Beispiel #1
def pipeline(experiment):
	# TODO extract function for selecting filenames
	exp_re = 'e(\d{3})(SLB|NLB)p(\d{2})w([A-D])([1-6])x20_(\d*)rf001\.ome\.tif'
	# data_dir = '/home/rhein/mnt/drmaize/image_data/'  
	data_dir = '/mnt/data27/wisser/drmaize/image_data'
	sub_dir = 'microimages/reconstructed/HS'
	exp = experiment
	if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir)):
		print "Experiment doesn't exist; exiting..."
	sizes = .5 + 2 ** np.arange(4)
	nstds = 4.
	orthstep = 0.5

	fnames = []
	for f in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir))):
		m = re.match(exp_re, f)
		if m:
			fnames.append(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir, f))
			print f
# 			 if int( == 1:
# 				 if 1 <= int( <= 3:
# 					 if == '1506111930':
# 						 fnames.append(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir, f))
# 						 print f
# 				 if 4 <= int( <= 6:
# 					 if == '1506121515':
# 						 fnames.append(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir, f))
# 						 print f
# 			 elif int( == 2:
# 				 if 1 <= int( <= 3:
# 					 if == '1506121700':
# 						 fnames.append(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir, f))
# 						 print f
# 				 if 4 <= int( <= 6:
# 					 if == '1506221400':
# 						 fnames.append(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir, f))
# 						 print f
# 			 elif int( == 3:
# 				 if 1 <= int( <= 3:
# 					 if == '1505041720':
# 						 fnames.append(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir, f))
# 						 print f
# 				 if 4 <= int( <= 6:
# 					 if == '1508062130':
# 						 fnames.append(os.path.join(data_dir, exp, sub_dir, f))
# 						 print f
	seed = time.time()
	print 'seed', seed
	metrics = []

	for fname in utils.shuffle(fnames, 0xDeadBeef):
		print 'filename', fname		
		pth, fname = os.path.split(fname)
		if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pth, 'MIP', fname)):
			cache_fname = utils.file_cache(os.path.join(pth, 'MIP', fname), '/tmp/drmaize')
			im = ndimage.imread(cache_fname)
			cache_fname = utils.file_cache(os.path.join(pth, fname), '/tmp/drmaize')
			im = utils.get_tif(cache_fname)
			im = np.max(im, 0)
			scipy.misc.imsave(os.path.join(pth, 'MIP', fname), im)
		print 'cache filename', cache_fname		

# 		 cache_fname = drmaize.utils.file_cache(os.path.join(pth, fname), '/tmp/drmaize/')
# 		 res = utils.get_tif_res(cache_fname)
		res = np.array((1.,) * 3)
		print 'physical resolution', res
		res = res[1:]
		res = res / np.min(res)

		npz_name = '{}.npz'.format(os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(fname)[0])[0])
		print npz_name

		im = im.astype(float)

		# mask generation
		# TODO insert mask into cache file
		immsk = im > 4

		scale_analysis(pth, npz_name, im, immsk, sizes, nstds, orthstep, res)
		segment(pth, fname, npz_name, exp_re, immsk)
		skeletonize(pth, npz_name, immsk)
		npz_cache = utils.file_cache(os.path.join(pth, results_path, npz_name), '/tmp/drmaize/')
		with np.load(npz_cache, 'r') as data:
			data = dict(data)
		seg = data['seg']
		skel, dist = morphology.medial_axis(seg, return_distance=True)
		node, edge, leaf = (ndimage.label(g, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0] for g in utils.skel2graph(skel))

		# scale according to physical xy resolution
		dist = dist * 2.6240291219148313
# 		 exp_re = 'exp(\d{3})(SLB|NLB)p(\d{2})w([A-D])([1-6])(\d*)rf002\.ome\.tif'
		m = re.match(exp_re, fname)
		met_row = OrderedDict()
		met_row['experiment'] =
		met_row['disease'] =
		met_row['plate'] =
		met_row['well_row'] =
		met_row['well_col'] =
		met_row['timestamp'] =
		met_row['host'] = np.count_nonzero(immsk)
		met_row['segmentation'] = np.count_nonzero(seg)
		met_row['width_mean'] = np.mean(dist[seg > 0].flat)
		met_row['width_median'] = np.median(dist[seg > 0].flat)
		met_row['width_variance'] = np.var(dist[seg > 0].flat)
		met_row['width_skewness'] = stats.skew(dist[seg > 0].flat)
		met_row['width_kurtosis'] = stats.kurtosis(dist[seg > 0].flat)
		met_row['leaf'] = np.count_nonzero(leaf)
		met_row['edge'] = np.count_nonzero(edge)
		met_row['node'] = np.count_nonzero(node)	
		fname = os.path.join(pth, fname)
		head, tail = os.path.split(fname)
		tail = tail.replace('rf001.ome.tif', '_topsurface_optimized1.txt')
		surf = os.path.join(head, 'surfacemap', tail)
		cache_fname = utils.file_cache(surf, '/tmp/drmaize')
		surf = np.loadtxt(cache_fname, np.float32, delimiter=',')

		cache_fname = utils.file_cache(fname, '/tmp/drmaize')
		fung = utils.get_tif(cache_fname)
		fung = np.argmax(fung, 0)

		fung = fung.astype(np.float32)
		dpth = (fung - surf)
		dpth *= 1.2
		met_row['depth_mean'] = np.mean(dpth[skel > 0].flat)
		met_row['depth_median'] = np.median(dpth[skel > 0].flat)
		met_row['depth_variance'] = np.var(dpth[skel > 0].flat)
		met_row['depth_skewness'] = stats.skew(dpth[skel > 0].flat)
		met_row['depth_kurtosis'] = stats.kurtosis(dpth[skel > 0].flat)

	print (metrics)
	with open('metrics.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
		fieldnames = ['experiment', 'disease', 'plate', 'well_row', 'well_col', 'timestamp', \
					  'host', 'segmentation', \
					  'width_mean', 'width_median', 'width_variance', 'width_skewness', 'width_kurtosis', \
 					  'depth_mean', 'depth_median', 'depth_variance', 'depth_skewness', 'depth_kurtosis', \
					  'leaf', 'edge', 'node']
		writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
Beispiel #2
def skeletonize(pth, npz_name, immsk):
	print 'skeletonize'
	data = {}

	npz_cache = utils.file_cache(os.path.join(pth, results_path, npz_name), '/tmp/drmaize/')
	with np.load(npz_cache, 'r') as old_data:
		seg = old_data['seg']

	# base skeleton comes from medial axis of segmented hyphae but it requires pruning
	skel, dist = morphology.medial_axis(seg, return_distance=True)
	# label skeletal pixels as one of leaf, edge or node
	node, edge, leaf = (ndimage.label(g, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0] for g in utils.skel2graph(skel))

	# determine which edges are candidates for pruning by finding edges adjacent to nodes
	trim_edge = (edge != 0) & ~(morphology.binary_dilation(node != 0, np.ones((3, 3), bool)) != 0)
	trim_edge = ndimage.label(trim_edge, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0]

	# determine edges which are candidates from pruning by finding those adjacent to leaves
	leaf_edge_vals = morphology.binary_dilation(leaf != 0, np.ones((3, 3), bool)) != 0
	leaf_edge_vals = np.unique(trim_edge[leaf_edge_vals])
	leaf_edge_vals = leaf_edge_vals[leaf_edge_vals > 0]
	leaf_edge = leaf != 0  # TODO is this correct when we are setting the appropriate pixels below?

	# determine which edges are adjacent to leaves and nodes
	with fromarray(leaf_edge) as leaf_edge, fromarray(trim_edge) as trim_edge:
			joblib.delayed(utils.set_msk)(leaf_edge, trim_edge, l) for l in leaf_edge_vals)
		trim_edge = np.copy(trim_edge)
		leaf_edge = np.copy(leaf_edge)
	# TODO what the heck is going on here
	leaf_edge[(morphology.binary_dilation(leaf_edge, np.ones((3, 3), bool)) != 0) & (edge != 0)] = True
	leaf_edge = ndimage.label(leaf_edge, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0]

	leaf_edge_node = morphology.binary_dilation(leaf_edge != 0, np.ones((3, 3), bool)) != 0
	leaf_edge_node = ((node != 0) & leaf_edge_node) | leaf_edge
	leaf_edge_node = ndimage.label(leaf_edge_node, np.ones((3, 3), bool))[0]

	cand_node = leaf_edge_node * (node != 0)
	cand_node = cand_node.nonzero()
	cand_node = np.transpose((leaf_edge_node[cand_node],) + cand_node + (2 * dist[cand_node],))

	cand_leaf = leaf_edge_node * (leaf != 0)
	cand_leaf = cand_leaf.nonzero()
	cand_leaf = np.transpose((leaf_edge_node[cand_leaf],) + cand_leaf)

    # prune leaves and edges based on their distance from their adjacent node
	if len(cand_node) > 0 and len(cand_leaf) > 0:
		cand_leaf = np.array(cand_leaf)
		cand_node = np.array(cand_node)
		pruned = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
			joblib.delayed(prune_leaves)(cand_leaf, cand_node, j) for j in np.unique(cand_node[:, 0]))

		pruned_ind = []
		for p in pruned:
		pruned_ind = tuple(np.transpose(pruned_ind))

		pruned = ~skel

		pruned = np.array(pruned)
		leaf_edge = np.array(leaf_edge)
		joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=1, max_nbytes=None)(
			joblib.delayed(utils.set_msk)(pruned, leaf_edge, l) for l in np.unique(leaf_edge[pruned_ind]))

		pruned = ~pruned
		pruned[~immsk] = False
		pruned = np.zeros_like(skel)

	data['pruned'] = skel & ~pruned
	data['skel'] = pruned

	npz_cache = utils.file_cache(os.path.join(pth, results_path, npz_name), '/tmp/drmaize/')
	with np.load(npz_cache, 'r') as old_data:
		old_data = dict(old_data)
		data = old_data
		np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(pth, results_path, npz_name), **data)

	print npz_name
	print npz_cache