Beispiel #1
 def onSuccess(response, request):
     self.logger.debug('Sending VCard (%s) with image id %s', ID,
     image_hash = utils.sha1hash(response.pictureData)
     self.logger.debug('Image hash is %s', image_hash)
     self.backend.handleVCard(self.user, ID, buddy, "", "",
     obuddy = self.buddies[buddy]
     self.updateBuddy(buddy, obuddy.nick, obuddy.groups, image_hash)
Beispiel #2
def multiSigBr(pid, N, t, msg, broadcast, receive, outputs, send):
    # Since all the parties we have are symmetric, so I implement this function for N instances of A-cast as a whole
    # Here msg is a set of transactions
    assert (isinstance(outputs, list))
    for i in outputs:
        assert (isinstance(i, Queue))

    keys = getECDSAKeys()
    Threshold = N - 2 * t
    Threshold2 = N - t
    zfecEncoder = zfec.Encoder(Threshold, N)
    zfecDecoder = zfec.Decoder(Threshold, N)

    def merkleTree(strList, someHash=coolSHA256Hash):
        # someHash is a mapping from a int to a int
        treeLength = 2**ceil(math.log(len(strList)) / math.log(2))
        mt = [0] * (treeLength * 2)  # find a place to put our leaves
        for i in range(len(strList)):
            mt[i + treeLength] = someHash(
            )  # TODO: need to change strList[i] from a string to an integer here.
        for i in range(treeLength - 1, 0, -1):  # 1, 2, 3, ..., treeLength - 1
            # mt[i] = someHash(''.join([chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for a, b in zip(mt[i*2], mt[i*2+1])]))  # XOR is commutative
            mt[i] = someHash(mt[i * 2] +
                             mt[i * 2 + 1])  # concat is not commutative
        return mt

    def getMerkleBranch(index, mt):
        res = []
        t = index + (len(mt) >> 1)
        while t > 1:
            res.append(mt[t ^ 1])  # we are picking up the sibling
            t /= 2
        return res

    def merkleVerify(val, rootHash, branch, someHash, index):
        # index has information on whether we are facing a left sibling or a right sibling
        tmp = someHash(val)
        tindex = index
        for br in branch:
            tmp = someHash((tindex & 1) and br + tmp or tmp + br)
            tindex >>= 1
        if tmp != rootHash:
            print "Verification failed with", someHash(
                val), rootHash, branch, tmp == rootHash
        return tmp == rootHash

    def Listener():
        opinions = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
        rootHashes = dict()
        readyCounter = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
        signed = [False] * N
        readySent = [False] * N
        reconstDone = [False] * N
        while True:  # main loop
            sender, msgBundle = receive()
            if msgBundle[0] == 'i' and not signed[sender]:
                if keys[sender].verify(
                            msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                        ])), msgBundle[2]):
                    assert isinstance(msgBundle[1], tuple)
                    if not merkleVerify(msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                                        msgBundle[1][2], coolSHA256Hash, pid):
                    if sender in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[sender] != msgBundle[1][1]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[sender] = msgBundle[1][1]
                    newBundle = (sender, msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                                 )  # assert each frag has a length of step
                    broadcast(('e', newBundle, keys[pid].sign(
                            str(newBundle[0]), newBundle[1], newBundle[2],
                    signed[sender] = True
                    raise ECDSASignatureError()
            elif msgBundle[0] == 'e':
                if keys[sender].verify(
                            str(msgBundle[1][0]), msgBundle[1][1],
                            msgBundle[1][2], ''.join(msgBundle[1][3])
                        ])), msgBundle[2]):
                    originBundle = msgBundle[1]
                    if not merkleVerify(originBundle[1], originBundle[2],
                                        originBundle[3], coolSHA256Hash,
                    if originBundle[0] in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[originBundle[0]] != originBundle[2]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[originBundle[0]] = originBundle[2]
                    opinions[originBundle[0]][sender] = originBundle[
                        1]  # We are going to move this part to kekeketktktktk
                    if len(opinions[originBundle[0]]
                           ) >= Threshold2 and not readySent[originBundle[0]]:
                        readySent[originBundle[0]] = True
                            ('r', originBundle[0],
                             originBundle[2]))  # We are broadcasting its hash
                    raise ECDSASignatureError()
            elif msgBundle[0] == 'r':
                readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]] += 1
                tmp = readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]]
                if tmp >= t + 1 and not readySent[msgBundle[1]]:
                    readySent[msgBundle[1]] = True
                    broadcast(('r', msgBundle[1], msgBundle[2]))
                if tmp >= Threshold2 and not outputs[msgBundle[1]].full() and \
                        not reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] and len(opinions[msgBundle[1]]) >= Threshold:
                    reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] = True
                    if msgBundle[1] in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] != msgBundle[2]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] = msgBundle[2]
                    if opinions[msgBundle[1]].values()[0] == '':
                        reconstruction = ['']
                        reconstruction = zfecDecoder.decode(
                        )  # We only take the first [Threshold] fragments
                    rawbuf = ''.join(reconstruction)
                    buf = rawbuf[:-ord(rawbuf[-1])]
                    # Check root hash
                    step = len(
                    ) / Threshold + 1  # len(buf) % Threshold == 0 and len(buf) / Threshold or (len(buf) / Threshold + 1)
                    assert step * Threshold - len(buf) < 256  # assumption
                    buf_ = buf.ljust(step * Threshold - 1,
                                     '\xFF') + chr(step * Threshold - len(buf))
                    fragList = [
                        buf_[i * step:(i + 1) * step] for i in range(Threshold)
                    encodedFragList = zfecEncoder.encode(fragList)
                    mt = merkleTree(encodedFragList, coolSHA256Hash)
                    assert rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] == mt[
                        1]  # full binary tree
                    if outputs[msgBundle[1]].empty():

    greenletPacker(Greenlet(Listener), 'multiSigBr.Listener',
                   (pid, N, t, msg, broadcast, receive, outputs)).start()
    buf = msg  # We already assumed the proposals are byte strings

    step = len(
    ) / Threshold + 1  # len(buf) % Threshold == 0 and len(buf) / Threshold or (len(buf) / Threshold + 1)
    assert step * Threshold - len(buf) < 256  # assumption
    buf = buf.ljust(step * Threshold - 1,
                    '\xFF') + chr(step * Threshold - len(buf))
    fragList = [buf[i * step:(i + 1) * step] for i in range(Threshold)]
    encodedFragList = zfecEncoder.encode(fragList)
    mt = merkleTree(encodedFragList, coolSHA256Hash)
    rootHash = mt[1]  # full binary tree
    for i in range(N):
        mb = getMerkleBranch(
            i, mt)  # notice that index starts from 1 and pid starts from 0
        newBundle = (encodedFragList[i], rootHash, mb)
        send(i, ('i', newBundle, keys[pid].sign(
                [newBundle[0], newBundle[1], ''.join(newBundle[2])])))))
Beispiel #3
 def Listener():
     opinions = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
     rootHashes = dict()
     readyCounter = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
     signed = [False] * N
     readySent = [False] * N
     reconstDone = [False] * N
     while True:  # main loop
         sender, msgBundle = receive()
         if msgBundle[0] == 'i' and not signed[sender]:
             if keys[sender].verify(
                         msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                     ])), msgBundle[2]):
                 assert isinstance(msgBundle[1], tuple)
                 if not merkleVerify(msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                                     msgBundle[1][2], coolSHA256Hash, pid):
                 if sender in rootHashes:
                     if rootHashes[sender] != msgBundle[1][1]:
                         print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                     rootHashes[sender] = msgBundle[1][1]
                 newBundle = (sender, msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1],
                              )  # assert each frag has a length of step
                 broadcast(('e', newBundle, keys[pid].sign(
                         str(newBundle[0]), newBundle[1], newBundle[2],
                 signed[sender] = True
                 raise ECDSASignatureError()
         elif msgBundle[0] == 'e':
             if keys[sender].verify(
                         str(msgBundle[1][0]), msgBundle[1][1],
                         msgBundle[1][2], ''.join(msgBundle[1][3])
                     ])), msgBundle[2]):
                 originBundle = msgBundle[1]
                 if not merkleVerify(originBundle[1], originBundle[2],
                                     originBundle[3], coolSHA256Hash,
                 if originBundle[0] in rootHashes:
                     if rootHashes[originBundle[0]] != originBundle[2]:
                         print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                     rootHashes[originBundle[0]] = originBundle[2]
                 opinions[originBundle[0]][sender] = originBundle[
                     1]  # We are going to move this part to kekeketktktktk
                 if len(opinions[originBundle[0]]
                        ) >= Threshold2 and not readySent[originBundle[0]]:
                     readySent[originBundle[0]] = True
                         ('r', originBundle[0],
                          originBundle[2]))  # We are broadcasting its hash
                 raise ECDSASignatureError()
         elif msgBundle[0] == 'r':
             readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]] += 1
             tmp = readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]]
             if tmp >= t + 1 and not readySent[msgBundle[1]]:
                 readySent[msgBundle[1]] = True
                 broadcast(('r', msgBundle[1], msgBundle[2]))
             if tmp >= Threshold2 and not outputs[msgBundle[1]].full() and \
                     not reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] and len(opinions[msgBundle[1]]) >= Threshold:
                 reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] = True
                 if msgBundle[1] in rootHashes:
                     if rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] != msgBundle[2]:
                         print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                     rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] = msgBundle[2]
                 if opinions[msgBundle[1]].values()[0] == '':
                     reconstruction = ['']
                     reconstruction = zfecDecoder.decode(
                     )  # We only take the first [Threshold] fragments
                 rawbuf = ''.join(reconstruction)
                 buf = rawbuf[:-ord(rawbuf[-1])]
                 # Check root hash
                 step = len(
                 ) / Threshold + 1  # len(buf) % Threshold == 0 and len(buf) / Threshold or (len(buf) / Threshold + 1)
                 assert step * Threshold - len(buf) < 256  # assumption
                 buf_ = buf.ljust(step * Threshold - 1,
                                  '\xFF') + chr(step * Threshold - len(buf))
                 fragList = [
                     buf_[i * step:(i + 1) * step] for i in range(Threshold)
                 encodedFragList = zfecEncoder.encode(fragList)
                 mt = merkleTree(encodedFragList, coolSHA256Hash)
                 assert rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] == mt[
                     1]  # full binary tree
                 if outputs[msgBundle[1]].empty():
 def Listener():
     opinions = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
     rootHashes = dict()
     readyCounter = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
     signed = [False]*N
     readySent = [False] * N
     reconstDone = [False] * N
     while True:  # main loop
         sender, msgBundle = receive()
         if msgBundle[0] == 'i' and not signed[sender]:
             if keys[sender].verify(sha1hash(''.join([msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1], ''.join(msgBundle[1][2])])), msgBundle[2]):
                 assert isinstance(msgBundle[1], tuple)
                 if not merkleVerify(msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1], msgBundle[1][2], coolSHA256Hash, pid):
                 if sender in rootHashes:
                     if rootHashes[sender]!= msgBundle[1][1]:
                         print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                     rootHashes[sender] = msgBundle[1][1]
                 newBundle = (sender, msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1], msgBundle[1][2])  # assert each frag has a length of step
                 broadcast(('e', newBundle, keys[pid].sign(
                     sha1hash(''.join([str(newBundle[0]), newBundle[1], newBundle[2], ''.join(newBundle[3])]))
                 signed[sender] = True
                 raise ECDSASignatureError()
         elif msgBundle[0] == 'e':
             if keys[sender].verify(sha1hash(''.join([str(msgBundle[1][0]), msgBundle[1][1], msgBundle[1][2], ''.join(msgBundle[1][3])])), msgBundle[2]):
                 originBundle = msgBundle[1]
                 if not merkleVerify(originBundle[1], originBundle[2], originBundle[3], coolSHA256Hash, sender):
                 if originBundle[0] in rootHashes:
                     if rootHashes[originBundle[0]]!= originBundle[2]:
                         print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                     rootHashes[originBundle[0]] = originBundle[2]
                 opinions[originBundle[0]][sender] = originBundle[1]   # We are going to move this part to kekeketktktktk
                 if len(opinions[originBundle[0]]) >= Threshold2 and not readySent[originBundle[0]]:
                         readySent[originBundle[0]] = True
                         broadcast(('r', originBundle[0], originBundle[2]))  # We are broadcasting its hash
                 raise ECDSASignatureError()
         elif msgBundle[0] == 'r':
             readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]] += 1
             tmp = readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]]
             if tmp >= t+1 and not readySent[msgBundle[1]]:
                 readySent[msgBundle[1]] = True
                 broadcast(('r', msgBundle[1], msgBundle[2]))
             if tmp >= Threshold2 and not outputs[msgBundle[1]].full() and \
                     not reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] and len(opinions[msgBundle[1]]) >= Threshold:
                 reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] = True
                 if msgBundle[1] in rootHashes:
                     if rootHashes[msgBundle[1]]!= msgBundle[2]:
                         print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                     rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] = msgBundle[2]
                 if opinions[msgBundle[1]].values()[0] == '':
                     reconstruction = ['']
                     reconstruction = zfecDecoder.decode(opinions[msgBundle[1]].values()[:Threshold],
                             opinions[msgBundle[1]].keys()[:Threshold])  # We only take the first [Threshold] fragments
                 rawbuf = ''.join(reconstruction)
                 buf = rawbuf[:-ord(rawbuf[-1])]
                 # Check root hash
                 step = len(buf) / Threshold + 1 # len(buf) % Threshold == 0 and len(buf) / Threshold or (len(buf) / Threshold + 1)
                 assert step * Threshold - len(buf) < 256  # assumption
                 buf_ = buf.ljust(step * Threshold - 1, '\xFF') + chr(step * Threshold - len(buf))
                 fragList = [buf_[i*step : (i+1)*step] for i in range(Threshold)]
                 encodedFragList = zfecEncoder.encode(fragList)
                 mt = merkleTree(encodedFragList, coolSHA256Hash)
                 assert rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] == mt[1]  # full binary tree
                 if outputs[msgBundle[1]].empty():
def multiSigBr(pid, N, t, msg, broadcast, receive, outputs, send):
    # Since all the parties we have are symmetric, so I implement this function for N instances of A-cast as a whole
    # Here msg is a set of transactions
    assert(isinstance(outputs, list))
    for i in outputs:
        assert(isinstance(i, Queue))

    keys = getECDSAKeys()
    Threshold = N - 2 * t
    Threshold2 = N - t
    zfecEncoder = zfec.Encoder(Threshold, N)
    zfecDecoder = zfec.Decoder(Threshold, N)

    def merkleTree(strList, someHash = coolSHA256Hash):
        # someHash is a mapping from a int to a int
        treeLength = 2 ** ceil(math.log(len(strList)) / math.log(2))
        mt = [0] * (treeLength * 2)  # find a place to put our leaves
        for i in range(len(strList)):
            mt[i + treeLength] = someHash(strList[i])  # TODO: need to change strList[i] from a string to an integer here.
        for i in range(treeLength - 1, 0, -1):  # 1, 2, 3, ..., treeLength - 1
            # mt[i] = someHash(''.join([chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for a, b in zip(mt[i*2], mt[i*2+1])]))  # XOR is commutative
            mt[i] = someHash(mt[i*2] + mt[i*2+1])  # concat is not commutative
        return mt

    def getMerkleBranch(index, mt):
        res = []
        t = index + (len(mt) >> 1)
        while t > 1:
            res.append(mt[t ^ 1])  # we are picking up the sibling
            t /= 2
        return res

    def merkleVerify(val, rootHash, branch, someHash, index):
        # index has information on whether we are facing a left sibling or a right sibling
        tmp = someHash(val)
        tindex = index
        for br in branch:
            tmp = someHash((tindex & 1) and br + tmp or tmp + br)
            tindex >>= 1
        if tmp != rootHash:
            print "Verification failed with", someHash(val), rootHash, branch, tmp == rootHash
        return tmp == rootHash

    def Listener():
        opinions = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
        rootHashes = dict()
        readyCounter = [defaultdict(lambda: 0) for _ in range(N)]
        signed = [False]*N
        readySent = [False] * N
        reconstDone = [False] * N
        while True:  # main loop
            sender, msgBundle = receive()
            if msgBundle[0] == 'i' and not signed[sender]:
                if keys[sender].verify(sha1hash(''.join([msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1], ''.join(msgBundle[1][2])])), msgBundle[2]):
                    assert isinstance(msgBundle[1], tuple)
                    if not merkleVerify(msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1], msgBundle[1][2], coolSHA256Hash, pid):
                    if sender in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[sender]!= msgBundle[1][1]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[sender] = msgBundle[1][1]
                    newBundle = (sender, msgBundle[1][0], msgBundle[1][1], msgBundle[1][2])  # assert each frag has a length of step
                    broadcast(('e', newBundle, keys[pid].sign(
                        sha1hash(''.join([str(newBundle[0]), newBundle[1], newBundle[2], ''.join(newBundle[3])]))
                    signed[sender] = True
                    raise ECDSASignatureError()
            elif msgBundle[0] == 'e':
                if keys[sender].verify(sha1hash(''.join([str(msgBundle[1][0]), msgBundle[1][1], msgBundle[1][2], ''.join(msgBundle[1][3])])), msgBundle[2]):
                    originBundle = msgBundle[1]
                    if not merkleVerify(originBundle[1], originBundle[2], originBundle[3], coolSHA256Hash, sender):
                    if originBundle[0] in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[originBundle[0]]!= originBundle[2]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[originBundle[0]] = originBundle[2]
                    opinions[originBundle[0]][sender] = originBundle[1]   # We are going to move this part to kekeketktktktk
                    if len(opinions[originBundle[0]]) >= Threshold2 and not readySent[originBundle[0]]:
                            readySent[originBundle[0]] = True
                            broadcast(('r', originBundle[0], originBundle[2]))  # We are broadcasting its hash
                    raise ECDSASignatureError()
            elif msgBundle[0] == 'r':
                readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]] += 1
                tmp = readyCounter[msgBundle[1]][msgBundle[2]]
                if tmp >= t+1 and not readySent[msgBundle[1]]:
                    readySent[msgBundle[1]] = True
                    broadcast(('r', msgBundle[1], msgBundle[2]))
                if tmp >= Threshold2 and not outputs[msgBundle[1]].full() and \
                        not reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] and len(opinions[msgBundle[1]]) >= Threshold:
                    reconstDone[msgBundle[1]] = True
                    if msgBundle[1] in rootHashes:
                        if rootHashes[msgBundle[1]]!= msgBundle[2]:
                            print "Cheating caught, exiting"
                        rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] = msgBundle[2]
                    if opinions[msgBundle[1]].values()[0] == '':
                        reconstruction = ['']
                        reconstruction = zfecDecoder.decode(opinions[msgBundle[1]].values()[:Threshold],
                                opinions[msgBundle[1]].keys()[:Threshold])  # We only take the first [Threshold] fragments
                    rawbuf = ''.join(reconstruction)
                    buf = rawbuf[:-ord(rawbuf[-1])]
                    # Check root hash
                    step = len(buf) / Threshold + 1 # len(buf) % Threshold == 0 and len(buf) / Threshold or (len(buf) / Threshold + 1)
                    assert step * Threshold - len(buf) < 256  # assumption
                    buf_ = buf.ljust(step * Threshold - 1, '\xFF') + chr(step * Threshold - len(buf))
                    fragList = [buf_[i*step : (i+1)*step] for i in range(Threshold)]
                    encodedFragList = zfecEncoder.encode(fragList)
                    mt = merkleTree(encodedFragList, coolSHA256Hash)
                    assert rootHashes[msgBundle[1]] == mt[1]  # full binary tree
                    if outputs[msgBundle[1]].empty():

    greenletPacker(Greenlet(Listener), 'multiSigBr.Listener', (pid, N, t, msg, broadcast, receive, outputs)).start()
    buf = msg  # We already assumed the proposals are byte strings

    step = len(buf) / Threshold + 1 # len(buf) % Threshold == 0 and len(buf) / Threshold or (len(buf) / Threshold + 1)
    assert step * Threshold - len(buf) < 256  # assumption
    buf = buf.ljust(step * Threshold - 1, '\xFF') + chr(step * Threshold - len(buf))
    fragList = [buf[i*step : (i+1)*step] for i in range(Threshold)]
    encodedFragList = zfecEncoder.encode(fragList)
    mt = merkleTree(encodedFragList, coolSHA256Hash)
    rootHash = mt[1]  # full binary tree
    for i in range(N):
        mb = getMerkleBranch(i, mt)  # notice that index starts from 1 and pid starts from 0
        newBundle = (encodedFragList[i], rootHash, mb)
        send(i, ('i', newBundle, keys[pid].sign(sha1hash(''.join([newBundle[0], newBundle[1], ''.join(newBundle[2])])))))