def getWhiteBoxLocations(img, preview=False): if type(img) == type(''): img = cv2.imread(img) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] contours = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours = contours[0] if len(contours) == 2 else contours[1] # area_thresh = 0 min_area = 0.95*180*29 max_area = 1.05*180*35 result = img.copy() boxLocations = [] boxes = [] for c in contours: area = cv2.contourArea(c) if area >= min_area <= max_area: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(c) # print(x, y, x + w, y + h) x, y, w, h = x - 5, y - 5, w + 7, h + 7 # print(x, y, x + w, y + h) cv2.rectangle(result, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), RED, 2) boxLocations.append((x, y, x + w, y + h)) # top, left, bottom, right boxes.append(img[y : y + h, x : x + w]) # cv2.drawContours(result, [c], -1, RED, 3) if preview: showImages(['main', 'gray', 'thresh', 'result'], [img, gray, thresh, result]) return boxes, boxLocations
def showAllImages(self): currFrame = self.vs.getFrames("BGR")[0] # bgModel = self.hd.getBackgroundModel() # skinBgModel = self.hd.getSkinBackgroundModel() images, titles = self.hd.getState() showImages(images, titles) showImages((currFrame, ), ('Camera', ))
def d(cls, images, titles=None, preFunc=()): ''' out images if config 'debug' = true, else do nothing ''' if (not debug): return images = list(images) if type(images) == type( ()) or type(images) == type([]) else [ images, ] if (not titles == None): titles = list(titles) if type(titles) == type( ()) or type(titles) == type([]) else (titles, ) for i, _ in enumerate(images): for f in preFunc: images[i] = f(images[i]) showImages( images, titles ) #if type(images) == type(()) or type(images) == type([]) else imshow(titles, images)
def testMerge(): input_data, label_data, (nx, ny) = testSrcnnDataLoader(shuffle=False) stride = 16 # 將預測圖片子集合,彙整成一張圖片 # mergeImages 內含 1 -> 255, uint8 等處理 # torch.Size([N, 3, 32, 32]) merged_result = mergeImages(input_data, stride, (nx[0], ny[0])) print("merged result.shape:", merged_result.shape) # numpy squeeze:將陣列 shape 中為1的維度,例如>> (1,1,10) → (10,) squeeze_result = merged_result.squeeze() squeeze_result = squeeze_result.transpose(1, 2, 0) showImages(transpose=squeeze_result) print("squeezed result.shape:", squeeze_result.shape) origin = mergeImages(label_data, stride, (nx[0], ny[0])) # origin = origin.squeeze() origin = origin.transpose(1, 2, 0) # origin = cv2.cvtColor(origin, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) multichannel = squeeze_result.ndim == 3 print("multichannel:", multichannel) if not multichannel: origin = cv2.cvtColor(origin, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) print("origin.shape:", origin.shape) sim = metrics.structural_similarity(origin, squeeze_result, data_range=origin.max() - origin.min(), multichannel=multichannel) print("metrics error:", 1 - sim) # 計算誤差 loss = 1 - PyTorchLoss.ssim4(label_data, input_data, is_normalized=True) print("Loss:", loss.item()) showImages(origin=origin, squeeze_result=squeeze_result)
def main(): config = parse_args() using_mask = config.model in ["PConvSR", "PConvResNet" ] or "Partial" in config.model device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print(f"Using device: {device}") div2k = datasets.Div2K(config.lr_size, config.up_factor, config.num_patches, config.cache_size) d = config.num_patches training_set, validation_set, test_set = div2k, [640 * d, 80 * d, 80 * d]) hr_size = config.lr_size * config.up_factor if config.show_example: lr, hr = div2k[6] print(lr.shape) print(hr.shape) utils.showImages([lr, hr]) # model if config.model == "PixelCNN": model = models.PixelCNN(3, 3).to(device) elif config.model == "PartialSR" or config.model == "ConvSR": if "BN" in config.ckpt_name: model = getattr(models, config.model)().to(device) else: model = getattr(models, config.model)(batch_norm=False).to(device) else: try: model = getattr(models, config.model)().to(device) except: print(f"Model {config.model} not found. Quitting...") sys.exit(1) if config.show_summary: input_size = (3, hr_size, hr_size) if using_mask: input_size = [input_size, input_size] torchsummary.summary(model, input_size=input_size) # for pretrained srresnet # weights = torch.load( # f"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/" + config.ckpt_name + ".pt" # ) # model = weights["model"] # try: assert config.ckpt_name checkpoint = torch.load(f"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/" + config.ckpt_name + ".pt") model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state_dict"]) # start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] # training_loss = checkpoint["training_loss"] # validation_loss = checkpoint["validation_loss"] print("Loading from previous checkpoint") # except: # print("Must load a model from a checkpoint or error loading model") # sys.exit(1) # for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): # lr, hr = batch # lr, hr =, # if using_mask: # with torch.no_grad(): # upscaled, mask_in = image_mask(lr, config.up_factor) # pred, mask_out = model(, # else: # with torch.no_grad(): # upscaled = transforms.functional.resize(lr, (hr_size, hr_size)) # pred = model(upscaled) # if config.loss == "VGG19": # loss, _, _ = loss_func(pred, hr) # VGG style loss # else: # loss = loss_func(pred, hr) # break if config.img_path: try: img = except: print(f"Image {config.img_path} not found") sys.exit(1) with torch.no_grad(): img = transforms.ToTensor()(img) c, height, width = img.shape s = config.lr_size rows = [] for h in range(height // s): row = [] for w in range(width // s): patch = transforms.functional.crop(img, h * s, w * s, s, s).to(device) batch = utils.example_batch(patch, config.batch_size) if using_mask: upscaled, mask_in = image_mask(batch, config.up_factor) pred = model(, elif config.pre_upscale: upscaled = torchvision.transforms.functional.resize( torch.tensor(batch), (hr_size, hr_size)) pred = model(upscaled) else: pred = model(batch) out = pred.cpu()[0] # 3, 64, 64 row.append(out) full_row =, -1) # 3, 64, 1984 rows.append(full_row) img_out =, 1).permute(1, 2, 0) img_out = np.uint8(np.array(img_out * 255)) img_out = Image.fromarray(img_out)"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/out.png") if config.patches: for i in range(0, 48): with torch.no_grad(): lr, hr = test_set[i] batch = utils.example_batch( torch.tensor(lr).to(device), config.batch_size) if using_mask: upscaled, mask_in = image_mask(batch, config.up_factor) pred = model(, elif config.pre_upscale: upscaled = torchvision.transforms.functional.resize( torch.tensor(batch), (hr_size, hr_size)) pred = model(upscaled) else: upscaled = torchvision.transforms.functional.resize( torch.tensor(batch), (hr_size, hr_size)) pred = model(batch) bicubic = torchvision.transforms.functional.resize( torch.tensor(lr), (hr_size, hr_size)) utils.saveImages( [ np.asarray(lr), np.array(upscaled[0].cpu()), np.array(bicubic), np.array(pred[0].cpu()), hr, ], f"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/output_{i}.png", ) print(f"Outputs saved to ./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/") if config.unsupervised: with torch.no_grad(): model( torch.ones(config.batch_size, 3, config.lr_size, config.lr_size).to(device)) num_imgs = 16 imgs = model.sample(n_samples=num_imgs) for i in range(num_imgs): img = imgs[i] img = (img * 255).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu() img = np.uint8(np.array(img)) img_out = Image.fromarray(img)"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/sample{i}.png")
debug = False test_pipeline = False test_pipeline_path = test_images_path #test_pipeline_path = video_frame_path image_paths = glob.glob(calibration_path + '*.jpg') camera = Camera() camera.calibrate(image_paths) if test_pipeline: images = utils.loadImages(test_pipeline_path, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) hud = camera.pipeline(images[0], debug=debug, dump_partials=False) utils.showImage(hud) else: camera.processVideo('project_video.mp4', debug=debug, live=False) ''' test_images = list(map(lambda image_path:cv2.imread(image_path),test_images_paths)) test_images = list(map(lambda image:cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB),test_images)) test_images_grid = list(map(lambda image:utils.drawGrid(image),test_images)) test_images_undist = list(map(lambda img: camera.unsidtort(img),test_images_grid)) interlaved = [] for i in range(len(test_images)): interlaved.append(test_images_grid[i]) interlaved.append(test_images_undist[i]) utils.showImages(interlaved) '''
print(i, loss) # In[5]: # basic testing loop print("Testing") for i, batch in enumerate(test_dataloader): with torch.no_grad(): lr, hr = batch lr, hr =, with torch.no_grad(): upscaled = torchvision.transforms.functional.resize(lr, (64, 64)) pred = model(upscaled) loss = loss_func(pred, hr) print(i, loss) # In[16]: for i in range(8): with torch.no_grad(): lr, hr = test_set[i] upscaled = torchvision.transforms.functional.resize( torch.Tensor(lr), (64, 64)).to(device) pred = np.asarray( model(utils.example_batch(upscaled, batch_size))[0].cpu()) upscaled = np.asarray(upscaled.cpu()) utils.showImages([lr, upscaled, pred, hr]) # In[ ]:
# # files = prepare_data("Train") # files = prepare_data("Test") # files = prepareData() # img = imRead(files[0], False) # showImage(img) # img_mod3 = modCrop(img, scale=3) # print("img_mod3.shape:", img_mod3.shape) # img_mod5 = modCrop(img, scale=5) # print("img_mod5.shape:", img_mod5.shape) # showImages(img=img, img_mod3=img_mod3, img_mod5=img_mod5) # input_data, label_data = differentResolution(files[0], scale=3) # input_, label_ = preprocess(files[0]) # temp_input = np.uint8(input_data.copy() * 255.) # temp_label = np.uint8(label_data.copy() * 255.) # showImages(img=img, temp_input=temp_input, temp_label=temp_label) # subData(data, scale, image_size, stride, is_gray=False) # sub_input_sequence, sub_label_sequence, (nx, ny) = subData(files, scale, image_size, stride, is_gray=False) # input_data, label_data, _ = setupInput(idx=-1, image_size=image_size, scale=scale, stride=stride) input_data, label_data, (nx, ny) = readData(idx=1, image_size=image_size, scale=scale, stride=stride) result = mergeImages(input_data, stride, (nx, ny)) origin = mergeImages(label_data, stride, (nx, ny)) showImages(origin=origin, result=result)
def main(): config = parse_args() using_mask = (config.model in [ "PConvSR", "PConvResNet", "PartialConv", "PartialAttention", "PartialNoAttention", "PartialSR", ] or "Partial" in config.model) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print(f"Using device: {device}") div2k = datasets.Div2K( size=config.lr_size, factor=config.up_factor, mult=config.num_patches, cache_size=config.cache_size, ) d = config.num_patches training_set, validation_set, test_set = div2k, [640 * d, 80 * d, 80 * d]) hr_size = config.lr_size * config.up_factor if config.show_example: lr, hr = div2k[6] print(lr.shape) print(hr.shape) utils.showImages([lr, hr]) training_dataloader = training_set, batch_size=config.batch_size) validation_dataloader = validation_set, batch_size=config.batch_size) test_dataloader =, batch_size=config.batch_size) # model if config.model == "PixelCNN": model = models.PixelCNN(3, 3).to(device) elif config.model == "PartialSR" or config.model == "ConvSR": if "BN" in config.ckpt_name: model = getattr(models, config.model)().to(device) else: model = getattr(models, config.model)(batch_norm=False).to(device) else: try: model = getattr(models, config.model)().to(device) except: print(f"Model {config.model} not found. Quitting...") sys.exit(1) # optimizer lr = config.learning_rate optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, 1, gamma=0.95) # loss if config.loss == "L1": loss_func = torch.nn.L1Loss() elif config.loss == "L2" or config.loss == "MSE": loss_func = torch.nn.MSELoss() elif config.loss == "VGG16Partial": loss_func = losses.VGG16PartialLoss().to(device) if "VGG16Partial" in config.metrics: vgg = loss_func elif config.loss == "VGG19": loss_func = losses.VGG19Loss().to(device) elif config.loss == "DISTS": loss_func = losses.DISTS().to(device) else: if "VGG16Partial" in config.metrics: vgg = losses.VGG16PartialLoss().to(device) try: loss_func = getattr(losses, config.loss) except: print(f"loss {config.loss} not found.") sys.exit(1) if config.show_summary: input_size = (3, hr_size, hr_size) if using_mask: input_size = [input_size, input_size] torchsummary.summary(model, input_size=input_size) writer = SummaryWriter(f"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}") try: # hacky workaround, doesnt load checkpoint if doesnt exist assert config.ckpt_name checkpoint = torch.load(f"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/" + config.ckpt_name + ".pt") model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state_dict"]) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer_state_dict"]) start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] training_loss = checkpoint["training_loss"] validation_loss = checkpoint["validation_loss"] print("Loading from previous checkpoint") except: start_epoch = 0 training_loss = AverageMeter("Training") validation_loss = AverageMeter("Validation") print("Not loading from checkpoint") def loop(dataloader, epoch, loss_meter, back=True): for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): step = epoch * len(dataloader) + i if back: optimizer.zero_grad() lr, hr = batch lr, hr =, if using_mask: with torch.no_grad(): if config.over_upscale: factor = 4 else: factor = 1 upscaled, mask_in = image_mask(lr, config.up_factor * factor) pred = model(, elif config.unsupervised: pred = model(lr) elif config.pre_upscale: with torch.no_grad(): upscaled = transforms.functional.resize( lr, (hr_size, hr_size)) pred = model(upscaled) else: pred = model(lr) if config.loss == "VGG16Partial": loss, _, _ = loss_func(pred, hr) # VGG style loss elif config.loss == "DISTS": loss = loss_func(pred, hr, require_grad=True, batch_average=True) else: loss = loss_func(pred, hr) if back: loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_meter.update(loss.item(), writer, step, name=config.loss) if config.metrics: with torch.no_grad(): for metric in config.metrics: tag = + "/" + metric if metric == "PSNR": writer.add_scalar(tag, losses.psnr(pred, hr), step) elif metric == "SSIM": writer.add_scalar(tag, losses.ssim(pred, hr), step) elif metric == "consistency": downscaled_pred = transforms.functional.resize( pred, (config.lr_size, config.lr_size)) writer.add_scalar( tag, torch.nn.functional.mse_loss( downscaled_pred, lr).item(), step, ) elif metric == "lr": writer.add_scalar(tag, lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0], step) elif metric == "sample": model.eval() if step % config.sample_step == 0: writer.add_image("sample/hr", hr[0], global_step=step) writer.add_image("sample/lr", lr[0], global_step=step) writer.add_image("sample/bicubic", upscaled[0], global_step=step) writer.add_image("sample/pred", pred[0], global_step=step) model.train() elif metric == "VGG16Partial": val, _, _ = vgg(pred, hr) writer.add_scalar(tag, val.item(), step) print(f"Training starting at epoch {start_epoch}") for epoch in range(start_epoch, start_epoch + config.epochs): model.train() loop(training_dataloader, epoch, training_loss) lr_scheduler.step() print(f"Epoch {epoch}: {training_loss}") model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): loop(validation_dataloader, epoch, validation_loss, back=False) print(f"Epoch {epoch}: {validation_loss}") if config.ckpt_every != -1 and epoch % config.ckpt_every == 0: { "epoch": epoch + 1, "model_state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(), "loss": validation_loss.val, }, f"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/" + config.ckpt_name + f"_{epoch}.pt", ) { "epoch": epoch + 1, "model_state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(), "loss": validation_loss.val, }, f"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/" + config.ckpt_name + ".pt", ) testing_loss = AverageMeter("Testing") loop(test_dataloader, 0, testing_loss) print(f"Test: {testing_loss}") if config.ckpt_name: { "epoch": epoch + 1, "model_state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(), "training_loss": training_loss, "validation_loss": validation_loss, }, f"./models/outputs/{config.ckpt_name}/" + config.ckpt_name + ".pt", )
return final_img #omar trial def __combine2__(self, MD, SCD, sB, Hand): skinDifference = np.maximum( SCD.astype(float) + Hand - cv2.dilate(sB, np.ones((7, 7), dtype='float'), iterations=3), 0) ILog.d(skinDifference, 'skindiff') totalDifference = np.minimum((skinDifference + 0.9 * MD) * 255, 255).astype('uint8') ILog.d(totalDifference, 'before otsu') _, final_img = cv2.threshold(totalDifference, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) final_img = cv2.erode(final_img, np.ones((2, 2)), iterations=1) final_img = cv2.medianBlur(final_img, 5) return final_img if __name__ == "__main__": from VideoSequence import VideoSequence as Vs from utils import showImages vs = Vs().start() while (True): frames = vs.process() handDetector = HandDetector(frames("BGR")[-2]) images, titles = handDetector.detect(frames('gray'), frames('BGR')[0]) showImages(images, titles) key = cv2.waitKey(10) if key == 27 or 0xff: break
def threasholdLaneLines(self, image, kernel_size=(3, 2), debug=False): gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) hls = cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HLS)) hue = hls[0] lig = hls[1] sat = hls[2] gray = cv2.equalizeHist(gray, gray) #hue = cv2.equalizeHist(hue, hue) # hue should not be equalized (or it would detect a different color) sat = cv2.equalizeHist(sat, sat) lig = cv2.equalizeHist(lig, lig) yellow = np.zeros_like(hue) bright = np.zeros_like(gray) saturation = np.zeros_like(sat) light = np.zeros_like(lig) yellow[(hue > 20) & (hue < 30)] = 1 bright[(gray > 250)] = 1 saturation[sat > 240] = 1 light[lig > 127] = 1 color = (yellow & light) | (bright & light) | (saturation & light) if debug: utils.showImages((yellow, bright, saturation, light, color), cmap='gray') thresh = (100, 200) hue_sx = utils.gradientAbolutes(hue, orient='x', thresh=thresh) gray_sx = utils.gradientAbolutes(gray, orient='x', thresh=thresh) sat_sx = utils.gradientAbolutes(sat, orient='x', thresh=thresh) hue_sy = utils.gradientAbolutes(hue, orient='y', thresh=thresh) gray_sy = utils.gradientAbolutes(gray, orient='y', thresh=thresh) sat_sy = utils.gradientAbolutes(sat, orient='y', thresh=thresh) if debug: utils.showImages( (hue_sx, hue_sy, gray_sx, gray_sy, sat_sx, sat_sy), cmap='gray') gradient = (hue_sx | gray_sx | sat_sx | hue_sy | gray_sy | sat_sy) # density based noise reduction # opening: erosion and dilation, see : kernel = np.ones(kernel_size, np.uint8) #kernel = [[0,1,1,1,0],[0,1,1,1,0],[0,1,1,1,0]] #kernel = np.array(kernel, np.uint8) #gradient_clean = cv2.morphologyEx(gradient, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=1) # turned out that noise is good for interpolation, i'll try it later down the line if debug: utils.showImages((color, gradient)) mask = color #| gradient if debug: utils.showImages((mask, color, gradient)) return mask