Beispiel #1
    def import_tree(self,mirror_url,mirror_name,network_root=None,kickstart_file=None,rsync_flags=None,arch=None,breed=None,os_version=None,logger=None):
        Automatically import a directory tree full of distribution files.
        mirror_url can be a string that represents a path, a user@host 
        syntax for SSH, or an rsync:// address.  If mirror_url is a 
        filesystem path and mirroring is not desired, set network_root 
        to something like "nfs://path/to/mirror_url/root" 
        self.log("import_tree",[mirror_url, mirror_name, network_root, kickstart_file, rsync_flags])

        # both --path and --name are required arguments
        if mirror_url is None:
            self.log("import failed.  no --path specified")
            return False
        if mirror_name is None:
            self.log("import failed.  no --name specified")
            return False

        path = os.path.normpath("%s/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings().webdir, mirror_name))
        if arch is not None:
            arch = arch.lower()
            if arch == "x86":
                # be consistent
                arch = "i386"
            if path.split("-")[-1] != arch:
                path += ("-%s" % arch)

        # we need to mirror (copy) the files
        self.log("importing from a network location, running rsync to fetch the files first")


        # prevent rsync from creating the directory name twice
        # if we are copying via rsync

        if not mirror_url.endswith("/"):
            mirror_url = "%s/" % mirror_url

        if mirror_url.startswith("http://") or mirror_url.startswith("ftp://") or mirror_url.startswith("nfs://"):
            # http mirrors are kind of primative.  rsync is better.
            # that's why this isn't documented in the manpage and we don't support them.
            # TODO: how about adding recursive FTP as an option?
            self.log("unsupported protocol")
            return False
            # good, we're going to use rsync..
            # we don't use SSH for public mirrors and local files.
            # presence of user@host syntax means use SSH
            spacer = ""
            if not mirror_url.startswith("rsync://") and not mirror_url.startswith("/"):
                spacer = ' -e "ssh" '
            rsync_cmd = RSYNC_CMD
            if rsync_flags:
                rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " " + rsync_flags

            # if --available-as was specified, limit the files we 
            # pull down via rsync to just those that are critical
            # to detecting what the distro is
            if network_root is not None:
                rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " --include-from=/etc/cobbler/import_rsync_whitelist"

            # kick off the rsync now
            utils.run_this(rsync_cmd, (spacer, mirror_url, path), self.logger)

        if network_root is not None:
            # in addition to mirroring, we're going to assume the path is available
            # over http, ftp, and nfs, perhaps on an external filer.  scanning still requires
            # --mirror is a filesystem path, but --available-as marks the network path.
            # this allows users to point the path at a directory containing just the network
            # boot files while the rest of the distro files are available somewhere else.

            # find the filesystem part of the path, after the server bits, as each distro
            # URL needs to be calculated relative to this.

            if not network_root.endswith("/"):
                network_root = network_root + "/"
            valid_roots = [ "nfs://", "ftp://", "http://" ]
            for valid_root in valid_roots:
                if network_root.startswith(valid_root):
                self.log("Network root given to --available-as must be nfs://, ftp://, or http://")
                return False

            if network_root.startswith("nfs://"):
                    (a,b,rest) = network_root.split(":",3)
                    self.log("Network root given to --available-as is missing a colon, please see the manpage example.")
                    return False

        #importer_modules = self.get_modules_in_category("manage/import")
        #for importer_module in importer_modules:
        #    manager = importer_module.get_import_manager(self._config,logger)
        #    try:
        #        (found,pkgdir) = manager.check_for_signature(path,breed)
        #        if found: 
        #            self.log("running import manager: %s" % manager.what())
        #            return,mirror_name,path,network_root,kickstart_file,rsync_flags,arch,breed,os_version)
        #    except:
        #        self.log("an exception occured while running the import manager")
        #        self.log("error was: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
        #        continue
        #self.log("No import managers found a valid signature at the location specified")
        ## FIXME: since we failed, we should probably remove the 
        ## path tree we created above so we don't leave cruft around
        #return False
        import_module = self.get_module_by_name("manage_import_signatures").get_import_manager(self._config,logger)
    def run(self,pkgdir,mirror,mirror_name,network_root=None,kickstart_file=None,rsync_flags=None,arch=None,breed=None,os_version=None):
        self.pkgdir = pkgdir
        self.mirror = mirror
        self.mirror_name = mirror_name
        self.network_root = network_root
        self.kickstart_file = kickstart_file
        self.rsync_flags = rsync_flags
        self.arch = arch
        self.breed = breed
        self.os_version = os_version

        # some fixups for the XMLRPC interface, which does not use "None"
        if self.arch == "":           self.arch           = None
        if self.mirror == "":         self.mirror         = None
        if self.mirror_name == "":    self.mirror_name    = None
        if self.kickstart_file == "": self.kickstart_file = None
        if self.os_version == "":     self.os_version     = None
        if self.rsync_flags == "":    self.rsync_flags    = None
        if self.network_root == "":   self.network_root   = None

        # If no breed was specified on the command line, set it to "freebsd" for this module
        if self.breed == None:
            self.breed = "freebsd"

        # debug log stuff for testing"self.pkgdir = %s" % str(self.pkgdir))"self.mirror = %s" % str(self.mirror))"self.mirror_name = %s" % str(self.mirror_name))"self.network_root = %s" % str(self.network_root))"self.kickstart_file = %s" % str(self.kickstart_file))"self.rsync_flags = %s" % str(self.rsync_flags))"self.arch = %s" % str(self.arch))"self.breed = %s" % str(self.breed))"self.os_version = %s" % str(self.os_version))

        # both --import and --name are required arguments

        if self.mirror is None:
            utils.die(self.logger,"import failed.  no --path specified")
        if self.mirror_name is None:
            utils.die(self.logger,"import failed.  no --name specified")

        # if --arch is supplied, validate it to ensure it's valid

        if self.arch is not None and self.arch != "":
            self.arch = self.arch.lower()
            if self.arch == "x86":
                # be consistent
                self.arch = "i386"
            if self.arch not in self.get_valid_arches():
                utils.die(self.logger,"arch must be one of: %s" % string.join(self.get_valid_arches(),", "))

        # if we're going to do any copying, set where to put things
        # and then make sure nothing is already there.

        self.path = os.path.normpath( "%s/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name) )
        self.rootdir = os.path.normpath( "%s/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name) )
        if os.path.exists(self.path) and self.arch is None:
            # FIXME : Raise exception even when network_root is given ?
            utils.die(self.logger,"Something already exists at this import location (%s).  You must specify --arch to avoid potentially overwriting existing files." % self.path)

        # import takes a --kickstart for forcing selection that can't be used in all circumstances

        if self.kickstart_file and not self.breed:
            utils.die(self.logger,"Kickstart file can only be specified when a specific breed is selected")

        if self.os_version and not self.breed:
            utils.die(self.logger,"OS version can only be specified when a specific breed is selected")

        if self.breed and self.breed.lower() not in self.get_valid_breeds():
            utils.die(self.logger,"Supplied import breed is not supported by this module")

        # if --arch is supplied, make sure the user is not importing a path with a different
        # arch, which would just be silly.

        if self.arch:
            # append the arch path to the name if the arch is not already
            # found in the name.
            for x in self.get_valid_arches():
                if self.path.lower().find(x) != -1:
                    if self.arch != x :
                        utils.die(self.logger,"Architecture found on pathname (%s) does not fit the one given in command line (%s)"%(x,self.arch))
                # FIXME : This is very likely removed later at get_proposed_name, and the guessed arch appended again
                self.path += ("-%s" % self.arch)

        # make the output path and mirror content but only if not specifying that a network
        # accessible support location already exists (this is --available-as on the command line)

        if self.network_root is None:
            # we need to mirror (copy) the files


            # prevent rsync from creating the directory name twice
            # if we are copying via rsync

            if not self.mirror.endswith("/"):
                self.mirror = "%s/" % self.mirror

            if self.mirror.startswith("http://") or self.mirror.startswith("ftp://") or self.mirror.startswith("nfs://"):

                # http mirrors are kind of primative.  rsync is better.
                # that's why this isn't documented in the manpage and we don't support them.
                # TODO: how about adding recursive FTP as an option?

                utils.die(self.logger,"unsupported protocol")


                # good, we're going to use rsync..
                # we don't use SSH for public mirrors and local files.
                # presence of user@host syntax means use SSH

                spacer = ""
                if not self.mirror.startswith("rsync://") and not self.mirror.startswith("/"):
                    spacer = ' -e "ssh" '
                rsync_cmd = RSYNC_CMD
                if self.rsync_flags:
                    rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " " + self.rsync_flags

                # kick off the rsync now

                utils.run_this(rsync_cmd, (spacer, self.mirror, self.path), self.logger)


            # rather than mirroring, we're going to assume the path is available
            # over http, ftp, and nfs, perhaps on an external filer.  scanning still requires
            # --mirror is a filesystem path, but --available-as marks the network path

            if not os.path.exists(self.mirror):
                utils.die(self.logger, "path does not exist: %s" % self.mirror)

            # find the filesystem part of the path, after the server bits, as each distro
            # URL needs to be calculated relative to this.

            if not self.network_root.endswith("/"):
                self.network_root = self.network_root + "/"
            self.path = os.path.normpath( self.mirror )
            valid_roots = [ "nfs://", "ftp://", "http://" ]
            for valid_root in valid_roots:
                if self.network_root.startswith(valid_root):
                utils.die(self.logger, "Network root given to --available-as must be nfs://, ftp://, or http://")
            if self.network_root.startswith("nfs://"):
                    (a,b,rest) = self.network_root.split(":",3)
                    utils.die(self.logger, "Network root given to --available-as is missing a colon, please see the manpage example.")

        # now walk the filesystem looking for distributions that match certain patterns"adding distros")
        distros_added = []
        # FIXME : search below self.path for isolinux configurations or known directories from TRY_LIST
        os.path.walk(self.path, self.distro_adder, distros_added)

        # find out if we can auto-create any repository records from the install tree

        if self.network_root is None:
  "associating repos")
            # FIXME: this automagic is not possible (yet) without mirroring

        # find the most appropriate answer files for each profile object"associating answerfiles")

        # ensure bootloaders are present

        return True
Beispiel #3
    def import_tree(self,mirror_url,mirror_name,network_root=None,kickstart_file=None,rsync_flags=None,arch=None,breed=None,os_version=None,logger=None):
        Automatically import a directory tree full of distribution files.
        mirror_url can be a string that represents a path, a user@host 
        syntax for SSH, or an rsync:// address.  If mirror_url is a 
        filesystem path and mirroring is not desired, set network_root 
        to something like "nfs://path/to/mirror_url/root" 
        self.log("import_tree",[mirror_url, mirror_name, network_root, kickstart_file, rsync_flags])

        # both --path and --name are required arguments
        if mirror_url is None:
            self.log("import failed.  no --path specified")
            return False
        if mirror_name is None:
            self.log("import failed.  no --name specified")
            return False

        path = os.path.normpath("%s/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings().webdir, mirror_name))
        if arch is not None:
            arch = arch.lower()
            if arch == "x86":
                # be consistent
                arch = "i386"
            path += ("-%s" % arch)

        # we need to mirror (copy) the files
        self.log("importing from a network location, running rsync to fetch the files first")


        # prevent rsync from creating the directory name twice
        # if we are copying via rsync

        if not mirror_url.endswith("/"):
            mirror_url = "%s/" % mirror_url

        if mirror_url.startswith("http://") or mirror_url.startswith("ftp://") or mirror_url.startswith("nfs://"):
            # http mirrors are kind of primative.  rsync is better.
            # that's why this isn't documented in the manpage and we don't support them.
            # TODO: how about adding recursive FTP as an option?
            self.log("unsupported protocol")
            return False
            # good, we're going to use rsync..
            # we don't use SSH for public mirrors and local files.
            # presence of user@host syntax means use SSH
            spacer = ""
            if not mirror_url.startswith("rsync://") and not mirror_url.startswith("/"):
                spacer = ' -e "ssh" '
            rsync_cmd = RSYNC_CMD
            if rsync_flags:
                rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " " + rsync_flags

            # if --available-as was specified, limit the files we 
            # pull down via rsync to just those that are critical
            # to detecting what the distro is
            if network_root is not None:
                rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " --include-from=/etc/cobbler/import_rsync_whitelist"

            # kick off the rsync now
            utils.run_this(rsync_cmd, (spacer, mirror_url, path), self.logger)

        if network_root is not None:
            # in addition to mirroring, we're going to assume the path is available
            # over http, ftp, and nfs, perhaps on an external filer.  scanning still requires
            # --mirror is a filesystem path, but --available-as marks the network path.
            # this allows users to point the path at a directory containing just the network
            # boot files while the rest of the distro files are available somewhere else.

            # find the filesystem part of the path, after the server bits, as each distro
            # URL needs to be calculated relative to this.

            if not network_root.endswith("/"):
                network_root = network_root + "/"
            valid_roots = [ "nfs://", "ftp://", "http://" ]
            for valid_root in valid_roots:
                if network_root.startswith(valid_root):
                self.log("Network root given to --available-as must be nfs://, ftp://, or http://")
                return False

            if network_root.startswith("nfs://"):
                    (a,b,rest) = network_root.split(":",3)
                    self.log("Network root given to --available-as is missing a colon, please see the manpage example.")
                    return False

        #importer_modules = self.get_modules_in_category("manage/import")
        #for importer_module in importer_modules:
        #    manager = importer_module.get_import_manager(self._config,logger)
        #    try:
        #        (found,pkgdir) = manager.check_for_signature(path,breed)
        #        if found: 
        #            self.log("running import manager: %s" % manager.what())
        #            return,mirror_name,path,network_root,kickstart_file,rsync_flags,arch,breed,os_version)
        #    except:
        #        self.log("an exception occured while running the import manager")
        #        self.log("error was: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
        #        continue
        #self.log("No import managers found a valid signature at the location specified")
        ## FIXME: since we failed, we should probably remove the 
        ## path tree we created above so we don't leave cruft around
        #return False
        import_module = self.get_module_by_name("manage_import_signatures").get_import_manager(self._config,logger)
Beispiel #4
    def run(self,pkgdir,mirror,mirror_name,network_root=None,kickstart_file=None,rsync_flags=None,arch=None,breed=None,os_version=None):
        self.pkgdir = pkgdir
        self.mirror = mirror
        self.mirror_name = mirror_name
        self.network_root = network_root
        self.kickstart_file = kickstart_file
        self.rsync_flags = rsync_flags
        self.arch = arch
        self.breed = breed
        self.os_version = os_version

        # some fixups for the XMLRPC interface, which does not use "None"
        if self.arch == "":           self.arch           = None
        if self.mirror == "":         self.mirror         = None
        if self.mirror_name == "":    self.mirror_name    = None
        if self.kickstart_file == "": self.kickstart_file = None
        if self.os_version == "":     self.os_version     = None
        if self.rsync_flags == "":    self.rsync_flags    = None
        if self.network_root == "":   self.network_root   = None

        # If no breed was specified on the command line, set it to "redhat" for this module
        if self.breed == None:
            self.breed = "redhat"

        # debug log stuff for testing"self.pkgdir = %s" % str(self.pkgdir))"self.mirror = %s" % str(self.mirror))"self.mirror_name = %s" % str(self.mirror_name))"self.network_root = %s" % str(self.network_root))"self.kickstart_file = %s" % str(self.kickstart_file))"self.rsync_flags = %s" % str(self.rsync_flags))"self.arch = %s" % str(self.arch))"self.breed = %s" % str(self.breed))"self.os_version = %s" % str(self.os_version))

        # both --import and --name are required arguments

        if self.mirror is None:
            utils.die(self.logger,"import failed.  no --path specified")
        if self.mirror_name is None:
            utils.die(self.logger,"import failed.  no --name specified")

        # if --arch is supplied, validate it to ensure it's valid

        if self.arch is not None and self.arch != "":
            self.arch = self.arch.lower()
            if self.arch == "x86":
                # be consistent
                self.arch = "i386"
            if self.arch not in self.get_valid_arches():
                utils.die(self.logger,"arch must be one of: %s" % string.join(self.get_valid_arches(),", "))

        # if we're going to do any copying, set where to put things
        # and then make sure nothing is already there.

        self.path = os.path.normpath( "%s/ks_mirror/%s" % (self.settings.webdir, self.mirror_name) )
        if os.path.exists(self.path) and self.arch is None:
            # FIXME : Raise exception even when network_root is given ?
            utils.die(self.logger,"Something already exists at this import location (%s).  You must specify --arch to avoid potentially overwriting existing files." % self.path)

        # import takes a --kickstart for forcing selection that can't be used in all circumstances

        if self.kickstart_file and not self.breed:
            utils.die(self.logger,"Kickstart file can only be specified when a specific breed is selected")

        if self.os_version and not self.breed:
            utils.die(self.logger,"OS version can only be specified when a specific breed is selected")

        if self.breed and self.breed.lower() not in self.get_valid_breeds():
            utils.die(self.logger,"Supplied import breed is not supported by this module")

        # if --arch is supplied, make sure the user is not importing a path with a different
        # arch, which would just be silly.

        if self.arch:
            # append the arch path to the name if the arch is not already
            # found in the name.
            for x in self.get_valid_arches():
                if self.path.lower().find(x) != -1:
                    if self.arch != x :
                        utils.die(self.logger,"Architecture found on pathname (%s) does not fit the one given in command line (%s)"%(x,self.arch))
                # FIXME : This is very likely removed later at get_proposed_name, and the guessed arch appended again
                self.path += ("-%s" % self.arch)

        # make the output path and mirror content but only if not specifying that a network
        # accessible support location already exists (this is --available-as on the command line)

        if self.network_root is None:
            # we need to mirror (copy) the files


            # prevent rsync from creating the directory name twice
            # if we are copying via rsync

            if not self.mirror.endswith("/"):
                self.mirror = "%s/" % self.mirror

            if self.mirror.startswith("http://") or self.mirror.startswith("ftp://") or self.mirror.startswith("nfs://"):

                # http mirrors are kind of primative.  rsync is better.
                # that's why this isn't documented in the manpage and we don't support them.
                # TODO: how about adding recursive FTP as an option?

                utils.die(self.logger,"unsupported protocol")


                # good, we're going to use rsync..
                # we don't use SSH for public mirrors and local files.
                # presence of user@host syntax means use SSH

                spacer = ""
                if not self.mirror.startswith("rsync://") and not self.mirror.startswith("/"):
                    spacer = ' -e "ssh" '
                rsync_cmd = RSYNC_CMD
                if self.rsync_flags:
                    rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + " " + self.rsync_flags

                # kick off the rsync now

                utils.run_this(rsync_cmd, (spacer, self.mirror, self.path), self.logger)


            # rather than mirroring, we're going to assume the path is available
            # over http, ftp, and nfs, perhaps on an external filer.  scanning still requires
            # --mirror is a filesystem path, but --available-as marks the network path

            if not os.path.exists(self.mirror):
                utils.die(self.logger, "path does not exist: %s" % self.mirror)

            # find the filesystem part of the path, after the server bits, as each distro
            # URL needs to be calculated relative to this.

            if not self.network_root.endswith("/"):
                self.network_root = self.network_root + "/"
            self.path = os.path.normpath( self.mirror )
            valid_roots = [ "nfs://", "ftp://", "http://" ]
            for valid_root in valid_roots:
                if self.network_root.startswith(valid_root):
                utils.die(self.logger, "Network root given to --available-as must be nfs://, ftp://, or http://")
            if self.network_root.startswith("nfs://"):
                    (a,b,rest) = self.network_root.split(":",3)
                    utils.die(self.logger, "Network root given to --available-as is missing a colon, please see the manpage example.")

        # now walk the filesystem looking for distributions that match certain patterns"adding distros")
        distros_added = []
        # FIXME : search below self.path for isolinux configurations or known directories from TRY_LIST
        os.path.walk(self.path, self.distro_adder, distros_added)

        # find out if we can auto-create any repository records from the install tree

        if self.network_root is None:
  "associating repos")
            # FIXME: this automagic is not possible (yet) without mirroring

        # find the most appropriate answer files for each profile object"associating kickstarts")

        # ensure bootloaders are present

        return True