def crop_img(imgs):
    crop_list = []
    for data in imgs:
        img, mask = data
        img = cv2.imread(img)
        mask =['inst_map']
        mask[mask > 0] = 1
        w, h = img.shape[:2]
        window_size = 256

        img = rescale_intensity(img, thres=[0.5, 99.5])
        if w == 500:
            c_startw = (w - window_size) // 2
            c_starth = (h - window_size) // 2
            img = img.transpose([2, 0, 1])

            # 5 crop,
            crop1 = img[:, :window_size, :window_size]
            crop2 = img[:, -window_size:, :window_size]
            crop3 = img[:, :window_size:, -window_size:]
            crop4 = img[:, -window_size:, -window_size:]
            crop5 = img[:, c_starth:c_starth + window_size,
                        c_startw:c_startw + window_size]

            gt_crop1 = mask[:window_size, :window_size]
            gt_crop2 = mask[-window_size:, :window_size]
            gt_crop3 = mask[:window_size:, -window_size:]
            gt_crop4 = mask[-window_size:, -window_size:]
            gt_crop5 = mask[c_starth:c_starth + window_size,
                            c_startw:c_startw + window_size]

            crop_list.append([crop1, gt_crop1])
            crop_list.append([crop2, gt_crop2])
            crop_list.append([crop3, gt_crop3])
            crop_list.append([crop4, gt_crop4])
            crop_list.append([crop5, gt_crop5])
            c_startw = (w - window_size) // 2
            c_starth = (h - window_size) // 2
            img = img.transpose([2, 0, 1])

            # 5 crop,
            crop1 = img[:, :window_size, :window_size]
            crop2 = img[:, -window_size:, :window_size]
            crop3 = img[:, :window_size:, -window_size:]
            crop4 = img[:, -window_size:, -window_size:]
            crop5 = img[:, c_starth:c_starth + window_size,
                        c_startw:c_startw + window_size]

            crop6 = img[:, c_starth:c_starth + window_size, :window_size]
            crop7 = img[:, -window_size:, c_startw:c_startw + window_size]
            crop8 = img[:, :window_size:, c_startw:c_startw + window_size]
            crop9 = img[:, c_starth:c_starth + window_size:, -window_size:]

            gt_crop1 = mask[:window_size, :window_size]
            gt_crop2 = mask[-window_size:, :window_size]
            gt_crop3 = mask[:window_size:, -window_size:]
            gt_crop4 = mask[-window_size:, -window_size:]
            gt_crop5 = mask[c_starth:c_starth + window_size,
                            c_startw:c_startw + window_size]

            gt_crop6 = mask[c_starth:c_starth + window_size, :window_size]
            gt_crop7 = mask[-window_size:, c_startw:c_startw + window_size]
            gt_crop8 = mask[:window_size:, c_startw:c_startw + window_size]
            gt_crop9 = mask[c_starth:c_starth + window_size:, -window_size:]

            crop_list.append([crop1, gt_crop1])
            crop_list.append([crop2, gt_crop2])
            crop_list.append([crop3, gt_crop3])
            crop_list.append([crop4, gt_crop4])
            crop_list.append([crop5, gt_crop5])
            crop_list.append([crop6, gt_crop6])
            crop_list.append([crop7, gt_crop7])
            crop_list.append([crop8, gt_crop8])
            crop_list.append([crop9, gt_crop9])

    return crop_list
Beispiel #2
def get_epoch_batch(data_list, batch_size, iteration, idx, image_size=192, data_augmentation=False,
                    shift=0.0, rotate=0.0, scale=0.0, intensity=0.0, flip=False, norm=True, aug_rate=0.5):
    eds, ed_gts, ess, es_gts = [], [], [], []

    for i in range(iteration * batch_size, (iteration + 1) * batch_size):

        es_name, es_gt_name, ed_name, ed_gt_name = data_list[idx[i]]
        if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
            temp = es_name
            es_name = ed_name
            ed_name = temp

            temp = es_gt_name
            es_gt_name = ed_gt_name
            ed_gt_name = temp
        if os.path.exists(es_name) and os.path.exists(es_gt_name):
            # print('  Select {0} {1}'.format(image_name, label_name))

            # Read image and label
            # print(es_name)
            es = np.load(es_name)
            es_gt = np.load(es_gt_name)
            ed = np.load(ed_name)
            ed_gt = np.load(ed_gt_name)

            # Handle exceptions
            if es.shape != es_gt.shape:
                print('Error: mismatched size, image.shape = {0}, label.shape = {1}'.format(image.shape, label.shape))
                print('Skip {0}, {1}'.format(es_name, es_gt_name))

            if es.max() < 1e-6:
                print('Error: blank image, image.max = {0}'.format(es.max()))
                print('Skip {0} {1}'.format(es_name, es_gt_name))

            # Append the image slices to the batch
            # Use list for appending, which is much faster than numpy array

            Z = es.shape[0]

            if Z > 8:
                r = Z - 8
                start = random.randint(0, r)
                for z in range(start, start + 8):
                    temp1 = es[z, :, :]
                    temp2 = ed[z, :, :]
                    if norm:
                        temp1 = rescale_intensity(temp1, (0.5, 99.5))
                        temp2 = rescale_intensity(temp2, (0.5, 99.5))
                    ess += [temp1]
                    eds += [temp2]
                    es_gts += [es_gt[z, :, :]]
                    ed_gts += [ed_gt[z, :, :]]
                for z in range(Z):
                    temp1 = es[z, :, :]
                    temp2 = ed[z, :, :]
                    if norm:
                        temp1 = rescale_intensity(temp1, (0.5, 99.5))
                        temp2 = rescale_intensity(temp2, (0.5, 99.5))
                    ess += [temp1]
                    eds += [temp2]
                    es_gts += [es_gt[z, :, :]]
                    ed_gts += [ed_gt[z, :, :]]

    # Convert to a numpy array
    ESs = np.array(ess, dtype=np.float32)
    ES_gts = np.array(es_gts, dtype=np.float32)
    EDs = np.array(eds, dtype=np.float32)
    ED_gts = np.array(ed_gts, dtype=np.float32)

    # Add the channel dimension
    # tensorflow by default assumes NHWC format (batch_size, 128, 128, 1)
    ESs = np.expand_dims(ESs, axis=3)
    EDs = np.expand_dims(EDs, axis=3)
    # Perform data augmentation
    if data_augmentation  and np.random.uniform() > aug_rate:
        ESs, ES_gts = data_augmenter(ESs, ES_gts, shift=shift, rotate=rotate,
                                     scale=scale, intensity=intensity, flip=flip)
        EDs, ED_gts = data_augmenter(EDs, ED_gts, shift=shift, rotate=rotate,
                                        scale=scale, intensity=intensity, flip=flip)

    ESs_onehot = convert_to_one_hot(ES_gts).astype(np.float32)
    ESs_onehot = ESs_onehot.transpose([1, 0, 2, 3])
    ESs_onehot = torch.from_numpy(ESs_onehot)
    EDs_onehot = convert_to_one_hot(ED_gts).astype(np.float32)
    EDs_onehot = EDs_onehot.transpose([1, 0, 2, 3])
    EDs_onehot = torch.from_numpy(EDs_onehot)

    ES_M = ESs.copy()
    ES_M[ES_gts == 0] = 0
    ED_M = EDs.copy()
    ED_M[ED_gts == 0] = 0

    ESs = torch.from_numpy(ESs.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)))
    ES_M = torch.from_numpy(ES_M.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)))
    EDs = torch.from_numpy(EDs.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)))
    ED_M = torch.from_numpy(ED_M.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)))

    return {'ED': EDs, 'ED_gt': EDs_onehot,'ED_M': ED_M, 'ES': ESs, 'ES_gt': ESs_onehot,'ES_M': ES_M}
def get_epoch_batch(data_list,
    images, labels = [], []

    for i in range(iteration * batch_size, (iteration + 1) * batch_size):

        image_name, label_name = data_list[idx[i]]

        if os.path.exists(image_name) and os.path.exists(label_name):
            # print('  Select {0} {1}'.format(image_name, label_name))

            # Read image and label
            image = np.load(image_name)
            label = np.load(label_name)

            # Handle exceptions
            if image.shape != label.shape:
                    'Error: mismatched size, image.shape = {0}, label.shape = {1}'
                    .format(image.shape, label.shape))
                print('Skip {0}, {1}'.format(image_name, label_name))

            if image.max() < 1e-6:
                print('Error: blank image, image.max = {0}'.format(
                print('Skip {0} {1}'.format(image_name, label_name))

            # Append the image slices to the batch
            # Use list for appending, which is much faster than numpy array

            Z = image.shape[0]

            if Z > 8:
                r = Z - 8
                start = random.randint(0, r)
                for z in range(start, start + 8):
                    temp = image[z, :, :]
                    if norm:
                        temp = rescale_intensity(temp, (0.5, 99.5))
                    images += [temp]
                    labels += [label[z, :, :]]
                for z in range(Z):
                    temp = image[z, :, :]
                    if norm:
                        temp = rescale_intensity(temp, (0.5, 99.5))
                    images += [temp]
                    labels += [label[z, :, :]]

    # Convert to a numpy array

    images = np.array(images, dtype=np.float32)
    labels = np.array(labels, dtype=np.float32)

    # Add the channel dimension
    # tensorflow by default assumes NHWC format (batch_size, 128, 128, 1)
    images = np.expand_dims(images, axis=3)

    # Perform data augmentation
    if data_augmentation:
        images, labels = data_augmenter(images,
    labels_onehot = convert_to_one_hot(labels).astype(np.float32)
    labels_onehot = labels_onehot.transpose([1, 0, 2, 3])
    labels_onehot = torch.from_numpy(labels_onehot)
    M = images.copy()
    M[labels == 0] = 0
    # images2 = np.concatenate([images, M], axis=3)
    # images2 = torch.from_numpy(images.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)))
    images = torch.from_numpy(images.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)))
    labels = np.expand_dims(labels, axis=1)

    labels = torch.from_numpy(labels)
    M = torch.from_numpy(M.transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)))

    return {'A': images, 'B': labels_onehot, 'M': M}