def sample_area(self, pred_box1, num, thre_max=0.5, thre_min=0):
     # sample area
     pred_box = pred_box1.squeeze()
     pred_box_w = pred_box[2] - pred_box[0]
     pred_box_h = pred_box[3] - pred_box[1]
     pred_box_cx = pred_box[0] + pred_box_w / 2.0
     pred_box_cy = pred_box[1] + pred_box_h / 2.0
     samples = np.ones((num, 4), dtype=np.float32)
     samples_wh = np.ones((num, 2), dtype=np.float32)
     # samples_wh[:,0]*=pred_box_w
     # samples_wh[:,1]*=pred_box_h
     cur_n = 0
     # s:(0.3,0.7664)
     s = 0.23 + np.random.chisquare(3, num) * 0.09
     s = 1 - s
     ind = np.where(s > 0.3)[0]
     s = s[ind[:num / 2]]
     samples_wh[:num / 2, 0] = pred_box_w * s
     samples_wh[:num / 2, 1] = pred_box_h * s
     # s:(1.3258,2)
     s = 1.325 + np.random.chisquare(3, num) * 0.125
     ind = np.where(s <= 2)[0]
     s = s[ind[:num / 2]]
     samples_wh[num / 2:, 0] = pred_box_w * s
     samples_wh[num / 2:, 1] = pred_box_h * s
     # (x_c,y_c)-->(x1,y1,x2,y2)
     samples[:, 0] = pred_box_cx - samples_wh[:, 0] / 2.0
     samples[:, 1] = pred_box_cy - samples_wh[:, 1] / 2.0
     samples[:, 2] = pred_box_cx + samples_wh[:, 0] / 2.0
     samples[:, 3] = pred_box_cy + samples_wh[:, 1] / 2.0
     samples = utils.restrict_box(samples, self.width, self.height)
     iou = utils.calc_iou(pred_box, samples)
     iou = iou[:, np.newaxis]
     return samples, iou
    def estimate_const(self,conf,k=10):
        cur_pos = np.zeros((6,), dtype=np.float32)

        # avreage
        cur_pos = np.average(self.particles, weights=conf, axis=0)  # (cx,cy,s,r,dcx,dcy)

        if self.mltply:
            cur_pos = utils.state_to_bbox_m(cur_pos, self.area, self.ratio)
            cur_pos = utils.state_to_bbox(cur_pos, self.area, self.ratio)
        cur_pos = utils.restrict_box(cur_pos, self.width, self.height)
        return cur_pos
 def sample_xy(self, pred_box1, num, thre_max=0.5, thre_min=0.0):
     # only perform xy shift
     # x alone
     pred_box = pred_box1.squeeze()
     alone = 1 / 3.0
     both = 1 - np.sqrt(2 / 3.0)
     pred_box_w = pred_box[2] - pred_box[0]
     pred_box_h = pred_box[3] - pred_box[1]
     pred_box_cx = pred_box[0] + pred_box_w / 2.0
     pred_box_cy = pred_box[1] + pred_box_h / 2.0
     samples = np.ones((num, 4), dtype=np.float32)
     samples_c = np.ones((num, 2), dtype=np.float32)
     samples_c[:, 0] *= pred_box_cx
     samples_c[:, 1] *= pred_box_cy
     num1 = num / 2
     # +-dx,+-dy
     dx = 0.25 + np.random.chisquare(3, num1) * 0.1
     samples_c[:num1 / 4, 0] += (pred_box_w * dx[:num1 / 4])  # dx
     samples_c[num1 / 4:num1 / 2, 0] -= (pred_box_w * dx[num1 / 4:num1 / 2])  # -dx
     samples_c[num1 / 2:3 * num1 / 4, 1] += (pred_box_h * dx[num1 / 2:num1 * 3 / 4])  # dy
     samples_c[3 * num1 / 4:num1, 1] -= (pred_box_h * dx[3 * num1 / 4:])  # -dy
     # |dx2|=|dy2|
     dx2 = 0.15 + np.random.chisquare(3, num) * 0.03
     # dx,dy
     samples_c[num1:(num1 + num1 / 4), 0] += (pred_box_w * dx2[:num1 / 4])
     samples_c[num1:(num1 + num1 / 4), 1] += (pred_box_h * (dx2[num1 / 4:num1 / 2]))
     # -dx,dy
     samples_c[(num1 + num1 / 4):(num1 + num1 / 2), 0] -= (pred_box_w * dx2[num1 / 2:num1 * 3 / 4])
     samples_c[(num1 + num1 / 4):(num1 + num1 / 2), 1] += (pred_box_h * (dx2[3 * num1 / 4:num1]))
     # dx,-dy
     samples_c[(num1 + num1 / 2):(num1 + 3 * num1 / 4), 0] += (pred_box_w * dx2[num1:(num1 + num1 / 4)])
     samples_c[(num1 + num1 / 2):(num1 + 3 * num1 / 4), 1] -= (
                 pred_box_h * (dx2[(num1 + num1 / 4):(num1 + num1 / 2)]))
     # -dx,-dy
     samples_c[(num1 + 3 * num1 / 4):, 0] -= (pred_box_w * dx2[(num1 + num1 / 2):(num1 + 3 * num1 / 4)])
     samples_c[(num1 + 3 * num1 / 4):, 1] -= (
             pred_box_h * (dx2[(num1 + 3 * num1 / 4):]))
     # (x_c,y_c)-->(x1,y1,x2,y2)
     samples[:, 0] = samples_c[:, 0] - pred_box_w / 2.0
     samples[:, 1] = samples_c[:, 1] - pred_box_h / 2.0
     samples[:, 2] = samples_c[:, 0] + pred_box_w / 2.0
     samples[:, 3] = samples_c[:, 1] + pred_box_h / 2.0
     samples = utils.restrict_box(samples, self.width, self.height)
     iou = utils.calc_iou(pred_box, samples)
     iou = iou[:, np.newaxis]
     return samples, iou
 def restrict_particles_extern(self,states,w,h):
     if self.mltply:
         bboxes = utils.state_to_bbox_m(states, self.area, self.ratio)
         bboxes = utils.state_to_bbox(states, self.area, self.ratio)
     # restrict x1,y1,x2,y2
     # bboxes[:, 0] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0, bboxes[:, 0]), w)
     # bboxes[:, 2] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0, bboxes[:, 2]), w)
     # bboxes[:, 1] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0, bboxes[:, 1]), h)
     # bboxes[:, 3] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0, bboxes[:, 3]), h)
     if self.mltply:
         bboxes = utils.restrict_box_m(bboxes, w, h)
         bboxes = utils.restrict_box(bboxes, w, h)
     # prev_particles= self.particles
     if self.mltply:
         state_half = utils.bbox_to_states_m(bboxes, self.area, self.ratio)
         state_half = utils.bbox_to_states(bboxes, self.area, self.ratio)
     return state_half
    def sample_iou_new(self, gt_box, Q, T, R, N, thre_min=0, thre_max=1):

        sample_boxN = []
        sample_iouN = []
        cur_n = 0
        D = np.array([[self.box_w, 0], [0, self.box_h]])
        QL = D * Q
        # QL = np.linalg.cholesky(Q)
        a = 1.5  # 1.5
        gt_state = utils.bbox_to_states(gt_box, self.area, self.ratio)
        sample_times = 0
        chg_i = 0
        while cur_n < N:
            sample_particles = np.zeros((N, 6), dtype=np.float32)
            QL = D * Q
            sample_particles[:, :2] = gt_state[:, :2] +,
                                                               np.random.randn(2, N)).transpose()

            if self.mltply:
                dsn = np.random.randn(N) * T
                ds = np.power(a, dsn)
                ds = 1 + np.random.randn(N) * T
                ds = np.maximum(0.01, ds)  # in case of ds<0
            sample_particles[:, 2] = gt_state[:, 2] * ds

            if self.mltply:
                dr = np.random.randn(N) * R + 1
                dr = 1 + np.random.randn(N) * R
                dr = np.maximum(0.01, dr)  # in case of dr<0
            sample_particles[:, 3] = gt_state[:, 3] * dr

            # get box
            if self.mltply:
                sample_box = utils.state_to_bbox_m(sample_particles, self.area, self.ratio)
                sample_box = utils.state_to_bbox(sample_particles, self.area, self.ratio)
            sample_box = utils.restrict_box(sample_box, self.width, self.height)
            # compute iou
            sample_iou = utils.calc_iou(gt_box, sample_box)
            # restrict iou
            ind = np.where((sample_iou >= thre_min) & (sample_iou <= thre_max))
            sample_box = sample_box[ind[0]]
            sample_iou = sample_iou[ind[0]]
            cur_n += sample_box.shape[0]
            sample_iouN.append(sample_iou.reshape((-1, 1)))
            if ind[0].shape[0] < N / 2 and thre_max >= 0.8:
                if chg_i == 0:
                    Q *= 0.5
                    chg_i = (chg_i + 1) % 3
                    if chg_i == 1:
                        T *= 0.5
                        T = np.minimum(T, 0.5)
                        chg_i = (chg_i + 1) % 3
                        R *= 0.5
                        R = np.minimum(R, 0.5)
                        chg_i = (chg_i + 1) % 3

            if ind[0].shape[0] < N / 2 and thre_min <= 0.5:
                if chg_i == 0:
                    Q *= 2
                    chg_i = (chg_i + 1) % 3
                    if chg_i == 1:
                        T *= 2
                        T = np.minimum(T, 0.5)
                        chg_i = (chg_i + 1) % 3
                        R *= 2
                        R = np.minimum(R, 0.5)
                        chg_i = (chg_i + 1) % 3

            sample_times += 1
            if sample_times >= 100:  # and cur_n>N/2.0:#100
                # print "Caution: too many loops in sampling"
                # break
                raise OverflowError()
        if cur_n >= N:
            sample_boxN = np.vstack(sample_boxN)[:N, :]
            sample_iouN = np.vstack(sample_iouN)[:N, :]
            diff_n = N - cur_n
            sample_iouN = np.vstack(sample_iouN)
            sample_boxN = np.vstack(sample_boxN)
            diff_ind = random.sample(range(cur_n), diff_n)  # need to ensure diff_n<cur_n
            sample_boxN = np.vstack([sample_boxN, sample_boxN[diff_ind]])
            sample_iouN = np.vstack([sample_iouN, sample_iouN[diff_ind]])
        return sample_boxN, sample_iouN
    def estimate(self, k=10):
        '''estimate current position'''
        np.copyto(self.prev_pos, self.cur_pos)
        np.copyto(self.prev_c, self.cur_c)
        cur_pos = np.zeros((6,), dtype=np.float32)
        # there are two methods to estimating cur_pos: average or max
        # avreage
        maxw = np.max(self.weights)
        inds = np.where(self.weights>0.5*maxw)[0]
        cur_pos = np.average(self.particles[inds], weights=self.weights.squeeze()[inds], axis=0)  # (cx,cy,s,r,dcx,dcy)

        # max
        # cur_pos = self.particles[np.argmax(self.weights)]

        # max k pos
        #k = 3

        #print type(self.weights), self.weights.shape
        #print 'max: ',np.max(self.weights)
        #print 'min: ',np.min(self.weights)
        sort_ind = np.argsort(-self.weights.squeeze())
        cur_pos = np.average(self.particles[sort_ind[:k]], weights=self.weights[sort_ind[:k]], axis=0)
        #hist estimate
        if abs(max(ind_x)-min(ind_x))==1:
        if abs(max(ind_y)-min(ind_y))==1:
            ind_right = max(ind_y)
            ind_left = min(ind_y)

        #area and ratio
        count_sr, edge_s, edge_r = np.histogram2d(self.particles[:, 2], self.particles[:, 3], bins=20,
        top3 = (-count_sr).argsort(axis=None)[:2]
        ind_s = top3[:] / count_sr.shape[1]
        ind_r = top3[:] % count_sr.shape[1]
        if abs(max(ind_s) - min(ind_s)) == 1:
            # adjacent
            ind_right = max(ind_s)
            ind_left = min(ind_s)
            edge_s1 = edge_s[ind_left]
            edge_s2 = edge_s[ind_right + 1]
            edge_s1 = edge_s[ind_s[0]]
            edge_s2 = edge_s[ind_s[0] + 1]
        if abs(max(ind_r) - min(ind_r)) == 1:
            # adjacent
            ind_right = max(ind_r)
            ind_left = min(ind_r)
            edge_r1 = edge_r[ind_left]
            edge_r2 = edge_r[ind_right + 1]
            edge_r1 = edge_r[ind_r[0]]
            edge_r2 = edge_r[ind_r[0] + 1]

        cur_pos[2] = (edge_s1 + edge_s2) / 2.0
        cur_pos[3] = (edge_r1 + edge_r2) / 2.0
        if self.mltply:
            self.cur_pos = utils.state_to_bbox_m(cur_pos, self.area, self.ratio)
            self.cur_pos = utils.state_to_bbox(cur_pos, self.area, self.ratio)
        self.cur_pos = utils.restrict_box(self.cur_pos, self.width, self.height)
        self.box_h = self.cur_pos[0, 3] - self.cur_pos[0, 1]
        self.box_w = self.cur_pos[0, 2] - self.cur_pos[0, 0]
        self.cur_c[0] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0, cur_pos[0]), self.width)
        self.cur_c[1] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0, cur_pos[1]), self.height)
        # update self.cur_a and self.prev_a
        self.prev_a = self.cur_a
        self.cur_a = self.box_w * self.box_h / self.area
        # self.cur_pos[0, 2] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0, cur_pos[2]), self.width)
        # self.cur_pos[0, 3] = np.minimum(np.maximum(0, cur_pos[3]), self.height)
        # print 'prev_pos = ', self.prev_pos
        # print 'cur_pos = ', self.cur_pos

        # calculate s and r
        s = self.particles[:, 2]
        r = self.particles[:, 3]

        return cur_pos, s, r