def combine_coords(labels): """ Combine polygon coordinates into 3 categories Parameters: ----------- labels: dict a dictionary that contains polygon coordinates Returns: -------- tmp_dict_str: str a string that contains a dictionary of polygon coordinates for each combined rock type """ try: tmp_dict = {} for key in ['DW', 'CW', 'ORE']: tmp_dict[key] = [] labels = str2dict(labels) for key in labels.keys(): key_combined = combine_type_tier1(key) for item in labels[key]: tmp_dict[key_combined].append(item) tmp_dict_str = str(tmp_dict) return tmp_dict_str except: return np.nan
def get_user_info(self, item): """ 获取用户信息 :param item: :return: """ data_be_str = item.div.get("data-bt") user_id = str(utils.str2dict(data_be_str)["id"]) # 获取user homepage url user_info = item.find(class_=self.clearfix_flag) user_homepage_url = user_info.a.get("href") user_homepage_url = utils.get_homepage_url(user_homepage_url) # user_name_block = user_info.div.find(class_=self.clearfix_flag).find_all("div") # user_name_class_name = user_name_block[-1].a.get("class")[0] user_name = user_info.find(class_="_32mo").span.text about_items = user_info.find_all("div") about_class = about_items[11].find_all("div") try: about = about_class[5].text except: about = "" return [user_name, user_id, user_homepage_url, about]
def flat_all_coords(label_annot): """ Gets a dictionary with polygons and flattens all the coordinates. Parameters: ---------- label_annot: dict a dictionary with polygon name and coordinates. Returns: --------- flat_coords: list list of tuples of points (x, y) that are a coordinate of the different polygons in a json array. """ # list_of_coord = [] flat_coords = [] try: label_annot = str2dict(label_annot) for value in label_annot.values(): # print("value") for item in value: for tup in item: flat_coords.append(tup) return flat_coords except: return np.nan
def create_roughness_tbl(self): """ Generate roughness statistic table """ img_tbl = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.img_tbl_path, "img_tbl_w_labels.csv"), index_col=0) num_cols = len(FEATS) feat_array = np.zeros((1, num_cols)) # len(feat_array) for i in range(len(img_tbl)): # print(i) # return image array in Blue Green Red order img = img_tbl.iloc[i]["file_name"] coord_dict = str2dict( img_tbl.iloc[i]["labels"]) # convert string to dict # generate array that contains all the information for each subimage for key in coord_dict.keys(): if len(coord_dict[key]) == 1: item_list = [] # item_list.append(i) # image index item_list.append(img) # image id item_list.append(key) # rock type try: _, out = self.extract_aoi(img, coord_dict[key][0]) _, feats = self.get_roughness_feat(out) for feat in feats: item_list.append(feat) except: for j in range(9): # number of roughness features item_list.append(np.nan) feat_array = np.append(feat_array, [item_list], axis=0) else: for item in coord_dict[key]: item_list = [] # item_list.append(i) # image index item_list.append(img) # image id item_list.append(key) # rock type try: _, out = self.extract_aoi(img, item) _, feats = self.get_roughness_feat(out) for feat in feats: item_list.append(feat) except: for j in range(9): # number of roughness features item_list.append(np.nan) feat_array = np.append(feat_array, [item_list], axis=0) feat_array = np.delete(feat_array, obj=0, axis=0) img_tbl_w_roughness = pd.DataFrame(feat_array, columns=FEATS)\ .dropna(axis=0)\ .reset_index(drop=True) img_tbl_w_roughness["CombinedType"] = img_tbl_w_roughness[ "Type"].apply(self.combine_rock_types) img_tbl_w_roughness.to_csv( os.path.join(self.out_folder_path, "img_tbl_w_roughness.csv"))
def listaccounts(minconf=''): fname = 'btc/listaccounts' params = {'minconf':minconf} ret,res = get(fname,params) if not ret: print(res); return [] if res.status_code != 200: return [] res_dict = str2dict(res.text) if res_dict['success'] == 'false' or \ 'data' not in res_dict.keys(): return [] return list(list2dict(res_dict['data']).keys())
def getransactions(account='', count=10, skips=0): fname = 'btc/listtransactions' params = { 'account':account, 'count':count, 'from':skips } ret,res = post(fname,params) if not ret: print(res); return [] if res.status_code != 200: return [] res_dict = str2dict(res.text) if res_dict['success'] == 'false' or \ 'data' not in res_dict.keys(): return [] result = list2dict(res_dict['data']) return result if isinstance(result,list) else [result]
async def get_graph_data_dictionary(ctx, dataset_name: str): author = graph_data_str = None #Recieve graph data in string format from db try: graph_data_str = dbfunc.get_dataset_graph_data(, dataset_name) except: description = f"You don't have a dataset with the name `{dataset_name}`!" await ctx.send(embed=utils.error_embed(description)) return None graph_data_dict = None try: graph_data_dict = utils.str2dict(graph_data_str) except: description = f"An error happened with the graph dictionary formatting on our end. Please use `/report` to report the issue or get help in our support server: {plotvars.support_discord_link}" await ctx.send(embed=utils.error_embed(description)) return None return graph_data_dict
async def get_data_dictionary(ctx, dataset_name: str): author = datastr = None #Recieve data in string format from db try: datastr = dbfunc.get_dataset_data(, dataset_name) except: description = f"You don't have a dataset with the name `{dataset_name}`!" await ctx.send(embed=utils.error_embed(description)) return None #Turn data in string format to dict format (this should only fail if the bot did something wrong) datadict = None try: datadict = utils.str2dict(datastr) except: description = f"An error happened with the dictionary formatting on our end. Please use `/report` to report the issue or get help in our support server: {plotvars.support_discord_link}" await ctx.send(embed=utils.error_embed(description)) return None return datadict
def get_user_info(self, item): data_be_str = item.div.get("data-bt") user_id = utils.str2dict(data_be_str)["id"] # 获取user homepage url user_info = item.find(class_=self.clearfix_flag) user_homepage_url = user_info.a.get("href") user_name_block = user_info.div.find( class_=self.clearfix_flag).find_all("div") # user_name_class_name = user_name_block[-1].a.get("class")[0] user_name = user_name_block[-1].a.text about_items = user_info.find_all("div") about_class = about_items[11].find_all("div") try: about = about_class[5].text except: about = None return [user_name, user_id, user_homepage_url, about]
def draw_img_polys(self, index=1): """ Draw polygons on a given image and corresponding polygon coordinates selected from the image summary table Parameters: ----------- index: int image row index; Default value is 1 """ if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("index must be of int type") self.img_tbl = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.img_tbl_path, "img_tbl_w_labels.csv"), index_col=0) nrows = len(self.img_tbl) if index > nrows - 1: raise ValueError("index should be less than number of rows") self.sample_imageid = self.img_tbl["file_name"][index] img = os.path.join(self.img_folder_path, self.sample_imageid)) self.sample_coords = str2dict(self.img_tbl["labels"][index]) fnt = ImageFont.truetype('/Library/Fonts/Arial Bold Italic.ttf', size=52) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) for i in range(len(self.sample_coords.keys())): key = list(self.sample_coords.keys())[i] if not self.sample_coords[key]: pass elif len(self.sample_coords[key]) == 1: draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, "RGBA") pts = self.sample_coords[key][0] draw.polygon(pts, fill=(100 + i * 20, 100 - i * 20, 100 + i * 20, 125)) draw.text(get_tup_avg(self.sample_coords[key][0]), key, font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 128)) del draw else: for element in self.sample_coords[key]: draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img, "RGBA") draw.polygon(element, fill=(100 + i * 20, 100 - i * 20, 100 + i * 20, 125)) draw.text(get_tup_avg(element), key, font=fnt, fill=(255, 255, 255, 128)) del draw if os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.out_folder_path, "img_poly_example.jpg")): os.remove( os.path.join(self.out_folder_path, "img_poly_example.jpg")), "img_poly_example.jpg")) else:, "img_poly_example.jpg"))