_tokens(
                r['label'], [c for c in r['label'] if c not in alphabet])

    return data
def load_iam(fold=1, root="data/iam/", nval=10, alphabet=default_alphabet):
    output_json = root + 'iam.json'
    if not os.path.exists(output_json):
        print "loading iam from files"
        with open(os.path.join(root, 'words.txt')) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()

        lines = lines[18:]  #Remove some description in beginning of file

        form2box = {}
        for line in lines:
            ls = line.split()
            f = '-'.join(ls[0].split('-')[:2])
            if not form2box.has_key(f):
                form2box[f] = []

        splits = {}
        with open(os.path.join(root, 'trainset.txt')) as f:
            trainset = f.readlines()
        splits['train'] = sorted(
            list(set(['-'.join(l[:-1].split('-')[:-1]) for l in trainset])))

        with open(os.path.join(root, 'validationset1.txt')) as f:
            valset = f.readlines()

        with open(os.path.join(root, 'validationset2.txt')) as f:
            valset += f.readlines()

        splits['val'] = sorted(
            list(set(['-'.join(l[:-1].split('-')[:-1]) for l in valset])))
        with open(os.path.join(root, 'testset.txt')) as f:
            testset = f.readlines()
        splits['test'] = sorted(
            list(set(['-'.join(l[:-1].split('-')[:-1]) for l in testset])))

        os.makedirs(root + 'cropped_forms/')

        files = sorted(glob.glob(root + 'forms/*.png'))
        data = []
        box_id = 0
        for i, f in enumerate(files):
            gt_boxes = []
            regions = []
            form = f.split('/')[-1][:-4]
            lines = form2box[form]
            for line in lines:
                ls = line.split()
                status = ls[1]
                label = ls[-1]
                x, y, w, h = int(ls[3]), int(ls[4]), int(ls[5]), int(ls[6])
                b = [x, y, x + w, y + h]
                r = {}
                r['id'] = box_id
                r['image'] = form
                r['height'] = h
                r['width'] = w
                r['label'] = label
                r['x'] = x
                r['y'] = y
                r['status'] = status
                box_id += 1

            if len(gt_boxes) == 0:
                print 'fail', f

            datum = {}
            fs = f.split('/')[-1][:-4]
            if fs in splits['train']:
                datum['split'] = 'train'
            elif fs in splits['val']:
                datum['split'] = 'val'
            elif fs in splits['test']:
                datum['split'] = 'test'

            #crop form to relevant parts only and save
            img = imread(f)

            #calculate convex hull of all boxes, and add some margin height wise.
            ob = utils.outer_box(np.array(gt_boxes))
            margin = 50
            ob[1] = max(ob[1] - margin, 0)
            ob[3] = min(ob[3] + margin, img.shape[0])
            od = root + 'cropped_forms/'
            fs = f.split('/')[-1]
            img = img[ob[1]:ob[3], :]
            file_id = od + fs
            imsave(od + fs, img)

            gt_boxes = np.array(gt_boxes)
            gt_boxes[:, 1] -= ob[1]
            gt_boxes[:, 3] -= ob[1]
            gt_boxes = gt_boxes.tolist()
            for r in regions:
                r['y'] -= ob[1]

            datum['gt_boxes'] = gt_boxes
            datum['regions'] = regions
            datum['id'] = file_id

        print "extracting DTP for iam"
        #        C_range=range(1, 40, 3) #horizontal range
        #        R_range=range(1, 40, 3) #vertical range
        C_range = range(3, 50, 5)  #horizontal range
        R_range = range(3, 50, 5)  #vertical range
        extract_dtp(data, C_range, R_range, multiple_thresholds=False)
        for datum in data:
            proposals = np.load(datum['id'][:-4] +
            datum['region_proposals'] = proposals.tolist()

        print "extracting DTP done"

        #Some ground truth boxes for IAM are smaller than 8 pixels in width or height
        #We remove these as they collapse to zero width when forwarding through model
        #They are typically things like commas or periods, due to automatic word level annotation

        inds = np.random.permutation(len(data))
        data = [data[i] for i in inds]
        with open(output_json, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(data, f)

    else:  #otherwise load the json
        with open(output_json) as f:
            data = json.load(f)

    for datum in data:
        assert len(datum['regions']) == len(datum['gt_boxes'])
        for r, gtb in zip(datum['regions'], datum['gt_boxes']):
            r['label'] = utils.replace_tokens(
                [c for c in r['label'] if c not in alphabet])

    #too many validation pages takes too long, so we reduce at a possible cost of
    #selecting the suboptimal model during training.
    val_inds = [j for j, d in enumerate(data) if d['split'] == 'val']
    val_inds_remove = val_inds[nval:]
    data = [d for j, d in enumerate(data) if j not in val_inds_remove]
    return data
def load_washington(fold=1,
    output_json = root + 'washington_fold_%d.json' % fold
    if not os.path.exists(output_json):
        print "loading washington from files"
        files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(root, 'gw_20p_wannot/*.tif')))
        gt_files = [f[:-4] + '_boxes.txt' for f in files]

        with open(os.path.join(root, 'gw_20p_wannot/annotations.txt')) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()

        texts = [l[:-1] for l in lines]
        ntexts = [
                                 [t for t in text if t not in alphabet])
            for text in texts

        data = []
        ind = 0
        box_id = 0
        for i, (f, gtf) in enumerate(zip(files, gt_files)):
            with open(gtf, 'r') as ff:
                boxlines = ff.readlines()[1:]

            img = imread(f)
            h, w = img.shape
            gt_boxes = []
            for line in boxlines:
                tmp = line.split()
                x1 = int(float(tmp[0]) * w)
                x2 = int(float(tmp[1]) * w)
                y1 = int(float(tmp[2]) * h)
                y2 = int(float(tmp[3]) * h)
                box = (x1, y1, x2, y2)

            labels = ntexts[ind:ind + len(gt_boxes)]
            ind += len(gt_boxes)
            labels = [unicode(l, errors='replace') for l in labels]

            regions = []
            for p, l in zip(gt_boxes, labels):
                r = {}
                r['id'] = box_id
                r['image'] = f
                r['height'] = p[3] - p[1]
                r['width'] = p[2] - p[0]
                r['label'] = l
                r['x'] = p[0]
                r['y'] = p[1]
                box_id += 1

            datum = {}
            datum['id'] = f
            datum['gt_boxes'] = gt_boxes
            datum['regions'] = regions

        print "extracting DTP for washington"
        C_range = range(1, 40, 3)  #horizontal range
        R_range = range(1, 40, 3)  #vertical range
        extract_dtp(data, C_range, R_range, multiple_thresholds=True)
        for datum in data:
            proposals = np.load(datum['id'][:-4] +
            datum['region_proposals'] = proposals.tolist()

        print "extracting DTP done"

        inds = np.squeeze(np.load(root + 'indeces.npy').item()['inds'])
        data = [data[i] for i in inds]

        #Train/val/test on different partitions based on which fold we're using
        data = np.roll(data, 5 * (fold - 1)).tolist()

        for j, datum in enumerate(data):
            if j < 14:
                datum['split'] = 'train'
            elif j == 14:
                datum['split'] = 'val'
                datum['split'] = 'test'

        with open(output_json, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(data, f)

    else:  #otherwise load the json
        with open(output_json) as f:
            data = json.load(f)

    return data